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Workshop #940

Client's 1st Equipment Session

45 min - Workshop


In this workshop designed for the newer instructor, Julian gives Melissa her first Pilates workout using the Cadillac, Arm Chair, and Reformer. Learn how this 34 year veteran of Pilates monitors his client from the moment she walks into the room and how his observations affect his exercise selection.

Julian demonstrates his assessment of a new client, shares common cues he has ready for the beginning student, and offers reasoning for his exercise selection and choice in props for this client. Melissa is given plenty of exercises for a workout and walks away feeling successful and interested after her first lesson.
What You'll Need: Mixed Equipment, Overball

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Apr 12, 2013
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Hi everybody. I'm Julian little filler and I own and operate jail body conditioning applauded studio in del Mar, California. And what we're going to do today is I'm going to take Melissa who has been kind enough to volunteer for me. I'm gonna Take Melissa through a first session and I'm going to show you what I do. I'm with the client to get to know where the strengths and weaknesses are. Okay. It's a pretty much a um, I'm after 33 years or 34 years, you get a a pattern down, you know, on the way that you, you start, you know, I've already looked at her the way she walked into the studio to see if she can her bag hanging down.

I've already looked at her when she took her sneakers off to see if she pronouns since she's super late. You know, I've asked her whether or not she's gotten the issues. She has a small ankle issue. We might or might not need to address that as we're going along. And for me, what I tend to do is I tend to do less at the beginning cause I can always turn around and do more the next time. Have we said that she's going to get workout and not one of these clients or one of these teachers that just turns around and spends a lot of time talking about it. I do it. I want it to feel it. All right. Okay. So we're going to start man. Okay.

I want you to start standing up with your feet down so they can see you in front of right. Okay. And face this way for me. Okay. I want you to think a little bit, um, and I tell the client this because they sit there and they say you're crazy. You know, which I am. Okay. But what I want her to think of is I want her to think of wrapping her muscles around her body. So the is here lift. So the weight shifts out slightly to the lateral side of the foot. Okay.

It wraps through the back of the cough and comes up to the Vastus medialis here and pulls up just enough to strengthen up through the knee. It wraps around the cheeks at the bum and connects underneath where the, um, where the hamstring connects into the gluteal fold. All right. And then from there we start to zigzag through the torso, zigzagging through the torso. What I mean is I'm going to come up through the, through the cheeks of the bottom here to the lower abdominals, and now she's going to pull those two points together. Okay. Then from there, she's going to think on a diagonal of coming up to the lower portion of the shoulder girdle. So her belly pulls in that cord that goes up there to underneath the shoulder girdle pulls down. So from here, her, her, um, arms just hang her shoulder blades are down and her chin just lifts. So she's going to come through the, through the shoulder blade up and open up through the chest here, and she's going to lift the chin. So the Trapezius should be kind of relaxed, kind of. Okay. The stomach should be in oh, activated and the arch should be activated on the foot. Okay.

In an ideal world, stepping down for me, in an ideal world, I wouldn't have to remind her of that, but, um, we don't live in an ideal world. Okay. So what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to have her start up with some gentle hip and shoulder raises. Fingertips away from the pose. If you can know, and you're going to have the soles of the feet in line with your, um, I'll use that one with your, uh, okay. Uh, yeah. Feet down there. Okay. Head down here. Fingertips touching. Okay. I'm going to place a ball between the knees. Okay. Engineers for me. Okay.

Now I don't want to squeeze it and crush it. Okay. All I want her to do is activate the insides of the legs. I want her to think of dropping a tailbone down into the table. Okay. The other way, they're like that. Okay. Okay. Which is going to feel weird. You know, she's probably gone through the aerobics classes where they turn around and say, Tucker pelvis getting to the low abdominals. Right? Punch it up, punch it up.

Not What we want. Okay, nice. Have activity in them so it squeezes on the inside. Soften it a little more. Okay. Drop the tailbone down a little more of the way there. Okay, say that so the hip flexors are relaxed. Okay. Heels. They're in line. Okay, with the knees and the heels are in line with the cheeks at the bottom. Okay. The arms are going to reach up and you're going to grab hold of this bar.

Shoulder plates are going to be down, okay? Scapula. As we tracked down onto the table and Chin is slightly lifted, that's the starting position. Okay, now you can go on. No. Okay, so what's going to happen if she's going to bend her elbows, pull them apart, then the bar change in the hands and she gently pushes the bar away. Nothing changes in the shoulder girdle, right? She Benzo elbows brings the bar through. Shoulder blades stay down. Nothing changes. She squeezes the knees just a little more.

She drops the bottom rib into the floor and lifts the tailbone off the table for me. Up. It comes from more, more, more. Stay there. Keep squeezing as you. Now soften the chest. Start from up here and roll the spinal column down with the shoulder blade on the table. Good. Okay. Now to get those shoulder blades down on the table, I tend to stick my thumb right here, right there underneath the uh, the clavicle. Okay. And that tends to drop them down. They don't like that feeling. Okay? From there her back is completely flat and she got to push the bar up towards the ceiling. Push it up, keep your back completely flat and come up off the table.

So she has to now activate all of the muscles that we talked about. Chin drops to the chest and she leaves the tailbone where it is and she rolls her spinal column down. One Vertebra at a time. Good. She bends her elbows, shoulder blades down. Perfect. Push the bar away. Good. Gently bring the bar through for me. Showed a place down though [inaudible] stays as squeeze. You bought some, curl it up for me all the way.

So what I'm looking for is shoulder blades changing. Okay, now slowly roll the spinal column down. Chicken that she's not winding down. When she was a volume was signed to side, she drops her tailbone, she activates everything, keeps her spinal comp completely flat. Once your head comes off, your tail bone is also off. Okay? So up you come up, perfect head goes forward and slowly rolling your spinal column down. One Vertebra at a time with the tailbone down. Good elbows will bend, arms push back over the head. Good. One more time. Extend the arms all the way. Bring the arms all the way through. Shoulder blade down for me.

I'm just straight. Keep them down. Lift the chin slightly. Good. Okay, now squeeze your bottom. Activate the bottom rib as you push the pelvis up towards the ceiling, stay there and gently. Good. Okay, we're all the spinal column slowly down. So what I was checking for there is that she hasn't let go of the insides of her legs. Drop the tailbone down and we can't always tell. Obviously back is completely flat and she's got a nice little a scene there so you can see if it's going to bend. Okay? You gently push straight up towards the ceiling. Stomach pulls in.

As you push up, become good, better head comes forward and slowly rolling the spinal column all the way down one vertebra at a time. She's going to scoot her head back and go back about three or four inches just to there. Okay. Chin is lifted, showed up later down and pull the scapulas down for me. Tailbone stays down. Drop bottom slightly other way there. Okay, keep the shoulder plays down. Now from here, I'm just going to have her move her elbows and think about pulling the elbows down on a diagonal. Okay, so your shoulder blades drop for me. Email and gently bend the elbows as you bend them. Wait one second, they're going to pull out towards the sides. Okay, so they pull back just to there and then gently straighten the arms up. Okay, now keep the white on my fingers. Good. Pull the elbows back.

Shoulder blades, drop, elbows pull back just to there. And then straighten the arms, drop your left hip down into the table slightly good and again, and gently bend the elbows. So what I'm doing now is I'm just kind of having a look from the top down through the body. Okay? I'm seeing if the clavicles are even gently bend the elbows, seeing if she's got a little twist in a rib cage and gently straighten. Seeing that the pelvis is slightly twisted. All right, drop your bottom down on the left side a little more, not too much, and gently bend. Good. And again, straighten the arms. Good. Stay there.

Now drop this arm down towards the floor for me. Turn the palm to the ceiling. Good. Now what I just saw there is when she brought the arm down, bring the arm down and drop it down again for me. Okay. Which he changed. Okay. When she brought it down. Okay. She brought the arm in. All right. So she tightened up in the Pex here. Okay. And she wasn't able to or she didn't think about turning the palm to the ceiling and keeping the scapula down. All right.

So what we want to do on there first or first couple of sessions is we want them to turn around and be able to get some sort of sensation in the muscle groups. So if the sensation is right or wrong, they know which is right and which is wrong. Alright, so gently bend the elbows. So how often do we see, keep going now. Okay. For three or four and straighten just to that. And how often do we hear, you know, Oh, I felt great while I was here just to there and gently straight. And then when I left I heard, well it might've been that you went to the gym and you went back to doing those exercises in the incorrect way.

You weren't paying any attention to correct body alignment. And again, two more for me. So I say to them, I ask them why you were here on the exercises that you were doing. Did you get any sensation, any pain whatsoever? And obviously, hopefully you're looking for the answer of no, and I'm up on the side. Um, I didn't have any pain while I was doing the exercises here. I felt great. Well that's exactly right because your body was in the correct body alignment if you chin slightly. And that's what we want to hear from the client. Good. Three more for me and up. And again, I'm a great believer in the world of the work coming couple of times a week. Okay.

I think a couple of times a week and then doing some sort of aerobics a couple of times a week. Um, and then having good. Okay. And then mixing it up a little bit. Okay. So that's for mixing up for two more. Letting go for me. Letting go. Okay. And then turning around and relaxing and having one day off or two completely off and letting your body sit okay. And let it heal. Okay. You're going to sit down there facing that way for me. Okay.

I want to see what a lateral extension of flection is. Light. Okay. Move slightly forward this way. Okay. Stay there. Okay. Don't let anything shift. Okay. Push the bar. Okay. So what I've done is I've set her up so she's got cloud or she's got, she's got resistance here. Okay. So I want her to push the scapula down and hold the the bar there. I get down, let it move. Okay.

She's going to draw the abdominals and she's going to drop the tailbone and the hip down to the floor. So she's working all of these muscles in here to hold that bar where I want it. Okay. Lifting the arm up. Okay. Pull the ribs in for me a little bit. I have a mirror over here so I can see whether or not she's straight on up. She lifts the arms up. Okay. She pushes that ball it down in a way, leaving the weight down in the hip, but also leaving the weight in the other hip. Any pain at all? No good.

And gently come back to the center. That's exactly the right answer. Shoulder blades down and again, lifting up shoulder blades drop as you gently stretch all the way over. No pain at all. Talk good and gently come back to center. Okay, now stay where you are. She has no pain, so I want to see what, just a little bit of rotation fill is like that. Okay. She pushes out. She lives over my finger as she goes over, not through it. And then she gently twists and just places the hand on the bar.

Any pain at all? No good. Bring the arm back and gently come back to center. I don't worry about how she did it on the first one. I just wanted to see if she's got any payments. You twist right over my fingers. As you go over, shoulder blade is down. Place the hand down on the bar. Drop the scapular any pain. Good.

Gently pull this rib back, drop the head down. Keep the hip down here and gently push the bar away from you. Push any pain and bank and again and push over my fingers. Good. And again, one more time. Push and gently come back. Lift the arm back over the head and gently let go. Any pain at no good?

We have to do the other side. Okay. We always have to do both sides, I'm afraid, cause I don't want her to go out of here looking like quasi Modo so quickly she's going to grab hold. Okay. She's got some resistance there. All right, I'm squeezing. Normally what happens is because I do want to put my bum to you guys, okay? I normally squeeze her knees right with mine and I lock her in. All right, her weights are her hips. Have weight in it. She's going to go up and over my finger.

Any pain there and she gently pushes over for me. Gently stretches any pain at all. And gently back to the center and again over my fingers. Gently stretch, holding breath. Good and gently back to center. Now this time you're gonna go over again for me. Shoulder blades down over you. Go. Bring the hand down onto the bar. Just let it twist. Good.

Think of this hip. [inaudible] any pain. Gently come back to center and come back. Any pain at all? Good. Pull it, hold it, and get the shoulders down in your back. Keep the weight down in your hips. Okay, gently over you. Go over my fingers. Bring the hand down onto the bar. [inaudible] stay there. Okay. This rib is going to pull back. As you drop the shoulder, stay there any pain, you gently drop the hip. Stay there.

Drop this shoulder as you gently push one nice and easy to fill. Okay. There. Yeah. And three shouldn't hurt. She would just feel a big stretch. Yeah. Good. One more time. Good. No pain at all. Right. And relax. Good. Bring the arm back and come up and relax. Good. So what have we done? We've done a couple of different things there.

We've tried to make her aware of um, of uh, a shoulder girdle. Okay. Where it needs to be in rotation and extent, uh, external rotation and lateral flection. Okay. What we've also done here is we've made her able to essentially give her movement in her shoulder girdle and get her to move her arms right with keeping the scapulas pulled down in the back. I'm very, very important that the capitalist down in the back. Okay. A lot of neck pain and shoulder pain that we see with people is caused through not being able to pull the scapulas down in the back. Okay. Now let me just take this off. What I want to do now is I want to be able to turn around and get her to extend her legs, but not be able to or be able to extend her legs without using her quadriceps.

How often do we see posterial tilt? Push away? Um, uh, hip buys come into play as you push the legs away. Okay. The best exercise for this, okay. Of taking that away. Okay. Is a parakeet. You put the feet up here for me. [inaudible] lead the toes. Rapto bank up a little bit more just to that. Okay, so you line the, the bar up. Okay. You wrap the toes over. You lay down on your bank. [inaudible] okay, so she's in the correct position there. Now stomach is in shoulder, blades are down. Palms to turn to the ceiling. Shoulder blades drop.

Crown of the head lifts. Okay, nice and calm. Okay. The sacrum stays down. Okay. Now Gently Mel, relax your ankles and bend your knees. Soften your feet as you do so. Okay. Bend your knees for me. Soften your ankles. Let the bar come in. I'm holding it so I'm taking you through, okay? Soften it through. Your sacrum is down. Let the legs go straight. Stay there, squeeze the back of the legs. Drop the ribs as you posteriorly. Tilt the pelvis.

She's familiar with this exercise. Oh, hang on a second. Let me just get a sticky pad. Okay, lift up. Okay. There you go. And down. Okay. Place your feet on here for me, okay. Okay, so our legs have gone up straight. I can not too worried about our ankles right now. Okay. Her legs have gone to straight shoulder blades, down, palms to the ceiling.

I now from here, she drops her hip, squeezes the cheeks of her bottom and curves up pelvis all the way up towards the ceiling. Okay. As I said, she's familiar with this and slowly rolling down from the first exercise that we did, so we're not giving her any movement. Drop the tailbone all the way down there. She's not familiar with right now. From here, she's going to wrap the toes around. She's going to bend the knees, keeping the tailbone on the table, soften the ankles. Good. Gently, gently, gently. Now from here she pushes the bar through. I've got my finger right here on her hip flexor. Okay. And what's going to happen is if she pushes too far, switched her toes, push through the toes. If she pushes through the toes as you saw, she arches using her quadriceps and they hit flex has come into play. Okay?

A rib cage has to pull in. Pull the abdominals in away from my fingers. Okay, pull away for me. There we go. And squeeze the insides of the legs. Now gently bend the elbows again, Benny, I was been the feet again. Soften the ankles. Pull them all away in. Good. Straighten the legs for me all the way. [inaudible] stay there. Squeeze the back of the legs as you curl the pelvis all the way up. Up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up. Good. Soften the chest. As you roll all the way down.

One Vertebra at a time, tailbone goes all the way down. Good down touch. Stay there. Good. Wrap the toes. Lock the belly in. Good. Work the hamstrings. Lift the chin, relax it. Good. Relax gently and push the legs. Hold the tummy in. Squeeze your bottom as you pushed down. Let the pelvis move, straighten the legs better. Okay. And gently come in for me one more time.

So you saw how she was able to stabilize the pelvis there a little better. Do you feel that a little better? Good way. Try to relax the shoulders falling and up we come and I'm not too worried about how the feeder, I'm going to worry about that next time she's in. Okay. Gently drop the rib. Squeeze your bottom, curling up. So as I said, I can always give her a lot more and slowly rolling down. And if she comes back with pain, I can't take away what I've given her, but if I drop the tailbone all the way down, good. Stay there.

Lock everything in. Bend the knees, squeeze the back of the legs tight and gently with your tummy and push the legs away. Pull the belly in tighter. Pull them in more. Put it down, straighten the legs, put it in more, more up, too much. Put it in more there and gently bend the knees in and relax. Any pain at all? No. Good. Okay. Now we move along to stretch the hamstrings lie, even though we've activated those now we're going to do a basic little tendon stretch, okay? And align the, align the feet as much as possible. All right, so you're going to move down a little bit further for me. So what we're doing is we're building on a platform, right? We first started with her tightening the back of the legs, lifting a pelvis up posteriorly, tilting, curl up for me, and slowly rolling.

Then check. There was no pain, right? Her Art, she's real lifted weight on the outside of the egg outside of the leg. Okay? She rolled up or she didn't roll up. She came up with the back completely flat as she came up, she dropped the Chin and she rolled down no pain whatsoever. Okay? We did rotation. We the lateral extension. Okay. Flex and a big pardon. Okay. Now what we've going to do now is we've taken the quadriceps away, all right? And we're going to use the hamstrings. All right?

So the hands are down, palms into the ceiling. Shoulder blades are dropped both feet under the bar, all right. [inaudible]. You want the metatarsal heads all the way under for me. Okay. Now want to make sure that they're under, okay. The heels are slightly apart.

[inaudible] and the toes are wrapped all the way over the bar. [inaudible] tailbone is down onto the table. Good other way. Drop it. [inaudible] okay. Drill the stomach in. Lock it. Stay there. Good. You point the toes. Push the ball away. Good. You flex the feet. Push into the heels. No, no. Relax.

The toes flicked for me and push hard into the hills. Any pain there? You're a little far on. Yeah. Okay. Now gently push the ball away again and then soften your knees slowly as you bend them. Drop the tailbone down. Drop it down, drop it down. Drop it down. Drop it down to there. Okay. No pain. Good. Okay. She's not in a quadriceps yet. Okay. If she goes into lower, go lower a quadriceps are gonna kick in. Okay. Bend them up to there. Okay.

Right now she's in our hamstrings and adductors. All right. Gently push up for me all the way to straight. Push the ball away. Push the ball through the toes and flex the foot. Push hard into the hills, wrap the toes, drop a tailbone, sticky on down. Drop into my hand for me. Drop it more. There we go. Okay, point the toes. Relax and gently bend the knees for me.

Open the knees slightly. Good. Come all the way down just to there and gently push the bar away again. Up we go. Point the toes. Push them away. Person. So you feel you don't have a lot of movement there. Okay? But what you're doing is your moving the foot from the lower portion.

You're not hanging on your toes and working the top portion and your quadriceps. Does that make sense? Move 20 feet for me. Okay, look how much movement. Now flex the feet. Look how much movement you have, right? But you're using your quadriceps right here. Now, point the toes. Push them away. Bring the toes under when they're here, you use your arch.

He's putting your toes way back there and then push. Okay. And relax and come down for me. Okay. Take your feet out. So we've made her aware of the hamstrings working versus our quadriceps. We've, we've managed to make sure that she's got some movement in her spine and we've also made sure that she can keep her sacred down and keep our ribs nice and square in relationship. Okay. To the table. Okay. Or one in line with the other. Okay. And now we're going to move onto the armchair. As you know, our, we might've read that I'm kind of passionate about this piece of apparatus and I should also be honest with you, I can't imagine that somebody doesn't have this piece of apparatus in the, in the Er plot is studio needs to direct me in line with the hips. Art, the lifted heels directly underneath the knees. Okay.

So squeeze the back of the legs and the inner thighs. Stomach pulls in. Sacome stays at the tail at the back. Okay. In the seat. Okay. So what am I doing here? Put your hands up for me. Okay. Open your elbows. She's driving. Okay. So she spends, if she's in California, a lot of time driving. Okay. And what she going to do? She's going to move back and take the arms back and give stuff back to the kids behind her, okay?

And what she's probably going to do is she's going to use all of the incorrect muscles to stretch back behind her. All right? So this is something that I turn around and I give my clients, all right? I give my clients these exercises to do. But the great thing about it is that you can feel them on the the chair and you can't feel it on any other pizza back viruses out there, right? You can't replicate. All right? So squeezing these together, you gently push through the heels, squeeze the back of the legs tight. She draws the low abdominals in, she lifts the low abdominals up underneath the rib cage, and she keeps the shoulder girdle down. She lifts the knees for me, okay?

And what I'm going to do is I'm first going to just lift and come outside of the, of the fill now, and I'm going to roll a net crow gently underneath her neck and bring her head back. All right? So I get her to relax. There we go. All of the muscles up through the scaling's in there. Okay, lift the Chin for me. Okay, so she's going to have our hands directly aligned with the shoulders. She's going to lift her elbows and rotate the hands palm slightly towards one another. She's going to put her the scapulas back into the exactly without letting the back come off. And she's gently gonna push the arms against the steering wheel without letting them go to straight.

She pulls him back and she pushes him forward just to there, pulls them and pushes him forward and back and pushes them forward. Fill those muscles for the muscles between the shoulder blades. Good and back and gently forward and back. Now leave them back there and leave them there as you straighten the arms and then the others and again leave them where they are. Straighten the arms and bend and again, push good and the nice any payments.

All good arms come down by your sides. You're going to turn your palms to the front, shoulder blades down and keep the shoulder girdle back. Drop the shoulders there, lift the chin, bring the arms forward to me. Underneath my armpits. Turn the palms to face one another and an open the arms out from the sides.

Shoulder height though. Bring them down. Bring them forward. Now soften your elbows head. There we go. If they go to straight, they're going to go into the joint. Okay. If it stays softened, it's going to work up into the shoulder girdle. Okay? Turn the palms to face one another. Lift the elbow slightly and gently open the arms just to there. Bring the arms down by your sides. Bring them forward.

Turn them over. Open them out wide just to there and bring them down again. Bring them forward, open them, and gently open them. Wide field those muscles across. They should feel good. Yeah, yeah. Done. Don't tell them it makes you feel good in chatting back and down and again and forward. Good and gently. Palms open and with no pain. Good and relaxed. Okay, so we've got her to be able to bring her arms forward and out to the sides with no pain and the shoulder blade staying down in, down in the back. All right.

Now from here we're going to intensify a little. Okay, we're going to keep those muscles where they are. Stomach is pulled in. Okay. She can turn the palms down and straightened them forward for me. Now what's going to happen is she's going to round her back all the way down, one vertebra, the time, and place your forehead down on the ball. One Vertebra at a time. Articulate your spinal column. Stay there, and now from there, walk the spinal column back against the table and then retract the scapulas back. Push them forward. Shoulder glaze down. Good. Soften the chest.

Lift the rib cage round the back forward all as you push the bar down. One Vertebra at a time. Ah, not up in here. That moved from here. Cross my fingers. There we go. Fill the difference there. Yeah. Yeah. So you pushed with your heels and used your abdominal wall. And again, pull your ribs in, straighten your arms. [inaudible] and then round the back. Pull the scapulas down in the bank as you push the palms down towards the feet.

Good. Move this back into my hand. More, more, more good. All the way back. Keep the sacred back and relax. Yes. So we've done a roll up light with resistance, okay? We haven't turned around and lengthen spinal column without any resistance. There is resistance there. We haven't allowed the springs to pull the torso up. What we've done is pushed down into, into the floor to allow the abdominal wall to pull in to support the lumbar spine turning around for me.

You're going to sit down there facing this way for me. I am with your feet for you. You know, bring your feet forward and just squeeze your knees. Hold your hands here. Alright, now she's going to sit up for me. She going to pull the stomach in, squeeze her knees, and then bring her back up against my leg. Crown of the head back. Good correction with the ribcage. The arms down by your sides. Turn the palms down, extend them extended fingertips to the floor.

Extend the fingers down there. Stay there. Okay. Now if she grips with our hands and breaks the wrist, break the wrist for me. Huh? Okay. That means she's gonna use her forearm. All right. She's not going to do the work up in the shoulder girdle. When she extends it down and pushes the fingertips to the floor, you feel it more up in your shoulders. Yeah. Lift Your Chin for me.

Pull the scapulas back and then from there pull the arms back and bring them forward. And again, pull them back. There we go. Squeeze your knees and lift up taller and bring the arms forward and again, pull them back and forth and back and forward. Shoulders down. Chin is up. Any pain? No and forward. Good. And again, pull them back and forth. One more time. Shoulder blades down, Chin is lifted and these are tight and relax. Good. Any pain at all? No. Good. Okay. You know, hop off there and we're going to go over to the reformer. Okay, so here we are at the reformer. As you see, I did not start with the reformer and you'll see the reason why when we get on. Okay, first off, I don't pray the head rest up.

I leave the headrest down and I have the neck roll that is familiar with her. Okay. Right there. I don't turn around and have the head rest up. And the reason why I don't have the headrest up is this. Okay? Very short and sweet. If you have the knees together and the head rest up, right? You pull the headrest forward here. Okay. You flatten your back like so the only place you can go is rounded. All right?

It's very hard to pull everything back in this position. If you drop the head down a headdress down, right? And you put the, the roll back underneath the neck, okay. You drop the scapulars down. Okay. That gives a long, high lifted feeling to the client. Okay. And then she can make the relationship to the rest of her body. Okay? You can lay down there when she lays down and when she stands up.

Now that's not to say that if somebody is rather heavy, um, or is, um, well, let's just say each client is different. Okay? So with male, we've got here, we've got the Chin lifted slightly, we've got the scapulas pulled back. We want her to remember the position that she was in. She got a slightly slight gap there. Okay. Which okay. Which means for her that are, say miss down. Okay. Posteriorly tilting like this. Okay.

And flattening your back down and pulling your stomach in is not right. Spinal imprinting or getting your body where it needs to be. You need to support the abdominals, right? Allow the sacrum to to stay flat on the table. All right? So she can drop it down. Low it for me more there. Okay. Now from there, she pulls the belly to the floor. Okay. Close the ribs for me.

Stay there. Beautiful. Now the lumbar spine is relaxed. The QL is relaxed. All right. I can already feel the insides of her legs beginning to kick in. All right, palms are up. Okay, so she's going to have her heels together. All right. Her knees will be slightly apart. Okay. And our toes going to draw back towards her.

Her ankle bones are not going to touch now, right? She's going to leave the sacrum just for the time being. Can you leave the arms out to the side? Any of them? Just for the time being, she's going to lead the sacred down and the arms out, right? She's gonna activate the back of the leg here. Okay. Squeeze it and gently push out to straighten the legs all the way to there.

And then gently bend, come down, tailbone down. That's not a bad looking play. And again, pushing out or away and gently down. Okay? So the pelvis doesn't move up and down pelvis stays where it is. And again, push out, drop the tailbone. Once you make slightly, there we go. And then, so what you heard me say there was arch your back slightly. Okay. Because what I felt when I put my fingers on a hip flexors was I felt her fire slightly this way. All right? So what I wanted to do was just drop it down a bit and it was the quickest way to do it was to her arch. Your back slightly stay there.

Now we're going to make it a little bit more difficult, okay? For the posterial and for that, for the pelvis to Tuck on that. Okay? You're got to posteriorly tilt for me with our legs straight. All right, that's going to be very hard. Alright, so her shoulder blades and a rib cage. Relax. She's going to squeeze the back of the legs. Now you're going to Tuck your pelvis in, lift your pelvis towards the ceiling up, become more [inaudible].

I want you to Tuck your pelvis in, lifted all the way up, and then roll it all the way down and slowly down and again, roll it up more, more, more Lexus straight and slowly down. And again, squeeze the back of the legs, lift up so she gets some movement in the pelvis and down. Drop the tailbone and again, lifting up and slowly down. And again, I'm very particular when on teaching, okay, on how I approach the client on how I touch the client. There were lots of different ways to touch a client, right? I have found as a male, right, that if one lays his hands on the belly like this, this gets you coffee with the client and suit light for sexual harassment, right? This with my fingertips, right?

Pulling down and dropping the tailbone and not staying anywhere near this area gets the client to do what she meant to do and gets me hopefully to have a successful studio cause I'm getting results. Right. So you know it's all good to do this. I've just found as a man it ain't worth it. All right, squeeze the back of the legs as you lift all the way up again. One more time and gently coming all the way in for me. Good. So after I've set up in second position, I'm keeping eye contact very much.

I contact him. I'm not looking down here at all. I gently tell her to gently push out. I looked down at left foot and she pushes out and then gently come all the way down. Good. And again, gently push out little faster. Good. I tell her to drop her tailbone. Good. Keep it there right now. Gently push out again and now I'm coming around right? We're kind of chatting, made sure that they'd go all the way to straight and push out for me.

I make sure her feet, I'm looking at left feet and come down for me and the game. Push out nice and calm and bend, and now I can look down if I need to to see if the pelvis is moving. Realistically, I can see it through my peripheral view as a teacher. When you get too close to somebody, right, you, you narrow in, you want to be able to give the client space and room to be able to sense if something is off on the side. And one more time for me, tailbone stays down and gently relax down. Okay, good. And come down.

So what I do is that that's all of the legwork that I would do now. Thank you. Pardon? Because she has a foot in injury. Okay. I might just for the sheer hell of it, because I want to have a look and see how she's tracking. All right. She's going to open her knees for me. She's going to keep a huge together and she's, I'm going to put my finger right here in the Malaya light. Just slide that.

Okay. Even pressure to the metatarsal hits and I'm going to tell her to push up. You're okay. Shaking. It's quite normal. Yeah, it's an earthquake. It's a big one. Get out now. Gently push out for me all the way to straight. Good. Now gently from there, drop your heels down below the bar and gently up. And if she squeezes my finger, which she is, that means she's [inaudible].

Okay, so when she walks, she pronates. Yeah, so I will address that next class. Okay. Come on down for me. And that shaking is quite normal. Right? When she shakes like that, that's because we've worked the intrinsic musculature that she's never used before. And shaking, as I said, is quite normal. Mild sickness is quite normal. If we don't have something in their belly before they start, I normally tell them to eat bananas or some almonds or something like that, depending on what time. Okay. And as I said, the shaking, it's quite normal. Okay. Both feet are in the straps for me. Okay.

So you're going to put one foot in for me. Good. And the other foot in here and what I do is I've got my foot on the table and I literally, as you saw, just moved out so there's nothing flaring around on the outside. Okay, so she isn't having to get our feet in the straps. If I needed to, I would have manhandled her and put them in right now. From there, squeeze your heels together and your feet. I have hold of the straps. Push the legs out at a 45 degree angle. Push stay there. Drop your tailbone down into the table for me. Stay there, don't let anything move. Nothing's going to move. Good. And sometimes they peel off to the side or one or the other. All they start to shake. That's quite normal. Shoulder blades down, Chin is lifted for me. Okay, now gently squeeze the inner thighs together.

Keep the sequined down and bring the legs up towards you. Keeping your sacrum down just to there. Squeeze your legs as you bring them down. And again, bring the legs up. So want to see how long our hamstrings are just to there and squeeze your legs as you bring them down. Good. And again, bring the legs up for me. Tailbone is down and gently bring the legs down for me. Good.

Now rotate your legs. Okay. Squeeze the heels together. Gently make a little diamond shape with your knees, bending and stay there. And squeeze your legs together. Straighten them without letting the table move. And gently bend the knees and gently and squeeze your inner thighs tight for me. Bend the knees and squeeze the cheeks of your bottom and the inner thighs and gently bend and squeeze shoulder blades down and gently bend and squeeze.

And again, bending and squeeze and Bend Hills together and push. Good work. Easy. And one more time. Bending and squeeze. So she's feeling real, a thighs, her quadriceps are completely relaxed. All right? She gently bends her knees all the way in this time. Now from there, gently push all the way out. Squeeze your legs as you push. So now bend your knees all the way in. As she bends them in and she pushes, she's going to feel the cheeks of a bottom, the back of the legs, the inner thighs. Lift your head up and hopefully the quadriceps a little bit too and gently push, fill the tops of the legs. Yep. And gently bend.

So we've worked the insights of those legs as I said, and push out. I haven't taken it all the way over in short spine road because I'm not interested in that right now. Okay. I did afford flection exercise. Okay. When I was up on the, um, on the, on the, uh, one the chair and I round her for it on the arm chair. I beg your pardon. Thank you. Um, and gently push and gently take your feet out for me and let me take the feed out and gently hopping off the table for me. Okay.

I'm going to introduce a pleasure cube to her and we're going to allow the good body to sit in front back here, but I'm here feet here. Okay. I push it back. She sits down into it for me and she feed it up on here and she pushes and straightens the legs all the way out. Okay. Slide your tailbone all the way back for me. Good. Heels it together for me. Okay. And gently. Okay. Drop the heels down for me. Good.

Now bring the toes up a little higher. [inaudible] good. Now I'm going to approach again, these ankles. Don't let the ankle bones touch my finger, but squeeze your heels together. Exactly. So the back of the legs come into play. Drop the heels down, up on the toes and drop the heels down and up on the toes. Hills together, down and up on the toes. And again, down and up on the toes and down and up on the toes. Tailbone back a little more for me if you can end up.

So what I'm giving her up for is I'm giving her up to be able to turn around and have a turn around on the Cadillac and do the tendon stretch with our head at the bottom end versus being down at this end where we can compensate. Does that make sense? So she's pushing it down and she's getting it, that 90 degree angle. Any pain other than the muscle? Stretching. Good and gently relax and out. You can good stepping out for me. Good. Okay. You're going to turn around and you're going to stand on the table with the heels here and here and the hands. He was so careful when you get up there. Okay.

You grab hold of the bar and you place the heels up against the shoulder pads and the weight is evenly distributed. I drop the weight down onto the little toe. Okay. Evenly distributed through the feet. Now, right now she stepped up on it and I would normally have put my foot up on it but she jumped up there a little bit faster than I was ready for a height. So um, yes, put your foot up on there and tell her to step up on the table. Sometimes the cable does tend to move away from you and your, you're left with a client in the trench there and it's not a very nice thing to happen. Wait down on the little toe for me. Arms are nice and straight, relaxed.

The scapulars gently push back for me. Push the heels back and push the table back for me and gently come forward. And again, now relax the shoulder girdle. Then I'll push the table back and gently forward and again putting them back for me. Push forward. Relax the neck and push and forward.

One more time and push and relax. Good. Now stepping down onto the side for me. I'm going to drop you to one spring. You're going to have your knee there, right foot up against there and your hands are here in here. Turn of and your right knee is here. Left knee on the floor. Now push back through your arms. Push out to your thigh is laying on the table.

Bend your left knee. Stay there now hold your stomach in. Drop your shoulder blades down. Okay, now gently draw the belly in and lift the chest up as you come forward with your thighs staying on the table just to there. Feel that stretch there. Should feel it all the way through here. Yes. And gently push it down and gently shoulder blades down as you gently come up for me. Good. Now she's not coming up a long way. Okay? I want it to stretch into the sowers and gently push forward.

So what I haven't done is I haven't let any of these creases come up higher for me when you come up for me, come up higher, higher, higher. So you see how this, the creases come in here. She's gone too high. It's going to go into the lower bank, pushed back for me. Keep the hip down, okay? And the rib will lift, but there aren't any changes in here. And then you push back and again, shoulders down. You're going too high and down. And again, up just to there and down. So right in here, these creases don't change. Yes, other side [inaudible] good. Pushing back for me and gently stretch all the way down.

Good. Now to get an extra stretch for myself, what I do is I place my right knee in on the hip, left hand down on the hip. The right hand is under on the rib cage. Okay? And I press down with my left hand, push him with my right knee and pull up with my left arm with my right hand as she comes forward, come forward just to there and gently pushed back. Does that intense sit through here? Yeah. And again and again, stretch and gently pushed. The secret is to keep this hip on the table. When you come up, you push down and she's not gonna go very far.

No more than about five inches. Okay. Good. And relaxed, him and them. So that's essentially what I would give for a first client for a first session with a client. So we've found out how flexible her spine is. We found out how strong she is in the stomach. She pretty strong in the stomach. Okay. I haven't done any forward flection dream in the head and shoulders up with the ball under the chin. I haven't rolled up, I haven't gotten any of that.

The things that you see where there's problems in the shoulders and the neck. All right. I've stayed away from those. I want the client to come back. Okay. So what we've done is I've loaded it and rounded it forward to see where her, to see where her tight spots are. Um, I've used springs to get the flexibility to increase it. Okay. And I've also stayed away from rolling over, um, into those danger areas. I'll probably roll over for a short spine spiral on the next session. All right, Melissa, thank you very much. Appreciate it. Thanks a lot. Thank you. Boy.


great as usual Julian. Excellent reminders of how to use the hands to assist the client to allow them to get the feel of exercises. Love the simplicity. I keep coming back to these ideas all the time.
What reformer is that?
this is a gem.....reviewed several times....genius! oh to go back in time, jump on a plane to So Cal and take as many sessions as possible with him.
Miss this man. Such a wonderful teacher!

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