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Workshop #975

Reformer Variations

1 hr 15 min - Workshop


In this workshop, Kathryn Ross-Nash teaches variations on the Reformer that will set your clients up for success. She keeps the original focus of each exercise, but breaks them apart to work for the client so they can feel exactly what they are supposed to be working. It is important to know how to use certain variations for different bodies so your clients learn how to properly execute the exercises and so they can avoid bad habits. These tools can be used as building blocks, and then you can add coordination to make the exercises more challenging as your client becomes more advanced.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box

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Mar 29, 2013
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Hi, I'm Kathy and Monica has graciously agreed to be my victim of the day. Um, we're going to go over some variations on the reformer. We're not going to do the reformer in order. We're just going to go pick a couple of my favorite exercises. Okay. Not necessarily favorite exercises, but exercises I like to torture people with and go over different variations why you would use those variations and what they're good for.

Whenever you're doing a variation on any exercise, it's imperative that you remember what the exercise is for. If you remember what the exercise is for, you know how to break it down and still stay with the goal and the focus of the exercise. You wouldn't want to change an exercise to the point where, let's say it's a stability exercise. You know, like footwork is about connecting your stability in your alignment to the movement, the flection and extension. I wouldn't want to change it so that the exercise was not about that leg circles about stability of the pelvis. I wouldn't want a change in the or the upper back. I wouldn't want to change my focus of what the exercise was.

So when you go within those constraints, you can be quite creative and work on getting your students to feel the work the way that you want to have them feel. So we're going to start Monica on one spring, come on down into position. And I like to do this variation to really get somebody's pelvis connected to the spring. So the powerhouse connects to the spring. This is great if you have a client who has a lot of pelvic instability. Okay. So first off, I always like to get all the toes onto the bar so that the whole foot is connected. The pinkie is the gateway to the Tush. Trust me.

So press your heels together. Just go out a little bit and quickly come in. Good. So I want it to be, and in and in. So the accent is in, in and in. That's it. You feel that in. It connects immediately to the lower abdominals. Tendency with footwork a lot. So for people to use their legs. So when you do this, it really connects them into their lower stomach. In which is what this exercise is about.

Your footwork is your setup for your entire workout. Good. Now, right from there, just bring the right knee into the chest. Good. Just bent. Bend it so it's soft. So when I first bring it in, I like the need to be bent. Okay, so she can really focus using the weight of the leg to stabilize your pelvis. And same thing with a single leg and en you feel how solid that makes that it's a different feeling when she extends or like which I'm going to have to have her do later. That challenges the stability, stretch and stretch a little faster and in a little nasty in and in and in n good. Change your legs. Good.

And try not to let this ankle move at all. Good. Bring the knee there and in. So I don't want your hip flexor working. I want your stomach there it is. Little more out and in and in. The nastiest thing is that on this piece of apparatus, that last inch has no resistance.

So it's all the stomach that's bringing you in in. I know it's awful and good. Now change and now you're going to extend the leg directly to the ceiling and you'll feel how this changes what happens in your pelvis. You still the weight of the leg down, but now you have to work a little more to stabilize what the pelvis is doing and still stay connected. Ready and in. Get the pinkie on there in. Don't let this wave at me. That's a girl out a little more and in that's it.

And in and in and good. Change your legs. Other leg up. Pull the stomach in and in and two and three and four and five. Beautiful. Go to the arches, heels under and over. Now as long as this doesn't bother your ankle, push your heels way under.

You really want to curl the foot over so you're getting into this second pressure point. Good. Press on my hand and try to squeeze my good. Now squeeze my hand. Good. Same thing. Ready and in. Drag it in. Push those heels under. Go little more out in it. And you can see the only place that she can really work from is here. There isn't enough resistance for the spring to pull her in. She is not awful.

I know. And you can see it like hollowing out right there in and in and in. Good, right leg into the chest. I've been just bent, right bent and relax. So we're going to do the relaxed version first. Leftover relaxed, right. Look at all the coordination that happens. Ready? And that's it.

Push that under good. Yeah. Cause this one wants to go like this and help. Good, good and change. So if you take away everything that we use to make it happen and put the work where it has to happen, it's easy for the student to find. That's it. Yeah. Is this the, yeah, that's the ankle there. Feel I just lined you up. Yeah, that's it.

So Monica, was she, you don't mind if I say right. Okay. Relax a second. Monica has an injury on this ankle. And so what was happening because of this, the old sprain is that she was going out of alignment and so it was really difficult. And what I just did was I lined up her hip, her knee, her ankle in the center of her foot, and then you could do the exercise. Good. Let's go to, let's go right to the heel now. Okay. Flex the feedback. So you could do that with an extended leg to challenge it and that's it.

This the worst. Yeah. Now think about that. You're sitting on that electric chair and that you're really pulling the stomach up against that board. Think about your double leg stretch, right when you're extending where you're moving from. That's exactly it. You see how this has to pull up an inn and it lifts in, lift in, lift in, lift in, so if there's any bucking the second you bring the knee into the chest, that stops. Bring the knee way into the chest there. So the weight of the leg pushes down in the pelvis, in it, in flex, that foot. Good girl and good other leg. Flex it. Nian that's it. And stretch. One, two, three, four and five. Good. Bring both feet down.

Another exercise that I like to do too onto the heels, not going to tendon yet. Another exercise that I like to do is a leg circle, but what I want you to do is bring your right leg into your chest and as you extend the right, the left leg extend the right leg to the ceiling. So stretch out all the way. Yes. Good. So the reason why I like to do this year, the state was bring it to 91st so that I could check out your box is that now she can really find the two way stretch pushing through the heel and lengthening out of your head. Also now she has a different stability than if she was on the mat.

She is that pushing through the heel which sometimes gets lost. Does it feel really stable? So if you have somebody in their pelvis likes to rock, I like to do this after I do their foot work this way to really help get them into their stomach and feel the stability of their body. So up to your nose and circle, cross round up and stop. Cross around, up and to cross route up and three good push on that heel as you reach that leg across and reverse it. Stabilize the hip, reach across, around up one, around, up to around up three, around up, four around up, five bend your knees.

Come in and always change with the spring on the inside. God forbid you slip, it goes flying. And so bend this knee in and I want them to both extend at the same time and watch this ankle. There it is. Field a little more right there. Feel that good stretch out. Maybe not, maybe yes, flex the foot totally back and good. Cross around one. Don't let the pelvis move.

Push through that heel and out of the head with a stick. Two directions with a strong center in around and one and I think you have one more right and reverse it. Reach across the body and up. Stop at the nose. Really stop at the nose and as you stop at the nose, push through the heel up, push through the heel up, push through the heel up, good. Bend the knee all the way in. Excellent. So after do that, another variation that I like to use, nope. No worries. A lot of times you'll find that your students as they extend, they lose their back on the mat. Right? So what I'll do is, especially if I have somebody who is like lower doses or even kyphosis and it's really hard for them to get their back onto the mat, I will do a gradual building of extension.

So just like w we would do, um, you know, a knee stretches or anything else where you're not going to go all the way, you're going to gradually go. So you're going to go halfway and then you're going to go three quarters and then you're going to go full and it helps the back to open up. So heels together, toes apart, yes. Toes. Here's the one you're like, blah, blah, blah. Hold with all the toe. That's it. And stretch out just a little bit. Yep. And then drag it in.

Good. Keeping the whole back flat and drag it in and go a little deeper so you're gradually increasing. And this might be where somebody goes to, they might only go three quarters of the way out as long as they're using their stomach. Remember this intent is to set up your workout. You're warming up the lower half of the body with the foot work. You're connecting the alignment through the body. Good does that. Nice. Good. Let's go the arches.

Really place it under and stretch out and in and a little more good and feel like you're pumping on that chair and you're sitting the tailbone lengthens down and down and down. Girl, those heels a little more. That's it. And stretch and stretch and stretch and stretch. Good. Flex the feet, heels up, stretch all the way up and stretch and drag it straight. Do you like Cathy? I know a variation.

You said this was stretched. That's it and good and so it's nice. It allows the back to open up, allows the body to get warm. We can do tendon stretch and you're going to do it smaller and gradually get larger. Okay. Watch your ankle on it, on stand by your side, stretch all the [inaudible]. No, you have to go all the way all the way out, but you're not going to go fully down. So you're going to go down a little bit, wrap the bottom and up, up, up focus right there, down, down, down and up. And a little more each time getting a little deeper. So you're gradually increasing the stretch every time.

Getting a little deeper and a little higher and a little deeper and a little higher and a little deeper and a little higher and bend the knees in. And we're going to segue right into the a hundred so a lot of times with the hundred people forget that you need to have your upper stomach involved. And I watched a hundred happen and I don't see any work being done. Like they could go for fricking ever. And I remember dying in the a hundred like I'd get to my first 10 and I was like, really?

So I think what has happened is that we've watered it down to the point where we forget that we have to get the up upper abdominals involved before we can really ask the lower stomach to work. So there are some old variations that um, I like to do. One, you're gonna stay right here with the bar up. Okay? You're going to grab the handles, you're going to extend your legs over the bar. So the bar is going to take the weight of your legs. Arms are going to go straight up to the ceiling. I actually prefer this as opposed to bent, okay?

Because I want to connect that arch up into the stomach. If my chin really goes up to my chest, then my entire diaphragm is involved and the stomach can scoop up in, in. If I'm here, I don't have the connection through the spring the entire time. So just as you do the roll up, bring your head up. Good. Now push into the strap and roll up higher. Stay right that I'm going to really make you suffer. Roll up a little higher.

Push into your spring, stay right there. Roll up a little higher. Push into your spring. This comes up. Feel that now you're in your stomach, arms close to your body, higher up, reach into it, Monica. That's it. Now you're somewhere pump. Inhale, two, three, four, five. Exhale. Now I feel like her upper stomach is working. Inhale, two, three, four, five. Exhale. You feel that? Yes. Inhale. So this is a variation.

I've taken the weight away. I can build the strength of her upper stomach. I haven't changed the exercise. I'm breaking it apart to the components of challenging her upper stomach. So when I asked her to hold her legs, eventually she can do it and it's great. It's safe for somebody who has a back issue, could end relax because their legs are supported. Okay, now take the bar down please.

And then I like to have the legs all the way down. So this is going to be a little more of a challenge cause you're not supported. You're going to keep your legs down and do the exact same thing and you feel that connection that I wanted. You know, the hundreds of stretch. It's a breathing exercise, but it's also a long stretch. Reaching through the arms and reaching through the legs, arms up, and good clothes. Come back down. I know I'm a witch, so it's really difficult to find. Bring the head up. Now.

I want you to make a big arc. Reach with me. Reach for me with your hands higher. Stay right there staring at their roll up a little higher. Roll up a little higher. You feel. That's where I want you to work. This part of your rib cage.

Good arms here and you notice I don't have to correct your ribs. Press these legs down. Have your hands a little higher over your legs, over your leg. There it is, Monica. Now you're in the spring. Inhale, two, three, four, five. Exhale, two, three, four legs together. Inhale, two, three, four, five. Exhale. That's it. Pull this back. Reach those hands a little higher. Stretch to those fingers, stretches fingers and come down. Good.

I know it's awful. It's good. It's good, right? I mean, I love it because it really gets into the upper stomach and you feel the a hundred you know? Okay. So the next variation that we're going to do is you're going to go into the position of the a hundred. Um, let's do where you're going to lower your legs into position, okay? Just yes, start with bent knees. Bring your arms. So arms are going to be up, legs are going to extend up, and you're just gonna lower your legs into that position. Okay? Yes, find it good. And now lower your legs into your position for the a hundred pulling this back and you're just going to hold it and you're going to fill the lungs all the way up and you're going to reach through the strap.

Pull the stomach up and in. Reach your hands a little higher. Higher there. Now you've found the spring hold it reached the push through here with your hands push. There it is. Inhale deeply. Exhale, ring it out. Ring it out, ring it out, ring it out. Inhale deeply. Exhale, ring it out, out, out, and good. Come back home. Okay. So if you want to, if you're having trouble and the person's having trouble finding their stomach, it's really nice sometimes just to take the pumping away so that they can work on the position in the low back, not be distracted with the pumping. Cause a lot of times what we'll do is they'll come up and down and it's just really nasty. Okay. So which we like.

The next variation I want you to do is we're going to do changing your breathing counts in for five out for five in for four out for six. We'll just do one set of each. When you change the breathing counts, it really puts the focus on the exhale and ringing the lungs out, which is something that I think is being lost. This is a breathing exercise. So you really want to fill the lungs up and squeeze all that air out.

So by changing the counts and putting the emphasis on the exhale, it will force you to purge your lungs. Okay. So I prefer getting into the a hundred position from leg straight and arm straight up cause you're strong. Okay. Bring your head up. Push stretch and inhale, two, three, four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, five. Inhale, two, three, four out, two, three, four, five, six in, two, three out, two, three, four, five. Smile. Seven in, two out, two, three, four, five, six. Easy for me to say in one out, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Bend the knees all the way. A good girl. Good. Okay.

Next one that we're going to do is I like to do this lowering and lifting one. Sometimes when I'm first really introducing somebody to find their position, so you're going to lower inhaling. Exhale, bring the legs back up. Sometimes what you'll see is that your student will start to release their back while they're doing the hundred. There'll be great for the first one or two and then it starts to release and you're like trying to get them to get in. So just have them lower, lift their legs and lower them and every time they can reengage their stomach. Okay, so let's go from this position straight up.

Press into your hundred, have your hands a little higher. Good. And pump lower. Two, three, four, five. Scoop up to three. Good. And as you pull this back away from your legs, pull the stomach in. This works in opposition. Inhale, two, three, four, five.

Exhale two. So after that upper stomach is strong, you start making that lower stomach strong. Four, five. Exhale. Exhale, exhale, exhale, exhale. Beautiful. The Nice. So now that we've done building exercises, we can have a little fun in challenging it. So we're going to do are breathing and we are going to do our beets and our walking. And then we're going to do lowering, lifting, beating, and walking. Okay. Okay, so have a little fun. So legs are long, arms are up. Pull the stomach in.

Press into your hundred and pump and beat. Two, three, four, five. Exhale. Two, three, four, five. Let's cross to three. Four, five. Exhale. Two, three, four, five. Let's walk to three. Four, five. Exhale. Two, three, four, five feet, two, three, four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, five, across, two, three, four, five. Exhale, two, four, five. And Walk to three, four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, five. Bend all the way in. Excellent. Good. There's an exercise that I like to do, which is called the control and it really helps you catch the position of the a hundred so sometimes when I'm trying to get somebody to really understand how to get up into that position, how that they have to pull the stomach in.

It's difficult to hold that position. So what I'll do is I'll have the legs, long arms are up, kind of like you would do an overhead, but you're just going to take the legs two inches off. Okay. And arrive right head up and arrive into position, arrive everything together in hold two and then come back good. And pull the stomach back. Hold two. It's nasty, isn't it? And up and arrived, Paul, the stomach in good girl and up last one and pull it in and good bend. And so because you were so fabulous and suffered through the a hundred you get to do the joy of the short spinal, which is, you know, you always get a little dessert after you eat your veggies.

So lift your head up. Good. Bend your knees. And so I love shorts, spinal, and I love all its variations. You use different variations depending on the back in front of you and the proficiency of the student. So we're going to actually start with um, a gradual short spinal. So you're gonna take your legs a little up and bend in. So sometimes you'll have a student, they're flexible enough to get into the straps correctly like Monica just did. Yup, go ahead baby. Good. Also, the foot position of the strap where you put it is important.

You want that strap to connect down into the bones. If you put it too high on the foot, the flection and extension of the ankle will change the connection of the spring as you advance. Good. Bend your knees and take a rock as you advance in your work. The focus of the work changes when you first began, you're just really focusing on your stomach, that you're working from your stomach and that your alignment is correct and then as you increase your proficiency, you're looking for that length, that two directional stretch with a strong middle. When you become advanced you, it's about challenging the spring and finding the spring and all the exercises and actually using the resistance to make the exercise more difficult, not to support. So at your level that's, you know what you do.

But when somebody is first beginning stretch all the way out to my hand. Take your Tushie off just as the now bet come, come up. Good. Bend your knees in there and roll down so you don't have to do. Feel that on your low back. Stretch out. There's a lot of people with very stiff spines and it's a spinal massage.

So we're gradually increasing just like we did in our foot work. You're gradually increasing. Same thing that you could do on your tower, your leg springs, good bend all the way in and rule down and stretch out up all the way. Hollow Bend, good girl and rule all the way down. So bend your feet in and pause.

Love that one. So one I like to torture my students with is breaking apart. The very beginning of the exercise. That very beginning of the exercise is going to be the arc that you use to go around and that you're pushed to go up and that you're pushing into the spring and you're pushing into the strap. You really want to feel that connection of your stomach pushing through the strap because that's what's going to connect you to the resistance of the spring. So a lovely little tushy buster is stretch out. Don't move your feet and just lift your tailbone off.

Hold and roll down. Isn't it lovely and press. So this is going to be the arc, the trajectory that she's going to roll over with and press. Now, keep that arc roll roll. You feel how lifted that is now, roll, roll. Keep pressure on your feet, push into that strap, pull the stomach in. There you go.

Keep the waistline long and roll down whichever way you want. Good. Okay, so then all the way in, the next one that I want you to do is the one that I call rolling, like a ball one where you keep everything really tight and you roll down in one piece. This is a beautiful exercise to connect to your stomach. Part of this exercise is stomach support. With that short spinal massage, the more open, the more you can engage the stomach, the more open you're going to get the spine, the greater the benefits of the massage are going to be. As you roll down. So stretch all the way out. Press into the heels, lift up and over on that trajectory. Hollow. Bend the knees in. Keep it here. Now, roll down, pushing into your feet, pushing into your feet, pushing into your feet, pushing in good, and that is deep in the stomach.

One more time like that. Stretch out. Lift up. So if I have somebody and I really want to work on the connection to their stomach, heels, press, bend the knees. Notice I have my hand here. I'm a well, that's okay. Push into your feet. Push in. It's helping her. Open her back up. Push into the feet and pause all the way in. Good.

The next one that we're going to do is that you're going to do you present to your feet. You present your seat, you're present to your feet, you're present to the seat, right? Okay, so this one that I'm going to do next is great. If you have somebody who needs to really work on the articulation of their spine, you'll see when they're rolling down that they'll skip a place that'll be a little round flat, a little round flat. So it helps define the opening by opening, decreasing the pressure opening, decreasing the pressure. Stretch out. Press into the straps. Lift up and over. Hallo. Bend the knees into the shoulders. Now roll the seat down. One inch.

Stop. Don't move your seat and press into your feet. Good. This isn't going to be good for your low back. Roll. A little bit more stub. Press into your feet. Roll, stop. Press into your feet. Roll.

Stop. Yes. Press into your feet all the way down. Nice, right? Yep, Yep. Stretch out. This is a good one for Monica. Lift up and over. Scoop through civil. Let her do it one more time and bend in and roll the chest. Soften the throat there.

Now don't move this and press into the strap so that forces your stomach to engage. Push a little more. You have another inch air. You go roll down heels together, press into your feet. Don't let the seat move. Use your stomach. Press more. Is that okay on your ankle? Oh good. And that was her payment back for those nasty hundreds. I had her too. Good, good.

Okay. The next one's going to be nice too. So what I want you to do now is you're going to leave your feet where you are pressing into your feet and roll down with a fully straight leg. They don't teach this one anymore, but years ago, I'm not going to say how many, but years ago when I was a baby baby ballerina, we did this one where you did a full extension so that you've got that stretch in the hamstrings because that's what the body, our bodies needed. Now they don't go to a fully extended leg, but you know you're a dancer, you work with the body that's in front of you. We went to fully stretched leg stretch all the way out, lift up, push into the strap hollow, bend the knees and leave your key pressing into the strap and roll down.

Stretch, stretch all the way straight stretch. Yeah, you feel that? That's good for runners to that nice stretch and bend all the way in. One more time. Stretch out. Pull the stomach in, lift up and over. Good Ben down. Good stretch, stretch, stretch and good bend in. So there's two different ways that you can utilize your thighs and the position of your thighs. The first one is as you roll down, you press them against your chest, right? That will open one part of the back. That'll open more of an upper back. So we're going to do it two different ways.

The next way, which is the way that I love to do it because it gets into my lower back, is to leave the thighs where they are in space and roll the spine away from the thighs. So it's as if you're in spine stretch forward. So you get this beautiful opening like in the roll-up. It's actually the roll-up position where the spine is fully lifted and open, separate from the thigh. So the first one we're going to pressing onto the chest. So stretch out, lift up and over. She's going to bend her knees in and roll down as much as she can.

Pressing the thighs on her chest when she can't keep your feet where they are when she can't anymore. She's going to press into the strap and bring the knees to the Tush. Good one more time like that. Stretch up, up and over. The carriage comes all the way home. Bend your knees. Don't let this straps move.

That's it. They don't move in space and all the way down so your carriage moves. Your carriage doesn't move. Okay, now we're going to do the one where you roll away from your chest and it's the same exercise but totally different feeling. Stretch all the way out and you choose what one the body needs. If I have somebody who needs their upper back more open than their lower back, I'll choose the first one. Now keep your knees where they are. Rule down, rule it. Feel the difference.

There you go and pull it all the way in. Feel that more in your lower back. Stretch out. If I lie, you can say, so hollow bend. Now you keep the tension here. This the strap never dies. Good. Roll down, roll down, roll down. Yes, this is good for you to air you go and good bend all the way in. Good. Okay. There's a very, very old fashioned one which doesn't get caught tight anymore, but we do it on the Cadillac. We do it here. Do you know prayer frog position? So it's the prayer frog. And what's great about this is if you have somebody in, they have lower back, real tightness and they're flat there.

When you press just like on the seal, that pressing opens up the low back. So it's really fabulous to get that pressure to help open up the low back. Stretch out. Don't try this at home. Kids now just lift up and over at it. Hollow. Bend the knees, press the soles of your feet together.

Press and roll down pressing press, press more. Press air. It is, and then bring your feet down. And pause and stretch. How have you done that one? I was thinking of a different one, so that was really nice. Oh good. And stretch out. Which one were you thinking? High Frog. Oh yeah, that's coming too. And then the knees and press now press.

So it's just like your seal, right? Needs a little more into you there. You feel how that changed your back roll down. There's actually a seal variation where you press and you bring the legs all the way up and you rock like that. And it's great for opening up the back press, press press. There it is, and bring your feet down. Now before high frog, there was an exercise called short spinal control, and before we were used to be able to do high frog, you had to be able to do short spinal control. So what you're going to do is you're going to stretch out, just like the torture we've been doing all day.

You're going to bring your legs to 90 with your tailbone down and stop at 90 degrees, tailbone down there. So right from this, you're not going to move the carriage and you're going to reach your feet up to the ceiling. Come back down, get to 90 so push, see how you lost your 90 push into here. This is nasty, dope, dope. Don't move yet. Push into my hand. This hand. That's it. That's 90 [inaudible] finding that angle from this field. Yeah, that's 90 and roll up. Don't move it. Don't move the carriage. Don't move it. How much bottom work is that? Don't move the carriage. Don't move the carriage and then come back down.

Long waist. Keep that waist long. Push into that strap. So the goal is, which Monica is able to do. So she's going to do it. You're going to go all the way up and bend your knees. And that's how you get the correct lift and the right muscles activated to do high frog. And it's a lot safer than going from that bench short spinal position, which is a down. And to push up from the down is so much more dangerous.

Yeah. You know, so to go down from the up, you're in your extension, you can feel the resistance of the spring. You can temper what the spring is going to do as opposed to have to fight the spring. Also, the spring is not dead and we really never wanted dead. But the tendency is when you come down for short spinal cause you're going to be doing a stretch is to maybe have a little less active than you want. So push all the way up, keep pushing into the strap, push into, that's it. Push into the strap, push into the strap, push into good girl, bend the knees in and push straight up for high frog and bend the knees in.

Good and a don't let your tissue drop. Scoop your stomach like you're bringing your knees to your shoulders and push shit up. Yes. Feel the difference. Bend in. Don't let this drop. Push shit up. Bend it in and push it up. Bend in and roll down.

And then a really nice stretch after that torture is to bring the soles of your feet together. Take your feet into the well. You know that way and let it stretch. And we do this on the Cadillac two in this position in this prayer position where you can just open the hips up, get a nice stretch for the torture and good bend your knees in. And right from here what you're going to do is you're can do like circles with short straps and frog. So stretch out, which is a little deeper feeling. And Open press one together.

Open press to open. Just one thing. When you're doing your leg circles, if you're truly pushing into the strap, there's not going to be a heart. It's going to be a direct circle where the big toe goes, re push into the strap, squeeze the that's better. Push into the strep directly open and reverse it. Pull the stomach away, pull the stomach away, pull the stomach way, bend the knees in and five frogs stretch, squeeze and in stretch, squeeze.

And sometimes before you have somebody do short spinal before you, you know, introduce that exercise, they can get a feeling of the strap by just doing some circles and some frogs. Cause those are the exercises. You know those are building blocks for this exercise, so they're going to get the feeling they've done long. You know the long strap circles, they're going to get the feeling of the difference in the tension with a shorter strap. Let's go to coordination. You've had dessert. Now it's time to work with the head. I would do it with them up.

Okay, which thank you because I didn't change it. Okay, so coordination. So w let's discuss our leg height first. Okay. Ideally your goal is that same eye level, low position, but reality is that most people can't keep their back there, so you're going to find a position where see how her pelvis just changed. I want to look to see where her pelvis is. That's a beautiful position.

Bend the knees in. This is also your introduction for chest expansion, so you really want the shoulders open different than the hundred it's now going deeper. Everything's building. You're here on the hundred here. You're doing your chest expansion. The hands press strongly. The chest opens, you pull the stomach up and in reach the legs in opposition. Draw the head in the head is working constantly opposition to the opening. So what I want you to do is we're going to work at parallel.

I hear all sorts of, Oh, it's done this way, it's done that way. It's done every way. It depends on the leg in front of you. Working parallel gives you a different feeling than working. Turned out and long time ago there was a lot more parallel than there is now. Those damn dancers came in and you know, we're like, everything had to be turned out, you know? So that's not true.

And for me it's actually more challenging to work parallel. So let's work parallel. If it begins parallel, it's gonna stay parallel. If it begins turned out, it's gonna stay turned out. And of course, because of who I am, I'm going to totally contradict that in one exercise, but it has a specific purpose. Okay, so this is about coordination. I've seen lots of different things happen, like all these different arm variations and that is not about coordination. This is about coordination of breath and movement, arms against legs, challenging the stability, building on the stability of the hundred.

You've done your articulation. Now you challenge your stability step. We're going to do two parallel, two turned out. Then we're going to do what I love to do. There's one where we're going to go parallel, open, turn out, which is great for the dancers and my martial artists. Flex your feet, draw your heels together. Turn parallel, bend in. Okay, so how does up and stretch out parallel reach, open reach, close. Bend the knees in.

Bend the arms in all the way. Find that rolling like a ball position with an open chest. When you see there you go and arms tonight. Pull the stomach back, reach open, reach clothes, pull the stomach in and in. Good. Stay right there. So Monica is actually doing it really well. But a lot of times what people will do is they will shorten or they'll flop their leg out and they don't continue with the two way stretch.

So what I like to do is I like to give them a tech. I like taking it out. Yes, pushing it out. So stretch out now. Open slide along. Feel the difference. Slide along. Then the knees in, bend the arms in so it connects the foot. Work to the coordination. Stretch out.

Now I see your stomach open. Reach close. Yes. Bend in. Feels good. Doesn't it? Bend it. The other thing I can do then is I'm a stickler about people dropping their feet as they come in. I mean you don't do, but you know where they stand and then they go to bed and the feet drop. Right? Right, right. Which is actually really dangerous cause it releases the pelvis and then it tells me that you're really not reaching it opposition, but the you can hurt your back.

So I don't like anybody to ever say they got hurt to employee. So I like to prevent issues. Lot of times I will start with this so that they get that it's an elongation and I guide. So they get the feeling and they don't drop their feet. Okay. So, um, and you could do this for all the variations that we're going to do, which lets my, my, my, well, so let's do the turned out variation. Heels together, toes apart. So even from here, they're stretch out just like you're on the foot bar. Open, close. Draw those inner thighs. Bend the knees in heels together.

Bend the arms in, stretch out, pull it in. All the toes. Open, close. Bend the knees in. Bend the arms in. Good. Now you're going to stretch out parallel. You're going to open parallel, you're going to rotate out, flex your feet. Schoolies your inner thighs together. Okay.

And stretch out great for mushy inner thighs. Open turnout, flex, draw the together and it isn't that Nice. That's a very like, like eighties variation open. Really telling my age, draw together in and in. And one more time might as well stretch open. Turn it out deeply. Flex drawer, that's beautiful. And Bend it in and in.

Good. So at rest and moments of being that this is about coordination, a lot of times what will happen is you will have the student and they'll open in one hip. We'll move, right. So they're really not understanding that, the stability of it. So what I like to torture them with is that they're, you stretch out. You don't move. You open the right leg only without moving anything. The left leg, both legs draw it, it go out. Left, right both. And I'll be talking correct. Head is up. Stretch out. Open the right. Nothing moves. Close it. Open the left. Nothing moves. Close it both legs. Feel the stability and good and bend in and bend in and stretch out.

Open, close, open, close, open, close, bend, bend, stretch out. Open, closed. Doe, wig. Goal. Anything. No big close. Ben. One more time. Stretch. Open, close, open, close. I'm an evil person. Bend in. Good. We are. Look, I torture myself with it. Okay. See what happens when you're in a studio alone.

A lot. Okay. And then you have the usual one that you have beets, which we all know and love. Okay. One thing that I do love to do is just as you could do it, you know, cause it is a coordination exercise. Challenging the depth of the stomach. If I have somebody strong like Monica, I will do this variation so, and the knees in stretch out, stay, drop the right foot to the foot bar, bring it back directly up, left foot and up, bend the knees in and the arms in stretch out, left leg reaches and very good, right?

Like reaches and good bending and bend in the Nice, I like that one too. There are all these different variations out there that people would see and they would do them and not understand what they were and how to apply them. Not every variation is for every person, but when you would go to the studio and see Ramana teach, she would do something for somebody and not do it for somebody else and give somebody else something. And uh, you know, as you went through your training, you would out, oh, she has a flat lower back. That's why she's getting this variation or something like that. And so it's not just so that you have lots of variations, which is fun.

I mean it's spices it up. You know, you throw a little something in the client goes, oh, but it is so that we know when and how to use all these fabulous tools that you know were given us. So right from here, we just got done with coordination. We're going to go to nasty, nasty, nasty teasers. Okay. So if you wouldn't mind putting the box on real light. Yep. Um, I am about preventing issues rather than correcting issues. I used to be about correcting issues and then I realized it's a lot easier not to have to fix a bad habit and to, and how I taught the student how I broke down the exercise saved me a lot of headache later on. So the first thing that we're going to work on is you're going to sit on the box here and you're going to actually rest your feet on here please.

All the way down at the end. Yes. All the way. That's it right there. So one of the biggest things that I found is, you know, you can hold the students' feet, right? As opposed to using the bar. But I actually like to use the bar because the, they rely less on it as the legs extend. The other thing is is it immediately begins, you know, your teaser is a strong exercise and it immediately begins focusing that it comes from your stomach and that it's not an arm, leg, arm, leg arrived to the position that is a deep, juicy exercise. The student will also feel very safe with their feet on here.

So pull your stomach in and press your arms forward with soft elbows. That's it. And just have your feet lightly on this bar. Good. Reach up to me, reach up to me. Good. Right there. Now arms come down, let that chest free. Pull the stomach back and come up and the higher up you go there you feel that good arms come down. So I begin this. Why I like to begin this way is that I'm connecting her arms to her back body. The arms don't begin here.

The arms begin all the way down here and it is necessary when you're doing your cheese or that you have that connection could just rest in a moment. The arms overlap the Soas, right? So your arms go, I'm talking anatomy. The arms go all the way down here. Okay? The arms go all the way down here. The lower body connects up and through that, in that band that runs through where they cross, that's your powerhouse. And all those muscles are wrapped by bands of muscles going this way, this way, this way, this way. And that is where you get your support.

If you are armed, does not connect to your back. You are missing a stability point and you're missing a place to open your back from. So that's why so many times you'll see people and they'll do teaser and their arms will come up or they'll get their body up and then their arms will come up and they're really not feeling it, enjoying it in their stomach. So this is one way I like to connect the arms to the back so that when you do the exercise, when we add the rolling back of it, your arms are already connected. Okay? Once I get on a soapbox, I can never get off, okay? Pull the stomach in, press into the spring. Soft elbows. Relax those shoulders. Good.

Now you've done the arms. Keep that pressure in the strap. Roll. Just your lower back down. But keep reaching your arms to me. Keep reaching your arms to me. Stop there. Lift your hands and push into the Sprat. Put lift, lift, lift, roll up, roll up, roll up, lift the arms, lift the arms. You feel that roll halfway down. Good.

Don't let those hands, I lift them to me here. Now push into the strap and lift your arms to connect it. That's it. Now she is working nice and deeply in here. Roll down a little bit and push up. Push up hands here. Hands here, hands here and all the way down. So you want to push, pull all the way down and bend your knees in. Good. So we've worked on connecting the upper back to the stomach. Now we're going to work on connecting the lower back.

I took away your crutch, but mom here, so I don't want you to come all the way up. I want you to actually keep your knees into the chest. Do you remember how I said I like to break exercises apart? Well, we've worked on that part. Now I want you to push into the strap up. Keep the knees into the chest. We worked from the up to the down. Now we're gonna work from the down to the up.

Push into the strap and roll up as high as you can with your knees in. She's not going to be able to get, but you feel that connection. You're not going to be able to get very far. But once again, now I'm connecting the arms to her back from down below and come down. Good. Keep that tension on the strap and roll. Good. Push it in and this time as you roll up, bring your knees to 90 degree angle.

Keep pushing, keep pushing, keep pushing and roll back down. And now we're going to do the nasty variation where you're going to come up, arrive at that position on one. You're going to extend the arms and legs up on two. You're going to roll back to that 90 degree angle, low back on on three, and you're going to come all the way down on four. Okay? You can do this variation on the mat. You could do all of them on the mat.

Now push into your stomach. Come up legs to here. Good. Come up higher there. You feel that now stretch all the way up. Push into the strap with your hands. Good girl. Roll down. Keep reaching for me. As you roll down, bend the knees, bend the knees right there. Hold it, hold it. Hold it. Come all the way down and yeah, and again, don't let those straps die. Push into the strap.

Come up to the 90 push. Push more low back. Just come all the way up to that low back. That's where I want you to be. Now roll up, pushing into the strap. Push into the strap, push into the strap. That's it. Soften the arms. Reach up for me. Roll halfway down. Bend the knees, Bend your knees halfway. Bend your knees. That's it right there. Hold it, hold it. Hold it all the way down. And yeah, reading your news.

And I think that that is like worse than the full teaser. Okay, good. Now you'll have your legs all the way down and you're going to do your straight up into your teaser. Okay. All right. Pull the stomach in and do your full teaser. Press into this trap. Go back down. So I want to see head, hands and heels. All the three H's all coming up at the same time.

So everything the second your head lift, those heels have to come off the bar. So head, hands, heels. [inaudible] legs are a little late. Do you feel that I do it again? Yeah, please. I'm picky. Uh, head heels. That was it. Now as much as those legs go up, reach up with the hands. Reach up with the hands. Stay there. Roll halfway down, reaching for me halfway. Halfway. Now push into the strap, lift the arms, lift the arms, lift the arms.

Roll halfway down. I know it's awful. Halfway, halfway. Now come up, push into your hands, push into your hands, push into your hands. That's it. Halfway, all the way down. And beautiful. Good. Now you're going to come up all the way. Good, good, good, good, good. Now, arms are going to go to your ears straight up. Don't let them go out and down.

They have to push into the strap. Connect the back body to your keep going. Monica. Key elbows and elbows in there you go and down and again. Push into the strap. Pull your stomach in, reach, reach, reach, elbows in, good girl and roll all the way, way down. Now you'll notice I told her to keep her arms by the ear. I'm going to let you do it the other way and I want you to tell me the difference of how you feel. Okay. Where are they going? Wider?

Where they go wider. It's in my back. It's in your back. It's not in your stomach, right? Anytime you dissipate from your central line, which is why when you're in the a hundred I told you to bring your hands closer to you. It it's harder. It's you don't connect the energy of the strap into the spring, into your stomach. If the arm goes out here, then it's going to dissipate. If it's here, just the way the mechanics go in the engineering member, he was an engineer, right? It goes into the stomach.

So the alignment is everything. The other thing is is that everything is about the line. You have to think about where you're going, right? And if I'm going to circles, just like with my leg circles, they're together. Then they open. If they all been, I've lost the tension in the strap. Okay, so you want to keep it close, as tall as you can, and then resist and then find the back because the stomach's going to be connected. That's where we're going to go now, okay? Into your circles. Heels together. Pull this dumb again and press head, heels, hands at it. Soft elbows all the way up.

Beautiful. Up, up, up, up, up, all the way up to your ears. Up to your ears. I'm here up. Good girl. Open and resist as you go down and enjoy it and pull it in up. Remember, this is all ego. That's why I love the teaser. It's all ego. Up, up. Get a little more. You go Monica. That's it. You deserve more ego and lift all the way up, up, up, up, up.

Now roll back, reach for me. Read for me, read for me, reach for me, reach for me. Good girl. Roll up and know you get to do a little fun so we know we can reverse it. So let's just do a little reverse. She Not gonna love me. After today, I'll take you out for a cocktail or two and up. Up, up. Good. Good, good, good honey. Mother three look at you and roll all the way down. All the way down. All the way down. All the way down. Good girl.

Come right up again and lift those arms. Lower the legs. Reach the legs up. Don't move that upper body. Lift those hands up so you're connected to the spring. Lower the legs. Scoop the stomach back. Lift. Reach for me. Lower reach for me. Now let's get nasty. Bend the knees in like stomach massage.

Pull the stomach back and stretched out. Let those feet drop. Bend your knees and stretch. Bend your knees in and stretch. Good girl. Roll down. Scoop, scoop, scoop, scoop and good. Now donate me. She's doing variations so you know variations. So I want you to roll up. You're going to do little leg circles, lowering and lifting.

Not Large like circles. Little up, up, up, up, down, down, down, down, up, up, up, up, up, right into big, large, large circles. Three in each direction, right into beats. Then you get a break and then you're going to do arms and legs and opposition. I love you. Thank God she's not going to talk to me for another 15 years. Okay? Oh this and good. Now, little circles, little coop and clothes. Tiny, tiny, lower, lower, lower, great for inner thigh and up, up and down, down, down, down, down and beautiful. Up, up, up, up, freedom. Circle around and up. You didn't know you could do so many teasers. Did you?

Pushing the envelope and reverse it down. Out, up, down, up, down, up, down, around, up and roll down. That's beautiful. Come back up and be one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, lower, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Up, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Roll down. Now you're going to roll up and your arms are going to go one direction. Your legs, the other come down, switch and come down. So come down in between. Yes, I'm kind. Add Up.

Switch from me. Read from here. Retreat. That's it. Scoop the stomach in and rule down. There's your twist and reach. Reach for me. Give me love. That's it. And there's the ego and roll down. She's still smiling at me. I feel really guilty now.

Okay, so now we're going to do the combination. Okay. This is the Combo. You're going to go arms up, arms down, circle. Reverse the circle. Shave and come back. Yeah. Okay. Okay, last one. Okay. Ready and scoop. I love this one.

And up and down. Lift it up. That's okay. Up, down. So it's, you're doing the arms right. Then you do a circle. Circle, shave. Sorry. Combo platter and scoop. Up and down. No, no, no, us. Keep the body up the entire time. Sorry. This communication. No. So we're going to do the combination and ready.

Pull this down. We can roll up, arms down, arms up around. Good. Arms up around. Press the thumb finger together shapes dry chicken girl and all the way down, just one all the way down. Drop the streps behind you. Good. We're going to sit up now and now you get a pleasant short box on the long box.

I love introduce the short box here because it's very, a lot of people are very fearful. There's nothing behind them, right? And the tendency is also to miss the articulation and to not push through the heel. This is really so much of Palladio's is about opening up the back body, which we tend to forget. You know, as human beings, we're very frontally focused. Every other animal is really aware. I mean, think about how a dog communicates when they're afraid. The hair goes up on the back of their neck, on their, their body, right? Their tail goes up, they're not. This is our, our vulnerability.

This is our right and we are, we're like this and we forget that this has so much information and that that's really where, I mean if you look at how the spine develops and how nerves develop, they have the spinal column, they branch out. And then they close to the front. So we have a lot of information that comes from our back body that we kind of ignore, which is why, you know, I believe that he began lying down. We get tacto feedback. So, um, yes, I got on a soap opera box again. So we're going to go to springs and you're going to sit on the end and you're going to separate your feet and I want you to plush, just place your heels as you would. Yeah, on the strap. Hug around your waist and roll back. This is the position. Yep. Perfect.

And you're gonna roll back. Push the stomach in, push it, push this back, push this back. You can have it over. You can have it at it and now isn't that Nice. And then come back up. And I like to keep the hips here so that she has to come up and over my fingers, drawing her elbows down as she goes. And good. Now take a fist and place one hand like this and push on that hand. So have it just like that. Push that fist. Let me see. Beautiful, perfect. Push that fist in. Push it in deeply.

Hips go back, waist, hips, back, hips, back, hips, back, hips back. There you go. And Roll Up. Push into that hand, push into that hand. Push. Push out your feet. Find that two way. Stretch. Good. One more time. Go back. Okay. Push, push, push and come up.

Heal yourself. And then they learn. Like I said, I'm about preventing, they learned that the short spine, that the hug is about massaging the spine, like the short spinal, not about, I don't know, flinging yourself back, but about opening up the low back. Okay. Now I like to take the hands all the way on the little black dots. If your arms are here, the spine is open, you'll notice all the articulation exercises are done. Like the roll up right are done with that alignment. Once I'm here, it draws my blades together and it makes a second powerhouse for my body to stabilize my rib cage against the flat back is about lower ribs, rib stabilization and lower abdominal work. So I really want to make a stable base to pull my ribs up against. Okay, so lift the arms all the way up. Good.

Pull the stomach in. Stretch up nice and tall. Press on the feet. Lift out of the crown of the head and tip back quickly. Quick and return tip back quickly. Quick and return. No sinking up. Tip and return. Tip and return. Stretch over. Okay.

What we're going to do is we're going to go back a little bit. Stop back a little bit, stop back a little bit. Stop. I think this can be a good variation for you. Okay. Press on your heels a lot. Lift all the way up to the ceiling. Separate the ribs in the waist. Good. Now lift up. Press on here. Go back one and stock. Close the ribs.

Lift the stomach. That's it. Go back another inch. Stuck. Close the ribs. Lift the stomach. Yes, go back another inch. That's awful. Perfect. Pull the stomach in. Grow Taller and be taller. Come more forward. Come more forward. Begin there. Now you're caught. The stomach can catch. Lift up. Go back little bit. Go back a little bit, go back a little bit, go back a little bit and come up up, up and a good. Now sometimes what I want, what I like you to do is to take one arm like this in one arm like this, it changes what happens in the rib cage and because this exercise is about, part of it is that rib stabilization, when you have this, you have that that gets challenged on one side and the other side it gets supported. So lift up and it's great if somebody has scoliosis, you just do the one side, the side that pushes out. You use this hand, the side that goes in, you use this hand lift up. How's that feel? Nice, right in a six sort of way. Lift up and tip back.

Lift ribs, that's it. Ribs, ribs, ribs and come up, up, up, and I'll use this. If somebody has scoliosis, I'll use this for their side to side their twist up, up. Switch your hands. Somebody doesn't, they get to switch and it's a great way to open up the upper back and draw the shoulder, this shoulder down. Yeah, that one's nice and tight and so this might be a nice, does that hurt? No, no, just tight. This might be a good little variation. Very good. And come up up and lift the waistline.

Tip back, back, back, and up. Up. Oh good. Now for your twist, what I want you to do is we have the normal twists that we know where you go when you reach. We're not gonna do that. What we're going to do is I want you to twist on the diagonal up. You're going to lift up, twist on the diagonal up, stay there, flipped, one side, flipped, one side, flipped one side. This exercise involves the side body and so many times we get into this rolling back that we really don't engage those muscles which you need for the side bend.

Okay? So lift all the way up. Lean a little forward. Good twist. Reach out on that upward, diagonal. Stay there. Flip, flip faster. Flip and twist and twist. Reach back, reach back, reach back, reach. There you go. Reach, reach, reach, and center. How is that? Good. Good, right? You feel all that working. So that's a really nice way to challenge somebody as well as show them a cue the muscles that need to work to work. Okay? Another way that I like to do it is you're going to lift all the way up and you're gonna push this hand.

So if I want to engage those muscles a little more on that side, I'm going to push this hand into that side and reach all the way out and come up. And you can use this for side to side too. So lift all the way up, make a fist, push it into there, twist, and that connects the arm to the back body. Again, twist, reach out. Push that hand. Push that hand. Yes. Push the hand to come up. Okay, good. Switch sides. Lift up. Push the answer. You know for that client that likes to go, Woo Hoo. No. Push that hand. Stretch it out. Push. That's a girl.

Push and good. Another one way that you can work that is you're going to go up. You're in a hold. The wrist twist. So if somebody shortens on that side, right? They engage it, but they tighten. You're going to hold that wrist and stretch that wrist out. Good twist.

Reach that top bar and stretch. Stretch. There it is. And up and switch hands. Lift up Andrew. Reach up, up, up and lengthen up. Up and good. How's that? Good. Nice, right and lie down cause you're here you have to do your series of five. Okay. Cause you know you can never do enough abdominal work. Never, especially those of us who are over 21 bend the knees into the chest. I also love it on here because you really have the opportunity to open up your hips and for a teacher I can get in here and I can give her, you know, some nice little extra stretching. So two legs in, let's begin with right and I like to give, I like to challenge so I'm going to give her a little something to play with. Good Push, push, push, push, push and switch and switch. That's it. Switch, push me. Good. Use me. Push and push and push.

This is my arm workout for the day. Push and push and push and push and push and push and double leg. All the way in. Stretch out. [inaudible] that's okay. Push, push, push, push, push, push, push and circle around scoop. Resist me. Stretch out. Push, push, push, push, push, push, push. Stretch those arms. Arms to the side of the room. Big Dive. Scoop. Boppin over.

Resist in, push me. Stretch out. [inaudible] come on, make me work. This is all I get today. Oh, open pool now, true pool. This stuff again in Ed. Good. Single leg. One leg up, one leg down, a little dessert cause she was so good. Stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch, double leg. Two legs up, pants behind the head. Nice and long reach. Sh pull it in. You can go below level. Lift that upper body up. So as you go, this has to engage. Pull it, it. There you go. Feel that as the legs go down, the head goes up and pushes on their hands and good Chris Cross.

And because she was such a doll today. Ah, and it's nice for me cause I don't have to bend over. Stretch and twist, twist. Oh look at that. Then the news all the way in and that was beautiful. Let's go to the elephant. Okay. Okay.

So the elephant, there is no one position. The position is that that suits the body in front of you. It is your spine stretch forward. So I'm going to put Monica in a position forward or back that I think suits her body. The goal of this exercise is to stretch the low back in the back of the legs.

What's your preparation for that? All loving tendons stretch. Good. So heels back here. Good. I'm not one for, it's going to feel so different to you for you today. Okay, so I'm looking at her back right now and I'm seeing her curve here. I don't know about you, but the last thing I want is for my upper back to be rounded. That's not sexy, right? I like this to be rounded in this to be long. So when I wear my tight fitted skirts, my stomach is scooped up and in and my back is open. So what I want you to walk your hands down, walk them along so, so that you're safe. Just walk them along here. Good.

Walk your hands all the way back and grab on to the handles back there. Good and grab. Now pull your stomach, stretch your legs, lift your toes up, lift the toes. You feel that? I want your legs hanging from your hips. That should feel good in a twisted sort of way. Now you see this curve here. This is what I want you to maintain. So walk your hands forward and I'm going to keep you where I want you.

That's it. Climb up. I got you. There you go. Good. You feel that? That looks better to me. Pull your stomach up and then push your heels and go back. Dig The heels. Scoop the stomach and come in. You feel what I want? I want push. Where do you feel it?

I'm really, really deep in here. Um, it's almost tendinous deep like, yeah, in, in, in against the bone. Yes. That's, you know, when they say we work from the inside out, we really do. You know, we don't work the big muscles that work all day long. We work, the ones that are against that are deep inside. And the deeper we can get inside, the better off we are. Now as for variations, okay, I will shift you a hair forward. That's where it right there. Okay? Take the right arm off, don't shift anything, reach in front of you, stretch it, push back and in. So I'll use this one to build that connection from the arm to the back and you feel that down your body. The other thing is switch is to challenge balance. One of the things that we're working on whenever we stand on the apparatus is balance.

It is one of the principals or factors or whatever you want to call it, that we use in life. That's it. That's it. Now, without shifting, bend one leg and take it out to the side. So instead of doing just going right to tendon stretch, Yep, you can go straight up. Does this need to be lifted? Ideally I can do what you want though.

You could do [inaudible]. So this is one way to start. This is your introduction to your tendon. Stretch to the side. It's a lot safer, it's more stable. She's able to really feel what's happening in her upper body. She's able to see what's happening in her hip so that when I put her to do the tendon stretch with his little lip here, it's not a foreign feeling.

So once again I'm stretching, sorry, I'm setting her up for success. I'm teaching her where the exercise is. Good. Now you can also do it front. You can take one foot front. There you go and it's very similar to you know the leg push on the chair where you scoop and lift. You have to really lift your stomach to me. There it is. Feel that and that's really great.

This is actually a good variation for you because it opens as low backup and pull the stomach in. Lift the leg up and n, n. N. N. N. N, bring it back. Of course we have the the usual back variations and then if I'm feeling particularly evil, not that I ever do, I'll take one arm and one leg off. Opposite. If you can do the same, you'll get the big gold star. So opposite arm and leg and lifted up. That's it. In one into stretch this arm in three good and change.

So what you want to feel as the second I go to challenge you, right? The tendency is to get shorter. The opposite is what we need for movement. Instead of getting tight, I want you even before you move to stretch longer, there you go. Stretch longer. You feel that? So with an extension, there's freedom. Beautiful.

And come all the way down. Good. And because you were so good today, I'm going to give you dessert. Lift your heels up, take one leg back behind you. And they don't do this stretch very often anymore, but we used to stretch like this. Bend your knee, lift your head, lift it. Is that nice? Other side, a little dessert.

They would look so much with beautiful I, no, it's about the stretch. Oh yeah. Good girl. And stepping down and thank you ms Monica. That was fun playing with you today.


Monica you are amazing
2 people like this.
I'll say she is!! I hope she got to take a couple breaks during the filming of that! Super break-downs and information, thank you so much.
Monica did not get a break...
Not able to view the entire lesson. It stops and getting stubborn, starting from the beggining again.Hope it gets fixed.Thanks.
1 person likes this.
Got it. Didn't see the $$.
2 people like this.
I am so pleased that Pilates Anytime introduced me to Kathryn Ross-Nash. Your teaching technique is very inspiring. Great information. Great energy. Thank you.
So happy you enjoyed!
enjoying video - just wished they had mentioned she's teaching in flat back - just found out when doing graduated extensions to flatten back - i practice in neutral spine - this shouldn't affect my learning - I will just modify and not include those instructions
3 people like this.
Do not like saying anything negative however, as an instructor constructive criticism has helped me evolve as an instructor.
I enjoyed some of the variations...however did not feel the class justified a charge. I have viewed many classes on Pilates Anytime without an additional charge and felt I received quite a bit more education.
Mirella Martire
good class , thank you
but i'd like to know when the resistance changes..
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