Class #1033

Rotational Reformer

55 min - Class


Kathy Corey teaches a Rotational Reformer class that makes you work toward symmetry and balance in the body. She starts by stretching the hips before you start you moving, and then adds side bending and rotation to many exercises like Leg Work, Can Can, and Swan. All of these exercises can be added to your regular Reformer workout or can be used all together in a class like Kathy's. After this class, your body will feel lengthened and more open.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box

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May 08, 2013
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Hello, my name is Kathy Corey and I'm here with Christy Cooper and Amy havens joining me for our rotational reformer class. This class is work on the reformer that adds a lot of movement both inside bending and Roche rotational work. And it's a really fun program. It's something that I like to add into the regular reformer courses that we do as well as just utilize this program on its own. So we are going to start and I'd like you to go onto one red and one blue spring or one and a half springs and place your foot bar up in the comfortable position. Now you're going to sit on the reformer and you're going to send to yourself.

So you're currently in the middle. Good work. Now the leg that is closest or to the foot bar is going to come up and that foot is going to go toward your shoulder rest. The other leg is going to cross over. Nice work, Amy Love other leg is going to cross over. So we're sitting in this position. So the idea here is we're going to really work, really work on getting the hip to open before our movement.

Too many times we're coming into the class and we've, we're carrying our books in our bags as well as the the worries of our day and we start our work without fully getting the body prepared. So this is going to help even out our hips before we do the work. So from here we're going to place the hand onto the foot bar and the other hand just out to this side and we're going to allow the hip to lift up off of the mat and then we're going to push it back down. We're going to inhale as we come up and exhale as we come down. Let's do that two more times. Inhale up and exhale down.

Beautiful and inhale up and exhale to come down. Now I'd like you to hold that position, hold, hold the body down in that position and we're going to place his hand right behind the head. We're going to press out and do a side stretch, straightening up and over without letting that hip come up. And come back in. Take an inhalation, exhale and stretch yourself out and over. Keeping that hip pressing down. Beautiful Year. They hip movement is going to minimize the range of motion at.

You're going to get two more times to get up and take it over. This is the position we are looking for. Lengthening out and come back in. And one more time. Reach it up, reach it over, really pressing into the hip and come down. Go out and hold the position. Now from here you can take your arm and place it around the knee.

That's try not to move the knee. Let the hip come up and push it down. There you go. As the hip comes out, the carriage will move away from you. As your hip comes down, the carriage will move in. As the hip comes up, reach it long and stretch it out and pull back in one more time and stretch and come back. And Are we filling a nice stretch to those hips? Well good. Now we're ready to work. So we're going to bring me arm up behind the head. Come out and press over from here.

Twist the body and face the spring and pull yourself in and lengthen your spine. Upward twist. Take it out and over. Keep that hip down. Twist the body. Now die yourself in and up and twist two more times. Take it out and over. Beautiful dive facing the spring.

Come in, lengthen it up and open it one more time. Take it all the way over. Beautiful. Turn from the sternum and get along. Line across the shoulders, pull back in diving with the spine. Grow long and come all the way up and come in to the center. Beautiful.

So it's just great to work on those hips and to get all of that nice and open for those movements. We're going to repeat the exercise on the other side. So we're going to come around and once again, one of the trickiest parts is getting into the movement. So we take the leg that is closest to the springs and place it by the shoulder rest. Other leg comes up and over. Crossing the leg over. Sit as comfortably as possible. In the first movement is simply the hip lift.

So we're going to take the arm behind the head and the hip is going to come up and down and we're not moving the carriage in this position. We just re re reaching up and pressing to come down. We're going to inhale up the excalation places, the hips, long and flat. And one more time we kick it up and reach and press down. Now just the side stretch.

So we're going to take the body and just slide yourself out and pull it back in. Very nice and press and stretch out and come back and come in and prs and stretch out and bring them up. Carriage back in and inhale. Now exhale, lengthen. Lengthen all the way out. Beautiful and inhale and and take it up and out and stay there.

Place the arm now around the knee and now the hip is going to come up and press down and the hip will come up. As it comes up, the carriage moves out from underneath you and as you come down, it pulls back in, lift and, and the arm is straight, but the shoulders are relaxed. The arm is just supporting the movement that is coming from the hip alignment. As we come in and the final one, that arm goes back behind the head and we're going to come in and we know we pushed the body out, we turn and twist so that the sternum faces the floor. We now lengthen and let the spine grow. As we come in and up and twist back out, we stretching this side, stretch over, we turn into twist the body and we round to come in and up and we turn into twist once again. Last time it out.

Beautiful Amy and turn it and pull yourself in. Let the spine grow from the tailbone all the way up. And the final movement is that final twist. Great. Great job. So now we've got those hips ready to a nice and open and some flexibility going on within the hip joint itself.

And so the next movement we're going to do is let's do it on two red springs. So we're going to go from one and a half to the two full spring position and I'm going to have you sit at the very end of the reformer with your feet on the wood and come really close down and I'm going to have you have just rolled down one vertebra at a time, rolling down and rolling back beautiful positions and hands down. Head rest is down as well. Take both feet and bring them up to the ceiling. Get a nice long stretch from the hip to the feet and now take an inhalation and as you actually I'll bend your knees and place your feet on the foot bar. I'm looking here for symmetry to make sure that as you come down you are centered on the reformer so that when we once again are working, we're not working off to one side with a dominant hip doing the most of the work. From here.

We're going to take four counts and and a full breath to extend the legs out and keep it nice and long and straight on. One, two, three and four and I want you to bend the knees in on one, two, three, and four. Now we're going to go out back on four again, but this time we're going to stop on number three out on one, out on two out on three. Stop right there. Now without moving the carriage, I want you to lengthen and straighten your legs on two, four. Beautiful. So this is going to help so that the movement is not coming from the feet, are not pushing off of the foot bar, but it's actually coming from the core of the body. Then the knees as much as you can without moving the carriage, without moving the carriage. Stabilize the carriage and now bend in one, two, three, and four. Once again, go out. One, two, three. Hold on. Three. Don't move the carriage. Use your breath. Exhale and Lange thin.

Can you feel the difference when it's coming from the alignment of the core or pushing from the feet? It's very important that we do. From this position, we're going to take the right leg and bend the knee in and extend it to the ceiling. Now it crosses over the body and at this point we are going to lift the arms in place in around the shoulder rests from here. Beautiful positions without moving the carriage. Keep everything stable and press the leg down to the floor on one. Try and not change or change the foot alignment or the knee on the opposite foot eight times. Now it goes to the shoulder. Two, three, four stay right over your foot. Sensors and breeds six, seven and eight. Now we're going to bring a body back into center, but we are doing so by pressing the tailbone down, letting the leg follow the movement from the hip from there and take a nice breath and bring the leg down and bend in on one onto bend. Both knees on three and four back out. One, two, three and lengthen on four other leg.

Pull it in, extend to the ceiling and banded in and cross it over. And now we're keeping the body weight centered to the floor. One, two. Breathe with it through. Use your breath for five, six, seven. Do not change the hipper or the foot position up to the ceiling. One, two, or to the shoulders. Three, four, five, six, seven and eight. Bend the knee. Now rolls through the hips. Extend the leg high and come back in and circle the arms back down. And bend the knees. Two, three, and four. We're going to repeat that one more time. So as you go out this time, let's circle the arms, but maintain the positioning through the core alignment through the shoulders, the rib cage, and the pelvis and out on one.

Open the arms to the side to three and circle them around. As you extend on four leg comes in, bend it and extend it. Bend it back, roll over and extend the leg out and to the floor. One, two, three. Beautiful. Five breathing seven and eight to the shoulder. Two, three, four, five, six, seven and eggs that bring it to the ceiling and bend it and then lengthen it all the way out. Other side. Bend it in and uh, and bend it and cross over the body, the leg out beautiful and to the floor. One, two, three, three. Watch the foot alignment, five, six, seven to this shoulder, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven and a bend it in. Roll through the hip, extend the leg long and high and reach it on to the bar.

They get nice inhalation, long exhalation and release and bend the knees in, circle the arms down and complete the movement. This exercise is also done hanging on our Cadillac. And so this is a great way to teach this movement. The point here is that when we are doing the movement that we don't want to allow the movement of the hip to change the pelvic position on the opposite side. So our support has to come from the alignment from the hip to the knee to the foot.

Much easier to do when you're doing a close chain chain movement as opposed to doing it when you're hanging on the Cadillac. So it's a great way to teach that. From here. We're going to take one leg up and cross it over the other leg. We'll maintain this movement on the two springs, the two red full spring. If you wanted to, you might, um, add a little bit more spring to the movement, but this is a great place to start.

Now what we are going to do is we're going to extend the bottom leg, but we're not going to do it by pushing off the bar. I want you to think more of as the leg extends is going to come from the top hip. So the top thigh is pushing down as opposed to just letting it come up as you go and it's cold opening up through the hips and then come back in and, and, and again press it out pressing from here. That's where the movement comes from. Beautiful and bended in and brand it in.

Exhale as you go out and lanes in it. We'll make it long and lean through your torso and inhale to come back in. Let's do one more of those nice cross leg opening through those hips, hips, or even and bend to come back in. Now part two is going to be as you go out, we're gonna keep the leg still pressing on the top and it's going to extend. So the top leg extends as the bottom leg extends and then the ball both legs bend together.

Use your breath, inhale and lengthen and Linkedin it beautiful and exhale and together. Now when you're doing this, the legs don't separate you are you utilizing them as if they're one unit. So it's not that you're going to see any space in between the legs whatsoever. Very nice. And then Ben to come back in one more time, take it out and open it long and then band and take it all the way back in. Beautiful. All right, now stretch out in this position. Both legs are straight.

This one seems a little awkward. You're going to take your leg and you're going to put it behind the other leg. And as you band in both of these will Ben, same thing. Ben, you got it. There it is. And its direction. Yeah. Long [inaudible] [inaudible] and then to gum in if it hurts.

So good and she wore times and yeah, out and bend it in. Beautiful and last one, take it out and then and come back in. So once again, what we are doing is really getting a fabulous opening through those hips and work and a lot of work as well. A little, it's, it's, it's a, it's a nice lip opening isn't yet. Yes. Okay. So now we're going to take this four movements once again so that we're going to work both legs together evenly, uh, utilizing that pelvic alignment and a nice and smooth going out and going take it out and pulling in a nice breath. Inhale to exhale on three, inhale and exhale and on four inhale and exhale. Other side, cross the leg over. And remember we're really working from the top leg and the top hip as we're doing the movement.

So let's begin empress out coming from the top leg. Good. And then bend it in as if the legs have a thick band around them. Really pulling them together and out. Again, reach out long and bend to come in and top leg stays bent as we go out. Good. And Ben to come in and last time is over and out.

Beautiful. And we'd been to come in the next one, the legs extend. So we'd go out and we straightened both legs out. There you go. Beautiful. And then both legs bend coming in. Nice inner thigh work and reach to come out. Use your breath through the movement. Exhaling out and inhale. Beautiful position. And one more time. Take it out, stretch it long and pull it all the way and go out and stay there.

The kind of strange one, I'm not like any of them are not strange. It goes underneath and we squeeze Ben both legs in, beautiful stretch both legs out and pull them back. And this one's my favorite and stretch both legs out. It gives me such good work and lengthen through my hips. Beautiful. And Bend it in. Oh, I see. Yeah. Okay. Okay. And again, out.

Beautiful and bend and bend to come in. Okay. Hey once again now he goes straight legs and let's even ourselves out now that we are finished kind of princeling our bodies around out on one out on to nice and smooth and even nice easy breath. Reach three now. But think about all the principles we just used with a pelvic alignment with the stabilization and with the lengthening, not the pushing of the bar and come all the way in and now place your feet on the wood and the end and rural yourselves up. There you go. Roll it up to settings. Okay, got you both. Uh, let's see.

You want to probably on this one go to one red and one blue or just one red and you're going to sit facing the side and we're going to hold the front strap in our hands. One red and a blue or just one red, whatever you want to do. I want this to be easy for you. What to do, the red and the blue version and you can do the red version. Okay. Remember that for me, you want to use the right amount of spring so that we never want to think about this spring being so heavy that it is the pulling you as opposed to you doing it from the core or from your alignment and but you also don't want it to be so light that you're just kind of moving around. So on this one we're going to sit sideways on the reformer and what I'd like you to do is cross your legs.

Okay. Then I would like you to bring the leg that is closest to the shoulder rest closer to your body. There you go. Just like that Pew beautiful. And there's reasons that I do things for the most part. And the reason is this. If you have that leg that like crossed on top, when we begin to turn the body we turn and lift with it.

If it's closed in, we have more of a chance of maintaining the alignment through the hip. So the hip is not coming up with us as we go, but is maintaining that great alignment that we have worked so hard on both hands. Go through the strap and we just have hand over hand. I saw that Christie. So we are doing this on one red spring and we're going to turn and twist to the side and have the body come all the way down. And once again, both hips are level. We turn and go all the way around to fast the the foot bar. And once again, inhale a full breath to do the movement and come around. Inhale to exhale and come back.

Inhale and exhale and again inhale and exhale and inhale and exhale and inhale and exhale. And back. Next we're going to come around and hold the movement there and we're going to anchor so that we're going to open one arm out and the other arm stays absolutely quiet and still the arm returns. And then we kicked the movement all the way back. So this helps prevent us from just pulling the strap. So I'm quite sure now that you are fully engaging the core muscles, rotating the rib cage around the spine, open the arm, come back, and now take it all the way around. And again, take a breath, open the arm, come back, and another breath to complete.

So there's three or three rip breath pattern here. Inhale, two, exhale, inhale and exhale. Beautiful. Inhale and exhale two more times. Come around, twisting around, beautiful and open it out. Come back and go around. Now you can also do this with the magic circles and you really know you're not cheating when you're doing the work. So you'll have that circle there or you can hold a ball as well.

But I like you to just image that you've got that nice big round ball in front of you and that you're helping to anchor your posture and position so you're not leaning forward or back. Now let's have some fun. So from here, and we take the movement and we're going to take the circle and we're going to go down. Again, we're not changing the design of the arm and now it's going to come around the head. Now we stay there and the body moves up and over to the other side and sweep it down. Beautiful around, up and over the head. Now keep it right centered over your head as you move and comes up and goes over. It's not the arms, it's the body and take it down. Pull it around to this side, lift and open it up over and take it down again. Last one. Once again, once we create this body design, it's the movement that goes up and around and over and down. Other way there way you got it, hold it.

They are over there and this one gets a little tiny bit hard and around and open it and the whole body's doing that movement. Pull full pope up and over and take it down at around two more times. Take it up. Good. Create that body design. Watch the rib cage. You really work on that rotational movement is called rotational reformer for a reason and one more time. Up and around. Okay, Andy, come around and down and release and round the spine up nice and tall.

Place your strips down. Now once again, when we're doing these things, the longer the strap are, the easier it's going to become. So if, ah, I, so I like to have my straps a little bit longer on this position or you can climb closer to that edge if you want to, but the longer it is, and then of course you can reduce it onto one blue as well. But I liked the, the red really good. The red gives you that power, especially in this movement where you can really feel that we don't want to be doing the movement just at the arms. All right, let's go to two red springs and let's bring the head rest up for this movement. [inaudible] and we're going to lie down with the straps on her feet. Bring your legs out to a diagonal. And once again, really find that nice position. So we have the full length of the torso is nice and along gated. The shoulders are not pressing up into the Sheltie.

Bret respite definitely relaxed down and we keep that chest nice and open. From this position, I'm going to have you do a small circle, so I want you to lightly churn out and from here the heels are together. The toes are turned out. Make a small circle, but as you do the heels once again, come together good, and then circle it up to here and down to here. Beautiful Heel to heels and heels to heels. Very nice.

Heels come up and heels go down. Now from here, bend your knees and we want to think about now just having really good stability in the carriage as we're going to do the movement. So you're going to extend just one leg out without moving the carriage beautiful and pull it back into center. No movement in the carriage. This is going to show you how deep it needs to be when we're doing the heel to heel movement that we're not moving the carriage by pulling on our feet. If the carriage is moving, it's only because your feet are pulling and that movement is not to come from the feet. The movement has to come from pelvic alignment and stability.

Beautiful and out. Now let's do both legs together. Reach it. Long carriage doesn't move. If the carriage moves, the pelvis is moving cause that you're all attached to your feet and again out. Get and in just two more times and out and in. Now extend the legs. Of course the carriage is going to move here and let's try that again.

It's heal and heal and heal. To heal. Heal goes to heal. Very nice and heel to heel and last time. Heel stick together and heels down. Now let's do the same thing with the toes.

So big toes are going to touch and toe to toe up. Make a circle and down. Now I want that same thing, stability in the pelvis. It's a little more difficult. Yes, and come up and come back down. Use your breath and and Hanse you exhale and take it back down and up and around and take it down. Okay, heals to heal. Now we're going to start here. I want you to go up and touch the toes and damn.

Get that rotation within the hip joint itself and up and touch those toes and down and together and up and touch the toes down around together and op doesn't that feel great and down and reverse toes. First toes to the heels, back to your toes, toes to the heels, back to your toes, toes and heels and back. Very nice. Nice deep breathing and heels and take it back and hold. Now one leg is going to go from the toe to the heel and the other leg from the heel. The towel. Okay, I'm kidding.

I just wanted to see if you would do it. All right. We're working within that hip joint itself. Just wanted to see if you are paying attention. We're going to figure it out. Alright. Let's put the head rest down. You would figure it out. Okay.

Next time I come I'm sure you're going to be doing it. Okay. They can. Can is negative in is a version that I have taken from the short spine. And um, we do the Cancan on the spine corrector and there's a lot of that kind of rotation that we do in, uh, on other pieces of equipment. And I want you to put it here. So the idea is it's um, based on short spine, but instead of us doing short spine in just going up and down the center of the spine, we're going to be going side to side.

So I'm going to have you bend your knees, bring your knees together and feed together. Now I'm going to have you turn the knees to the side of the body and I want you to roll up that side of the body. Beautiful. Now rotate the knees over your face. Good, right over the center of the body, right to the center and roll down the center of your spine, center of your spine. So you're going to roll to one side. Good relative, one side. Roll up on that side. Bring your knee center and roll down. There you go.

Beautiful. So bring the knees over and roll up that side of your spine. Very nice. Bring the knees to the center and roll down the center of your spine and bring the knees over and roll it up. Nice. Center. Okay. Doesn't that feel great? And down the center of your spine.

Now we'll reverse that so we can roll up center, roll up right in the center, turn the knees to the side and roll down the side of the body. Lengthen all the way through. And then when you complete that, you bring the knees into the center. We roll up in the center, then we turn okay, and we roll down one side of the body, slowly going through Vertebra, two Vertebra and back to center. Let's do one more of those. Each side we roll center, turn good and down the side of the body. Okay, back to center and feel so good and [inaudible] the roll up center and turn the body and roll down one side of the back. Now, once again, what we want to think about here is that even development of the muscles through the back, so that as we're doing this work, we, we, if you feel one side is pulling more than the other, you'll do more work on that side to really get the muscles to a long gait and the spine to articulate evenly on both sides. So now it's cancan all the way around.

So what we're going to do is turn to one side, roll up that side. Yeah, go all the way past the center to the other side and make a circle and come down. Go back to your first side, roll up this side of the spine. Go through this, enter to the opposite side, and roll down this side of the spine. Let's do two more and we're going to go, come back to our first side. Go back over and now come up. So we're reversing the circle. Go all the way through, roll down the opposite side.

And once again, circle it at the bottom. Go all the way through. Come up. Beautiful. And around and down the opposite side of the body. So once again, we're getting a great rotation and now we've been working on [inaudible] the rotation all the way through from the the legs, upper body hips, uh, upper back and all the way through the shoulder girdle again. So we've got lots of great rotation happening for all the different joints of the body. Now I'm going to take the straps off and I'm going to have you stay on the two springs to red springs and I'm going to have you stand up onto the reformer, stand in the center and the hands are going to go on the flip bar.

Now we're going to step back, but just as we are doing with all of these positions, instead of the right leg going to the right shoulder rest, they are going to cross back. So you're going to go here and here. Very nice. Perfect. Now we're going to pull back into the hips and lengthen the spine without moving the carriage. Very nice. Now from this position, we're going to prs the legs out and as you pull in, think of lengthening from under the hamp beautiful and stretch out and pull back in. I would tell you that this is one of my favorite exercises, but I think I've already said that several times and there's a few more that I'm going to say again before this program is over and pull it back in. Stair recognized and long and come back in. Beautiful.

Use your breath and maintain that alignment all the way out the top of your head network to increase that stretch. So we are going to take the arms over so your arms are going to go to your forward foot, increasing your stretch and press back. Good and stretch and come back in and stretch and pull back in and stretch. Pull yourself in one more time. Stretch it out and pull in. Now let's go to the other side.

There you go. That's what I want to see. This is going to be more difficult. Changed. Not yet. We did not change like, oh, we're not nearly done with these exercises. You know me by now. We've got 17 parts and press it back. There you go. Can you feel that?

How that's really increasing the stretch on the side of the body as well. Two more times, reach back, beautiful and in and back. And if you really want to increase that stretch, you can please hand over the opposite hand like so one morning you, there it is and come in place the hands back center. Now what we are going to do is as we go back, the front leg is going to extend out over the carriage that to the side, sorry that way. And as you come back it's going to go all the way around and touch the headrest. Beautiful. As you go front, as you go out leg front, as you pull back in, bring the leg back and behind you as you go, front leg extends to the front. Beautiful.

And as you go back it goes behind you and as you go front it stretches to the front and as you go back it stretches back. And now we get to change. Legs is good. So stand in the center or just double leg over like so for me is step back and step back. So there you go. Leg over leg. Good. And the first one is a straight, so the arms are just in this position for us back. I know the lamed in this mine had in line with this volume pull up, the tailbone is a high point in the movement and press back and pull to come back in.

Very nice and stir Rach to come back and pull to come in and exhale. Take that nice breath with the movement and pull yourself in. Now we take the hands and they come to the front foot first. Good and reach back. Nice and long. Exhale and come in and stretch.

Nice and long and pull poor. You can end and I can see already you've got it. You're getting more relaxed with the movements. I know they seem a little foreign at first, but they're really good. Again, twisting movements to add into your programs. Then we go one more time and then come in.

Now the arms move all the way over to the other side and stretch and that really increases that rotation we're pulling up from under the hips. Tailbone still nice and long and press it back and up. So we remember when we get into this position, we crossed the legs behind us so that they are at the opposite shoulder rest where I'm, where are we? You generally start and then the arms can cross both to the front foot and then the back foot and then we hand over hand for the last one to really increase that stretch. And if you find that that's too difficult to deal with, hand over hand, just go there and just get that stretch and do to keep the carriage stable in that position. Now we will the hands back to the center position and the front leg, the front foot is going to, as you press out, the front leg extends across the carriage and as you come back it goes around the shoulder rest. So more of a Syracuse and movement there, Amy. So as you come front, bend it and extend it to me.

Good as you go back, bend it. So we're really reaching it. There it is. Bended and read it to me. Yes, beautiful. And Bend it and stretch it behind you and around beautiful movement and bend around to the back. And around to the front. Fantastic around to the back and around to the front and there it is.

And they'll place the foot back onto the carriage and get a long, long stretch. Okay. Standing in the center and just take a nice deep breath, round your back and stretch over and down. And we're going to sit on the carriage and go around the world. So I like to do this just on one spring. It can be a red or blue because I'd like, I like it to have a lot of movement to it.

So it's not really about pulling the straps as much as it is flow of the body as we're doing the work. So we're going to, now I'm going to sit and turn around. Okay. And I'm going to have you straighten your legs and hold onto the, usually that foot rest doesn't get in the way, but we'll put it down just for that. I got it. So the first thing we're going to do is we'll pull down into the center, into our rowing position and open the body out to the side. We'll come into the center and round the back even more and roll it up and sit tall. Roll back and rule down.

Beautiful. Now you're totally stable. Open the arms out to the side. Fantastic. Come back and rounding into the center and roll yourself over as if you're rolling over the giant ball and sit up. One more of those each side. Roll it down. Turn and open. Nice and long.

Come back into the center, rounding the back and round to come up and lift two sitting tall. And once again, roll it down, rural it, open the arms and roll into the center and rural up. Now this time when you go down the side of the body, so as you're coming down, we're going to roll open to one side. We're going to close through the center, open to the other side, and roll up the other side. So roll down into the center. I'm sorry, down to the side, down and open on one side. Now we're all center now open on the other side and roll up that side. This is where a little extra spring helps you and reverse it.

Open it to the side, roll through the center, open to the opposite side. Beautiful. And Roll yourself up and come center and reversed it when we were rolling. Open side. Roll through the center. Beautiful. Open arms should close there. And last one. You're just one step ahead of me.

You'll get it. So now taking it onto just the last step here. What we're going to do is we're going to roll down one side open. We're going to stay open as we go over. Then when we get to the other side, you're going to lengthen your spine and let the strap pull you up in into the center. Okay, so down one side of the body, stay open and roll. As you see you've got it. Now let this strap pull you up. Lift your sternum lifted. There it is.

Okay around to the other side. Open it out. Stay Open. Now this arm is going to do all the work. Let the report, that's it. Beautiful. Let the reformer lift you. Let the reformer carry you up. Or you're going to do is open your chest. Come through the center.

Let this arm pull you and the chest opens and we go lifting all the way through. Very nice. Only one more open it, take it around to the other side and we'll lengthen the spine all the way up and sit up. Nice and tall. Beautiful. Lots of great rotation. This is also really helpful for the box work when we are doing the movements in around the world on the box. So, but this has got the reformer spring to help you. Speaking of the box, let's put the box on and put the foot rest back up a long box. Now the position of the foot bar for taller people, you may need to have it down even more than this for, for you. I think both of that is going to be fine.

I like to do this on one red spring. So we are going to lie on the box and on your uh, going to be on your prone position. [inaudible] so where you are comfortable with, with your positioning. And I liked, uh, if possible to have the legs together here. Arms are going to be on to the foot bar. We're going to press the torso out, keeping the body in this position, extend the arms as you come in, lift the chest and bring the arms up and underneath you.

So the chest is going to lift and open. Lift and open into the Swan. Beautiful. Bend the arms and come back down. Extend the arms out, lift the torso up. Beautiful positions and right in very nice and band. Now remember that this is an extension exercise and that we do not want to have compression in the back.

So the space of the backstage along gated as you come in so that we're not compressing that space, but we're making it even longer. Very, very nice. Now let's go out from there and go down. Beautiful. And then bend the arms to come in, lift yourself up, reach yourself out and bend to come in, lift yourself up and press it out. And Ben to come in last time, lifted nice and long, beautiful position and reaching all the way out and bend to come. And now take one arm off and press out as you got.

Come in, come up. Oh, okay. And down. Just just down now press out. There you go. Now lift up and Kenyon, just one more of these. Press it and uh, Eh and okay, now we'll do that on the other arm. Okay. There you go. Add out and up and in, in, down. Good for, rested out.

Come up. And then lower down. Last one for us out. Come up. [inaudible] very nice and in a beautiful and come down. So what is the name of this course? Rotation of reformer. What does it have to do with rotation? You say?

Well that's because that was the prep. So we're going to go out and we're going to lift up and we're going to rotate the body underneath the arm as we come in. Okay. Ready? Ready? One arm out. Okay. Do you want to go to blue? Okay. Alrighty. And press out. Lift up, turn the torso, income in. There you go. Rotate and bend in. Up, up. Come in, up. Yeah, there you go. That's lovely. Now rotate now down out.

Come up and rotate. Come up and rotate and pull yourself in. Rotate it back. Only one more. Come out and lift and rotate it in and turn other side beautiful and reach it long. Good. Out Up the whole body looks to the side and the body floats as we come back in. Okay, well okay.

And there you go out and come on up and pull it all the way in and down and for us out, lift it up and come in and down. Beautiful, beautiful. And of course then if you wanted to, you could reverse both the single arm and the arm with the twist if you would like. But that's a nice long set and that really is great rotation. I'm going to have you for the last movement you're going to have you sit on the box and you're going to face the side. One leg is going to go on top of the box. So you're going to just sit here. Good.

And you're going to have the other leg just here or it can be on the resting there if you'd like. Now. So this leg is just right here and you're going to have this foot. There's like kind of in the down position. You're going to hold the front strap in the far her arm. So the first thing we want to do here is, and I think the one red will be fine.

Let me know if you want want to change that is that we're going to place the arm down onto the box on the elbow. Okay. And as we go we're gonna press out and over. Would you like a blue? Okay. Quality. The quality, the quality of the movement counts. So you know on this movement, as we doing, so we have this elbow bent here, but what we want to do is get this side right and come up nice. Absolutely.

We're going to go into the side reach now the body comes up, left reformer do its work. There it is. Reformers doing a whole work on the way back. So you're going to go up and over and let the restroom. Beautiful. Do that reach and one more time up in Dover and lift and reach flakes the hand behind the head. It was nice for a minute, wasn't it? It goes up and over.

Turn and face the spring. Oh there it is. Turn it back and let the reformer do the rest. Have the work up and over. Beautiful. Turn his face, your spring. Beautiful. Turn it back and let the reformer do the work to come up. Oh one more time. Up and over. Turn and face your spring. Turn it back. And Kayla, all right, elbow goes back down and this time you're going to go up and over, but as you do, it's going to be a fluid movement.

The leg is going to come out and we're going to turn the body over and turn it back to come in, turn and stretch. Beautiful. And come in and up and you can just pull the leg back in, out and stretch and just bend the knee in as you come up. Good. Out in stretch. Ouch lake comes in as we come in and op and one more time out and stretch. Beautiful. And come in and up. Other side. Very, very nice. It's good. Just didn't feel great.

Alright, well a lot of the rotational movements are very hard for us when we find them harder on one side of the body than the others. So that what we want to do here is to work the body towards the cemetery and towards balance with working the body on the individual sides. All right, so now we start with the leg there and we are just right on the elbow to go out over. So then we stretch over and we let the reformer do the work, our partner and we maintain our alignment and let the partner really bring us back into our position, initial position as we come back and come back up two more times. Exhale over and glide it. Just make it smooth and flowing to come back up. And the last one and up through the center arm goes behind the head. This is probably the hardest one and so we have no support from the opposite arm. We wrote. Turn it, we turn it back and we lift and let it glide all the way up.

We take it over and turn it and turn it back and reach to come up two more times. He looked great and reach it long and to over. Turn the body, turn it back, lifting come up. And one more time reaching stretch. Turn it over, turn it back and lift to come up. Now the elbow goes back down. And this is just a beautiful movement, a whole body movement. To finish our program, we dive, overstretch arm and leg, rotate it to come back in and up and stretch.

Oh over arm and legs. Turn them to the floor. Good in and up. Good. Oh over arm and leg. Full breath. Good or reach a long on that diagonal line and in and up and over. Arm in like. That's it. A nice long diagonal on the body.

Pull in and come back all the way up to sitting. And now we're just going to sit in front of the box. Place your feet down on the on the wood and sit very, very tall. And from here I just want you to place hand over hand and just get a small contraction. So once again, we want to find that nice, even this through the pelvic alignment as we're rolling, just gently back, curl the spine back and come up to sitting. Sit Up nice and tall and exhale. Curl your spine back.

Beautiful. Go down on these fun as far as you can comfortably. If he can go further, that's great. And then we just want to get nice symmetrical, um, movement and articulation on the spine as we go through the movement. And one more time, go back. And then this time as you come up, I'd like you to stay rounded in the movement and you're going around all the way over and your place, your hands on the bar. Get a long stretch through the spine. Take a nice inhalation, full exhalation.

Feel the alignment through the pelvis. Three it, feel the alignment through the back because we've been working this spine individually on Veg, working both sides of the body individually to really get a long, beautiful stretch on the spine. And now come up rolling up one vertebra at a time. And thank you very, very much. Thank you. It's great.


2 people like this.
Wow, Kathy is amazing. Also loved that this is called a level 1/2 but we can see just how much work it is for Amy and Kristi...proof that you don't have to do advanced classes to get lots of work, if you are truly working deeply and connecting as fully as possible. Great job ladies!
2 people like this.
Hi are so right! This class was a great challenge indeed and fun too. Rotation can be a tricky animal but so necessary to work and seek the balance through the entire body.
2 people like this.
Loved this and so very informative. What a treat. Im always looking for ways to bring symmetry to my body and those whom I teach. Plus it's great fun. Thank you Kathy. Amy and Kristi, always a pleasure.
I found that I needed more instruction as to placement in the first hip exercise as well as which foot was "front" in the modified elephant series. I kept stopping the video to check my positioning against yours.
I agree Kerry. I don't think this was a level 1/2 and will actually change it. While it isn't of an advanced natures in terms of intensity and pacing, I do think the intricacy merits at least a level 2. Thank you for pointing it out.
genial me encanto claro que me siento mas alargada y liviana, increible como logre el swan, muy bueno
2 people like this.
This class was amazing! I learned so much...actually I always do with Kathy Corey. She is a master with progression and learning the basics of a skill and then "growing" it. It's how I learned choreography when I was a dancer and the most effective way to learn movement. Rotational movements are challenging and I also appreciate how Kathy moved the spine safely in all directions! Thanks for a great class!
Thank you so much for this amazing class...I was with pain on my back and my hip was not in a great condition and after the class I was a new person...I learned so much, I'm so excited to bring this new material to my students...
having a hard time uplaoding this on any setting. not usual. help?
Wonderful--so inspired:)
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