Class #1574

Primal Postures Mat

40 min - Class


Madeline teaches a Mat workout that is based on primal postures, or movement patterns that promote functional movement and longevity in our lives. This class involves a lot of squatting to standing movement, so it is important to be mindful of any knee contraindications. Enjoy the sense of openness and release that you will get from this class!
What You'll Need: Mat, Yoga Block, Towel

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This is a challenging class movement class requiring a lot of squatting to standing. Um, so be mindful of your knees and you're going to need a block or a bolster and a towel, a hand towel, and your mat. That's all the tools you're gonna need. Um, if you find that some of the lunging that we're doing is difficult, I recommend that you have a chair nearby so that you can actually just lean in balance on a chair, um, doing these movements, um, their primal postures, their postures in human beings that we should be able to move in this way. So practicing this type of movement will give us longevity in our life to squatting down quite a bit. Okay, so we're going to start, um, have your block nearby cause we're going to start with the block, so just have it near you. Okay. So that you're gonna be able to grab it. And we're gonna lunge. We're going to take a lunch and we're gonna sit down. So when you are actually sitting, you're going to need your blocks. If you want to watch for one second, you're just going to take a lunge forward.

Like that's that. Notice the toes are tucked under. We're gonna do that a lot and tuck this tone sander and then you'd have to grab your block. Okay, ready? You go lunge. Tuck your toes under. Grab your block now. Untuck your toes and you're going to take the block in new, depending on your knees, you can bring it up high or low and put it in between your ankles. And you're going to sit down on that and try to have the femurs, the thigh bones. Nice and straight in line this way.

And you're just resting on the knees. Bring your knees in a little morning. Yeah. Good. So we were trying to activate the kind of a spiral of the legs inward, keeping the alignment here. And this is a stretch. We're just preparing for the deep squat. So we're gonna do so now I want you to take your thumbs and I want you to take a thumb and place it on the outer or the inner edge of the outer toe.

And she'd say right there at the bone of the fifth metatarsal. And you can do both at the same time and start to press in between the bone. So here's the outer bone, the fifth toe, you're going to get on the inside of that bone. There's a line there. So I want you to push down and need your way towards, and you're gonna find a few little points there. Just kind of press along that bone. And then when you get near the toe, you want to press that toe into the mat so that we're lengthening out that transverse arch. A lot of times we lie down.

This whole fifth line here is off the mat. So be pushing that down should feel pretty good. And you can do that a couple of times like that. And if it's not too tender, you can move fairly quickly through it. Okay. Alright, so that should feel pretty good. Now we're going to come up, I'm going to get put the block to the side, come into a quadriplegic position and I'm going to Tuck the toes under. So you want to spread your toes.

And at that joint where all the toes come into the metatarsal is there. So kind of get that. And now here's where I want you to be mindful. So start to sit back, go slowly and test out your knees and test out your toes and to see if you're able to sit. Excellent. You guys. Yeah, this is a big stretch for the fashion, the bottom of the foot. In fact, you can take your hands and start to rub a little bit on the arch of your foot. And actually it shouldn't be tender. Hey, yeah. Okay. You can always come out. Now come forward again. You're going to take your right top of your foot and put it in the arch of your left foot and you're going to sit back down.

So now the top of your woo. Yeah, it's interesting, isn't it? So the bone on the top of the right is pressing. Yeah, it can be very tender. It's okay. Just breathe with it if you have to come out of it, come out of it. I've been doing this for awhile, so I've gotten more comfortable with it. Tuck your toes under again and sit back. It should feel a little easier. And I like to put my hands on the heels and actually pushed down to is to increase a little bit more weight. Okay. And then come forward.

Now left foot on top of the right foot. And again, so isn't it interesting how either it's not as tender or more tender or just feels in a different spot? Yeah. Okay. And we're gonna do that again. So come back, Tuck the toes under. We're going to repeat this as a little sequence. So toes and just sit. Let's say for three breaths. Just breathe normally. And you can always sit here as long as you like. It's a good thing to watch TV.

You're watching television. Okay. And come back, right foot on top of left. Now some of you are like, Eh, not a big deal. You know, you can do is lift this knee up and down. Gets a little more pressure in there if you're not having any sensation. No, I'm good. Okay, let's come back. Tuck your toes under and sit on the heels again. Hmm.

Good. Three breasts, just normal breathing. And now we're going to switch left foot on top of the right. Okay? Yup. Sweat. Okay. Okay. Breathing should start to feel a little bit easier.

The more repetitions and come back. Right foot on top of left. So we're going to go around another set here. Yeah, I noticed my right foot's a little more tender. You can lift the leg to give you a little bit. It's a good exercise not to hold on and try to lift your leg and come forward and Tuck your toes under and sit.

Okay. Three breasts, just nice and easy. Okay. And left foot on top of the right foot and set. And again, you can move your left knee. Mm, go ahead and come up and talk. [inaudible] Keto is under again. Okay. Now we're going to do a little series of standing up and kneeling down.

So we're going to start on the right side. So take your right leg come forward. Now that right there is a challenge. So let's go back. Watch me for a second. Some of you might want to go like this, right? To try to bring the leg around. See what's, it's not easy to see if you can lift straight up and place it down this way. Don't go around the corner. So come on up right foot forward. Yeah, and you try not to scrape your toes on the mat. Okay.

One thing at a time. All right, so now you're gonna use the back leg and we're going to stand out. So you gotta push with your back leg and step forward. So that was right. Now step forward and turn and face the other way and you're going to step forward on your left foot now. So left foot lunge, Tuck your right toe under and we're going to go down. Bring your left foot back, double toe, tuck under and sit back down, down, left foot forward. Don't scrape and push with your back legs. Stand up and walk forward. Turn around that set one. Ready?

I've got four more to go and step forward. Right back. Sit Up, push off, turn left forward, back. Sit Up, push forward and you use the back foot. Turn right leg again down. Sit right, push off. Turn left down, sit up and turn. And again you breathe. You can do this too. I will music here and left. It has a rhythm, which is nice. If you can just keep with the simple rhythm.

One more time around. It gets cardio, add back and follower. And step last one. [inaudible] forward down. Step up and stand. Okay. Now we're going to do double knee down. So we're going to bend the knees, let your heels come up. Doubles knee down. Common. You're going to set, okay. And now we're going to try to come up.

Good. You can use your hands and your arms. It's fine. Down and up. Yes. Nice. At Palm Springs. Okay. You'll notice if you do this regularly, uh, that popping changes, it goes away. This is fine tuning our vital mechanics of hip and knee and ankle. Let's do one more. Getting tired. Huh?

One, two, three. Yeah. Very good. Okay, so we're gonna, um, do some standing squats now. Okay? So what I want you to do is I want you to try to keep your chest up, but you can keep your feet flat on the floor. Go down as low as comfortable. You're pretty warmed up so you should be able to come all the way down and then standing up. That's it. And down. Good.

And again, that's a really good deep hip chest lifted if he can. Yeah. Also this is hard. You can also hold onto your chair and it's nice if we can work, which I'm trying is to keep that chest up. Yeah. All right.

Keep breathing. Now you can do anywhere from five to 10. We're on seven I think. So there's throw that number out. I could've said five. Okay, one more. This is good. It's good. Good, good. Okay.

Walk around for a second. Yeah, feel that. Yeah. Okay. So come to the edge of your mat and we're going to do as a cross legged cit. So it looks like this. You just step cross your legs and see if you can squat down and sit.

There we go. Pretty good. Alright, so we're going to sit cross legged position and on face front so you can see what we're going to do and then I'll have to change. So there's a line along this bone. The Tibia. Right? So feel it for a second with your thumb. It's tender there and two until you come to the calf muscle. So we don't want to go into the calf muscle. It's lower more bone here. See, it's more superficial, right? More on the surface. Right. So now take both thumbs and grab a hold of that bone and roll it forward and then work down or up depending where you are on the bone and roll it forward.

Can you feel that in your hip? Yeah. And that great. It gets into your hip by moving this bone this way. It's moving the hip. I know. It's cool. I Natalie, Claudia's whisper. That's right. Okay. Yeah, but it's Nice, Huh? Yeah.

So this way I've been working this, I'm always trying to figure out ways to improve. Like my hip line. We've got tight hips. So I found by moving and working along here that my hip is actually opens more versus trying to open my hip. Okay. Let's switch sides. Also. According to Dr. Philip Beach, who is an osteopath who studies Meridians and muscles, his book is actually called muscles and Meridians. Uh, this line right here is a spleen line. I find that interesting. Very Tinder, you know, it's acupressure kind of thing. Okay.

So what I want you to try to create, what we're gonna do is now take the right foot over, right? So I want you to over cross so that those shinbones are crossing underneath your calf. Right? So, yeah. And what we're gonna do is we're gonna, it's going to look like crap from people who know the advanced Pelonius work. You're going to roll forward. And I want you to roll that one bone on top over the other bone. So you're gonna roll forward, put your hands down.

You can actually even put your head down right. And now sit back and roll the bones if feel it. Yeah. Yeah. That switch and unlovely switch. Yeah. And Roll. Okay.

And sit back. That's where the weight is on the bone. Nice. And switch. Good. And switch and switch. Maybe do two more sets and which hello? Alright, one more time. Right side. Excellent. I want to say back, you okay? Feels good after while it's a little bit of self massage. Okay. Okay. And we're going to stretch the legs out now and straighten the legs.

And I want you to flex your feet like you're standing on the floor. So it'd be really, pull those feet back, reach through your heels, right. And now pull up. Feel your quads, pull your knee cap up. Really tightened. We're kind of doing a little anti post all that squatting. Can you feel it? So keep pulling, keep pulling your feet back. And s stand up tall on the spine.

It looks like a yoga pose here to Dossena. Yeah, they keep working the legs here and hold it. Hold it. Hold it. Oh, okay. And then relax. Alright, so we're going to do cross-legged to stand up and we're going to sit down again five times. All right. All right, so cross now you can get some momentum. I like to actually really pull my legs in. I'd use your hands. Pull in, pull in to stand up. Okay, now left foot in front and sit back and pull it in. In stand up. Good. Right foot in front. Pull in. Stand up.

Pla might notice one side's a little bit easier than the other. From your hips. Pull in. Yeah, I have a more difficult time on my left as well. Right down. Pull in. Stand up. Good. I lost count. Okay, one more. One more side. Just throw a number out.

Five is good. One more. You got left side to do. I know we are going to be even, I'm keeping track of that. Okay. Okay. All right. No, we have to sit down. Sorry. Sit. It landed. Okay. Gets a sweat going, huh? Okay. So now hug your knees in. Good. Excellent. Alright, so what we're gonna do is keep your legs hugging in. You're going to pivot halfway and turn inside. Sit for me. Yeah. So this is where the internal rotation, the spiral in of this leg is where, so be careful because this king gap, this part of your knee here.

So which is where the medial meniscus is. So I want to be careful, so it's good to sit this way, but if you're feeling strain here, just come out of the position. All right? And we're just going to do a nice twist. So we're going to reach across to the leg here and just turn. You can use your hands on the leg and turn your body look over your shoulder. Inhale, lengthen up, and then exhale, come back.

I'm gonna twist the other way. Just hold your knee in the front and go up with your spine. Inhale and turn and look over your right shoulder and then come back. And again, go up and then twist. Look, breathing. Good. Exhale, come back, go up first, lift, turn and come back. All right. And we're going to lift this arm up and do a side bend. It's okay in the knee. Reach other way.

You can think more of a long line now from the hip all the way through the arm reach. And again, stretch. Reach like you really want. Want something, really want to grab. I had chocolate, so it came to my mind. Very good. Okay. All right. Maybe I picked up your mirror here and chocolate. Okay, so we're gonna swing the legs in, cover, swing and place down. And we gotta do the other side. Yeah.

So hip might be a little tight where you want it to spiral in. [inaudible] okay. Grab a hold. Go Up, breathe in. Look over your right shoulder and come back to center. Hold your knee in the front. Try to stay centered. So don't lean over. Try to stay in a vertical position as you're twisting. It's a little harder to keep that vertical on that side. And turn.

Look over your right shoulder. Good Center elongate. Remember we're trying to stay in a center pole line. Turning one more time. [inaudible] twist.

Link them up. I have the most beautiful view in the world. Okay. And reach up. Good. Now we're reaching long for that chocolate, right? Oh, oh.

Oh yeah. Switch. And one more. Just feel so good reading it. I am. Last one. Okay, now we're gonna pivot. Okay. And we're going to turn face this way. Alright, so we're gonna do a little rolling to standing up. Okay.

So right now, just in this position, have your feet flat on the Mat. Yeah. All right. And so we're going to roll. Just try to roll and we're going to come back to just the flat. So make sure you have room in the back so you're going to roll and then bring your feet flat and see if that's comfortable for you and do it again. Roll and bring your feet flat. Now some of you might have to go a little wider because we're going to attempt to stand up, so we've got to get a little momentum, but we're going to plant those feet down and stand up. Let's just give it a go.

Let's see what happens. Okay. The knees can come apart. Yeah, great. They can come apart. My knees come apart. Yeah, if you have to. We've got to get up, right? There's no right or wrong. We're just going to, okay, we're just getting up. That's it. Okay, so let's try, you are going to do it five times now, so we're going to go down and now roll and stand up and down.

Row. Stand up and good. Breathe out. So it's getting easier, right? Hey, sound is great. This is fine. [inaudible] it helps, doesn't it? Very good. Okay. All right, so we're going back down another squat. All right, so let's do it this way. Let's do the double double knee down again and then sit down should be easier.

Did it feel easier? Okay, so now we're going to keep the legs here. I'm gonna put the hands on your heels again and now I want you to do is push forward with your pelvis. So really push forward and lift the chest a little bit, right? Keep pushing forward. You can start to look up. Okay, now I want you to face your pelvis to the right so you can put more weight in your left knee, right? Push your weight into your left knee to turn the pelvis to the right and then come center.

Just make your neck comfortable looking up and push your weight into your right knee to rotate the pelvis to the left. It's a very small movement because it's in your hip center. One more time. Left and center and right center. Now push off. Untuck your toes as a long time on those toes and just sit back really good. Okay, so we're going to lie prone. So we need our towel nearby.

Curl means on your stomach. Okay. But first we're going to do a couple of positions, so just have it near you. These are just uh, poses, so there's no movement. But we're going to lie on our stomach with our legs spiraling inward for a bit with our head facing one direction. Then we're going to switch and then want to do with the legs turned out.

I would just to rest in these positions. So we're gonna lie down. Okay. Alright. Cause I had the mic on. I'm not going to lie on my stomach so much, but I want you to do is just notice just right now, just relax and lie on your stomach and you can turn your head to the left and yeah. Nope. Relax everything. Just relax. What do you legs want to do? Yeah. So let them turn in. Some people like to turn out. Alright, so everyone now turn your legs in. Heels go out. Yeah, right. A lot. Yeah. Relax. So this is a motion that we lack quite a bit.

This is internal rotation. Good. Separate it a little bit more, Amy. Yeah, there you go. That looks great, Hailey. Yeah. Good. And this is a post just to be resting with your hips and you might notice that one hip is more turned in the other. Can you notice that? Like this hip doesn't like to go as much as this one. Yeah. So try to let it go. Yeah. Same with you a little bit.

This hip doesn't like, yeah. Yeah. You know, stay in this position with your legs, but just turn your head the other direction just so you can rest your neck and turn. Yeah. Good. And just breathe in this position. Let go with the front of the hip. Let your back go. Yeah, we should be comfortable lying on our stomachs. Okay, so now you're going to turn your head to the left again and this time you're going to externally rotate your legs. It means turnout. So now your heels come in. Yeah, but not like you're holding it. They should be apart and relaxed. So we're not doing a dancer first position. Yes. Wow. Amy, you've got some turnout there, girl. Alright, there we go. Yeah, but see, notice the difference. Which way do you prefer and don't grab. You want them, you don't want to muscle it and you're just letting the tissue. Right.

Excellent. And it's interesting to see how that rotation comes from the hip versus the lower leg. Right? So in your case, you have more external rotation of your lower leg than you do from the hip. Right? So this and this has, you have to spin your lower legs in a little bit. There you go. Can you feel it now that's more balanced. Excellent. Alright. Okay, so now turn your head to the right and I'm going to rest here a moment or the other way. So in some we've been turning the other way. It's fine.

As long as we had our head going equally as better. Erin, you feel that? Letting go. I see it changing your hips. Yeah. Good. Excellent. And just take a couple of breaths. Okay. Now we're going to bring the legs back in, aligned with your sit bones in the heels up to the center. So neither in or out. They can take your towel now and we're gonna spread it out.

You need to have your chest on the edge of your mat a little bit. So move forward. Yeah, move forward to your chest is closer to the end of the mat and you're going to have the towel in front of you with your arms extended. Okay. And your head down. Good. And we're good on the legs are parallel. So the teals are straight up to the ceiling. Good.

Now you're going to start with your eyes. Think of yourselves a AB infant. The first thing a baby does when you lie on their stomach and development, they just lift their head up. So start to lift your head up. That's it. Very good. Arms a straight. Push the towel away if the arms aren't straight. Yeah. Okay. Now from the eyes, keep going up and now baby's gonna lift it. Chest and upper back.

I'm going to Duran the towel in and rest on the elbows right now. What did your legs do? They change at all. Did you? Yeah. So try to keep them in that more neutral position and push down with your arms and try to lift your chest up. Great. Good. And we're just going to slide it away. Chest go down and head goes down. Perfect. And again, look up baby eyes. Good. Keep coming up.

Chest come up. You can drag the towel with you. Rest on the elbows. Go ahead and breathe. They're checking with your legs and then slide it away. Good. So a little less tension there. Good. And again, looking up, sliding in, rest on your elbows. Excellent. You guys made it past three months old. That's good. Okay. Straighten your arms now and just slide it away so it can be a little bigger movement. And let's do three more nice big movements. So looking up, sliding the towel in, resting on the elbows for a moment.

Give yourself a little more of a lift, straighten your arms and slide it away. Two more times. Looking up and pulling and elbows rest, straightening up, lengthen away. Excellent. And your last one and coming up. Lift up and lengthen away.

Very nice. Okay, so you're going to roll onto your left side so you can look at me and we're going to lie on our side and that'd be straight. You want it to be, you know, pencil straight, but you can have a little bit in front. But I don't want the classic polities forward position. So just a straight position where you feel like you can balance. Okay. And we're going to have our head down here as a fine. And what we're going to do is we're just going to do a little uh, lateral lift here.

So what I want you to do is to lift the leg up and slide your supporting arm on the floor and just feel the top of your head going towards you. Don't turn, that's a rotation. I want the top of your head going towards your foot and then lengthen down. This is a lateral your side body contracting, so that's why I want ear to shoulder top of the head. Don't look at your foot. Yeah. Ear to shoulder. Yeah, we want the whole side of your neck, side of your waist, side of your hip, side of your foot. All contracting. This is the lateral side contracting.

Yes. Good. And again, up and contract, that whole lateral side and down, lift and down. We're gonna do one more and lift and down. Now we're going to take it into a twist. So now you're going to reach forward with that supporting arm and reach back with the back leg. So feel a dive on now. Really feel like you want that chocolate and you can have that. So really reach it and really put the energy into it and your foot to the foot. So you want that diagonal from your foot to your hand.

And then we're gonna switch the diagonals this way. So again, I really am reaching and the foot is reaching and you could do what's comfortable with your head. Just, you know, looking down, looking out at your hand. If I really gonna grab something, I actually have to look at what I want to grab good and energy in the leg and go back over. And this is a diagonal field. [inaudible] [inaudible] two more times and back and forward and back. Great. And come back to the center. Very nice.

So we're going to scoop up tidbits and lie on the other side. Okay. All right. Lateral lift, lift. Uh, don't look at your foot. And down. It's the trauma or the head.

It's very tempting to rotate with the crown of your head. Your ear is going towards your shoulder is contracting the side of your neck and lift and down. Good. Keep breathing, lift and down and lift and down. One more time and down. Diagonals and forward reach. I'm back and put the energy into the reach, the foot and the hand. You really desire that reach and put the energy into your fingertips and your toenails.

Yes. And reach and diagonal. Reach and reach right one more. And reach and back. Good. And come back to center. All right, so we're going to just lie on our backs. I'm going to pivot around, so just lie on your back. Okay, got it. Alright. And stretch your legs out.

[inaudible] okay, so I'd like your feet to be hip width apart. Okay, so not too wide. Not, not close together. And I want you to start, we're going to start to pivot. We're gonna turn our feet and our hips in and out. So just let your pelvis move and the feet most who are heels or driving go heels are driving the movement. See if you can get the feet down onto the floor. Just let it go. Drive through your heels though. Turn, turn, turn. Keep going.

Turn legs are straight. Legs are straight. That's it. I'm walking. Flex your feet, Aaron. I mean, I'm sorry. Hayley flex feet. Your ankles. Yes. Not Pointed Dorsey flection. You've got shoes on. There you go. Not High heels. Excellent. Try to keep your leg straight and rest. Okay, now go a little wider.

I want me to do the same thing again and a little harder to rotation. Try to get, and you'll notice one side. It's difficult to get the inner edge of the foot down without pointing your foot. Maybe internal rotation. Lacking in the hip. It won't turn in right. So direct it with your heels. They're the driving force. Okay. And real relax.

Now take your right foot and put the Achilles tendon in between the big toe and the second toe. Flex your feet. And here we go. Twist directed with the heel. Yeah. You gotta get that rotation going. Good. Okay. Switch feed.

I'm not sure I can watch you. I'm not sliding, but maybe I'm sticking to this map, but no, you gotta rotate or you, yeah, it looks, it looks good. No, not as much. Okay. Dorsey flection, is it your Dorsey flection? Yeah. And rest. [inaudible]. Okay. Alright. Very good. Okay, so now rest for a second, doesn't it? My back feels more, uh, relaxed and closer to the mat.

My lower back. No few agree, but all right, so now we're going to do, do you know the picture of Leonardo Davinci? The man, the anatomy man. Okay. So I want you to take the Leonardo Davinci pose. Okay. Arms are like an a v if that's comfortable, legs in a little bit of a v and you got to take your right fingertips and you're going to follow the, actually going to basically make an x and reach to that corner of the left. That's it. And the opposite leg. Your right leg is also reaching. And then come back to Leonardo Da Vinci. Left side reach, lead with your hand, and then pull the rest of your body.

You see, and then come back. Fingertips reach the hip and the foot or last. Right now, your hip, your foot and your hip. Or first yes. And one more time. Right? And come back and just rest here.

Very good. You're lying in Leonardo Da Vinci pic pose. Okay. Right. So we're gonna start with the right hand and you're going to go back and twist back towards that back arm. [inaudible] and then hip starts and then you come back. [inaudible] try the other side. And it's weird, isn't it? Bring it to the back hand. That's it behind your head. There you go.

That's it. Very good. And come back. Try it again. Yeah, this was unique. Nice. So we have the diagonal from the hand through the diagonal of the body. There you go. Nice. And come back. It looks great to you too. And again, and rich. So okay. Can start again. Bring this arm out here more.

So you're like that picture of Leonardo Da Vinci. Now take this on to go over this one. That's it. They're like, yeah, actually you're being too literal, but that's it. That is the twist. Yeah, she's pretty literal. Okay. That's okay. Sit back into child's clothes so you can have your toes together. Heels apart, and just sit back and rest your back and just breathe. Now take an inhale and fill up the back of your lungs, back of the rib cage. Feel the weight sinking into your hips, onto your heels.

Take a couple of breasts. Okay. And then come from, come on up. Sitting upright. And what I'd like you to do is just to sit with one foot this way. Let's see if you can sit like this. This is a real primal pose here. [inaudible] comfy.

Could you sit here for long time? Do your cooking with your little stove. The cooking part. Okay. All right, come back. Let's sit back on the heels. The chocolate smell. Okay, Beth. Good.

So different, isn't it? The other side? It just shows you the imbalances that we have. Yup. All right. So the theory is we do this every day or some of these movements you have to do this whole routine. But even if you just did some of the squatting and the sitting throughout the day and don't sit in a chair, you will feel that the structure, you know, we'll, we'll change. Okay. And now we're going to sit in the feet together. I'm going to face this way. You can face me. Okay.

And for some of you, if your knees are really high up, you have your block. Actually, why don't you do that? Sit Up on the block. Only if your knees are super high. You guys have open houses. You okay there? Okay. So what I'd like you to do is bring the inner heels, the inner outer heels, if he could together comfortable.

Now take your hands. Okay. And start to, I like to work like one toe at a time, the big toe, and start to turn it out. So it's the same idea as you turn the foot and you twist the foot in this direction. You see how my knee is going down and I'm not pushing my knee down, not holding yet. Now I'm going along the inner bone like we did on the fifth toe and I'm pushing that way. I'm trying to open up like a book. Yeah, you're doing both. I'm going to do both sides so you can see like one side is tighter than the other. My right one's looser. My left one is more resistant to this bending. So you want to try to work your feet so you can open like those yogis.

You see how their feet just splay open? Okay. And then so I like to try to hold my feet this way. Okay. And then think of reaching the knees outward, not down. Just hold the feet. You're going to hold them this way. Press the inner heels together and reach your knees outward. Not downs.

Straight out. Keep pushing and go up with your spine and just breathe here. Sorry, I said easy breathing, harassing the feet. So you're working at, you know, even though we're not moving widely in space, you're internally working and your legs be getting lower and lower. And Lower and lower because you're working the muscles and lower mind changed quite a bit. Yeah. Cause I've been working this work at baby. Okay, nice. Okay. And now going to pivot and face this way. Stretch your legs out again.

Just standing. Pull up your quads. Flex your feet. Right. Good. And we're going to do one more cross sitting to stand up. Yeah. Stand up. Easy peasy. All right. Thank you.


very interesting class , liked it.
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Having had bunionectomy on both feet and wearing silicone toe separators all the time i found this class interesting.
Some of the lunge to standing I could do but the roll to standing I had to really widen my stance and could just get my butt off the floor. Quite disheartening.
However my pelvis at the end of the class does feel more in line as my weaker leg had to work no matter what!
So thank you very much. A great class!
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I felt like crap before I did this.... I had an hour before my next client and didn't feel like moving. I was going to just watch it, then I made myself try it because it looked so fun. Now I feel great! Thank you. So refreshing to move this way!
1 person likes this.
What a fun challenge. Feel set for the day. It's on my favourite list :)
As always so interesting! Thanks Madeline.
Wish I could sit on my heels. Just cannot fold my knees that deeply anymore. X-ray says I have lost space. Any suggestions?
loved the class. I need practice getting up. toes did hurt a bit.
Rina S
4 people like this.
This class offered unique hip openers. I only wish the camera focused in better. It was hard to see sometimes when Madeline massaged certain bones on her feet and legs.
I found it very difficult at first to sit on my bent toes. The second time I took the class, it was still tough but much easier. Thanks for a great class once again.
1 person likes this.
Liked it really showed up my imbalances and weaknesses.
1 person likes this.
Just did class again for 2nd time and noticed a difference today. Will keep doing this class.
1-10 of 35

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