Class #2147

Proprioception Challenge

35 min - Class


It's all about proprioception in this advanced Wunda Chair workout with Cecile Bankston. She focuses on feeling where your body is in space while building on the exercises you already know. She also adds a few balance challenges like Going Up the Front with the Rotating Disc and more!
What You'll Need: Wunda Chair, Rotating Discs, Wunda Chair Handles, Hand Weights

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Today we are going to be doing a one, two chair class that is for more advanced students. Um, and for people that are athletes. Um, this class is all about proprioception and your feeling of where your body is in space. Being able to do things that are challenging without looking at, at the pedal or looking back to see where your hands are going to go. So it's, it's a very challenging class. It's meant to be for people that are at Vance or athletes.

Um, we're going to start out with his, his pedal is split, so we're going to start out with our footwork and at, what I'm going to ask him to do is try, he's on his heels, he's going to try to keep that pedal as even as he can. Great. Which he is doing very well for. So he's having to maintain that positioning of that pedal to keep it together as he's pushing his back, his stays still rib cages together. Everything's in place. Good. Now we're going to the toes and we're going to press down one oh and two and three and or press down five. Good. Six good and seven.

His alignment is great. Toes are right over the knee, knees are right over the toes. All right? We're going out wide and pressing down and two, and the worry and four good. Five six pedal is thing. Very even a and good toes in first position. This is probably the easiest position because your heels are together too.

And Marie and four good exhale as you go down six. But at the same time as you're coming up, you want to make sure that you're not leaning back and forth. Good. Okay. Now we're going to single leg and what I'm going to do is give him some weights. So we are building on things that you already do and just making them more challenging. So for single leg, he's going to hold the leg out and as he presses down, he's going to twist towards the leg that's up and kind of [inaudible] and two and in [inaudible] three the further away from the center line of his body, the bat, the harder it's going to be.

So if he holds those weights out really far, it's gonna be a lot more difficult. Call seven if this like up is starting to get to you in the hip flexor, you can turn it out or you can bend it as well. One good. What he's doing, it's very nice is he's keeping the arms right in line with the chest. Okay, so in other words, a lot of times we tend to bring the arms around and not the body. He's moving from his ways, not just from his arms.

Good reach. Nice. Okay. Now this time he's going on to the toes. He's going to repeat the same movement except just to change it up a little bit. We're going to twist away from the leg so and too good and worry and sitting up. Very tough for good and he's keeping his legs slightly bent so that he's not cramping up in his hip flexors.

Good and nice. Good. Other side. Here we go. Sitting up top one and two. Good. Nice. Straight spine. Very nice. For good bye and reach.

Good. Yeah, moving from the waist. You can't get around too far moving from the waist. Good. Nice. Okay, very good. So we're going to put our weights away and we're going to put, we're going to keep our pedal split. He's got, you can't see, so I'll show you. He's got a rotating disc behind the chair that he's standing on.

What he's doing first is just going to do a press from the back and he's trying to keep the rotating distill so he's trying to keep his hips in place. As he's doing this, he's pressing down into a flat with one shoulder going and then the other shoulder going. So we're alternating shoulders going into protraction, retraction of the Scapula, good Porres and he's got his feet nice and stable. His hips aren't moving. Okay, good and reach. Good. Now let's go and we're going to add the pole. Taurus kettle is not split and he's going to go from flat back to round, back [inaudible] and again flat back.

And this becomes more challenging for him to keep that diff still and nice articulation of the spine here and round keeping the red cage threaded and end together. Good and a good. As he's rounding you, his shoulders are not coming up. He's rounding good with his back, not his shoulders only good. So we've now changed the position of the so that you're able to see what is going on behind here, which is that he is standing on a rotating disc and we're going to use that disc. Now. Um, as he begins to do a round back and a flat back, he's going to rotate his feet. As he presses down, he comes back to the center. As the pedal comes up, he rotates the feet and opposition again and then he comes up as he comes to the center of the disc is straight. So rotate and straight.

Now as you can see, his hips are moving but his shoulders are not and come up and rotate and a good, nice round pulled in with the abs and up heads dropping down in between and up and reach. And uh, very nice. Okay. Now we're going to go into a rotation with one arm going up towards the ceiling. His heels are going with his arm and he's going to rotate the other way and we want to nice open shoulder and go. So here I want to show her nice and open and twist and rotate.

Beautiful with and rotate. He's having to struggle not only because he's rotating, but because that spring is not extremely heavy. So if he pushes too hard, he's going to fall on his head. Good. And rotate and up and reach. And uh, good. All right. Wonderful. Okay, so we're gonna move the rotating disc and we're going into our teaser. Okay?

So the way we're going to challenge you in this position, um, again, we're building on exercises that you already do. Okay? So we're going to start sitting on the chair. He's going to have his legs out in front of him and his hands behind him. Now normally we all do this one where we're going back. Okay. And he's going to curl forward. Okay.

And now I'm asking him to take his hands off, go into a teaser and he's going to not look behind him as he begins to go back down. Okay? So he's having to challenge himself, not only because he's letting go of that pedal, but then also we're going to reach around and we're not looking behind us. Good reach. Keep these low are good and coming up. Ankle bones are together. Nice and reaching back and curve. Bring it up and good and reach and, and reach up. Shoulders. Stay down. Nice. Good.

And reach and up and curl. Good. Good. And last one, her and uh, and reaching that. Nice teaser. Good. Okay. Beautiful. Alright, so now we're going onto sideline. I've got a pad here. Um, you might find that this hurts your hip bone if you're lying on your side.

So you may want to put a pad underneath you. Okay. He's lying on his side. Your legs are going to be either slightly in front of you or directly to the side, whatever you feel like you can maintain that position in. Okay, so he's pressing down and up. That was one and down, two, three and four. Good reach.

And six. What I like. You've got to really squeeze those legs together because at the tendency is to want to try to leave them open. What you really want to do is squeeze them tight and together so that you maintain that position. Good. And now we're doing little pulses. One and two and three and four.

Just going up to the ceiling and good and hip is forward a eight. Good. Now reach down, rotate. As the pedal comes up, we're rotating towards it. As it goes down, we rotate back to that sideline position. Rotate towards the pedal too. And back to the sideline and Rotech re and back to the side and four and back to your side. Good. And Five. Good.

So you're saying he's really getting a lot of rotation there in his shoulders? He's both. Both shoulders are facing the paddle there. Good. And reach and rotate. Good. Okay. All right. And here we go. Last one, scissors and come up and he's wrote there.

Reach it down and come up. Good. So this can be done either way. You can reverse the scissors if you want to. When you're going down you can have the leg open and as you come up it can be, it can be open here as you go down at closes or you can do the opposite. Either is fine.

Good and nice. Keeping all this together good and come up and nice. Alright, good. Okay, so now for the other side we're lying sideways, pressing them one and two and press damn and good press. Damn and good. Six seven n a nice pulses. One and two. The pulse comes from the body, not the arm.

Four, five and six. Good. Seven and a nice. Now we're going into our twist. Press it down. Pedal comes up. We rotate one and rotate and two and rotate back. And three I love the ankles right together. Good.

Four and up. Five twists around and six. He's maintaining his position. Good. You want to make sure abs are pulled in and up. Good and twist and open.

Nice. Scissors one and open and two and good shoulder stays down. That's very important there that you keep that shoulder four and up and reach coming up. Six and good. Two more to go. Nice and reach and come up. Very good.

Very good. Okay. All right. So let's get rid of our pad. Okay, so we're going to now stand in front of the chair. What we're going to do is we've still got the pedal with the bar through the middle. He's going to press down, he's on his toe and his arms are going to go up every time he presses down. So press down, arms go up. And this is three. Shoulders are down and press good and damn good.

And now he's gonna raise a toe up and down and lift. Press to raise that heel up into relevant there and come down. So we're challenging balance. Raise the heel and lower and lift. Last one, press down and lift.

Lower and good. Now, extremely hard here. We're going to stay up on this toe and we're going to try to press down and up and press down and uh, and press down. If you can't use your arms here, it's okay. You can leave your arms still. Good. Very nice. So if you can't do that last one with the arms moving, you can keep the arm too.

Just right here the whole time. So first we're just pressing the pedal down in the arms, going in opposition two and three and press four. Good. Now he's going to rise up and live lower and good to and lit and low and good. And we want to watch that you keep your, you want to maintain your weight right on the center of that foot.

You don't want to roll to the little toe or the outside of your foot. Good. You also want to watch the shoulders. Okay, so now we're going to, we're going to say up in Relevate, so heel high, we're gonna maintain it and press and good and too, and reach and the re and re and four add. Very nice. Good coming down. Great. Now we're going to do the same thing to the side. We're going to change what the arms are doing.

This is a little more difficult because of what the arms are doing. They're going in our hug. A tree movement. Okay? So you really have to watch your rib cage here. Okay? You're still high on the ball. The foot he's doing for what you want to watch is that that knee is coming right over the toe, but it's pressing back. Okay?

So for those of you that have a tough time doing that, your foot might have to be slightly in front of you and up. He's on his second series. Now press down, raise the heel, lower the heel and open. Press it down, raise the heel, lower the heel and open and reach. Raise it up and low and open. Good. Now here comes the hard. Boom, we're gonna stay up. Now he's not moving his arms on this one because it changes your back so much.

It makes it very, very difficult. So we're just going to choose to keep the arms still here. Good. And release. Nice. Okay. Other side. So again, just to show here for, for Tyler, he's got his leg slightly in front of him so that he can keep this turnout position here. If I were to ask him to bring his leg back, even with his other leg, he's going to have, he's doing pretty well being able to keep it there, but most people can't have it directly to this side. So we're going to have it slightly forward and press one and uh, and press two and exhale, three and good and four and good.

And now press down, lift the heel, lower the heel and open and press down. Lift the heel, lower the heel and press down. Lift lower and open and down. Lift, lower and open. Now that [inaudible] difficult one. We're going to leave the arms right where they are.

He's going to stay up and press the pedal down and Ah, and breaths. Good. Press it down and up and pressed down. And uh, roll down and release. Very nice. Good. So now we're going to our frog on the floor series. Again, building on an exercise that we've done before, probably, um, this comes from Kathy Corey [inaudible]. Um, Kathy had, does this series quite a bit. Um, we are gonna add a little bit to it to make it more challenging.

So he's going to first just pull the pedal down. He's in turnout position and up his feet or right about on that hollow. Um, in your ride by your heel. Good. And three red cages in alignment. Good, good. And exhale. Whole. Good. Now from here we're going to put his hands behind his head.

He's going to hold the pedal down and we're gonna do a curl up here. So curling up one and damp and two. Good. Damn. Exhale three. And where he leads x sail for keeping the rib cage closed as he goes down. Five and good.

And six. Nice. Two more to go. And good. Last one. And [inaudible] reach. Now I have his weights handy here because we're now going to do an oblique crunch. Let's do a couple of little frogs before just to give you a rest and acts.

Help pull and release. Exhale, pull and release. Two more and pull and release one more. And pull and release. Hold. Now here we go. We're going into an old bleak reach with the weight. So curling forward and open and exhale.

It's incredibly difficult. I know to hold that pedal down and keep pushing. Good and release. Exhale, reach and good. Exhale, reach. If you'll notice, Tyler is really driving with that back arm, so it's not just his front arm that's curling forward. Nice. Okay. Other side.

So hand behind the head and we're going to curl and reach towards the knee and open. We're not pulling on our neck. Okay. Rotating from the back arm, using the obliques. Reach that weight forward towards the knee and exhale reached towards me. Good. And exhale, reach. Good. Keep that head pressing back into your hand.

Good and reach. Good. Last one, and open. Nice deep breath in. Exhale, legs can go up. Now we are going into a bridge series here. We're starting with the backs of our heels on the pedal.

So first just to warm up, we're going to do some hamstring curls. We're just pulling down and up and pull down and up. Exhale, press and up. Exhale, press. Think of pulling that pedal towards you. Almost good. And up and press and up and press and up. Last one, breath and up. Now we're going to get harder.

We're going to press the pedal down, I'm letting his then put his arches there because you're gonna press it down. Now we're going to bridge up and keeping the pedal down. Bridge up, roll from the breastbone all the way down and good and pressing up and good and roll down and good. Now so the, the chair doesn't slide. I'm going to sit on it for him and raise it up and good. And now we're going to move the feet staying in our bridge and for us and release and press and release and keep the seat high and release and press and release. Good. Add up now from the breastbone, curling down one vertical at a time all the way down.

Very nice. Good. Okay, great. So now we're going into our mountain climbers series, which again is something that you've already done. We're going to start out with your, your regular mountain climbers series. We've added the handles if you need to hold on. They're there for you to just lightly touch.

You don't want to be deaf gripping on them. Okay, so just a light touch if possible. Don't use them at all. So he's going to press up, he's got the heavier, this is the heart. The easier it's going to be, the lighter it is, the harder it's going to be. And press up and I want the hips nice and even good and there you go. Good. And he's got no hands and if you notice he's not sending his weight forward. You want to keep your weight, that knee at a 90 degree angle as much as possible.

Good and reach. And last one. Good other side. Okay, so you want that foot on the box. You want that to be as far forward as you can. Get it good and down and to and good keeping hips even three and good and for good. Nice and five good. Six. The angle, the nae is great.

I like to think of reaching back with that back leg, reaching back last one and come up. Good. Okay. Now we're going to make this more challenging by starting here and he's going to go up one and he's going to step up. He's not going to look behind him. He's going to go down and come up. Stepping on top of the chair where each back and good and change and good.

So now you're really challenging your appropriate reception here. Good. You've got to know where that pedal is to step back and reach. Hips are staying level. If you can try to keep that knee at 90 degrees and re and good ad. Okay.

Toes are right in line with the heel and reach and up. If you have to grab on, that's okay. And good. Okay. Now last saying we're going to do to make this more challenging, we're going to put the rotator disk on the top of the chair. So again, if you have to hold on, you might have to do that. Um, he's gonna put his foot on there and the object of the game is to keep your foot stable and your knees stable. So, and pressing up on and damn, staying really straight with the bat and Dan, exhale, reach and Dan. Good.

That's it. And reach. Good. That's okay. Good. Two more. And Downlands one good. All right, let's change this over. Okay. Alright, so here we go. Hips, nice and level and press up one and Dan and his foot is staying still and down.

Press up three and damn, press up four. And so what tends to happen is we want to hike that hip a little bit. Be careful of hiking your hip. We want to keep them level good and down and press up and very nice stability up and yeah. Good. Okay, so now going into a tricep series, um, we've put the weight at one, one level up from the bottom. Um, it's very, very light because Tyler can actually do this without the pedal at all. Um, but most of us need a little help from the pedal. The heavier it is, the more help you have so you can adjust accordingly. All right, so he's holding onto the pedal.

His shoulders are [inaudible] down and back and up and press down and lift and he's got barely any weight on there. Lift and, and lift. And now we're going to make it even more challenging. Lyft, he's gonna pick his legs up, Ben and down and press down and lift legs go bend out and down and press down. And lift legs go up, bend down, shoulders down and want and good and out and down. Nice. And uh, and lift up and damn, last one and one and two for us out. And good. Nice. Very good.

Okay, now we're going to take the handles off to now we're doing the pike series. Um, once again, the heavier the weight is, the easier it is. Okay, so Tyler's got it fairly light. He's got it one spring up from the bottom level on both sides. And what I'd like to see, he's getting up to the very, very top and coming down. Really wanna see this head tucked under nose towards the knees coming down. He's bringing it to the top and down.

That's where most of us make our mistake because we're not bringing it all the way up. The other thing is that you want to really, really watch that you're not sitting down on those feet as you come down. So you, if you'll notice he's not really barely, he's not really touching the ground. He's barely touching the ground when he goes down. Nice. Now here's the challenge. I'm going to ask him to do it on his heels. Most of us are very comfortable on our toes. We can do this series.

So now we're going to challenge him by putting him on his heels. Drop that head and good, staying rounded. Keep this nice and y and good and for us up and good. So keeping the head down good. And press up and down and up and down.

Very good. All right, stepping off of there. Okay, last one. Okay, so now we're going into our twist series. We've made it just a tiny bit heavier than the the pike was because it's a little more difficult. Now let's just show really quickly, um, your hands can be here or you can decrease that rotation a little bit if you want to make it easier and have the hands in less of a rotated position. Okay. He's got 'em all the way. So what I want to see going to go up, one, as he comes down, he's d rotating and rotate up and down. And the re no, it's just going down towards the knees and full and damn. Reach and down.

And last one and good. Alright. Other sides. So we're gonna rotate. Good. And you'll really be able to see what his hips are doing here and reaching up one and down and two and good. Rotate. Three d, rotate, yes.

And four and rotate. Good. And rotate and up and down. Nice. Now we're going into just a little stretch to finish with. We're going into a calf stretch and a running position. So we're gonna run one and two, run three and weight is on the center of the foot.

Five and six and seven and eight. Now both heels go down and up and press down. Get that nice stretch in the calves. After all that work and down, press down and up. Good. Last two.

Nice and good. Very nice. Good. Thank you very much.


4 people like this.
Liked this a lot! Would have liked more mention of the various spring options and choice of spring settings as the exercises switched. Thank you!
Very challenging, I loved it!
i've really loved the part with the rotational discs behind the chair, in order not to move in the usual pilates directions, more in a three dimensional, spheric way i'd say.....thanx a lot!
Great & interesting modifications, very challenging! The last exercise very impressive!
Miriam D
Great class Cecile! Loved the variations!
Liked the rotation discs and pace and variety. But
Ugh! Please tell us the springs. They were only mentioned twice in the whole video. That was a problem in the early days of PA that went away but it returns with some instructors.
Pele and Anne I am sorry about not mentioning the springs more. I definitely will try better next time. That being said, I typically do not give specific springs because they can not only vary from person to person but from machine to machine. So sometimes I try to say things like "lighter is harder" instead of a spring. But I do understand your point thank you.
Thank you Cecile. So glad to see one of your classes waiting for me! My students strength and abilities vary quite a bit so the springs really aren't an issue for me. But I'm excited to share these fun and challenging moves. Thanks or being so amazing!
Very challenging class!! Thank you:)
LIKE!!! This was very good, thank you. I've never seen such a strong person like Taylor. Bravo to him!!
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