Class #3083

Reformer/Tower Circuit

45 min - Class


Play with energy and quality changes in this Reformer/Tower workout by Amy Havens. She starts right away with jumping on the Jump Board to get you into your body and then switches off between these dynamic movements and the controlled movements on the Tower. She encourages you to think about how you can move the springs with your body so you work with more precision and control.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Tower (No Box), Jump Board

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Hi, everyone I'm here for a reformer jumpboard and some tower work all in one. So I am going to be utilizing quite a bit of the reformer. So get your jumpboard on and at the tower end, all you'll need is the roll back bar. And I've got it set at the top and your Purple leg springs. Midway, I kind of have those near the roll back eye bolts there and that's all you'll need.

We'll be using a push through bar but not with any springs and we will start with jumping. So we're gonna get right into your body, gets the blood flow going. So I have myself on three red springs for some leg presses just to get alignment and gets focused. So get ready to feel your whole body in this class. All right, so let's go ahead and just begin straightening and bending.

We'll go for 10 reps. And it's starting to feel your connections. Your lats softly engaging your stomach in and slightly up. Your hips working, your alignment of your legs, and breath. Last two, neutral pelvis.

Let's stay out here this time. Step your feet down just a little bit. Take a peek, you're still in parallel. I want you now to go up on your toes up in releve and then bend your knees. I am okay with coming all the way to the bumper if that bothers your knees, to come into that much flexion, you stay up here, okay?

But here we go. I want you to use the power to pull your legs up and bend. So it's the back of the legs, the glutes, everything, think about pulling yourself up. Rather than pushing against the jump board, pull yourself up. Here we go and pull yourself up.

Think of spreading those toes. And lift. And eight. Nine. And 10.

Okay, come all the way in and then just flatten the feet again. Let's go into our Pilates V and press and in. And press and in. Three. Feeling like you're bringing those inner thighs just right in close together, every time you extend your legs pull them together.

Seven. Eight. Nine. See if you can initiate that from the base of the pelvis and then one set of toes up wide in the corners. Take a look make sure you're really exact.

Heels across from one another. You don't go have one slightly off. You're in that nice external rotation and you press. So the base of the pelvis, what do I mean there? Is the high hamstring and the lower gluteal muscles.

Again, you want to activate those to pull yourself up, away from the ground which is the jump board right now. Up. Okay, pull up. And press. And press.

Three more, eight. So my plan for this workout is to kind of mix and match. We're going between some jumping then to the tower end. Coming down to jumping, back to the tower end. And kind of a little bit of back and forth.

So energy changes, quality of movement changes, very dynamic that way. Okay lastly, take yourself back out. You're up on those releves again and you're just lower lifted the heels. Use those calves. Let's go kind of a quicker pace here.

Up. And up. And up. So that was 10, let's go 10 more guys. We can do that.

And three. And four. And five. And six. And seven.

And eight. Nine. And 10. And all the way in. Okay time to change the tension.

We won't jump with three red. I'm going down to two red. For two leg jumps. Feet together. Start with yourself extended and lengthened away from the board.

Try to walk those feet down. So your feet are more underneath you than in front of you. Like if you were jumping on land, right? So there we go. Now again, keep in mind what your knees feel like.

If they start to feel achy, you need to go up here. All right and that's fine. Here we go, jump and push. And push. And push.

I'm gonna change my words, I'm gonna have this thing today, pull up. Pull up from here. Pull up. Pull up. Pull up.

One more here, we're going to change into V. 10 times. Hold the heels together. Three. Four.

So this first set of jumps, very basic. Eight. Nine. We're gonna go up in those corners for 10 jumps and one. And two.

Pull yourself up. And four. Five. Really dynamic feet and toes. And eight.

And nine. Come back to the middle, let's go all the way through it again. 10. Nine. My legs are all the way together now.

Five. Six. Seven. Eight. And nine.

Pilates V, 10 times and one. Two. And yes, it's okay to squeeze your derriere, your rear, your butt. And six. Seven.

Eight. And nine. Now instead of turn out, let's just go parallel wide. Two. Three.

Four. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine.

Land in the middle and take a little breather. Okay, legs up, give them a quick shake. Come on up. We're gonna stay with jumping, real basic jumps but drop your tension down. I'm going one blue now and one red for some single leg jumps.

Certainly adjust if you need to. Press yourself away. One leg comes to tabletop, you're just alternating legs. Starting real basic jumps. Clean, basic but complete.

Pull away from the jumpboard. Pull away. Notice my foot down there when it leaves the board is really pointing away from it. Point, use your calves, use your feet. Hopefully landing in a nice parallel.

I'm gonna count down from 10. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six.

Five. Four. Two. And one. Land on two feet.

Push away or press away. Turnout through your legs and your hips. Bend your knees just a little bit and extend one leg straight up to the ceiling so you've got this turnout. It's basically our scissor. You've seen me do these many, many times.

Great way to starting getting some stretch in your hamstrings. Power from your jump. Okay, that was your 10. Let's go 10 more, just easy, basic. Find a flow.

Really think of reaching your legs up to the ceiling. Not just in the air, they're way up on the sky, in the sky. Up. And nine. And 10.

Land in the middle, pause. Okay, one more round of some jumping from this lighter spring and I want you to do those changes of your feet, okay? So as you're away from the board, step one foot, one leg, in front of the other. You can just do heel in front of the arch of the other foot. That's plenty of external rotation from your hips.

And we'll change so when you land, the other leg will be in front. Like that. Now focus here, maybe not right away, on how much distance you travel but how much pull up you can have in the back of your legs. Pull yourself up. Pull.

And up. So if we are in a dance class or doing a sport that we needed some air time, we need to be up in the air. Up in the air. Okay, 10 more. Hold your tummy down, hold that tummy down.

Your arms can help you. Whoops, I almost stepped on my own foot. Five. Six. Seven.

Eight. Up in the air, nine. And 10. And come in and land. Okay, shake your legs.

Let's change movement qualities. Spring tension, intention now. I want you to drop your tension of your springs all the way down to the yellow, okay? So I've just got this yellow spring on and we'll be turning to face the back of the reformer, looking at the tower unit. When everybody take your headrest down.

Okay, we need that rollback bar. How are we gonna get there, when we're here? So here's my way, create your own way. I'm just gonna scoop myself along, grab that bar. Now, some of you who know the combination work with the tower and the reformer, of course you do if you're doing this class, is such a fun quality change.

Because now there's hardly any spring behind us, as we know, so it's not about that spring so much and it's not really about these springs, it's maybe more about how we move the spring underneath us. So I'm gonna have you focus on your pelvis mainly for a moment. Take a deep breath. And then do your best, just that nice slow pelvic tilt. And notice that your pelvic tilt movement is pulling that carriage away from the jumpboard back there.

You haven't done anything with your arms up here at all. It's you moving. Now I'm keeping my knees a little bit bent. You can certainly straighten your legs if you'd like to. Pause, breathe.

Curl yourself back up. Take your time. Control the spring. Just feel the difference between the fast jumpboard work and the slow controlled quality. Here we go.

It's a basic movement. It's almost like what's down there, what's underneath? How much spring? Nice and slow. Get back to your sacrum, take a breath.

And exhale. Dive a little bit more now deeper into your abs. I'm going to let my forehead point more to the bar or the crown of my head toward the bar, completing a bigger spinal position. I'm going to take two more, inhale. This time I will allow my legs to straighten.

It feels like it's okay. I just needed a little bit of that time to get back. I'm still trying to pull my pelvis toward my feet. Take a breath. Curl forward.

Almost resist, now. You know the carriage is gonna drift back but try to resist it by pulling deeper, diving deeper into your abdominals. Crown of the head toward the bar. Try to slow that ride down and sitting tall. A little taller.

Last time. And contract. So our pelvic tilt effort is what's moving that spring. Think about that in lots of exercises, inhale. Curling forward.

Slow it down. Go deep in those abs. Go deep. Almost as if you're pulling your thigh bones right into your pelvis. Now, I want us to sit tall.

Press down on the springs with your arms now, with these arms spring. And let's do a little bit of movement of the arms and shoulders, very slow. Okay. Feel. Slowly return, I'm only going four.

So you've noticed, we're doing like many fewer repetitions but so much slower, it's much different work in your body. Control. Feel your back. And reach. Can you sit a little taller within your spine up off of your sitting bone?

I'm trying to pull that bar wide and release, slow that spring down. Last time and in. Okay. So I'm staying at this end. I want us to reconnect to the pelvic movement.

I want to check to see how much space I have behind me. Just making sure, I want a little more. That's what I thought. Come up this way a little bit. Okay.

Now, let's start again with the roll back. Take a breath, here we go. Rolling ourselves, so I'm gonna take us further back you guys or people, students, people watching. Roll yourself back. Oh wow, feels so good.

Roll forward. Let's make a bigger movement. Now, change is coming. I'm gonna have you press down on your bar. Think swan, upper back extension.

I'm trusting, I'm trusting. I'm using my shoulder stability. I'm using my back extensors strength. I'm going down. I feel about right now is my place.

I need to make a change, it's gonna start at the pelvis. My head is gonna to adjust, my spine is gonna adjust, and voila, I'm back to my roll up position to go again. Curl, going deep in the abs. Taking my time. Okay, let's go two more rounds of that.

I might take the pace up just a skosh left. So equal amounts of pulling down on the bar, as I'm going up and back. Let's see if I can see the jumpboard, I can. Connect. Now, look up to the ceiling.

Look toward the roll back bar, hold. Rolling up. Trying to make it a nice fluid sequence. Here we go, our last time. Press down, lift up.

Shoulders are snug. My abdominals and back are joined in the middle of my body. And curl pelvis, spine. Rolling up. And up.

Okay. Now, let's go back to vigor, okay? So take one foot out to the side. This might be the best way, the other foot out. Lift your bum, let go, walk it back.

Or if you have a better way let me know what that is. Headrest back up. Okay, we're going back for a red and a blue spring for some more jumping. Okay, down we go. So we're back down on our back, guys.

We're gonna take a look at this sequencing. Turnout Pilates V. Step your feet down again. So we're gonna up the intensity just a little bit in your legs and your hips. And the legs we'll be doing a little open close.

Okay, when you're in the air. Before we do this. I'm just gonna take these down. They tend to get a little bit shaky back there. So plie or bend. Now when you jump, open, close.

Open, close. Open, close. So we're focusing right now on the opening. The out. The out.

The out. And out. Let's do two more for 10 reps. Nine. 10 and pause.

Okay. Now the accent will be different. Start your feet apart. You see where I'm going. The accent will be in.

And in, okay? So we jump. pull them in, land. Pull them in, land. So up the intensity meaning really pull, squeeze, use your legs. In.

And in. And in. And in. Last two. In.

And in. And pause. We're going back and doing the same thing again. Ready? For ten of each and out.

Accent out. Accent out. Strong legs underneath your hips. Five. And seven.

Eight. Nine. I'm just gonna keep going but I want to land here, pull in. Pull in. Three.

And four. Remember, we want to be in the air for awhile. And six. Seven. Eight.

Nine. Land in the middle. Take a little breather. Okay, legs up, give them a shake. Little wiggles.

And that little wiggle is what we're gonna use for the skier jumps, wasn't that clever? So let's take away. Pull yourself up. Pretend you have poles. Put them down.

Just to give your arms a little bit of a design, okay? Take both of your feet, you can turn them either to the left or right. Your waist, however, does not twist. So I want you to feel your femurs rotating one way but think abdominals rotating the opposite way. Just feel that for a moment.

Okay. Feel it on the other side. Legs one way, pelvis and abs the other way. Bend those knees and let's begin to alternate and jump. So I do want you to focus abs opposite of knees.

Abs opposite of knees. Dig your poles in. See if there's a little more intensity you can bring in to your body. If you're fine right here, stay here. If you can add a little more vigor, add a little more air time.

I'm gonna count down starting here from 10. 10. Nine. Eight Seven. Think about those arms.

And four. Three. Two. One. Pause in the middle.

Okay, so we did our skier staying really centered in the middle of the jumpboard. Now, let's let those skier jumps travel from side to side on the board, okay? So pull up away from the floor. Swivel. Step across.

Now you'll notice hopefully, this will be more challenging on keeping that opposite hip here and not bringing it with you here, okay? So you really have to stretch your abdominals. Contract this side, keep your torso in line with the shoulder blocks but as you jump, go across the board. Dig your poles in. Feel your way through.

You can do small ones or if there's anything else you can bring in that's more intense that you want to work with, now's your time. Really connect. I'm going to count us down from 10. Here we go, 10. It's a swivel, it's diagonals, it's obliques.

Shoulders are wide. (thud) Whoa. Getting a little vigorous here. And four. Three.

Two. And one and land. Okay, rest. Okay, come on up. Changing our resistance again.

We're going back down light to the yellow. We're going back to that end of the reformer or the tower. And jumping tends to be pretty quad, you know? Front line is about the glutes as well but it is kind of hard to get the hamstrings active in supine jumping. So I have a thought about using those leg springs to get the hamstrings going, so here we go.

I'm gonna have you go down on your back. Okay, now walk your feet. This is how I'm doing it, if you have a better way let me know. This makes sense to me because I want to see where I'm going right here. I can see that these are my leg springs.

I'm picking them up. You can choose to put one foot in at a time or both at the same time, that's my preference so that my sacrum stays even. And see how hard that is for me to do just that. Sometimes, okay. Take a moment and really feel this, right?

So again, we have that light spring below us. We've got these up here and you've got one on each leg. There's a lot of nervous system work right now having to respond to this dynamic environment. I will want to choose to put my hands on the frame. Lightly, I'm not holding with all my muscle strength but I am holding on.

Find a position that feels right for you and then let's begin some frog. It's going to feel easy and that's okay. Whatever breath is yours, inhale out is mine. I'd like to exhale in. What you're going to notice is that at the end range of the stretch and the end range of the flexion, there's a little bit of movement underneath us in that carriage.

Okay, let it happen. Notice it, let's see if you can minimize it. How would you minimize it? Where would you need a resource in your body to minimize that? I feel like I need to near the deepening of my flexion, go deep into my back muscles and my abdominals.

My deep core body, if you will, and extend. And flex. Okay, one more time, holding here. Now, parallel legs, let's just do up. Notice again, it's going to change.

That spring resistance's going to change. You might be able to press your legs lower than you think. Maybe don't take them as high as you wish. Focus on the hamstrings. Not so much the hip flexors.

So adductors hamstrings. Can you lighten your hand grip a little bit? Try letting go and see if you stay all the way back at the frame here. Yeah, if you're moving a little, don't worry. You have to practice.

Three more times every one pull down. Little lift. Pull down. A little lift. Pull down, holding there.

Externally rotate your femurs. Let's go to diamond. Diamond is different than frog. So diamond you'll be able to see that the soles of my feet pretty well completely together. Like a prayer position maybe that preparation for ceil.

Okay, so you're gonna be moving from your hip joints here and up with the legs. Now, let's see if we can go higher without that carriage moving much. And down. Notice the word much, it's good to move a tiny bit. But maybe an opposition when our legs are coming up toward us, we can think about our tailbone and our back extensors actually getting long.

Longer back body. Okay, three more times. And press. And up. Press.

And up. And then press and hold one leg at a time just an easy change. Focus on the down. The down. The down.

The down for eight more. One. Two. Change your feet if you want. This feels better for me, flexed feet.

Six. So I actually going to have a stay there for eight more. Keep your feet flexed. See if you can find the connection between your butt and leg and your foot. The rear end to the foot.

And nine. And rest. Okay. Relax into a frog. Extend your legs back out again.

Let's see what happens with our scissor. We're gonna go a little bit swifter tempo. Three, four, and six and seven, eight. Flex your feet. Two, three, four.

You holding them back against the frame. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, one more. Two, three, four and five and six and seven and eight. I love heel beats, you all know that, so we beat. Keep those springs really stretched.

You may have to reach your heels further out toward the jumpboard. Four and three and two and one. Fold. We're done with the leg springs for now. Probably for the workout.

So take your feet away. Slowly place your feet on the frame. Solid ground. Let those go, okay. And here we go, place your hands, find the board, and land.

Okay, let's do some more jumping. And we will jump again a supine back on that blue and that red. Just a little more footwork and take that headrest up. Okay, extend yourself away. So it's an interesting thing.

It's one toe, you bend your knee and your toes come up to your knee but the other leg is going to be out to the side. So I'll just try to do a little quick demonstration there. Okay, if I go the other way this foot comes up, leg goes out. I'm gonna keep going now. Up.

Up. Up. And up. And up. And up.

And I'm literally trying to touch that side of the knee with those toes. Let's go 10 more everybody. Up. And up. And up.

And up. And up. And seven. Eight. Nine.

10. And let's just take a little breather, shake your legs again. One more round, that same exact pattern. If there's more you can get in vigor our of your jump, meaning maybe bigger, you can try that now. And what I'm thinking instead of just aiming toe to knee, maybe go a little higher up your inner thigh line to see.

That'll definitely bring you more into your hamstrings on this leg as well as your quads here. So how much more can we get out of her leg work, right? Let's see what happens. Okay, here we go. And up.

Really pull that leg up. Pull your body up. Remember, you want air time. Up. Up.

Are you up there? Can you go any higher? Up. We only have four more guys, just four. And three.

Two. And one, okay, we're done. We're done with all that jumping from our feet. Let's come up and do some jumping from our hand, okay. And I like to do these.

I'm going all the way down again to yellow. And we're going to use this little single arm jump as a bit of a connection or wake up into these external rotators of the shoulder. So as you're watching me, just take your arm up. Like that, feel that upper arm in that nice external rotation. Aim your hand for the board but make sure as you set your hand down that your shoulder didn't dip forward.

You want to keep that rotation. Okay and a little jump. And a little jump. If you don't feel like you're getting enough out of that, get closer to the board. Yeah, that's better for me.

And press. Okay. Now if you have a new wrist injury, of course, this is not really going to feel great so you just avoid this. You can just press, instead of jump. But really find and feel your external rotators of your shoulders.

Just three more. This is a really nice preparation for the next arm sequence I have with the strap over here. And that's all we do for 10 jumps, okay? So grab those straps. I realize I threw them on the ground.

No big deal. Grab that strap. You'll want to get situated closer to the shoulder rests now. So you take your hand through. Hold on to the rest of the canvas strap and then lean down slightly on your elbow and your forearm.

And then gaze down. So I'm looking down at the headrest and now you take that arm up overhead and enjoy for a moment, the sense of stretching yourself wide across your chest and over this way. So you really open up your ribs. And then use that to get this upper arm press. Okay.

So if you're feeling neck and shoulder tension, just drop this shape down, something like this. Absolutely doable. To press the arm out here, it's wonderful. Up here is just a little more challenging on keeping your shoulder blade positioned. Let's take four more.

Your shoulder joints are unique. We all have our own specific unique design. Some of you this is really hard. It's hard for me. Some of you it's really, really easy and you're probably wondering only yellow?

Fix it , change to something else if you want. Now, move this into a circle. Take your time. Up overhead, press. It starts the same way but then I want you to keep it straight into a big circle around.

Up overhead, press, and a big circle. Nice shoulder movement. Four more. Make sure those abdominals are supporting your lumbar area. Last two.

Press big, reach around. It's a great neck stretch right there. Last time, arm up, big circle around, and then rotation of your spine. Had to come up a little like wee. So here it is.

This hand I want you to hold against the shoulder pad, palm of your hand facing me. Now rotate and look back at those ropes. So you get your whole rotation happening. Now as we rotate toward the jumpboard, this hand will press toward it. You've seen these patterns in lots of teachers, it's nice comprehensive spinal rotation.

Great shoulder work. Can you add something different in it? Maybe look around the room. Track your eyes. Really see your horizon.

Okay. I'm just gonna do one more for total of five. There we go, alright. So let's take all of that facing the other way. So we want to start with the single arm jump.

You may as well get your strap ready, if you threw them on the ground. Get close to the jump bar side. Cross your legs. Get into that nice sense of external rotation of that upper arm, place your hand, and begin to jump. Also keeping your torso organized right over pelvis.

So we were trying to avoid any extra rib shift. This other hand is holding my leg nicely. A little stability there, five more. Four. Three.

Two. One. Okay, here we go. Here we go. Turning, getting closer to the shoulder rest side.

Once again, I'm going to grab that strap. Reach your hand through the loop and then hold on. Lean softly down on your elbow and your hand and look down to the shoulder rest. Here we go, arm overhead. We do eight of these.

Again, try to adjust that shoulder tension that brings your shoulder elevated here. See if you can lower that scapula. Find muscle support to keep it low. Five. Six.

Takes some concentration for some of us. Seven. Okay, we're gonna keep it out there. Eight, to make a big circle around. Take your time, it's a large range movement here.

Press and circle. Press. Reach. Maybe you're not quite done here, you're gonna reach a little bit more in a circle. Four more times everybody.

Or if you're feeling done, you just rest. Last three. Give it more breath if you need to. Last time, press all the way around, okay. And then you're up.

Your hand is out in front of you, turn toward the ropes, we just did five. This hand again is holding that shoulder rest, a little bit of anchoring, and start rotating from your torso then you deliver the arm. And your arm and then your torso. Turned out to do all of it with your arm pull. It's involved but it's also your abs and your spine.

Three. Four. And last one, five. All right. So let's put that strap down.

We're staying on the yellow. We're going back to this end. And we're gonna do something with the push through bar. There's no spring on that so walk your knees up. Lock yourself out get that bar, slowly lift it.

Slowly bring yourself up. What does it look like? It's thigh stretch, yes indeed. So take a moment and feel your arms. You've got your external rotation.

You're feeling that idea of pulling the bar apart. Your hamstrings are up right into your glutes, which is lifting your pelvis up here. You've got length in your spine. So if I start to think the knees driving down into the shoulder rest. Pelvis tilting.

Carriage is moving. Interesting sensation. Now, how to get up? There's no spring to help me except that yellow one way underneath the reformer. I want to think axial elongation through my spine.

Pelvis right over the thighs. Here we go. Pelvis tilted. Spine long. I like to stay looking forward for now.

Nice quad stretch but you've got to use those stretched quads now to pull yourself up. Up. Up. And up. Again, three.

Can you add depth a little bit here? Yes. Okay. I'm gonna make a change. We did this next part in the roll back series.

I'm gonna try it here going into back extension and then flexion. Okay, a little bit of wave-like movement. See what happens. So I want to start with extension. Breathing in that back extension.

Breathing in and I'm trusting this bar. I'm trusting my strong legs here. Pulling up. I'm gonna come into a little cat. Okay, move through that maybe one or two more times.

Just a wave-like movement, back. Lift. And a bit of a cat. I should be more over my knees. Ah, there's my cat.

My cat was being lazy. Here's my cat. Gonna really pull up. My hamstrings and my cat were lazy. There we go, last time.

On no spring man, that's a tough one. And over. Okay, here we go. Just stay for a second. Lift those stomach muscles.

Shoulders are stable, pull yourself back up. And up. And up. And up. Okay.

Letting go. Carefully, walking back. Have a couple standing things planned here. So we step out to the side. We're still on a yellow.

So yeah, you're gonna see my back side first. That's fine. Divide the jumpboard here, like your navel you're growing in line with the line in the jumpboard, okay. Almost like a little bar. Take your inside foot right to the edge of the carriage, right in the corner with my heel.

Now, before you get going into, we're just going to move the carriage out and in. Sync your hip for a second. Get it out of the way. And then get yourself organized. Really pull that hip in right underneath this part of your body, okay?

Now, you're free to move the carriage leg. Your body though, your navel needs to stay right in line with the jumpboard. Add some port de bras or arm movement, if you'd like. You could do a little high V with your arms in external rotation. It's really kind of nice, feel that pull-up quality again.

As you had in your jumping. Let's just take three more everybody. Pull up and lengthen. Notice you have not shifted weight on that standing leg. You're right in the same place you started and then hold.

Good, okay. Same leg, turn your body toward the jumpboard, okay. I want you to be in that external rotation again. Take that inside leg back, toes, you know, up on the shoulder rest. You could also go down.

I'm gonna go up. Use your hands on the top of the jumpboard for balance. Let's get into a little plie here and work hip extension. Again, so the jumpboard work is a lot of that frontal quad and hip flexor work and abs. Use this to balance you out and get closer to the reformer if you feel like you need.

Shoulders are square, pelvis is slightly rotated, and you're certainly externally rotated with your leg. Little extra balance challenge, take one outside arm off. Or one in front of you, the other one to the side. And three. Two, collect those abdominals.

Last one. And up. Okay? Other side, so let's walk around. Line yourself up, here it is.

Right with your navel. You're going to turn out. The inside foot comes right up to the corner. Again, just get it out of the way. Just sink into the hip.

And then wheel it in. Really feel solid, pull everything up, and then we begin. It's okay to use your own hands to hold yourself in, in connection. Can you stand a little taller? Way to advanced this would be to stand on a little tippy toe down here on this foot.

Try it and see what happens. Extend your energy out, arms, head, down through your leg. Three or four more arms a little bit higher, externally rotated arms. And lift. You haven't shifted weight, right over that same leg.

That's your last one, okay. So let's go ahead, we're just doing that step down and pivot and take your foot back. Step closer to the reformer. Externally rotate your hip and your thigh. Pelvis and shoulders are square.

You bend that standing knee and begin to stretch. So it's more activation in the glutes then a stretch in your hip really. Collect those abdominals. So adding a little balance challenge, outside arm goes to the side. The inside arm comes forward.

Whew. Three more like that, reach. Reach. And reach. Okay, the last exercise of this workout or this class is short spine.

We deserve a massage. We deserve one final moment of articulation. So take your spring as to where you like them for short spine. I'm going to go red and blue. Headrest down, the straps are at the ready.

Okay, let's enjoy three of them everybody. Stepping in to see if you can do it at the same time. So you've kind of gone full circle with this workout. A lot of different changes of quality. Pass through that a hamstring stretch.

See if you can get the wheels to the bumper and keep looking at your feet. Roll up. Oh yeah. Oh my goodness, it feels so good. So let this part of your back, right, this upper spine yield.

Let it get a little bit heavier to the mat surface. So you actually get some flexion in those segments. Feel so good, I want to stay here awhile. Inhale, bend your knees. I'm gonna keep my feet right there and begin to take my spine long away from my feet.

How long, well, we'll see. Take a 10, stretch your sacrum further away from your toes. You have two more to enjoy, stretching long. Fold. Oh my goodness, everything feels delightful here.

And up, I love Pilates, it feels so good. And bending down. Stretch. Articulate. Breathe.

All right, we have one more together. Here we go. Inhale. Keep it slow. Keep it controlled.

Oh. Inhale, frog. Exhaling, down. And then actually you just land in frog and don't rush away from your workout unless you have a session to go teach or something but still don't rush, just enjoy this time for a moment or two. Thanks for taking class with me as usual.

I love any feedback and comments. I love your ideas and suggestions that you want from me. So keep writing in but thank you for letting me teach you and i'll see you next time.

Pilates with Amy Havens: Intermediate Reformer Workouts


1 person likes this.
That was a blast:))))))) a great piece to workout. Thank you Amy.
What a fantastic class!! I love your classes Amy! Thank you:)
Great class, interesting and fun!!! Thank you.
2 people like this.
Loved this class! I could use a suggestion as to how to stay comfortable when holding the base of the tower for leg spring work. My arms had a tough time getting a firm grasp because of the shoulder rests.
Thank you Z A , Anne-Marie , Valerie Kosty and Lisa ! I so appreciate your positive and clear feedback!
1 person likes this.
Many, many ideas and very fun workout!
Thanks a lot.
1 person likes this.
That was delightful!
1 person likes this.
Thanks, Amy! Loved, loved this class!!!
Thank you gals! Glad you enjoyed it!
1 person likes this.
Thank you, Amy. Fabulous class. Definitely one of my favourite favourites.
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