Class #3522

Jump Board Flow

45 min - Class


Work on finding the power of your jump with this Reformer workout by Amy Havens. She works the entire body, focusing on the lower body and glutes. She pays special attention to the coordination of your movements so you can keep up your technique and control during each exercise.
What You'll Need: Reformer (No Box), Jump Board

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Hi everyone here for reformer workout that has quite a bit of jump board in it. So get ready for that. Put that on, but it'll be full body. I'm a little bit more focused if there is one on the lower half of the body and these pants are kind of giving it away, the focus might be more on the peaches zone. Uh, this is for John Hopkins. Hello. And Dana, Santee and Kathy Ross Nash. So now I'm the owner of the peach pants for a little while. I will do the best I can and work the peaches to their best.

Okay, so we are going to start everybody with no springs. Be careful getting on there. Sit Nice and close to the front edge and let's warm up and get connected into our, uh, spine. Our abs hip flexor length in hamstring recruitment. Jump Board tends to be a little bit quad heavy and, uh, front leg focus. So let's focus right now on the back of the legs. Okay.

So find yourself long feed flat and start to roll the carriage back. But don't go any further than keeping your feet flat. So I don't want your toes to come up, so don't have to go to straight knees right away, but maybe you'll get there. And then as you pull toward the jump board, drag yourself in. Use your heels to butt connection.

And I can go past the 90 degrees in my knees. That feels fine for me. Feet needs to stay flat. Okay? So lengthening back again, trying to have a really good sense of length through the front of the body, quads included, and then use those hamstrings. Use the inner thighs, pull ourself toward our knees and again, lengthening back, stretching a quad. So if we can connect that sense right here of stretching the quads when we're doing jump board, that would be great. So that we don't stay locked up in the hips. Use the back of the legs, pull in. Okay, so some of you are probably feeling a big arch in the lumbar spine right now.

I'd like you to just let it happen in the lumbar. That's a curve that we need in human movement. You need that curve there for absorbing shock when you're jumping, uh, walking, climbing things. When we're jumping on the jump board, we won't want this much arch. Okay, but right now you letting it happen so that it's inclusive of your stomach muscles, the back muscles, how that supports the spine. We'll do a couple more, but if it's really, really bothering you, some of you are probably not happy with this. You don't have to do this anymore or if it just let it go or stuff a pillow if you want to get up and put a pillow in there.

But I'd like you to start to getting more comfortable with feeling this part of the back work because it's part of our posture of our pelvis as part of the posture of the whole spine and we need strength in our low back and our stomach. Here's the last one, and promise and our feet have stayed flat, right? Everybody goes so you can get those knees straight, hips, elongated abs in. Let's exhale and pull and okay, still staying flat, 90 degrees of hip flexion and knee flection. If you can sense that and I just want us to lift and lower the heels.

Now try to keeping the carriage stable. This would be a time we can start asking and feeling. Hmm. Could we get the lumbar a little more against the mat with the use of the stomach muscles, that's going to include the obliques. Okay. It's not that I want us to flex our spine and shove our spine down this way to get the back down. No, just use more stomach pressure. Okay. And your back may not change a lot right now and that's okay.

Let it be your back. Okay, so then the heels can lift and then just do a little one heel to one heel. Hopefully you're waking up feeling some connection in the back of your legs, hamstrings, and glutes. Let's count down 10, nine, eight, six, five, four, three, two, one, and N. Okay, so you've got to sit yourself up. Feed off to one side, be careful, move it all in. And now let's just start over in to red springs. Down we go. We'll start in parallel. I like to start away from the jump board. Most of you guys know that. Take a look at your feet instead of starting all the way at the top, which I often do. Let's start with ourself.

Feet directly underneath the pelvis. So if I were standing up talking to you at the party, at the party talking to you, my feet would be below my hips, right? I wouldn't want to stand with my feet forward. However, if you are feeling your back really overarched, this might be a better position to start with, which is feed at the top so you can feel how the back is supported here. If you're ready, we're going to start down there and then even that, hopefully you can keep your back down. Okay, so let's speak in guys by bending our knees only so far, we can come with heel sting flat and then push away six times so we can bend in. Feel your heels, push against that jump board to stand in, lengthen through the quads.

So one is to feel how the glutes are part of that extension. Really driving us into straight legs, open hip joints and strong right in here. Asked to bend, stretch and bend and stretch. Now from there, just rise and lower. So how can you pick up your heels by using the back of the leg?

So I'm actually thinking of my glutes, my beaches here, pulling my heels up and up and up from there. Bend the knees ever. However, if you'd like, I'm going to go all the way to the bumper and push away to straight. Nice. Keeping those heels lifted. Use this as an opportunity to uh, gain some mobility in your metatarsal joints. Spread your toes, keeping your heels high.

Last two, instill stretching, pushing from the glutes first, all the way long cause those are all the positions we go through when we're jumping. Okay, so take a tiny little step up, feet slightly in front of us and I want us to bend the knees there, lift the heels, press away and heels down and bend all in parallel using the back of the legs to extend the knees. [inaudible] let's do one more of these. So bending the knees, lifting the heels, press away, heels down, riff p four times so that a reverse, it heals up. Bend the knees. Now here's the deal. Can you get your heels down all the way? Then push away. Okay, so if that was challenging in this moment right here, don't bend the knees quite as deeply so that you can get your heels easier down if you were okay, challenge it. Come closer to the board.

Really going to feel how the front of the Shin Lights Up. Use the hips to stand. Last two there, keeping that carriage stable and push last time. Again, those are all the phases in a jump. Okay, so we'll pick it up a little bit and do what I often do, which will be a Ben. Take one little jump and land and then take a couple slow counts to restart. So it's a been a jump and a land to the heels using here to push away again.

So it's a bend, a jump and a land and stand and bend a jump. And I land and stand two more. Ben, jump land, push away and bend. Jump Land. We're ready for 10 consecutive jumps right in this parallel position. And two from the back of your legs. That's where you jumped from. Push, push, and six, get those heels down.

You're rolling through all the places of your foot last time. And then re stand. Okay in the V position. So let's challenge it again. Take ourselves right underneath us and we'll play a or bend lift. Those heels, heels can come apart right now. Push away and heels down.

We did four of them. See again, just focus on all the musculature around your pelvis, the base of your pelvis. Yeah, last one there, Ben heels lifted up. Reversing. So heels lift. Now Watch out. I remember how deep you get before. Hopefully you can go the same depth. Get those heels down, quads and glutes to push you up. And heels and bend.

Lower the heels and stretch last two and we'll build those little jumps. Lift and bend heels down. And you're ready for the slower job. So we did a bend, a jump and a land, and then re stand. That sets us up for the next jump. Three stand. Okay. I haven't mentioned the inner thighs yet, so think about that now as you're straightening the knees that you're bringing the seams of your legs together, the inner seems close together.

One more slow one and that's our six jumps. Let's go for 10 consecutive jumps. Now in one, two it's okay if your heels are coming apart. You can also challenge it to stay together. Six, seven really use your legs, stretch and nine land 10 and arrest. Okay, let's take our toes to the top corners now and is getting pretty deep squat. These are easy. We're only on two springs.

Just getting a wider stance of support. Almost like you're stretching your inner thighs to do this. Okay, so that if that's easy for you, hopefully that feels okay. What did we do before to challenge it? We're going to take our feet more underneath us, so on this bigger jump board, my foot's right there in line at the base of it and then how can we a ha squat there go really low. Try to get stretch on the inner thighs.

No lifting the ribs off the board or off of the Mat. Pelvis stays level. Okay, a couple more times. Trying to get all the way to that stopper almost. Okay, so let's do the pattern. So bend, heels, lift, stretch the knees, heels down. Ben Heels lift, stretch the knees, heels down, and Ben and lift. Use Your glutes and down. Last one, bend, lift, straighten. Reverse it four times. This will be the easier one to get the heels down. For some reason, as part of the way our body is put together, last two heels.

All the while keeping that turnout through your hips. Start for those little jumps with the pause in between. So it's a bend jump land and slowly straightened to prepare and bend. Jump land slowly straightened to compare and no one jump land slowly stretch. Let's go for two more of the slow ones.

Really stretched your beautiful legs in the air there and stretch. Okay, 10 consecutive jumps. Here we go guys, you can start to push the jump a little bit if you're ready. Okay. Meaning you use more muscle energy. Push her five more. So if your back is starting to bother you, you may need more. Spring. Last one and we'll pause.

You may need more spring or you can maybe put a little pillow in your, in between the spaces. Okay. But over time that gets better and better that you'll need less props along the way, I guarantee you. Okay, so legs together. Let's do some skiing type of jumps. Start with your feet, shins, knees and leg bones and go to one side. But the pelvis level, that's really imperative here at camp. I don't want you to lift that hip up this way. Okay, so just a little swivel.

Let's make these small to start. Focus on them. The inseam strength of the legs again. Okay. The inner thigh and of course the back of our pelvis. Lift that as you jump, like you're pulling that up, the back of your body, up the back of your body, away from the ground to have a successful jump in dance or any sport, you've got to get your butt off the ground and got a lift yourself up. Making the jump a little bit bigger now.

Okay. Legs are together. Butts working for three to land in the middle. And just pause for a moment. How are we doing? Catch your breath. That's about it. Let's do a pattern. So we'll let it be in parallel, slightly apart. So hip bone width will jump out, land in the corners, jump back into parallel. Okay. And we'll just could do some consecutive jumps if you're getting leg, uh, fatigue. Rest me for a second or just push through.

We're still still on two red springs. Um, this feels good for me, but do you make your decision? So we'll jump and land and jump parallel. It's a great place to stay. Really focused. Main muscle groups, glutes, the whole lower body guys up. That's where we get our power from. Hauer keeping your stomach to your spine. I'm gonna count down starting here and one from 10, nine, eight, seven, six, four, two land in the middle one and press. Okay. Let's give her legs a little bit of a break from jumping.

Come on up and we'll be one red on. Take away. The other two. I was turned onto the back for a few exercises. Okay. Keep yourself moving, stretch your legs through. It's kind of funny to look down and see pitches on my the design. Okay. Hold on to the tape and just sit up nice and tall for a moment and feel the strength of your arms now not in front of you, getting away from you, but bring the strength into your body and up and does an easy pelvic tilt to Lumbar flection. Pause. Inhale, rounding through and use five or six of those.

So getting that stretch in the lower back, which should feel really good after all that opening jump work and exhaling sacred under top of the head to this guy. That's fine. Well the head towards the shins and op shoulders on the back last too, and last time. Easy connected, sometimes simple. Okay. Adding a little more arm work with it too. Hands in the straps. Now we'll bend our knees and we'll take ourselves into more of a 90 degree angle of the elbow. Make a fist and then lift the ropes a little bit.

Okay. Knees can be slightly apart. So I want us to come back onto the sacrum. Nice sense of c curve unless do five or six bicep curls so we can just extend those elbows and fullback in. Inhale. Excellent. So where are your shoulders? Hopefully that creeping forward. If so, use the back of your shoulders a little bit to keep them back. I want to be strong in the upper back, not always so rounded in the shoulders.

Let's take our last one and forward and roll all the way back up. Okay. Walk your feet forward a little bit. Take your hands and palms face back now guys. And before we pull on the ropes, connect your shoulder blades more toward your back, toward your spine and in fact, really gather your scapula against your spine and just hold that isometrically for a moment. Okay. And they'll let it go about 50% you're still want us to work some of that and then use the back of the shoulders again to move the ropes. [inaudible] so we're not pushing the chest, we're moving the shoulder blades more back.

I'm kind of a little karate chop angle with my hand. Nice and tall. Just one more time. We're going to add a little circle with that. So if your shoulders are getting tired, lower your arms a tad bit. If not, stay here and we're pulling back. Do a little circle around and up six times.

It's exhale as we go back. Okay. Last one? Yes. Reversing for six and back. Okay. And folks more about going back then coming forward.

Yeah, one more and down. Now we're going to come onto our lower back again in our pelvis or bring your pelvis is close to the shoulder, blacks as you can. More tummy work coming. So straps above the knees and we're just going to do a little bit here everybody, and really be honest with this. Put this strap is high up on your leg as you can. That's more work up there. Down here is fine to just challenge yourself. Okay.

Hands behind the head and let's enjoy arching over the mat just for a moment. So we'll take a breath and curl it up. Exhale, stay there. Now I want us to deepen the flection in the hips, bringing those no knees toward the forehead. Let your pelvis curl a little bit. Okay. That's the exhale. Inhale, just out past 90 exhale and in way past a, pull the sacred back. Inhale out. Three more.

Okay. Oh, without letting the chest go back. And last to pool and last one pool. Okay. Arch it over. Take a moment. We'll do some oblique with that. So a chest lift up, rotate. One direction, little same thing. Knees really close into the chest and let's just do three.

You can get that sacred map a little bit off that map. Pull, pull, pull, stomach, stomach, stomach. And then three the other way. Here we go. [inaudible] and last one. Wow. And then take it back. One more little round the world. We'll go center, knees, side side near the center.

Side side. Okay, get ready. Here we go. Come up to a chest lift. So it's really driven by the femurs. Femurs come in, femurs, go away. They go the skier design little rotation. It's okay. The upper body rotates as well. Start the pattern again toward the center. Little twist.

[inaudible] other side tourist center. [inaudible] twist. Oh twist. [inaudible] two more. [inaudible] last one.

Yeah. And art all the way back. Put your feet down. This take a moment. Okay. That's it. Come on up to sitting. Now I want you to take this drop off of one side, hook it on that post and come back and get onto your elbows. Okay, so we do need some scapular support for being on the elbows. I don't want us to just collapse down into the, the shapes of press down.

Use the muscles in the upper back, lift that leg, knee toward chest again, just three times. So pull in. You've just found those muscles. You felt him on the last exercise using them here. So yes, it's hip flexors. It's low stomach and inner thigh. Hold here. Leg goes up. Now take a straight leg down and a straight leg up and down and a straight leg up. One more did here.

Inward leg circle three times and two and three other way. Yes, your quad is working. Transfer that a low responsibility though, into your belly, into your stomach, into your low back. Use that to move the leg. Okay, other side, get another chance. So yes, his quads, butt and hip flexors go deeper. Go inside. Let the inside take over for the outside stuff. Okay. Okay. Settling. Lift the knee. We did three times as reconnecting. So exhaling side to chest.

Yeah. Last one. Hold it in. Extend your knee and the three times leg down. Leg Up. [inaudible] lift that chest up. Last one, keep it up. So three leg circles. Go in first in, down around and all right. First Bend your knee and come all the way out of it. There was Darth Vader, Darth Vader breathing. Okay. Uh, let's do a go hunter back again.

We're on a red, we'll stay in a red for a little more. Jumping supine. Okay. We know the drill. Lighter spring, more demand in your center body to stay connected. So if your back is bothering you right now, you want to come up and add a little more spring to that. Okay. Like a red and a blue maybe. Okay. We are going to do some single leg jumping. So start with one leg on the jump board.

Let's go way back to how we set things up where the leg is completely underneath the pelvis rather than toes up top. Okay. And then we'll try just jumping right away off that leg to the other leg and making sure that your heel gets done down and your heel gets down because again, that healed a hip relationship and co um, connection is so important. Use the glute to pull the leg off the board. Mitt. Think about it that way. Okay. That the hip pulls the leg off the board. Okay. And to make the jump bigger. If you're ready, really energize the lay with go for like a leg, like an Arrow and then land. Sure. And then land just the one more each leg.

Okay, good. And then land, take a little moment. Stretch back list. You would turn out position one they got for some scissors and we may as well do something with the arms and Sec. Let's take our little v with the shape. Okay. So here we go. Jump off that single leg land, make sure the heel gets down. Ah, that's so good. Yeah, the power from the back of that pelvis and your legs and your feet. Everything. Keep the jumping going. Let's just change the arm work a little bit.

So I'll bring the arms in, arms out, arms in and out. Okay. Okay. Just keep some breathing going. How that supports you. Keep the arms right above the chest and keep going for 10 and nine and it's allowing the weight of the arms to just drop right into the shoulder girdle ribs. So you're very stable and supported.

Four and three and two and land in the middle of the jump board for a moment. Okay. Little more single leg when we're down here. So everybody take us Polarez v take a quick peek at it. We're not all the way he chose the top. We're not all the way down, kind of halfway Ben both knees and then brush one foot up, kind of up on the upper diagonal of the jump board. And that's the direction that will aim the leg when we land. Okay.

So just do a few bend your standing, the brush the foot off and come back in. So notice the leg is, we don't have to take it high has definitely not about a highlight. It's a low, long leg. Okay. One more preparation and let's start some jumps out. Band. Whoops. Then that was kind of interesting. Hold on a minute. My nervous system did a little glitch, Ben, that's how you jump off. Here we go.

Land to the other side. [inaudible] those are fun moments to have. [inaudible] here we go. Land with the leg over the diagonal. Okay. Okay, so I'm going to add some arms with this. Just arms up for now.

Then they're going to go off this it of the leg that goes out to the corner. Arms opposite. Arms opposite. Yeah. Okay. Let's make this just a little bit more generous movement with the arms, but body stays stable on that jump board. No twisting through the spine like, I mean rolling. Really? Okay.

If that's feeling too much for you, you can just hold your arms straight up again. Okay, let's go 10 count down from 10 let's jump higher. Nine for that moment. You're just weightless in the air. One morning, decide and lan in the middle. Arms by your side. Ah, wonderful role to face each other and let's work the side of the hips. Now I'm going to take us to the head rest down. Stretch your body long on that carriage. Take the strap, put it around your knee all the way.

Let's just do some clam work. Okay, so come on down now if you're okay with your head hanging like this on your arm, that's okay. Probably better for your neck health over time is to prop that head and I've got my hand now holding the back shoulder peg. Okay, so just take a moment and collect a little bit of space underneath and let's start some clams. Okay, maybe eight of them for this hand could go here. Really anywhere. Three and two and one. Okay. Now I want you to keep it here. Clam a little more. Bottomley comes to a scissor.

We're going to need to move that top arm and just feel the scissor. Okay. Come back to your clam and then nut. Don't close it. Just come back again. So a scissor to a clam and hopefully that top pelvic half isn't getting too naughty and rolling around and tipping forward to back. You want to try to keep it right above the other pelvic half. Stir. Rach, how about two more stretch?

And last one. I'm going to have us hold it there. Hold. Take the arm up and overhead just for a little extra stretch. We good. And then all the way in. Okay. Now that that hip is warmed up and get yourself out as gracefully as you know how like that. And can you see it and put it down. Now let's come and jump. Okay. On our side. So bottom leg, bend it the knee and instead of having your thigh forward, move your thigh back in line with this hip, flex that foot and push this knee in the mat. Okay.

That's a lot of set up on the stand, the bottom side, standing side in line with the foot bar and here and then right away we're just going to start to jump little and we can't see where we are landing. We don't want our femur to collapse in or point too high. So that's all the job of inner thigh, outer thigh and hold that femur steady. Okay. If you feel good, you want to jump a little higher, go for it. Be careful not to at the top here. Okay. Arm Up. Also is fine.

Making sure your heel gets down. Two more jumps in parallel. And then before we go to turn out jumps close the carriage. Look Up, put that foot toes in that top corner. Knee in line with second toes. Do have some good alignment.

Check their straightened first. What's that bottom leg doing? Hopefully foot's not up in the air. Okay. Press out, foot down. Get that leg in a good position. Now little jumps from the back of the hip, back of the hip. The peach is push and peaches are so beautifully round, aren't they?

So think of that shape. If that is appealing to you would nice lifted from round shape back there. Okay, let's jump a little more of an account 10 times that worked right and jump and and jump. I'm having to refrains for some other adjectives that I can use for the features, but I won't jump three more at Jim and jump last time and then we'll take those two patterns to the other side. Okay. Close the carriage. Yes. I'm known for saying Palladia should be fun, so apparently, Yup, it should be fun. Make some adjustments. Come on down.

So we have the clam work first. Putting that on your top knee. Long body, long arm is fine. [inaudible] your head hanging. But let's be a little bit kinder to the neck and bend the elbow and see how that hand can just hold that rest. So that is kind of a nice position to be in and it prepares us later for jumping that our arm is in a certain place. Okay, so clams on this side, pelvis thing is balances.

We can hip over hip and just feeling the mobility of that femur in around that joint and all the muscles working around that hip. Okay, now we're going to keep it up on the next one clam and then add the scissor extension. So top leg moves to hip extension, bottom leg forward and then recall Glam. Don't close that clam. We're just going to go right back out. Okay, so really nice intense work for the hip and some coordination. Ooh, if all is going well and you want to challenge your side body balance, raise that arm up. Stretch last to impress Navis. Hold his last one out. Lengthen that leg a little bit more. I think we've got more length from the abs through the leg and out the foot.

And take the arm overhead for one more big stretch and then exhale as you close all the way in. Okay, so now we're ready to jump a little bit on that side. So take that strap away. Come on now. Let's come into that parallel position first you guys. Okay, so the top foot in line, whoops. With the foot bar, the bottom leg bent and that heel flexed. And once again we're working on pressing the bottom leg down on the mat just as much as working this jumping leg. So right away, little jumps, staying in parallel, really focus on the heel landing so the front of your ankles got to glide back to get the heel down. If you're ready for bigger jumps, [inaudible] can take your arm up. That challenges your core, your side body balance.

I'm going to count us down from 10 so we've got 10 from the hip, five more, five and four. Nice airtime. Just like those Pelicans out there in the last two and last one. Then we'll come in and then take a peak. Put your foot right up in the corner. Stretch your body out again.

Your knees in line with second toes in this bottom leg. Actively down. Okay. Pelvis in level. Neutral position. Jump right away. Okay, focus on the power of this. Jump coming from right back in the back of the hips through the leg and peeling that foot off. Okay.

Okay, let's go for 10 more jumps again. Arm Up is good. Bottom leg presses down and six and seven and eight. Nine last one everybody. And we're done with the sideline jumping. Okay, so come on up. We are still on one red. Yep. So I don't want us to change the tension to a blue. Okay. Lighter. We're coming up on our knees for some kneeling arm work.

Grab your straps. How'd you adjust my pants? Okay, so feet, dig those toes down. Put your heels back, line yourself up. Let's go for some kneeling arm circles. So carrying that physician and the body through that we warmed up with really open, front and along line arms, high, rotate and lower. And so the higher you reached your arms, the more your integrity of your alignment is challenged through your ribs and pelvis. Let's do a one more circle this direction and scoop and lift five and reverse direction out. Slightly forward and down and out and forward and down.

Last too, and the last one and lower. Okay. Bend your knees deeper. Crease in your hip joints. Bring your arms into the hug. A tree position. We're doing five or six hugs in this forward hinge just for variety. It's a different load in your quadriceps now and just work a hug and hug.

So I still want your heels back and stomach back three more times. Okay. And hold. Bring yourself back into hip extension. Salute five or six times. All right. Elbows back. And it's one, two, but bringing the hamstrings through the leg onto that femur for five and last one, everybody and six. Okay.

Last bit I want us to do is a wonderful stretch for the legs since we did a lot of that jumping work. So we can take it down to one red spring and we'll grab that strap that fell. And we're going to put the strap on one foot to start. So this would go on our right foot, move the carriage away, step in, and let's give our hamstrings a stretch right now. So if you're someone with pretty limber legs, this may not feel like much of a stretch if you're not that person, stay there.

I need a little more stretch in my leg. So I'm going to bend my standing knee, allowing my femur to come back. We did that earlier when we were leaning back on the elbows and but what would it feel like for you right now to stay totally neutral pelvis. Okay. And it's fine. It's a good stretch. You can press your foot into that strap a little bit for more active stretch. Or if you would just like to feel more range of movement in the hip and the flexibility.

Let's allow the pelvis to move a little back into kind of a posterior position. Okay, both are good. It's just different. And a moment or two here, we can slightly press the foot in that strap and then you use that active hamstring strength to move the leg to 90 degrees. Okay. Turn both legs out, bend the standing knee and we're going more into more hamstrings, but of course those adductors and again, I feel like I need a little more so I'm going to add my hand to it. Just try to open that stretch, not worrying so much about neutral pelvis. Again here letting one side take a tiny bit more weight just to feel the contrast. Okay, that's probably plenty slightly.

Press the foot against the strap so it's an active leg as you bring it in. Let's come back to your parallel in our last stretch here. Back over to it band. Okay. This hip has to stay reaching to the jump board, no hiking and then again, if you're someone who's not feeling a lot, God love you, but I'm going to bend the other knee and feel even more. All right? Couple moments if you want to challenge your lateral side a little more.

Okay. I think that side is pretty well stretched for now, so you can come back through, take the strap away and other leg hamstrings to begin. So we're in parallel. Choose your, your need here. Take your leg where you need it to go. So allowing that range to increase in the back of our hip joint length in the muscles and the tissues, making it active by holding some pressure, slight pressure of the foot in the strap. Keep that alive in that stretch. Okay. And then pulling to the center, turning out, you can adjust your standing knee. And then again, trying to take those femurs away from that mid line. Just press, press, press. Okay. And again, if that's not as much as you really want, you can take your hand and kind of give a little more weight to it.

Again, see if you can keep the foot actively pressing the strap. One or two more moments. And then we have the it band. Okay. So coming through center again, standing knee bends, you cross your midline. Ooh, different side. Ooh, yeah. Okay. And bend more. If you want more, you'll feel that all the way down from your hip to your pinky toe, most likely.

Good. As you know, I love the jump board. We can come out of that and I think it's fun to add on any of those little extra segments into a normal workout, normal routine. Um, anytime you want just to spice it up. Okay. Thanks. You guys. See you next time.


1 person likes this.
Love this class Amy thank you! beautiful considered sequencing. A great way to take 'jumping' to a more thoughtful place!
4 people like this.
Thank you Amy! I really liked the clam shell variation to scissors. It really got that hip extended.
1 person likes this.
I love the variation of shell to scissor too! And at first glance I thought you had pumpkins on your pants. I guess it’s a “little” early for that. Thank you this was fun!
Amanda L
1 person likes this.
Love this sequence! Thank you so much!
1 person likes this.
Great class, love the pace!
A 45 minute jumpboard class from my teacher! I cannot wait Amy x In other news - I am teaching a jumpboard segment at a big event we are hosting at the studio - the first jumpboard that I will have taught since you visited us!!!
2 people like this.
Amy, you always take us on a mind/body adventure! The flow of this class, alongside your cues was brilliant!
I always learn something new and dive more deeply into the work when you are leading the way. Thank you, fancy pants! Love the peaches ! 😍🙌🏽
1 person likes this.
Great workout and jumpboard variations fun class thanks! Love the peach leggings!
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Great class! I like the mindfulness of the jumping sequences. Laughed at the “nervous system glitch” comment; I think we all have those moments 🧐💕
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Thanks Amanda, Christina , Colette , Shelby , Rena , TripleM , Rachel , Amanda and Megan Macgregor ! Megan Macgregor -- I can't wait to hear about your jumpboard event, make sure you tell me all about it!!!
1-10 of 56

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