Class #3553

Hip Opening Cadillac

40 min - Class


Play with the idea of counteracting the effects of a sedentary lifestyle in this Cadillac workout by Brent Anderson. He works with Meredith Rogers on her specific need to open her hips. He also includes exercises to improve ankle and thoracic spine mobility so that the entire body can move with more ease and efficiency.
What You'll Need: Cadillac, Yoga Block

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Hey, uh, Brent Anderson here back at plot. He's anytime excited to be with Mary. We're going to be going through a special workout exclusively on the trap ease table and it's a very interesting conversation I was having with Mary just before we got started and that is that, uh, I want to know what Mary wants, you know, I know a lot of times people come in and they got their whole idea of what they're going to show. Um, what I always like to show is how the wonderful work we do on the equipment actually changes people's lives. It changes the way they move. And Mary expressed that she really is doing quite well. She's healthy, she's strong, she has her own plot, his practice, but she still feels like she has a little bit of tightness in her hips, which is a very common thing for all of us usually because of that horrible thing called the chair and the sedentary lifestyle that we all live. And so I'm going to be putting a little bit of a flair in it for you, Mary, that we're going to be playing with this idea of how can those of you at home appreciate the idea of the kind of access we're going to be doing to counteract the effects of Sedentary Ism? Right? So in sedentary as, and we typically have problems with thoracic mobility, so we often have a collapsed sort of chest or thoracic spine, rounded shoulders. We also lose our hip mobility. So that's a very common thing from the time we put our kids into a chair, they no longer have the normal load that you would expect to see when somebody is living life and squatting down to go to the bathroom, squatting down to eats, quieting down to socialize to the ground.

And the last thing is that loss of income mobility. So we're going to play with a little bit of those and I want to warm you up a little bit. So we're going to start with some footwork and I'm just going to be lay on your back with your feet down this way. So we'll spin around. Yeah. And of course the very first thing we're going to do is we're going to put our safety strap on because that's what we always do to be safe no matter what you think. Always be safe. At least that's my rule. Let's scoot back just a smidge. See where you're at with your hips.

Let's see what that feels like. We're gonna bring your feet up onto the bar. Excellent. Just start with hills and um, feels already right. You want to scoot back even just another inch or two? [inaudible] there we go. Good. Good, good, good. All right. And then I just want to see how the mobility is for you just to bend your knees in towards your chest and get it down to about right there and then press back up and down. And Ah, I feel alignment. And do you feel the restriction anywhere?

Where do you hear more in the groin? Are there in the front? Okay, good. Yeah, so she felt, she feels a little bit of the tightness as we're going through the squat here. I'm in the front of her hips. Now, I always ask that because some people might fill in the back, which tells me that the restriction is a little bit of tightness in the back of the hip capsule for her is she feels the more of the pinching in the front, which also could be some tightness in the back of the capsule. So we'll, we'll play with that a little bit. Let's go onto balls of your feet and let's bend at the ankle. So that's actually flex ankles back and just sort of stay there a little bit. And where do you feel that tension? Okay, good. And then bend the knees towards your chest.

Does that change anything that much? Okay. Press out with your heels. Yes. Good. Bend the knees down. Let's do that a couple times. Yeah, just sort of warming things up before we get in there and mobilize those hips for you. I got to make this worthwhile for, uh, for Mary as she, uh, goes away today knowing that she actually had something changed for her. Um, lastly I want to do is just try a little bit of turnouts. I want you to go back on your heels actually, but a little bit wider on the bar and one foot there and one foot there. Yup. Good. And let's try that again. Bending down and back up. Now does that change where you feel the pressure?

Perfect. She feels it in her add doctors now instead of in the front of the hip. So that's a great little change. Knowing that is we widen the width of her stance, the abduction, right? That that actually sends the tension to her groin and um, inner thigh muscles. Let's do two more of those. Last one.

Perfect. And relax. That's going to come off of here. I'm going to take the spring off. You're good. And let's have you scoot back right to the middle of the mat. Now one of the things we're going to go to now is going to be our 90 90 that we do quite often in some of our Pollstar training, which is a chance for us to give her some good mobility in the hip. And we're gonna use our velcro straps, amount's body to create that a feeling you're going to love.

And they're going to try that exercise again and see if she actually notices a difference as we move through this. Now this one, we're actually taking all of the load away. It's a passive exercise. So she's going to be suspended with her right leg in the air. Yeah. I'm going to use a little heavier spring with her today.

I have a purple long spring and a blue short spring to suspend the leg and just to give her the sense of some traction inside the hip and let this leg straighten out and just sort of appreciate that. What does that feel like to you? Right. So it feels nice. How does it feel? Nice. What do you feel like that that spring is lifting my leg after that hip joint? So it's a very common feelings.

Mary feels like it's actually giving distraction to her hip and she feels like it sort of lifting out of the socket. So the other thing it does, it me a lot of control over just sort of giving her some range in that area. And I'm going to come in and just, uh, provide a little bit of a glide into her hip and just rest here for a little bit. I'm going to take a little nap. How does that feel? Yeah. And the idea here is that, remember how I mentioned in sitting, when we tend to lose the mobility in the hip, it actually often gets pushed a little bit forward. So the tension is often in the back of the capsule, which leads to pinching in the front. Are you feeling any pinching now? Good. That's nice. And my secret and we'll do one more of these and then we will change direction so it feels good on your sacrum.

Good. All right, so let's try something now. We'll switch sides and have you sort of spin around and we'll switch our springs around. So again, I'm using a long purple spraying and a short blue right. And let's change our [inaudible]. Dan's over to the other side. So I have the ankle cuff on the ankle, the thigh cuff on the thigh.

I like it a little tight. Um, just so there's not a lot of migration on it. And we'll buckle you up here and we'll do the same thing on this side. Let me have you scoot up just a little bit. Good. Let this light go straight Sam idea. I feel a movement in here. So as we get the movement, and again this is just sort of preliminary because what I want to do with Mary this afternoon and this recording is to really get her going through some nice move at some more intermediate advanced movement.

But I know that her hips are a little tight and we're going to get that nice and loose. Yeah, same idea. Take a little nap here. Yeah, I get that circulation. Okay. Okay. All right. So now let's go back to our original exercise, right?

We're going to come over it and do the footwork again and let's see if she feels any relief and that hip flection. Cause I'm going to need her to move through that hip flection as we, uh, explore some of the more intermediate exercises. And you can be honest, Mary. So you're going to tell us what you feel here. I have a red spring on the foot bar from below. Safety Strap set down about two, three notches above her knee.

All right. Yeah. Yup. And let's just see how it feels. So little pinchy at the bed, but you're deeper. Yeah. Okay. For sure. All right, very good. Let's do one more of those and I'm happy with the result on that. I'm definitely coming down deeper. The pelvis, the hips gliding deeper into the pelvis for her and relax. All right, let's have you scoot up a little bit towards there.

Sorry about that. Okay. And let's set ourselves up for some long springs. Let's go hands on to the bar and place your feet into the loops and straighten the legs out. Just nice and straight there. And let's start off just with a simple like a foot and street, a springs, a Hampshire art. So just straight down and up.

And let me see how your control is like when I go down I guess. All right, so she's feeling a little bit of restriction in the front of her hips. And I got an idea, but I'm going to need to pause. I'm going to get a yoga block to make a difference here. So give me one second. I'll be right back. I'm back in. Now I have our yoga block. And what I want you to do is we're going to put this underneath the sacrum.

So roll up. But they come on to the sacrum. They're maybe a little uncomfortable cause it's a little hard. But I want you to bring the legs down and I want you to go to that point that you actually feel that tension across the front. And while you're doing that, sending the rib cage down, good. You feel like that's about it, right? And if you notice in the camera, you can actually see that she still has a little bit of a loss of extension in the hips. So I want you to do just a simple beat with the legs here. Nice quick beats.

Okay? And you're going to take it down a little bit lower that way. Lower [inaudible] and a little lower. Give it a try. Keep those ribs down. Good. Keep being whole leg, inner thigh. Keep it gone. Beat, beat, beat, beat, beat. Give me four more and then take it down in one more time. Yes. Good. Keep it going. Five, four, three, two and one and relax that. They come back up.

We'll take this out and just see how that feels to you. Now going up and down if you notice a difference across the front of the pelvis. So she's able to go down a little bit lower. And this is a common way we can do this also on the reformer with the feet and straps is to put a ball or to put a block underneath the sacrum. Have them take it down. Um, two things happening. One, I pushed the ribs down to get the anchor so that we could actually get the hip flexors and all the tissues in the front of the hip to open up.

So it feels a little freer to you, right? Yeah. And then let's go into some circles with that. So let's come up with the legs and out and around and circle the legs and up and circle and really try to bring it down nice and low, Mary, so that we're sort of sweeping into that new space of yours. Yes, and sweep and up and sweep. Let's do it one more time. She feels a little catch when the [inaudible] on the left leg. Let's reverse the direction and see what happens. And is that normal for you?

Okay. Not Normal for her. It might be a new range for you. [inaudible]. All right, now from here, let's just a practice, a little bit of articulation coming up at the angles. How would you think of rolling the spine up and pushing the feet out? Good. And then roll back down.

Work right through it. This, loosen it up, reach it out. [inaudible] and exhale, rolling back down. Keep that length as you roll back down. Good. All the way down. One more time. Okay. Now from here, let's go right into our dolphins.

So what you're going to do is bending the knees down, keep the sacrum up, really opening up the front of the legs. Good. And now as you press the legs out, you're going to roll down through your spine just like we did before. Roll it out. Bottom comes down, legs pitch back up and reach up again. Rolling back up through the legs, bend in the knees. Keep those sacred and the hips up. Press it back out and sweep through long, long body and up.

Let's go a little more fluid now and up and over and sweep for the sake of an over. Reach the feet down. Yes. Good, good. The knees bend a little bit more there. Yeah, there it is. That's what I want. That was good. Now press it out and come down. We still have it. Any catch in there as it pretty much got good last time. Here we go. Up and out. Now what about if we reversed it from here? What about if we came back up?

Straighten the legs, rolled down through the spine. Press the legs down, bend the knees, lifting the sacrum up. Slide the feet. Good. Bring the legs up, pike and roll down. One more time. Bring the legs down, bend the knees up. Sacred comes up. Float floats, floats, wards float. Float up. Good. Good, good, good, good. Last one. Reached the legs long and rolled down. Excellent.

So the little dolphin and reverse Dothan thought that was appropriate being here in the ocean south of Santa Barbara. Let's shift gears a little bit. Let's have you sit up and let's take a look at your role down. So we're going to use the tower bar with a blue spring feet against the bar. Nice and tall. Grab hold of that and let me just watch you do a low push through.

See what happens now. [inaudible] now let's try something. Let's try to roll back underneath my arm. So you're just going to try to pull back from the very low as part. Good stand or the arm. Yep. Good. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going all the way. Good. And then stack it back up.

[inaudible] let's do that one more time with the push through. And then we'll go into circumduction to add some rotation to it. [inaudible] stand or the arm. I don't if I'm no good. Go ahead and push up to the ceiling. Now from here we're going to go into a little bit of circumduction and we're going to drop this arm down. And as you roll back, we're going to sweep this arm back and reach it for the diagonal.

Good. Now allow this to open up to the ceiling. Look up to the ceiling. Yup. Good. Come around and then drop the hand down. Come back at it. Looking at the ceiling to the other corner. Come around, sweep through. Reach underneath now like a saw to the opposite knee. Yes. Good. Great. Pull back underneath my arm.

Sweep in the air and back. Going into extension now around beautiful and touch and reach to the corner around. Flex the spine into the SOC. One more time on this side, on your own. As is. Sweep it through. Reach it, extend around and touch back around. Sweep and saw you've got a smile on your face. Alright, let's go switch ours. All right. Same thing. So we're going to sweep this arm down. Come around, open up, all the way around and touch you. Got It.

So the right side is learning from the left, right, and around and to the sock. Nice. And I remember this one. You're going to come back just like we did on the push through. Yep. Come back into extension now.

Reset on back all the way around and flex again. Touch extension. All round. Sweep through. Beautiful. One more time. Are you smiling for the camera on this side? Like you were on the other side? Okay. All the way, right. Last one, sweep through.

Beautiful. Alright, let's go both hands on the bar and I'm going to just create a place here that I want you to move around. So you're going to lean back with straight arms over my thumbs. Okay. Keep bringing the hands down. Good. And now roll the eyes towards the bar and keep pushing the bar through. Good.

So remember we talked about the restrictions that we feel in the hips and also in the thoracic spine. So I'm giving her a little bit of input in her thoracic spine. Roll back over my thumbs. Good. Keep the arms straight. Chest up to the ceiling. Hands up to the ceiling and go forward. Coming back over my thumbs.

Awesome. You've got one more in? Yeah. All right. We're going to move up a little bit higher. Same thing coming back. There it is. It is. Yes. And you can enjoy that little spot there for a little bit. If you want to stay there for a second and actually take a breath, come down a little bit. Lower the arms. Yep. Lower, lower right there.

Take a deep breath and exhale another deep breath. Very good. And exhale, bring it all the way down and push through. Now from here we can go right into the pelvic press. So you're going to come up in a nice seated position and let's work on something here. If you can roll the pelvis back like you're going to do a roll down without losing the height of the head though. That's it. Yes. And then bring that back up. Yup.

So roll that forward and back a couple times without losing contact with my finger. Yes. And again, beautiful. Let's do it one more time. Roll it back this time. Keep Rolling back as your knees bend and you're going to slide in like you're sliding into home plate until you're laying on your back. That's phase one from here. Just like a regular bridge. Start Rolling the pelvis up to here. And what I want you to feel is the sacred is the driver, right?

So it's pushing through an opening up the front of those hips. I'm going to help you as we come up into a standing position. You're ready. [inaudible] Jannie for your toes. All right. Get those hips to the bar and now come back into an arch. We're going to touch down here. So the head will be slightly flex.

Bend the knees, come down at the head, come forward a little bit. Yep. And then roll back down through the spine. Push out with your legs. Slide back up. So let's put that all together now. So we're going to slide into home plate. Needs a band, you slide into position. You then roll up like a bridge from the bridge. You stand up, beautiful. Hinge, back down.

Touch on the back of the neck rather than the head. Yup. And then we'll roll back down and roll back up. So it's a combination of the bridging and the roll down series using the fixed bar. You want to try it on your own, just nice and smooth and one full slide into home. Bridge up, extend up into extension. Then the knees back down, touching the back of the neck, roll down through the spine and then roll back up. Beautimous love it. All right, let's spin around the other direction and we're going to go with the Dow.

All with two yellow springs sprung from above. Feed against here. Let's start with that and let's just see how your roll down feels. Now it should feel really delicious, you think? Hmm. We've got quite a bit of movement in your thoracic spine, I mean thoracic spine and roll up.

Now I happen to feel that there's just a little tiny bit of rotation and Roto movement in the spine. Is that accurate? Yeah. So we're going to do as, as you start rolling back, coming back towards me, right? I'm going to find that place where I want you just to shift a little bit and find where that Vertebra wants to slide. And I'm going to block you with my chest. There it is. Right? So we got to do a little bit of that rotation there to sink down. Good. And then come back up through there and let's come back to that point again.

Roll it back from the pelvis. You get about right here. We're going to fill that little bit of rotation. Good. And now let it just slide. It should just slide. Yes. Good. And what I wanted to think of is that she's moving her ribs, sliding the ribs. If you can imagine like there are a layer of plates, right?

And we're just sliding the plate back in, down into the mat and then come back up over my fingers. Slide this one back towards me all the way up. Good. Let's try that again on your own. See if you can find that right there. Little road. Yes. You see how that free up that those segments to move. Good. Cause you know what comes next as we take the springs away and we see how that roll ups going to fill. If you can find it on a roller.

So see if you can use as little of the springs as possible. Find that same. The hurt is good. So what she's doing is she's doing just ever so subtle rotation when she gets to an area that's a little blocky for her and is blocking you because it's in a little bit of a rotation. So when she rotates a little bit to her left, she actually lines up the spine, the verbus so she can move more easily through those segments. So it's giving you a little more movement. Let's get rid of the Dow and let's see how you feel with just a regular roll down.

Yeah, and we're going to find that little rotation. Ask it. Yeah. That's going to make your roll up so much easier. There you go. Let's try coming up the same way. Find that place. There it is. Little rotation. There it is right through it. Good. You see how control that was when you could add just even one or two more segments to that roll up. You now own that roll up. It's yours. You can have it.

Let's go into a high kneeling position facing this way. Five stretch. One of my faves. All right, and this is another one we had talked about being able to open up the front of the hips and the anterior tissues of the thigh in this relationship. So, um, let's just see where you feel comfortable. You're nice and tall. You might want to be back a little bit to fill the assistance from the springs a little bit more. Let's see what happens when you lean back into a five stretch.

Now from here, I want to see a little more extension and feel this opening and this opening. Yeah. And this opening, all these areas we just worked on. Good. So in that whole chain, how's that feel? Support Wise? You feel okay? No kinks, no sharpness. Okay, good. And then let's bring it back up and let's see if you can find that same place again. And your hinge. I'm going to stay right behind you if you lose control of it or not, but let's go down a little bit lower and see how your thighs are doing.

They're okay enough springs to help you come back down. Good, and let's bring it back up. Good. Let's do one more of those and then we're going to actually do the rowing with the Dallas. You'll come down to that position. Good. That's about right there, and just row that bar right into your chest. Good. And let's do like four of those.

Now here's the fun. You're going to row it in, slide it down the front of your body. Yup. Take it forward. Bring it back up and hinge back full of stretch. Roll it into the chest. Slide it down like you're rolling though. Take it back out. Good God. Did you feel how you just naturally that lift came into place?

That's what I was looking for. You did it perfectly. Come back. Express the hinge, roll the pen, come out. Then feel that lift, right? Yes. We'll do one more of those. We might try to do it in reverse. I always figure if I can do it this way, can I do it the other way? So we'll give it a try. Come up into that tall position one more time. And now let's reverse it.

So let's dive forward. Bring the dial back to the thighs. Roll it up the body as you go into extension that the hands go out forward. Bring it back up, dive over. Draw the hands back underneath you. Yep. Rounding through the spine as you go back into extension.

Last one at round in the spine. Drive through, pull it up. The thighs. Get the safe from forward. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Last one. It just has to feel so delicious. Yeah. All right. And relax. Very good. Feeling good. Ready to go on for some more. Let's play with some breathing. So I'm going to change the apparatus around a little bit and we'll come back with a breathing exercise.

So we're back now with the trapeze bar and we're going to do a little breathing exercise where the emphasis is going to be the breath. I know sometimes we get the machine all set up and we get all these different positions, but again, we're going to make the emphasis on the breath and how the breath is going to be able to facilitate the movement. So if I can get you to just bring your feet into the lower strap all the way through and just hook your heels on it. And I like the feeling of sort of opening up into it. So a little turnout, a little pushing up. Yeah, good. So you feel nice and safe there. Bring the hands up so they're almost at a 90 degree angle right to the mat.

And from here we're going to go back into a little bit of that suspension feeling again. Right? Let's see what happens. Natural, what's your body wants to do as you push up into the plank position? Very good. Now take a deep breath here and this is sorta like what we do with hundreds. We put people into a position on this 100 is stimulating the front plane. Breathing is stimulating the post to your plane.

So she's going to hold all the muscles in the back theoretically to hold her up. And I want her to try to breathe laterally and exhale. Let's do three more deep breaths. Deep breath in, expanding the ribs out to the side, and then allowing the spring back yet. I'm going to give you a little help. Push it into my hands and exhale and inhale last one and exhale and roll down through the spine.

Let's go back up in that position. Let me give you a little hint on that. I want you to think of this direction a little bit. [inaudible] so the sake, I'm still pushing, not so much dropping here, but feel the pelvis almost rotating a little bit more around a reaching into the hip cause I'm happy with that much. Um, are you feeling okay there? Like that's good. Okay, now let's go back to our breathing and exercise. Yup. And now I'm going to give you the doll. Okay.

So bring the dowel down to the thighs, to the hips. Straight. Arms down. Good. Take a deep breath in here. Exhale at the hands, come back up. Breathe. And bring the hands down to the thighs and exhale back up. Let's do two more of those. Inhaling down. And again, careful keep this long. The temptation is to bring it up too high.

Bringing the hands down. Last one, expand the ribs. It's about breadth, it's about the breath. Let me see the ribs expanding and exhale, relax. Roll on down. Good. Very good. We'll come out of here and I think I want to get you up a little bit into some hanging and then we're going to go into some teaser work and see how we're doing there. So let's have you come on up off of the machine. And I do have some non-skid pads cause I'm assuming your hands might be a little sweaty. Oh okay.

And let's have you stand up on the traffic's table and see if these are in a good place for you. All right, there may be. Yeah, that looks good. Okay, we'll just see how that feels. You feel good there. All right, so let's just work a little bit on the extension. So again, driving the sacred up into the ceiling, let the head drop down. Feel the length in through the back of the neck. Come to a plank position. Take a deep breath, coming out a little bit lower, a little bit lower right there. Now maintain that position. What I pulse on here, your honor. Good.

So I want more of an elastic response in those tissues and then hinge hips down, turn that Tel bone out all the way. That's a movement I want in the hip. And let's try that again. Roll through the hip, up into the extension. Come down into the plank. Hold the plank. Resist me. Five, three, two, one and hinge down. Good. Now we've got one more thing to do.

You're going to go up into your pike. Yup. Station break. You're going to stay up in the pike. I'm coming underneath you. Here we go. Now let me have your right arm. I'm holding you. Yep. And look down to the radar. Okay. Yep. That's good. All right. And bring that back up.

And then let's take that left arm. I guess I should say here, like don't try this at home or maybe I should say try it at home with some experts. But it's a delicious stretch. Go ahead and read that back up. Let's break it down. How are we doing? Okay, good. Slip out of there. Now we understand the hinge and I think we're ready to play a little bit with a teaser, but we're didn't do a build on it, so it's going to be really comfortable for you. So I'm going to have you have a seat right about there.

I'll take these and let's just start with a blue spring on there. I think that's more than enough spring, but I'm going to cross it over to give us a little more height on the bar. And let me have you grab the bar. Let's see where you're at there. Scoot the bottom. Not Justice, Mitch. Good. All right, so in the teaser, especially here on the trapeze table, um, remember that feeling we created of you just rolling back just a little bit, but the head not dropping down? Yes, that's the position of the teaser. Okay, so from here, now let's see what happens. You bring a leg up just into a 90 90 position here. Okay.

So can you feel that relationship being pretty strong for the hips and a little bit back now rolled down just a couple of inches and roll back up and find that place again without going too far. The tendency is to go up into a straight back or to hinge on the hips, which makes all the work. Go into the hip flexors and we're going to keep it out of the hip fractures cause I know your hips had been a problem and back up that nice safe place. I fell in that. Okay. All right. Now let's take this leg. Just straighten this leg out and drop that leg down a couple of inches.

Keeping that if you're pushing this up, this day's up, but keeping that rib back. Yep. Drop that right leg down three inches and back up. I'm just the leg. Sorry. Just the leg. Leg down and up three times and I'm sort of supporting you here. Yeah, last one. And then switch. Bend this knee in. Give it a little break. Drought, the left one down three times maintaining this and you're still filling that sort of push up into the bar. Yeah, right there. That's going to give you this strength on their hamstring and the hip flexor.

Sorry. Good. Now I'm going to hold your legs. Let me take that weight. Yeah, she almost pushed down into me and rolled down now three inches and come back up. That's right. Good. Now let's put these pieces together. Take that right hand and reach it out here. Keep this one on the bar. You know, just like now. Parallel with the legs. Good. You're ready. Give me this hand. [inaudible] good and not from here.

Roll the body down and back up to that same place you own this. This is all you now in a very safe place. Dropped the legs down a couple inches. Now bodies up. Ah, careful at the hours. Can you find that? Disassociate that just a little bit more. There it is. That's as far as we go. Let's do both at the same time.

Just that far rolled down and smidge and back up. There it is. And a thing of the bar. Think of that. Lifting up through it. Yes. Good. I think for you, the eyes lifting at the last one, bend the knees, bring the feet down to the mat. Well done. That was good. All right, we're going to take a break and set up some work for standing on the table or standing off the table that I want to do with you. Okay. So I'd like to take Mary into a little bit of work off of the table using the tower bar and uh, let's see what that feels like.

I'm gonna have you come around this side, standing here, placing your hands on the bar and uh, let's have your feedback. Just a smidge more good. And we're just going to do a little bit of spine articulation, rolling the bar out and rolling up, filling that sort of movement. But what I to really to think about is the movement of the pelvis over the femoral head. Right? So imagine the femoral head comes up like this and the pelvis sits on top of it and we're doing this kind of massage where everything else we've been doing so far has been moving the leg in the pelvis.

Now we're going to massage the pelvis over the femoral heads. We've got all that good information in there if we're going to make it apply to your standing activities so you don't feel that catchiness in the hip. Okay. So let's just play with it. Just hinge forward and roll the bar out in front of you. Leaving this in simply so the bottom is actually going to go out. Yeah.

And keep the ribs lifted up there. So we're just going to come into this space here. Yep. Now from there, let's just do a little bit of a tilting back on it and forward on it. Just massaging the femoral head. How's that feel? You okay? And now initiate the roll back up from that on the next one. So we're sending tailbone down.

We're going to continue to roll the body at pulling the bar underneath you all the way back. Yup. Good. And give me a little bit of a lean back and then start over again. So like a roll down. Yeah. And then go into the hinge, massage the femoral head there. Good. A little bit of a deeper massage or a bigger range of motion, and then stack it back up.

And now we're going to add a little rotation to it. So we're going to take this hand under hand. Same thing. And as you press out, we're going to have a rotation to your left. [inaudible] go all the way out. Good. Now from here, same thing, just massage there in that rotation. And now bring it all the way up in that rotation. As you come, the head stays down, let it come back up, up, up, up, up, all the way up straight. And then let's do that again. So roll down, roll down.

First filled. The bar's going to naturally take you there. Can you feel that? Or the rotation so you're not [inaudible]. So that support inside the shoulder. Yup. Massage the hips. The reason why I do the diagonal is because when we walk walking as a diagonal, we don't have a straight position. So it's this diagonal that I'm trying to work with her on and we're going to now switch sides and do the other diagonal. So bring it back up and switch hands.

So this would go under and now you're going to smile to our audience, out employees, any time land rolling through the spine, right? And feel that diagonal there. Now roll the pelvis back and forth a couple of times. Can you feel the difference on one hip having a little more pressure in it than the other? Good. And that's what I want you to think of. Like really feel the tissue opening good. That was a very good move there on the left hip and then roll it back up.

It's like mentally back up and we'll do one more of those. And again, the idea is that if I can get her to appreciate that diagonal move into the hip and the hip opening is going to make a big difference in that sensation. She has have always been tight in the hips and that's what we're trying to work through. So last one, here we go. Find that rotation with this rib up a little bit from yeah. Good. Now flexing point and Antonio, there it is. Him Fill that. Freeing up some of that restriction in there. Right?

There you go. And relax. Very good. Come all the way back up and relax. I'll take the bar. We're going to finish up with a little, uh, Eagle stretch standing up here on the mission on the machine. Okay. You familiar with it? Yeah. Standing Eagle. Okay, so I'm going to bring you over on this side. Up on the table. Your hands are going to be here. Yeah, you get, you're getting the ID. I'm sure you remember it. Maybe different names, but hands are here, feeder here. And that's, just feel that hinge now. So letting the bottom come back down towards me. Yep. Good.

Really feel that sinky now into that hip. So it should feel no pinching in the front here now. Awesome. And we're much closer than we were earlier in the day, man. So now let's go ahead and bring the head initiate with the head. Actually start bringing it up and articulating the spine at the hips.

Be the last thing to come through. Come back into that full extension like we felt on the hanging series. We're now getting you ready for Cirque du Solei. Come back up. Hands through the hips. Back Down. One more time. Take it on up, right.

Spread Eagle all the way back. Hanging back. I got your head. Taking a deep breath there. Exhale, bring the hips back towards me and let's have you sit all the way down. Bend your knees, face the camera. Thanks for joining us on plot is any anytime for 45 minutes. Chappy's table workout and we'll see you in another plot. He's anytime workout.

Tower & Cadillac Workouts: Intermediate Cadillac Workouts


Lucky Meredith!! Exceptionally common I think to have tight hips from prolonged sitting and really useful to see one to one work in action. Just a suggestion, it might be useful to have a quick 30 seconds of the 'client's' thought/feedback at the end of the session in terms of perceived benefits? Love your work Brent - following Polestar/Moss Pilates on F/B although sadly the studio a little too far for me to get to on a regular basis. Best wishes, Sarah from the UK
Valya Karcher
Me next! : )
This brings to mind a question I've often thought about asking Dr. Bret Anderson: Whenever I see a baby strapped to their parent's chest in a front facing baby sling...legs externally rotated 180 degrees. Dr. Anderson, from your experience and expertise, what might possibly be the postural repercussions from this practice? I'm looking forward to your thoughts!
Valya Karcher
oops - Brent : )
1 person likes this.
That was awesome! Thanks for sharing :)
1 person likes this.
how lucky lucky lucky to have had Brent working on your hips Meredith Happy juicy hips by Dr.BRent
Always fascinating and so informative to watch you, Brent. Thanks for another great class. (PS: is that a UFO in the water? Hope they were friendly👽)
Pilates lab work at its best! It's always amazing to watch Brent Anderson work his magic in one on one sessions.
1 person likes this.
How cool is that to see mister Anderson today on P/A? Can't wait to do the class with Meredith and Brent Anderson.
1 person likes this.
this is AWESOME more :) :) :)
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