Hi everyone. I'm here for a reformer workout and I have a new friend to me named Aaron, who's in town here in Santa Barbara from Denver, Colorado. Her mom's taking classes at the studio and Aaron came and met me last week and I invited her to come work out with me. So thank you for being here. Uh, all you'll need is your magic circle, uh, for this reformer workout. So let's go ahead and get started. Everyone just have a seat at the edge of your reformer and just organize your feet in line with your hip bones and let's just do a little breath work to start. Okay. So hold on to your magic circle, wrap your fingers lightly around the inside edge and just let your elbows be somewhat relaxed in the arm position. Somewhat relaxed.
And you can lightly hold your fingers on your magic circle and what we're going to reproduce that pulling apart, pressing together. But maybe you don't have to minimize so much action in your hands and things really focus on the expansion of the ring and the narrowing and the ring and let that actually be occurring within your body, within your torso muscles. Okay, so we're, here we go. We're going to start kind of slowish and inhale. Here we go. Lengthening spring, pulling the magic circle. Exhale, closing the magic circle, close the spring and inhale expansion at height in the body. Exhale, press together and pull apart.
Let's just pick up the feet. Put the balls of their feet in mind with the sit bones now and I don't think we need to pull and push anymore, but everybody just hook your thumbs inside the ring now and lengthen your arm skyward and let's go ahead and extend the care. Don't long. And I want you to just hold yourself there for a moment. Contract your calves. We're not going to lock our knees and you might need kind of almost think that your shinbone is levitating a little bit, especially. Here we go. We're going to go into calf stretch without locking the knees and then press up.
Lightly press in with the palms of the hands and start tapping into the side. Chest muscles. Of course, we think those are the lats, right? So push the carer to lift that straight leg up. Point the toes to come down. So why are we holding the circle? Well, just to continue deepening the connection in the neck, shoulder, upper body. Okay, that's important. And press and three more.
We'll only do eight and take your leg as high as you'd like to go with the neutral pelvis last time here and down to quick change heel to the other side, leg out, flex foot and we left an hour. Yeah, Lauer and town and [inaudible] join that nice long set of muscles in the back of the leg and three more now. Here we go.
Levelize that pelvis. Here we are and breeze
Last three
Last one.
Inhale and start rolling down from the back of the chest. Oh, those ribs. All the spinal joints associated with the ribs. That alum bar, sacred area, neutral pelvis. Exhale, squeeze that ring because we're contracting our leg muscles contract in the stomach. It's okay to press the back of the arms down. We then exhale.
We're rolling down. Oh, all the way. Inhaled together at neutral pelvis and exhale as we cruel. Ruler, way up. Okay, so we're up there or at the bumper. Chin away from chest as pulse in.
Take a breath, pull the arms down. We'll do three arm pulls without the chest lift. So pretend that magic circle right. You're narrowing widening. Okay.
So lifting the head next shoulder and lower dow, initiating that arm pool from the armpit. Chest area. Stay up on this one. So we're going to do the pulse into
Keep the arms there in the legs there to take the chest down. Okay, come back up with the upper body. Now, just the arms going all the way up to the bumper and then exhaling down to more just the arms while you hold that torso. Design. Last one from the arm pit chest. We'll pull those arms down. Now I want you to put your head down and extend one leg and hold it there. Continue Region the hands past the hips. Now take the other leg out and just hold it there.
We're going to do the whole thing again. I need to kind of Shimmy getting stuck. Okay. Yeah, so that opened closes exactly what we were doing with that magic circle expansion contraction. Ready to call? Five more. We're ready folks. Come on up. So arms and legs long. This is our magic circle. We're one big one. Close, right? So we don't have to open wide. We want to open with intelligence and integrity of our alignment and connection.
Last one. Whew. Good. And then we'll just go right into five supine arms. Circles out, down and up. Just Nice, easy pattern. But image, that magic circle connection again, right? And four and five the way for five. Yes. This is beautiful arms, strong shoulders, a long spine within our body for, and our last one. Great. And then just rest. Okay. Time for the magic circle again.
We're going to breathe however it makes sense for you. I like inhale out. I like that length. I think Aaron does do right. Inhale, this time. That's it. That's our five hold as we exhale. Okay. Just hold, hold the position. We don't have to do fancy things to make it make a lot of impact on our, our body, as I'm sure you're all feeling way up here. Warm increase.
They work in those leg muscles a little bit more impressed. That ring. Can you make the rings smaller? Can you let it go bigger and can you exhale? Press it smaller. Just like we warmed up. Inhale with our breath. Three more. X. So we narrow it. Good. Inhale, widen it.
Exhale, narrow it, widen it. It's going to be really fun. Now hold, hold, hold. We're going to do the faster breath and change the shape of the ring.
Take the legs back out again. I'm going to adjust my circle. Okay. And all of that was parallel. Now I'd like us to do a very tiny bit of external rotation. So almost imagine the side of the thigh going around the back of the thigh. Let's try some frogs from here four times. Yeah, so there's a little bit more external rotation now.
Okay? Yeah. This is kind of a tricky, you could stick a dowel underneath your feet sometimes. I've done that with the uh, in the straps, but no dow will today. Four.
Yeah, she feels good. Hope y'all are feeling good out there to you. Okay. That was her five. Unfortunately. That's all I want to do with that. So go ahead and take these down and take her feet out. Not Unfortunately, maybe going personally, take that all the way out and come on up and leave yourself with one spring. I'm going to do the red. I think a red is good. No magic circle. I'm going to do some reverse abdominal work here.
And then on an exhale, contract the abdominals. Now you can flex your hips to pull the carriage towards your hands and then let the carriage go back. There'll be that little bit of hip extension and again, exhale, press the shins down. So yes, we could do this with Lumbar flection and we can also do this as we're doing here with extension of the spine. Both are good. Both offer good things. Yeah, I'm gonna have us do four more. Press Return, Press Return Knights, Aron hands pressing legs pulling last time. Okay. Now from here, just walk your hands back a little. Sit back for a moment and we'll do another style of that with adding a little bit of Lumbar flection. Okay, so same set up. The only thing that you're going to see that's different and you won't see a lot of see curve in my spine.
Always will have something to work on in my pallet's practice. That's good. Okay. Last one. That's it. Okay. And then walk your hands back. Yeah. Okay. So I think we can stand our red. Yep. And then Neil, closer grab a hold of the straps. Let's do some bicep curls right here. Okay. So we're down.
Good. Ready? Here we go. And axial.
Stomach area, inward, upward wide. And for from there, just flip your grip. We're going to just pull straight back and straight back. So this is kind of basic. I think what I want to do, just a couple more like this, everybody and then we'll add it, uh, add a little bit of thigh thigh. Work in it for some chariot. Okay, so that's the basic arm. Most of you know that come up higher. Come back up against the shoulder rest. Okay, you'll need to choke up on your strap. So chariot pole. Yeah, we've got our thigh against the block. Again, we've got our pelvis nice and neutral. And take just an extra second and use the hamstring contraction to press against the femur by bone as if you're almost going to bias your weight on the front of your knee. Okay, so informed movements, pull the straps back first pretty far. Hold them there.
Some reformers you can actually pull back and hover your feet up like that today. We'll just do it this way. Okay. All right, back to this reconnect. Let's just do a few of what we did at the beginning. Inhale, pull it apart and exhale. Press it together and we'll just keep going to hello train and exhale kilos. It's real. Inhale, pull it apart, sitting nice and tall and exhale close. Now we're going to keep that going, but as we pulled this time, exhale close, add a little bit of spinal flection. Inhale extension and exhale. Full action.
Good and extension. And we can make it a little bit bigger now and maybe a little bit bigger now, right? A little bit bigger.
Oh, got real quiet. I can't talk and do this. Go my bond to the sitting position and XL center. Do the other side. Inhale. Flex back. Okay. We are four at inhale.
Fantastic. Okay. If we can turn to face into each other side over time. Okay. So today's version, lean out first parallel. Make sure we're really parallel with that leg and pull up in this strap. So you have definitely had some leg, um, uh, ab duction action. Okay. Take that ring behind your head. You've seen me do this before. I do this a lot.
Oh, over.
Long as we go over. Hail, huff, two and three. Good thing for our confidence, huh? Over our hooks are misplaced. Their little up last two. Length and strength. Palladia is exhale. Last one, keep that leg lifted and all the way up and rest.
Okay. Putting the ring down and rotation. Wow. Close hands. Trying to be right in the center. So head is even with that shoulder. Rest of the head rest. Nice. Expansive breath. Just like that magic circle helped us at the beginning.
Okay, cool. So let's bring the box. We don't away. You can take it away. That's enough there.
So if you at home are doing this and you need to open your knees wider to be comfortable, please do that. That's okay. There's no rule here on that. Let's all study the feeling of even weight on the knees, the Shins, the feet, and the same in the amount of effort from your right arm and your left arm. Okay. Three more times with both arms on the bar. So we initiate that push from the armpit side. Chest. Okay. Take off the blue spring everybody, one arm, shoulder, press the other hand behind the back. Even more opportunity here.
Oh good. She didn't. That was fun to see what we choose. I did and for a six times. Yeah. So the neck where it meets the shoulder is soft. It's not gripped. What feels more more engaged is the below the shoulder blade, the side of the armpit, chest, three more to go. Your Tummy is lifted in
And come all the way. Let's put on our blue. I'm going to do, here is elephant for one of the weightbearing so we're not going to be too much on her wrist and cake and then come on up. Step our feet back. You know and I mean yes. So we have weighed on her wrist but it's not all on the wrist. We know. See if we can buy us a tiny bit more weight to the heel bones toes lifted as it is one version to do. You can also just keep your toes down, but look back and see that your ankles are nice and streets and your heels are nicely behind. Your ankle joint is lovely and we'll all pull our stomachs up a little bit.
Let's take the tempo up a little faster for eight more. One pull in, push away, pull in away. And in four more. Three, two, good. One and lower than he is down. Tastic okay, we're winding up. I'm just going to have us do a nice easy hip stretch. So, uh, one spring only we can take away one. We've left our red one and we'll go into of course for our hip flexor stretch.
So that really gives a stretch where it needs to go, which is all the way through here. Okay. And bring that with the kerogen two more. So it's so, such a small movement, doesn't need to be big traveling carriage like that can be tiny. But what I would like you to make sure you're doing is contracting this glue to also, and that coccsyx curl and that sense of all this tissue in the front coming up in the skin of the back, hanging down. Right. And carriage. [inaudible] one more time. So we don't need our hands. You need your mind really. Right. So the skin of the fronts coming up, the skin of the backs dropping down nice yet.
So I could see that the coccsyx curls going on, our glutes are contracted and we're feeling that stretch. Okay. And that's all we do. Come on in and I'll let you walk around and I'll follow you.
So our knee that's down is lightly their front heels from on the ground. We can engage this spring and open just a wee bit, little bit. Right. And it is worthwhile to take that time to ang or like check in. Oh my gosh, my sacred ms back here. Why is it doing that? I haven't thought about where to put it. Sometimes we need more thought. Right.
And so there's an upness of the front that uplift the skin of the back hanging down the back. That's really beautiful. Aaron had come all the way in. We have two more on this side and we press. So now trying to maintain that good and a very clear contraction of the back leg, glute hamstring the heels back. We've got a sense of openness and our upper body. We bring that carriage in and we have one more everyone and then we'll be finished with our reformer workout today.
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