Class #4000

Playful Mat Flow

55 min - Class


You will have fun while working on your technique with this playful Mat workout by Brett Howard. He starts with a gentle warm-up to mobilize your spine and prepare you for what's to come. He then moves onto a traditional Mat flow, adding in creative variations that will test your strength, coordination, and control.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Hi, I'm Brett Howard and I'm going to do a math class with the guys today. So don't worry about anything fancy. Just sit down and then what you're going to do. Actually I lie. Let's kneel down in a quadrat pet. I always like to start in a quadrat pet position, and what we're going to do is we're just going to have the hands directly underneath the shoulders, knees directly underneath the hips. I'm going around the back like an angry cat. Dropped your head, drop your tailbone, then arch the back, head up, tailbone up, and again, round the back and then arch the back and again, inhale, round the back and exhale, arch the back.

Cat Cow

Let's go for one more. Inhale round the back and exhale, arch the back and hold there. Keep the position. I want you to sit halfway back. All right, let's repeat this. Inhale round the back in this halfway back position and then exhale arch. And again, inhale round and Xcel arch. Let's go for two more.

Inhale round the back and XL arch the back last time. Inhale round and exhale arch to it. All the way onto the heels. Then if your knees are healthy, that the head drop, keep the seat connected to the heels. Roll up to your spine, tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck and head are right now what you guys are going to do is they're going to sit down. You're going to bring the soles of the feet flat onto the mat. Hold onto the back of the thighs. We're going to go for the roll down. Tailbone initiates, pull up through the pubic bone.

Half Roll Back

You're going to roll down one vertebra at a time, opening up the small of the back. Then from there and lead with the crown of the head around forward. Bring the nose to the knees, then roll up to your spine, tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck and head and twice more tail but under rounding back. Wonderful guys, crown of the head forward rounding forward news to knees and then roll up to your spine. Tonight's tall, straight back. One more roll down mixture. The feed in the knees. Don't roll in or out. Once you get to that position, hold there. Now curve over to the upper back slightly.

Then reach the arms forward. Hold for three two one roll an inch down, hold for three to one another inch down. Hold for three two, one roll all the way down. Great. Now what you can do is you can bring your feet together. Knees together. Hands can either go right behind the base of the head or if it's more comfortable you can bring them out to the side with the palms facing down. Good and you can just press down there.

Now what you're going to do is you're going to simultaneously bring both knees over to the right as you look to the left. Then pull rib cage, lower back pelvis to come back to center, then knees to the left, head to the right and then pull down rib cage, lower back pelvis to come back to center. And again it needs to the right head to the left and then pull rib cage, lower back pelvis to go to center needs to the left, head to the right and then pull down rib cage, lower back pelvis. One more time needs to the right head to the left and then pull rib cage, lower back, pelvis, Dakota center, knees to the left, head to the right, and then pull rib cage, lower back pelvis. Now lie on your side facing me to start with and then I'll switch you. You're going to have one line from heels to bottom to shoulders.

Windshield Wiper Legs

Hands are going to go behind the base of the head. Then from there you're going to open the top elbow. Follow the elbow with the eyes as if you're opening up a book. Then you're going to close the book. Follow the elbow with the eyes and again, open the book to following the elbow with the eyes and then close the book. Follow the elbow with the eyes. Let's go for one more.

Windshield Wiper Arms

Open the book and then close the book following the elbow with the eyes. Now rest of the head, the stack one hand on top of the other hand. Now we will follow the fingertips. Open the book, follow the fingertips with the eyes. Good, and then close the book. You're like, how is it good? You're not even looking at me. And again, open the book, follow the fingertips with the eyes and then close the book. Follow the fingertips with the eyes. One more. Open the book three and then enclose the book three.

Now hold their top shoulder blade goes four to the bottom and center. And again, forward to and center. One more time. Forward three and center. Okay, you guys can flip to the other side. Yup. There we go. Now hands are going to go behind the head. Elbows are going to meet.

You're going to open the elbow, fall or the elbow with the eyes. Nice. And then close the book, following the elbow with the eyes and again, open the book to and close the book to once more. Open the book three and close the book. Three. Nice. Stack one hand on top of the other hand. Now open the book, follow the fingertips with the eyes and then close the book. Following the fingertips with the eyes. And again, open the book to and closing the book too. One more.

Open the book three and clues. The book three. Now. Top shoulder blade moves four to the bottom and center and forward to and center. One more time. Forward three and center. All right, you're going to flip over onto your back. Great. Now you're going to open the legs. Parallel hip width distance. We're going to go for some bridging. You're going to start with the tail, or you're going to roll the hips up to a nice bridge. Good. Then you're going to start with the sternum and you're gonna melt down one vertebra at a time, all the way down to the tailbone. And again, tailbone initiates rolling up to a bridge.


Sternum initiates melt down through your spine, one vertebrae at a time, all the way down to the tail. One more time. Lifting the hips up. This time I'm going to keep the hips up. You're going to inhale, float the arms up. Exhale, reach the arms back, back, back. Inhale, arms go forward. [inaudible] XL arms go down onto the mat. Once again. Inhale, lift the arms. XL, reach, reach, reach. Inhale, arms forward. Exhale, arms go down. One more time. Inhale, lift.

This time I'm going to keep the arms overhead. We're going to do something and call the Seesaw. You're going to roll the hips down as you roll the head, neck and shoulders up. As you reach the arms forward and engage the abdominals as you're engaging, make sure you're not tucking the hips though. Now let the hips up as the head, neck and shoulders go back. [inaudible] yes, and again, roll the spine down with the head, neck and shoulders roll up. Now hold that position. Bring both knees into the chest.

Chest Lift w/ Pelvic Curl

Extend both legs out. We're going to go a few variations too for nothing. [inaudible] pump a hundred. Inhale, three, four, five. Exhale, three, four, five. Inhale. Exhale. Three, four, five. Right leg up, left leg down. Inhale, and exhale. Three, four, five. Inhale. Exhale. Three, four, switch. Inhale, three, four, five. Exhale, three, four, five in XL, three, four legs together. Beat the heels. Four or five XL, three, four, five. Inhale, XL three, four across your inner thighs. Two, three, four, five. Exhale. Inhale, exhale. Pat the head. Run that. I'm kidding.

Hundred Variation

Now what you're gonna do is you're gonna bring your feet down. We're going to start with what I call the good morning roll up cause this is the more roll up I have to do in the morning. So, so all the feet flat on the mat arms are going to go straight up to the ceiling. It's a simultaneous action simultaneously. You're going to roll up as you slowly stretch the legs and round and to see curve. Now simultaneously slide the feed in as you curl the tailbone under, drag the feed in all the way back down and again, again, you're going to roll up as you simultaneously dredge the legs into your C curve and then slide the feet in as you roll down one vertebrae at a time all the way down. One more. Stretch the legs.

Roll Up

As you slide forward, this time you're going to hold forward. Roll up through your spine. Make two fist, bring the thumbs together and we're going to row just a simple row. Tailbone under pubic bone up, curve down to the lower back and then back up and again, tailbone under and roll back up. One more tailbone under, roll to the lower back and hold there. Keep that position curve over with the upper back more.

Rowing Back

Now just open the arms on one plane. Press the arms back. Then round four to class the hands. You're going to reach back with the fingertips. Clasp and lift up. One. Lift up to lift up three. Then circle the arms around. Stretch over to roll back up and row under again.

Open the arms, press on one plane round forward. Reach the fingertips back. Lift up one, lift up to lift up three and circle all the way around. One more time, tall, back curving under. Open the arms. Press then go over and then you're going to lift and reach up.

One. Lift up to lift up three and circle the arms all the way around. Keep the C curve, roll back all the way down onto the mat and then arms are going to go slightly back past the shoulders, arms to ceiling, chin to the chest. Roll up through your spine and exhale C curve. Inhale, roll down one vertebrae right at a time. Exhale all the way down. One more time.

Roll Up

Rolling up in Hill and XL. C curve, hands forward, stomach, back. Inhale round down one vertebra at a time and exhale all the way down. Nice guys. Spring the sole of the feet flat onto the Madigan. Feet together, knees together. Now you're going to take your fingertips, sit on the fingertips. Now you're going to keep your right leg. Let's keep the left leg still as you open your right knee to the side.

Imagine that trying to scale and then close the knee. Keep the scale balanced as you open the other leg and then close the knee. Keep the scale balance as a right leg opens, left knee stays still wonderful guys, and then open the left leg as the right knee stays still and then go back to center. Remove the fingertips, arms down by the sides. Keep the pelvis still balanced on the scale. Extend the leg up, knee to knee. Then from there you're going to lower the leg down to the ankle.

Hip Rotation

You're going to take a slight circle out and come back to center and again, lower down. Now on that slight circle out, you have to keep the scale balanced. And again, lower down, slight circle out, come center, reverse open, circle down and go up. And again, open circle, down and up. Open balance those hips. Good. And come up. Bend your knee. Let's switch legs.

Single Leg Circle Prep

Lift the other leg up and then you're going to lower down a little circle and come center. Yes. Lower down balancing and center. One more time. Lower using your abdominals as your Keystone or your anchor. Now bend the knee. That's all right. Let's reverse it and go out. Circle down and go up. And again, go out, circle down and go up.

One more. Circle out, down, and go up. Now bend the knee. Great. You're not listening. I'm kidding. Alright. No, you guys are listening to well, so what you're going to do is you're going to bring your right knee into the chest, give yourself a good pool. It's done the left leg out onto the mat. Great. Now what you're going to do, I've confused you. You're going to bring the arms down by the sides. Nine points of pressure into the mat.

Now that idea of really using the core as your anchor, we're going to keep going with that. Extend the right leg up to the ceiling. Again, externally, rotate the top leg lead with the inner thigh. Go across the body open only to where you can control keeping the hips balanced on the scale and again across a little bit out to your control center. Inhale and up to center. Reverse a little out to your control.

Single Leg Circles

Cross the body center and stop a little bit out and cross and stop. One more yes and center. Stop. Hold there. Bend the knee and take a little bit of a pull there. And then change legs. Okay, pull that leg in and then extend the leg up to the ceiling. Turn out the leg and go across the bodies. Circled down, up in, stop and across. Circle down, up in. Stop in, hella cross XL up. Stop.

Reverse a little out to your control and stop a little bit out, a lot across and stop. One more, a little bit out, a lot of cross and stop. And then keep that leg up. You're going to walk up the leg towards the ankle. Now simultaneously you're going to flex both feet as you bend the knees and then you're going to extend the legs and point I call this the fondue and bend and flex so you melt like melted cheese and extended point. One more time. Bend and flex and extend and point.

Hamstring Stretch

Then slowly roll your spine down and then you can bend the knee. Change legs, pull the other leg in, lifted up, grab a hold of your ankle. Now simultaneously bend the knees as you flex the feet and extend the legs as you point the feet. And again, flex and bend and extend in 0.1 more. Flex and bend and extend in point and roll the spine down. Bend the knee in. Give yourself a nice pool in both legs, out onto the mat, arms to the ceiling, and then roll up to your spine for five, four, three, two, one Linda bars, get your bottom four to your heels.

Grab a hold of your ankles, broad, wide, elbows to the side, head dropped under now, tailbone under, rock backwards and then crown of the head forward to come back up and stick it and again, tell when under and coming up and balance. Wonderful guys, rock back. Roll up and balanced. Two, three more and rock back and come up and balance. Two, three, two more and up in balance. Once more. Rock back and up in balance and hold their right hand and ankle. Left hand and knee. Left leg out to your level. Control. Then slowing controlled. Roll down to the base of the shoulder blades. Nice wide elbows. Pull the right leg in. Change. Pull the left leg and change, right. Change left. Change three, change three, change pool and five more and pool and pour an inhale.

Rolling Like A Ball

Inhale an XL. Exhale. Inhale. Inhale, Xcel Xcel both knees in. Grab your ankles, arms back, legs, reach for the double leg stretch. Circle the arms, bend the knees, grab the ankles and pull. Inhale, reach to circle around in pool. Inhale, reach three. Circle around in pool. Inhale out for excelling in pool. Reaching out five XL five more times. Inhale, reach an Xcel circle in. Inhale to Xcel. Circle in. Inhale Leigh. Elongate Xcel. Circle in twice more. Inhale out and Xcel.

Single Leg Stretch

Circle in one more time. Inhale, reach Xcel. Circle in right leg up. Left leg out. Single straight leg. Stretch, chin, pool, pool, scissor and poor. Poor, poor and poor. Poor and three, three and three. Three and Paul, Paul and Paul. Poor and poor. Poor and five more sets. Poor. Poor, poor, poor and two, two and two to three. Three and three. Three, two more times. Pool pull. One more. Set. Pull. Pull both legs up. Hands on the head. Double straight leg stretch. Lower the legs for three, two one up to 90 and lower to three. Lift 90 and three to three up four to three.

Double Leg Stretch

Up and lower. Two three up. Five more. Lower. Two, three up to 90 as you lower zipper. Zipper, zipper. Lift to 90 and zipper. Zipper zipper up to 93 more zipper. Zipper zipper up to 92 more lower. Two three up to 91 more lower. Two three up. Chris. Cross twist to the right and hold for three. Hold for two, hold for one. Change and twist, twist, twist, change, twist to three and twist further. Further. Three, two, three, three, two, three, four, two, three, four, two, three. Twist, two, three, five, quick time.

Single Straight Leg Stretch

One and one and two and two and three and three and four and four and five and five. Knees and, and relax. I would say good morning but it's not morning. Alright, both legs out onto the mat. Maybe it's morning at home now. Arms straight up to the ceiling. Inner thighs together now, so you're going to roll up through the spine. One vertebra at a time. When you get to the low back, think of pressing into memory foam. So rolling up and press into memory foam to continue up.

Double Leg Lower Lift

All right, not bad guys. You're going to open just to the outside of your mat with your feet and then you're gonna flex both feet. Arms are going to go straight out in front of you. Shoulder with shoulder, height for the spine, stretch forward. Great. You're going to engage the glutes. Lift the spine now around, up and over. Big imaginary ball, hands, Ford, stomach, back, heels forward, ball of the foot, back, crown of the head down. Now start from the tailbone. Roll-up tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck. Head up against a flat wall.

Criss Cross

Slide your back up that wall. Peel off the wall. Rounding forward over a big beach ball. Touch the head in the sand in front of the beach ball. Slide the hands port on a table. Now stack one vertebra on top of another. As you roll up like you're stacking one Pearl on top of another Pearl.

Spine Stretch Forward

One more time. Squeeze the seat, lift the spine round up and over, and exhale. Exhale, exhale, exhale, exhale. Exhale. Inhale, rolling up to your spine to a nice, tall, straight lifted back. Then from there, you're going to bring the legs together. Shake out the legs. Imagine you have a pillow on your lap. You're just going to rest your torso on the pillow, so it's a nice, relaxed, passive stretch, not forcing anything.

Take a deep breath in and a big exhale is okay to give you a little push here and again, take a deep breath in and a big exhale. Exhale. Exhale. One more time. Take a deep breath in and a big exhale. XL, XL good. Rolling up to your spine. One vertebrae at a time. Then from there, draw the legs in. You can hold either behind the thighs and extend or you can grab your ankles and extend up. Hold that position. Then from there, don't rock back. Just curl the tailbone under.

Open Leg Rocker

Curl the sacrum under little. Then you're going to rock back and you're going to come right back up and balance. Four, three, two, one and again, rock back as you go back. Pulled back through the upper ribs. You know you shouldn't be going in fresh and again, rock back and come up. Don't get fresh Doug. Get fresh and again, rock back to the ag and get them fresh. Now come up and balance two more.

Back and up in balance. Four, three, two. What do you got? Fresh and one more time back. Come up and balance. Balance. Now hold there. What you're going to do is pull back a little more. Draw the inner thighs together. Reach forward. Find that teaser for three.

Hold there for to hold there for one without those legs moving. Roll the spine down and then bring both knees into the chest. Hug your legs. Keep rested there. Keep hugging. Circle both knees to the right. Three times to go right. One circle right to circle right three reverses circle.

Circle left, one circle left to circle, left three. Now keep the knees in eight points of pressure into the mat. Hands down, shoulders, head, stomach, hips, down. Those are like eight tree roots for reading yourself into the ground. Now extend both legs straight up to the ceiling. Rotate to Pilati. Stans corkscrew. Circle the legs were right down. Left center.


Stop and left down. Right center stop right down. Left center. Stop. Left down right center one more set. Inhale right down left and center and inhale down XL and center. Great. Bring both knees into the chest, extend the legs out onto the mat and you can either do a regular roll-up or good morning roll-up. It's your choice. Okay. Rolling up to your spine.

One vertebrae at a time. All right, very good. Oh no, that was fine. Open the legs into your V again and then bring your arms to the side. Peripheral vision. Great. Now for today, I'm going to have the palms facing down. You're going to lift your spine, twist from the left to go right now, drop the arms reach or the left little finger pasture, right little toe and stretch further further further and come back up to center and now twist to the left. Drop the arms saw as you're reaching forward, that ripe set of fingertips, you're pulling back with the right hip and then come back up to center. Good. Then you're going to twist to the right. Drop the arms saw and you're going to reach, reach, reach and up to center. And now lift and twist to the left.


Drop the arms saw and reach. Reach, reach, and up center. Let's go for one more twist to the right. Drop the arms saw and reach further, further and up to center, and then twist to the left. Drop the arms saw and you're going to reach. Reach, reach and up to center. Keep the legs where they are and you're going to let the arms drop down. Shake out the legs a little bit. Imagine there's two pillows in front of you.

Rest your torso on those imaginary pillows. Nice and relaxed. Take a deep breath in and a big exhale. Exhale. Is that a love? Tap again in now and I love you to Xcel Xcel one more time and take a deep breath in and a big XL XL XL roll up to your spine, one vertebrae at a time. You can Chris cross your legs, Taylor style, or you can bring your souls the feet flat together. If it bothers your knee to sit criss crossed, you're going to bring the arms to the side. You're going to bring your left arm to your ear.

[inaudible] then you're going to bend over and stretch. You can press the hand down as you're stretching. Make sure you have equal weight on both sides of the pelvis. Then from there, come back to center and then switch. Other emptier. Go over and stretch, reach, reach, and up to center. Good and one more in each. Go over and stretch equal weight on both sides of the pelvis and come back to center and now over and reach, reach, reach and goal. Back to center. Nice guys. Flat.

Side Bend

I lie on your stomach facing opposite of each other. So ahead. It's going to go away and you're going to bring the hands to the outside of the mat so you have a little wider stance. If you want to open your legs a little bit, you can. All right, and then you're going to elevate the actually not. Let's not do that today. Let's just keep the hands down. Go right up all the way up and stretch and then lower the body down all the way down. And again, lifting up and lower the body all the way down.

Swan Prep w/Neck Roll

One more and lifting up. Hold there. Turn the head, look to the right, circle the head down. Look to the left. Look front. Look left. Circle down to the right. Look front once again. Right circle down to the left. Look, front left. Circle down to the right. Look front. Hold there. Now are you pulling in and up through the abdominals?

Are you wrapping through your ribs? Lifting up to your sternum, pulling down through the shoulder blades, lifting up through the crown of the head, just asking them, lower the body all the way down, and then counter stretch. Child's pose, stretching out there. Good. Now you're going to lie on your stomach and bring your forehead on top of your left hand. All right. Then you're going to bend your right knee and if your knee is healthy, reach back, grab a hold of your foot and give a gentle pu inward, very gentle equal weight on both sides of the front pelvis there.

Child's Pose

Now what you're going to do is keep this position, but push your foot backwards into your hand for a slightly different stretch. Then from there, as you're pushing that foot backwards, if you like, you can lift your thigh up a little bit for an even different stretch. Lower down. Let's switch. You're going to bring the forehead and top of the right hand. Then from there, take a gentle push inward. Then from there, push your foot back into your hand. And then if you want to increase that, you can lift that thigh up and relax it down. Make a Sphinx position with your upper body for the single leg kick.

Quad Stretch

Now fist down, elbows down, stomach up. Ribs up. Crown of the head. Up. Now you're going to bend the right leg. Kick. Killed a bottom kick kick. Now the left leg kick kick again, right, right, left, left tight seat. Loose feed. Keep the pelvis nice and quiet. Kick. Kick in. Five more. And kick, kick, kick, kick into two, two, two and three, three and three, three and kick, kick, kick, kick. One more kick, kick and kick. Kick. Lower down.

Single Leg Kick

And then what you're going to do is you're going to bring your right face cheek onto the mat. You didn't move quick enough. So I'm going to do something else now. So you're going to go on your forearms as do this one. You're going to draw the inner thighs together. Sorry. Uh, Kathy. Yes, Cobra. Go right under the forearms there. I like this.

And then you're going to see a squeeze legs. Get a curl the toes under. Now go to a straight line from a head to heels for nice plank and hold for ten nine pulling up to the pubic bone. Seven six five four three two one and lower two three second set. Lived up to a straight line while you're holding their pubic bone up. Tailbone down, up through the abdominals. And we have seven more.


Six five, four, three, two. I was a dancer. I can count and low down to three one morning and is here. My accounting skills hold for 10 Joseph [inaudible] nine Joseph plotty is eight [inaudible] seven Joseph [inaudible] six Joseph [inaudible]. Five Joseph plots for Joseph [inaudible].

Three Joseph [inaudible]. Two Joseph plot is one. Joseph who Barritas polities and lower the body down. Okay, now you guys are going to lie down. Bring your right face to your, onto the mat. Bring the hands behind the shoulder blades for the double leg kick.

Now he's a burrata. Elbows to this side. Now hips nice and relaxed as you kick both legs simultaneously. Three times one kicking, two, kicking three. Sly, the arms down the back and you're going to lift and you're going to lengthen as this. Okay. And lower down and again, kicking one, kicking two, kicking three. Slide the arms down the back and you're going to lengthen. Lengthen, lengthen and lower down and kicking. One, kicking. Two. Kicking three. I stuck to the mat and they're going to let Ben.

Double Leg Kick

That's okay. And lower and kicking. One kicking, two. Kicking three is lie the arms down the and lift and lengthen. Lengthen. Lengthen. One more set and kicking. One kicking. Two, kicking. Three. Slide the arms down the back and you're going to lift and lengthen.

Is this okay Kathy, go ahead and lower down last time. Kicking. One, kicking, two, kicking three, lift and lengthen. And I'm just going to bend my knees. Lean backs of and it's protects my back. I don't feel anything in my back. Only my legs. And then lowering down and then counter stretch.

Child's pose again. All right. And then starting with the tail, you're going to roll up tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck and head. Great. Turning around, turn around, and we're going to go for the, I call this the mini neck pool. Okay? So what you're going to do is you're going to bring the hands behind the head and I was like the elbows to be slightly forward, and then you're going to engage the glutes, lift, hinge backwards, curl the tailbone under sacrum under lower to lower five L five then round forward, nose to knees in, roll up, tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back and neck head and again, engage the glutes, lifting hinge backwards, and then crawl under to the last vertebra. Then round forward, and then roll up to your spine to a nice, tall, straight lifted back.

Child's Pose

Now let's reverse this round forward. Now stay forward. Nothing moves but the tailbone. Curl it under. Then pull up through the pubic bone to roll under through the sacrum and keep rolling down until you get to the bottom rib and hold there. Now don't change anything. Roll up. Tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head on a diagonal. I know that tremor of truth and come back to center and again, drop the head curl. Kurlander one vertical four at a time.

Neck Pull Variation

Then hold there on the diagonal. Roll up. Tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head, hold there. Can you squeeze your glutes more? Can you lengthen through your spine more? Can you wrap to the ribs more? Hold Calvin under. Let the head drop and roll all the way backwards to come all the way back up again. Inhale, exhale, nose to knees. Good. Inhale, roll up through your spine to a tall back lift. Hinge, back and round under tailbone. Lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head and again. Roll up in Hill and Xcel. Nose to knees. Roll up through your spine to a tall back. Lift. Hinge, back and round under tailbone. Lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head.

Neck Pull

Sorry for my bony ankles and again chin to chest. Inhale, exhale. It's like the only thing bony on me anymore. Now roll up the earth binder, a tall back. Squeeze your bottom. Lifting hinge back and round under a tailbone. Lower back, middle back, upper back, neck and head are right. So what you're going to do is good for it a little bit. Bring the soles of the feet flat onto the mat, and then you're going to initiate it from the tailbone.

We're going to do a little bit of shoulder bridge. Just some simple bridging first though, rolling up to your spine, one vertebrae at a time, up to the base of your shoulder blades. Then start from the sternum. Melt down one vertebra at a time all the way down to the tailbone. Once the tailbone is down, curl the tailbone up.


Roll up one vertebra at a time, up to a bridge. Sternum initiates. Melt down one vertebrae at a time all the way down and down, down. Last time to roll up. This time you're going to stay up. We're going to do a little bit of marching. You're going to let the right knee come in as you folded the hip and then bring it down to then go to the left, forward at the hip and down, right knee in and down. Left me in and down.

Bridge w/Single Leg Marches

Write me in and hold it in. Extend the leg up to the ceiling. Hold there. Reach that extended leg up to the ceiling more. Try to touch the ceiling with your toe. Then lower knee to knee. Lift to 90 degrees. Lower knee to knee. Lift to 90 degrees. Lower knee to knee. Lift to 90 bend the knee. Bring your foot down now left knee into the chest, left leg up.

Shoulder Bridge

Try to touch the ceiling with your toes and then lower knee to knee in 90 degrees. Lower knee to knee lifted 90 wonderful guys. Lower knee to knee. Lift to 90 bend the knee. Bring your foot down. Start from the sternum. Melt down one vertebra at a time all the way to the tail. And then let's do the good morning. We're roll up feet together. Knees together, arms to the ceiling. Roll up to your spine as you extend the legs. Rest over and stretch to three.

Rolling up. It's good. A little forward. And we're going to do some hip walks. Reach the arms forward and walk back. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and forward two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Now we're going to have a little bit of fun. So what you're gonna do is you're gonna go, one, two, three, four. You're going to love this. Wait, sorry. One, two, three, four, five, six. Look up seven, round over eight. Let's do that again. Open one hand. Then the other hand, cross one than the other.

Hip Walks

Open one. Then the other look up. Round over. Let's combine it together now and we're going to walk. One end to end. Cross and cross. Sin up. Bend up. Look up, bend over and forward. Cross, cross up, up, up and over and back and back and back and up and up in Florida and over one and up and over. Great. Sometimes it's nice to have a little fun with it, right? So what'd you guys are going to do? Is you're going to lie onto your side. Why don't we, you don't need to, I don't need to do that. So lie on your side.

Hip Walks Variation

Facing that way. That way no one's looking at your butt. Okay. And then what you're going to do is you're going to lift the top leg up hip height, and then you're going to kick front, front, and back, back to two, back back, three, three, back, back, four, four, back, back, five, five, five a hold. Now bring leg on top of leg. Now from here you're going to bend your knees, bring your feet back so the feet are in line, good with your hips. Then from there, the hand that's supporting your head, you're going to wrap that around the top of your ribs there. Then from there you're going to bring your right hand a head down.

Forward and Back

Bring the right hand down right in front of your shoulder. Good. [inaudible]. Now hold there. Let me just switch a little bit here. Bring this one around the ribs and this one right at the shoulder here. There we go. Now I want you to imagine you are in between two walls and imagine they're electrified, right? We have to up the ante a little bit.

Side Lift

Now you're going to go straight up through those two walls as you push down with your right hand, lift up as much as you can and lower the body down. Good. And again, you're going to lift up and lower down. One more, lifting up and lower back down. Now the hand that's on the rib, support your head with it. Again. Other hand is going to go down onto the mat again.

And then what you're going to do is you're going to imagine you have a champagne flute onto your hip, one on your knee, one on your ankle. So that's good motivation, right? And we don't want to waste any champagne, so you're going to keep those balanced as you lift your legs up and lower the legs back down and lift the legs up too and lower back too. And lift the legs up. Three, lower the legs, three. Now we're going to put everything together. It's not going to be high, but you're going to lift your legs up as you lift your upper body up a few inches. Hold there. This is one of my friend Kathy quarries and lower down and again, lifting up too and lower down.

Double Leg Lift

I thought it would spread the punishment and lifting up three and I'll hold there. Keep up. Stretch your legs from with underneath and little flutters. Flutter, two, three, four, five six, seven, eight, nine, 10 and flutter. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 and flutter, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Lower everything down. Good. Now we did five of the kicks. Let's do five more. Bring the legs forward. You should have a little more connection now there you're going to lift the leg up, hip height, and then you can prop your head up onto your hand if you like and kick forward. Front, front, back, back two, two, back, back three, three, back, back, kick, kick, back, back.

Side Body Lift

One more kick, kick back, back leg on top of leg. Turn out the leg. Develop, pay. Slide the toe to the knee. Bring your knee to your shoulder and then extend the leg up and then resist down to the inner thigh. Good toe to the knee, knee into the shoulder. Extend. Nice. Oop knee. Okay. And lower down. One more time. Toad in the knee. Need a shoulder extend. Lower down reverse envelope. Head kick up.

Side Double Leg Lift Variation

Bend the knee to shoulder. Toe to knee. Stretching down. Kick up to bend the knee. Total knee stretch down. Once more up, bend the knee. Totani stretched down and hold there. Rotate a little bit more and then kick the leg up. Resisted down and kick up to resist it. Down and up.

Forward and Back

Three resisted down up. Four. Resisted. One more. Up five, resist small circle. Circle one. Circle two, yes. Circle three. Circle four. Circle five, reversing one and two and three and four and five. Lift the leg up. Hip height again. All right, now hold their bicycle. Kick forward. Bend the knee into the shoulder. Knee over knee.


Five goes back. Extend the leg kicking front. Need a shoulder, knee over knee, thigh, back. Extend once again front than the knee. Knee Vernie. Need a shoulder extend. Hold on. Speed racer. Every here now reverse and go back. Then the knee, knee over knee needed, shoulder extend, and again go back to bend the knee. Knee ever needed a shoulder and extend one more time back. Bend the knee. Need a knee, need a shoulder extend. Now go back, bend the knee and grab a hold of your foot.

Lift and Lower

Now what you're going to do is just relax there. If your knee is healthy, just bring the thigh back so the thigh is directly underneath your hip. Nice. Then from there, just push your foot back into your hand a little bit to get a little bit of a deeper stretch there. All right, you can release and then just swing your legs to the other side today. Yep. So we'll go right to the other side. Okay. We're going to do five kicks forward and back. Now you're going to have one long line from elbow to tailbone.


Feet forward at a 45 degree angle. Lift the leg up, hip height, and then as you guys are lifting, make sure you don't have body dysmorphia. Don't have too high. Now kicking front, front and back. Back two to back, back three, three. It's like we're wiping a table. Can all the crumbs on the table back back five, five and back, back leg on top of leg. Now bend the knees, bring the heels directly underneath your sitz bones. Then from there, the hand that's propping up the head, wrapped around the top of the ribs. There other hand goes right in front of the shoulder.


Then you're in between two flat imaginary walls. You're going to push down with your hand to lift up and lower down. Now as you lift, try not to let the ear come close to the shoulder. Lift up, so don't let the left ear come close. Nice guys, and lower down. One more time and lifting up above up and lower down. Now you're going to take that hand that's around the ribs. Prop it up again.

Quad Stretch

Pop your head up with it again, and then from there you're going to press down with the left hand. Three champagne flutes are going to lift up with your legs and lower down, lifting up to and lower down, lifting up three and lower down. Now it doesn't have to be big, but lift your legs up and your torso. Up to three wonderful guys in lower and lifting up enough that Oh, bow up with it to three and lower. One more time and lift. She's got it. Hold there. Stretch the legs underneath you. Little flutter and flutter. Two, three, four five six seven eight, nine 10 and flutter. Two three, four five six, seven, eight, nine, 10 and warmer. Set six seven, eight, nine, 10. Lower the legs.

Forward and Back

Bring the legs forward at a 45 degree angle. Again, five more. Lift the leg up. PIP height and kick. Front, front, back, back in two, two and three three and stretch back four, four once more. And kick, kick gun. Stretch back leg on top of leg. Turn the leg out. Develop paid. Towed to the knee, knee to the shoulder. Extend the leg up. Resisting down toe to knee. Need a shoulder. Extend the leg up. Resisting one more two to me. Need a shoulder.

Side Lift

Extend the leg up. Resist, reverse. Kick up. Bend the knee. Totani. Slide it down. Kick up, bend the knee toe to nice. Stretch down. Kick up knee to shoulder, toe to knee, and stretch it down the up. And the down kick up, resisting down, up to resisting down up three and two more up four and one more and up. Down small liberal circles. Hold one. Circle to brush the heel to heel.

Double Leg Lift

Four and five. Reverse brush and brush and brush. Make a clear circumference and then relax the foot down. Okay, bicycle. If the top leg up hip height and then kick the leg front. Need a shoulder, a knee over knee, thigh goes back and extend. Kick front knee to shoulder and knee. Ever need thigh? Back extend. Yes. Once again, you need to shoulder, knee over knee, thigh, back. Extend Houma, reverse goal back. Bend the knee, knee or knee.

Side Body Lift

Need a shoulder and extend and swing it back. Bend the knee and you ever need, need a shoulder, an extension vitamin here back then the money in the runny needed shoulder and extend. Good. All right, onto your back. Face into each other. It's not Hammertime, but it is teaser time, right? So what you're going to do is let's start seated today actually. And then you're going to bring your hands down onto the mat. You're going to curl the tailbone under to lift the legs up.

Side Double Leg Lift Variation

Then from there, reach the arms up. Now you're going to roll halfway down and then roll back up. And again, roll halfway down and roll back up. One more time. Roll halfway down, roll back up. Hands behind the head, elbows forward, and then lower the legs.

Forward and Back

Nothing changes with your elbows. Imagine someone's holding them and you're going to squeeze their hands with your elbows. Lower and lift. No arms forward. Now we're not going to go all the way down. I'm going to bring the arms to ears. Roll down and you're gonna hover your head and your feet. Pull through the Naval to go up and lift the arms to ears.


Float down and hover. Hover, hover, roll back up. One more time. Arms to ears and float down and hover and hold it there. Hold it there, hold it there, hold it there, hold it there, hold it there, hold it there. Three more. Hold it. There's, hold it there. Hold it there. Lower all the way down. Okay. All right, so roll back up.

Leg Lifts

Just a regular roll up. And now bring your forearms on the mat behind you. You're going to curve your lower back into the mat and we're going to do a little bit of Ken. Ken, I'm going to go the same way with Kathy. You guys are going to go opposite, okay, and these are going to go to the right. Knees, left knees, right kick, right, left, right, left, kick left. Then right left, right kick, right left, right left, kick left.


One more kick, right and left, right, left, kick, left and then relax down. All right, over onto your stomach for the swimming arms are going to go out in front of you. Right arm up, left leg up, and Lou and the little swim and swim. Two, three, four, five. Exhale, three, four, five. Inhale, XL three, four, five. Inhale, three, four, five. Exhale, three, four, five, lower down, and then stretch. Child's pose. All right, you're going to take a deep breath then and a big exhale all the air out and again, inhale and exhale all the air out. One more time. Inhale and ex, Oh yeah, out. That has never happened before, right? So what you're going to do as a roll up through your spinal, one vertebra at a time. Then from there, keep your position. Just lift up to a high kneel, open the legs parallel hip with distance.


Then from there you're going to bring your left arm to the ear. You're going to slide the right hand down the leg and reached for the floor. Might not touch. That's okay. Then lift back up and exchange and then slide the other hand down the leg as you reach. So it's like a kneeling mermaid, but on the mat and exchange and go over and reach, reach, reach, and come up and exchange. Last time. Go over and stretch, stretch, stretch.

Teaser 1

Come up, hold there. Step your left foot forward and you're going to bring your hands onto your thigh. Now you're going to make sure that the right leg is far enough back where you can already start with a slight stretch of your hip flexors. Then from there, you're going to bend the front knee, making sure the knee doesn't go too far over the foot, and then from there bring your right hand down onto the mat. Then you're going to open your left hand and you're going to twist to the ceiling. Then bring both hands down, framing the foot, stretch the front leg, rounding over the leg. Nice guys, and you're going to bend the knee.

Teaser 2

Front, knee, both hands. Go onto your thigh. Push forward through that right hip. Now right hand goes onto the mat. Then open with your left arm. Spiraling open both hands come down, framing the foot.

Teaser 3

Stretch the front leg. One more time. Then the knee both hands. Go onto your thigh. Push forward through the right hip. Now reach the right arm straight forward in front of you. Then from there, bring the right arm to the ear, arch your back. Then bring the right hand down onto the floor, the mat there, and then spiral open with the left. Now stay spiraled.


Curl the right set of toes under. Stretch the right knee. Then bring both hands. Now if this is too much on your hamstring, you can go back to the mini down version. Stretch the front leg and bend the front knee and stretch the front leg and bend the front knee. So we have like a front split here. Stretch the front leg, bend the front knee. Now bend the back knee. You can keep your toes crowed under or you can let them release whichever feels best for you. Reach both arms forward, both arms to the ears. Push forward through the hips as you arch, you're back. Great.


Bring the hands down, bring your right knee back and then switch. Bring the other leg forward. It's actually, this is your right leg forward. Sorry. Then from there, bring your hands onto the right thigh and then you're going to push forward through your left hip. Opening up the left set of hip flexors there. Now you're going to bring the left hand down. You're going to twist open to the right.

Child's Pose

Now both hands are going to go down. Stretch the front leg as your stretch there. Think of sitting down into the right hip. Right now. It's the extended leg, and then let's repeat. Bend the front knee. Bring your hands onto your thigh as you push forward with the back hip. Then from there you're going to bring your left hand down, spiral open, and then you're going to frame the foot and then you're going to stretch the front leg. Good. One more time.

Kneeling Mermaid

Bend the right knee. Bring both hands onto the thigh. Then from there you're going to reach the left arm forward. You're going to lift the left arm to the ear. You're going to arch the back. As you push forward through your hips, then come down and then you're going to open and twist. Then your back leg.

Front Splits Variation

Curl the toes under and now stretch the knees so you're in a lunge. Great guys, bring both hands down. Now if this is too much, you may bend the knee here. Now stretch the front legs straight and bend the knee and stretch the front leg straight and bend the knee one more time. Stretch the front leg straight. Hold there. Now the front leg, think of that hip going backwards. More the back hip. Going forward more, and then you're going to bend the front knee. Back. Knee goes down, and then you're going to reach the arms forward, arms, two ears. Then from there you're going to push your hips forward. As you arch the back and you can bring the hands down. All right, you're going to turn around sitting on your bottom and we will go for the seal.

You're going to dive through, hold underneath, balancing there. You're going to pull it in and up through the abdominals, in and up through the pubic bone. Clap your feet. Three times. Clap. One, two, three and back. Clap two, three and up. Clap. Do three and back. Clap two, three and up. Clap. Do three and back. Cup two, three and up. Clap to three and back. Clap two, three, two more. Up and back and up and back and up and park it. Stick it, glue it. That's your feet. Come down, open your knees the rest forward just for lax there.


Take a deep breath in and a big exhale all the air out. And again, take a deep breath in and a big exhale all the air out. One more time. Take a deep breath in, and a big exhale all the air out. Now roll up to your spine. One vertebrae at a time. Okay, everyone. But Christy, you're going to lift your knee. You're not, your knees are going to lift your shoulders up. I'm not, right. Nope, you're not. Yeah.


And then relax everyone. But JIA lift your shoulders up. [inaudible] and relaxed down and everybody. But Cathy, lift your shoulders up and relax. And if you're at home, the ones they're depressed use to just give yourself a little massage, massage. Go. And you guys are done for today. Thank you guys. Good.

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Awesome class, thanks!
Angela T
3 people like this.
This was great! I loved the playfulness even during the parts that were a struggle for me
3 people like this.
This is the class I love ; no props great flow and fun
Laurie C
Thank you Brett! Love your mat workouts!
Absolutely love it! 
Loved it! Thanks for cracking me up!
Denise K
1 person likes this.
Great workout! Beautiful cueing! Love the light-heartedness! Nice job, Brett!
1 person likes this.
Thank you, Brett, very nice work  again. Precise and comprehensive Pilates. I am looking forward to next classes.
1 person likes this.
As always it is pure pleasure doing your mat classes! Thanks
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So great to have another class of yours to add to my playlists! Thank you!
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