Class #4284

Simple and Powerful Mat

55 min - Class


Sarah Bertucelli helps you find your power from the inside out with this straightforward Mat workout from Zesty Mat Play with Sarah. Use the tools that Sarah has offered you throughout the series and take pleasure in the work of a traditional flow. She sets you up to be able to successfully execute challenging exercises such as Open Leg Rocker into Roll Over and Boomerang.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Nov 23, 2020
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Good morning or good whatever time of day it is for you. Here in California, it is morning time. Today we're going to have some fun do some very traditional mat work infused with a little bit of stretching and whatnot. I did say no props today but I have my trusty towel over here. This morning my low back is feeling just a little bit tight.

So I'm gonna make sure that I choose to take care of myself. I welcome you to take care of yourself and move today with the pleasure principle. Let's get started. So I would like you to begin today on your hands and knees. So with your hands underneath your shoulders, your knees underneath your hips, just be for a couple of moments and kind of animalistic.

Quadruped Mobilization

Joseph Pilates was always into exploring the animals. So, a little animalistic maneuver around your shoulders, your head, your pelvis. Just kind of notice where you are this morning or this afternoon or whatever time of day it is for you. And see if you can feel where there might be a little bit of tightness, where there might be a little bit of sensation and scratch that itch if you will. So a little side to side, a little up and down and then let's settle on what feels like a neutral position.

We're gonna round through the back drawing the belly in, allowing the shoulders to open, allowing the head to hang so a very relaxed stretch through the back body. And then come back through to center, hold your belly tight but pull your heart forward. Open your chest. Feel free to move around a little bit here. So I'm swaying my hips a little side to side that feels good round through the back again.

Cat Cow

Let the head hang, let the shoulders open, draw the belly in. Perhaps you wanna move a little bit here. I wanna move forward and back. That feels really nice on my body. Come back through to center and open through your chest.

Change your gaze. Do what your body needs. Just breathe my friends. Pleasure principle, power and pleasure together. Rounding up one more time here.

Just feel where you might need to loosen a little bit, ask that tissue to soften and then come back through to an extended position and feel your way here. Come back through to center and cross your legs behind you. See if you can roll comfortably over your legs to a seated position. And then here, I make like a diamond shape. So your feet are together, your hands, maybe on your legs somewhere.

Flexion and Extension w/ Legs Open Close

Your thighs are open. Use your hands to pull your heart forward and look up. Good. And then around through your back. I'm gonna separate my feet a little bit so you can roll back. So we're gonna just have a moving experience here.

Pull your heart forward and then the knees come to neutral and you roll back. You can hold wherever you need to. And again, open and lean back and open and lean back. And one more time, we're gonna open and we're gonna lean back. Hold the lean back position so I'm rounded.

When I said lean, I'm gonna bring my feet just a little closer together and release my hands, engage the belly muscles and just take yourself back a little bit and take yourself back up sitting nice and tall trying to keep the legs like that. Inhale, exhale round the back first and then continue to take yourself back. Now, everybody is going to be at a different place here round and roll up. So if you can get your low back all the way down and still come up with ease, go for it. Round through your low back here.

Roll Back

For me, I'm feeling a little tight. So that's about where I start to lose my way. So I'm just gonna own this position right here and then round and roll back up. Remember, exercise should be fun, Pilates should be fun. Have fun, enjoy it.

Here we go. Rounding back, hold that position for just a moment and then round and roll back up. And I'm just sensing for my next one I'm gonna move forward just a little bit here. Round and roll yourself all the way down this time. So you're gonna roll back with control.

Use your hands to assist if needed, bring your feet a little closer to your bottom, place your arms down by your side and settle in. Feel your pelvis neutral. Feel your chest heavy. Feel your head heavy. Back of the head, back of the chest is what I mean.

Supine Spinal Rotation

Just take your palms up and palms arms wide and just sway your legs to one side releasing through the low back and through the hips and then come back to center and sway your legs to the other side and come back to center. So let's think that through. The legs go, the pelvis follows. Use your breath to drag the pelvis back and the legs. Repeat to the other side.

Inhale, twist, exhale, pull back to center. Nice and easy like. My friends, find your breath, exhale to pull back to center. And just one more time, inhale and exhale pulling back to center. Now ground your feet in a way for you to do your pelvic curls.

Pelvic Curl

Bring your arms down by your side. You can keep palms facing up or you can place them down. Inhale through your nose, exhale first, engage the abdominals to flatten the back. Feel that first engagement without using the legs and then soften down. Repeat, so use the abs to start the movement without using the legs yet and then soften your pelvis back home.

This time we add on we exhale, we rock. So it's the low spine down, the pelvis lifts it activate the backs of the legs and continue to peel up. So, if you're ready to go to your full curl, go for it. I like to go about halfway on the first one and then as I lengthen my spine and lower down, I feel that beautiful stretch through my low back and my pelvis comes home. Inhale, exhale, abs first, use the backs of the legs, curl yourself up and stay.


Maybe you're a little higher. Try to feel the ease across the front of the hips. Stretch the opening. Inhale. Use the exhale to lengthen the spine and lower down one vertebrae at a time. Repeat inhale, exhale.

Big deep breath all the way up. You use that whole exhale. Start to sense that opening across the front, so the hips inhale, exhale, lengthen your spine and lower down one vertebrae at a time. Let's do two more. Exhale to curl up, try to feel those inner thighs involved so the legs are spiraling in a little bit.

Inhale at the top, exhale lower down one vertebrae at a time. Since that you have equal weight on both of your legs exhale to peel up, finding that high position opening through the front of the hips. Inhale, use the exhale to peel down. Beautiful. Float the arms up to the ceiling, palms facing one another. Inhale, open your arms wide, exhale, lift back up.

Arms Open Close

So as you do this movement, since the ribcage is grounded since the abdominals engaged, breathing and moving we're inhaling and opening, stretching the collarbones and the shoulder blades, exhaling to lift back up. This time, open the arms wide and let's make a little change here. So keep the spreading east, west of your shoulder blades and collarbones, but turn your palms to face down. Press into the floor a little bit and if this is too uncomfortable just take your hands down a little bit. Otherwise this should feel like a little bit of a stretch across the front of your body, maybe into your hands.

Single Leg Toe Taps

Lift one leg to tabletop position whichever leg you've chosen you keep that leg like that. We're gonna inhale the leg down. We're gonna exhale the leg up. Inhale the leg down, exhale the leg up. Inhale the leg down and exhale up.

Place that foot down, choose the other legs. So come to tabletop. So we're just gliding at the hip joint here. Inhale, you tap your foot down. Exhale, you lift it up.

Trying to keep your core stable, you're moving your hip joints. Little hip disassociation here. Good. One more time and then let's do an alternating move. So we keep one leg up and then we're gonna change simultaneously. Take a breath and change and change and change and feel the freedom in your hip joints.

Toe Taps

Gently engage your inner thighs, so your knees will sort of graze by one another as you change. And try to feel like it's a walking movement from your hip joints versus a movement from your knee joints. And my friends just breathe when it makes sense to you. And one more time, please. Take two legs up.

Hug your knees deep into your chest giving your low back a little stretch. Perhaps sway side to side. Be curious in these positions, these moments of stretch and get what you need, please. Come back to tabletop with two legs, reach your hands to the ceiling again, inhale, open wide. Exhale, hold.

Tick Tock Table Top

I didn't need to cue all that breathing, but Oh, well. Inhale, twist to one side, exhale, engage the abs and pull back to center. Inhale, twist the other way. So the legs are moving, exhale to pull back to center. But my friends, it's not actually the legs moving it's actually the spine moving.

So the legs stay glued together and you're twisting your spine. It's your upper spine that does the majority of the rotation. So, you want to really keep the anchor through the shoulder blade, in order to feel the stretch through the ribcage as well and exhale to pull back to center. Just one more time here. Come back to center, gently hug your knees into your chest.

Here, take tabletop again, hands to the ceiling. We're gonna inhale, take the arms behind you. Keep the ribcage down though. Exhale, lift the head and chest, feel the low back, grounding down. Inhale, reaching back.

Hundred Preparation

Hundreds prep here. Exhale to lift, inhale down, exhale to lift and let's hold here and do little arm pumps as you breathe, inhale. And exhale. (Sarah sighs) Remember the pumping shouldn't feel frantic. The pumping should feel easy, basically.


Challenging your core. One more breath, gently pumping the arms keeping the height of the curl. Exhale all the air out. Hold the backs of the legs, press the legs to the hands to create more hamstring engagement. Lift with your arm strength and your ab strength, your chest a little higher.

Rocking Up to Sitting

Lift your pelvis up. Keep the shape still and start rocking on your spine. So, ultimately you're not swinging your legs around but you're getting this wonderful little rock and roll, this little massage on your back until you find yourself in an upright position. Allow your legs to straighten and separate about the width of your mat, please. Walk your hands down your legs, reach around to your toes.

Hamstring Stretch

If you can let your head hang forward, pull back with your arms a little bit on your toes and back with your belly to stretch your back body, sway side to side. And then sit nice and tall and let's do our spine stretch here. Inhale, arms are straight out in front of you. Exhale, just peel forward and see what it feels like in this moment. How far can you go?

Spine Stretch Forward

Inhale here. Use the exhale to stack your spine back up and sit nice and tall. Go again. Exhale to peel down. Inhale, use the exhale to peel back up.

So, I wanna do this spine stretch here before we actively roll and do some other things. And hopefully you'll feel just a little looser second time around. Sitting nice and tall move your bottom forward in space. Put your feet on the mat with bent knees. Engage your abdominals and round yourself back.

Rolling Like A Ball

Fully committed to the abs for your rolling like a ball shape. Lift one leg up keeping the shape completely still lift the other leg up. Bring those legs closer to you and hold as low on your feet or as close to your feet as you comfortably can keeping the shape. Sense your abs and your hamstrings, roll like a ball. Inhale, roll back.

Exhale, balance and hold. Go again. Inhale, roll back. Exhale, balance and hold. Repeat. (Sarah sighs) Try to keep your knees glued together.

(Sarah sighs) Try to keep the shape of the legs the same, two more. (Sarah sighs) Try to use your arms a little less, one more. Balance on your tail. Take your shins parallel to the ceiling. Hold onto the backs of your legs.

Double Leg Stretch

Let's heat you up here. Exhale to peel back one vertebrae at a time to chest lift position. Legs are at tabletop hands go just beyond the knees. Double leg stretch we reach away. We pull in supporting with your core.

We pull in, inhale back, exhale in. Try to feel your low back grounded the entire time and your belly engaged. I'm reaching my arms back, but keeping my chest lifted. One more time, please. Single leg stretch.

Single Leg Stretch

Hold one leg in, slide the other leg out. We change. Change, change, change. Good. Find your breath, find your heat. Now, if you're feeling clicking in your hips my friends or clicking somewhere in your back don't lengthen your legs so much.

Find the energy here that suits you. You could go slower if you needed to. I'd be fine with that. One more time. Two legs in, we lift a little higher.

Yes, crisscross, hands go behind your head. You're gonna twist toward up and me and change and change. I always like to do this one just a little slower. Change and change, and change. And here's an add on my friends.

Criss Cross

We're gonna twist, take the opposing arm and pull or push into the leg as you pull the leg to the hand. Change sides, you're gonna push and pull at the same time. Repeat, change sides. (Sarah sighs) And breath when it makes sense, please. Come back to center.

Criss Cross Variation

Lift your head and chest, we're gonna rock, we're gonna roll until we find ourselves in an upright position. And then we repeat our spine stretch. You're two feet out in front of you, scoop any flesh that needs scooping. Take your arms forward, inhale. Use an exhale to peel forward one lovely vertebra at a time.

Rocking Up to Sitting

I feel loose and ready to go. Inhale to back extension, chest open. Exhale, round down and then all the way back up. Let's repeat that choreography. Inhale, exhale, peeling your body forward using your abdominals to support.

Spine Stretch Forward to Flat Back

We're gonna inhale, flatten the back, chest is open exhale, round down. My friends, can you think about your hamstrings here. As you curl forward, can you ground down through your hamstrings. Press into your legs as you lift to extension here, chest open. Exhale rounding down and all the way back up.

One more time. Think about the backs of your legs grounding down as you peel forward, inhale flat back chest, open, exhale, round down and all the way back up. Scoop forward on your mat so your heels stay where they are. We're moving to our open leg rocker, please. Tip back, support with your abdominals, lift one foot, lift the other.

Open Leg Rocker Prep

Holding this shape for a moment, gaze up slightly. Inhale, you'll round your back to roll back. Exhale, you straighten out. Looking up, inhale rounding back. So it's your upper back muscles that put on the brakes for you here using your arm connection to help you find your upper back muscles will help you.

Now, if you're ready for the full open leg rocker, stretch your two legs to straight and continue on. You can also do the prep that we just did. Here we go. Inhale, rolling back. Exhale, find your balance.

Open Leg Rocker

Try not to roll all the way to your head, please. Try to feel your shoulders away from your ears and rolling should feel good. But it doesn't feel good pat up or omit when necessary. Just one more time, please. Rolling back, inhale.

Exhale, hold, bring your legs together. Bent or straight, you choose. Hold that shape, use your core. Reach your arms out in front of you and we're gonna roll down slowly. Slowly, Oh, that was not slow from your teacher.

Teaser 1

Hug your knees into your chest and sway side to side one or two times. Beautiful. Go ahead and put your two feet down for a moment. Revisit your pelvic curls for a couple of moments here. So an exhale to peel up using your abs feeling that nice openness across the front of your hips and then exhale to peel down. Two more pelvic curls, please.

Knees to Chest Stretch

Inhale, exhale, peeling up feeling that nice openness across the front of your hips and exhale to peel down. One more time. Beautiful, yummy pelvic curls, I love them. (Sarah laughs) And lengthen your spine and lower down. Take your right leg and hug it into your chest and really compress that hip joint.


Slide, the other leg out to straight releasing across the front of the hip there. And just touch maybe where you feel sensation. It may not be super intense but hopefully you feel something. Good. Let's change legs. We are gonna hug the other leg in, slide the other leg to straight and just feel the difference between the two sides.

Single Leg Knee to Chest

(Sarah sighs) Gearing up for a little more hip flux or work my friends. Good. So let's change one more time. So, you're gonna hold the right leg put the other leg on the mat. So straight on the mat. Find tabletop with your right leg hold with your hands and push into your hands kind of pulling your shoulders away from you and try to feel the hamstring here.

Bend and Stretch

Also try to find the pelvis. You want your pelvis to be square. So most of us are gonna need to put more weight on the left side, the leg that's down and lengthen through the right side. So create that feeling here. Stretch your right leg up to straight, keeping the pelvis where it is and bend.

Repeat that two more times, stretching up to straight and bend. Right now my foot is pointed. Stretch up to straight and hold, flex your ankle, feel the stretch, point your ankle. Good. Flex your ankle, keep the hamstring engaged, point the ankle. Now keep the ankle flexed, release your arms wide to the side, palms down today and let's do legs circles.

Flex and Point

The leg goes across around and back to center. Repeat, back to center. Good. Feel that left leg supporting you with the hamstring as well as your core here. Make sure you're breathing. We're gonna do one more full breath here and here's an exhale for me.

Single Leg Circles

Reverse. So we go to the other side. Inhale, pause at the top and exhale pause at the top. Inhale, pause and exhale, breathe please. One more full breath. Inhale and then we exhale.

Point your foot, bend your knee and come into a beautiful spinal rotation spine twist. I like to bend my bottom knee. It makes it a little bit more pleasurable for me. So I welcome you to find your comfort to scratch your itches here. Come back through, hug two knees into your chest quickly, slide the other leg long on the mat.

Supine Spine Twist Stretch

Find tabletop with your left leg. So you're gonna hold on with your hands and you're gonna press your leg into your hands. So I'm creating resistance with my arm class. And I want you to sense your pelvis here. So your pelvis is grounded on the right side, right hamstring engaged and long on the left side through the waist.

Bend and Stretch

Left hamstring engaged. So try to straighten your leg with this feeling and bend and do that two more times. Straighten. So getting a little stretch there also some engagement. Straighten, hold, now we're gonna flex the ankle and point the ankle. Sometimes we flex only the toes which is actually toe extension, but see if you can really see your ankle moving not just your toes.

Flex and Point

Hold the ankle in a flex dorsi, flex position, release your arms, take them wide to the side, palms down if that suits you and then go across the body. Inhale, pause at the top and exhale pause at the top. Inhale, find your breath and exhale. And one more time, I think. Sorry about that.

Single Leg Circles

I was enjoying. Reverse, inhale, pause and exhale. Good. And inhale. Find your breath and exhale. One more full breath.

Nice little circle. And here we go. Point your foot, bend your knee and come into a deep spinal rotation. Again. I like to be bend my bottom leg. It creates a better sensation for me, it feels better.

Supine Spine Twist Stretch

So, I welcome you to find your pleasure, your pleasure principle. Beautiful. Bring the legs back in, hug. Let's stretch your two legs up to straight first, reach your hands upward, inhale. With an exhale, we're gonna lift that and chest. We're gonna try to keep those legs in neutral alignment.


They tend to wanna turn out for some of us. Hold on to one leg as you place that other leg down. Now, the goal here is that you can release across the front of the hip so that that leg truly does ground down the same way it just did. Use your hamstring of the right leg you're holding. Feel the shape, take a breath and then let's change legs, nice and slow and calculated.

So I want you to feel that the bottom leg is endeavoring to be open across the front of the hip and grounded. So I'm pushing with my upper leg into my hands to create more resistance from the hamstring rather than pulling. So, just feel that and change. So I want you to go nice and slow, like that. Feel, release across the top hip, use the hamstring of the leg you're holding and then change when you're ready.

Release across the top hip and find the hamstring. Let's just do one more on each side like that. Feel that nice, slow release. I actually have to think about it or it doesn't work for me. And then one more time, sometimes it works but some days it doesn't.

Good. Let's bring two legs up. Lift your head and chest. And again, we rock, we roll until we find ourselves in a beautiful sitting position. Allow your legs to open, your head relaxes forward. Oh, I'm getting some crazy hair, I might have to adjust here.

Rocking Up to Sitting

I'm gonna have you take your legs out in front of you just off your mat. I'm gonna put my towel back here cause we're gonna do some roll-ups and that will make it so that I can roll up gracefully and comfortably. So, I like sitting up first for my roll up. It actually creates a path for success for me. I'm gonna have my feet grounded and my knees a little bit bent.

Butterfly Stretch

So I want you to round through your low back. I need to bend my legs just a little more. Round through your low back and take yourself down. Now, if you are tight like me through the low back putting a little towel down, we'll give you just the floor a little closer to your back. As you lift your head and chest, you just round and roll yourself up.

Roll Up

Now, if you are just wonderful at the roll-ups, go ahead and have your legs straight. Exhale to peel back one vertebrae at a time, arms overhead. Lift to the head and chest and we round and roll up. So it's a two-part movement my friends. Inhale, stay hollow in the belly, exhale round and roll back.

So your legs can be straight or bent. You can use a towel or you cannot. Lift the head and chest that's the inhale and with the exhale we round and roll ourselves up. Check in with your legs. Try to keep them from rolling out.

So, try to keep them slightly turned in in your mind especially as you take the journey down to the mat and then take a look at them as you take the journey up and see if you can keep that engagement. That's why keeping the knees a little bent for some people will make it a little easier to keep the inner thighs in check. Round and roll back. And just one more of these, please. We're gonna lift the chest and we're gonna round and roll back up.

If you have the towel, go ahead and remove it. Take one more path down, please. Rolling back. Knees bent, knees straight, you choose. Hug your knees into your chest.

Good. (Sarah sighs) Stretch your two legs straight up to the ceiling. Take your arms wide to the side. Go palms down if you want ana actively push into the floor here. You can go palms up if you prefer but palms down is an interesting new challenge.

Tick Tock

Inhale to the right, with the legs. Exhale, pull back to center. Inhale and exhale. Now with your hands I want you to feel your opposing shoulder blade truly anchored. Meaning, push through the hand to feel the back of the arm and the shoulder blade.

We can make a circle here. Inhale, exhale the legs come around and back to center. Reverse. Inhale, exhale the legs come around and back to center. Reverse. Now, you may choose to keep just the pendulum or you may also choose to take a break.


But if you're ready to push yourself in this range of motion, let's do one more on each side. We inhale, twist. Think about the opposing arm, keeping you anchored. Upper back muscles are working when you do that. And around, beautiful.

Bend one knee to the floor, bend the other knee. Bring your hands down by your side. Let's revisit our pelvic curl in preparation for the shoulder bridge. So pressing up, opening across the front of your hips, feel the backs of your legs. Use your arms don't be shy and then exhale to lengthen your spine as you lower down, one vertebra at a time.


Repeat, exhale. So one of the reasons I like to revisit the pelvic curl throughout the class, is it helps me to really feel where I was in the beginning and then where I am throughout the class. It's a really great assessment tool for my body. Go ahead and peel up and stay. So here, let's ground down through that left leg port with your abdominals, lift your right leg up, flex the ankle here.

Single Leg Lower Lift

We reach down, we lift up. Exhale down, inhale up. With energy, down, up and down. And up and five, and four, and three, and two, and one time, hold. Place your foot down.

Change sides, support with your abdominals, reorganize your pelvis if needed, lift the other leg up, flex the ankle and we reach down point, flex up. Down and up. Breathe. So if you're using my breath it will be an exhale down, an inhale up. You choose though. And here's five and four, and three, and two, and one.

Place the foot down. Bring your hands underneath the small of your back and try to roll your shoulder blades together. Borrowing from yoga a little bit. You may widen your feet a little and you're gonna press yourself into a back bend. Now, I want you to support with your abdominals a bit but you really can press your pelvis high and you are in hyperextension of the spine meaning your back is an extension.

Shoulder Bridge

So, you're not trying to keep a neutral spine. This always feels really nice to me and my shoulders, feels nice in my hips. Again, I'm supporting with my abdominals but I'm not holding it for dear life. Release the arms and roll yourself down one lovely vertebra at a time. With palms up and wide, sway your legs side to side once or twice.

Knees Side to Side

(Sarah sighs) Choosing to roll up to sitting via the roll up or the rock and roll. I'm gonna choose the rock and roll today, so lift my legs up. I'm gonna hold the backs of my legs. I'm gonna lift my head and chest. I'm gonna stay engaged (Sarah hums) and then I'm gonna find myself all the way up.

Rocking Up to Sitting

Okay. We're gonna do open leg rocker to the rollover. So you're gonna find yourself in your open leg rocker shape again. And you're gonna tip back. Make sure you have enough space behind you. You're gonna lift your feet up.

Open Leg Rocker

You can choose just bent knees if you need, you can choose straight legs if you know you're able to. Let's open leg rocker two times. Inhale, round back. Exhale, straighten out. Inhale, round back.

So the next one we're gonna stay. Maybe the next one we're gonna stay in the rollover shape. Here we go. Inhale, you roll back, you take your arms down and you are in your rollover. Flex your ankles for me, take the toes in the direction of the floor and your back body.

Open Leg Rocker to Roll Over

Take a breath and now let's roll back up. One, two, three. (Sarah hums) It's okay to bend your knees to catch yourself that's what I had to do today. So here we are, in a teaser type shape or the open leg rocker shape. Take a breath, release the arms and rolling back.

Flex the ankles. Take the toes to the floor. Big stretch, and then roll yourself back up. Hard to do and talk. Here, I'm pointing my toes now.

And one more time and then we'll move into the true role over here. Inhale, use the exhale and roll back. (Sarah hums) Beautiful. Flex the feet, take the feet toward the floor if it suits you, don't if it doesn't. Breathe, and in one, two, three, we roll back up. Maybe with or without hands.

Good. Take the legs together, roll yourself down. Let's move into our more traditional rollover. So, arms are down by your side, legs go out to about 45 degrees. 60 is probably better. Inhale to 90.

Roll Over

Exhale, rolling over onto your shoulder blades. You could hear my struggle there. (Sarah laughs) Flex your feet, separate your feet, tap the floor and then roll yourself down. And let's repeat that again. So for those of you not familiar with this please don't look at the screen.

Bring your legs to 90 degrees, I'm not gonna do this one. Use your exhale to roll over using your abs and a little help from your arms. And then when you're in that over position, flex your feet one time, separate your feet a little and then roll down with control. Now, if it's not comfortable return to your pelvic curl. The rest of us inhale to 90 degrees we're gonna exhale and roll over flex the feet, separate the feet, find the floor if it makes sense and then roll down with control.

Repeat, got to use those abdominals. Inhale to 90, exhale, rollover. (Sarah sighs) Flex the feet, separate the feet, touch the floor if it makes sense and with control, roll down. Good. Just one more roll over my friends. Inhale to 90, exhale roll over.

(Sarah sighs) It's very obvious how important the breadth is. It's interesting I find when I try to speak and perform. Some days, it's harder than others. Bend your knees and come into your chest. Sway side to side if you need that.

Knees to Chest Stretch

Don't, if you don't. Hold the backs of the legs, lift your head and chest and let's rock and roll ourselves up to a sitting position. Or you can take a roll up if you want. I just love rocking around it feels so great and it feels so much better right now. I'm gonna have you scoot back on your mat and cross your legs out in front of you.

Rocking Up to Sitting

Sitting equally on your two hips. Go ahead and roll over your legs and come to your hands and your knees. With your hands underneath your shoulders and your knees underneath your hips, just feel how this feels now after we've loosened everything up. Notice with your animal senses, what you currently feel. Do you feel a little looser?

Quadruped Mobilization

I hope so. So, now support let's work here. Slide one leg back, so the ball of the foot is down. Slide the other leg back. You're in a nice powerful plank for me.


Hold that plank just as open, legs are straight, belly is active and then I just want like a mini elbow bend without going down. So, you can bend your elbows a little back or a little out but I don't really want you to go down and up so that stability in your shoulders allows for the strength to show up when you do your pushups. Just stay for another breath and then tip forward onto your tip toes and lower yourself very slowly to the floor. Now I want you to let your knees turn in, use your hands somewhere on your mat to pull forward and maybe give your back a little bit of traction. So, you wanna feel your pelvis grounded down, knees and feet turned in a little bit and when you pull forward with your arms you may feel a little opening in your hip flexors or your low back.

Back Extension Prep

maybe not, but maybe so. Now, will you please hover your head just an inch or so away from the floor, slide your arms down by your side. Now, if you have the flexibility, I'd like your hands to touch your legs, but not if your shoulders roll forward. So open through your chest, allow your thumbnails to touch the floor somewhere. Your thumbs, so wider for many of us with tight shoulders, tuck your toes under and push the pads of your feet down.

Try to get as much of your toe down as you can, the toe that you stand on, not your toenail. Feel the openness across the front of the hips, but ground down through all three points of your pelvis. Hollow up through your belly and really roll those rear underarms together and straighten your elbows. Inhale to back extension, only upper thoracic extension, exhale, look down. So as I go to the back extension, I'm opening my heart.

Back Extension

I'm changing my gaze a little bit. I'm not looking straight forward, that's too much pressure on the neck. Instead, I'm looking about six or eight inches in front of me and then lowering down. Inhale to back extension and exhale to lower down. Just one more time, please.

Inhale to back extension, stay. Can you point your toes? Can you take your arms overhead? Can you prepare for a little swimming here, one arm in the opposite leg and changing? And change.

Swimming Prep

So, the idea is that you have this nice easy lift while stabilizing through your low back. I shouldn't say your low back. You're stabilizing your abs so you don't feel too much in your low back. You should feel your upper back. Good, rest that.

Use your hands to push yourselves to your hands and knees and sit back in child's pose. So that was a nice, slow swimming. I did that purposefully. We'll come back to that and go a little faster a little later in the workout but I want you to remember that when you're swimming, if you move your arms and legs around quickly and you feel a little off, a little uncoordinated, the chances are that you've lost your way. And so you wanna return to the slower version.

Child's Pose

Come back to the hands and knees with your hands underneath your shoulders, your knees underneath your hips. Support your core, support with your core, slide one leg back, slide the other leg back. We're ready for our leg pull. Feel the support from your upper body and your abs. You're gonna point the right toes and lift up five, four, three, two, and one change.

Plank w/Single Leg Pulses

Five, four, three, two, and one, foot down. Shift onto your tiptoes, supporting with your core and slowly bring yourself down. Let's move into our single leg kick here. So your hands are outside of your shoulders. Your knees slightly turned in in your mind.

Single Leg Kick

We're gonna inhale to upper back extension, exhale to pull forward with the arms, keeping those abdominals engaged. Here, take one arm out in front of you so the elbow is down, the other arm out in front of you. Clasp the fingers and press more into the hands, then the elbows pull forward with your heart or pull your heart forward with your upper back. Support with your belly, hover your two legs away from the mat and let's pump. One and change and (Sarah hums) inhale and exhale (Sarah sighs) and inhale and exhale.

(Sarah sighs) The pumping should feel quite relaxed and easy actually, but it doesn't mean it's not challenging. Relaxing the pump will hopefully get you to work a little bit more through the backs of the legs and try to feel the opening across the front of your leg. One more full time here. Exhale all your air out, two straight legs. Undo the shape.

Look in the direction of me, clasp your fingers together and bring your hands as high up your back as you can with that clasped finger. Now, if you need to not clasp your fingers cause your shoulders, that's fine. But do try to take your elbows in the direction of the mat. Yeah. Bring your legs together and glue them together like a mermaid tail. We're gonna inhale here, extend the arms just straight, lift the legs, feel that shape.

Double Leg Kick

Look the other way, hands up the back, elbows down, pump the knees three little pulses. One, two, three. We inhale, lift, we look the other way and we pump one, two, three. Inhale, look, hands elbows pump one, two, three. All the while supporting with the abdominals, my friends and pump one, two, three and inhale and pump one, two, three.

Rest, bring your hands underneath your shoulders, tuck your toes under, push yourselves to your hands and your knees with the toes tucked. So let's play a little bit with this shape. Pushing back toward the feet so that you can stretch maybe your ankles, the bottoms of your feet, and then come forward to your quadruped position again. Please repeat that. Sit back on your feet.

Ankle Stretch

I'm just fixing my hair if you happen to be looking at me it was going a little crazy today. So, here we go, stretch through the feet and then forward to quadruped an add-on for your feet. So you're gonna come back to the feet. You can push into the hands so much that you hover the knees and stretch a little here. If that doesn't feel good, don't do it.

But swaying side to side, perhaps you'll feel a little stretching through your ankles and toes, that's necessary. Hips and back are also tasked here too in a flexibility way. Come back to your knees, please. Come back to your hands and knees without the toes tucked. Good. Stay for just a moment, hollow the belly in again, slide one leg back.

Plank w/ Shoulder Taps

Feel the position, slide the other leg back. Once again, we find ourselves in plank, my friends. Good. Let's just hold this for a moment. Yeah, breathe. So now, I want you to entertain the idea of lifting one arm up.

So you do have to shift a little bit your weight to one arm as you lift the other arm up. And shift and shift. Now, maybe you can shift a little less but don't try to do it without shifting at all. There's gotta be a little bit of a shift. And shift, two hands down, tip yourself forward, lower to the floor.

Send your arms this time straight out in front of you tuck your toes under and press into the pads of your toes so that you feel the pelvis grounded and the legs light. Yeah. So here let's go ahead and lift. Float your arms away from the floor. Now, if they need to be wider, it's fine. Your shoulders, that would be fine with me.


Otherwise they're straight overhead. And then now find your thoracic extension, point your toes and let's swim a little faster throwing our legs. Inhale (Sarah clicks) Exhale. (Sarah shushes) (Sarah sighs) Now, if you're having a hard time keeping it flowing, go slower. Two more breaths my friends.

Inhale, and exhale. (Sarah sighs) One more breath, please. Exhale all the air out, bring your hands downsides and rest for a moment. So I'm gonna just put my towel up here so that I rest my forehead without squishing my mic. I'm gonna have you bend one leg, reach around and hold on to the top of the foot, press down through the pelvis.

Prone Single Leg Quad Stretch

As you stretch that quadricep there. Now, please be curious and enjoy, be patient and see if you can find a stretch that suits you. You may press a little bit, your hip crease into the mat mat. You may move your leg out, move your leg in. That was a rotate your leg outer in and if you decide that if you bring your leg to the other side that that feels like a bench for your stretch.

Wherever you happen to be, give it one more breath, and let's change sides. So as you change sides, just start with where your leg lands. Press down through the pelvis. The hip crease is what I like to think about and try to just to moan and feel something new and worthwhile. Maybe just holding your leg like that makes you feel something.

Can you all check in with your shoulder arm that you're holding. The tendency is to bring the shoulder down, you open through the chest and bend the elbow a little bit. It gives you a little bit of a chest opener here as well, which is a nice number. Give it two more breaths wherever you may be, stretching your quads and gently rest. I take that.

I'm gonna move my towel out of the way and let's go ahead and just roll onto our sides here. I'm just gonna move up. So you're gonna roll onto your side, first right side here. So you're resting in your long, straight arm. We've been doing this throughout these classes.

Double Leg Lift

So if you've been with me all along, you know I'm rather picky about keeping that bottom knee facing what feels like upwards so that it's not turned down. So play with that first. Support with your abs and then let's go ahead and exhale to lift up. Option one, the hand can be down. Exhale to lift up, inhale down and exhale to lift up.

Let's go with an option three, arm up to the ceiling and keep this idea of lifting, energizing up toward the ceiling. I guess this is what I wanna say. (Sarah laughs) Good. One more time we're gonna lift and hold to keep the energy up here. And then we're gonna use the hand to just sort of prop that arm right underneath. Now, if you want to challenge your shoulder a little bit take your arm as far an external rotation as you can, and then feel the support from the core.

Single Leg Kick

Place the other hand behind the head and let's go right into our single leg kick here. So it's forward, side leg kick and back and forward. And back and forward. And back. Now, the hip is just flowing around a little bit but you're supporting with your core, of course.

And you're following this movement with your breath. Take the leg back and hold. Now, look down at your hand the one that's supporting you and then press into the hand and press your elbow to straight and bend the elbow down. Good. Repeat, put your fingers down you could do that. Pressing up and lower down.

Single Arm Press

Let's do it just one more time. Pressing up and lower down. Hug that knee into your chest. Come to a seat. Try to square your pelvis on both sides and then whatever position you choose to stretch in make sure you can sit your hips down.

Seated Spinal Rotation

So this one's always a little tighter for me. So I oftentimes need to start with my leg in front and kind of a little stretch just to keep me grounded and cross my leg around with my pelvis grounded. So remember the stretches are here to serve you and your body. If you don't feel something right away, if you're patient and curious about the position you may find that something shows up and if you're not feeling resistance or stretch then at the very least you're having a moment of pause, a moment of breath. And that's a wonderful thing.

Let's see the other side, please. So you'll take your two straight legs out with you. You can have your head resting in your long, straight arm and having your bottom knee up a little bit. And we're on our side. Lift here, exhale to lift up, inhale and exhale, lift up and inhale down.

Double Leg Lift

So remember the option two is to have the arm straight by your side. Good. Try to feel this being fueled by your core. The option three would be to take the arm up. Let's do that for one more. (Sarah sighs) And one more time, please.

So keep this energy up. This feeling of lifting toward the ceiling but place your hand and then just kind of prop yourself up onto your elbow. Once again, if you wanna challenge your shoulder a little bit here, you can take yourself to do the most external rotation you can manage still feeling okay on your shoulders and supporting with your core. And then you lift that leg up. Take the leg forward (Sarah hums) and back.

Side Leg Kicks

Now, I put my fingertips down just to show you the option here. You can also take your hands behind the head. Now here, as you continue doing this, try to feel that you're passing through past of your wrist, not only your hand. That may change just a little bit what you feel here and let's do two more here, back and one more, take it back and hold. Now, lift your hand, gonna press into the hand and the wrist and press your arm to straight.

Single Arm Press

Remember, you can put your fingertips down if you needed to. Bend the elbow and you're gonna press and bend. And hopefully you feel the difference between the two sides. This is very different this side for me and bend. Good. Hug the back knee into your chest.

Find a seat on both sides of your pelvis and then find the position that suits you and enjoy the stretch for a couple of breaths. Beautiful, beautiful work. Breathing in (Sarah sighs) and breathing out. (Sarah sighs) So, a little work, prepping the Boomerang which is one of my all time favorite exercises. And I have intentions of building size completely next week.

Seated Spinal Rotation

So hopefully you'll join me for that. So let's take our bodies far enough forward, so there's plenty of room to roll back. Make sure that you're not gonna hit a wall or anything. And just sit on your two sits bones for a moment and look at your legs when you relax, mine turned out a little bit. That's okay.

Boomerang Prep

Yours might turn in, but I just want you to notice where your legs are when you're relaxed. And then I want you to bring your legs close together and you're gonna take the right leg on top of the left. You're gonna actively turn both of your legs out and you're gonna try to straighten both of your knees. Now, what I don't want is for you to hook this with your feet. I see that a lot.

I want you to really hold like the two insides of the knees together or the inner thighs and have that right foot just hovering a little bit off the other foot. Two straight legs, if you can. So, if you can sit up straight wonderful. If you find that this is difficult to do it's a good thing that we're gonna go into flection anyway. So we're flexing the spine, you're keeping your legs active.

You're gonna roll back until you feel that you can lift the legs up and then you're gonna come back in. Now, many of you are not gonna feel that you can do that without changing your spine. So that's what we're practicing here. You're gonna roll back. You can put your fingertips down on the floor and you're gonna dig deep into your core and you're gonna lift your legs up and lower them down without changing your spine.

So you have to figure out where you can do that my friends. And lower down, and one more time use your inner thighs, lift and lower down and all the way back up. Let's change legs. So, we're gonna take now the other leg on top. So my left leg is on top, my two legs are turned out.

I'm looking at this actively squeezing my inner thighs and actively using that top leg. So that quad is working, the inner thigh is working, my feet are pointed. So here, we're gonna round back and we're gonna put the fingertips down. On the first one I didn't do that, but put the fingertips down right away and feel the core and just float the legs up. Now, yes, you can push into your fingers if you need to.

Ideally you can do it without it but if you need to do it and do that again. So this is waking up the psoas, the hip flexors while supporting with the back. One more time. Good. And then sit tall.

Let's repeat, on the other side. So try again. You're gonna squeeze your thighs together. You're gonna straighten your two legs, feel the rotation. You're gonna round back, feel it.

You're gonna put your fingertips down and you're gonna float. Good. And you're gonna float again, maybe with no hands this time and you're gonna float again. You're watching it and let's change sides. Yes, squeeze the legs together. I feel my left leg is my weaker leg and I'm wanting to hook with my foot.

So I'm asking you to try to really pay attention to that and don't allow it to happen. We're gonna round back, put your fingertips down and hover. Maybe with no hands. Maybe you need to use hands, you decide. And one more time.

Roll up, find a position that's comfortable for you to kind of rest in a little bit, perhaps sway side to side. So, the Boomerang requires you to be able to roll on your back. And we've already practiced rolling from teaser or open leg rocker to the roll-over. So choose which leg you want up it doesn't really matter. Although it's important that you probably switch.


So let's put the right leg on top and we're gonna round ourselves back and we're going to float the legs up, put the hands down and roll onto your shoulder blades. (Sarah yells) Good. Relax a little bit. Here, you're gonna change your legs crossed. Squeeze your inner thighs. And you're gonna just roll yourself back up.


Up, up, you're gonna balance and you're gonna put your legs down and come forward. Let's just do it two more times. So, take a breath. Use your legs actively. You're gonna roll yourself back.

Put your fingertips down if you need to. And you're just gonna roll over, switch which leg is crossed. Keep the turnout, keep the inner thighs and you're gonna roll yourself up. Find balance, control the legs down and reach forward. Good. Inhale.

Exhale, little rolling back. And change. Feel your inner thighs, feel your abs. And you're gonna roll yourself up. (Sarah yells) Find the control.

Lower your legs. Let's just do one more, please. Just one more. Roll yourself back, find the pleasure principle. Find the ease simultaneously.

Rolling over, switch which leg is crossed and then you're gonna roll yourself up. Find your balance, control the legs down uncross your legs and just relax for a moment in a nice little forward fold here. (Sarah sighs) Even let your belly relax, I think that's important sometimes. So, let's move ourselves back just a little bit and finish with some extension. You're gonna cross your legs out in front of you.


This is in preparation for the crab which has an advanced master level exercise. Roll over your legs if can, to your hands and knees slide one leg back, slide the other, you're in your plank. We're going on. And so if you just find yourself on your belly, that's okay. Bend your elbows and come down into the mat.

Transition to Mat

So here just relax for a moment. I feel after I've been inflection, a lot of times I need to take a moment and allow my body to just respond to being in neutral position before I do anything more. So feel free to do that. So, let's go ahead and do the Swan prep here with your arms outside of your shoulders. We're gonna inhale to upper back extension first.


We're gonna exhale and pull the arms forward and up to straight. And lower down. Now, if it doesn't suit you to straighten your arms just do the first part. So, you'll inhale to upper back extension. You can stay here until we come back.

The rest of us can pull forward as you straighten the arms, stretching across the front of the body and then lower down. Let's do that two more times. Full back extension here. Inhale. And exhale forward.

Try not to push yourself back but to pull forward with your upper back and down and just one more time, please. Inhale upper back and exhale forward. And up. Beautiful. (Sarah sighs) Breathing in and breathing out.

Rocking Hips Side to Side

Go ahead and bring your hands into a position where you can find your child's pose comfortably. So bring yourself back. Knees can be wide, knees can be narrowed. Choose your choice. Arms are out in front of you if that suits your shoulders otherwise the hands can be by your feet.

Child's Pose

It's up to you. What feels good today? Breathing in and breathing out. (Sarah sighs) Breathing in, and breathing out. Just like we started, where you return to your hands and your knees and in an animalistic way, round through your back, move around, feel what you need to feel.

Quadruped Mobilization

It's about you and then extend through your back. Use your abs, maybe you want your belly to hang. I don't care. (Sarah laughs) This is pleasure for you. Round, move around.

Find a center position, tuck your toes under, push yourselves to your feet. Walk your feet toward your hands or your hands toward your feet and be in a forward fold for a breath. I like to cross my arms and hold my elbows and keep my knees quite bent. Nod your chin, relax your head, feel. (Sarah sighs) And then, when you're ready, go ahead and release your arms and slowly find your way up to a standing position.

Forward Fold

So, I like to keep my knees bent for that. And let's all stand together with our feet underneath our hips and take a breath, arms up opening, (Sarah sighs) arms down. (Sarah sighs) This time up. Now feel this idea of lifting up. Keep that energy upward as you take your arms down, palms forward.

Breathing w/ Arms

(Sarah sighs) One more breath together. (Sarah sighs) Thank you so much for playing and I do hope to see you next week. We're gonna build on what we did and more powerful mat. Thank you.

Zesty Flows with Sarah: On the Mat


Mandy S
1 person likes this.
Sarah: great class and wonderful way to begin the day! Do you have a suggestion for an alternate to the quadriped pose? I cannot put pressure on my wrists. Thank you.
1 person likes this.
Great Class! I added 5 lb leg weights, which worked for me. I had fun, sweated a bit~ especially during boomerang, and feel much better. Thanks again Sarah:) 
1 person likes this.
Excellent class (again!) Sarah.  I'm enjoying the series so much.  Thanks particularly for the boomerang instruction. I really felt I got more out of that exercise today. 
1 person likes this.
Really enjoyed this class. Would love to sweat more!
1 person likes this.
Wonderful class, Sarah! I feel rejuvenated. Thank you!
After all those boomerangs, you had us lie prone and be still for a few moments to return the spine to neutral.  In that invitation I thought, "What am I going to need this...Ooooh, that is nice!"  Thanks for slowing it down for that release.
Fiona O
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Great class Sarah! 
I have a tough time completing the roll over. I find I need to assist pushing my hips up. I am hoping over time to perfect it. Again your direction is super.
Hi Mandy S,  Glad you enjoyed the class.  As for wrist, when weight bearing, you may try using your fists or using small weights to change your grip against the floor.  Sometimes, the issue has to do with wrist flexibility and function.  Or going to the elbows is always a good option.  Hope this helps! 

Wonderful to hear Gary M !  Love that you added weights and enjoyed the challenge of the class.  Thank you. :) 
Emer D I am so pleased you enjoyed my take on the Boomerang.  It is one of my all time favorite exercises.  Thank you for playing!! 
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