Class #4457

Full-Body Conditioning Flow

55 min - Class


In this class, James D'Silva targets your stamina and strength. Moving through rhythmic and spiraling movements, you will get your heart pumping and you will get sweaty. The first half of class has an emphasis on the upper body with Ankle Weights being used as Hand Weights. In the second half of class, you move the Weights to your ankles to focus on the lower body. You will feel confident, connected, and spacious after this class. You can definitely take this class without Hand Weights if you don't have any.
What You'll Need: Ankle Weights (2)

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May 06, 2021
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Hello, my name's James D'Silva, and today I'm going to take you through some Garuda conditioning, yes? Welcome, and I'll need you to have a set of ankle weights. Maybe just any plain weights. And what I tend to do is I fold them into a little packet. You know, I'm just going to fold that through.

So that my hand can slip in, and my palm can slip in. And my thumb is vacant and free as the other side as well. Going to do a lot of arm and leg work today, so get ready to work hard. Also, have a chair present, just beside you, because sometimes I'm going to to ask you to lean one of the arms over it, so you can do a bit of rhomboid work and such. So, there we go.

Get your hands through, nicely kind of placed through, and your thumbs reaching out, right? Always ready to hitch a lift, kind of feeling. Get feet parallel. And I'm going to start with shoulder circles, just plain and simple circles. Back, one.

And two. And let the breath be natural. Three, yeah. I always tell myself, out breath equals effort. So every time, effort, I breathe out.

I make it natural. Four, and five. Good. And six and seven and eight. And again, the other way.

One, and two, and three, and four, and five, and six. Two more. Seven, And eight. Good. Let's gently start patting the arms back, one.

And I'm really keeping the width in the pectoral girdle out, as I pat back. And three. So it's back. And four. Widening in the back ribs, keeping the length out through the upper back.

And seven, and eight. My feet are parallel facing north. My inner thigh connection stays all the way through these exercises, And 10, good. Now I'm going to bend the elbows in to a 90 degree angle. My thumb is going to hitch and lift out to the side.

I bring it back, wrap and I come through. So bend. Open. I'm not going to bring my arms back. I'm going to circle from the elbow and come back.

That's going to be more functional. Open, turn the palms, wrap, push back. And again, bend, open and push back. And again, lengthen, open, from the thumb, elbows lift, armpits, elbows, heel of the hands, fingers. Again, breathing in, hitch a lift, thumb turns, armpits, elbows, heel of the hands.

Good. You want to make it one joint off the other, working for you. And again, bend, open, and push back. Last one, through bend, open. Now, stop there.

Turn the thumb down and lift from the little pinky and bring the elbows back. One and open, and two. Good. And open, and three. Open and four.

Open and five. Brilliant. Open and six. Open and seven. Open and eight.

Open and nine. Last one through. Open and 10. Open back out again, again grab your hands into a fist, and let the knuckles take you back. And the knuckles bring you forward, yes?

My elbow stay in line with my armpits, and I move my forearms back and forth, but the knuckles guide me back and my knuckles guide me forward. And four and two, good. And five, and two. And six, and strong legs through all this. You've gotta be aware of what your legs are doing.

Seven, good. And eight, and nine. Good. Last one through. And 10, good.

Now, right arm goes back and on the left. Let's alternate. Two, and three. Good. And tilt, a four.

And tilt, a five. And tilt, a six. And tilt, a seven. And tilt, I call this Walk like an Egyptian. And out, and under.

And reach. And good. Lift up. Now, close in from the little pinky, open from the thumb, push up from the heel of the hand, pull down from the armpit and the elbow. Close from the little pinky, open out from the thumb, push up from the heel of the hand, pull down from the armpit.

And a three, and lift. And four, and lift. And five, and lift. And six. Good.

And lift. And seven. Good. And lift. And eight, and lift.

And nine. Good. And lift. Last one. And 10, and lift, and down.

Okay. Little pinky spirals, thumb spirals in. Little pinky spirals, thumb spirals in. Spirals in, spirals. Hands in a prayer, and you bring the arms down.

Little pinky, and thumb. Little pinky, and thumb. Little pinky, and thumb. Little pinky, hands down, and through. Little pinky, and thumb.

Little pinky, thumb. Little pinky, and thumb. Little pinky, hands, and through. Three more sets. Little pinky, and thumb.

Little pinky, and thumb. Keep dropping through the shoulder blades. Up, pull, and through. Little pinky, and thumb. Little pinky, and thumb.

Little pinky, and thumb. Little pinky, hands in a prayer. Bring them just below your heart, and circle them around the head, one way. One. And two.

And three. Good. And four. A five. And six.

Two more. And seven. Last one through. And eight. The other way around.

And one. And two. And three. And four. And five, good.

And six. And seven. And eight. Bring the arms down, just at a 30 degree angle out, from either side. Bend bicep curls there, turn the thumb, and arrive.

Two, and thumb. And three, and thumb. Four, and thumb. Five, and thumb. A six, and thumb.

A seven, and thumb. A eight, and thumb. A nine, and thumb. Last one through. 10, and pull the right and turn the left thumb in.

And alternating two. And two, and two. Three. And two good. Four and two.

Five and two. Six and two, good. Seven and two. Eight and two. Nine and two.

And 10 and two, good. Guys, okay. Go for that chair or something you can actually lean on. 'Cause all I want you to do is hang on from there, and we'll work the rhomboids. You pull, draw the scapula in, squidge and pull, and reach out for one.

And squidge it in, and two. Squidge it in, and three. Squidge it in, and four. And in, and five. Good.

Pull. And seven, and eight, and nine, and 10. Let's go for five more. 11, 12. Squidge and then let it roll out.

In and let it roll out. 14. Last one through. And 15. Good.

Now glide the scapula down back, squidge in. And one, good. And two. Glide it back. And three, and four, and five, and six, and seven, and eight, nine, and 10.

Five more, you're almost there. And 11. Glide it down. Glad it back in, and then glide it out. Glide it back in, and out.

Two more. 14, and 15. Keep it there. And tricep pushes. One, and two, and three, and four.

Keep the scapula in place. Five, and six, and seven, and eight, and nine, and 10, and 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15. Let it drop. And just circle the arm in one direction, just like a pendulum. Swing around one way.

Good. And then swing it around the other. Good, and good. Roll up. Let's try the other side.

Well done. Okay. And through. All drop and pull up. One, squidge and reach.

Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Squidging the 10. Let the scapula, pull it up, draw it in, bend. You wanna get that kind of action. Pull it up, draw it in, bend, and then pull the elbow.

13. Good. 14, and 15. Now, glide the scapula down, pull it in. One, and let it drop back forward.

And two. So you need that gliding action of the scapula, then you lift that arm up behind you. Glide, lengthen. Good. And glide.

Four. Glide, pull. Five. Glide, pull. Six.

Glide, pull. Seven. Brilliant. And eight. Glide.

Nine. Glide back. 10. Five more. And 11, and 12.

Good. And 13, and 14. Last one through. And 15. Stay there.

Bend, and one. Good. And two, good. And three. Now, keep the scapula held in place.

And five, and six, and seven, and eight, and nine, and 10, and 11, 12, 13, 14. Last one. 15. Let it drop, and circle. Let the scapula just kind of glide around the landscape of your back.

Yes, just let it move around. And then, the other way around. And that pendulum swinging around from the arm. Let it go and good. And brilliant.

And come back up again. Good. Slide your hands through. And let's go again, to the circles. One, good.

And two, and three. The back's really working quit a lot. Four, and five. Go from the back. One, and two, and three, four, five.

Now, circles. Arm back, like a backstroke. One. And small bend of the knees. Two.

So you slice and scoop from the middle finger. Slice, scoop. Slice, scoop. Slice, scoop. Good.

Out. A seven, a eight, last one. Nine, to finish on the 10th. And good. Coming around.

One. And it's almost like it's a butterfly stroke. And three. Good. And four.

Brilliant. A five, a six. Small bends. Seven, and eight. Two more.

And a nine. Last one through. And 10, good. And just swing, and across, good. Swing and across.

Swing and across. Release any tension in the back. Out and across. Out and across. Reach and across.

Reach and across. Reach and across. Reach and done. Brilliant. Let's get down on the floor.

Nice work, guys. Good. Now, this time I want your hands through, again. Lie on your back. Again, feel the total expanse of your arms.

Your feet are really instrumental in all the work ahead, because I actually work all my work from the feet up. You don't only plant your feet, but you actually move through them. I always think of the front of my heels moving towards my toes to instigate the move. That pushing action, yeah? And the pulling is the back of my heels, gently pulling towards myself.

Starting out with your arms wide, feel the space between the shoulder blades. And I want you to gently push the feet on the floor. Fingers move up and you close the arms for one. But let the work start from the feet and then you soften the feet. Feet push, feel the back widen, and then close for two.

And back. Feet, three. That lower belly to really draw up and roll up. Four. And open it and five.

And six. Beautiful. And seven, good. Last one through. And eight.

Now open the left arm out, and push from the left foot. One, good. Especially from the outside of the left foot. Two, good. And three.

Good. And then we think of the middle finger reaching out to open the arm back out, think of the scapula widening. Middle finger coming in, widening. And foot. And widen.

Foot, arm. And widen. Foot, arm, open the other arm out. And bring the foot. Let the foot keep the impetus to move through the back into the arm.

And four, good. And foot, five. You feel it all the way, if you do it properly, you feel it all the way up into the occipital, yeah? As the foot pushes you, feel the length up into the occipital. Two more.

And seven. Last one through. Eight. Open that right arm back out again. Keep it out to the side, off the floor.

And the left arm opens and closes, but we use the right foot this time. The opposite foot to give you the impetus to close. So we're working for the oblique now. You'll feel a slight kind of connection into the left oblique as you work through. And four, good.

If you push the right foot, and close the left arm, you'll feel the left oblique kind of come into play. Six. And seven. And eight. Open it out, change sides, yeah.

And close, and one. Good. And you'll feel that wow, it's my right oblique that works, if I push from my left foot in and across. And, all right, the left oblique will also come in, no doubt, but you'll suddenly feel that connection, yeah? Into the oblique as well.

And six, good. And seven, good. And eight, good. Take the right arm up, out to the side and close. Let's just do a few of these.

Up and side and close. Up, side and close. Up, side. Go up, go down and open. Up, cut it down.

And open. Up, you'll feel the left oblique all the way through, and really grounding you. And back and close. Now, left arm. And open.

And you'll feel if you push the right foot, you'll feel the right oblique come into play. Out and center. Pull, reach and up. And the other way around. Up, down and center.

Up, it's grounding you, yes? And center. Up, down and open. Up, down and open. Bring the arms up, good.

Left arm goes up, as it opens out to the side the right arm goes up. As the left arm closes the right arm goes out to the side. As the left arm goes up the right arm comes back to center. And side, and close. And up, and side, and close.

I'm guiding you through your left arm. And five, and close. And the side, and close. And up, aside and close. And up, aside and reverse.

Left arm to the side, right arm over. Right arm over the heart, left arm over the heart. And up, out and close. And up, down and up. I'm taking you through the right arm this time.

There and close, the right arm up. Right arm heart. Right arm open. Right arm up. Right arm heart.

Right arm open. Right arm up. Right arm heart, and good. Bring the hands in front. This time right arm goes over, left arm comes down.

And down, good. And reach up and down. Good. And down. Maybe we'll add the leg.

Opposite leg to opposite arm. And a reach, good. And grow, reach. And pull, reach, good. And grow, reach.

And reach, good. And grow, reach. And reach. And grow, reach. And reach.

Come back to center. Same thing, reach, circle the arms, and you come up. Good. Reach, circle the arms. And you come up.

Let's try, same thing with feet, yeah? So, the right arm when the left knee goes up, yeah? Circle, and center. Reach, circle, and center. Reach, circle, and center.

Reach, circle, and center. One more. Reach, circle, and center. Reverse, yes? And reach, circle and center.

Reach, circle and center. Reach, circle, good, and center. Reach, circle and center. Last one, circle, good. And bring the arms down, good.

Adjust for a moment, 'cause I'm gonna do a bit of abdominal work with the arms. Clasp your hands behind your head, just to remind you the position of your head. I normally do this in every class. Elbows close into parallel, support the back of the head and give traction. Then you roll the head forward with your hands, lean the head into your hands and look into the navel, good.

'Cause that's gonna be the right position for the head. Your gaze is very important. Roll the head back tall, and you widen here. Breathe in, and breathe out. Breathe in, and breathing out.

Again, breathing in, breathing out. Maybe extend the legs out, drag the heels in, roll the head back, and widen, good. Breathe in and out, good. Drag the heels in, roll back and widen. Maybe close and out, good.

Pull them in, and out. Keep the elbows out to the side this time and roll the head up with the legs. Open the knees out wide, and roll back. And pull, because that's what we're going to do to the arms. Open the knees out, up and close.

One more time. Open the knees out, and let's reverse it. Open the knees out, reach, parallel, drag back. And open the knees out, reach, parallel, drag back. Last one.

Open, parallel, and drag back. Now let's take the weights, and do it with the weights, good. We're gonna start plain and simple, take the arms back, in a prayer position. Gonna bring the arms forward in a prayer, bring them between the legs, curl, roll back. And the right.

Take the arms out over the right. Roll back. Take the arms out over the left. And back. And cut through.

Four, and back. And out to the side. And back. And out to the other side and back. Let's do this with legs reaching out.

And grow, bend. And reach out. Keep that left hip down as I move the right. And through. And cutting across, good.

Bend and go through. Again forward, bend, and through. Moving out to the right, good. Bend and through. And out to the left, and bend.

Last time. And forward, good. Bend and through. And out to the right. Bend and through.

And out to the left. Good, and bend and through. Take the arms back. Now this time, arms come forward, stretch the legs out, and scoot them back and through. And again, arms, ribs, and forward.

And back. This time adding on, arms forward, as you turn the hands out, turn the feet out. As you reach, roll back and parallel. And two. Roll, and center.

And three, roll and center. Four, roll and center. Five, good. Roll and let's reverse it. Open out, down, pull.

Open out, down and out. Open out, down and three. Open out, down and four. Last one through. Open out, down and five.

Move your hands, just interlace the thumbs, that's good. And we're going to move into a side bend, and then we're going to move into a twist. Then we're going to move into a side bend, and center. Side bend, move into a twist. Side bend and center.

Side bend and twist. Side bend and center. Side bend and twist. Side bend and center. Here we go.

Side bend and you stretch your legs out. Side and twist. Side bend, stretch the legs out. Side bend and twist. Side bend and stretch your legs out.

And good, last one. Side bend, and stretch. Side bend and bring it back, good. Guys, moving on to our side, coming up, we have, onto your elbow, and we're going to lift up into a tilt, yes? You're going to tilt your pelvis up, whilst we do all this arm work.

So, bicep curl, send the arm out. Come down, bend and one. And reach out, two. Lower and two. Reach out, three.

Lower and three. Reach out, four. Lower and four. Now, reach, extend, knee in, and one. Bend, extend, knee and two.

Bend, extend, knee and three. Bend, extend, knee and four. Adding on. Bend, extend, kick front, kick back, bent the knee and good. One last one.

And reach out, good. Kick front, kick back and knee bend and arrive. Now circle forward, reach and back, four of these. And two. And back, good.

And three. And back. And four. And back. Circling back.

One, and pull under. And two and pull under, good. And three. And pull under. Last one through.

Four, and pull under. Good. Dive the arm through, circle, reach, and dive it through. Circle, reach. And dive it through.

Circle, reach and dive it through. Circle, reach and arrive. Brilliant. Everything on the other side. Good.

So, elbows by your side and bend, lift, and one. Bend and lift, and two. Bend, lift and three, good. Bend, lift, good and four. Bend, extend, and one.

Bend, extend and two. Bend, extend and three, good. Bend, extend and four, good. Bend, extend, kick forward, kick back and knee, and one. And reach out, forward, back and knee, and finish.

Circle one, reach back, one. Circle two, and two, good. Circle three. Reach three. Circle four.

And four. Circle five and five. Other way around. One, ribs, arm to heel. Two and three.

Down. Four. Last one through. Five and good. And reach up, circle forward and reach two.

And out. Reach three and out. Last one through. Four and under, well-done. Good work, guys, yeah.

Now comes the real work for the legs. Get these around your ankles. And listen if you don't want to even use ankle weights, just work hard on the legs. So let's start. Plain and simple, down.

Onto your sides. Into a chair position. Now in this position I almost feel like I'm hanging off a branch, so all that kind of space is lengthened out, and my sacrum, on the back bit are wide, and my hands are out in front, and my feet are at a 90 degree angle. And just open out to your foot, and I come down one. And two.

And three. And four. And five. As much as I open up, I push down against the floor, I'm pushing to open. And seven.

And eight, pulsing, 10, two, three, four, five, six, seven, good. Extend the leg out, rotate it, to a parallel forward and down. Two, extend, rotate, and down. Three, extend, rotate, parallel, forward and down. Four, extend, rotate, parallel, forward and down.

Five, extend, rotate, parallel, forward. Six, extend, rotate, parallel, forward and down. Seven, extend, rotate, parallel, forward and down. Last, extend, rotate, parallel, forward and open and close. And two, and close.

Bravo. Three and close. A four and close. A five and close. A six and close.

A seven, good and close. Eight of pulses, two, three, four, five, six, seven, really working the abduction, good. Stretch the leg out, slightly turn the foot in, and tap the big toe down, one and lift. And two and lift. And three and lift.

And four and lift. And five and lift. And six and lift. And seven and lift. And eight of the circles out, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, the other way.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, knee to you, big toe to ankle, attitude and extend. Knee to you, foot to ankle, attitude, extend. Knee to you, foot to ankle, attitude, extend. Knee to you, foot to ankle, attitude, extend. Two more.

Knee to you, foot to ankle, attitude, extend. Knee to you, foot to ankle, attitude, and extend. 10 on each of these, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Place the foot down, extend the underneath leg. And lift.

A two. And both thighs clap together. Four and five and six, and seven, and eight, and nine and pulsing, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, little circles, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, the other way, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, come down. Place one leg over the other. Good.

Glide and lift. And two. Glide lift three, glide lift four, and five, longways, and you could have your hand up with you if you want. And six, and seven and eight, and nine, last one through. Pulsing.

Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, open, beat feet, and two, and three, in parallel, four, a five, a six, a seven, a eight, a nine, a 10. Turn abduct, beat feet, and two, and three, and four, and five, and six, and seven and eight, and nine, a 10. Go back, front lift, front back lift. Back, front lift, front back lift. Back front lift, front back lift, back lift, now the underneath leg goes, under, under, bar, bar lift, back front lift, bar, bar lower, back front lower, front back lower, back front lower, front back lower, back front lower, front back, good, both legs.

And two, and three. And four, and five. And six, and seven. And eight, and the feet parallel, brilliant, well-done. Foot to knee.

Open, tap, tap. Ankle knee, close and arrive, foot to knee, open, tap, tap, ankle to knee, close and down. Foot to knee, open, tap, tap, ankle knee, close, arrive, foot to knee, open and tap, tap, ankle, knee, close, add on. Foot to knee, open and tap, tap, ankle knee, extend, under, close and arrive. In, open, tap, tap, ankle knee, extend sideways in.

Close and arrive. Foot to knee, open, tap, tap, ankle knee, attitude arabesque, come back, parallel, close. Foot to knee, there, tap, tap, ankle knee, side and close and arrive. Arm goes back. Lift the head with legs and good.

And two. And three. And four. And five. And six and seven.

And eight. And nine. And 10. Pulsing, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, open, and walk, two, three, four, five, six, seven, lower the head if you want, three, four, five, six, seven, turn out, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, three, four, five, six, seven, parallel, two, three, four, five, six, seven, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, turn down, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, last two. Four, five, six, seven, good.

Down, roll out to the front. Good work there. Folding your hands. Again you want the legs as far as you can. As you pull the lower body, it will pull you off the floor, pull and lift and one.

Rotate the leg out, turn parallel and come down. And up. Rotate it out, parallel, and come down. Lift, and rotate, parallel and come down. Lift, rotate, parallel and come down.

Pull, lift, rotate, parallel and come down. Last one. Pull, rotate, parallel and go into pedaling. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and two, two, three, four, five, six, seven, another eight please. Two, three, four, five, pull at the arms, six, seven, eight.

Lower down. Rock the pelvis from side to side. Sit back onto your heels and give yourself a really nice stretch, keep the arms long. Curling through, have the feet parallel, bend, push out and curl. Bend the elbows, come through forward, elbows down and curl.

And forward, push out, curl to, elbows and chest down and out. Push out and forward. Hands bend and through. Under, last. Curl, and out and through, bend, arrive, push and arrive through.

Curling up and let's do everything to the other side, good stuff, guys. Good. Okay, lots of work over here. Starting. A 90 degree angle, knees at the hip, good, and we have plain and simple opening, just a foot and good.

A two, make it crisp, three, arrive, halt. And five. And six. And seven. And eight.

Little pulses, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, good, lend the leg out behind you. Rotate it out, parallel, forward and down. Lift, lengthen, rotate, parallel, forward and good. Three, lengthen, rotate, forward and down. Four, lengthen, rotate, forward and down.

Five, lengthen, rotate, and down. Six, lengthen, rotate, and down. Seven, lengthen, rotate, down. Eight, lengthen, rotate and down. Now open, and come back.

And two, good. Three. A four. A five. A six.

Good. A seven, am I pushing down, yes I am. And eight, good. Extend the leg out, turn the foot in, and one, reach out, good. And two, good work.

And three, and four, and five, brilliant. And six, two more. And seven, last one through. And eight, bring the leg down, circling, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, the other way, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, knee to knee, foot to ankle, attitude, and extend. Knee to knee, foot to ankle, attitude, extend.

Knee to knee, foot to ankle, attitude, extend. Knee to knee, foot to ankle, attitude, extend. Knee to knee, foot to ankle, attitude, extend. Last one. Knee to knee, attitude, extend.

10 knee to knees, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Foot goes behind, stretch the leg out taught, get the leg under the hip and lift, one, and two, and the other leg is clapping. A four. A five. A six, good.

A seven, a eight, a nine, pulsing, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, little circles, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, the other way, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, brilliant, come down. Place one leg over the other and we have lift and lower. Two and three, and four and five, and six, and seven, and eight, and nine, and pulsing, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, lift, beat feet, and two, and three, and four, and five, and six, and seven, and eighth, and nine, and 10, turn down, and one, and two, a three, a four, a five, reverse the heels, and six, a seven, a eight, a nine, a 10. Back front lift, front back lift, back front down, under, under lift, back, back down, beat feet out, beat feet out, beat feet out, last one. And go, back front lower, front back lower, back front lower, and other, and other, one more.

Both together, and two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and 10 parallel. Foot to knee, open, tap, tap, ankle, knee, extend, bring it back. Parallel and down. Foot to knee, open, tap, tap, down and through, extend, pulsing, close and down. Foot to knee, open, tap, tap, ankle knee, attitude arabesque, pulsing, close and down.

Foot to knee, open, tap, tap, ankle, knee, extend, pulsing, close and one more time because I've had another preparation on this side, in, open, down and there, and forward, open, close and down. Foot to knee, open, tap, tap, ankle, knee, extend, passing, close and down. Foot to knee, open, tap, tap, ankle knee, arabesque, part, close and down. Foot to knee, open, tap, tap, ankle knee, extend, passing close and arrive. Here we go.

We have lift and open. Lift and ah, lift and arrive. You can do all of this with your arm lifted up as well, yes, so if you feel you need to carry up, or challenge yourself to do it with the arm up, reach and eight, two more. And nine, last one, 10 and feet, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, come down. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, turn down, four, five, six, seven, parted, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, parallel, three, four, five, six, seven, reach, four, five, six, seven, eight.

Turn down, four, five, six, seven, eight. Reach, four, five, six, seven and good to come down. Brilliant guys, good. Let's roll you on your front. You're doing really well.

We've broken out quite a sweat by now. Good. Hands on your forehead. Now this time as you pull with the arms and lift, bend the right knee. Lift the right knee an inch off, rotate it and bring the foot back, now use the elbow on the side you're lying on to push, rotate, lift the heart, lift the chest and lower down.

Breathe in, lift, breathe in, attitude and tap. And push, rotate, good and you come down. And lift, rotate and tap. Push from the elbow, grab with both elbows and you come down. And bend and lift, rotate, and tap, push, rotate, rotate, groan and come down, arrive.

And sit back. Good. Allow yourself a really nice stretch, breathe into your back. Come up on all fours please. Climb up on all fours, concentrate now what's happening with the leg.

Arms underneath you, glide the left leg out, lift it, rotate it out, knee out to the side, pull it down, open in the arc, extend it, parallel, and glide it back. And two, rotate, out, pull it in. Open it out, extend, rotate and bring it back. And three, rotate, out and in. Pull it out, reach, parallel and back.

And four, rotate, out and in. Open it out, good, reach it and come back the other side. Lengthen it out, good. Yeah, rotate, out. Open, extend, parallel and come back.

And two, rotate, out, in. Pull it out, stretch, parallel and back. And three, and out, in. Rotate, go long, parallel, and down. Last one, reach and out, in.

Open it up, good, rotate and come back. Good. Sit back again, very tall. And you're gonna arch, curl the toes under, move into a Chaturanga plank, push into the downward dog position, come forward in plank, Chaturanga, bend the knees, point the feet and push back, four of these. And come forward, chest, curl the toes, Chaturanga, plank, push into downward dog, push forward and front plank, Chaturanga, bend, arch and curl.

And arch, curl down, plank, push back, come forward, plank, bend, arch, and curl, last one. And curl up, push, and plank. Come forward, wrap and down, knees, arch and sit back, you have arrived. Good work guys, all right, let's take the weights off. I'm gonna take you to a small stretch.

Good. Really good work. We've worked the arms and legs and the abdominals come in play, now to start with, if you can't cross your, if you can't have ankle over knee, knee over ankle, doesn't matter, just have your legs crossed. But I end up with my knee on my ankle, and my ankle on my knee and I'm just gonna start rocking from side to side. Rock and then slowly, take the body forward and out.

And again, you rock the ribs from side to side. Give yourself a good stretch. Breathe into the back ribs. Always set aside a little bit of time to stretch, it's so important after all that hard work. Then from the elbows into the knees, lift the heart and lift the chest.

Pushing your hands into the floor, around the back, curve, deep into the crumbled head, down to the floor and pull up. Again reach the arms all the way forward. Coming up, grab hold of the left wrist, grab the left shoulder down the floor and you twist and the other side and grab the other right shoulder down and you twist. Coming out of there, for me it's my right leg, whichever leg was on top, it's my right leg and I'm gonna move towards it and go for a really nice long stretch and then coming out of it, landing across to the other side and just moving into a stretch and so I want to lift the hip up, and I want to glide the hip down. Up and down.

Up and down, brilliant. And all the time I'm gonna keep that movement and roll around to the front. What feels like pigeon stretch. Good, rock, maybe I'll come up and I'll stretch, with that back leg, reach out to that back leg, because I've done so much of good work. As I come down to stand, roll the shoulder across, grab hold of it and twist.

If you're feeling adventurous, bend the back knee, grab hold of the ankle and pull it into your buttock. Taught, breathe and let go, come out of there. And in that safe position, roll around, get the shoulder down, reach it out and then maybe move into prep, think of this back leg, reach it out, roll in front here and a new twist. Keep reaching it out. And in your own time, roll up, wrap that leg around.

Get that nice opening, good, and let's change sides. Brilliant, this time, maybe have the left leg in front. And again we'll rock. We'll rock from side to side and get that opening as great as we can. Moving through and then I lean forward and down, big stretch, get the armpits all the way forward, breathe into your back.

Maybe move the ribs from side to side. Then pull the elbows into your knees, lift the heart and lift the chest. Push into your hands, round the back curve, deep, head towards the shins. Pull the sternum forward again, reach all the way up. Coming out of it, grab hold of the right wrist and twist.

Breathe, get that shoulder to come down and twist. And change sides, good, and grab hold of the left and open and twist. Come out of it. And then raise slowly, open that left leg out to the side, in my case it's the left leg and gently, pulling out, grab hold of it and go for a really nice long stretch. Open, feel the ribs around if you can.

Down and around and then move across the other side. And glide it back. Just that gliding action, groan so you move out of the waist and then reaching around, twist, think of that back leg again. Reaching out taught, roll into the hip, then when you're ready, grow out of it, move into that nice pidgeony feel, very tall, then coming down, send the arm through and twist, roll all the way to the shoulder. Maybe bend the knee, hip and push that hip down, far down as you can, twist, breathe into the back.

Let go. And coming out of it. Shoulder comes across, and first lengthen it out, it's always best to lengthen it out, get that hip also to rotate and then move into your prayer. And then rotate, open the leg out, good, and maybe open the other leg out. Good and just circle the feet around, just both feet circle one and two, three, yeah, and four.

Five, and six, go the other way around, one, two, good, so much abductor work, four, five, six. Bend, stretch. Follow these, grow out of the leg, and three, good. This leg stays constant, four and five. Go the other side, one, good.

Reach out, two, good. And three, go out of the leg, four, and five. Good and good, and then very slowly just allow yourself to rock back and forth. Into your pelvic hipbones, rocking and back. Out, slow and good.

And then if you can, very slowly, just place the elbows down, softly and do it again, rocking forward, rocking sway allows you to go away, again don't push yourself, allow yourself to go with what feels comfortable for the day. And good, moving up. Slowly get the legs in. Open them out, rock from side to side, close them in, and go into windscreen wipers. In out, in out, in out, in out and then go side, side, side, side, side, side.

All go. Brilliant and let the ribs also go. Any tension in the rib cage gone. And good. Guys, that was a body conditioning class, Garuda body conditioning class, I hope you liked it.

I hope you persevered through it for one thing and yeah, again you don't have to use the weights for all that work, do it without the weights to start with. But we worked through most of the bits and pieces that we needed to work on, which was all the big kind of muscles and also for the smaller muscles. Please take your time, enjoy it and keep coming back to class. Yes, it's very important that you keep working for yourselves. Thank you so much, thank you for joining me.


Barbara O
4 people like this.
Another superb class  that makes me feel energised yet relaxed,  James' passion is also really contagious even in a virtual environment! Thank you
2 people like this.
Lots and Lots of shoulder work/therapy in this class. I used 3lb hand weights for upper body, and 5 lb leg weights for lower body. That worked for me.  Great Class. I had fun and feel much better. Thanks Again James:) 
4 people like this.
I love the quality of the flow in this class. I was a bit taken aback at first, but what a wonderful training method!  
3 people like this.
Outstanding class. I love the strong athletic work together with the flow and multiplanar movement.  This is a class I’ll come back to again and again.
Truc N
1 person likes this.
Beautiful flow! I love the coordination 😊 Thank you for your hard work 💪🏾❤️
1 hour passed as 1 min! Amazing! Thanks James.

1 person likes this.
Lovely conditioning class as always :)
1 person likes this.
very interesting flow of exercises, I hope he will do some reformer class as well!
I persevered! And I liked! Wonderful offering James🙂
Fiona O
Fantastic class James!! 
My knees are getting used to the movements which means I’m becoming more agile. You have no idea how thankful I am for your classes. 
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