Class #4553

Powerhouse Strength

50 min - Class


Focus on developing strength in your powerhouse in this Mat workout with Katie Yip. She will flow through abdominal work, making sure that you are using your foundational work from the first class to keep your technique clean.
What You'll Need: Mat, Wall

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May 26, 2021
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All right, let's get started with our week two of Push The Limit Powerhouse Strength. Lot of abdominal work, get ready. Let's face the front of your mat. Let's go heels together, toes apart. Cross fingertip to elbow, press your forearms into one another.

And I want you to lift your frontal hip points up to the ceiling while you lengthen the tailbone down towards the back of the heels. The inner thighs pull up so you feel one column of strength from head to toe. From here, you're gonna take one leg behind the other, it doesn't matter which one, and you're going to lift your stomach up. Continue to lift as you lower yourself down to the mat, with control. All the way down.

Try to keep those heels down, scoop the stomach in, and lower down. No plopping down. Uncross the feet, take the hands by your hips, lift your bottom up, and lie all the way back down. The hands will come by your sides. And you're gonna bring your knees and feet together.

We're gonna review one concept that we did last week, to understand, once again, where movement should be initiated. From your powerhouse. You're gonna take your hands to your frontal hip points and you're gonna pull those hip points down and underneath your rib cage and hollow the stomach. Feel those two hip points pull in towards your navel, scoop deeper, scoop between those inner thighs. You have that deep, deep scoop.

Now from here, keep that scoop as you start to lengthen your tailbone down in opposition. So you find the smallest of your two-way stretch. The navel pulling underneath the ribs, while the tailbone lengthening down. Hold this for five, four, scoop it in, three, two, one, and release. Let's do that one more time.

Scoop the stomach and really hollow it out. Hollow as much as you can. Scoop lower, from the lowest, lowest part of the powerhouse. Keep that deep scoop as you lengthen the tailbone down in opposition. So it's a tug of war between the navel and the tailbone, who's gonna win?

The stomach pulls up, the tailbone reaches down, who's gonna win? It's a tough battle. Hold it here for five, four, three, two, one, and release. Ooh, that one was a lot of work. Now from here, you're going to scoop in, find that same scoop.

Hollow the front body, scoop deeper, really low, from the lowest part of your stomach. Now lengthen the tailbone down. Now, keep this position as you start to slide the fingers forward. You're gonna roll up to the bottom of the rib cage. Scoop your stomach in, let's slide the legs out without disturbing the pelvis.

The navel pulls underneath the chest. We float the arms up. We have that strong center. You should be off of your shoulders, not down here. Curl over that rib cage.

Even more, curl up. The head reaches the ceiling, the stomach scoops back, and begin, again, pumping for your 100. Now let's start to challenge that powerhouse. And lift the right leg up. Two, three, four, five.

Flex it down, two, three, four, five. Inhale, two, three, four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, five. Scoop to bring that right leg up, bring the knee to the nose. Exhale, two, three, four, five.

Inhale, two, three, four five. Exhale, two, three, four, five. Inhale, curl up a little higher, stretch the back of the neck. Exhale, push through the back of the leg. And inhale, two, three, four, five.

Exhale, two, three, four, five. Inhale, two, three, four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, five. Inhale, scoop to lift the leg up. Exhale, scoop to lengthen down.

One more time on each side. Inhale. Exhale, two, three, four, five. Inhale, off of those shoulders. Exhale, exhale, exhale, exhale.

Hold it and roll all the way back down. From here, we're gonna roll up. If you have a strap, go ahead and use it. Flex your ankles. And we're gonna lie all the way down to that mat.

Arms up to the ceiling, find that same scoop. Pick the shoulders off the mat. And you're gonna stretch your arms back to your working level. So that doesn't mean all the way down. That means the place where you can keep your ribs and your lower back anchored on that mat.

Flex your feet and press through the back of the thighs. Reach across the room, arms to the ceiling. Plug the shoulders in. The head goes through the window of the arms and you scoop and melt the pelvis behind you. Peel the ribs off, pull the waistline back.

And the trajectory is the head to the knee with the stomach off of the thighs. You get that delicious back stretch. Push down through the back of the legs. Anchor them, scoop first. Keep curling into yourself as you roll back.

Lengthen through the back of the thighs, the lower back goes down. The waist, articulate through the ribs, hit the bottom of the shoulder blade, top of the shoulder. The head goes down. Pick the shoulders up and stretch it back. Arms come up, plug it in.

The head goes through the arms. You peel the shoulders off. Peel the rib cage off. Peel the waist off. Now, pull your pelvis behind you.

The pelvis goes back as you continue to curl in to yourself. The head reaches towards your knees. Scoop the stomach off the thighs. Now the scoop is what drags you back. The fingers wanna stay forward.

The heels reach away. You hollow your stomach. Lengthen the back of the legs. Push them down, low back. Waist, ribs, shoulder, top of the shoulder.

Head goes down and scoop length in the back. Arms go back. Now, I did say this week was powerhouse week, so we're gonna do our pulses. We're gonna do 10 at each spot: shoulder, rib, waist, and pelvis. Good luck.

I'm doing it with you guys. Lift your head up, roll to the top of the shoulder, up one inch, down one inch. One, two, stomach in. Three, pull up behind you, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Stop there, hold.

Scoop the stomach back, stretch through the legs. Roll to the bottom of the rib. One, two, push through the heels, three, four, five. Use the back of the legs. Seven, eight, nine, 10.

Stop there, hold. Just to the waist. So the waist is on, the bottom of the rib is off. This is the worst position. One, two, three, four, scoop it back, five, scoop, scoop, scoop, eight, nine, hold it there, stop.

Pull your hips away from the thighs. Come to the pelvis. One, two, three, four, five, scoop it in, six, seven, open the chest, eight, nine, 10. Now I punched you in the stomach. Scoop it back as you bring the head to the knees and stretch.

Now we gotta roll back down. Roll down, push through the heels. Roll to the pelvis, stop. Up one, two, three, four, open the chest, five, six, powerhouse, seven, eight, nine, 10. Stop there, hold.

Stretch the legs. Roll down, touch only the waist Off the waist. On the waist, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, whew, nine, 10, hold it there. Waist is on, bottom of the rib on. One, rib, waste, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10.

Shoulder blade, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine 10. Roll all the way down and stretch. Whew! One fluid to come up. Inhale, come up. Roll through all those places, exhale over.

Inhale, roll down all of the stomach. And stretch it back. Take your feet out of the strap. And we're gonna bend your knees in for your footwork today. Hug the thighs into your chest, heels together, toes apart.

Take the hands underneath the back of the legs. You're going to lift your upper body up. You're going to pull the stomach in. Now, if you can, option one, the hands stay under your thighs. I'm gonna do this for five repetitions so you can see.

Stretch out, scoop. Bend it in. Stretch it, two. Bend it in. Heels together, toes apart.

Stretch it, three. Bend it in. Stretch it, four. Scoop it in. Stretch it, five.

Hold it here. Now, if you wanna take it to the next level, hands behind the head. Elbows open and stretch out. Scoop in, and two. Like you're on that reformer, right?

And three, scoop in. Push through the legs. Scoop with the stomach, push through the hips, scoop with the stomach. The feet stay on one line. So watch that as you go up, the legs don't drop.

They stay on one straight line. Two more times, guys. Reach. I did say it's powerhouse. Reach.

Bring it in, hold, knees together, feet together. Flex your ankles. Curl your toes around. So my tops of my feet are stretching. And out, and in.

And two, scoop in. Three, anchor the hips, anchor that low back. Four. Deepen. Five, deepen.

I did say we're gonna push it. Six, deepen. Seven, deepen. Eight, deepen. Almost there.

Scoop, last one. In, flex those toes. Now this time, pull your toes back, push through your heels and squeeze your legs together, they're one strong leg. Out, in. Powerhouse pulls you back, in.

Anchor the low back, in. Naval to spine, in. Four, deepen. Three, deepen. We'll be warm after this.

Two, one, hold it there, heels together, toes apart. Take your legs slightly higher for this one. Extend the legs out. And point and flex. Anchor that back, two.

And reach. Squeeze the legs together, three. Reach, four. Reach, five. Woo! Six, we feel the burn.

Seven, eight, nine, 10. And hug it in. Very, very good work. Thighs deep into your chest. And let's sit all the way up.

And let's have the legs straight, flex your feet. If you have a strap, you can go ahead and use it. Have that strap. Make sure it's tight. Roll down to the mat.

From here, let's open the leg out to the side. So it's a little wider than your base. Bring the right knee into your chest and give it a stretch. Grab underneath the knee and stretch it up to the ceiling. From here, hands by your sides.

Press your arms down, stomach in. Bring the leg up towards your nose. We're gonna go over to the left hip. Reach it down, anchor the lower back. Over to the right hip, right shoulder to the nose.

Stretch through that left leg. Over to the left hip, reach it down. Right hip press down through the left leg and to the nose. Across, down, right hip to the nose. Across, down, right hip to the nose.

One more time. Across, down, right hip to the nose. Reverse, right hip down, over to the left hip, to the nose. Right hip, scoop and anchor your back in opposition. Left hip to the nose.

Right hip scoop and down. Left hip to the nose. One more time. Right hip down, scoop and left hip to the nose. Bend the knee into your chest, give yourself a stretch, and slide the leg back under the strap.

Take the left knee into the chest. I lied, sorry. Take the right leg, open it a little wider so you have a wider base of support. This will allow you to anchor your lower back a bit more. Take the left knee into your chest, grab underneath the knee.

And stretch it up to the ceiling. Press your arms into the mat. Lengthen the back of the right leg. Bring the leg up your nose. Over to the right hip.

Scoop your stomach, anchor your low back. Over to the left hip, to the nose. Right hip, scoop. Left hip to the nose. Three more times.

Across, down, open, up. Across, down, open, up. Last one, across, down, open, reverse. Left hip scoop, right hip to the nose. Left hip down, right hip to the nose.

Three more times. Circle and lift, strong center. Circle and lift. One more time, circle and lift. Bend the knee into the chest.

Give yourself a stretch. And take both legs out. And we're gonna roll all the way up for our rolling like a ball. This one's the variation called the elbow slide. So lift your heels up and pull the heels towards your bottom.

Press your toes down, but keep the heels up. Take the hands behind your head. And now you're going to lift your lower back up and then curl up and over your rib cage, just like how you did when you did your 100. And bring the elbows to the top of the knees. Press your elbows up into your knees and press your elbows down against your knees so you feel both forces working against one another.

Now, you're going to lift your stomach up as you start to slide the elbows down as far you can. The elbows and the hands must stay behind the head. And you slide them back up to the top of the knees. You scoop the hips away from the thighs. The pelvis pulls you back.

Elbow slide down. How low can you go? Deepen it, deepen it, deepen it. And slide the elbows up. Whew! Two more times.

Press, lift the stomach up. Pull the hips away from the thighs. Feel the lower back lengthen behind you. It goes beyond your mat. The waist pulls back.

You curl in, curl in, curl in. And slide the elbows up. One more for good luck. Scoop it back, press down through the toes. Pull your hips off of your thighs.

Reach your knees away. Scoop deep between the hips. Scoop it, scoop it. Deep powerhouse. And come all the way up.

We're gonna get ready for our series of five, if we haven't done enough abdominal work already. Right hand to your right ankle. Left hand to your knee. Slide the leg in and extend the left leg out into position. Elbows up and stomach scoops.

Scoop to switch the legs. Change, change, change. Elbows up, change, change, change, change. 10 more. Nine, elbows up, eight.

Pick them up. Seven, six, elbows up, five, four, three, two, one. Let's make it a little more fun. Reach your arms forward, one, two, three. Top of the head stretches to the ceiling, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10.

We can always make it more fun. Hands behind the head. One, two, three, four, scoop it. And five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Two knees in.

Whew! Let that head rest. And we're going to lift the upper body up. From here, we're gonna go into our double leg pull. The legs are gonna reach out, the arms are gonna go straight back. Reach back, hold it.

Straight arms, and grab your ankles. Inhale, stretch out. Anchor your low back. Anchor your powerhouse. Exhale, bring it in.

Inhale, stretch out long and thin. Exhale, scoop, tiny, little ball. Inhale, stretch, stretch, stretch. Find that opposition. Exhale, scoop it in.

Inhale, exhale. A little faster. Inhale, exhale. Reach, deepen. Reach, deepen.

Reach, deepen, two more times. Reach, deepen, one more time. Reach, deepen. And let the head rest. Whew, take the legs up to the ceiling.

Grab the right leg with both hands. Left leg lowers down and lift the upper body up, and stretch. Change, change, change. Grab the leg, pull it towards you. The scoop.

Change the leg. Scoop to switch the legs. Scoop to switch the legs. Scoop, scoop, scoop, stay here. Reach your arms forward.

Change. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Hands behind the head. One, two, three, four, to the nose, five, knees touch the nose. Seven, eight, nine, 10.

Two legs up. Let the head rest. Grab underneath the thighs and curl your upper body off the mat. Now just like your 100, I don't want your shoulders on. I want your shoulders off.

And maybe you go all the way up so you're on that bottom rib cage. So you really get the curl of the upper back to build that upper abdominal strength. Now don't fall down, stay here. Hands behind the head. And let's lower the legs down only to 45.

Bring them back up. Hands under the thighs. Pull yourself back up. Don't fall down. Hands behind the head.

Lower to 45. Deepen the powerhouse to bring the legs up. Curl up a little higher. Hands behind the head. 45, scoop, lift up.

One more time. Lift yourself up, up, up. Don't fall down. 45, squeeze the legs together and up. Bend the knees into the chest Twist to the right.

Scoop and change, change, change, change, change, change, change and rest it all the way up. Oh, that was nice, wasn't that? (laughs) A nice little burn in the stomach. All right, let's take the hands on top of the thighs today. Roll your shoulders down the back. Grow tall.

The tailbone lengthens down in opposition. And we're gonna bring the head down as we start to slide your hands down your thighs, down the knees, down the shins, and you're gonna hold onto your ankle. From here, grab your ankle, and I want you to pull your stomach up and back behind you so the ribs lift on a diagonal, the heels reach forward, and the stomach scoops up. Up, up, and release. And again.

Grab your ankles tight, scoop it in, lift the waist off of the thighs as much as you can. Up, up, so you're hollowing that front body. Up, up, up, and release. And lift open that low back. The powerhouse pulls you up.

Now you're going to lift so much, you make so much more space to slide the right leg in, and scoop as you slide the leg back out. And scoop to slide the right heel towards your right... Left heel towards the left bottom. And scoop and stretch it out. Right heel towards your right bottom.

Keep lifting the powerhouse up and down. Scoop, slide the left heel in. Slide the leg out. Scoop, right heel slides in. Scoop, stretch it out.

Scoop, left heel slides in. Scoop, and stretch it out. Now, we've gotta really use our powerhouse here. You're gonna lift your stomach up. Lift to slide both heels.

Lift, stretch both heels forward. Lift to slide both heels. Scoop and stretch it out. And you're gonna lift, slide both heels in towards your bottom. Sit up tall, open your chest, and let's extend both legs out into your open leg rocker.

So you're in that same position we were. So you're grabbing your ankles and you're pulling your stomach up to the ceiling behind you. Open your chest and balance, hold it. Hold it, hold it, and lower the two legs down. Now, nothing should shift.

Just how you had to lift your stomach to extend the legs, the same thing goes here, except it's much more challenging. You lift to stretch those legs. Hold it, hold it, hold it, and lower down. You lift the navel up through the top of the head. Chest goes up to the ceiling, hold it, hold it, hold it, lower down.

And lift two legs out. Now, if you can, you're gonna lift even more to draw your legs together. Hold it. Walk your hands down towards your mat, down your legs, and lower your back to the mat. If you have handles, go ahead and grab them.

If not, you'll have the hands by your sides. Stomach in, we're gonna go into corkscrew flat. Scoop it in, bring the toes to the nose. Onto the right hip. Reach it down, anchor your low back as you go to the left.

Left hip to the nose. The same place as we hit in the single-leg circle, to the left hip. Reach it down, scoop in opposition. Right hip to the nose. Right hip scoop, lower down.

Left hip to the nose. Left hip scoop, reach it down. Right hip to the nose, and bend the knees in. Let's go for your tick-tock. Extend the legs out.

Open the right leg to the side. The right leg stays fixed. You're gonna pick your left hip off the mat. Waist off the mat, rib off, and bring the left leg directly on top of the right. Now, scoop to drag the legs back center.

Left leg opens. Right leg over. Powerhouse drags it back, not the leg. Right leg, left leg, scoop, and bring it in. Left, right, scoop, and in.

My teacher, Carrie Regan, used to say, "If I cut off your arms and legs, you'd be moving "from your tree stumps, right?" Lovely image. Scoop and drag it in. But that's where I want you to initiate the movement, not the legs. The stomach, your tree stumps. And last time, left leg.

Right leg scoop, and drag it in. Bend the knees, sit all the way up. You're gonna separate the legs. So they are on a little wider than your mat, or on your moon boxes. Let's take the arms to a T.

Lift your lower backbone, and you're gonna stretch the back of the legs. Twist to the right. And exhale, reach, curl in, curl in, curl in. Inhale, roll up in the twist. Lift your stomach up and turn to center.

Lift, twist to the left. Exhale, curl in. Now, scoop into that right hip. Anchor both sit bones. Role up in the twist, get a little deeper twist, and center.

Twist. Exhale, reach, curl into yourself. Scoop into the left side. Roll up in the twist, and center. Scoop twist to the left, exhale, curl it in, anchor that right hip.

Roll up, and center. Draw your legs together. And we're gonna flip over onto our stomach for... We're going to repeat the diaper that we did in week one. Just to review, 'cause it's a very important concept that you need, and skill that you need for your pushup.

So forehead down, elbows reach down towards your hips, and fingertips by your ears. You're going to lift the stomach up, so you have a little tunnel underneath your navel. Press your hips down. Lengthen the tailbone through the backs of the heels and pull up through your inner thighs, and hold this position for five, four, three, two, one, and release. Whew! One more time.

Scoop the stomach off the mat. Little tunnel underneath. Lengthen the tailbone towards your heels. Press your hips into the mat and squeeze your legs together as if the two legs are one strong leg. Hold it, five, four, the miniest of planks.

Three, two, one, and release. Slide your arms forward. Make fists. Slide your elbows down, in towards... Slide the elbows underneath your shoulders.

Keeping that diaper sensation. Stomach off the mat, pelvis down, open the chest. And you're gonna bend the right knee, kick, kick, extend. Left leg kick, kick. Top of the head to the ceiling.

Right leg kick, kick. Left leg kick, kick. Kick your bottom, kick, kick. Kick, kick, deepen. Kick, deepen.

Kick, deepen. Kick, deepen. Kick, deepen. Kick, deepen. And stretch all the way back down.

Sit back on your heels. Tailbone to the heels, as you stretch in opposition. Good, roll all the way up. Come back onto your stomach. Take the right ear to the mat.

Hands behind the back, and let the elbows rest to the sides. Lift the legs up, kick one, two, three. Now press the tops of the feet down. Slide the arms down towards your tailbone as you pull your chest forward and up. Lift the back of the arms up.

And you're still keeping your stomach off the mat. Still finding that diaper, right? And forehead touches, left ear to the mat. Elbows touch. Kick one, two, three.

And stretch, toes on the mat. Pelvis pulls forward. And you lift the lowest muscles of your powerhouse all the way up through the chest. And kick two, three. And stretch.

Pull the pelvis up, lengthen the tailbone down, stretch it. Last one, left ear, kick one, two, three. And stretch. Stretch it, toes on the floor. Stretch it, and lengthen all the way down.

Pick your stomach up. Sit back on your heels and stretch out your lower back. We're gonna come onto your knees for your thigh stretch today. And the knees will be about hip distance, and parallel. I want your shoulders over your hips, over your knee.

So not back here. You see how my hip joint is closed? I want you in one straight line. Reach your arms forward, stretch and lengthen through the toes. Draw your inner thighs together.

And you're gonna hinge back in one straight line. Reach your knees forward and down as the inner thighs pull up. And we're going to hold it here for five. It's awful, four, three, two, one. Lift from right underneath your tush to come forward.

Keep reaching forward. Reach forward, reach forward. And again, lift your frontal hip points up. Scoop the stomach back. The hips pull up and back as the knees reach forward and down.

Open your chest. Maybe go a little bit deeper. Hold it, five, four. We can do it, three, two, one. Lift up, up, up, last one.

Ooh, these are secret killers. Lift the stomach up, hinge back. Stretch through the toes. Reach forward with the knees. Open your chest.

Strong powerhouse is gonna keep you here. Five, four, three, two, one. Lift up, up, up, and rest. Excellent, turn around. If you have a strap, go ahead and use one.

And let's have the feet flexed. Lie back down for your neck pull. Let's take the hands behind the head. Press the thighs into the mat. Lift your chin to your chest.

You're gonna get to a part of the back, it's a little tricky. When you get here, reach your arms forward and continue to roll all the way up. The hands go behind the head. You curl in like your spine stretch forward. The head reaches to the knees, with the rib cage pulling up to the ceiling.

Role all the way up. Scoop your stomach in. Anchor the back of the legs. Now, scoop your stomach to roll back. Roll back, roll back, lengthen the back all the way to the mat.

Inhale, come up. You get to a certain spot, reach your arms forward, press down through the back of the legs to come up. Curl into yourself, stretch, one, two, three, lift up. Scoop, press out through the legs. Articulate all the way down to that mat.

Inhale, come up. Arms reach, curl into yourself, and stretch, one, two, three. Lift up, scoop, powerhouse pulls you down. Anchor the back of the legs. Dig those heels into the mat.

One more, inhale, up, arms forward, curl into yourself. Curl in, curl in, curl in. Anchor the tailbone back. One, two, three, lift, scoop your stomach, push through the heel, lengthen the lower back, stretch the back of the legs. Articulate all the way down.

We're gonna lie on our side for our side leg lift. So like we did last week, this is a great exercise to keep working on. The knees will be bent and you wanna make sure they're at 90 degrees. Knees bent, feet flat, flex your ankles. Now the important thing is you want that right heel to press on the mat, 'cause you wanna use your entire side body.

Let the head rest. And from here, pull the stomach in, lift the waist off the mat. I have my nice little house for my mouse. And you're going to press up. Hold it.

10, whew, nine. See, nothing here, it's just my side body that's helping me. Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, lower down. Two more times. Stomach in, lift it up, press.

So I'm using my side body, my right side body and my right hip. Five, four, three, two, one, lower down. Last one, press, lift, hold it. 10, nine, stomach in, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, lower down. Excellent work.

Slide the legs out straight, now. Take them slightly in front of you. You're gonna feel the same waist work that you felt in the last exercise. So lift your waist off. We call it the little house for your mouse.

Take the left hand in front, push down through that right leg as you lift the top leg up. Bring it hip height. Let's do parallel first. Bring it down. As the left leg comes up, you still keep your bottom waist off the mat.

And down. So it's not a side bend. I don't want that waist to collapse. Push down through your bottom leg as much as you lift with the top leg. And press.

Press up, up, up, bring it down. Press up. As much as the top leg goes up, the bottom leg pushes down. Whew! So sometimes it's more about the bottom leg than it is about the top leg. And down, two more times.

Lift it up, and you really feel that side body work. And down, one more time. Reach it up and down. Let's go a little faster. Up, down, one.

And two, and three, and four, and five, and six, and seven, eight, nine, 10, leg up, hold it there. Keep it parallel. Scoop, bring your leg forward, hold it. Don't let your bottom waist collapse. Bring it back center.

Reach the leg back, point the foot and stretch it. But keep that waist off the mat. And stretch your thigh behind you. Anchor through that bottom leg. Bring it center.

Reach it front, flex the foot. Bring it center. Reach it back, point the foot, so it stretch the front of the hip. Bring it center. Flex, bring it front.

And center. Point, stretch it back. And center, flex. Center, point, reach. Center, flex, reach.

Center, point, stretch it back, legs together. From here, this time we're gonna rotate the leg out, without disturbing the hip. So watch that your hip didn't rotate back. You're just gonna feel the back of the thigh wrap into the hip. And from there, lift the leg up one, down, two, reach.

Three, soft knees if you know you hyperextend. Four, reach. Five, reach. Six, reach. Seven, reach.

Eight, reach. Nine, reach. 10, hold it there, stay. My waist is still off the mat. Tiny, itty, bitty circles, the size of a quarter.

Should barely see the leg move. Circle, five. Circle, four. Itty, bitty circles, three. Push that bottom heel, two, one, reverse.

Circle, five. Itty, bitty, tiny circles. Four, three, two, one. Now, bigger circle, size of a magic circle. Five, and four.

Squeeze your heels together, three, and two, anchor that bottom leg. And one. Reverse, five, four, three. Ooh, it starts to burn now. Two, one, and excellent work.

Very good. From here, we're gonna flip over onto your stomach, forehead down, scoop it in. And you're gonna lift the legs up and beat. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. And roll onto the other side.

Your left arm is long, and your knees are bent at 90 degrees for your side leg lift. Left arm is long, stomach scoops in, flex your feet, and let's lift up, hold. Now, nice open space here so that left side body has to work. Five, four, three, two, one, and lower down. Squeeze your legs together.

We got two more of these awful exercises. And up, hold it, five, four, three, two, one, and lower down. I realized we only did five seconds for that. So we're gonna make up for 15 for the next one. And lift up, hold it.

15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, nine, eight, we can do it. Seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, lower down. Excellent work. Stretch your legs out so they're straight and slightly in front of you. Find that same waistline lift that you felt in the last exercise.

Press through your bottom leg and lift your top leg up, and bring it down. Parallel first. And two, and reach. These are a little slower. Push like you're pushing up against a ceiling, up, up, up, and down.

And press. So as much as that top leg is pressing, your bottom leg is pushing down to the floor. And reach, and up, up, up, and reach it down. Press. Bottom heel pushes down.

Top leg pushes up. And let's go 10 fast. Up, down, one, and two, and three, and four, and five, and six, and seven, eight, nine, 10, legs together. From here, lift the leg up hip height. Flex the foot, reach it forward, hold it.

Don't let your house for your mouse collapse. Bring it back center. Point the foot and stretch it back. Anchor through your bottom leg. Stretch, stretch it, stretch it.

Flex, bring it center. Reach it forward. Center. Point the foot, stretch it back. Flex, bring it center.

Reach it forward, bring it center. Point, stretch it back. And center. Front, center. Stretch it back, and center.

Front, center, stretch it back. And center, front, center, stretch it back. The whole time you're doing this exercise, your waist is still off of that mat. So that side body, that bottom side, is still working to keep you stable. Last one, front, and center.

Stretch it back, back, back, and bring it center. Rotate the leg out and let's go up, down, one, and press, and two. Watch that top hip didn't shift. Can even take your hand here to watch that it didn't roll back. Three, reach.

Four, reach. Five, reach. Six, reach. Seven, reach. Eight, reach.

Nine, reach. 10, stay. Tiny circles, one, two. Itty, bitty circles, three. Anchor that bottom heel, four, five.

Reverse, one, two, three. Pull the stomach up in opposition. Four, five. Medium circle, size of a magic circle. Five, and four, and three.

That's a big magic circle for me. Two, and one. Reverse, five, and four. Stomach scoops in three, two, one, and legs together. Excellent work.

Let's sit up on your back. Ooh, the legs were working. The bottom was working. Shake, shake, shake, shake, shake. Okay, let's go for your assisted teaser.

Hands by your side. You're going to slide your feet as far forward as they can, keeping both toes and heels on the mat. Extend the right leg out. Use what you just worked in your side kicks to support your lower body. Arms up to the ceiling.

Stretch them back without disturbing the lower back and the rib cage. Reach them up, plug it in, the head comes up, and you reach through the right leg to come up, hold. Now, leave your arms right where they are. Scoop your stomach away from your arms, scoop it, scoop it, scoop it to roll down to the mat. Reach the arms back, stretch, lengthen the spine.

Arms come up, plug it in. Head comes up, squeeze the legs together. Reach through the inner thighs to come up. Scoop and drag your pelvis all the way to the mat. Reach it back.

Arms come up, inhale, come up, hold it there. Stay here at the top. Scoop, extend both legs out, hold it. Bend the right knee, put the foot down, and roll all the way down on the mat. We're on the other leg, stretch it back.

Arms come up. Head goes up. Reach through the inner thighs to sit up tall. Scoop, roll all the way down to that mat. Reach it back.

Arms up. Roll up, up. Chest goes up. So think of that open leg rocker that we did, how your chest was up, the stomach was in. Roll down to the mat.

Reach it back, arms up, roll up, hold it. Scoop in, two legs out, hold it. Five, four, chest up, three, two, one, and lower the legs down. Let's have the legs straight. We're gonna start advancing into the full teaser soon.

So, we're gonna do this one exercise. Reach your arms forward. You're gonna scoop your stomach in. Roll back to when you feel really anchored in your powerhouse. And all you're going to do is deepen the scoop to lift the legs up eye level.

Hold it, five, four, three, two, one. Lower the legs and sit up tall. Scoop again, hold it. Just deep in between the hips to float the legs up. Hold it, five, four, three, two, one, lower and come up.

One more time, scoop. Up, five, four, chest up, three, two, one. Now stay here, hold it. Bend your knees, lower the feet to the mat. Take the hands in between the knees, hold onto the ankles, and lift your feet up in balance.

Press the soles of the feet together. So pinky toes touch, big toes touch, press. Now, squeeze your knees against your arms. And now push your arms out against your legs. Hold it here, five, four, three, two, one, and release.

Just creating tension. Squeeze the legs against the arms. Push the arms out against the legs. Hold it, five, four, three, two, one, and release. One more time.

Squeeze, press, hold it, five, four, three, two, one, and lower all the way down. From here, if you can, you're gonna stand up just from where you are, or just step stand up. We're gonna go into introduction to push up. Heels together, toes apart. Come to the end of the map.

Lift the arms up to the ceiling and scoop your stomach in. So think that, when you were on your mat and you're on your back and the arms went above your ears but you didn't arch your back, right? So find your mat here. Lower the arms down shoulder height. Roll down, do your roll up.

Press down through the back of the legs, and take the hands right in front of the toes. Plant the hands down, and in four counts, walk out into a push-up position. One, two, three, four, we're in the position. Squeeze your legs together, lengthen the back of the neck. Hold it here.

And I want you to think of that diaper exercise that we did, where the navel was pulling up into the spine, the tailbone was stretching down, and the backs of the thighs were coming together. Hold it here for 10, nine, eight, stomach in, seven six, five, four, three, two, one, chin to chest. Push the floor away. Walk back in four, three, two, one, roll all the way up. One more time.

Arms go down, curl down, do your roll up. Press through the back of the legs. Lift the navel up to the ceiling. Walk out, one, two, three, four, hold it there. Stomach scoops in.

Open your chest, lengthen through the back of the neck. Squeeze your heels together, hold it. 10, nine, open the chest, eight, seven, push off of the floor. Six, five, naval to the spine. Three, two, one.

Scoop and walk in, one, two, three, four. Press down through the heels. Roll up. Tailbone drags you up. Leave your head to the ceiling and lower the arms all the way down.

We're gonna go ahead and go to the wall now. So you wanna find a big empty wall. And we're gonna go into what I call spread eagle to start beginning to understand how to open our chest against our strong center. So I'm gonna take my feet slightly forward away from the wall, so that my whole back can be anchored against the wall. You're gonna soften your knees, push through the heels so you feel the back of the legs engage.

And now find that same pull of the frontal hip points pulling into that wall. Now, once you have that feeling, the tailbone lengthens down in opposition. And if you can, you're gonna zip the legs up so they are one strong leg. Now, take your arms to a T position. Spread your fingers, stomach in.

Now, if you have trouble getting your shoulders against the wall, lower your arms down to the point where you can feel the outer edge of the shoulder on the wall. Stretch your arms. So my back of my palms press against the wall. My forearm against the wall, my upper arm against the wall. And I'm feeling my whole upper back against that wall.

Scoop the stomach in. Now, there should be no space between your back and the wall while you're doing this. Stretch your fingers away from one another so you really create a nice, long, open wingspan. And against this stretch, you're gonna press and break the wall down. Break it.

Press, and you should feel how your upper back and your shoulder blades have to engage. Hold it, 10, nine. Strong center, don't release the lower back. Seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, don't move yet. Just release the tension, but keep your arms right where they are.

Reach out, reach across the room. Then press, hold, two, three. It's great for upper back strength. Four, five, and opening your chest. Seven, eight, nine, 10.

Release the tension. One more time, reach out, press, hold. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Let's just do one more, 'cause this feels fantastic. Reach out, press back, break the wall, spread your fingers.

One, two, three, soften your ribs. Find your back against that wall. Naval pulls in, push through the heels, two, one, and lower down. Whew! Shake it out. Such good work for the shoulders.

Now I'm gonna go to a different wall so we're gonna... You can see how I look when I do my wall squats. So I'm going to go. My feet are gonna be away from the wall. Probably about a little farther than a foot.

I'm gonna go parallel and apart. Same thing, pull my pelvis back into that wall. My waist, the bottom of my rib, my shoulder, and my shoulder blades. From here, you're going to slide down the wall and lift your arms up. And just stay here and suffer, right?

And let's lift the arms up to the ceiling without disturbing your box. And lower the arms down. And lift the arms up. And lower them down. And lift them up.

And lower. Two more times, scoop, lift the arms up. And lower. One more time. Scoop, lift the arms up.

And lower. Stay here, arms up shoulder height. Lift as you slide up against the wall let's go for your arm circles. Lift your stomach as you bend your knees, hold it. Find that nice place where you feel the work in the legs and the back is anchored.

Reach up to the ceiling, circle one. And this is just a nice shoulder massage, right? And, two. So the arms are just a distraction. Your powerhouse and your legs and your hips have to work to support the position.

Reverse. Reach up and down. Reach up and down. One more time. Reach up and down.

Arms up shoulder height. Lift through your center to slide all the way up. Lower the arms down. Bring your heels together. Toes a little closer together.

And slowly walk up along the wall. From here, push the wall away and walk away. From here, we're gonna go into your pushup against the wall. Have the hands about shoulder height, and press your heels together. And you're gonna walk back a little further today.

We're gonna challenge it. Stomach in, find that diaper that we did week one. Navel to spine, tailbone to the heels, legs strong and together. Bend your elbows. Hold it, hold it, hold it.

Stomach in first, then press up. Bend your elbows, hold. Stomach in first, press up. Bend, hold it, stomach in, press up. Two more times.

Bend, hold it, stomach in, press up. One more time. Bend, hold it, stomach in, push up. Walk your feet back in. And we're gonna end with our passive shoulder stretch.

Your hands will stay fixed as you take your legs back. And you can get that nice stretch there. And you can reach the sit bones across the room as you stretch your arms away. Stretch it. It's a great release for my back.

I even feel my hamstrings, even, here. Press, and then scoop the stomach in. Walk all the way back home. And roll up to stand. And that is week two, guys.

Excellent work. It was a much tougher than week one, but I'm proud of you guys. Thank you for joining me.

Refine Your Technique: Push the Limit


Federica A
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I love your classes Katie, simple yet challenging, thank you so much!
2 people like this.
Katie, your classes are amazing!  I love your cueing! Thank your for these classes that really challenge you getting deeper into the moves!
1 person likes this.
Great Class! I managed to keep my 5 lb leg weights on, but Tik Tok was tough:)  I had fun, got a good workout, and feel much better. Thanks Again Katie:) 
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Gary M I was wondering if those 5 lb leg weights would last through ab series! Great work :) Thank you for taking class!
Cindy K Thank you for taking class! 
Federica A Thank you! I am glad you are enjoying the series!
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Done!  Thank you. I broke out in a sweat immediately and it never stopped. (should I really be thanking you for that???) 
2 people like this.
Pen S You bet!!! 
Nyamdorj  N
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I really engaged your class. I would like same mat what you practice with it. Where I buy. Thank you help
Ewa D
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Quite like, but just a little bit ... Kathy Ross Nash! I was sure that you were her student! Close to the One and Only Red Thread by Kathi.  Good class.
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