Class #4720

Day 3: I am Open

40 min - Class


Welcome to Day 3 - I am Open to Possibility! Give yourself the chance to surprise yourself with what you are capable of. In this class, Kira Lamb picks up the intensity and the tempo while challenging you to tap into your strength. You will feel strong and expansive.

I am vulnerable. I lead with my heart and a strong backbone. I rely on past experiences to support future growth.

Journaling Prompt: Past experiences have taught me that I can trust myself to...
What You'll Need: Mat

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Welcome to day three of the challenge. Today's theme is, I am open to possibility. Let's start right here in Pilates stance, heels together, toes apart, make sure you feel the ball of your big toes, small toe in the center of your heel, but also all 10 toes rooted into the mat. And then lengthen your spine. Press your head through the ceiling and meet your tailbone down towards your heels.

And then support that length with the scooping your powerhouse. Reach your arms up into a V, and without losing integrity to your powerhouse, can you press your arms behind you a little bit more, and then bend your elbows, lift your chest up towards your chin, as you squeeze your shoulder blades. Look to the right, look to your left, look center, relax the tops of your shoulders. Arms go up, reach your arms wide to the side, lower them down. Again, reach your arms up and back without losing integrity to your powerhouse.

Bend your elbows. Lift your chest up towards your chin. Squeeze your shoulder blades. Look left, look right, look, center arms go up, reach wide to the side. Two more.

Arms go up and back. Squeeze your shoulder blades, lift your chest. Keep scooping your powerhouse as you rotate your head. Reach up arms, go wide to the side. Last one.

Reach your arms up and behind you. Lift your chest up and squeeze your shoulder blades. Look left, look right, look center, arms go up, reach your arms wide to the side. And then let's go to the base of the mat. As always if you have a history of hip, knee, or ankle issues, just please take a seat on the mat and meet me there.

And the same thing goes with any exercise during the class. If it doesn't feel right for your body, omit it and catch up on the next one. So I'm back in my Pilates stance. I scooped my powerhouse arms forward, stack your forearms and lift your chest up. Grow taller as you bend your knees.

Start to send your elbows and chin forward as your hips go back. Keep lifting your powerhouse, descend with control. Now see if you can lower down without touching the mat with your hands. Lift your powerhouse and sit back, place your hands behind you. Straighten your legs low all the way down onto the mat.

Reach your arms back as far as you can. Reach your legs forward as much as you can and then connect deeply to your powerhouse so you feel your ribs on the mat. The hundred. Reach your arms up towards the ceiling, curl your head and shoulder blades up off the mat. Can you reach past your toes and pull your navel back and then scoop into your powerhouse to float your legs up, start pumping.

Inhale, two, three, four, five, and exhale. Two, three, four, five. Pull your powerhouse in and up and reach your legs forward. Two, three, four, five, inhale. Two, three, four, five.

Can you make your pumps bigger and faster? Two, three, four, five, inhale. Two, three, four, five, and exhale. Two, three, four, five, inhale for five. Exhale, halfway there.

Inhale, two, three, four, five, and exhale. Two, three, four, five. Reach your legs forward. Feel the weight of your tailbone. And can you curl up one more vertebra?

Inhale, two, three, four, five, and exhale. Two, three, four, five, inhale. Two, three, four, five, and exhale. Two, three, four, five. One more set.

Exhale, two, three, four, five, hold. Reach your arms and legs forward. Pull your powerhouse back. Rest everything down. Set up for the roll-up.

I'm gonna rock up and grab my strap. If you have a strap, do the same. Either way you're flexing your feet, sending your heels as far forward as you can, reach your tailbone forward and your arms back. Arms go up, inhale. Pull your powerhouse back as you roll up and round forward and pause.

And then pull your lower abs back, can you reach further? Pull your abs back and reach further forward. Pull your abs back, reach further forward. Send your heels forward, tailbone forward, waist back. Roll all the way down.

Again, arms, go up. Dive your head through your arms, round forward and exhale. Scoop and stretch a little further. Scoop and stretch a little bit further. Reach your heels and tailbone forward.

Roll down one bone at a time. Again, arms go up, pull your hip point back into your navel as you roll up and round forward. Scoop your abs back and reach. Scoop your abs back and reach. One more.

Pull your lower abdominals back, roll down. Last one. Arms go up. Pull your lower abdominals back as you dive your head forward. Scoop and reach.

Scoop and reach further. Scope and reach further. Keep reaching forward, but pull your waist back. Roll all the way down arms go up and back. And then we set up for the roll over.

From here slide your legs out. You can either press your arms down and bend your knees into your chest or press your arms and waist down, reach your legs forward and up, roll over. Press your upper arm bones into the mat and do a pelvic tilt. Press your arms down. Lift your hips up.

Thighs parallel to the floor. I'm pressing my arms down, hips up, and my gaze is at my thighs. Open your legs as wide as your mat. Keep reaching your legs back, but pull your waist all the way to the bottom to the mat. Reach your legs forward together and up.

Starting with that pelvic tilt. Roll over each bone in your back, hips, go up, arms down. Open your legs as wide as your mat. Keep sending your legs back. Pull your waist to the bottom edge of the mat.

Keep pressing your upper arm bones into the floor. One more that direction. Starting off with that pelvic tilt. I pull my hip points to the back of my waist. I press my triceps down, hips up.

Really use your upper arm bones to get more lifting your waist, open your legs. Pull your waist forward, your legs reach back. We're gonna reverse it. Open your legs, pelvic tilt, roll up and over, arms down, hips up. Press the backs of your upper inner thighs together.

Legs back, waist forward. Press your arms down. Reach your legs forward around and up. Pelvic tilt, lift up and over. Press your upper inner thighs together.

You have one leg. Roll down one bone at a time. One more. Starting off with your pelvic tilt, press down to go up, legs together, scoop your powerhouse, roll all the way down. You can either hug your knees into your chest and lower your feet flat or press your arms down.

Scoop your powerhouse, reach your legs forward and down until they land on the mat. Single leg circle. Flex your left foot. Reach your right leg forward and up. Keep sending your left heel forward and your right sit bone forward.

Rotate your hips to the left. Swing your leg down around and lift. Cross. Exhale, pull your lower abdominals in it up. Cross.

Are you still sending that left heel forward? Cross. Exhale around and lift, final one. Cross, exhale. Now reverse, pressure, arms down as you open.

Pull your navel back in, reach your heel forward. Open. Press your head to the wall behind you, heel forward. Three more, scoop. Open, pull your navel back.

Final one. From here, reach this leg forward and down. Pulling your powerhouse up and back. Flex that foot, press it into the floor as your left leg goes up. My right heel reaches forward, left sit bone reaches forward.

Rotate your hips to the right. Scoop as you circle it around and center. Press your arms down as you rotate. Pull your waist back as your leg goes forward. Cross down around and lift.

Cross down around and lift one more. Cross down and now you reverse. Open. Pull your powerhouse back as your leg goes forward. Open.

Pull your powerhouse back, lift. Three more. Keep pressing your arms into the mat and reaching forward with your other leg. From here reach this leg forward and down, making sure your ribs don't pop off the mat. Keep grounding your ribs.

Reach your leg forward, heels together, toes apart. Reach your arms forward to 45 degrees. Curl your head and shoulder blades up off the mat. Pull your hip point into your navel. Can you float your legs up?

Reach them forward, pull your waist back. Lower your legs and rest all the way down. We're gonna take that into rolling back. So take an inhale, curl your head and shoulder blades up. Keep reaching forward and up with your arms, down and back with your powerhouse.

Float your legs up and then keep lifting up. Find your rolling like a ball shape. Press your heels together. Instead of collapsing in your spine, lift your powerhouse and round over your legs. Now let's lean back into a little vulnerable spot.

Lift your powerhouse and see if you can tilt back a little bit. Find that zone where you feel like you're gonna fall over, but you catch yourself with the scooping your powerhouse. You will always come back into this shape. Then lift your powerhouse. Inhale, roll back.

Come right back up into that vulnerable spot. Inhale. Lift your powerhouse, roll back. Roll up, keep scooping, lift, lift, lift. And again lift your powerhouse to roll back and then lift to come up.

Let's go for flow. Roll back, exhale, up. Two more. Lift to roll. Back, exhale, up.

Final one, roll back, roll up, find your balance. Can you lift your powerhouse even more and then place your feet flat, hands behind you. Lie all the way flat, single leg stretch. Bend your right knee into your chest. Pull your knee back, but reach this sit bone forward.

Scoop your powerhouse in and up. Float up into single leg stretch. Scoop and switch. Scoop. How far forward can you reach that straight leg?

Reach that like so far forward that you can curl up a little bit higher. Now flow and pull. Scoop and pull, scoop to pull. One more. Hug both knees into your chest.

Rest your head for a beat. Connect to your powerhouse. Pull your lower abdominals in and up. Curl your head and shoulder blades up. Now can you drop your tailbone down more?

Curl your head and shoulder blades up higher. Keep them that high. Inhale. Reach your legs through the wall in front of you. Open, exhale, inhale.

How much further can you reach your legs forward and curl up, circle exhale. Inhale and reach. Circle, exhale, inhale and reach. As you bend your knees, your sit bones reach forward. Knees back, sit bones forward.

Two more. Reach, circle, exhale. Final one. From here, hug your knees in, rest your head. Rock up to see there for the spine stretch.

Separate your legs wider than your hips. Lift your spine and scoop. Arms parallel to the floor. Inhale, lower your chin. Exhale all the air out round forward.

Can you press your thighs down? Lift your lower abdominals even more and then inhale, roll all the way up. At the top you exhale. Inhale, lift your lower abdominals, empty your lungs. How far forward can you reach?

But pull your waist back in opposition. Press your legs down, lift your spine. Can you grow taller? Inhale, lower your chin, empty your lungs. Lift your lower abdominal and reach.

Inhale, roll up. At the top you exhale. Final one. Inhale, lower your chin, exhale, scoop. As you round forward, reach a little bit further, which means you have to pull your powerhouse back in opposition and then lift your powerhouse to roll all the way up and exhale.

Let's play around with the transition into open leg rocker. So point your feet, turn them out. Feel like you're dragging the backs of your upper inner thighs together. And you can see how that fires my glutes and lifts me up a bit. Keep that lift, start to do a pelvic tilt and round back.

I'm trying to pull my hip points to the back edge of the mat, tailbone to the front edge of the mat. Now scoop deeper here in order to float your legs up. Keep scooping your lower abdominals in. Lift your powerhouse, bend your knees. Keep that same lift, extend into your open leg rocker position.

Let's reverse engineer that. Lift your powerhouse, bend your knees. Lift your powerhouse, reach your legs forward and pull your waist behind your shoulders, tailbone forward. Tip your shoulders forward, take a seat. Let's try that again.

Lift up. Notice I pull my waist behind my shoulders. Tailbone reaches for the front edge of the mat. Keep pulling your waist behind your shoulders. Float your legs up.

Lift your powerhouse, bend your knees. Lift your powerhouse, extend into your open leg rocker. Reverse it. Bend your knees, keep the lift. Lift your spine and send your tailbone legs forward, waist back.

Now tip your shoulders forward. Reach forward and lower. Let's advance it. So now you have the mechanics, lift your spine, curl your tailbone under. I'm pulling my waist back tailbone forward.

Instead of thinking, oh, I gotta lift my feet. Think, oh, I got a scoop, my powerhouse in even more. So I pull my abs in to float my legs up and grab my ankles. Now you're ready for open leg rocker. Lift your powerhouse.

Look down the bridge of your nose, inhale. Roll back, exhale. Come up and find your balance, inhale. Lift your lower abdominals and then lift them even more to come up and balance. One more.

Lift your powerhouse to roll and then lift to come up and balance. Press your legs together. Lift your powerhouse. Walk your hands down the backs of your legs and rest your head. Press your arms into the mat for the corkscrew.

So you're gonna roll to the base of your ribs. Start off with your pelvic tilt, press your ribs down, arms down, hips up, and then roll back down to your tailbone, pause. Rotate your hips to the right. Pull your waist back and reach your legs forward around and center and then roll to the base of your rib. I'm pressing my upper arm bones and all 10 fingers down.

I press down to go up and then I roll back down. I rotate my hips to the left. I pull my hip points into my navel as I circle and let's add a little flow. Roll up, control the descent. Roll your hips to the right.

Scoop your powerhouse and center. Roll up. Control the descend. Rotate your hips to the left. Pull your abdominals back and center.

Roll up. Now keep meeting your toes up and pull your waist forward and down. Rotate your hips to the right. Pull your lower abdominals in and center, final one. Roll up, keep reaching your toes up.

Roll your spine down. Legs go to your left. Pull your abdominals in and up and we turned center, the saw. From here, dive your head forward, come up to seated. Separate your legs wider than your hips, lift your spine.

Reach your arms wide to the side, lift your back even more and twist to the right. Look at your back hand. Flip it round forward, forehead goes to your knee. Pull your right ribs back, pull your right rib back. Pull your right ribs back.

They'll feel like someone's pulling you with from your right arm. Roll up into a twist and center. Lift and twist. Look over your back hand. Flip it, press it up towards the ceiling and round forward.

Pull your left ribs back. Pull your left ribs back, pull them back, roll all the way up, let flow. Lifted twist and round forward. Rotate for three, rotate for two, rotate for one. Roll all the way up and center.

Lift your lower abdominals and twist, round forward. Can you press this arm up? Press it up and behind you. Press it up and behind you, roll all the way up. One more set.

Lifted twist, round four. Now this arm goes up and twist. Twist a little bit more, twist a little bit more. Roll up and center, final one. Lifted twist, round forward.

Pull your left ribs back, pull them back more. Pull them back more. Roll all the way up and center. Swan dive prep. Flip onto your stomach.

And when you lie down, position your thumbs right above your shoulders and your elbow points are on the mat next to your ribs. First, can you reach your legs and your tailbone way back. And then pull your hip points the front edge of the mat and reach the crown of your head forward as your shoulder blade slide back. Inhale, reach your tailbone back. Pull your lower abdominal support and slide your chest up the wall in front of you.

Once you're here, press your elbow points and all 10 fingers into the mat without dropping your chest, reach your legs and tailbone back, arms reach out to the side, airplane style. Return your arms, lower all the way down. Again, start with your lowest abdominals. Pull them forward, tailbone back. Pull your shoulder blades back.

Slide your chest up the wall in front of you. Press your elbow points in all 10 fingers into the mat. You should feel that connection of your arms into your back. Keep that connection. Arms reach wide to the side.

Reach your legs back, lower everything down. One more. Pull your powerhouse forward. Anchor your elbows in all 10 fingers. Connect to your back.

Pull your powerhouse forward and up. Reach your arms out to the side, lower all the way down. Working the lower half. Pull your powerhouse in and up. Pull your chest forward and up.

Keep pulling your elbows back, chest forward. Root your pubic bone down and press your upper inner thighs up towards the ceiling. Reach your legs back, lower all the way down. Pull your powerhouse forward, swan prep. Press your elbows and 10 fingers down.

Reach your tailbone back. Reach your legs back towards the wall behind you. It's about length. And then lower all the way down. One more.

Scoop your powerhouse, pull your chest forward and up. Keep connecting your arms into your back. Reach your tailbone back. Stretch your legs off the back edge of the mat. Lower everything down, we're gonna put it together.

So reach your tailbone back. Pull your hip points forward. Inhale. Slide your chest up the wall in front of you. Connect your arms to your back.

In one motion, lift your arms and your legs up. Reach long instead of compressing, lengthen. Lower everything all the way down. Again, hug your upper inner thighs together, inhale. Pull your powerhouse forward, chest up.

And then lift your arms and legs up. Reach your legs back, chest forward, lower all the way down. Final one. Swan prep. Pull your chest forward.

Reach your tailbone back, lift up. Can you make it longer? Lower all the way down and then let's stretch. Sit back on your heels, round your spine. Circle your arms and grab your heels.

Pull on your heels and lift your waist up. Just breathe. Keep pulling your lower abdominals in. We have more extension coming. Single leg kick.

Shift back onto your stomach. Bring your fist right above the crown of your head. Pull your powerhouse forward and up. Prop yourself up on your elbows. Pull your triceps, your upper arm bones down and back and pull your chest forward and up.

Let's increase the challenge. Reach your tailbone and legs back. Legs lift up an inch. Now we kick. Kick, kick, switch, kick, kick.

Keep pressing your thigh up as you reach it back. Press your thigh up to reach it back. Kick, kick, and kick, kick. One more set. Kick, kick, and kick, kick.

The double kick. Reach your arms around, stack your hands one on top of the other. You can also grab three fingers from one hand with the opposite hand and then press your hips into the mat, kick three, two, one. Now can you press your thighs up, pubic bone down and then reach your chest forward? Other side, kick, three, two, one.

Press your hips down, send your chest forward tailbone back. Last set. Kick two, three. Press your pubic bone down. Lift your thighs up one inch.

Final one. Kick for three, two, one. Press your hips down, thighs up and reach. Keep reaching your arms past your feet, lower all the way down, let's go back into that stretch. Lift your powerhouse, circle your arms around and grab your heels.

Push your knees and feet into the floor. Round your spine. Just breathe. Keep lifting your ribs up off your thighs and then place your hands next to your knees, roll up. Thigh stretch.

Come up to a kneeling position. Your knees are underneath your hip point and your feet are in line with your knees. Press the top of your feet into the floor so that your hips are right over your knees. Scoop your powerhouse and reach your arms forward. As you pull your inner thighs together, hinge back from your knees.

As I go back, I'm pressing my feet down, lifting my hip points up towards my ribs, tailbone towards my knees. And then lift your powerhouse and return. Two more. Press your feet down, grow up first. Keep growing taller, hinge from your knees.

Reach your tailbone between your knees. Pull your hip points up and then return. One more. Press down with your feet, lift your hip points up. Tailbone reaches for your knee creases.

Now grow taller to come all the way up. Kneeling chest expansion. Feel like you're sliding your knees together, inhale, press your arms behind you. Really activate your triceps by reaching back, push the wall away. Pull your inner thighs together.

Look right, look left, look center, lift your powerhouse and return, inhale. Reach way back. Hold your breath, look left, look right, look center. Lift your powerhouse in return. Inhale.

Keep pressing your head through the ceiling. Chest forward, arms back. Exhale, final one. Inhale. Pull your upper inner thighs together.

Arms back chest forward. Exhale. Now reach your arms up towards the ceiling. Keep your hips over your knees. We're gonna do a standing or kneeling roll down.

So keeping your hips over your knees, lift up and round forward. Keep pressing your hips forward. Round four. Try to keep your hips as far forward as you can and then place your hands on the mat. Inhale.

Send your chest forward, sit bones back. Exhale. Push the floor away with your hands and your feet and round your spine. Two more, inhale. Send your sits bones back in your chest forward.

Exhale. Press your feet and hands down and round. You have one more. Inhale. Can you get your chest all the way on the wall in front of you, sits bones behind you and then round your spine, stay round.

Take your right hand, place it next to your left hand. Scoop your powerhouse and step your right foot in front of your right hip. Your right hand goes on your knee. Push your feet into the floor, stack your hands. Look into your powerhouse.

Push down with your feet. Look into your powerhouse and then roll up one bone at a time. I'm pushing down in order to help me go up. Keep pushing your feet down. Pull your hip points up towards your ribs and press your head through the ceiling.

Keep pushing down to go up. Hug your midline. Feel like you're pulling your upper inner thighs together. And if you feel stable, reach your arms up towards the ceiling. Then can you lift your waist past your fingertips?

And if you still feel stable, lift your chest bone up towards the ceiling, tailbone towards the mat. Doesn't have to be big and then reach back up. Lift your waist round forward. Place your right hand next to your left hand, return your knee. Hands go underneath your shoulders, round your spine.

Left hand next to your right, lift your powerhouse, left foot goes forward. Left hand on your knee, push both feet down. Right hand goes on top. Push your feet down and look into your powerhouse. Push your feet down and roll up.

Lift your waist up. Keep focusing on the downward push of your feet and the upward lift of your powerhouse. Keep hugging your midline. And once you feel stable, reach your arms up towards the ceiling. Keep lifting your waist, tailbone down, head up.

If you feel stable, push down with your feet, lift your waist and lift your chest up towards the ceiling instead of thinking of big backbend. Try to go up with your chest and then reach your arms forward, round your spine and then return your foot, sit back on your heels, arms, reach forward. And then from here, roll all the way up and you're ready for the neck pull. So turn around. If you have a canvas strap, slide your feet underneath the strap.

Your legs are hip distance apart, lie all the way down on your back. Interlace your fingers behind your head and pull your neck back. Reach your sit bones forward. Inhale, roll up. Exhale, round forward with wide elbows.

Inhale, roll up. And then lift your waist, pull your waist behind your shoulders and roll down. Roll up. Dive your head forward, elbows are wide. Lift your waist to roll all the way up, lift and pull your waist back.

Adding three pulses. Lift, roll up and round forward. Lift your waist and round forward more. Lift and round forward, lift and round forward. Roll all the way up.

Lift your waist, pull it behind your shoulders to roll down. One more, roll up, round forward and you scoop. Scoop a little bit more, scoop a little bit more. Roll all the way up. Lift your waist, pull your waist back and then roll all the way down.

You're ready for the shoulder bridge. Arms go by your side, bend your knees and place your feet flat. Make sure your ankles are underneath your knee joints and your knees and feet are in line with your hip points. Find your chest expansion here. So I'm pressing my upper arm bones and all 10 fingers into the mat and then also both feet are pressing down.

Pelvic tilt. Keep pelvic tilting and press your arms and feet down to roll up into a bridge. Can you deepen that pelvic tilt? Press your arms down. And as you push your left foot down, reach your right leg up towards the ceiling.

Keep pressing both hips up. Reach your leg forward until your thighs are parallel. Push your left foot down and lift it up. Inhale. Pull your hip points into your navel.

Scoop your powerhouse to lift. One more. Press your hips up to reach your leg forward. Exhale, lift. Bend your knee, place your foot down.

Keep rotating your pelvis and then roll down one bone at a time. Each vertebra reaching past your feet. Other side, start off with your pelvic tilt. Press your upper arm bones down, deepen that pelvic tilt as you roll up. Keep finding your chest expansion.

Meet your tailbone up between your knees. Push your right foot down, lift your left leg up. Lift your hips up to reach your legs forward. Lift your hips to lift it up. Reach your hips up for your leg to go forward and return.

One more. Lift up to reach forward. Lift, bend your knee, lower your foot down. Can you press your hips up a little bit higher as you roll down, send each vertebra forward towards the front edge of your mat. Let's do a transitional roll up.

Legs go forward, arms go up. Roll up one bone at a time round forwarding, you're ready for the spine twist. When you roll up, flex your feet, arms go out to the side. If you need to bend your knees in order to sit up taller, do that. Keep that scooping your powerhouse, twist three times to the right.

Twist. Twist a little bit more, twist a little bit more and return. Lift, twist. Look at your back hand. Keep looking at your back hand and center.

Lift to twist. Twist a little bit deeper. Twist a little bit deeper and return. Keep your heels stable and your head pressing through the ceiling. Last set.

Twist. Twist a little bit more, a little bit more and center, final one, twist. Keep reaching your heels forward, spine up. Center. Jackknife.

Let's start with jackknife prep like we did on day two. And then we will go into the full jackknife. So lower your arms by your side, you can either bend your knees into your chest and extend them up to 90. Or press your arms down, reach your tailbone and legs forward, pin your waist to lift your legs up. Starting off with your pelvic tilt, press your ribs down, arms down, find your chest expansion and reach your toes to the top of the wall and then press your hips up a little higher and then roll all the way down back to 90 One more.

Do your pelvic tilt. Now press your ribs and your upper arm bones down. This is your chest expansion. Now press your arms down. Lift your hips up higher and then roll all the way down.

Let's take that into a full jackknife. Makes you're pressing the backs of your upper inner thighs together. You roll through your pelvic tilt. Now press your hips up. Legs up towards the ceiling.

Keep pressing your legs up and then reach your waist for the bottom edge of the mat. Roll down one bone at a time. And again, do your pelvic tilt, roll over. Now press your tailbone up, arms and legs up. Keep pushing the ceiling away as you pull your waist forward and down.

Let's do one more. I think I lied. Pelvic tilt, roll over. I'm reaching my legs to the top of the wall behind me and I lift my tailbone in order to get my legs up. Keep pressing your legs up.

Pull your waist forward and down without losing your chest expansion. Once you roll all the way down, hug your knees into your chest, rock up to seated and we'll set up for the sidekicks. Let's do this work on sidekicks front and back. Line your body up with the back edge of the mat and cut the base of your skull, pull your head away from your tailbone. This hand goes right in front of you.

Lift your legs, lower them in front of you and then lift your top leg to hip height. Swing your leg to the front and then press it behind you. Now see if you can press it further back, make it longer. Use your glute and your hamstring to send your leg back. And then can you open your chest like the swan?

Swing your leg forward and then press it back. Keep pressing it back and send your chest forward and up. Swing your leg front, exhale, press it back. Swing it to the front, exhale, press it back. Two more, front.

Exhale, press it back. Final one. Press it back and hold it back. Can you make your back leg longer? So this hip reaches away from your armpit.

Pull your lower abdominals in deeper and press your leg back even more. Stack your legs one on top of the other. Transitional heel beats. Lie down on your stomach. Find the same length from the swam dive prep.

10 times. Lower your legs. You can sit back on your heels, and then we'll go onto the other side. Lie down on your left side. Make a nice long line from the crown of your head to your heels.

Place your arm in front of you, angle your legs in front. Turn your top leg out and lift it up. Swing it to the front. Now focus on pressing it behind using your gluten hamstrings, but pull your lower abdominals up underneath your ribs. Swing your leg to the front.

Exhale. Reach your leg behind you. Pull your lower abdominals in. Can you lift your chest up to the top corner of the mat? Swing it front, exhale, press it back.

Swing it to the front. Exhale chest forward and up. Two more. Exhale. Final one.

Press your leg back in, hold it back. Can you make your leg longer and press your thighbone behind you more? Pull your chest forward and up. Stack your legs one on top of the other, turn onto your stomach and sit back on your heels. Let's go into a teaser from a seated position.

So extend your legs in front of you. Press your upper inner thighs together. Lift your waist. Pull your waist back. And as you roll back, your powerhouse floats your legs up.

Stop when your bottom sits of your shoulder blades are on the mat. Can you press your hands down and scoop your powerhouse more? Reach your arms forward, they're parallel to your thighs. Pull your lower abdominals back and meet forward and up. Lift your powerhouse.

Pull your waist behind your shoulders. Roll all the way back to the bottom tips of your shoulder blades. Pull your lower abdominals back. Reach forward and up with your arms. Lift your powerhouse.

Roll to the backs of your hips. Pull your waist into the mat and again. Pull your powerhouse back, reach your arms forward and up. Lift your powerhouse. Curl your tailbone under the back of your hips, your waist, the bottom tips of your shoulder blades.

Reach your legs forward and up. Roll up into your teaser and hold. Lift your waist in order to lift your arms. We're gonna roll all the way down. So grow taller.

Pull your waist back, tailbone forward. Keep reaching your arms and legs in opposition, lie all the way down, hip twist. Prop yourself up on your elbow. So your elbows are underneath your shoulders. Press your fist in your elbows down and pull your lower abs into the mat.

Bend your knees into your chest. Feel the weight of your hips on the mat. Abs down, legs up. This is your corkscrew. Rotate your hips to the right.

Pull your powerhouse in as you rotate to the left and center. Push your forearms down, rotate. Pull your lower abdominals in and up. Rotate your hips. Pull your navel past your upper arm bones and center.

Rotate your hips. Pull your navel back legs forward. One more. Are you still pushing down with your arms and pulling your waist back? Final one.

Pull your waist back, legs forward, come all the way up. Let's go into swimming. Flip onto your stomach. Find maximum length from your tailbone to the crown of your head. Pull your abdominals in and up, press your upper inner thighs together.

Reach your legs and tail them back. Send your chest forward and up. Can you send your chest forward and up even more and then swim. Inhale, two, three, four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, five.

Inhale, two, three, four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, five. One more set. Exhale, two, three, four, five. Reach.

Lower all the way down. Leg pull front on your forearms. Prop yourself up on your forearms so your elbows are underneath your shoulders. Press your fist into the mat side, your shoulders away from your ears. Keep that connection between your arms and your back and extend one leg back.

As you push your toes into the floor, pull your lower abdominals forward, tailbone back. Extend your other leg back and then find your forearm plank. Keep pulling your upper arm bones back, point your left foot. And then from your upper inner thigh, press your leg up and then lower. Push your feet down and then lower.

Press your feet down, leg up. Flex your foot, low other side. Reach your leg back. Push your fist down to lift your leg up and lower. Keep pulling your powerhouse forward.

Final one. Flex your foot, lower. Lower all the way down to your knees, sit back. Roll all the way up and let set up for the boomerang. Take a seat, extend your legs, press your upper inner thighs together.

Lift your spine with your hands next to your hips. Pull your waist back and roll back. Switch your leg. Roll up and circle your arms behind you. Reach your arms back through chest expansion.

Press your arms up. Find your spine stretch forward to round forward. Lift your waist and roll up. Pull your waist back, legs go up and over. Switch.

Roll up into your teaser with your arms behind you. Reach your arms up, dive your head forward and round forward. Two more. Lift up, round back, switch your legs. Pull your abs back and reach.

Press your arms up, dive your head forward to round forward. Roll up, pull your waist back, roll back. Pull your waist into the mat. Press your arms up, round forward, the seal. Reach your arms through your legs and grab your feet.

Lift your powerhouse. Clap three times, three, two, one. Roll back. Three, two, one. Pull your waist into the mat.

And again, roll back. Three, two, one, roll up. Three, two, roll back. Three, two, one. This time you can come up to standing as an option.

Cross one leg in front of the other. You want to use your hands come all the way up to standing. Let's finish with a standing roll down. So your heels are together, toes are apart. Press the backs of your upper inner thighs together.

Lift your spine and then reach your arms up towards the ceiling. This is your roll up from the mat. Lower your chin to your chest. Try to keep your hips right over your heels and round forward. Keep pressing the backs of your upper inner thighs together and then press the backs of your inner thighs together.

Press your heels down and roll all the way up. Reach your arms forward and up. Pause to reach your tailbone down. Start to press your arms up and behind you. Lift your chest up towards the ceiling.

Come right back up, return and do it again. Lower your chin. Lift your waist. Keep reaching your tailbone towards your heels. Press your heels into the mat, round forward.

Press your heels down, lift your waist, reach your arms forward as you pull your waist back. Come up to standing, grow taller through your spine. Reach your heels and tailbone down. Lift your chest up and back. Arms go up.

One more roll down. Lift your waist. Keep reaching your tailbone towards your heels. Lift your hip points up towards your ribs and round forward. Stay connected to your powerhouse.

Press your heels down. Pull your upper inner thighs together. Your waist goes back, your hips go forward. Come up to standing. Root down through your feet.

Lift your chest bone, send your arms up and back and then return up to standing. Lift your waist up, open your arms wide to the side. So thank you for joining me for day three of the challenge. Today's mantra is, I am vulnerable. I lead with my heart and a strong backbone.

I rely on past experiences to inform and support future growth. Today's journaling prompt is, past experiences have taught me that I can trust myself too. Past experiences has taught me that I can trust myself too. And if you feel comfortable sharing in the comments, please do. Thank you.


1 person likes this.
My past experience living in NYC taught me to trust my sense of imminent danger. More difficult is to recognize friends.
Lina S
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Past experiences have taught me that I can trust myself to listen to my inner voice and follow my own path. Thank you!
Erica Young
Past experiences have taught me that I can trust myself to...take chances! Another class full of wonderful transitions. xo
1 person likes this.
Past experiences have taught me that I can....take chances; follow my heart; Just Do It!  Thank you, Kira.
1 person likes this.
past experiences taught me that I have to be stronger and don't rely on the others. If I want to do something it has to be my decision and I have to follow my dream.
be resilient
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past experience has taught me I can work a little harder!!!!!
Lisa C
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Past experience has taught me that I can make good creative decisions 
1 person likes this.
Past experiences have taught me that I can do a lot under any circumstances. I can rely on my decisions and on my gut feeling and I trust myself.
Donna H
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Past experiences have taught me my limitations and my potential are created only in my mind. The choice is always mine.
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