Day 3: I am Open<br>Kira Lamb<br>Class 4720

Day 3: I am Open
Kira Lamb
Class 4720

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Ruth S
1 person likes this.
This challenge is challenging me and my past experience has taught me to believe in myself and know that with practice and determination i will get there.
1 person likes this. listen to my inner wisdom to guide my actions and choices.  Thank you so much Kira!
Karen W You're welcome
Lina S You're welcome
Janice M You're welcome. And, yes... Just Do It!
Erica Y Awesome! Thank you. 
Another great class, cranky lower back doesn’t allow the full range of excercises but keeping moving…love your cues!
Laura K
Past experiences have taught me that I can recover and strive through the challenges. Thank you!
Becky B
I can trust myself to be vulnerable. 
Day 3 ( a little behind schedule ) and loving your challenge ! Agree your cuing is great and absolutely resonating with me ... thank you !
11-20 of 36

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