Class #5169

Glute-Focused Wunda Chair

35 min - Class


You will feel the work in your lower body with this advanced Wunda Chair workout by Lesley Logan. This class progresses from a warm-up to connect to your Thass® (the area between your thigh and glutes) to challenging that connection with your stability and strength. Get ready to test your balance and control in this quick 35 minute flow!
What You'll Need: Wunda Chair

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Hi, I'm Lesley Logan, and welcome to this advanced chair class with a Thass theme. The beginning will be about us connecting to our Thass, and then we're gonna use it all the way towards the end. So get ready for like a grand finale of sorts. Start with, I like a top bottom spring, but whatever a heavy setting is for you, for footwork. If you need a sticky pad, feel free to use it.

Sit at the edge of your chair, heels together, toes apart, balls of your feet on the pedal. And you get to choose hands here, here or behind your head. Since we're focusing on a Thass, pick the one that makes the most sense for you. And then push the chair, the pedal away, and then lift it back up. So it's actually not about how low the pedal can go, but how high you can lift it up and still stand on it.

So you don't have to go super slow or fast, but find a pace that allows you to push those thigh bones away, and then pick them back up while standing on the pedal. For three, two, and one. Come onto your arches. Squeeze everything nice and tight together, and then press the pedal down and up. So this is where our feet like to do funky things, maybe turn out or roll around.

See if you can stand on the whole arch as you go down and up. (Lesley exhales audibly) So that means the inside too. Yeah, three more. How high can you pick the pedal up and still stand on it? Last one, whew.

And then onto your heels. So if you felt a lot of things going on in the back of your legs, good job. Your Thass is where your thigh meets your booty. So let's work on it here, especially with our heels, this is one of the easiest places to connect to that. So as you push through the whole heel on both feet, which means the inner heel and the outer heel, start to pick up the pace and do five, four, three, two, and one.

Cool, come on to the balls of your feet. Press the pedal down as low as you can go. If you wanna put a little block there, you can. You can put your hands on your thighs just to put them somewhere and make sure you're doing things well. For this one, the pedal is not gonna move but your legs are.

So you move the heels down and you lift the heels up. And if anyone's walking by, they're like, what are these people doing. But you know you're reaching the heels down, you're gonna feel a lot happen in the back of your legs and lift back up. Two more. Last one and then lift the pedal up a little bit.

So thighs are pretty parallel. And then now the pedal moves but your thighs don't. So you push the pedal away and you pick it up. So you have to use your Thass to hold the pedal in place, and then keep all of that working as your feet point and flex. For three, two, one and lift the pedal up.

Awesome. Go ahead and step off and you'll do a little achilles stretch, or tendon stretch, or foot ankle. It's got a lot of names. So you stand about a foot distance or less from your chair. Take your fingers, make a little diamond shape.

So index finger and thumb on the front edge of your chair. Then place the ball of your foot onto the pedal and your knee is inside of your hands. This foot that's back here is not just like hanging out. You're gonna reach through your heel, feel your hamstring and glute connect, so your Thass connection is on. And then you press the pedal away and you lift it up.

And you reach. So it's not about how much you can flex your ankle. I can do a lot, but that doesn't mean anything's on. It's how much can I press into the ball of the foot as I point and flex? You'll feel all of this turning on, maybe even shaking a little bit, and then the standing leg is working.

One more time. And then keep the point. Lift your knee off the chair and stand up with your hips over your heel. Hands can be on your hips or behind your head. Press the pedal down and up for a little press down front.

So worry less about how low you go and how much you can act, so you're just focused on how much you can stand in your foot, in your Thass connection. So double check you're not locking out in that ankle. It's really easy for a lot of us to do. Two more. Last one, lift it up and we switch sides.

So place your diamond hand shape there. Place the ball of your foot and then your knee. And remember, every side is different. So you have a strong side and a side that's like, Thass what. What is she talking about?

So be kind to yourself. Know that the brain is really smart. It will use the smarter side to teach the other side. And then be willing to explore and not worry about how much you point or flex. For three more.

Standing in your foot of the leg that's on the floor as much as you're saying on this pedal. It's not just hanging out, it's not on a vacation. Then press the pedal away. Lift the knee, hands behind your head and press down front. So really working the back side of your leg on both legs.

So back sides of your legs. The standing Thass is working as much as the pedal leg. Sometimes I think that's how it always is. The leg that looks like it should just be hanging out is the one working the most. Lift the pedal up.

Okay, crossovers. So if you have tight hips, you can actually cheat yourself back behind the chair a bit more. Otherwise, line your heel up with the edge of the chair and then take your outside foot onto the pedal parallel. You want that heel down as much as possible. So if it likes to lift up 'cause it's tight, try to work it down, especially as you press the pedal down.

Then stand shoulders over hips. As you lift the pedal up and down, find a pace that works for you. So it's not super slow and it's not fast. You're gonna just work the pedal in both directions. So you get a nice stretch of your glutes and then you have to turn them on to move them, which means just don't ever turn 'em off.

Three more. And two. And one. All right, we have to do crossovers on the other side. So I'm just gonna turn this.

(chair shuffling softly) You can stay where you are. Line yourself up. And here we go. Down and up. So can you keep your foot reaching down into your pedal as it comes up?

That's the goal. (Lesley chuckles softly) That's the goal. Easier said than done for some of us. Five more. Three.

Two. And lift it all the way up. All right, so now let's go down to one middle spring, or for some of you, you're numbered, so like a two is gonna be really good. And then give yourself some room to lay on your back. So we'll do a little shoulder bridge here.

Lying on your back, set your arches of your feet onto the pedal. Allow your arms to press down. And then as you lift your hips up, just notice if your heels try to drop down and you hang out into your knees. You'll lift the hips, hold them up, pressing into your arm, so you're not just having to hold yourself up in your legs only. The whole body is working here.

Pull the pedal towards the floor and back up. And pull. We're getting ready for table. Can't do a Thass class without a table. So pull and up.

It is tempting to do it in the ankle, so please try to reach the toes over the pedal and pull the pedal down with the backside of your legs. Three more. (Lesley inhales and exhales audibly) And then go ahead and roll down for a moment. If you wanna shake it out, you can. Place your feet back down.

You're gonna do two legs if your Thass connection is new, or you're gonna do one leg. So you'll roll the hips up, send one leg out at the ankle and then just pull. And my weaker side is notorious for pulling with the heel down (laughing). So I too am trying to reach my foot over that foot bar and keep it in my Thass. And then switch, reach the leg out.

(Lesley exhales audibly) And feel free to always do a little weak, strong, weak action just so that you can get that other side to join in on the party. Go and sit up. We'll stay on this one middle spring and we will do some swan. So here's the deal with swan. This is where we're gonna test your Thass connection.

It's not a super Thass requested exercise, but it is a way where we can test it. So lie on your stomach and place your hands on the pedal, 'cause if we can find our thighs here, then we'll be able to use it in other places. Hands on the pedal with your wrists straight and your chest nice and long. Inner thighs are up. So again, it's not toes together, but you're not putting those heels together either.

So with those thigh parallel, keep your chest parallel to the floor. Mine likes to cheat into extension, so I get it if you're having a hard time with that. And then bend your elbows three times. So worry less about your like perfection of these tricep presses, and more that you feel your legs being held up at your Thass instead of your lower back. Then with straight arms, lift your chest.

Lower down, if when you lifted your chest, your legs just fell down, that's a sign we were not in our Thass. So here we go. Three pumps. Inner thighs are lifted, hamstrings should feel some work here. Lift the chest as the legs reach away.

And again, three pumps. And lift. If you are still working on that Thass connection, stick with that. If you're like, oh, I'm feeling it less, good, me too. We're gonna do another set of pumps and then we'll lift the chest.

Then from here, lift your inner thighs to lift your legs. So a nice little swan dive. God, it doesn't have to be huge. You don't need to change the springs 'cause you're moving from your Thass. You're not doing this in your arms.

One more. And rest. Go ahead and place one hand to the chair, feet to the floor. Woo. So take your feet to the back edge of your chair for push down from the back.

Just give ourselves a moment from that big swan. Arms up, round forward, hands onto the pedal. Then, without locking your knees, 'cause that's gonna turn your Thass right off, keeping your hips over your heels, reach your spine away and then pick it back up. So yeah, your Thass is working here. Sort of like it's the same feeling you'll feel in your legs if you're doing a deadlift at the gym.

It's where your thigh meets your booty and it is supporting your pelvis over your heels. And then roll it all the way up. Okay, if you're alone like me, you can switch to a top spring. Another Thass test, okay. So we'll do push down from the top from kneeling.

If you're like, please, no, that's a no for me, then push down from the front is where you're gonna go, right. Same thing, it's just standing. I understand, this can be a little scary. So heels together that's gonna help you turn all of this on, which is so nice. It's okay if you break your Thass connection getting into this position.

But we try really hard and we're okay if we are a little imperfect. So hugging your heels together, keeping your hips over your knees as best you can, round forward. We put a heavier spring on that one top, it's really useful. And already I'm like I wanna tip back. So I'm just gonna do as best I can, get my hands to the pedal.

And then once they're there, we're all gonna walk on the wild side and move our hips over our knees. Then you're gonna reach down and up. So right now your Thass is just helping hold your pelvis in place as you go down and up. Where we're gonna call upon our Thass is in two reps when we come up. So here it is, close the spring, squeeze your heels, hips over your knees.

Boom, you did it. (Lesley chuckles softly) All right, one top, one bottom spring, we'll do pull up side. So another exercise that is really awesome at helping connect to your Thass. If you're like I lost it, here we go. Take your inside foot onto the pedal, outside foot crosses, and then hands at the corners of the chair.

And your shoulders will just draw over your wrists. You're not way back here over your foot. Now the key, my loves, is to not lean all the way over your wrists. You actually want to keep your shoulders, boom, right there as best you can. If you don't lift the pedal today, I promise your Thass is still working 'cause just in the setup, mine's on fire.

So you're reaching down to that heel so much. This leg is super active like when we did our press down front. This Thass is turning your leg out so it's not happening at the knee. And then stand into your foot and lift the pedal. So if you're new, you'll keep your leg crossed and you'll do six.

If you're not new to this exercise and you feel your Thass, take that leg out to the side (Lesley inhales and exhales audibly) And then when the pedal is down, step to the floor. Lift the pedal before you take your hands fully off. So let's do the other side. (chair shuffles softly) So you're either doing six of one, or you are doing three and three. So foot parallel on the pedal, press it down, other foot crosses over.

This is really gonna help your snake on the reformer as well. So it's worth doing. Shoulders over the wrists, reach down to the standing leg. And you reach down so much, the pedal lifts. That's the weird thing about the chair, you actually have to reach down to lift the pedal.

Take the leg out for three, working both outer hips to hold onto this pedal. Lower it down, plant the foot, lift your spring. And then once you take your foot off the pedal, hands off. Awesome. Okay, so now let's do some table.

You're already set up for it. So here it is, one top, one bottom spring. And feet are set up just like your footwork. So with table there's a couple settings we can do with the hips. I'm gonna have you choose the setting that allows you to connect to your Thass the most, okay.

Hands come back here. If you're an elbow locker like me, you're gonna bend your elbows more than you think. And then heels are up. So the goal is not how low can you go with the pedal, it's actually how high can you get it. So we're gonna do a set of six and we'll come back down.

Cool? So here it is. Lift the pedal up, heels tight together. Send your hips over your heels with your elbows soft. If you lean yourself back over your wrists, you'll hate this even more.

And then reach the pedal away and up, and up, and up, and up, hold it. If your hips are way high but you don't feel your Thass, remember, that second setting you can actually do is lower. And so you just keep pumping the pedal with the hips at the spot you feel your Thass. So a little little check-in. If you have a seam on your pants, that seam has this infinite line and it's either going parallel to the floor or it's even trying to come up a little bit.

That way you're opening the front of your hip, working your Thass. Ready for your second set? Pick your hips level that you wanna work, try to keep the pedal up as you send your hips out and then reach. So you can look at your seam to see what it's doing. After six, lift the pedal, lower the hips down.

You are gonna do a single leg. If your Thass cramps like mine, it's okay, my left leg always does it, my right leg doesn't. You're doing a great job. So we'll do three and three, it doesn't have to be a big deal. Or you stick with the two leg.

So hips up, and then send one leg out and pump. Remember, work the up. And then switch. Gravity will take you down. We don't have to work that here.

And then both feet on, have a seat. Okay, so frog facing out. It's the only frog I really like. (Lesley chuckles softly) I will not make you do frog pacing in 'cause then I have to do it too. Hands on the front of the chair and we'll start down at the bottom.

So similarly to your knee stretches, do you see how it's like so easy to be here on your heels? Like we're not working our Thass at all. So I want you to come up a little bit, right, so you can feel your Thass working. Then as you go to straighten your arms, you bring your Thass with you. Yeah.

And you go down and up. So three elbow bends. And then you stay up. And this is gonna help your high frogs. They're gonna work your Thass here, push the pedal away with the backside of your legs and pick it up, and push and pull, and push and pull.

One more and then come all the way down. Take a moment. Second set. So find where you're sitting in your Thass and lift yourself up. And then three elbow bends.

(Lesley inhales and exhales audibly) And then three presses with the legs. (Lesley inhales and exhales audibly) And then come down last set, lift it up. Oof (chuckles). Who said we were just gonna only work our Thass? Your upper back's getting a nice little connection workout too.

Hold it and then press. Last one, lift the pedal, have a seat on top. Woo. Okay, testing your Thass connection. So pull-ups, it's not an obvious Thass exercise, but actually, the more you use your legs, the easier pull-ups can be.

You won't feel it in your wrists as nearly as much. So place your hands on the back of the chair, place your feet onto your pedal. So do the best you can to get your hands way back here as opposed to to the side. If you're a little shorter, place a yoga block underneath your pedal. That's gonna make this a lot more possible for you.

Then shoulders over your wrists, right here. My right ankle just likes to do its own thing. So look at your feet for a moment and just make sure that your ankles are lining up with your knees. And then those are lining up with what your hips are doing. Then without rolling out into the balls of your feet, like on the pinky toe side, feel your outer hips hug in and reach down into your pedal.

And then your center can float up. And then see how low the pedal can go without resting, and then how high can you get it without flipping your pelvis. So can you keep your outer hips on, your hamstrings working as you lift the pedal? One more time. (Lesley inhales and exhales audibly) And then go ahead and rest.

Take your pedal up for just a moment. Get off your wrists. We're gonna do single leg. So here's it with single leg. When you take the leg off, if it goes into your lower back or you feel that's what's holding it up, I want your leg to get closer and closer to the pedal.

I'll show you. So it's all, press the pedal down, place your shoulders over your wrists. And then this foot can actually still have the heels hugging and the foot is just over here in front of the pedal. You can lift it back here a little bit, but again, we don't wanna end up like this. No booties up.

All right, so I'm just gonna squeeze my heels together. So full permission to do slightly easier version. And lift. So now the foot that's on the pedal, the entire Thass is really working this pedal. The one that's off, has to stay hugging on, otherwise, that leg is gonna weigh you down.

Switch. Right, it's kind of like your tree. If the leg isn't active, that tree is not gonna feel fun. Down and up, standing in the Thass of the leg that's on the pedal, working the one of the leg that's off. And then step to the floor and lift.

(Lesley exhales audibly) So not gonna make you wait to the end to do going up front, we're gonna do it now while we have some energy and strength in us. As you get ready for this, if you need to be closer to a wall, please do. So easier version is hands on the chair before your feet come on. Harder version would be to push the pedal down and step onto it. Please honor where your practice is.

And so that way you can challenge yourself however you need. The feet need to be slightly separate. So just make sure you're not on a tight rope. And I cheat into a slight turnout just to get more surface area so I feel a little bit more balanced. Now here's the deal.

We're always thinking about this pedal leg. I need you to think of this chair leg for a moment. Before we even go up, press down into this chair leg and feel, you can even put your hand there, feel your Thass turn on, right. So both legs are working here. We're not just gonna lean forward and let the spring lift us.

So hands behind your head or on your wall, and you'll float up. As you come up, the pedal leg is reaching down from your Thass. But as you lower down, that chair leg is actually pushing into the chair to keep your Thass on. And you lift. so you're not working and then resting.

We're not riding the springs down. Two more. (Lesley inhales exhales audibly) (Lesley chuckles wheezily) Last one. (Lesley exhales audibly) Come down, hands to the chair. Step your foot onto the pedal and switch.

So again, slight turnout. Stand on the back of that leg, feel that working. And then double check that the pedal leg isn't locking into the ankle where your knee could hyper extend, right, and you'll lose all that Thass. And then alley-oop, up you go. (Lesley exhales audibly) The more you reach through your legs, the lighter your center can be to float up.

If you keep the weight between the pedal and the chair, you're gonna have a lot more control. Meaning, if you lean forward or you lean back, you're gonna feel out a balance. After those five, hands to the chair, one foot to the floor, lift the pedal up. Okay. Tendon stretch.

So tendon stretch is one of those exercises that it's easy getting into the hip flexors, but the more you work your Thass, the more control you have. And yeah, you're gonna do tendon stretch to the back too. Yup, 'cause you can. So arches on, press the pedal down to lift your hips. So double check that you're not locking your knees out and touching your chair.

Lean out over those feet and let your arms be reaching from your back. Then this is the hard part, digging the heels down and keeping the Thass on. You've done it. But now doing it for five reps is a little tricky. So squeeze those legs together, weight your heels down and lift your waist.

Double check, if you're looking forward, that's not the same as looking through your legs. So look through your legs so your neck is loose. And then you're hugging those outer hips. And the more you hug the outer hips, the lighter the hips are to come up through those arms. One more and rest.

Okay, if you're new to a single leg tendon stretch, then feel free to keep doing the two leg, all right. The one leg to the back, the reason to do it is, A, it actually teaches you where your Thass is and challenges it at the same time. Kind of something I love about it. So we'll take this leg back and then you don't wanna lift it up as high as you can, 'cause that's a lot of weight on the pedal. So instead reach it out and keep it hovering.

And then lift your inner thigh of the leg to the back as you reach down through the Thass of your pedal leg. Five times, letting your head hang, sweep that leg around and switch. Not so bad was it? Here we go. (Lesley inhales and exhales audibly) Woo.

If you fall out of it a little bit, it's okay. It's called a practice for a reason. So be okay with that. All right, loves, we are going to go to one middle spring and test our Thass connection in our teaser and our teaser twist. So yeah, teaser and teaser twist.

I know, but here's the thing. If you're using your Thass, it's still hard, (Lesley chuckles softly) but it's a lot more possible. So you will have your hips at the edge for the teaser first, we'll just do this one together. And then if you wanna skip the twisted teaser, you can do this again. Cool?

So finding yourself into a nice little teaser. Arms reach forward. And you can just hold this. If you're feeling this grip, it's a sign that we need a little (sucks in air) happening. That's the technical term of the Thass, it goes (sucks in air), okay.

So feel free to grab a fitness ball, put your feet on it so you can actually get the connection that I'm looking for, rather than making you look like you're doing the exercise, right. So here we go. Legs are out, toes are at eye level, if you can. Hands go back behind you and then you reach your waist away. So you open the front of your hips and you come up.

And again, open the front of your hips and lift. One more, waist pulls back. Lift, reach those arms forward, smile and rest. So by the third one, my Thass start to get a little tired and lose it. It's okay.

It's called endurance. It's like running. You can run a block one day, but not a mile, right. And then eventually you can get closer to your mile. So same thing, you got a little break here and we do our second set.

So squeeze those legs together, make sure your knees aren't locked. So you have access to those Thass muscles that you learned in your table and your single leg tendon stretch. And then you lean and lift. So it's not that the arms push the pedal away, it's actually that your waist pushes the pedal away. And it can do that because it's not the hip flexors holding the legs up.

After three reach your arms forward, rest. It's that Thass connection. Last set. And yeah, three sets of three. (Lesley laughs softly) And roll back and up.

Or we could just do some going up side, it's up to you. (Lesley chuckles softly) One more. (Lesley exhales audibly) And lift, reach those arms forward, rest. Okay, all that was to actually help you with your big twisted teaser. So here's the deal.

This exercise is only really possible if your Thass is connected. If your legs are swinging around, you're gonna fall off the chair, or feel like you're gonna fall off the chair. Also, to roll over this hip, we actually need a Thass on. So you sit on the back edge of your chair, one whole Thass is off, all right. And then we find our teaser with the inside leg crossed.

And you're literally kind of balancing on one Thass, which is the inside one. Hand on the pedal. And then instead of thinking pedal down, I want you to think outside hip floats on top. And then because my outer hips are hugging in and my Thass is on, the legs don't swing back. If they swing back, you use momentum.

And then you pull that top hip back and you can float up. So lift that top hip over the bottom hip, and then pull that top hip back and lift. One more. Reach. And lift, before you rest those legs, squeeze your legs together, feel your Thass supporting them, and lift your arms up and rest.

All right. (chair shuffling softly) Other side. So set yourself up on one hip, right. And then balance. We all have one side that's really smart and one side that's not.

This is that side for me. So here we go. If you were super impressed, get ready to see the mere mortal that we all can be. And we'll take that top hip. It lifts up, reach everything away.

So if your legs swung back and your lower back went forward, it's a sign that you lost your Thass. Otherwise, your legs couldn't do that, right. It's actually this cool thing. If your Thass is on, it's kinda like a bumper. (Lesley laughs softly) It keeps the legs from flying around.

And lift, once more. (Lesley exhales audibly) And lift and reach both arms for your feet. Squeeze your legs together, rest. Okay, so I wanna do a little horseback because it's gonna help you with your mountain climber. Because a Thass connected mountain climber is awesome, but one that's connected all the way through your fingertips is even better.

So one middle spring is good. And sit on top of your chair. So if you don't have the amazing external rotation that most do, don't worry. It's actually a very parallel exercise and you're gonna use your Thass to rise off the chair. If you don't rise off the chair, it's gonna be okay.

All right, so double check your toes aren't turning out and instead, parallel those legs, squeeze, lift your arms, point the toes. That point should connect you into your glutes. If it didn't and you just locked your ankles, start again. Ready, point through, hands reach for the pedal, and then you're squeezing a chair while your outer hips hug in to support you in this amazing levitation you just made. And then flex the feet, have a seat.

Point and reach. So this shape that you make on the way down to the pedal, on the way up, and while the pedal's going up and down, flex the feet, lift. That's your mountain climber. Last one. And reach.

(Lesley exhales audibly) Last one, flex the feet and lift. Whew. Okay. Aren't you grateful that we did going up front earlier? We coulda done 'em together.

So (laughing). All right, one top, one bottom spring, you want the support. Your Thass is so ready for this. It's like unbelievable, okay. Here's what's gonna happen.

The leg that's on the chair, we talked about this in going up front, it is standing in the Thass the whole time. It's not going down, it's not going up. The one that's on the pedal is working that pedal like your footwork, like your table, all of it. Cool? So hands on the chair, one foot on the pedal then the other.

And then allow your heels together, toes apart, just so you have a little bit more space on this pedal. Then take one foot up. If you are new to a mount climber, just spider your fingers and stay here the whole time, okay. Not new, you're gonna reach past your chair. So we're not resting on this leg.

We have that horseback shape. The standing leg. We started class with this standing leg Thass working, remember? Here you go. You're gonna bend the knee and pump the pedal six times.

You're welcome, not eight. And then six pumps to come up. So find that horseback shape all the way up. (Lesley exhales audibly) Then reach here, six. (Lesley inhales and exhales audibly) And then six pumps to come down.

(Lesley inhales and exhales audibly) And switch. If you only did five, do not worry. No one's coming for you. If you did seven, good job. (Lesley laughs softly) Here we go, other side.

So if you did spider fingers, stick with that. Otherwise, here we go. And remember, both legs, the Thass is what you're standing in. You're either pumping from it or holding yourself up with it. Six pumps to come up.

(Lesley inhales exhales audibly) Six pumps at the top. (Lesley inhales and exhales audibly) And then six pumps to come down. (Lesley inhales and exhales audibly) And woo. (Lesley inhales audibly) I hope you breathe through it 'cause it does make it easier. Holding your breath does not make it better.

So switch to two bottoms. And we end with a little push down. So about a step away from your chair, heels together, toes apart, arms up. When you round forward, let's stay in our Thass. We've worked this hard for it.

So instead of sticking your booty out, dive up and over something imaginary like a laser beam or a barbed wire fence and place your hands on the pedal. Then push the pedal down as low as you can go with straight legs and not sticking your booty out. So we did heavier springs. So you have to really stand in your feet and your center. Pump the pedal three times.

I like to go take my elbows back and I try to close the spring all the way. After three, hold. Without tipping your booty back, continue to reach your Thass through your heels. Lift the center to close the spring, then push the pedal back down. Pump three times.

(Lesley inhales exhales audibly) And then lift. Last one. Hopefully, you're feeling all the muscles of the back side of your leg, your outer hip and your inner thigh, because you're gonna need it right now. Close the spring, stand through your feet, reach down through your Thass, lift your arms up. (Lesley inhales exhales audibly) And celebrate what you just did.

Thank you for working your Thass with me on your Wunda chair. We all have Wunda-ful Thasses. We just don't always know how to use them. And especially on a piece of equipment like this where it is so challenging just from the get-go. Look at the surface area compared to everything else you work on, it's hard for a reason.

But the more you actually channel your Thass connection, the more your entire center is working together as one. And so you're not just doing a leg thing or an arm thing. So you found some things challenging and some things like, ooh, I got that. Then channel those easy connections the next time you take this. Thank you so much for letting me teach you and I'll see you next time.


2 people like this.
Loved it, made that Thas work !
Jackie H WOOHOO! music to my ears!!!
Love, love, love this thass workout!  It may be the deepest I've ever been connected to my thass!  Thanks so much Lesley.
Marge T WOW! how fun is that! Thanks for taking this class with me xx~LL
Jacquie W
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Thanks for the Wundachair class! Love the Wundachair.
Nice challenging level and good cuing. Love the word Thass. My Master instructor Connie Borho, (who is the BEST) has been using that term for years. Great memories of all the years she spent mentoring me, and so many others.
Jacquie W I love it too!! Glad you enjoyed it xx
Clare Westwood awe love this! thank you for sharing xx
1 person likes this.
Amazing workout, thanks so much!
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OK not going to lie,  I’ve been avoiding this class because I knew it was going to be a challenge! But… I finally did it! Thankfully no one was watching as I attempted the one leg tendon stretch or horse back. Thank you Leslie for the challenge! You move beautifully! 
1-10 of 46

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