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Lesley Logan

Lesley Logan

Lesley Logan, NCPT, fell in love with Pilates after her first 100! She has been studying and teaching Joseph Pilates' Classical Method since 2005.
Read More From side-hustle to full time, she jumped from teacher to manager to running multiple studios. She wrote a book that focused on the business of Pilates entitled, Profitable Pilates: Everything but the Exercises. The book, available in English and in Spanish, was such a success it grew into Profitable Pilates and is now a business coaching program called Agency.

Lesley's curiosity to understand the origins of the exercises and wanting to have more fun moving led her to train with Jay Grimes and Sandy Shimoda. She learned to ditch perfection and enjoy the process and her Pilates practice. Lesley now teaches teachers how to do the same in her mentorship program eLevate.

While not in Las Vegas, Lesley travels, leading workshops and retreats around the world. She completed a Master's in Pilates Certification from The Pilates Center in Boulder, Colorado while training elite marathon runners for NutriBullet's first Los Angeles Marathon. Her love for learning the method didn't stop there, as she was the Lead Teacher Trainer for Equinox Pilates, guiding dozens of apprentices through their program from 2012 to 2016. In 2013, Lesley was voted Best Pilates in Los Angeles by Los Angeles Magazine. She has also been featured in Pilates Style Magazine, was a Top 10 contestant in the Next Pilates Anytime Instructor Competition two years in a row, and also completed The Work, a Master's program taught by one of Joseph Pilates' Elders, Jay Grimes.
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