Class #5354

Grounding Mat

35 min - Class


Have fun with creative variations in this playful Mat workout by Sarah Bertucelli. She uses an Overball for the entire class, giving you a lot of variety of movements to work your entire body. She also adds little challenges to test your balance in different positions so you feel strong and grounded when you're finished.
What You'll Need: Mat, Overball

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Jun 26, 2023
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Sarah Bertucelli here and we are going to do a grounding mat class using a squishy ball. Let's just get started, okay? So one of the things that... I'd like you to lie on your back, first of all, I'll tell you that. We'll lie down in the center of the mat.

Go ahead and place the ball between your legs, somewhere thighs, near your knees, and let's just settle in for a few moments and find our pieces. Start with your feet together so you can feel the bones of your feet aligned. And then, separate your feet just enough so you feel like you can put a little bit of intention on squeezing the ball. Close your eyes perhaps and take a couple breaths, breathing in and breathing out. I like to do nasal breathing in through the nose and out through the nose.

Feel your head heavy, perhaps roll side to side. Feel open through your chest. You're certainly welcome to open your hands if you want or put your arms wherever you'd like so that you feel grounded on the earth. Feel the rib cage heavy and then the pelvis grounded as well. Let's go ahead and begin moving.

We inhale through the nose, we exhale, curl the pelvis up to the bridge position. Give the ball a squeeze here, inhale. Use the exhale to lengthen through your spine and lower down one vertebra at a time. So now that I've given you an idea of the breath, exhale to curl up. You could just kind of breathe and move at your own pace.

Squeeze the ball a little and then peel yourself down. If you choose to breathe with longer breaths, that's fine. If you want shorter breaths, that's okay too. Just make sure you are in fact breathing. So we're in that pelvic bridge position, pressing the pelvis high, squeezing the glutes, squeezing the ball, and then we curl down one vertebra at a time.

This time, we're going to change please. So we curl up again, hold your bridge position and try sending your pelvis side to side. See if you can keep it level, so limiting any rotation. And instead just sending the pelvis side to side, stretching a little bit side body, but also working the hip extensors in different places. Come back to center and then roll down one vertebra at a time, bringing your pelvis home each time please.

Curling up again, this time, we'll do a circular movement. So press the pelvis a bit higher and do a circle down, over, down, around, and let's do three circles in one direction, just ironing out your edges and then we'll reverse the direction here. So we go the other way to one side down around. So my pelvis is floating the whole time, but I'm just noticing where I'm a little sticky and maybe where I would wanna linger a little longer in that circular movement. Come to center and then lower down one vertebra at a time.

Keeping the ball between your legs, open your arms wide, palms facing up perhaps, and relax your legs side to side. So using the ball for a little feedback on those legs as you rotate at the hips. So remember in my classes, whenever you wanna modify and do something different for yourself, please do. Everything I suggest is merely an idea and it's important that you listen to your body. Last one of these, please.

Come back through to center and pause for a moment. Engage your abdominals and go ahead and float your legs to tabletop. Let your feet come together. The ball stays between your legs in this diamond shape. And let's just do a little tick-tock side to side.

Notice your shoulder blades and focus on keeping your shoulder blades heavy on the ground or heavy on the mat. So it's just a quick little movement side to side, breathing and moving at your own pace. Find yourself at center and hold. Float your hands up to the ceiling. Use an exhale to lift the head and chest into an abdominal curl and gently lower down.

Feel free to take those arms all the way behind you. Exhale to lift, finding some breath here and lower down. This time, we'll lift and we'll hold breathing in, lifting a little higher and breathing out. Squeeze the ball, breathing in and breathing out. Hold onto the backs of the legs, lift your pelvis and let's just rock and roll ourselves until we find ourselves in a sitting position.

Release the ball from the legs and just fold forward into a nice little diamond shape for a little stretch there through your back, your neck, your head. In this diamond shape, always be mindful that you're sitting equally on both sides of your pelvis or perhaps shift side to side purposefully. And then sit up. I'm gonna move back just a bit so my feet are on my mat right now so that I'll stay on my mat when I do the rolling around here. The ball now goes behind your pelvis, so put it back there and then create a C curve to kind of lock it into place.

Flex your feet and really straighten your legs please. Arms are out in front of you. So I'm in a C curve, but I'm keeping the ball trapped between my pelvis and the floor. Use an exhale perhaps to roll back, pushing into the ball to create a little bit of intention in the C curve here. And then round and roll just to the point where you still have the ball trapped, so I'm not coming all the way up.

So go back again, hold here, look at your pelvis, keep it stable. Root down through one leg to lift the other. Change, root down through the other to lift. The key here is to use the gluteal and the hamstring to help stabilize the pelvis as you do this long-legged marching. Are your legs fully straight?

Ankles flexed is a nice variation here. One more time. And then, round yourself back up. Let's come all the way up. We're gonna move the ball back a bit more and then roll back and lean up against the ball.

So I'm kind of at the high part of my low back, okay? You can bend your knees if you need to, but if you feel comfortable with straight legs, strong and straight flexed ankles, arms forward, we lift and lower. Now the marching is a little bit easier to do here for me with the legs, but it's a little more challenging in the abdominals to sustain this position. So continue to march and add just a little bit of rotation in the direction of the lifted leg. So the eyes go, of course, there's a hint of a smile across your cheeks because we are in fact having fun, I hope.

Last one here and then go ahead and bend your knees so your two feet are on the floor. Slide your body away so the ball is more in the middle of your back, closer to your upper back. Hands can go behind your head and just relax into a beautiful thoracic extension. So you wanna make sure you are in a position where it feels comfortable for you to relax over the ball. Elbows could be wide, arms could be straight overhead if you prefer, arms could be wide to the side.

So try all the variations and linger for a few moments. Rolling side to side, wherever it feels luxurious for your body please. Now we're gonna add a little bit of work to this maybe. Nod your chin to your throat, lift your head and chest, take the hands behind the head, resting the head and the hands, we're gonna slide back about an inch, that's all. And now that should challenge the abdominals a little more as you lift and you lower all the way down.

And we lift and we lower down. Now really think about pushing or grounding your body into the ball to help facilitate the lift here as you breathe and move. Again, find the breath that best suits your body please. And then we're gonna lift here and hold. One leg lifts up and you're gonna rotate in that direction.

Foot down, lower down. We lift and hold and we rotate, continuing with that choreography. And we lift to rotate and down. Lift to rotate and down. Just a small little movement.

Lift, rotate. If you rotate too far, you might find yourself falling off the ball, but try to find the edge of reason here. Good, one more on each side before we add on. And last one here, and lower down. Take a pause there, relax.

So if it's not comfortable to relax right here in this position, head should be resting somewhere on the floor, then feel free to use your hands or slide around until you're at a point where it feels comfortable. Take your feet just a little wider and roll your body a little bit off the ball to one side. Allow the rest of your body to respond as needed so you feel stable. And then roll your body a little bit off the ball to the other side. So you're getting wonderful rotation while in thoracic extension, upper back extension.

So do it again on each side. Just feel that position again. My arms are where they feel good to me. They're overhead and just relaxed and that feels like a really nice stretch for me. Good.

Now we're gonna take this shape and work it a little bit more. So nod your chin to your throat. Make sure you feel safe coming out of this with your abdominals. We're gonna endeavor to have a straighter back here. So your arms could be back behind your head, straight behind your head so that your head can rest in your arms if that suits you or whatever you would like, okay?

So we're gonna keep this straight line and we're gonna do that same rotation. How far can we go? Let the lower body respond so you have a little bit of an anchor so you can go a little deeper and come up. And how far can we go? Ooh, that side's a little harder.

And come through. And just one more time. How about two more times on each side so we get three on each side? Nice little thoracic rotation while stabilizing with the abdominals. Should feel like a nice challenge.

Again, whatever your arms are doing to support your head is the right choice. And this will be our last one. Letting the legs respond, come back through, nod your chin to your throat, reach your arms forward. You can roll back a little bit until you can roll all the way up into a sitting position. Hold the ball in your hands please.

I'm gonna scoot forward on my mat so that when I roll back, my head will be on the mat comfortably. Ball in hands, we roll back, find ourselves on our backs, bend the knees, lift the pelvis up and place the ball underneath your pelvis please. Find a place where it feels quite comfortable to relax. So my pelvis is relaxed and I'm looking for my pelvis to be a little bit more anterior, which would mean that it's a little bit more flat right now rather than being tucked at this point. So I'm restful and there's an angle at my legs and my pelvis.

So see if you feel comfortable here. Ground your pelvis to the ball, that'll help activate lots of things and can you just float your feet up. If that's not comfortable, adjust so that you're able to do that or choose not to do that. Try floating the feet up, good. Now if you wanna work a little harder, you can slide your body a little bit more so that the ball is a little higher up on your low back so your tailbone can drop down that much more.

So we're gonna ground in, use the abdominals, float the legs, bring the knees together, and then curl the spine so you're in a deep ball. And then, undo that, come down. So we're gonna float the legs, knees together, curl. Just two more like that, making sure you feel comfortable with that 'cause the next step is to balance and change it up, okay? So do you feel like you can reach your hands up and do that same movement?

Lifting the legs, finding your balance, and lower down. Feel free to put the hands down should you need to, make sure you are breathing. Pulling in and lower down. Let's change it. Right leg crosses over left, squeeze with your inner thighs, same arm over arm.

So I'm kind of hugging my shoulders a little bit, but I'm thinking of compressing my chest here. So we're gonna find this shape, squeeze the inner thighs and then lift the two legs up and try to balance. At any point, if you need to put a hand down, please do. But see if we can do that same action in this twisted sister shape. So squeeze those inner thighs together and pull yourself in.

I'm touching my elbow and my knee and lower down. You can add on if you would like by squeezing it in, touch the knee and the elbow together. It's opposite knee as elbow and reaching that one arm a little bit more, so the one that's touching. That just creates a little bit more intention. Two more like that.

We're gonna lift and reach. You're welcome to move faster if that suits your body. You're welcome to move slower. I'm wiggling all over the place and that's what's so wonderful about this ball. I think I said two more and we're doing one more now.

That's what's happening. We're gonna rest that and undo it, okay? Take a pause, settle. Cross the left leg over, cross the left arm over. Again, don't do the arms if it doesn't suit you, okay?

So engage the core by grounding down and lift your two legs up. Push the elbow and the knee together. And again, we lift and we push them together or pull them together, whatever makes sense in your mind. Now you can add this lengthening of the arm to increase the reach if you will, which will increase a little bit more abdominal engagement. Talking and balancing is always fun for me.

Here we go, we have a couple more to go and we're gonna reach that arm. And again, I can feel a nice bit of heat in my abdominal wall. And I've got one more for you. And here we go, whoop, whoop (laughs). I like to giggle when I'm wobbly.

Put two feet down, two arms down. Pause for a beat. Find a stillness that suits you, perhaps lengthen one leg to straight and enjoy a stretch through your front hip, front body. Breathing in and breathing out. Always explore the edges of the movement and find a place where you receive stretch.

So I've rolled my body a little bit on the ball to feel more stretch. And then let's change sides. So other side leg straight, doesn't matter which one you did first. Find a still point first. And then, I like to roll just a little bit around until I feel like the stretch gets a little bit deeper for me.

And now, I just found my spot, breathing in and breathing out. So we're gonna do one more exercise in this relationship. You can stay right where you are if you're a little unsure of your ability to flex your spine. If you wanna go deeper, you're gonna roll your body down a little bit so that the ball is a little higher up. So it might even be touching your low floating ribs.

And since this is a real soft ball, that should be fine. I recommend keeping the hands down, lifting one leg in first and the other and making sure you feel safe in this position. So the ball is gonna work as a lever to help you create the rollover shape. So we roll, stretch your two legs to straight first. You're gonna curl your body, curl your spine, and then allow your legs to come over, but keep a connection to the ball.

Feel that and then undo it and your two straight legs to the ceiling. So with slightly pointed feet, we're gonna move our spine, flex our spine, take the legs as low as you can, and then you're gonna take your spine back down as your legs find home. One more time like that. We're gonna go over and down. So this is a really nice preparation for your control balance.

So we come over, we stay over, we're inflection, the ball is supporting us. Can you lift your hands? Reach for one foot, flexing the ankle, and hold the foot as close to your body as you can, as close to your face as you can. Take the other leg up to the ceiling, that's a pointed foot. And then we're gonna change.

So you most likely won't get to the floor unless you're super crazy flexible. Because of the relationship here, normally this exercise is done in a much bigger flexion, but with the ball, it gives us an opportunity to play a little bit with some of the balance challenges. So I'm just changing, I'm pulling my leg in with my two hands, I'm using my belly to support and then changing. So without the pulsing today for me, ideally we're keeping our legs pretty straight in that forward position when the leg is close to you, but it's really just go with what feels good to you right now. And then bend two knees, bring them into you.

Gently place your two feet on the floor in whatever way makes sense to you. And then slide yourself down and your head will just kind of pop up until that ball is resting up against your back. You can send your legs straight out in front of you and you can roll yourself up to a sitting position. And let's move on. So we're gonna move back on our mat here so that we can put the ball.

I like to actually just put it between my thighs here and cross my ankles. And now, I'm going to keep it there as I roll over to quadruped. You can get there however you need though, please. So here we go, we roll over to our quadruped position. Hands are underneath your shoulders and knees are just in placement so that you can squeeze the ball comfortably there.

Using your core, push forward a little bit and push back a little bit. I would like actually for you to tuck your toes. So put the balls of the feet down and really get an active foot. And now, push forward using those toes and push back, stretching the feet there. And push forward using those toes and push back.

And let's do that one more time. Push forward, stretching the wrists and push back. Come to your quadruped position, use your belly muscles to support and send your legs to straight. Make sure you are in a position so that you feel like you're in a good plank. And then we're gonna practice just that leg movement.

So we bend the knees to tap the knees down and you shoot back to straight and we do it again. Here's five and four. Use your inner thighs, use your glutes, use your breath. And then let's hold that shape. Squeeze the ball with the inner thighs and you're gonna just lift one straight leg and rotate your pelvis a little bit.

Lift one straight leg and rotate your pelvis. It's kind of a walking action. So we're working on a little rotation and my ball is beginning to wanna slip. I'm gonna try to keep it still, but I might fall and that's okay. There we go.

We're gonna bend the knees, take the ball out and come into a stretch position here. So this is a lovely child's pose or rest position. If the ball is out in front of you and you wanna extend the stretch through your shoulders, you can give your shoulders, put your hands on the ball, allow your elbows to straighten and just kind of roll a little bit side to side until you feel what you need to feel there. Breathing in and breathing out. Come up to a sitting position.

And now, we really play with balance, are you ready? Okay, the knees are gonna be together and they're gonna go on this tiny little ball, okay? So two knees on this tiny little ball with your feet grounded as well. Your two hands are down. Now you could easily stand on your hands and your feet and have this ball wiggle around, but I want you to put the intention to put your weight in your knees on the ball so that you, at any point, could think about lifting your hands pretty easily and you can also lift your feet.

So the weight here is actually in my legs. And so, the balance challenge is quite fun. If you feel like you're ready for it, try maybe tenting your fingers and just holding yourself here with a couple fingers. Now, if you're putting so much weight into your fingers that it hurts, please keep them flat. Now put your hands flat just so that you feel stable here, round through your back, keeping the weight in the ball.

Gently point your toes and we're gonna pull the legs in between the hands. We're gonna send the legs back as far as you can go. Maybe straighten the legs and go into a slightly down stretch position and we pull in and we reach back. So we are extending the spine, opening the heart. So in yoga, we call that upward dog.

In Pilates, that's the down stretch on the reformer. So just in case that was confusing to anyone, this extended position. And we pull in for our knee stretch position. Let's go ahead and come back. Knees on the ball.

Now we get fun. We get fun? We get to have fun. So if you can shift more of your weight to your knees, you're not gonna feel like your wrists are so taxed here. So think about that.

Of course, take a break if you need to. Try rolling the ball to one side. So you're gonna roll a little bit to the outside of one knee, one arm becomes more weighted and then you change sides. So same arm as leg that is on the ball is going to become more weighted. So let's just do that rotation again on each side.

And now, we'll go back to the first side and we stay there. And then we do that knee stretch. So we pull in twisted. You're coming in the direction of one wrist and you see how far back you can extend. Change your gaze if you're able to, you're gonna pull in, whoa.

And you're gonna reach back. Ah, you're gonna see me get all off balance. One more time, please. And we're gonna pull in, come back to the knees and do the other side. We go to one side and we're gonna pull in and we're gonna reach back and we're pulling in and back.

Use your breath please. And just one more time. And come to center. Take the ball out from underneath your knees and just sit on your feet for a moment. All right, let's go ahead and move to a standing position.

You can get up however you'd like, but I do like to get a good foot stretch going. So I tuck my toes under and the goal here is that I can just rock myself onto my feet and come to standing. But please come up however it suits you. Place the ball between your legs. We're gonna do a little bit of standing work here.

You're gonna take a nice big stretch up, take your arms out to the side and then forward. As we squat, squeeze the ball, arms can go up. Let's just do a handful there, using both legs equally, squatting as deeply as it feels good to you, feeling your legs. So if you need to, you can keep both feet on the ground the whole time here if balance is a challenge for you. But if you'd like to challenge your balance, here we go.

One more time here. Stand. We're gonna stand on one leg, it doesn't matter which one. I'm standing on my left, so we're looking at each other right now. Squeeze the ball still.

I'm gonna bend the knee as far as I can go, then my toe taps and I see if I can go all the way down maybe. And then we press up and come to standing. Let's do that two more times. We're gonna go down and press up. And one more time, please.

Down and press up. Okay, now I have to adjust my ball. All right, keep yourself standing on that same leg and you're gonna rotate so that your body rotates open. Find a point that's not moving and keep your gaze there. Same idea, you're gonna do like a curtsy squat.

So you begin to bend the knee, your foot will tap down when it needs to and you see if you can keep going and then you're gonna come back up. Two more times, we're gonna bend and undo it. And one more time, I've lost my ball. Bend and undo it. Come back to face me, okay?

One more exercise on this same side. Spin the other way. So my pelvis is rotated, my body is rotated, but my leg is still facing forward. And then I'm gonna bend and see how deep I can go and stand. I think I know why this is harder here.

I've been practicing this on my wood floor and I am on a squishy mat. So it just occurred to me right now that if you are on a squishy mat, know that it is going to be significantly more challenging to balance, which is not a bad thing, okay? I'm gonna just stomp it out for a moment and let's get ready to do the other side, okay? So put the ball back between your legs. Stand on the other leg, I'm now standing on my right.

Hold here. Bend as far as you can go and then tap the foot down and touch if you can, okay? So it's a nice beautiful split squat standing on one leg. What's nice is having the ball here gives you just a little bit of an assist for your balance. Just one more.

Many of us need a little more engagement in the inner legs. So this gives you just some feedback on that. We're gonna rotate open. So I'm rotating open with my body, so it's gonna tax my glute a little more. I'm gonna bend and my foot will go behind me and press up.

And just goes where it makes sense. Bend. I'm gonna keep my gaze over there. Three times and bend. And just if your ball starts to slip away, readjust it.

We're gonna now twist into the leg and bend. So I'm in internal rotation because my body is rotated, but my leg is still facing forward. Three times, please. And one more time. And then we'll stand.

Face each other and stomp those feet out if necessary. Okay, we're gonna get back down to the ground again. You can do it however you'd like. I'm just gonna go ahead and take myself into a squat. Find myself on my knees.

We're gonna go to one side. The ball goes underneath your rib cage, okay? And so, middle of the rib cage, you can adjust as needed. So please do. And let's set up like we're going to do sidekick here.

So one knee is bent, the bottom knee, the other leg is straight. Your head can rest in your hands. You can take this other arm up to the ceiling or behind your head, whatever feels good. I don't know, I feel like taking it up today. So that's where it's gonna go.

And I'm just gonna kick my leg forward and point my foot back and kick my leg forward and point my foot back. And one more time. So you can stick with that if you need to. If you wanna challenge yourself a little bit more, we're gonna slide that leg down to straight. We're gonna slide the top arm out to straight, finger tip or two down, and we're gonna take the arm overhead.

Then we're gonna try the same exercise, forward and back. There is some adjustment on the ball that needs to happen, just like with the sidekick. You're welcome to lift this bottom hand if it suits you. I'm gonna keep it down today. Good, now we're gonna take the leg to straight in line with your body.

Can you lift the bottom leg up? And if you're really zesty here, you can try lifting that bottom hand and finding your balance. Again, I'm just gonna try unweighting everything but one finger and work on being here without as many wobbles and that's a good idea. Go ahead and rest that. Bend the bottom knee again and lean over the ball in a way that allows you to bring that ball underneath your breast if you're a woman, but sort of like underneath that area, that low rib area and allow you to just kind of breathe into those intercostals and change your stretch a little bit here.

So I rolled myself forward. I'm relaxing over the ball. I'm getting a beautiful stretch in my spine. My legs are just where they wanna be, my hands are where they wanna be, my head is kind of relaxed and I'm breathing. And then, we'll gently come out of that and change sides.

Okay, so the ball, again, is gonna find its place on the side of your ribcage and you just kind of find your spacing here. So my head is resting in my hand and I'm just adjusting my hand here so I don't squish the microphone. Just gonna tell you that. So this bottom knee is bent, the leg is lifted and here we are. So my elbow is just down and my hands are just in a different position for that.

So just try taking maybe your arm up or your hand behind your head and we'll kick the leg forward and back and forward and back and forward and back. And last one here and back. Now let's try to challenge this. We take the legs straight, we take the arm long, the other arm goes overhead. So find your body parts, there it is.

Less hand help if you can and then the same thing, we're gonna kick the leg forward. The body does have to adjust on the ball and back. So there's a little bit of movement that happens and back and last one forward and back. Now we hold, we're gonna try to lift both legs up, using the finger if needed, reaching if you can, and breathe. Iron out all those little wobbles, breathe and rest.

So allow that ball to find its sweet spot where you can relax over it and then roll a little bit toward your front. So you're in basically a mermaid type shape. And then there's a sweet spot where it feels like a good idea to be when you relax over the ball. So I kind of like having my hands in this wide position and then I just let the weight of my head help me stretch through my back. That's what feels really good to me here.

And if this doesn't feel good, just make the shape without the ball. But if the ball feels like a good idea, find a spot where you feel some interesting stretches. It's not about doing a specific shape or it being right or wrong, it's about a sensation. And then, let's rest that. We'll move into some final back extension here.

So this ball is gonna go underneath your collarbones a little bit on your front body. So I'm gonna start a little bit back on my mat so that I can roll forward. And the ball's gonna be kind of on the sternum, a little below the collarbones and you wanna find a place where you can just relax. You're relaxing over the ball, your feet can be relaxed. This should feel nice.

If it doesn't feel nice, just take the ball out. But what it does is it gives us an opportunity to mold in the opposite direction and stretch the muscles on the back. But then, it also gives us a really nice pivot point, a lever for back extension and that's what I wanna focus on. Tuck your foot under, your feet under, press through the feet and feel the legs active, the pelvis grounded. Bring your hands into whatever position suits you and find a thoracic extension.

So you push into the ball to find your extension. And boy, that just feels delicious. Lower down. I'm gonna move just a little bit and then we'll do it again. We're gonna find our thoracic extension and lower down.

Find your breath please. Thoracic extension, we're gonna hold here. Take your arms forward, tent the fingers, and feel the reaching of the arms and still the lift of your body. Lift one arm up and lift the other arm up. If you go thumb first, you'll find you have more range of motion.

Good, so just changing, we're doing kind of like a swimming and you're welcome to just keep your arms like that if that suits you and a swimming with the arms. And one more time, please. So let's go ahead and rest that. We're going to do one final piece here where you roll the ball down toward the bottom of your rib cage. And again, it should be in a comfortable position.

Some people don't like the way this feels, but I think it feels really nice and it helps me stretch a little bit, my diaphragm and my abdominal muscles. So we'll start with the same wide hand position, same feet tucked, press. We're gonna lift to a big beautiful back extension. You can take your hands out in front of you if that suits you. And you're gonna try now lifting one leg and the opposite arm.

One leg and the opposite arm. And let's do three on each side before we officially move into stretching. Here we go, one more time. Really beautiful work here. Cross-patterning, I love it.

Lower over the ball and then just pull your body away from the ball into like a quadruped position or something. And then, we're gonna put the ball actually on the pelvis. I don't know if quadruped was necessary there, but find a spot to get the ball right there on the pelvis here and relax. So this is gonna offer a little bit of traction in your back and it might feel nice. If it doesn't feel nice, don't do it.

But the best part about this is when you tuck the toes ground through the feet and you use your strong arms to lift into a full back bend or a full back extension, you can roll around a little bit on the ball and get some really lovely little feels both in your hips and in your back. Again, if it doesn't feel good, don't do it, but it feels pretty delicious to me. I'm just kind of exploring. It's as much a stretch as it is work. Lower down, let's do it again.

Ground through the feet, we lift, breathe and lower down. Just take the ball out from underneath you and place it somewhere so you no longer need it 'cause you no longer need it. Mine might roll away. There we go, we'll try that. So push yourself into a child's pose, please.

Sit there for a couple breaths. Feel a nice stretch through your shoulders. Certainly if you still have your ball, you could have used that to stretch here. Breathing in and breathing out. Breathing in and breathing out.

Make your way upright. And I thank you so very much for playing. I'll see you next time.


3 people like this.
Well I wobbled a lot but it was great.  I'm always excited to see a new class from you Sarah. You are such a wonderful teacher. Thank you.
Katerina G
1 person likes this.
so cool! loved it, thank you!
Gabriella D
1 person likes this.
Great! Thank you!
Sara Ellis-Owen
Loved the class. I used a few of the exercises with my teens and they loved it too! 

1 person likes this.
Thanks Sarah. I really enjoyed this class and your respectful cueing.
Anne M
2 people like this.
I love how inventive you are with your exercises. Lots of fun too! Thank you, Sarah.
Julie Lloyd
1 person likes this.
This class felt like a beautiful balance between strengthening a lengthening. Very enjoyable. Thank you Sarah.
Thank you Emer D!  This was a fun class to create.  I love to share:) AND another class will go live next week:) Tale care.
Thank you Katerina G!
Hi Sara Ellis-Owen,  Thank you for sharing.  I imagine that using the small ball is a fantastic way to add accessible variety for teens.  Thanks for the idea...I will be teaching young people in a few weeks at a retreat. :) 
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