Class #5493

Mat with a Ball

40 min - Class


Awaken your strength and stability through a deceptively challenging Mat flow by Brett Howard. By including the Ball, you will find many opportunities to challenge yourself as you respond to various forms of tactile feedback.
What You'll Need: Mat, Triadball

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Hi. I'm Brett Howard. And today, we are gonna do matt with a ball. So today, I'm using the triad ball, but you don't have to use this ball. It can be any ball. It doesn't have to be exactly this size either.

It could be slightly smaller. I wouldn't go any bigger than this. So we're actually just gonna get right into it. I'm gonna have us start it seated, and you're gonna have your soles of the feet flat on the mat feet together, legs together in a good parallel position. Then from there, you're gonna bring the ball on top of the knees, and you don't have to sit exactly upright. You can be slightly curved here to start. Arms gonna stay nice and straight.

Our goal is to keep the feet nice and flat on the mat. And then you might find you need to bring them a little forward or a little bit further back as should go for the first 1 or 2 just to make sure that you're in a good position. Now you're gonna initiate with the tailbone. You're gonna roll backwards one vertebra at a time. The ball will roll.

Once you get to the lower back, you're gonna push down on the ball for 3. 21, you're gonna lead with the crown on the head and you're gonna roll up initiate from the tailbone tailbone under pubic bone up, curving back and then push for 3. Naval in. 1 and rolling back up. And, again, tailbone under say commander, lower back under. I'm gonna push down on the ball for 3, 2, 1, and rolling back up Let's go for 2 more roll downs, tailbone under, sacrum under, lower back under, press.

As I press, I'm pulling in through the navel. And we're gonna go for one more tailbone under, sacrum under, lower back under. This time, don't press. We're gonna go for a little bit of a hairy belafonte. Gonna curl down 2 inches then lead it with the crown of head come up 2 inches.

Go down a little lower, up a little higher, down a little, lower, up a little higher, down. And up a little higher, down a little lower, up a little higher, down a little lower, up a little higher, and then roll all the way down onto the mat. Once you're down there, I would suggest to bring the feet just a little further back. Now we're gonna do the same thing, but instead of going from down from up to down, we're gonna go from down to up. I'm gonna bring the ball onto my thighs.

Hands are gonna go onto the ball. Then I'm gonna initiate with my tailbone. A scenario, not with my devil, with the crown of my head, I'm gonna roll up as far as I can without moving the feet. Then from there, I'm gonna roll back down. Once again, Crown of the head initiates, and I'm gonna slowly roll up to where I can without moving my feet and then roll back down one vertebra at a time.

Once again, Crown of the head in the shade rolling up and then melt back down. Let's go for 2 more of these. Rolling up one vertebra at a time, then curl down bone by bone by bone. Last time, Crown of the head initiates, roll up, then hold there. Now we try to go 2 inches up, then lower 2 inches.

2 inches up, 2 inches down, 2 inches up, 2 inches down, up a little higher, down a little lower, up a little higher, down a little lower, up a little higher, and then we're gonna roll all the way down onto the mat. We're gonna take the ball, open the legs, parallel hip width, take the ball, place it in between the inner thighs right above the knee. Then you're going to squeeze the ball for 3, 2, 1, and release it. And, again, squeeze in 2, 3, and release it. Squeeze the ball for 3, 2, 3, and release twice more. And squeeze 2, 3, one more time, squeeze the ball for 3.

To 1 and release. Now a little bit of bridging. You might need to adjust the feet a little bit. You're gonna start with the tailbone. Curl up one vertebra at a time up to a bridge.

Then from there, softening at the sternum, melt down, one vertebra at a time, all the way down to the tailbone, making sure you're nice and released in the hips. And, again, tailbone initiates curling up one vertebra at a time, trying to get a nice opening to the front of the thighs and hips. Then from there, softening at the sternum, melt down one vertebra at a time all the way down onto the tailbone. And again, tailbone initiates rolling up one vertebra at a time. Nice and lifted.

Then from there, soften at the sternum and melt. Melt melt all the way down to the tail. Last time, curling up bone by bone. This time, you're gonna keep the lift of the hips. You're gonna inhale lift the arms up to the ceiling. Excel reach overhead and stretch to 3.

Arms are gonna go forward. Arms go down, maintaining the lift of the hips. Once again, inhale lift the arms up, exhale reach overhead in a stretch, 2, 3. Then arms go forward, and then arms go all the way down onto the mat one more time. Inhale. If the arms up, exhale reach overhead and stretch 2, 3, hold there. This time, you're gonna roll the head neck and shoulders up as you do that.

You're gonna roll the hips down, allowing the tailbone to go down, reach forward to the fingertips for 3, 2, 1. Talbon initiates rolling up. As we roll up, the head goes back, the arms go over the head. Then from there, roll down melt. It's like a seesaw. Once the tail is down, hold that position. You're gonna bring both knees into the chest maybe adjust the ball so it's a little lower in the legs. Extend the legs out to your working level.

Rotate the legs so they're externally rotated. Squeeze in on the ball. Curl a little higher than we have our 100 pump inhale and exhale 345 in with the air. NXL 345 inhaling. NXL 345 in with the air.

Excel 345 inhale. XL 345 more sets of breathing 2345 inhaling. An excel 345 in with the arrow, an excel 345 2 more sets, an excel 345 lasted a breathing, and exhale 3, 4, 5, knees in. Bring the feet down. Then from there, extend the legs out onto the mat.

I'm gonna have the ball go on to my abdomen. We're gonna go for a roll up as we roll up. We're just gonna roll the ball towards the feet. Chin initiates, rolling up, round forward and take a light stretch. Then from there, curl under, as you curl under and roll back You just roll the ball back onto the stomach.

And, again, chin to the chest. I'm gonna roll up one vertebra at a time, then reach forward and stretch. Then curl under bone by bone by bone. And bring the ball back onto the stomach. One more, chin to the chest, rolling up one vertebra at a time, and then reach, then roll back bone by bone all the way down.

Now extend the arms straight up to the ceiling. If this next one is a little, it's too difficult. You can go back to what we just did. You're gonna roll the head through the arms roll up one vertebra at a time, and you're gonna reach forward into a c curve, then tail one under. Roll down bone by bone all the way down.

Arms go overhead to where you can maintaining the integrity of the rib cage. Arms to the ceiling. Head goes through the arms, roll up one vertebra at a time, and reach forward c curve. Inhale, I have a light press in on the ball throughout the exercise. One more. You're gonna make sure that that press is nice and constant and then reach forward into a nice c curve.

Then roll down one vertebra at a time all the way down reaching the arms overhead. Great. Now you're gonna take the ball. You're gonna extend the left leg straight out on the mat and flex the foot. The ball is gonna go underneath the right leg, and the right foot was being nice and relaxed.

You're going to have 9 points of pressure hands, shoulders, head, stomach, hips, as well as your left leg pressing into the mat. Anchoring. Then from there, right leg is gonna go across down and up 1. Cross down and up 2. Cross down and up 3, then we reverse it down across Synup, 2 across Sinup, and down across and up.

Then from there, you can switch legs. So we're gonna bend the left leg. You're gonna hug down on the ball Then from there, go across the body, down and up 1, and across down and up 2. Cross to the right, circle down and up, reverse it straight down across right up and stop, down to a cross up and stop. One more time, 3, a cross up and stop.

Great. Now the next thing we're gonna do, we're gonna do without the ball just so you can learn the movement. Souls of the feet flat on the mat, feet together, knees together. You're gonna extend the right leg straight, knee to the knee. Try not to be above. Try not to be a below, but knee to the knee.

Then from there, imagine that your pelvis is on a double pan balance scale. Maintain the two even pans as the leg lowers maintain the equal weight as you circle out return to starting position. Lower down to the ankle, circle to where you can control it and starting position one more time inhaling exhale circle out back to starting position. Let's reverse it. Go out to where you can control down and come up. As I go out, I'm gonna really anchor through my left tip and one more time and go out, circle down, and go up. Soften the knee, bend the knee, then extend the left leg, knee to the knee, making sure the equal weight is on right and left sides of the body.

You're gonna lower down to the ankle. Circle to where you can control it and center down as I circle. I'm gonna try to keep the right leg very still. I don't want it to wobble, right, and left, and circle out. Center. Let's reverse it. Go out.

Down and go up. And again, out 2. Down one more time. Inhale, exhale, and go up, bend the knee. Now for a little bit of a challenge, we're gonna take the ball, and we're gonna bend the knee and bring the ball the ball right underneath the left foot. We're gonna do the same movement that we just did. Our goal here is to make sure that the ball does not wobble.

We're gonna keep the ball as still as possible. You're gonna extend the right leg up, then from there, lower the leg down, circle out, return to center, down to Keeping that ball nice and stable. And, again, down to the movement of the right leg does not change the stability of the ball. Let's reverse it. Go out down and come up. Out to keeping the ball still as possible.

And go up one more time out down and go up. Bend the knee. Let's switch to the other side. Then from there, you can extend that left leg. We're gonna keep the ball very still as you go down, round and up. So everything is stable except for that circling left leg, and that stability is gonna help keep that ball more still. Round and up. Let's reverse it out.

You might find that one side is easier to control than the other side and out down and come up one more time out down and go up. Then bend the knee. You're gonna extend the legs straight The heels are gonna be on the ball right in the middle, and we're gonna do one more single leg circle variation. Right leg will go to the ceiling, externally rotated. Left leg is parallel with the heel right in the center of the ball.

Then from there, same idea. The ball, it's gonna stay super stable as we go across down and up. Cross. The movement of the leg is as big as you can control. So if the ball moves, then you're moving too much.

Reverse. Down across and up 1. 2 really anchor down into the mat. 1 more across and up Then from there, lower the leg. You're gonna have to adjust the ball so it's centered. The heel is gonna be right in the middle, flex foot, then left leg up slightly rotated outward. Now same thing.

Cross down and come up one. Cross down and up 2 and across down and up 3. Reverse down across and center. 2 across and one more down across and center. Lower the leg down on the ball.

Both heels are gonna be onto the ball. Then we're gonna go back to our roll up 3 more times. Arms are gonna go to the ceiling. Gonna have to really think of pushing the lower back into the mat here for this to be successful. You're gonna bring the head through the arms.

Roll up one vertebra at a time, and then you're gonna reach forward into a c curve tailbone under. Roll down one vertebra at a time all the way down, then from there, arms go over to where you can control. Two more arms to ceiling. Head goes through the arms, roll up, and then reach forward into your c curve. Then curl under one vertebra at a time.

All the way down, then arms are gonna go over the head. Last time, arms to ceiling head goes through the arms. Roll up this time. You're gonna hold the opposition. You're gonna bring the ball back, and you're gonna hug it in between the calves and the thighs here.

You're gonna make a nice rounded shape. Where you hold is gonna be up to you. If this is too much, you can hold a little higher, which will make it a little bit easier. Now initiation is gonna be tailbone. You're gonna roll backwards Then come up. I'm gonna pull the heels into the ball.

And again, roll back. I'm gonna pull the calves into the ball nice and broad with the elbows. And come up. So we go up. We pull back through the rib cage and rock. The ribs are like the brakes of a car.

And again rock. So when you go up, you wanna make sure you don't get fresh one more time and then rock back and come up and balance 2, 3. Then from there, you're gonna take the ball. You're gonna extend your left leg out to a point of control. Right leg will be in nice and controlled. I call this the sexy Pilates transition.

You're gonna roll down to the base of the shoulder blades. The ball will be at a forward up diagonal, right leg in, single leg stretch, change left, change 2, 2, Little squeeze in on the ball throughout and 3 and 4. 4 more pool and pool. 2, and 33. One more time. 4 for both knees in, and then you're gonna rest the ball on your ankles.

Keep the ball in the hands, though. Double leg stretch for reach and go in and root pull. Reach 2. In in pool, reached your control, and in, and inhale, exhale 4 more as to do this, equal weight on pelvis and rib cage and stretch, exhale in. The distance between bottom ribs and hips stay the same throughout One more time out coming in 8.

Relax for 3. Relax 2. Relax 1. Both knees into the chest. You're gonna extend the right leg up to the ceiling, then extend the left leg out to 45 degrees, slight external rotation, stretch the arms.

Roll up 1, 2, 3 as high as you can go. Then from there, the right leg is gonna reach towards the ball, not the ball to the leg. And you're gonna beat beat beat beat for single straight leg stretch. 2 23333 44. 4 more.

11112222. Beep, beat, beat, 8888. Relax. Then take the ball, place it in between the heels, not the ankles, but the heels. So there's a little bit of instability there.

You're gonna flex the feet Imagine the feet are flat against a flat surface. Try not to let them go inward or outward just flat. Hands beyond the base of the head. You're gonna curl the head, neck, and shoulders up. If this is too much or if you have restrictions in the hamstrings, low back, or hip flexors, you can bring your hands underneath the hips.

I'll do four of each. So you're gonna zip around you lower 2, 3, lift to 90. And lower in course, our goal is to keep the ball still as possible and lower 2, 3, and lift 1 more. Lower 2, 3, easier said than done. Let's go for 4 more.

Lower 2, 3, lift to 90. Equal weight on pelvis and rib cage. Lift to 90. Don't let the distance change in between the bottom ribs and the hips. One more time, 8 to 3, lift to 90, bend the knees. Alright. So now the next one is a little tough, so I'm actually kind of dreading it right now.

You're gonna bring the ball against the thighs, feet together knees together. Then from there, you're gonna bring the hands behind the head, and then you're gonna bring both elbows against it. We're gonna go for a crisscross. We're gonna squeeze in for 3, 2, 1, then twist to the right. 2, 3, then center, 2, 3, to the left, 2, 3, and center to 3 and right, 2, 3, center, 2, 3, Left, 2, 3, center to 3 to the right to 33, 23, left to 3, center to 3, twist to 3 center.

Left now, go exactly right to the right. Then change to the left, and then to the right, then to the left, 2 more, to the right, and to the left, one more to the right and to the left and both knees in. Relax. We made it. Okay. Extend the legs out of the mat, place the ball onto the stomach again.

Then from there, roll up one vertebra at a time, and then round forward and stretch stretch stretch. Then I'm gonna flex the feet open to a v. The ball will go right in front. We're gonna go for spine stretch forward, nice and lifted through the back of the neck. Relaxed in the ribs. You're gonna bring the chin to the chest.

You're gonna roll forward one vertebra at a time and stretch. 2, 3. Roll up one vertebra at a time to nice, tall back. And again, nice and easy, rounding forward, and stretch. 2, 3, roll up one vertebra at a time to a tall back one last time, round forward, and then stretch 1, stretch 2. Stretch 3, then roll up one vertebra at a time to a nice, tall, straightlifted back. We're gonna elongate the feet, reach the ball out in front.

Then from there, you're gonna curl under tailbone. Sacrum. Lower back when the legs get light. Allow the legs to float up, take the ball, place it in between your ankles. Hold the back of the thighs.

We have our open leg rocker. Slides squeeze inward. You're gonna rock back. You're gonna roll up You're gonna balance as you pull back through the ribs. And again, rock 2 and up and balance 2 3. Let's go for 4 more rock and then come up in balance.

2. 3 more. Curl under. Come up, as you come up, pull back through those upper ribs to more back and come up in balance to 3, last time curl under and go up and balance, hold it there. Reach the arms forward. Balance there for 1.

Balance there for 2. I know I'm counting slow. Balance there for 3. Try to keep the legs there. Roll down one vertebra at a time and then bring both knees into the chest and relax. We're gonna take the ball, hug it, Underneath the knees, arms are gonna go down by the sides.

Then cork screw. You're gonna circle the legs right down. Left Center. Reverse Left. Down.

Right. Center. Right. Down. Left center. Just one more left down, right center, hold.

Bring the hands behind the base of your head and then keep the head rested down and we're gonna go for a mini tiktok. You're gonna bring the knees over to the right as the head turns to the left. Then from there, come back to center. Knees are gonna go to the left as the head turns to the right, then think sequentially. Rib cage lower back pelvis to return to center.

Knees to the right, head to the left. Sequential sequencing, rib cage lower back pelvis, knees to the left, head is gonna go to the right and then rib cage lower back pelvis. Now take the ball and you're going to bring the ball up to the skilling in between your hands again. Let's rotate the legs, squeeze in and the ball. Our goal here is to not move the arms, only the legs.

Circle right, down, left center. Reverse left, down, right center. One more right. Left center and circle left down, right center. Now for a little bit of fun, the legs are gonna go right. The arms are gonna go left down center.

Arms right. Legs left. And center again. And center arms, right, legs left. And center, bend both knees, extend the legs out on the mat. Then from there, roll up one vertebra at a time, Then from there, open the legs to a v again.

The sole, you're going to twist to the right. Then from there, left palm up, right palm down, and you're gonna reach 1 further 2, further 3, come back up to center as you unwind. Twist to the left. Rotate and reach 2. 3 and come back up to center.

Twist to the right. Rotate and reach. So the hand that you're the right hand is down, thus decide you're reaching to, and come back to center, then twist to the left, and then we're as we reach left, it's the left hand that's down. Further. Further, come back up to center. Alright. So today, I'm gonna lie on my stomach facing the same way.

We're gonna bring the ball onto the floor. If you're on a high mat, it'll be a little further extended, but this will work on a low mat as well. So you're going to lift the upper body up. It's lifted the body up. The ball will roll back a little bit and then lower down. Now I have my legs together today.

Roll up, but if that doesn't work for you, you can always open the legs, or you can have even an inward rotation. Whatever works best for your body and then lower the body all the way down. Let's go for 2 more. Lift that up or back up to where you can. Then from there, soften and melt.

Melt. Melt. One more. Lift the upper body up. 2, 3, then soften and melt. Melt.

Melt all the way down. Then from there, you're gonna rely briefly to the side, take the ball, hug it behind the knee again. Then lie on your stomach, one hand, on top of the other hand, and you can flex the foot. You're gonna pull into the ball, 2, 3, and release it, pull 2, 2, 2 release, pull into the ball, 2, 3 release. Equal weight on right off sides of the pelvis and release 1 more pull in to stay in and then lift your thigh up.

And lower the thigh down. Lift the thigh up, maintaining the equal weight right on the sides of the pelvis. Let's go for 3 more. 2. 3 and lower. And 2 more. 2 doesn't have to be high and lower.

Just make sure that the pelvis stays nice and square and lower. Alright. Let's take the ball. Bring it on the other side. Hug that ball. You're gonna flex that foot and squeeze in.

2, 3 release. In 2, 2, 2, in 3, 2, 3, 2 more. And in nice and relaxed in the shoulders and in the neck, one more. In To equate on right and left sides of the pelvis, lift the thigh, 2, 3, and lower, lift the thigh, 2, 2, 2, and lower. Lift 3, 23, and lower. Remember, it doesn't have to be high.

Maintain the integrity of the work and lower, less is more sometimes quality over quantity and lower Great. Now let's take the ball, place it to the side, and we're gonna go for the single leg kick and the double leg kick just normal. You're gonna pull in and up through the abdominals, fist down, elbows down, stomach up, ribs up, crown of the head up. You're gonna bend the right leg, kick, kick change, kick, kick, kick, 22, 2333. 3 only 3 more. 1111 keep the upper. Body still, kick, kick, kick, kick. Now the double leg, just how it is.

Right face cheek onto the mat. Think of the whole ear being on the mat, hands behind the upper back. Elbows broad, kick both legs 1, kick 2, kick 3, slide the arms down the back, lift, and lengthen. Langton, lengthen lower down left cheek onto the mat and kick 1, kick 2, kick 3, lift in lengthen. Lengthen lengthen 1 more set. Kick 1 inhaling.

2, 3 exhale and lift. Lift. Lift. Last time on the other side, kick 1 and a 2 and a 3 and a lift. Lift, lift, lower the body, then we're gonna go on to the hands and the knees, and we're gonna just round the back like an angry cat, then arch the back, head up tailbone up, rounding the back just to reset the spine. And then arch the back.

One more, head and tail go towards each other, and then arch the back head and tail go up towards the ceiling. Great. Now let's go for the neck pull. We're gonna take the ball, and you're gonna bring the ball on the mat high this time in between the inner thighs. You could also do this in between the ankles, but today, let's go in between the inner thighs. Hands are gonna go behind the base of the head, then from there.

You're going to roll down one vertebra at a time articulating down through the spine and then right from there. Chain of the chest. Roll up. Then from there, you're gonna round over the ball 1 over the ball, 2, over 3. Roll up to your spine.

Tall back. Now don't hinge it today. Just curl the tailbone under as the sternum softens. The chin drops and roll down bone by bone by bone. Good. And again, rolling up and then rounding forward over the ball 1, over 2, over 3. Roll up to the spine.

Then from there, hug inward into the ball with the inner thighs all the way down down, down, one more. Roll up, inhaling, exhale over 1 over 2 over 3. Inhale rolling up to your spine and then exhale soften and melt. Melt melt all the way down onto the mat and you can rest there. Great.

Let's lie on to the side. I'm gonna first start in this side, and you're gonna have one line from elbow to tailbone. Then from there, the feet are gonna be forward out of 45 degree angle. You're gonna take the ball and you're gonna squeeze the ball in between your inner thighs. Press down in the ball 123 and release it.

Press down 222 and release. 3, 2, 3, and release one more time, 4. 2, keep it down. Squeeze the ball with both legs. Lift both legs up. 2, 3, and lower.

Squeeze and lift both legs up. 2, 3 and lower. And, again, squeeze. Lift both legs up. 2, 3, and lower last time, squeeze with both legs up to 3 and lower.

Great. Just so we get some activity onto the chunk there. Then you're gonna take the ball, place it onto the mat, or onto the floor. I'm gonna bring it on the mat today. Now you're gonna push down on the ball Here again, we're gonna try to stabilize the ball. So don't want the ball to really rock around.

You're gonna lift the leg up, hip height, the front and the back. You're gonna kick front front back back. So I want the ball to keep its form throughout the exercise. Kick kick. So I don't want any more pressure on the ball or any less pressure on the ball. And back back. Let's go for 4 more. Kick, kick, back, back to 2. So only thing that's moving is the swinging leg. Kick, kick, back back one more kick, kick, and back back. Great.

Now you could do this with the next two exercises, but if you want a little bit more of a challenge, you're gonna take the ball and you're gonna bring it underneath the shin bone. Here again, you don't want the ball to move. Then from there, you're gonna press down on the ball lightly, and you're gonna bring the leg up. And lower the butt leg down. And again, bring it up 2 and lower 2.

Try not to move that ball. And lower down. Let's go for 2 more up and lower down, and let's go for 1 more and lower all the way down. Now here, We're gonna take it a little slower than normal to help stabilize the ball. Oops. I'm already moving it.

Circle 1. Circle 2. Circle 3, circle 4, circle 5, reverse. So what I do is I really pull in and up through my abdominals to help stabilize the movement of the ball. There we go. Alright. Let's go to the other side.

So I'm gonna sit up then from there. Let's just move this to the other side. Oops. Got caught there. And then we're gonna first take the ball, bring it in between the inner thighs. Then from there, you're going to press down on the ball to 3 and release it.

Press 2. 2 to release. Press 3 to 3 and release. 1 more down. 2, 3. Now keep that. You're gonna squeeze the ball if both legs up and both legs lower.

Both legs lift 2. And lower 2. Both Lakes lift 3 and lower 3. Both Lakes lift 4. And lower 4. Take the ball onto the mat and then stabilize it, lift the top leg up, and kick front front.

Back back. Try not to move the torso. Try not to move the ball. 4 4. 4 more.

Kick kick back back to 2 constant pressure on the ball throughout 2 more and back kick, kick, and back try to do the same that you did on the other side. So I'm gonna bring the ball underneath My leg, then from there, I'm gonna rotate the leg, kick it up, resist it down. Kick it up to really stabilizing the ball, pulling my abdominals up in an opposition to help do that 2 more. Pull up and one more and kick up and down now small circles. Circle 12 same thing. You might feel one side is easier to control than the other side. Reverse it 5 and 4 and 3 and 2. And 1.

Great. We're gonna go for the teaser. So we're gonna start the initial direction we are facing. You're gonna lie down, then you're gonna bring the arms overhead, extend the legs to where you can. Now roll up to your spine then from there. Lower the legs.

Lift the legs. Arms up. Everything goes down. And now everything goes up, and we're going to now lift the arms roll the upper body down. So we're combining all three teasers together. Teaser 1.

Now lower the legs. Teaser 2. Then everything goes down. Teaser 3. Everything goes up.

Now we have to finish teaser 1. Roll down. Let's go for one more. Tees are one up. T's are 2. Lower the legs. Lift. T's are 3.

Everything goes down. And everything goes up. And let's finish arms up and roll all the way down, down, down, knees into the chest and relax. Alright. Let's have you sit up. You're gonna face side.

One leg will be straight. The other leg will be bent. So I have my right leg straight. I'm gonna take the ball with my right hand, bringing it on to my center. Then the left arm is gonna go up.

I'm gonna bend into the leg as I push into the ball to 3 and center. I'm gonna press into the ball as I bend over to 3. And center. One more. I'm gonna press into the ball. 2, 3.

Alright. Let's go to the other side. So we're gonna take the ball, place it down, then the other arm to ear, and it's gonna go over and stretch, stretch, stretch. And go up. As I go over, I'm really thinking of anchoring my right hip down and go up. So I don't want it to lift as I move away from it and stretch stretch stretch. And go up. Alright.

Let's switch legs. So left leg goes to the side, bend the right leg. Then with the left hand, bring the ball, on your stomach. Arm goes to the ear. Push it into the ball. It should bend over to 3 and go up. Push into the ball.

She bend over 2, 3, end up one more. Bend over and stretch stretch stretch and go up. Alright. Now let's switch sides. We're gonna place the ball down, other arm to ear. You're gonna reach out to 3 and go up and reach to anchoring that opposite side down.

And one more, even though I'm reaching away from the hip, I'm pulling down with the hip. And go up. Great. Now since we're here, let's bring the soles feet flat together. So my feet are lower than my hips right now. They don't have to be though.

I call this one the satellite. The body stays still. With the right hand, bring the ball behind you. Your goal here is to not move the body not to bend the elbows, and you're gonna stretch opening the chest, then bring the ball around, and then you're gonna catch then take the ball, bring it behind you. Now catch it with both.

Alright. I'm gonna turn the other way so you get another view. We're gonna sit same position And then I'm gonna take the ball with the right hand, bring it behind. I'm gonna try not to bend the arms as I grab hold and stretch Then the left is gonna bring it front. Then the left is gonna go back. I'm gonna grab hold and stretch. And with the right, bring it front.

One more set. Right hand goes back. Grab hold and stretch 2, 3. Around. Last time. Left goes back. Grab with both hands and stretch to 3.

Right goes forward and center. One more exercise for today. You're gonna take the ball. This is gonna be different for everybody. You're gonna bring it behind your back, and you want to be able to just drape over the ball so you're nice and relaxed here.

So it might be a little higher than mine is. It might be a little bit lower. You want the neck to be relaxed and you just want to be in a very restful position here. Then from there, you're gonna lift the arms up to the ceiling. I'm gonna reach the arms overhead and stretch to 3. Arms go forward and arms go down.

Once again, inhale. And here I'm focusing on the release, but I also don't want the ball to wobble right left as I'm doing this. And lift, but as I go overhead, yes, there will be a little more pressure on the ball. Then circle the arms side and return to starting position. Let's go for 1 more in hill lift. And exhale reach 23 inhale circle, exhale down. Let's reverse it and around and reach 23 arms forward and down one more time around.

And reach over and stretch to 3 arms forward and down. Now lift the arms to the ceiling. Try to roll the head neck and shoulders up. Hold it there, then continue up. And that's all we have time for for today.

But I hope you guys enjoyed working with the ball. Gives you a different type of feedback, and I'll see you next time.


2 people like this.
Like it 💝 a lot
Melissa C
2 people like this.
I was so excited to see a new mat class with Brett and this one didn't disappoint! Creative and challenging. A great class to start my week!
Gemma C
1 person likes this.
loved it!!
1 person likes this.
Challenging! Excellent. 
Cheryl Z
Really felt that criss cross. Thank you , enjoy all the mat classes
Valeriia T
Thank you! Loved it!
1 person likes this.
I’m always so happy to see you back here Brett. Thank you. Your classes never disappoint. This was wonderful.
1 person likes this.
Love. Great transitions very creative with ball. I thought I’ve seen all exercises with ball these were some new ones; one caveat, not for beginners or is this just me?
Heather B
1 person likes this.
Absolutely love this Brett!! It's always such a treat to have you on PA!! Would love to see more of your classes!
1 person likes this.
This was a terrific class. Love the abdominal work w/the ball. Not sure I would classify this as a beginner class though. Have you ever considered a class with light weights Brett? I would really appreciate that .
1-10 of 25

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