Class #5506

Classic Intermediate Mat

50 min - Class


Brett Howard guides you through this intermediate Mat class filled with classic foundational Pilates exercises. This flow also contains exercises to help you prepare for more advanced exercises like the Teaser. With the optional assistance of a Towel, get ready to build a deep connection in your core and fortify your Pilates technique!
What You'll Need: Mat, Towel

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Hi. I'm Brett Howard, and today, we're gonna do a math class. I'm very happy to have these group of ladies because they have been a part of my Claudis anytime journey over these years. So it's really nice to have the 4 of them here with me today. And, What we might do, there'll be a few exercises. If you want a towel, I find this is helpful for exercises like roll up, rolling like a ball, open like rocker, teaser, sometimes nice to be able to put that behind the lower back. And when you roll up or roll into it, It's just nice to give a little bit of pressure into it.

It just gives a little push to help you up. So feel free at home to use this as well. So, gang, let's start in the hands of the knees. I always say for you guys at home, if there's an exercise that you don't feel comfortable doing, by all means, don't do it. Protect your body. Same with you ladies. Now, round the back like an angry cat, dropping the head, dropping the tailbone, then arch the back.

Head up, tailbone up. And, again, rounding the back 2 and arching the back 2 and rounding the back 3 and arching the back 3. Let's go for 1 more inhale round the back and exhale arch the back. Now I want you to sit halfway back. We're gonna do the same thing round the back, like an angry cat Then arch the back head up tailbone up. And again, rounding the back, dropping the head, dropping the tail, and then arch the back head up tailbone up.

Let's go for 2 more curling. So when you guys are doing this at home, don't hyper extend the elbows and then arch one more time, rounding the back, and arch the back. If the knees are healthy, sit on the heels, stretching out child's pose. Then from there, what you're gonna do is take an inhale and an exhale, exhale Excel. Stay in the position. Walk your hands over to the right of your mat just to take a little side stretch there.

Take a deep breath in, and a big exhale, then walk to center to then walk to the other side stretching out the other lengthening, taking a deep breath in, and a big exhale, exhale Excel. Now if the knees are walk center, if the knees are healthy, keep the sits bones connected to the heels, roll up to your spine one vertebra at a time. Otherwise, you can come up to a high kneeling position. Alright. Let's have you guys sit on your bottom. The sole is in the feet flat on the mat. And legs are gonna be parallel, hip width, thumbs with fingers.

You're gonna hold on to the back of your thighs, nice broad elbows. Now tailbone under pubic bone up, roll down as the head folds forward. Only go as far as you can without the hands moving. Then once the arms are at a full extension, round forward, bring your nose towards the knees. Then from there, roll your spine tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck head. Let's repeat that.

Tailbone under, pubic bone up. Curl the tailbone under. Sacrum under, lower back to under, when the arms get to full extension, you're gonna hold there, round forward, bring nose to the knees. But this time, don't roll up to hold around a position. Now same thing to slightly different dynamic, tailbone under, sacrum under, lower back under, Then slightly quicker, come up, bring nose to the knees.

And again, curl under tailbone, sacrum, lower back, and then come quick up, nose to knees hold that position. Now walk the hands down to the bottom of your thighs. We're gonna do the same thing, but now we have a greater range of motion, curl the tailbone under, sacrum under, lower back under, maybe the middle back under. Then from there, come quick up, nose towards the knees. One more time, and tailbone under.

Sacram under, lower back under, and hold there, reach the arms forward for 3. Hold it there too. Hold at their one roll all the way down on the mat and relax. Great. I want you to stretch the legs out to a v. Yes. The width of your mat, then you're going to reach the arms over the head lengthen and stretch stretch stretch.

I want you to take the left hand with the left wrist with the right hand. Then from there, you're gonna bend over to the right as far as you can. When you can't go more, hold there take your left leg, cross it over the right leg, and take a nice stretch, equal weight on both sides of the pelvis, nice and relaxed in the ribs, then you can uncross the foot, then center the body. Then from there, switch, grab the other wrist, and bending over to the left. Nice upper back bend there.

Then from there, you're gonna take the right leg across it So then you have a nice crescent shape with the body, finding that length. Then from there, uncross the foot, center the body. Let's repeat that. Grab ahold of the left wrist. Then from there, Ben, as far over to the side as you can, from above the waistline. Yes.

Then take that left leg. Cross it over. Find the opposition of hand and heel. Reaching away from each other, then you're gonna uncross center the body. Last time, grab the other risk. Ben as far over to the left as you can from above the waist, then take that right leg, cross it over, stretch find that length of hand and heel reaching away from each other, then uncross.

Then from there, center of the body, and then you can let the arms rest down by your sides. Let's bring the soles of the feet flat on the mat, legs parallel, hip width distance. Then from there, you're gonna start with the tailbone. You're gonna roll up to your spine. Tailbone all the way up to the base of the shoulder blades.

Then from there, soften at the sternum and melt down one vertebra at a time all the way down to the tailbone. Yes. And, again, tailbone in his shapes, rolling up, trying to really spread the feet like pancakes on a skillet. Then from there, soften at the sternum and melt. Melt. Melt all the way down to the tail. Let's go once again.

Tail bone initiates rolling up. This time when the arms to a full, when the hips are all the way up, you're gonna lift the arms up. You're gonna reach the arms overhead and stretch stretch stretch. Then from there, arms go forward and the arms go down onto the mat. Let's repeat that. Inhale.

If the arms up, reach overhead and lengthen length and lengthen. Arms go forward inhale and exhale arms go down. Once again, lift the arms up and reach overhead and stretch, stretch, stretch now like a seesaw. Gonna roll the head neck and shoulders up as you roll the hips down and you're gonna reach forward through the fingertips while you're reaching forward there. Stay nice and released in those hip flexors. Then Hips lift as the hips lift, head, neck, and shoulders go back, arms go over the head, lengthen and reach through the fingertips, then from there, Roll down as you roll down roll the head neck and shoulders up, allowing the tailbone to go down, bring both knees into the chest, Then from there, zip it through the abdominals, extend the legs to your working level. We have our 100 pump.

Inhale 345x excel 345 inhaling, and excel 345 inhale 345XL 345 in with the air. And excel 3455. And excel 3, 4, 5 more. Inhale 3, 4, 5, XL 3, 4, 5, 2. An excel 3 45, 3 more sets, an excel 3, 4, 52 more, an excel 3, 4, 5, 1 more set.

And exhale 3, 4, 5 knees into the chest. Relax down. Bring the soles of feet flat on the mat. Feet together knees together. Arms straight up to the ceiling. I call this the good morning roll up because this is the morning I do.

This is the morning I do. This is the roll up I do in the morning. You're gonna roll up. As you roll up, you're gonna stretch the legs straight along the mat. Yes. And reach beautiful teaser.

And then roll down one bird of bread at a time, drag the feed in as you roll down. And it's sometimes hard to do on the mat there. It's easier with socks. Now roll up. As you roll up, stretch those legs along the mat, and reach, reach, reach. Good. Then from there, roll down it, roll down and bend the knees and slide the feet in.

We're gonna go for 1 more. Roll up, as you roll up, stretch those legs, simultaneous action of upper and lower body half. Then roll down simultaneously, bend the knees as you curl under dragging those feet in. And then we're gonna go 3 more roll ups, but with straight legs. Extend the legs. If this doesn't work for you, you can always go back to the good morning roll up.

Chin of the chest inhale rounding up. And exhale. Hands forward, stomach back. Inhale. Roll down tail, but under sacrum under the lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, and head. Go for 2 more chin to the chest inhale round up and XLC curve, hands forward, stomach back. And roll down one vertebra at a time.

And all the way down, down, down, one more to the chest inhale rounding up Exhale, hands forward, stomach back, nice c curve, and then tailbone under rolling down tailbone under sacrum, lower back, middle, back, upper back, neck, and head down. Great. Let's bring the soles of the feet, flat on the mat, feet together, knees together, and then you're gonna rest the arms down by the sides. You're gonna lift the right leg up knee to the knee. Mhmm. Yep. And exactly.

Then from there, you're gonna lower the leg down to the ankle. Then from there, you're gonna make a half circle to return to knee level. And, again, down to and circle around in a center. Yes. Down 3. Round and center. Let's reverse.

Go out. Down and up. Now when we do this exercise, I wanna see a rated g pelvis, not rated r. And dare I say x, and out, down and up, then bend the knee. Let's switch legs. Extend that Left leg, lower down as you open, keep it decent. And again, lower down too.

Circle around in a center. One more. Down 3. Around and center. Let's reverse it. Go out. Down and up and 2 down and 1 more and inhale and exhale up. Bend the knee, then stretch the legs out onto the mat.

Flicks both feet. Right foot. So at home, the temptation is when I say bend the knee into the chest, you're gonna wanna grab the leg, but don't grab the leg. So flex the feet. Now bend the right, bend the right leg slide the foot in, then bring the knee into the chest, extend the leg up, flex the foot, lower the leg all the way down, down, down, left foot points, slide the foot in, knee into the chest, extend the leg up, flex the foot, and lower reach, reach, reach, Once again, right foot point, slide the foot in. Me in. Extend the leg up.

Flex the foot and lower in a shoe reach forward. Left foot point, slide the foot in, knee and extend the leg up, flex the foot, and lower reach, reach, reach, 1 more right foot point, slide the foot in, knee in, extend the leg up and hold the up. Now keep the foot long, turn the leg out, and then 3 single leg circles crossing up and stop. Cross up and stop, and inhale exhale stop reverse, little out, a lot of cross up, and to cross and up 3, crossing up. Then from there, parallel the leg.

Flicks the foot. You're fine. Lower the leg all the way down, down, down, Then left foot point, slide the foot in. Me and extend the leg up. Now hold there. Rotate the leg.

Single leg circle. Go across and up one. Crossing up 2 and crossing up 3. Let's reverse it a little out. A lot across. And 2 and across and 3 and across now. Parallel of a leg flexed foot lower the leg all the way down, down, down.

Now you can take that right leg, bend it in, take a nice pull of that leg, 2, 3. You're gonna extend the right leg straight up to the ceiling. You're gonna walk up the leg towards your ankle. Then from there, I call this the fondue. You're going to flex both feet as you bend both knees. Uh-huh. And then extend the legs and point and bend the knees and flex and extend in a point One more time, bevoneys and a flex, and extend in a point.

Now hold there wherever you're holding on the leg. Keep that. Just relax down. If you go to the mat, you do. If you don't, you don't. Then bend the knee into the chest, give yourself a good pull.

Great. Let's change legs. Left leg goes in, give yourself a nice pull there, leasing in the hip, then from there, extend the leg up. Walking up towards your ankle. It doesn't have to be on the ankle. You're gonna flex and bend the knees.

Extend in a point. Flex in a bend. An extended points of fondue means to melt in French. Think of melting and point, and then relax down, bend the knee, and give yourself a nice pull in word. Then from there, either a roll up or a good morning roll up. You're going to roll up through your spine for 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Great. Scoop your bottom forward towards your heels, and we're gonna go for rolling like a ball.

So I always like to give options here. You can hold either behind the thighs, right below the knee on the shins or on the ankles, whichever one feels best for you, whichever one you feel like you're gonna be able to control and not get fresh. So you're going to roll back. And roll up. Nice. Roll back 2 and roll up 2 and rolling 3.

And come up 3 and hold it there. We're gonna need to go for 3 more. Imagine there it's a Tempur Pedic mattress behind you. Just fall and melt into it be soft as you can. Soft as you go back.

And then on when you come up even softer, softer on the way up, and melt into the mattress and fall into it more on the way up one more time. Nice and soft body. And soft as you come up. Excellent. Now right hand will stay where it is. Left hand will go on to the right knee, then extend the left leg out to your level of control.

This is the sexy Pilates transition. Slow and controlled. Raw down. If you're fast and quick, it's not so sexy, then once you're down, single leg stretch, pull the right leg and change left. Change 2. Change 2.

Pool change pool and 4 more times. Pool and pool and 2. And 2 and pool. Pool 1 more pool and pool. Bemenese and rest for 3.

21. We're gonna go for the double leg stretch. Roll the head neck and shoulders up. Then from there, arms and legs reach forward. Then bend the knees in and give yourself a good pool. Arms and legs reach forward and bending in pool.

Arms for arms back to legs forward and come in in Pobano Circle yet. And, again, arms back and then come back and now add the circle in. Reach and circling in pool. And reach and heal. And excel circling in. Let's go for 2 more inhaling and excel in last time.

Inhale out. And exhale in and rest your head for 3. 21. I'm being so generous today. Roll the head neck and shoulders up. Then from there, right leg up to the ceiling, left leg out 45 degrees, single straight leg. Again, pull pool, scissors, pull pool, 22, and 22. Pull pool, and pull pool. 44 more times.

Pool pool and pool pool. Nice and broad through the elbows. Pull pull and pull pull. One more pull. Pull and pull pull. Knees in. And, yes, rest for 3.

Rest to rest tool. And now you're gonna get a little extra rest rest while I explain this. So you can either, for the next one, have the hands underneath the hip or behind the base of the head. If you find that you're really gripping in your hip flexors, tied in the hamstrings, maybe a little bit of discomfort in the lower back, I would suggest bring the hands underneath the hips, your choice. So take a position that you would like, and then you're gonna roll the head neck and shoulders up. Both legs are gonna go straight up to the ceiling. It could be either there or there doesn't matter. Now lower the legs for 3 to 1 lift to 90. And lower to 3 lift to 90 and 3 to 3 lift and lower to 3 lift Let's go for 4 more, lower to 3 lift. And zipper, zipper, zipper, up.

2 more, lower to 3, up one more and lower 2, 3 up, knees in, and relax. Then from there, hands behind the base of the head, The crisscross. Curl the head neck and shoulders up. Twist right as you extend the left leg and hold for 3. To one change hold to 3 change to to 2 change to 2 more to 3, change to.

Last time and twist to 3, but now we have to do 4 quick time. Change 1, change 1, change 2, change 2, 3, change 3, change 4, change 4, knees in, and relax. 2, 3. Then from there, either a roll up or a good morning roll up or a towel roll up. It could be either roll up for your spine. One vertebra at a time.

Good. And we're gonna go for the actually, come over for a second and just rest two. 3. Now roll up to your spine, and we're gonna go for the spine stretch forward. So you're gonna open the legs to a v. Let's flex the feet, reach the arms straight out in front of your shoulder with shoulder height, then engage the glutes, lift the spine round up an over big imaginary beach ball, hands forward, stomach back, heels forward, balls of feedback, then roll up to your spine, tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck head. Lift up a wall, go over that ball, and reach, find the opposition, then roll to your spine one vertebra at a time to nice tall straight back one more.

Inhale up, exhale over and exhale, exhale, exhale, Exhale, inhale, roll up to your spine to a nice, tall back. You're gonna point the feet, round the back, and wrap the arms around the waist. Then from there, you're gonna curl under like you're doing short box and reformer one vertebra at a time to the lower back. Then from there, lead with the crown of the head and go forward. Let's repeat that. There's a low ceiling above you as you roll back Don't touch the head on the ceiling, even the pony, and then rounding forward.

Or the button and rolling back one life's not fair. And then rounding forward, Then from there, bring the legs together, rest forward over the legs, and take a deep breath in and a big exhale, exhale, exhale. One more breath. Breathing in and breathing out out. Out. Great. Let's go for the open leg rocker. So for the open leg rocker, once again, options.

Option 1 If you want to challenge yourself more, you can extend the legs for rotate option 2, option 3 anywhere from here. Towards the ankles, find a position of control again. Alright. Let's take the position. Any position is fine. Then from there, rock back and come up and stick it 2, 3.

Rock back, as you come up, pull back through the rib cage. Those are the brakes of the car. And again, rock back. And then upper ribs back to stop the movement. 3 more. Melt and melt. We think of that Tempur Pedic mattress again twice more.

Melt and melt. Let's go for 1 more rock back and roll up find the balance and hold it there. Now slight curve of the lower back, bring those inner thighs together, reach the arms forward, and hold it there one. You can do it Grasshopper. Hold it there too. That's it.

Hold it there. 3. Roll down the knees in, hug the legs. You're welcome. 2. 3.

Then from there, you're gonna bring the soles of the feet flat onto the mat feet together, knees together. Alright. I call this the Charlie's angels. You're gonna reach the arms up, clasp the hands, extend the index fingers. Then you're gonna reach past that right knee to 3 and lower down and then to the left. 2, 3 and lower down.

And to the right. I know lady cops over here to 3 and lower down and to the left, to 3 and lower. I'm always trying to get out of range of my clients and go up to 3 and lower. And last time to the left. 2, 3, and lower. Great guys. Now what you do is bring the hands behind the base of the head. Then from there, you're gonna bring your knees to the right. As the knees go to the right, the head is gonna turn to the left for mini TikTok.

Then sequentially put on rib cage, lower back pelvis to return. Then knees to the left head is gonna go to the right. And then pull down ribs, lower back pelvis to return. Knees to the right. Head is gonna go to the left.

And then pull down rib cage lower back pelvis and knees to the left, head to the right, and pull down ribs lower back pelvis. Let's go for one more set. Knees right, head to the left, and pull down rib cage lower back than pelvis last time. Knees left head to the right and pull down rib cage lower back pelvis. Pork screw. You can have either hands underneath the hip or arms down by the sides, both knees are gonna go into the chest.

Then both legs up to 90 degrees. Plotte stands, circle the legs right down, left, center, and left down, right center hold. Make sure I'm not seeing MA 17. Now right down, left and center, and left. Down.

Right. That's better. And right down. Left and center and left. Down. Right. Center. Good. Bring the knees into the chest.

And we're gonna do either regular or good morning roll up. And you're gonna roll up to your spine, one vertebra at a time. Beautiful, everybody. Great. Let's go for the saw. So if you feel like you need a stagger, you can. Then from there, you're going to point the feet to start.

You're gonna reach the arms out to the sides. You're gonna bring the right arm to ear. Then bend over to the left. And, sorry, directly over to the left. Sorry. And stretch. That's it. 2, 3 and come back up.

Then let's switch. Go over to the other side. As you go over there, really anchor that left hip down. Yes. And come back up.

And again, go over to the side. To anchoring that right hip and come back to center and last time go over to the other side. Lengthen lengthen and come back to center. Now flex the feet, open the arms side, the sole. Twist to the right, then drop saw and reach further still anchoring that left tip and come back up to center. Twist to the left.

Drop saw and reach 2, 3, and come up to center. Twist right, drop saw and of reach. 2, 3, up to center, last time, twist to the left, drops all, and reach reach reach, come up to center, then from there, two pillows in front of you, just rest your torso on those. Imaginary pillows, nice and easy, take a deep breath in, and a big exhale. XL Excel.

One more breath. Breathing. And breathing out. Out. Out, roll up to your spine, turn around, lie onto your stomach. Let's face you either, let's face you away. Yeah. Mhmm.

Then from there, what you're gonna do is bring the hands to the outside of the mat, and you're gonna elevate the hands an inch in the air. Now legs can be anywhere. They can be together. They can be separated. They can even be toes together heels apart in inward rotation, your choice.

Now you're gonna, without using the hands, lift the upper body up, then lower the body back down. And, again, lifting the upper body up to and lower the body to and lift the body up 3. Now bring the hands down on the floor. Continue to rise and go to where you like to. Everyone will be slightly different.

Then from there, lower the body when you feel like you can take the hands off and control the descent the rest of the way down. Let's repeat that. Lifting the upper body up. And then hands go down, rise up to where you can. Then from there, stay lifted, turn look right. Circle the head down to the left and front. Reverse left. Circle down and right and front.

Repeat right and down. And left and front and left circle down to the right and front, lower the body down. Take the hands off when you can. Then from there, go back into your child's pose position, stretching up the back. 2, 3. Then from there, you're gonna go on your stomach once again and you're gonna bring your forehead onto your left hand.

Then from there, you're gonna bend the right leg. Gonna reach back with the right hand and reach for the foot. And then equal weight on both sides of the pelvis inhaling and exhale. Exhale Exhale. Once again, breathe in and breathing out out.

Out. Let's switch sides. Grab a hold of the other. And take a deep breath in and a big exhale, exhale, exhale. And again, breathe in and breathing out. Out. Out. You can let that go.

Make a swing's position, fist down, elbows down stomach up, ribs up, crown of the head up, single leg kick, right leg kicks twice, kick, kick, again, kick, kick. 2222 type seat, loose feet, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, and kick 5 more. Kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, 22, and 22, kick, kick, and kick, kick, kick in here that happened to me earlier. And exhale and tail and then lower down, bring the right face cheek onto the mat. Hands are gonna go behind the shoulder blades. Alright. And let's bring that other right cheek onto the mat there.

That's okay. Now kick three times. Kick 1, kick 2, kick 3, slide the arms down the back, lift and lengthen lengthen lengthen, lengthen lower down left cheek, and kick 1, kick 2, Kick 3, slide the arms down the back, lift, and lengthen. And for today, let's bring this feed all the way down for today. And then lower down right sheet. Kick 1. And a lift.

Lift. Lift last time and kick 1 and a 2 and a 3 and a lift. Lift. Lift, lower the body, then from there, counter stretch, child's pose. Alright.

Then roll up to your spine 1 vertebraided time all the way up. Then from there, you're gonna turn the face into the center once again. Then you're gonna have the legs parallel hip width distance. Let's do this one with you ladies today. So your hands are gonna go behind the base of the head.

Then from there, you're gonna squeeze your bottom, lift hinge back hold. Then from there, kralender tailbone, lower back hold, then round forward nose to the knees. Then roll up to your spine to a nice tall back. And again, lift hinge back. Then from there, curl under tailbone.

Sacrum, lower back, rounding forward, then roll up here. Spine to a nice tall back. Reverse. Go forward. Nose towards knees.

Now stay rounded. Colender tailbone. Sacrum, lower back. Now on a back diagonal, roll 1 vertebra at a time to a nice long diagonal, and then come back up. One more. Around forward, then curl under tailbone.

Sacrum, lower back on that back diagonal. We roll long. Unrolling to that nice flat, lifted spine, squeeze the bottom more, energy through the heels more, and come back up. Great. Now lie down on your back.

Then from there, you're gonna bring soles of feet flat on the mat. Blake's parallel hip width distance. Then starting with the tailbone rolling up to a bridge again. We're gonna do a few of these then soften at the sternum and melt. Melt, melt all the way to the tail.

And again, rolling the hips up. And soften and melt. Melt. Melt all the way down. One more.

Rolling the hips up, up, up, then from there, brush the right leg forward, kick it up, and flex and lower all the way down. Point kick up and flex in lower, one more point in kick up, flex lower brush the foot in. Then we go to the other side. Brush forward and up. And flex and lower.

Point up and flex and lower. Point up flex lower brushing in then from there. Right knee into the chest, right leg up, reach out as low as it can go, and then brush in knee into the chest and up again. And reach out and brush in and up one more time. Reach and brush in and up.

We want reverse to today. Just bend the knee. Bring your foot down. Now let's switch. Left leg in. Left leg up and reach out.

Brush and come in. Up reach brush in and up one more time. Reach. Brush in and up. Bend the knee. Bring your foot down. Melt one vertebra at a time all the way down. Okay.

Let's fly on the side. I'm not sure which side. Let's go towards me. And then we're gonna go for this side kicks. So you're gonna have one line from elbow to tailbone.

You can prop your head up onto your hand. You're gonna bring your feet forward at a forty five degree angle. Then lift the top leg up, then from there, lift the bottom leg to join it and beat 54321, lower, lower, lift, Lyft, then 54321. Lower, lower lift, lift, then 109876 54321 Lower hold. Now kick front front.

Back back. Too too. Here comes trouble. And kick, kick, back back, kick, kick, back back, kick, kick, again, 5 more, kick, kick, again, back back to 2, and back back. Kick kick back back to more. Back back. One more kick. Kick again.

Back back. Then from there, leg on top of leg. Bring the toe to the knee, knee to the shoulder, extend the leg up, resisted down, develop pain, toe to knee, Need a shoulder, extend resisted down. One more toe to knee. Need a shoulder. Extend resist reverse at envelope, kick it up, bend the knee, toe to knee, and down, and up, bend the knee, toe to knee, one more, and up. Bend the knee, toe to knee now just the up and the down.

Kick it up, resisting elongate, up 2, and reach it 3, and elongate 2 more up, and reach one more time up and reach, reach, reach. Okay. Other side, you can either face me and flip. That's the consensus like? Alright. Yeah. It's perfectly fine with me. Now, what you're gonna do is you're gonna bring your feet forward. Then from there, you're gonna lift the leg up and then lift the other leg to it and clap 54321.

Lower lower. Lift. Lift. Then clap 2, 3, 4, 5. Lower, lower. Lift. Lift, then a 109876. 54321 lower, but keep the other leg up and kick front front back back to 2. Back back. Nice swing of the leg, but control. The torso kick kick.

5 more kick kick in a back back to 2. And elongate 33 and a stretched Two more. Back back, one more kick, kick, back back leg on top of leg, develop pain, toe to knee, knee to shoulder, extend, resisted down, toe to knee, need a shoulder, extend, resist, toe to knee, need a shoulder, extend, resist reverse, kick it up, bend the knee, toe to knee stretch it down, up, bend the knee, toe to knee stretch one more. Kick it up, bend the knee, toe to knee, stretch it the up and the down, and kick it up, resist it down, kick up, as resist down, reach, and kick up. And reaching length and length and length and 2 more up and pull the leg out of the hip one more time up and resist resist resist. Great. Onto your back facing in shake and bake, shake out the legs. Alright. So On your other back.

So what we're gonna do is we're gonna do the, I call this one the modified teaser. So you're gonna bring both knees into the chest. Then from there, you're gonna have hands forward, shin forward, reach, reach, reach, then both legs straight up to the ceiling. Then from there, grab the back of the thighs, drop the feet, bend the knees, rock up to a rounded shape. Now maintain that c curve, extend the legs and hold to 3.

Reach the arms forward to 3, then roll down to 3, bending the knees into the chest and relax. And again, hands forward, chin forward, reach, reach, reach, Both legs straight to the ceiling. Hold the back of the thighs. Now simultaneously, bend the knees drop the feet as you roll up. Good. Keep the c curve, is to extend the legs, then reach the arms forward, maintaining the c curve for 3, and 2, and 1, and then rolling down bending the knees in.

One more. Hands forward. Then from there, legs up, hold the back of the thighs, drop the feet, bend the knees, rock up to round its shape. Now maintain the rounded shape pubic bone in and up extend the legs. Keep the pubic bone lifted.

Reach the arms. 2. 3, roll all the way down, knees into the chest, hug the legs, 2, And 3. Good. Now flip over onto your stomach. Let's go for some swimming.

Everyone's moving so quick. They're like, I'm gonna move quick so he doesn't make me do another teaser. As quick as I've seen you move all day. Now lift the upper body up and then lift the right arm up, left leg up, and swim. Swim, 2, 3, 4, 5, exhale, 3, 4, 5 inhaling. And XL 345, 1 more set. And XL 345, lower the body all the way down, counter stretch child's pose.

Then from there, go, curl the toes under, then you're going to bring the hands, push down, and you're gonna stretch the leg straight. Good. Then from there, you're going to pedal the feet. So you're going to stretch 1 and 1. And 2 is a noisy bunch including me.

And 3 and 3, 2 more. 4 and 4 and 5 and 5. Then from there, walk the hands back. Then from there, roll up to your spine. One vertebra at a time all the way up. Face into me. The legs, a little wider than the shoulders.

I'll mirror you guys. So you're gonna reach the right arm up to the ceiling. Then from there, you're gonna go over to the side and a stretch stretch stretch. Reach to the fingertips to come up and then exchange. Arm goes up. Go over and a stretch.

Stretch stretch and lift and exchange. Arm goes up over and a reach. Reach reach, lift to the fingertips, and exchange, and up over on a reach, lengthen lengthen. And go up. And one more set. Arm up and over and stretch it.

It's lengthened. Stretch good and go up. Last time on the other side, go over and a reach, reach. Reach and come back up. Let's go to the, front of your mat.

You can stand on your mat so you won't but bump each other, and you're gonna face away from each other. Mhmm. Then from there, legs parallel hip width distance. You're gonna roll down to your spine for 4, 3, 2, 1, 4 counts, bend the knees. 3, 44 counts to stretch. 2, 3, 4 soft for the knees roll up.

2, 3, 4. Repeat down 2, 3, 4, and bend. 2, 3, 4, and stretch 2, 3, 4, soften, and roll up. 2, 3, one more time and over 2, 3, 4, and bend. Bend, bend, bend, and a stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch softening roll up to 3 and 4 roll down. Then from there, you're gonna roll all the way down Then you're gonna go onto your hands and your knees.

Then from there, you're gonna go to a high kneeling position and then arms are gonna go straight up to the ceiling. Same thing we did, but instead of standing kneeling. You're gonna have your left arm go down. Then from there, you're gonna bend over to the side and a strip So it's a slightly different stretch and then lift to go up and exchange, go over and reach reach, reach, and go up and exchange. Go over and a lengthen lengthen lengthen and go up and exchange over in a reach, reach, reach. End up last time. Go over and a stretch.

Stretch. Stretch and go up and last on the other side. Go over in a reach. Reach reach and go up. Then from there, you're gonna step your left foot forward. Then hands on your thigh, you're gonna lunge forward.

Opening up the front of the hip flexors. You're welcome. Bring the hands onto the mat and then stretch that front leg. Mhmm. And again, you're gonna bend the knee, mhmm, lunging forward.

Good. Then from there, hands go down, and you can just stretch that front leg. Nice. One more. Then the knee lunging there. Then from there, you're gonna reach the right arm forward.

Right arm up to the ceiling and arch the back. Arch. Arch. Arch. Then from there, hand goes down. And then you can bring both hands down and then stretch the front leg lengthening, stretching out that hamstring. Okay.

Let's switch sides. Other leg goes forward. And then bend the knee and lunge, opening up the left set of hip flexors. Then from there, hands go down frame the foot and stretch the right leg. Mhmm.

And bend the knee, lunging front, walking up, zipping through the abdominals, lifting through the heart, and then hands are gonna go down, and you're gonna stretch stretch stretch dropping that right to its bone one more time. Going forward, walking up Forward it through the pubic bone, then from their left arm forward, left arm up, and then arch, arch, arch then from there, you can bring the hands onto the thigh, then onto the mat, and then stretch. Stretch stretch. Okay. Sit down on the mat facing into each other. And we're going to end with the seal.

So once again, if you guys need to bring something behind you here or here, you can do so. Alright. Balancing onto the pelvis. You're gonna dive through, reach underneath. Same idea of that soft back that's just gonna melt into the mattress and clap 3 times clap 1, 2, 3, and back clap 2, 3, and up. Clap 23 and back. Clap 23 and 3.

And 3. Clap 23 and 4. And 4 and 5. I'm sorry. I'm so rhythmic. 1 more 6, cloud 2, 3, and 6 Clap 2, 3, up and balance. Balance.

Balance. Rest your down, restaurants, so forward. And I'll give you what I give my clients at home, take a deep breath in, and a big exhale, exhale, exhale. And, again, breathe in. And breathing out. Out. Out.

And again, inhaling. And exhale, exhale, and exhale. One more breath. Breathe in. And breathing out out out.

All the air out. Roll up to your spine one vertebra at a time. And you ladies are done. You guys are done. Thank you guys.


1 person likes this.
All my favourite teachers in one class! I loved this class, jealous of the little massage at the end.
Brilliant workout with all the Pilates Anytime celebrities!
Very nice class, Brett, thank you. New excercises, I am looking forward to practise this class.
Great class Brett! I’m also jealous of the love at the end ! 
2 people like this.
Fantastic class! Brett, your humor and laughter made the class fly by! This is definitely being saved to my “Do Again!” Playlist!
Agnese G
1 person likes this.
Thanks Brett for this amazing class! All my favourite teachers together! Top quality as always
that is some talent there on the mat. beautiful as always xx
Just love Brett's way of teaching. Gentle coaxing you on and feel great at the end.
1 person likes this.
5 of my favorite PA instructors all in the same class!! Loved this one so much- the time went by so fast. Loved all the variations on the traditional work-thanks Brett!
So much fun!
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