Class #5495

Arm Weight Class

15 min - Class


Join Brett Howard for a quick and engaging Arm Weight Class. This class has a strong focus on arms but also provides a full-body workout. Experience simple movements that isolate and strengthen the arms while promoting stability throughout the entire body.

Please Note: The entirety of this class is in the standing position, so a Mat is not required.
What You'll Need: Hand Weights (2)

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Hi. I'm Brett Howard, and today we're gonna do a quick arm weight class. So with the arm weights, you can choose either one 2 or £3 weights. Sometimes Romano used to make us do more, but I would suggest 1, 2, or 3. And even though it is primarily going to be for arms, it's kind of a full body workout. So we'll also be working a little bit of the legs as well. So I'm gonna have us started standing, and I'm gonna stand us in Pilates stance or Pilates v, heels together toes apart.

Then from there, I'm thinking of rooting down through my heels, pulling up through my sits bones, pressing down through my big toe and my little toe. 1st 5th metatarsals down as I pull up through my kneecaps. I'm gonna pull up through my inner thighs as I reach down through the inner part of my heel. So I'm nice and strong, finding those 2 different polarities of energy there. And now maintaining that.

We're gonna try not to make the movement of the arms to disturb the rest of the body. You're going to lift the arms up to shoulder height. And lower the arms down 1. Lifting up 2 and lower 2 just for some simple arm lifts 3 and lower 3. Lifting up 4 and lower 4. Let's go for 4 more.

Lift up 1 and lower 1. Lift up 2. And lower 2. Lifting up 3 and lower 3 one more time lifting up 4. Lower 4. Now let's face the Palms frontward. Same thing. Lift up to shoulder height and lower down.

Lift up to once again, we're trying not to shift the body making sure that the movement of the arms do not change the stability of the body. That was 4. Let's go for 4 more and stretch up 1 and down. Lift up 2 and down twice more 3 and down one more time lift up this time. Hold this up position 90 degree curls. You're gonna bend 1, stretch 1, bending 2, stretch 2, then 3, Stretch 3. Bending 4. Stretch 4. Wow. We're bending. Try not to let the elbows drop and extend.

Try not to arch the back as well Keep the collarbone forward of the hips. And let's go for 1 more bend 8 hold. Open the elbows. To the sides kind of like a walk like Egyptian position here, then you're gonna extend the arms. Then one, as you extend, try not to hyper extend the elbows and extend 3, then 3 for 90 degrees side 4, and in extend 5. And 3 more and extend and a bend. Extend 2.

And a bend 1 more time extend 3. And then keep the bend position, bring the elbows together down, rest them down for standing curls, which is gonna do 4 of these. So you're going to wing the wrist back, curl the wrist in, pull up, and down. I'm gonna try not to move my elbows. I'm gonna keep them glued at the rib cage.

And down and back in up. One more wing back, curl in up and down. Alright. We're gonna lift to rotate to Pilates, to parallel hip width distance there. Then from there, I'm gonna fold at my hip, knee ankle joints to lower. 2 fist are gonna go right into the sternum.

I'm gonna have a flat back or maybe a slight arch in my lower back for the boxing just so you can see better. I'm gonna just turn side a little bit. And then right arm front left arm back and in and front and in. Front 2 and in. The back palm is facing up and in one arm front and one arm back and in and 3. And in one more time, 4. Nice and released in my hip joints.

And me and ankle joints, drop the head, roll up to your spine, one vertebra at a time to a nice tall straight back. Then from there, we're gonna maintain the hip width distance position, and we're gonna go for what I call triceps. So you're gonna extend one arm up then from there. You're gonna bend the elbow. Stretch the arm 1.

Bend 2. Stretch 2. Ben, 3. I'm really trying to stabilize my upper arm, just moving the forearm through space. Let's go for 4 more. And extend and 2 and extend and 3 and extend.

Let's go for 1 more and extend. Let's bring that arm down. Other arm goes up and then bend and extend it to and extend it. 3 and extend Ben 4 and 4 more and Ben and extend it. And 2 and extend it twice more and extend it once more and extend brewing that arm down the sides.

You're gonna go up. Then from there, the distance between arm and ears stay the same as they just bend over to the side for a little stretch. I'm gonna lift to come up and exchange and go up. I bend from the waist up and coming up. And exchange. Arm to ear. Bend over without moving my hips.

Going up and exchange one more like this. Go up. And over and up adding on. Go up over. Now bend the elbow. Stretch the arm, lift, and exchange, and up, overbend Stretch. I'm gonna try to relax in the ribs and up and over, bend, stretch, up once more and up over, bend, and a stretch, and a up, and a down. Great. Now we're gonna go for the bug. You're gonna once again, fold at the hip, knee, ankle joints nice and loose here in those joints.

Then you're gonna have nice long arc of the arm there, then crack a walnut in between the shoulder blades and lower down one. And lift 2. Lower 2. Lift 3. Lower 3. So we're not changing the position of the arm, so I don't want windshield wipers.

You're gonna keep the arm moving at the shoulder joint. Let's go for 3 more and down and 2. And down and down drop the head, roll up to the spine 1 vertebra at a time, We're gonna rotate back to Pilates stance, heels together toes apart. Let's bring the head of the weights together for the zip up. You're gonna lead with the elbows. Zip up and lower the body and lift up too and pressing too. I think of pulling like a ton of bricks up Now I'm driving a shovel down into the earth.

Pull up 4 and lower for this time as we zip up, rise up onto the toes in the elevator. Then lowering down. And again, rise up onto the toes and then lowering down. Let's go for 2 more. Zip up as you rise and lowering down one more.

Zipping up as you rise. And lowering down. Turn the palms forward. Now what we're gonna do is what I call Michael Jackson's smooth criminal. You're gonna shift forward on a diagonal.

Then from there, the shave reached the arms up, hands behind the head when that smooth criminal position as you stretch up 1. Ben 1. Stretch 2. Ben 2. Stretch 3. Ben 3. Stretch 4.

Now we're gonna add the lift of the heels. Rise 1 and down. Elevate 2. And down. RISE 3 and 1 more.

RISE 4 stay up. Open the arms for the hug. Inhale hug, exhale open, inhale hug, exhale open, inhale hug, exhale open, one more time inhale hug, exhale open. Let's reverse the hug, breath exhale. Inhale and exhale inhale twice more exhale and inhale one more time exhale and inhale. Lower the arms down. Then from there, rotate back to parallel hip width distance, and then you're gonna bend the knees then the elbows. So we're in this same position here for low curls.

Now what you're gonna do, I'm gonna just make it a slightly better position Here are a slightly better view. We're gonna go back wing. It's very similar to the standing curls and back. We're just in this low position. And again, back, wing the wrist, curl the wrist, one more time back, wing the wrist, curl the wrist, and then drop the head roll up to your spine one vertebra at a time, then from there, from that parallel position, We're gonna return back to pilates stance, heels together, toes apart for chest expansion, float the arms to shoulder height, shoulder width. Bring the arms as far back as you can, then look to the right, look left, center, Release and pull back.

Look left. Center. And release. Once again, pull. Look right.

Look left. Look center and release one more time. Inhaling. Hold the breath. Exhale as we return to center. Now we're gonna add on the lift of the heels, the elevator for a little bit of a challenge. Use the glutes for your balance.

Reach back. Look to the right. Look left. Look center. And release. As you rise, keep weight on the big toe joint.

Look left. Right. Center. Try not to roll to the little toes. Rise as you pull. Look right.

Look left. Look center and release one more time. Rise up. And look left, look right, center, and release, sink down, then bring the arms behind you You're going to make circles. And you're gonna circle 10, 98, 76, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, reverse, 10, 9. I'm trying to hit the head of the way together. 7, 8, 9, 10. Lift the arms to shorter height.

Same circles. Circle 10. 9, 8, 7 TriNet to arch the back to 1 reverse 10, and 9, and a 8, and a 7. And a 6 and a 5 and a 4 and a 3 and a 2 and a 1. Same thing. Open the arm side peripheral vision, circle 10 and a 9. 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and a 1 reversed at 10, and a 9, and a 8, 7, 6 and a 5 and a 4 and a 3 and a 2 and a 1, lower the arms the palms are facing inward for sparklers. You're gonna circle up 10, 9, 87, 65, 43, 21 circle down and in the reverse.

45678 Let's repeat that up. And a 2, 3, and a 4, and a 5, and a 6, and a 7, and a 8, and a 9, and a 10 reverse it down, and a 2. 3 and a 4 and a 5 and a 6 and a 7 and a 8. Now let's add the lift of the heels. You're gonna rise up for 10 counts as you circle.

Rise up 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, lower, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1 more set, 10 counts to rise, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10 counts to lower. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and a 10. Now we're gonna go for the lunge. I'm going to bring my right foot right at the in step of my left. This is like a 3rd position if you ever did ballet.

Now you're going to lunge to the right as you lift the arms to shoulder height, then slide it back in. Step out lunge and slide it back in. Step out lunge hold there. Make a flat back. Come back up right.

Slide in. And step out. Find a flat back, upright the spine. Slide in. This time go right to that position. Lunch.

Slide in. And lunch. Slide in this time. Lunch hold, pulse up 1, 2, 3, slide back in. Once again, step. Pulsa, 10, 5. Sorry. Not 5. Just 3. Slide back in.

That would be cruel. Now let's switch. Now step out. Slide back in. Step 2.

Slide back in. Step out hold. Find a flat line. Up right the spine. Slide back in.

Step flat line. Up right. Slide back in. Go right to the lunch out and slide it in. Out slide it in, adding on out 3, up 2, 3, slide it in. 1 more. Up 2, 3, slide it in. Go back to your pilates stance.

Now this next one, we can call arm circles or sometimes I call it port a bra. You're gonna lift the arms up. And lower down the thick of reverence. And again, lifting up 2 and lowering 2. Lifting up 3.

And lowering 3. 1 more lift up 4. Lower 4, you can stay flat or if her challenge rise up onto the toes, reverse the porta bra, and down, circle out, and down. Two more out and down one more circle out and down lower the heels. Rotate to parallel, hip width, lead with the crown of the head, and round down 4, 3, 2, 1, bend the knees, 2, 3, 4, stretch the legs, 2, 3 for softening is roll up.

2, 3, 4, and over. 2. You don't have to turn. I'm just turning for the camera and bend 2, 3, 4 and stretch. 2, 3, 4 soft monies roll up. 2, 3 last time over 2, 3, 4.

Bend the knees. 2, 3, 4. Stretch the legs. 2, 3, 4 softenies. Leave the weights.

2, 3, 4 shoulders forward, up, back, down, back, up, forward, down, forward, up, back, down and a back up. Forward down straight up. 2, 3, and release and up. 2, 3. Release 1 more up. 2, 3. Release reach the arms forward.

Up. You're going to push the hips forward. Take a nice crescent with your body and upright the spine. Now just upper back goes back. And center. Open the arms around and down. And that is the end of our arm weights.

Thank you.


1 person likes this.
Exquisite wish it was even longer perhaps a new wall weights class from him lovely
2 people like this.
Fabulous class. I really needed this one too🙏
Quick, fast and more than I knew I needed/wanted! Thank you Brett!
Patty Hafen
This is great Brett.  Beautiful flow, clear directions, and one has to do it to realize how challenging it is to hold the body still with the weighted movement of the arms.  Well done.
1 person likes this.
Wonderful class Brett! This will be perfect for some of my people that do Pilates but always say “I need to add weights”
Lina S
2 people like this.
A great toning class nicely cued. Thank you!
2 people like this.
I too needed this class more than I knew!! I will be turning in to join you again-often🙏Really enjoy your classes.
1 person likes this.
Brett, I love that stability queue........" Try not to let the movement of the arms disturb the rest of the body".   Brilliant, thank you as always.  Love your classes. 
1 person likes this.
Brett Howard, this was great.  I really like short classes that I can fit in during the day.
Julie Lloyd
This class is amazing! Thank you Brett.
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