Class #5619

Streamlined Mat Workout

50 min - Class


Laura Hanlon guides you through a Mat class designed to help you focus on creating length, energy, and strength in your body. The class skillfully balances between flexibility and strengthening exercises, prioritizing form and precision in each movement. With its engaging and effective approach, you will find yourself returning to this Mat class again and again.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Hi. I'm Lara Hanlin back to lead you through an intermediate math class. Let's get started. We'll face one direction. Bring those feet flat to the mat and knees, hip distance apart, feet in line with those sit bones, reach your arms forward, take a deep breath in. And They'll begin to roll all the way down onto the mat onto your back option to always use those hands for a little more support lowering palms to the floor, head to the back of the mat, feeling that link through the crown of the head right away lengthening through the spine.

We'll walk the feet in a little bit closer and start with some imprinting of the spine here, warming up with the breath, softening through the shoulders, take a deep breath in through the nose, And as you exhale, feel your belly button sink a little bit deeper towards your spine without tucking or tilting that pelvis. Nice neutral low back flat sacrum on the floor. Deep breath and exhale, imagine, of course, it drawing the ribs a little tighter holding the belly a little deeper against the bones, tailbone, remain long, one more deep breath in, and exhale centering the mind, the body, on to the mat here ready to focus on our practice. Marie, then, as you lift the right leg up to a tabletop position, ninety degree bent, Marie that as you exhale lift that left leg up to match the right. Lower the right foot back down, inhale. Lower the left foot back down with control as you sail will alternate sides here, left leg lifts, inhale, right leg lifts, exhale.

Left leg lowers. Right leg lowers. Slow and controlled here as we begin, inhale. Exale belly pulls down to the floor. Exhale. Left. Right leg lowers.

Left leg lowers. One more time inhale. And exhale lower left and lower the right. For all of that, that pelvis stays right as it is. Same as we lift the arms up and back, inhale finding length through the sides of the waist.

Excel tailbone sit bones remain forward, chin peels over the chest fingertips and gaze reach forward. Belly pulls a little deeper towards the mat. In how head and arms float back and exhale to curl and peel right back up and over the ribs sinking that low belly a little deeper. Should hovering right over the chest inhale back. Exhale to curl up feeling as if someone's pulling your fingertips a little bit further away from you one more time and heal back. This time we'll curl up to stay right at the tips of those shoulder blades moving into a mini set of 100 breathing in twos.

Inhale, exhale, strong pump of those arms. Focusing on our breath. 2 more breath. One more into out to and stay deep breath and curl up a little higher pull that belly button a little bit deeper. And then lower the palms down and the head all the way back already finding a little more length through the crown of the head and out through those fingertips. Pull draw the right leg back up to tabletop on the inhale.

Left leg comes up once again to meet it on the exhale. This time keeping those legs up drawing inner thighs ankles and knees together like magnets, pelvis stays anchored, belly pulls down, neck, and chin stay lifted and relaxed. From here start to lower both toes down to hover atop the floor, deep breath in as you exhale think of that corset sensation around the waist. Belly pulls a little deeper to the mat to left inhale legs lower, toes, hover, or tap the floor working within your point of control here. Keep drawing those legs together inhale lower down and away. Break right at the hips.

Think of a tight zipper zipping up through your pelvic floor to your belly button for 2. Exhale up. One more time, inhale lower. Exhale to left. Keep those legs as they are.

Arms reach up to the ceiling once again, deep breaths to prepare. Excel, we curl back up to the tips of the shoulder blades. Keeping those legs at tabletop to begin, breathing in fives, inhale to 3, 4, 5, exhale to 3, 4, 5 people lengthening through the fingertips. Pulling that belly a little bit deeper on the exhale option to always keep the legs at tabletop. If you want a little bit more challenge, we'll start by extending the legs straight up towards the ceiling or as straight as you can keeping that neutral pelvis. For more of a challenge, legs begin to lower down, keep bringing it back to the breath inhale.

And exhale for more inhale and exhale out to 3453. Pull the belly a little deeper, maybe lower a little further. Last two. And exhale. One more breath in.

And exhale out 2, 3, 4, 5 stay hold and reach with control. Use the hands if you need. Lower the legs all the way to the mat. Pull the belly deep, reach head and arms back, toes long. Feel that stretch the limbs here through the fingers, through the toes, maybe let your shoulders lift your ears for a moment and then slide the shoulder blades down along the mat into your back away from your ears. Flex all ten toes to the ceiling, reach arms to the ceiling, deep breath in to prepare, an exhale to round and roll up feeling that zipper connection through the inner thighs to the belly, reaching up and over as we stretch towards the toes, breathe in, and exhale to round and roll back down heels.

Keep reaching forward. Belly button keeps pulling back, taking our time lengthening all the way out at the bottom, inhale arms lift. And exhaled her round and roll. Feel that belly scoop back as we reach a little further forward at the top inhale. And exhale to round and roll back down, opening up through the spine, lengthening out through the legs, through the back, through the neck, through the arms, through the whole body, tumor inhale, and exhale.

Continue to pull the belly back as you reach heels and fingertips a little further forward, open up across the shoulder blades, take it back down with control, Feeling those shoulders stay anchored away from the ears, zipping up through the inner thighs all the way to that belly button last time inhale arms reach up. Axelt her round and roll up. Taking our time working both directions here. Reach a little further forward inhale. And exhale to round and roll all the way back down vertebra by vertebra, zipping up through the waist, finding that hover.

Unlengthening long at the bottom. From here, lower the arms down by the sides, point through those toes, reach through the fingertips, will draw the knees back in towards the chest, keeping that pelvis anchored begin to extend the legs up to the ceiling, press into the palms, Keep the chin lifted. Make sure that gaze stays up. Breatheen to prepare. Scoop from the low belly.

Begin to curl the hips up. Legs reach back. Legs parallel to the floor, open shoulder width, inhale, and roll back down through the spine as you exhale vertebra by vertebra opening up through the back. Lowering the legs to about 45 degrees and squeezing them together. Legs start to float up, inhale, pull the belly down and in, curl your body up and over.

Inhale to open, exhale to roll back down. Keep pressing down into your palms. Feel those triceps engage the chest and collar bones stay open. Lower squeeze, flex through the heels. We reverse open, lift heels up, reach heels, back legs lengthening a little longer.

Squeeze on your thighs a little tighter breathe in and exhale to roll back down vertebra by vertebra. Open up through the waist to engage into your core as legs lower one more time inhale and exhale. Feel that scoop from the belly initiate that curl over. Leg squeeze tight inhale and exhale begin to lower all the way down through the back. Legs reach to the ceiling and then bend the knees into the toss.

Give them a nice tight squeeze. We'll keep the right knee in and extend the left leg long on the mat. Feel that stretch through the left thigh. And then flex through your left heel and take both hands behind the right leg. Elbows pull wide to draw the knee a little closer in.

Shoulders stay relaxed. Extend the right leg up high as you inhale and then bend it back in keeping that right sit on reaching forward so we don't hike and go crooked through the hips. Sleg extends long on the inhale, deep in the belly to bend it in as you exhale. 2 more times, feeling that stretch through the back of the leg, resist to pull it back in one more time. We lengthen that right leg up to stay.

And press the palms down to the floor for support deep breath in. Begin to circle the leg across the body, down out around and straight back up. Ian, heel at the top acts out to circle around, pull the belly deeper stabilizing across those pelvis for 3 really staying square through the hips to length and to lift 1 more this direction across down out, lift and hold, breathing in, exhale to reverse. Out down across length and that outer thigh lift a little higher at the top for 4. Reaching up with the gaze up with the toes. 3. To inhale and exhale, zip up through that waist as you lift one more time around.

Lift and hold. Flex up through that right heel. Left leg stays long. Hands back behind the right thigh. And then begin to curl up to the tips of the shoulder blades.

Take a deep breath here to prepare and then begin to walk up your leg towards your ankle just like our climate tree exercise from the reformer using the belly, using those arms, lengthening up at the top, pull the shoulders down, lift your gaze, deep breath in. An exhale began to walk back down one hand and one vertebra at a time moving through the spine, lengthening long through both heels, keeping those hips square. Keep that right zip on reaching forward inhale at the bottom. Exhale. We curl up. We climb up. Pull the belly button backing in. Lift your gaze, lift your heart, inhale, exhale to walk and roll back down bone by bone, pulling that belly button a little bit deeper. Oh, the way at the bottom once more inhale and exhale to round our way up.

Zipping up through that waist, lengthen at the top. Pull the shoulders down. Take your left hand to your ankle, maybe to your calf, maybe to the sole of the foot if you can, press your foot into your hand, and then reach that right hand all the way back getting a beautiful twist, a little rotation for the spine. Shoulders pull down, collar bones open, take a deep breath in, and then exhale. Make your way back towards your leg. Rounding back down to the tips of the shoulder blades, finding a hover right there, zip up through the waist, square off through the hips, and hover the left leg from the mat.

Pull the right leg a little closer as you inhale, scissor, and switch those legs as you exhale. Right leg hovers away from the floor breathing in. Deep in the belly to switch switch inhale and switch exhale. Keep that pelvis really square. And hovering over the chest, thinking about the whole body, using our abdominals to keep us lifted here using those arms for a little deeper stretch for 3.

And switch. 2. One more inhale. Excel finish with that left leg up to stay. Right leg lowers down. Hands come behind that left leg, bend the knee in, release the head back, relax through the shoulders, and the spine.

Left leg extends up nice and long deep breath and reach to the toes, exhale pull the knee in towards the chest, lengthening through the back of that knee, reaching that sit bone butt cheek forward, maybe you flex, maybe you point opening up our hamstring, our calf, our ankle here, enjoying this moment of mobility for the knee, the hip, the joints in the bottom half of the body. One more time, that left leg extends long. Keep reaching up through the left toes, long through the right leg. Palms, press down deep breaths to prepare, exhale we circle left leg across the body, down out, zip up through that waist to lift that leg back up high inhale. Axel to circle around, lengthen to left for a 3. And, 2, Circle and lift nice even circle or drawing here on the ceiling with those toes in here at the top.

Acceler reverse out down across pelvis stay square. Her leg lifts a little higher at the top by scooping out from our low belly. Lifting from the back of that hamstring reaching a little higher through the toes, pressing down into those palms, One more inhale exhale circle lift to stay. Take the back of the left leg. Give it a little extra pull, flex up through that left heel.

Deep breath into prepare. And then we begin to curl up, climb up our leg, climb up that tree, lift through the chest pull the shoulders back and down, take a deep breath in, and exhale right away. I think left sit bone reaches forward. Belly pulls back inner thighs drawing together here. Even though those legs aren't touching, we wanna feel that adductor inner thigh connection to help us roll evenly inhale.

Axel to climb right back up. Belly pulls down. Press your leg into your hands for support. Use them to help you here. Pull the shoulders down.

Lift a little taller. And start to roll back down vertebra by vertebra. Can you pull the belly deeper? Make your way all the way back with control, inhale. One more time, exhale to curl up, zip up through that waist, lengthen all the way out at the top, right hand, wherever you can grab it, high point here, pull the shoulders down, reach the heels forward, reach the left fingertips back in opposition, deep breath.

And can you take your gaze a little further over your left fingertips as you exhale. Pull the shoulders down and back. Sit a little taller one more breath in. And exhale draw that left arm back to center, take the back of that left leg, and walk all the way down to the tips of the shoulder blades, one hand at a time, one vertebra at a time, we find the hover, reach that left foot forward, hover that right leg, take a breath, and pull the belly deep, curl up a little higher. We'll stay here and bring the hands behind the base of the neck and skull deep breath and begin to twist right elbow towards left thigh curling a little higher over the rib cage.

Legs to center, body to center inhale, up and over left elbow, right thigh option to keep the leg straight or bent. Point or flex do what feels best in your body, inhale. We lift and twist exhale. Maybe you choose to keep the legs at tabletop You keep the legs from moving with you just working upper or lower body. Do what feels best for you here as we work into those oblique muscle using the breath no matter what, inhale, exhale, lift, and twist, move through center curl a little higher lift and twist elbows, stay wide collar bones open, breathe in, up and over breathe out one more time each side inhale, and exhale.

Last set, inhale, lift, and twist, come back to center, curl up a little higher point through those toes, bend your knees, and forehead to the knees, take the front of those ankles shins, give yourself a little rock back. All the way up, maybe right away finding a balance. Elba's been white. Chin tucks over the chest gaze to the navel rocking back inhale. Rock right back up.

Can you find that balance again? Work for it. Slow and controlled tight little ball. Form or inhale back. Pull the belly deeper, rock it up, find it. Inhale. Use the breath, exhale forehead to the knees.

2. And lift one more time, inhale back. Pull that belly back. Find your balance. You have sticking that landing.

Now lengthen through the spine. Lift the legs to tabletop. Option to always hold on here. Pull those shoulders down. If you feel solid and this balance reach your arms forward. Take a deep breath and begin to lower to the tips of the shoulder blades.

Use that low belly. Keep those legs drawing together like magnets take your time. Think of that zipper. Fine and nice, high upper body curl. Right knee and left leg long opposite hand to me. Other hand by the ankle, can we curl a little higher, breathe in, and switch?

Enhance. And exhale continuing to alternate hands as we alternate legs. We're reaching a little longer through that extended leg. Pulling that belly button a little bit deeper towards the spine for 4. 3.

So which lasts you. And 1, draw both knees all the way and think of our tight little ball. Let the head release down for a moment. Keep the knees in close. Pull the shoulders back lengthen through your spine, deep breath in, exhale peels us right back up, forehead to the knees, pull the belly deeper to the mat. Now stay lift start by floating your arms up to the ceiling.

Lift even higher if you can. Extend your legs up to the ceiling. That belly button pulls down to the floor. Maybe you start to reach your arms slightly back overhead, but not if that means your upper body dropped. We wanna stay knitted ribs towards the midline, lifted up and over them, legs start to lower to your point of control, find that position, what it is for you, take a breath in, hold it, Remember, it exhale curl back into your ball.

Now we reach right back to that position. We stay lifted chin over the chest. Excel circle hugging these into the nose three more times, reach out and back, pull the belly deep, hug it in for it to lengthen Zip it up. One more time. Reach. Curl and hold. Hands behind the head elbows wide legs to the sky deep breath in. Curl up a little higher elbows nice and open.

The legs start to lower down on the inhale. Break at the hips deep and through the belly, lift up as you exhale. 4 or lower. Break at the hips deep in the belly to left. For a 3, zip up through that waist, and we curl a little bit higher over the ribs to lengthen to left.

One more time, legs lower. Pull the belly deep legs lift to stay and bend the knees and to rest. Take a breath here. Relax the shoulders. Give your knees a little hug a little rock side to side, and then lower the feet down to the floor.

We'll extend the legs out long and then separate them towards the edge of our mat. Think of a v pizza slice shape here, flex your heels forward, toes up, arms up, deep breath in, and exhale to round and curl all the way up to us eat. Finding a nice tall spine right onto our sit bones here, shoulder blades roll down and back, lift through the waistline option to always have those knees slightly bent deep breath into prepare, exhale to curl up and forward rounding forward into our spine stretch. Imagine draping a cape over your shoulder blades, let them relax, open up through the spine. That's why it's called spine stretch.

I'll link them back up to vertical. Deep breath in. X. I think of rolling over a big beach ball here. Reach through your heels. Pull back in your belly button.

This isn't just a forward fold. He use your abdominals always lift back up one more time. He inhale. Axle around and reach. This time as you stack your spine all the way up to vertical, bring your arms with you, reach fingertips to the ceiling, flip your palms as much as you can, and then take those arms behind you maybe slightly to the sides of your mat or on your mat.

Walk your fingertips back an inch or 2, lift through your heart squeeze your shoulder blades together, lift through your gaze, think of the opposite position where you maybe spend most of your day. We find this a lift in the chest versus rounding over our devices. This should feel good. Take a deep breath in. Can you lift a little higher? Stay connected into your low belly to support your back So we don't sink into those hips one more breath in.

Squeeze the shoulder blades together. Open up through the collar bones, lift through your heart. And then crawl those hands all the way back to center from there, float your arms out to a tee, roll the shoulders back, lift a little taller out of those hips. And he'll twist to the right and exhale reach left fingertips towards the right toe forehead to the outside of that right thigh and heel back up tall. And exhale through center, twist left deep breath in, round and reach up and over, and he'll just sit up onto those sit bones. Sales center one more time each side.

We twist round and reach in Delta Lift. Growing a little taller through center each time twist left and up and over. Anyhow, lengthen to lift back to center and relax the arms down. Give those shoulders a little roll. Wiggle out your legs, your feet, and then we'll bend the knees.

Feet flat on the mat, making sure our hips are still about mid mat with plenty of mat behind us, taking the back of the knee crease, back of the hamstrings, pull the shoulders down through your heart, take a deep breath in small little tuck of the tail. Think of finding some type of balance between sit bones and tailbone here. Right leg draws to a tabletop position, left leg comes up to meet it. Firmly press hamstrings in a hands, hands in a hamstrings. Keep your elbows nice and wide.

In fact, feel your biceps engage and the back of your legs engage. That's how much we're pressing those muscles in towards one another here. Pull the chest forward, extend your right leg up as you inhale. Maybe a little bit, maybe all the way straight, pull the belly button back, bend the knee back hip. Left leg extends.

No wider than your shoulder, your hip, or your mat, doesn't have to be a huge v here. One more time each leg. Keep the lift through the heart. Inhale. Pull the belly button back. Shoulders stay down.

Elbows stay wide. Left leg up. Axle to bend. Now keep those legs bent at table top. Round your spine. Tuck the chin over the chest.

Gaze between your thighs. Keep the chin top. We're going to three roles like this, and he'll take it back. Press the legs in the hands. Hands in the legs rock up.

Find that balance. Chin stays tucked. Inhale back. Although stay wide legs pressing the hands, hands into the legs. One more like this.

Inhale back, deep in the belly back, rock your body up to hold. Once again, lengthen through your spine. Pull those shoulder blades down. Both legs extend maybe a little bit, maybe all the way straight challenging that balance. Zip up through the waistline.

Resist as you bend your knees in. Feel your arms and your legs working. Your whole body working 2 more times. They extend on the inhale. They bend back in as we exhale.

Once more, option to keep the legs straight or bend them back to tabletop. If they're straight, maybe hands closer towards the ankles. Again, those elbows are bent. That chin is tucked. We have 3 more rocks in this position, whatever that is for you. Inhaling back, legs in the hands, hands in the legs, rock up, find it each time for 2.

Pull the belly a little deeper, gaze between those thighs. Stick your landing one more time, inhale back. Exhill rock up to stay. From here, lift through your heart draw your inner thighs together, that could mean legs at tabletop bent or a full teaser reaching towards your toes or anything in between. Without moving the legs, we take a breath in We roll down through the spine vertebra by vertebra in 4.

Pull that belly a little deeper. 3. Find the hover at the shoulder blades to lower your palms and your head to the mat on one legs extend up straight towards the sky, anchor in your abdominals, pelvis stays square, inner thighs squeeze, tight, small cork screw, legs go to the right on the inhale, sweep them down and around, On the exhale, pull the belly deeper to lift those toes back up. Legs go left inhale, circles down and around. We're drawing a nice even circle once again on the ceiling with those toes this time with Bowflex, again, to the right inhale. Squeeze inner thighs tighter. Draw the ribs tighter.

Press into your palm, stay open through neck and chest, left inhale. Belly pulls a little deeper, maybe starting to make that circle a little bit wider, a little bit lower, nice, and even one more each direction. Inhale. Right? Ex. He'll takes us down and around and up. Use that breath. Last time we go left, sweep it down and around, pull the belly deeper, reach those toes back up, and bend the knees all the way in.

Give them a very welcome squeeze. Let those knees open. Maybe take some circles with your knees opening up through the hips. Give them a hug. Alright. Bringing those knees back to center, we'll gently rock the body back and all the way up to a seat, making sure those hips are still in the middle of the mat. Legs extended nice and long.

Zip up through the inner thighs, flex through the heels, and float those arms out to a tee. Making sure those shoulders stay away from the ears. We zip up through the waist option to always softly bend the knees, take a deep breath and and exhale to twist right inhale center, double breaths to the left. Inhale. As you twist, open up through the waist, stay square through hips and thighs, back to center, flip your palms up inhale.

Same thing, exhale. Feel link through the fingertips through the elbow crease, collar bones wide, belly pulls back last time inhale. Twist it left, come back to center, reach those arms by the ears, and enjoy a moment in a forward stretch. Let your feet, your legs, your hips relax, deep breath in, and exhale. Let it go. Flucking those hands back up and in.

We'll spin around to face one edge of your mat working into some extension work here. Pointing back along through the toes, feeling that inner thigh connection nice and tight feet continue to press down into the floor. And then choosing one hand to be on top of the other fingertips to wrist, elbows nice and open, and forehead resting onto that top palm or top hand. Squeeze the inner thighs together, take a deep breath into prepare. And then as you exhale begin to hover the hands, the elbows, the chest away from them at to keep pressing feet down squeezing glutes tight, and he'll maybe lift a little higher, and then exhale to lower with control.

Inhaling at the bottom. Exhale lengthening through the back of the neck because you lift. Keep squeezing those shoulder blades and glue together and he'll maybe lift a little higher. And exhale belly pulls up in and away from the floor, keeping that connection in the core as we lower down. Switch the hand that's on top.

We'll do this 2 more times in health, the bottom to prepare, exhale to left. Feet press down. Hands remain connected to the forehead. Use that connection and maybe lift a little higher. Axail to lower.

Once more inhale, exhale lengthen to lift. Deep breath in lift another inch? And exhale to lower with control. Give those hips a little wiggle side to side. And then from there, we'll walk the hands underneath the shoulders.

Palms pressing into the mat, inner thighs still connected here, took the toes underneath you, pressing balls of the feet to the floor. Now hug those elbows in towards your ribs option to press into the knees here for a little more support. We'll take a breath in together to prepare as you exhale think of lifting belly button away from the floor squeezing glutes tight and then seeing the floor away finding a strong plank position, holding here for 3 deep breaths, inhale through the nose, exhale out through the mouth. For 2 Pull the shoulders away from the ears, press the floor away, lifted in the heart between the shoulder blades, one more breath in, exhale to stay, and gently lower the knees. We'll sit back into a child's pose.

Any rest position here, maybe these together, or part or something else that might feel better for your body. Listen to your body. Always enjoy this moment for yourself. Deep breath in. And deep breath out.

From here, we'll shift forward into a forearm plank fingertips are reaching forward, shoulders shifting forward of the elbows, palms are fist pressing down 2 parallel lines, of those arms really pressing the ground away to stay connected in that upper back. Legs extend back tailbone tucks underneath us. We hold here for those same three deep breaths. Inhale through the nose. As you exhale, zip up through the low belly, zip up through those inner thighs, 2 more Brats in.

Exhale to stay once more inhale. Pull that belly button up a little tighter. Exhale where you are. From there, gently lower those knees, untuck the toes, press the tops of the feet down, squeeze the glutes forward, draw your heart forward, pull the shoulders away from the ears, and open up through the chest. And he'll kick that right heel towards your glute, exhale to press the top of the foot back into the mat left.

And lengthen inhale kick right, squeeze the glute, press down into the foot to left. Keep pressing into those forearms, opening up through the chest, reaching through the heart, inhale, exhale to stay. From there, lower the right face cheek down to the mat. Hands clasp behind the back, squeeze inner thighs together here. Let the elbows drape down.

Start to hover those legs, take a deep breath in, kick both heels towards the glutes for 3 to one lengthen and lift squeeze inner thighs and shoulder blades towards the midline. Left face cheek down. We kick for 3, 2, 1, squeeze this seat. Lift the heart. Switch the clasp of your hands, kick for 3, to one lengthen and lift.

One more time. Kick for 3. To one lift and hold. Take a deep breath and reach back through the fingertips, lift everything up 1 more inch, and lower all the way down to rest. Once again, we'll bring those hands underneath the shoulders, zip up through the legs, tuck the toes underneath you. Same way to get up here, using these if you need that added support hugging the elbows in, lifting through the waist, deep breath in, and exhale to press the floor away.

3 more breaths in our plank, deep inhale, deep or exhale for a 2. Staying long through the body here, strong through the body. One more breath in. Think of that corset sensation ribs knit tight, belly zips up and then gently lower those knees once again. We'll take a nice rest position, child's pose, taking a breath here, exhale to let it go.

One more breath in. And exhale. And walk those hands all the way up and in towards your knees. And then we'll turn to face either side. We're gonna work into a little bit of sideline work here. So I'm gonna lay on my right side and work my left leg first today.

Think of bringing your hips towards the back edge of your mat, your right elbow towards the back of your mat. So you have this really long line through the upper half of the body. From their shoulders firmly over our elbow, so we're not shifting side to side. And then legs will extend towards that front edge of the mat. So they're slightly in front of you. Reach through your heels.

Press the floor away. Really staying engaged into our obliques and into that right lap for support. I'll keep my left fingertips on the floor for that same idea of support to begin, lengthen and lift the top leg up as you inhale and exhale to lower to hover, lengthen to lift, zipping up through the waist, lowering to hover. 3 more. We lift We lower for 2. Pulling up in that low belly, knitting those ribs tight shoulders down one more.

Lower to hip height and hold. From here, break up the hip. Kick that leg forward as you inhale point through the toes. Press back lengthen through the front of the body squeeze in that seat. Option to bring that top hand behind the head, flex and kick forward as you inhale point and press back. Keep pressing the floor away as you exhale for 3 lengthen and lift out of that bottom shoulder, out of that bottom oblique to squeeze the seat. One more time. Link in the back of the leg.

Link in the front of the thigh and hold. Keep that leg up. Press the ground away, extend arm long and forward in front of you, think of a diagonal from left fingertips through those left toes, lift the leg up an inch inhale, lower it and jacks. They'll keep pulling up in that bottom oblique. Lower for 3.

2. One more. Top leg stays hovering hand back behind the head or to the mat, brewing that top leg to hover over the bottom, reflex through the heel, little circles forward around and back for 5. Keep lifting through that thigh. Focus on staying nice and parallel here.

3. 2, 1, rub her some backing around for 5. Zip up through that low belly little to no movement in this upper half. 3. Last 2. Last one. And lower to rest.

Bend those knees in, we'll sit all the way up and switch right over to our other side. So now once again, we're lined up elbow towards the back of the mat, hips towards the back of the mat. I like to think of a long line from crown of the head to tail, toes, and heels then reaching towards that front diagonal press the floor away. Engage in your lap. Pull those shoulder blades down, lift through the waistline.

Start by hovering and lifting top leg up. Chosen these face forward really parallel here. It's gonna create more length and more strength in that outer thigh, outer hip inhale. And exhale for 3. As the leg lowers, can you lift your bottom oblique higher away from the floor too?

One more. Inhale. Axhale lower to hip height to stay. Break at the hip. Kick that leg forward.

Reach through your heel. Point through the toes, press and lengthen it back, zip up through the waist, make sure we're not rounding or shifting forward. If you feel solid, that top hand comes behind the head. Head pressing back into the fingertips, flex and kick forward on the inhale point and press back, squeeze that right glute as you exhale for 3. Keep using the breath, knitting those ribs together for it to reach and press one more time, lengthen the hamstring, lengthen through that quad to hold.

Press the floor away. Reach through the right fingertips. Reach back longer through those right toes. Shoulder blades pull away from the ears, pull up through that low belly. Lift the leg up an inch.

Lower the leg down an inch. For a 4. Feel that outer glute, outer thigh, all working here, that medial glute. I call it the good dimple on that outside of the butt cheek. Should feel it one more. Lift and lower.

Hand back behind the head or towards the mat. Flex through the heel, hover the right leg over the left, zip up through the waist. Last thing here, we circle forward around and back for 5. Stay strong for 4. Keep using that profit promise.

It helps 3. Belly button backing in 2. And, oh, one, rubber spacking around for 5. Stay square through that pelvis for length and through the back of the knee 3. Last two.

And one Let it go. Who? I feel my legs. Hopefully, you do too. Bend your knees in. We'll meet seated facing either direction. Extend those legs out in front of you. Give them a nice shake.

Let them relax. As we move into neck pull, we want to keep them relaxed. We're able to focus on that low belly flex through the heels, maybe soften through the thighs so you really feel your sit bones here. We'll start with the arms over the shoulders here. As a little reminder to pull the shoulder blades down away from the ears.

Find that tall spine. Take a deep breath in to prepare. And then begin to lengthen up and back, hinging out of the hips, zipping through that waistline inhale to stay, exhale lower a little further. Tuesdays lifted away from the chest inhale. Maybe challenge yourself.

Go a little further. Those heels keep digging down into the mat. Deep breath to hold. Now roll the rest of the way down. Option to always hold on behind those legs for more support, opening up through the spine vertebra by vertebra, lengthening down at the very bottom.

Switch the hand that's on top or reverse on our way up, think of imprinting head to the ceiling, take a breath in as you exhale dive all the way up in over releasing your arms once you arrive, letting your body relax into a forward stretch. Keep digging those heels down into the mat. And then roll back up through your spine option and bring those hands back over your chest or for more of a challenge, we'll go into our original neck pull with those hands behind the head. Similar feeling is where we just were in that sideline where you're really pressing head back into the fingertips fingertips into the base of the neck and skull for support. Use that connection, zip through the waist, knit the rib type, breathe in to prepare, exhale begin to hinge, lengthen, lengthen out of those hips.

Take another breath in. Can we grow taller through the back? Lower further towards the floor, breathe in, exhale another inch. Stay hold, fight for it, inhale. Roll the rest of the way down. Pull that low belly back.

Open up through the back of the pelvis, through the middle of the waist. Find the tips of the shoulder blades hover, pull the belly deeper before letting it release at the bottom. One more time coming up. Inhale head lift Exhale. We curl up and forward. Enjoy this moment in that forward stretch.

Link then right back up tall. Shoulders pull down. Chin lifts off the chest. Inhale prepare. Ax hail to lengthen and hinge.

Take your time to what you need with those arms, inhale. Feel that corset tie tighter as you lean a little further. One more breath in here. Challenge yourself 1 more inch. Fight for it. A deep breath and roll the rest of the way down.

Pull that low belly back and forth. Take your time. 3 pull the belly deep as you have her to. Let it go on 1. Make sure your head is still on the mat here.

Shift if you need lower palms to the floor and walk those heels in right in line with your sit bones, butt cheeks, knees up to the ceiling, palms press down to really open up through the collar bogs here, take a deep breath into prepare. And then exhale begin to pull the belly down as you tuck and curl your hips up. Squeeze the sit bones and butt cheeks together. Think of lifting your pubic bone, your hip bones up continuing to pull the belly down and draw the ribs So we really feel this link through the hips and thighs aiming for a straight diagonal from knees to hips to shoulders. Take a deep breath in to prepare.

And exhale to roll back down vertebra by vertebra moving through the upper back into the middle back, into the low back, Finally releasing the hips heavy on the floor at the bottom. Again, inhale. This part should feel good. All of that articulation we've moved through throughout class, rolling through the spine, bone by bone. This one kind of letting gravity help us press firmly into your heels and palms, squeeze the seat, lift your gaze, inhale, right here. Enjoy this massage for the back as you roll slowing controlled vertebra by vertebra, opening up through the middle of the waist, low back, finally releasing everything at the very bottom once more inhale. Exhale tuck and curl initiating from that low belly feeling that scoop, that tight zipper, keeping that connection. Squeeze the seat, lift the hips, lift your gaze.

Press firmly into that right foot. Draw the left leg to tabletop. Hold at their inhale. Pull the belly down, begin to extend left leg long to the ceiling. We're gonna take a small pulse here to start lowering the hips down an inch, fire up that right butt cheek lift, right back up, and then for 3, lengthen to left for 2. Press down evenly into the palms.

Press more firmly into your right heel activating the backside of that body. Flex through the left heel now, lower leg long, thighs match parallel to one another, point and kick left toes right back up to the sky for 3. Lengthen to lift. Gaze stays up, nice, open neck, and throat too. And, one more inhale lower, exhale lift, and stay. With control.

Slowly bend that left knee. Place that foot back onto the mat. Make sure those hips are still lifted. Tail is still tucked. Press into your left heel, right leg draws to table top.

Breathe and back. So extend the leg long. Little pulse down an inch. Axale up an inch, inhale to lower, drive that left heel into the mat, reach those right toes straight up to the sky for 2 lengthen and lift one more lower. As you lift the hips, can you pull the belly deeper down and in? Flex through that heal, lengthen through the front of the thigh inhale, point and kick right back up as you exhale 3 more times, lengthen to lower, lengthen to lift. 2. Once more. Reach to the heel.

Reach to the toes and stay. Slowly. Bend that right knee. Make sure those hips stay lifted as the right foot touches down. Can you squeeze the seat? Give those hips one final boost up up up squeeze inner thighs and glutes together, pull the belly down and then lift your gaze, deep breath here, exhale slowly roll down. Take your time and 4 our chest away from the chin. Open up through the back of the ribs and 3 through those sticky spots of the spine too and finally release the hips heavy on one Let the arms open to a tee, maybe goal post elbows, palms to the ceiling, breathe in here, and then exhale sway the knees over to the right.

Taking a nice gentle twist for the back, enjoying this moment, opening up through the whole left front side of the body all the way across chest and collar bones through the back, through the hips, and thighs, and draw the legs back through center and up and over to the other side. Inhale. As you exhale, can you pull that right shoulder down? Pull the belly deeper down and in feeling greater length through those hips and then draw the legs back to center. Walk the legs all the way out long from there, reach your arms all the way back long overhead behind you, Feel that length through the fingertips through the toes, zip up tight through the legs, reach the arms to the ceiling as you inhale, and then exhale begin to curl up to the tips of the shoulder blades.

Feel that inner thigh connection, that zipper sensation, take a deep breath in, begin to hover the right leg to eye level, then curl the body up, making her way into a single legged teaser. You could always hold on. You could always bend that right knee or feel that length and those two diagonal lines from the by and the arms matching one another, lift to live, everything a little higher, inhale, roll back down with control, think leg body arms all lower in one piece, heel and shoulder blades hover, heel head and arms, length, and out at the bottom. Inhale arms lift. Start by curling to the tips of the shoulder blades.

Pull the belly down to begin lifting that left leg. Take another breath in. And then curl up zipping up through the waist. Again, 2 matching diagonals through the thigh, through the arms, lift your gaze, lift your heart, inhale. Acts, I'll begin to lower everything down, rolling through the spine, pulling the belly button back, finding that hover, before releasing at the bottom.

Hold on to 2 more full teasers. Option to take right and left leg one at a time or both legs together. Slow to start. Inhale arms lift up Exale upper body curls up, knit the ribs together, pull the belly deep, take another breath to hold, bend the knees if you need either right leg or both legs hover zipping through the waistline, another breath here to prepare, use the core versus momentum to lift all the way up, up, up. Listen to your body. Hold on. Bend your knees.

Do what you need. Lift a little higher. Float your heart up. Gaze up. Inhale. Lowering back down with just as much control.

Squeeze those inner thighs together, whether one leg is lifted or both legs are lifted, draw the inner thighs towards your midline to help you roll evenly. And then lengthen everything out at the very bottom. We have one more here. Left leg or both legs, even it out. In hill arms reach up. Excel, use the breath, use the belly, a little more fluid, pull the belly down, hover the legs, float everything up, up, up, find that beautiful lift of the body.

Think of folding your self in half. Reach up 1 more inches. You inhale, and we lower in 4. Taking our time in 3, think of everything you worked here. Find that, hover heels and shoulder blades, hover, pull the belly deeper, reach the arms by the ears too, and let everything release with control on one Take one hand to opposite wrist.

Give your body a little extra stretch. Pull here. Take a deep breath in. Exhale. Let it go. Circle those arms, give your knees a squeeze into your chest, a nice juicy hug, well deserved, and we'll rock our body back and up to a seat. Finishing with one final thing on the belly here.

Flip yourself around. Reach those toes to the back fingertips forward overhead. Take a deep breath in at the bottom, exhale to lift arms and legs away from the floor. Pull the shoulders away from the ear. Squeeze your buttons.

Lift everything a little higher. Pull the belly up and then lower everything back down with control, again, inhale, exhale thing of lengthening through the limbs to lift. Squeeze the glutes and shoulder blades tight, lift another inch, pull the belly up and in ribs together to lower once more inhale. Ax hail to lift. Alternating arms and legs.

We go for a swim breathing in. Breathing out. Lift a little higher inhale. Keep lengthening through the fingers and toes exhale. 2 more deep breaths in.

Squeeze those hamstrings and glutes higher to the ceiling. One more breath in. Exhale it out. Hold your lift. Everything draws up 1 more inch.

Squeeze the inner thighs together. Pull those elbows back towards your ribs. Press palms to the floor. Toes tuck under to the floor. We've been here before.

One more time pressing our bodies up. Do what you need. Deep inhale to prepare. Zip up through the waist. Press the floor away.

Find that plank. Squeeze the inner thighs together, lower the knees if you need. We finish with our 5 tricep push ups. Start by shifting the shoulders slightly forward over your fingertips. Strong base of support, who's been tight to the ribs for 5 in heel down. Excel, press it up.

Long line of the body 4. Draw the ribs together. Lift from your waist. Slow and controlled for 3. Exhale up final 2, inner thighs and glutes squeeze together, belly up towards that spine last time.

And hold. Finish strong deep breaths and deep breath out. With control, gently lower your knees to the mat. We'll take one final rest position from here, knees together, knees apart, whatever your body is craving. Take a deep inhale and exhale. Let it go.

One more breath in hail. Try and release any remaining tension in the mind and the body. Let it go. Leaving it here on your mat. When you're ready, crawl those hands all the way back up and in towards your knees, sit off to the side, and you are all done. Well done. Thank you so much for joining me.


Great class and cues. Really enjoyed
I loved the way the heat built slowly in this one! So good for a morning workout. Thank you!
Lovely class! Thank you, Laura
Ellen A
Love all your classes!
Excellent class! Your cues are SO helpful to make every muscle count. Thank you! I will be coming back  to this!
Lynn C
What an amazing class. Love the pace, precision of movement and impeccable cueing. You are a wonderful teacher Laura!
Francesca D
fantistic class Laura ! it's the fourth time I play it !! amazing . ciao
Mim S
beautiful class with very precise movements and cueing - thanks<!
Great morning workout. ❤️Laura❤️thank you
Thanks, Laura- fun class!
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