Streamlined Mat Workout<br>Laura Hanlon<br>Class 5619

Streamlined Mat Workout
Laura Hanlon
Class 5619

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Very Nice 👍🇩🇰
We noticed that you performed tree on the mat and really enjoyed your open leg rocker variation - Nat and isabel 
Waller M
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Such an effective class! Excellent stabilizing cues. Feel advanced after taking a break from Pilates, but it could be the dynamic cues help with focus and using proper powerhouse muscles. :)💪 
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Very good class. Great teacher!
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Beautiful steady smooth flow the whole way through, thank you! 
Very nice and thorough! Thank you, Laura!
Sasha M
beautiful mat workout! good reminder of the breathing differences between single leg kicks and double leg kicks! 
Dawvyn W
Climb a tree transitions towards the beginning were challenging and fun. Also, the side kick pulses to the back made me feel long and think about my pelvic alignment!
1 person likes this.
Excellent no-nonsense and powerful class! Very challenging yet without any advanced exercises. Thanks!
Ilayda C
1 person likes this.
hi can you explain the cue 'zipping up through the inner thighs' please thank you
11-20 of 28

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