Class #5649

Total Body Jump Board

35 min - Class


Join Amy Havens for an energizing total body Reformer workout that is sure to get your heart rate up. This unique session incorporates the use of the Jump Board, adding an element of cardio to your Pilates routine. The class also plays with rhythm, keeping your workout dynamic and engaging.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box, Jump Board

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Hi, everyone. Amy Haven's here at Pilates anytime again. So happy to be back. It is a stunning day outside for us. We have warm weather We've had lots of rain lately. So we're excited about the warm weather, and I'm excited to be here doing reformer work, emphasis of jumping.

You know how much I love that. Full body, you'll get it all in. We're gonna start. So I want you to load your, springs with 2 red. Head rest down.

I've taken my my footloops and my ropes all the way off because I don't want the jumping to you hear the ropes clamoring around, don't worry about changing that on your own. Just put them out of the way so you don't get tangled up. Okay? Here we go. We're gonna lie down on our back. And I want us to just settle in. Place your feet up on the top of the board.

I've got the lip of my heel kind of at the top. I don't want you to set the heel heel on the top, but more the lip of the heel. Arms by our sides, Bring your arms somewhat close to your body for a moment and check-in. Does that feel too confined with your wide collarbone and wide chest? If that feels too confined, just let a little space come through your underarm so that you can expand your ribs side to side. I love that. So you have that room there to connect.

So we'll take a nice breath. As we exhale, just full first, just sink your stomach and pelvic tilt. Just really feel the effort of your abdominal muscles coming to your lower back and inhale as you restore that neutral pelvis. And, again, a little bit of, rib connection there at the front. I'm funneling them toward my pelvis.

Inhale a level pelvis. And again, exhaling pelvic tilt, start to work your mind and your connection up your back a little bit. How does the right side of your back and left side of your back feel? We're aiming for equal and center. Let's do one more there. But if you feel like you're a little heavier on one side than the other, you just get to redistribute the weight might come from working your abdominals on that side.

Okay? Now stay in that pelvic tilt. Let's continue articulating. I'm only going to go halfway up. Don't need to go all the way up initially. Just come halfway up your back.

Carriage may move. It's okay. Read in and roll yourself down. I'm only connecting right away into the back of the legs. Take a breath. Sync your abdominals.

Feel the articulation of your pelvis off your legs, and we're rolling about halfway up. I'm doing that so we can emphasize the lumbar region really kinda hamicking and making that curve and that bow. And you can really work that posterior rotation of your pelvis and then coming all the way down. K. A couple more. You can stay there or go farther up.

You're back. I'm ready to go up a little higher. I want some more articulation in those upper segments, but I'm still at the base of my scapula. So I'm not gonna go all the way. Into a plank line and rolling down. Make sure you're working your abdominals.

We're really pulling those inward toward the back. Coming to level, take your breath into the side ribs, and curling up And again, if you're going higher, that is completely fine. This is where I need to be at this moment. I'm gonna take my breath in. And I'm rolling down.

I really wanna imprint each vertebra, imprint, imprint, imprint, imprint, imprint. Nice and full. Okay. Now everyone, open your arms. Take your hands to the shoulder rests or the pegs. You get to decide.

I'm gonna go pegs, and I want you to place your feet on the top of the jump board. And very slowly, we're gonna do knee side to side. Rock your body weight to one hip and lift the other hip. Now my feet are on the jump board, but I'm going to just touch the board very lightly, right, just very light. I'm not taking them off. I'm just unweighting my body weight a little bit.

So I really connect amazingly into the obliques and then rock to center. Other directions. So first shift the weight, the hip comes up. The other foot comes off the board, but just notice, are you resting on the board? Try not to unweight your feet as if you'll lift them, which, of course, we will. But first, just come back to the center. That's always an option in these knees side to sides.

Right? So sometimes here we go. When we take the feet up, I don't want your back to overwork. You still wanna keep it in the abdominals. Notice how this side of your back is really on the mat, and then just place your feet. Come back to center. Rock yourself to the second side and lift those feet off.

And then place them, come back to center. You can stay with that or add on. We have one more little round here, rock to one side, lift and now extend the length of your legs. Just notice how well balanced you are on the side of that hip and the opposite shoulder isn't losing ground. Now rebend, you'll feel the jump board and then just rock yourself to center.

Second side, rock over, exhale lift, extend, I like to think of the top foot being a little bit longer than the other one. Sync the abdominals on the back right here and then return down to the board. Okay. Extending your legs over the jump board, arms by the side. So it kind of looks like the 100 It is. I want us to do heels together toes apart, get that wrap in the thighs, and then everybody just reads your head, Flex your upper spine. And for now, just keep your hands down on the mat.

I want you to slide. You can probably feel your fingertips over the edge. Now, again, let's unweight those those legs. Just unweight them, and you should feel the work sink right into your core, your belly, bring it down and just rest. You can roll the parallel. K? Just one more.

We're gonna pump. So I'm gonna roll the legs pair turned out. Stretch the arms, unweight the legs, raise the arms, let's go for 50. To reaching for the jump board with your hands, lengthening the neck up out of the shoulders, reaching the legs over the board. 2 more cycles in. 2, 4, 5 broad chest.

Last 2, 3, 4, 5. Why not the full 100? Well, you don't always have to do a 100. K. Hands on the pegs again. Merge down away from the blocks, please, so you don't get caught. We're going into a rollover. Stretch the legs up.

Now traditionally, we know hands are down here for rollover that could cause the shoulders to round and maybe overwork your chest. Open this. Open this. Right? Take a breath. Now use that pelvic tilt. Bring your legs up and over. I want you to just be there for a moment.

Don't look at me. You know where you are. You're sitting bones like flashlights right up to the sky. Flex the ankles, open the legs to the width of the pegs, and let's roll down. So, yes, I'm using my arms to help me I'm still in kind of the warm up of my body.

Take your legs over the jump board and squeeze them up. Let's do it again. Now you could certainly flex your feet and open the legs. Certainly put your arms by your side, everybody, but it's okay. To use the reformer. I'm arching my elbows up to the sky, really working articulation in the back, bring the legs together.

2 more to go. Public tilt. Articulate up and over them on the upper back now. Flex the feet. Press the walls away.

As you open those legs, scoop your elbows up to the ceiling, notice how much space your back has to roll down. Lower your legs a little arch your legs together for the last one. Breathing in, up and over, flex the ankles, open press the walls away. That comes from the side of those hips, and then we get to roll down, imprint, imprint, imprint, Once you're down, hug your knees, just lift yourself, and you made it through that nice warm up. You can take your head rest up.

And then pull yourself back so you're right up against your shoulder blocks. Okay. So I we're gonna warm up our feet first. So everybody, stand on your jump board. Pick your head up and look at your feet. Your legs are parallel.

See if you can get the metatarsals, which are the bones of the where the toes go right in line with basically where the foot bar is or thereabouts. Okay. I want you to lift up onto your tiptoes and then bend your knees, and I want you just to come about halfway into the board. You know, about halfway. Now spread your toes like cats spread out their claws. You're gonna feel your quads here. We're gonna do little pulses just warming up the quads ready to for them to absorb our weight, right, as we land in these jumps.

But these are just about 6 to 10 inches of motion each way. Work in pelvis neutral. Your work increasing in your hip joints now. Keep going. Just spin your heels together. Pilates v.

Spread your toes. Knees aren't too wide about the width of the shoulder blocks. 4 more. I'm really pulling my heels together to feel the midline connection. There was 8. Now spiral out to a little bit more. You can do a hop.

Hip width parallel. So in the jumping, of course, when we land, there's so much that happens in the quads, right, in the knees. This is a little preparation for landing. 7 and 8, and then just rotate. You're in your wider turnout position. And 3.

Are you creasing in your hips? You should be no tucking of the tail and 6 and 7 and 8. Okay. Great. And then stretch your legs all the way long. You can set your heels down and then come back to parallel. No. I need to slide down just a tiny bit. Now that was also warming up the arch of the feet and the toe joints. We're gonna work the front of the shin, so I want you to lift the front of the foot and rock up onto your heels and then place your feet flat. So it's just kind of lifted lower the bottom of the foot You wanna engage the front of the shin.

Very important also when we land to have that kind of strength in the ankle, Right? Now turn out Pilates V and same thing. And 2, try not to lock your knees for Uh-huh. You're gonna really feel the front of the shin, 78. Hip with parallel. Same thing. Top of the foot, top of the foot toward the shin, toe is up toward the nose, and 5 You should be feeling quite a bit of work in the front of the shin bone and a now a little turned out. Same thing up.

And up. What about the stomach? Oh, yes. All the way up underneath the ribs in that direction and 7 and 8. Okay. Come back to parallel first, bend the knees all the way to the stopper just lift and shake the feet. So hopefully feel a lot of warm up down below the knee. We're ready.

Come here. Bring yourself out. I like to start straight legged. This is how I learned it. Make sense to me. Bend your knees.

Come as low as you can with your heels flat. Really try to keep the heels flat and just notice what you notice. There should be a lot of stretch in your calves, a lot of work in the front of the shin. So we bend. We jump and land to here. Little jump and land.

Now use your buttocks use your quads and pull yourself to standing. That'll take 4 accounts. Okay. So we do a bend, a jump, A land and 4321. Bend. Jump. Land it.

4, 3, 2 growing all the way tall. Jump land. 4, 3, 2, 1, That's where I would do my breast. So we'll take 4 more like that. Bend. I'll let you decide how big your jumps what you need right now.

You could be really small, completely fine. Right? And 2 more like this. We really want you to stick that landing. So you could roll through your feet to your heel and up. Now eight jumps, just go for it. Just jump for 87.

Get what you need out of your jump. You have a whole class to do, so don't burn your quads yet, and 6, and 7, and 8. Okay? So that pattern repeats itself from Pilates v. Here we go. Crius Jump Land. You have 4 counts to straighten.

And Bend. Jump. Land. 4, 3, 2, and 1. And Ben, I like to keep my heels together. Because it works my midline connection all the way up to the spine in the center. 4 more.

And finding some rhythm in there, 3 more sets, all the way up. Keep those heels together. Do you feel that? You should feel a lot of connection in the inner leg in the back of the leg. Okay? So that was the 8 of the slow preparation. Let's jump for 8 and 8.

7 trying to land the heels. You really gotta let the ankle bend, let the knee bend, let the hips crease, last one, and pause. How we doing. Okay? Now when we do hip with parallel and turn out, let's just do 4 of each one. Right? So bend jump, land, take 4 counts to straighten, then jump, land, 4, 3, 2 more to go. And Ben jump land.

2, 3, 4. And Ben, But yet, we will do 8 consecutive jumps like that and jump. And 2. And 3. Really use those legs.

You guys are feeling warm, getting warmer, 7 and 8. Land it. Stick it. And stretch up. Pilates turned out wide fee for the slow version. And I do this slow version so you really prepare for the jump.

Right? And you pull yourself up to start it again. So you have a bend a spring and a land, 4321, and 1 more slow. Then 8 in a row. Here we go. And springy springy jumps.

Let your knees really absorb the tension. Let the knees and the muscles around the knees. 6, 7, and 8 come in and rest for a second. Okay? Anytime you need a little break, just lift your legs and shake. I like to do 30 two consecutive jumps at this point. You've had all the positions Let's go. Parallel hip width for 8.

This is a time to connect to some breath. 5, 6. User feed, everybody. 7. Land in Pilates V, and we have 8 tuck your heels together. 3. Stomach flat.

5. 6, 7. Hit with the parallel for 8. Small or big jumps. You're choosing what you need. 3.

Nose to the ceiling, not looking at your feet. You know where they are. How you doing? With 8 more turned out. Here we go, guys. Building strength in these legs, strengthen your lungs.

Last two, and we'll all take a little moment stretch. Good. And just come on in and seriously, everybody's scooting, lift and shake, shake, shake. Okay? Talk your knees in, round yourself forward, Feel the stretch of your back, especially in your lower back. Now it's time for single leg, similar with the slow build and consecutive, We'll do 4 and 4. Start wide out away from the bumper, hip width apart.

Now I'm on 2 reds. I'm okay with 2 red on a single leg. If you would like to lighten it or have make it heavier. It's your choice. Other leg will be tabletop.

Single leg. We do Ben, jump, land, use your hip to straighten your leg. Bend. Jump. 1, 2, 3, 4. Tracking parallel. It's okay to take a little peek and check.

And all the way up, taller through your spine, bend, jump, and land. And 4321, we'll do four jumps. Single for 4, 3, 2, and 1, and then straighten, change lengths. Here we go and bend, jump, land. Stretch the spring.

Bend push land. Get that heal down. Really work that heal down. So you don't bend as deep as you can. You gotta keep the heal down. Safety and the Achilles tendon.

Okay? And your plantar fascia, okay, four jumps. And so really, honestly, if it's small like this, this is better. Get the heel down versus big jumps and your heel bouncing all around. Okay. Now let's just go jump side to side.

Just jump. Find some cadence, find some breath. Again, it's your choice. How large or small you wanna jump. Keep your face and nose to the ceiling. Okay. We're gonna do a pattern.

In momentarily, you'll do double, double, single, single, single, single. Okay? Meaning, two landings on one foot. There we go. 2 landings on the other foot and then singles for 4, 4, 3, and 2, and 1. We got it. Ready? 2 landings on this foot? 2 on the other? I feel like a little kangaroo with my hands and 4 and that might help 3 and 2.

Let's do a 2 more patterns. We've got it. 2 jumps and landing. 2. And 2. And 2, 4 singles. Why? Is your heel getting down? Yes.

It is. Push from your bun. One more set ready. And one 2 and 2 and 2 and singles 1 and 2, 3, 4. And 34. And then we come in, and we're just gonna pause again all the way in. Legs up. Shake. Shake. Shake.

Tuck yourself in, give yourself a little hug. How are we doing? Okay. You get to visualize a clock. We all know what a clock looks like. Here's mine on the ceiling.

I'm gonna put that clock on my jump board, and I'm gonna stand right in the center of my clock. 12 is up there. 3, 6, interesting place, and 9. Right? So legs are close now. Notice for myself when I'm standing in the middle of my clock, I'm no longer able to get into the jumper or the bumper with my heels down. That's my limit.

It's a different range of motion of flexion in the hip knee and ankle relationship. I'm okay with that. I don't wanna come all the way and pop my heels off. K? I think you're getting a point. So we're gonna jump off from the middle land at 12, come back to the middle, land at 3, middle, 6, middle, 9, middle, twice, counterclockwise twice. Here we go.

Jump off the middle, land at 12. Jump in the middle, land at 3. Land in the middle. Land at 6. It's the tough one. Land in the middle over to 9.

Again, middle. 12, middle, 3, middle, 6, Oh, heels. That's tough one. 9. Let's go counterclockwise. 12. Middle.

So you're moving across this board. 6th. Oh, that's a tough one for me. And 3. Okay.

Again, 12, and middle, and 9, and middle, and 6 takes a lot of doors reflection. Oops. And 3. Okay. We're gonna go 3 and 9 side to side. 3 over to 9. And now I'm not a skier, but this could be some good moguls training, prep, Keep going. 8 and 7.

Moving just across that board. Legs are tight together. 4 more. 3. Now keep jumping if you can.

I'm gonna go in the middle for my jumps while they talk about the next part. Okay. So we still have 12 and 6 to play with. Go into Pilates B here. This is tricky. We're gonna jump single eggs first, 3 and 9. Here we go.

We're gonna go. 3 and 9. 3. So I'm a little turned out. It looks a little silly. Now, in some moment here. You're gonna land one foot on 12, one foot on 6. I do not have a preference because you'll figure it out. I'm at 12.

I'm at 6. I'm at 12, I'm at 6. Oh, turned out. Now that 6 o'clock foot, that ankle really has to flex to get my heel down. Okay? Remember what foot is up on 12 and who's at 6 because we're gonna do it all over again. Are you ready for that? So we're gonna go 3, 9, and 3, 9, and 3. I'm not too wide.

Hips are about hip width apart. Hello, legs. Hello, heartbeat. Now change. 1 at 6. 1 at 12. How'd you do? And 612 and 612.

8 more like that. Joyfully jumping around a clock, for hand 3. And then we're going to just go in the middle with both feet for 10 and 9. Use those feet, guys. Let's sharpen the feet now. And 5, 6, 7, Hey. How are you doing? 9 and 10?

It's so fun. And then when you stop, here we go. Stop. Stretch back up and just notice what you notice. Little vibration everywhere. Come in. One more hug. Well, there'll be a few more hugs but we're gonna get away from our legs for a moment.

I want you to come up to home. We're gonna do some ab work. Okay? So let's take our spring to a blue only everything else away. We'll get our box. We're gonna place our box over the frame Now where on the frame? That direction is harder then this direction. You want at least, I don't know what that is, about 10 inches or so.

That could be a fun thing to talk about later. Okay. Crawl up on your knees, hands on your box, fingertips around the back, and elbows on your box. Okay. So everybody's got different sized boxes I realize. Now you want enough distance here because you're gonna flex your spine and pull the carriage to the box. If it's too close, you won't get much work.

If it's too far, you're gonna get a lot of work. Okay? So I'm gonna take a breath, neutral spine, and then first flex the spine and pull the carriage to the box. Keep the tailbone in a round position, drive the knees, flex. So I'm really not using my hands. My elbows are pretty anchored in the box.

I'm trying to round my lower back. 4 more. 3. Lift the tummy up and pull the tail under. And 8.

Okay. Same thing on the corner. You know what that's gonna mean? Obliques. Ready? Round Taylor is rounded down, pulled up the stomach, and you pull. 2 lift your stomach every time you're about to pull the carriage.

Feeling a little surge of strength there. That's good. 6 could have moved my box a little farther, probably. And 8 and back other direction. Keep moving, breathe in, round that tail, shoulders off the ears, and I think it's pretty easy to feel the obliques. Lyft the stomach, pull the knees, curl that tail. Check those shoulders.

You can tell them get a little fatigue, 7, and 8. Maybe not N8. Okay. Awesome. Now come back into stretch your shoulders. Stretching the shoulders feels good. We're gonna come up for a little hip stretch. Okay. So put one hand on your jump board just for balance sake, put this foot up on top of your box.

It just stretch over getting your inner thighs and your hips stretched. Just a couple. We have a sideline jumping that I wanna get to. You might want a little flexibility there and openness turnaround other side. Easy. Just shifts some weight.

Okay. We're also gonna do a little more ab work, everybody, yay, up on the box on top. So pick up that box. We're putting it all the way on top of the carriage. Your shoulder blades will be right on the back end.

You're still on a blue spring, and that's gonna matter because I don't want us to be so out of control with the abdominal work that the carriage moves. Oh, let's see if I can do it. Alright. Single leg. Pull pull. Pull pull.

Pretty simple. 6 You know what 7 and 8 means. Right? That's it. Double leg. Stretch. Try not to use momentum. Your carriage could move, and I'd rather you not move it. Lift up off your shoulders and 6 I'm not counting.

This is 5 is what I meant to do. Scissors. Now everybody ready. Now hold that leg. Pull it up and then toward you one. Only 8 of these 2, 3, 4. You can touch the jump board.

Just barely and 7 and eight two legs up. Hands behind the head. Straight leg lower lift. Down. And up and down and up and down.

Really open and close the hip. Last two. Last one for Chris Cross. Just eight times 1, 2, 3, 4 more. Here we go. Twist pull that knee in 7 and 8.

Good. Did you move your carriage? I didn't. I'm being very diligent about that. Okay. Pulled your box away. We're gonna go down into sideline jumping, and there's gonna be a little lateral hip that we work with. So your hips are somewhat organized for that. So blue springs still headrest can go down.

I like to go all the way through. Put my hand on the back of the backpack there. Then the bottom knee, and then try your best to be in the middle of the mat. Hard to do on your own. Sometimes hips are too far behind here.

Or sometimes too far forward. Ideally, right in the middle, your foot is on the jump board. And I first want us to just be parallel. Starts and jumping. Oh, light. You have a lot more time in the air.

So what does that mean? You've got a really whole integrity in your core work and your center. Bend that knee Got a little close to the top there. 6. Okay. Now you can stay with this or go a little bit more and I'll take this leg into lateral hip lift. So a little lateral raise and down.

Well, where's the board? That's our proprioceptive Since we know it's there, we know we're jumping, we know we're moving our leg up and down, then we know the board is there. But if you need to look to put your foot, go ahead, but I'd rather you not have to look. Right? Building that confidence of where is the body and space? For 8 more jumps. 1.

Pull that in. 2. 3. You feel some work around the top of that? You have 4. Keep of the breath flowing. And 6. Hopefully, you're really parallel with that leg, knee in line with the toes, and one more jump, and land and well done. Okay. Everybody coming up off your side.

The leg you just jumped across over, place your hands. Oh, yes. That feels good. Behind your hips and just do an easy figure for stretch. Wiggle wiggle wiggle if you need. Okay. The other side waits.

Here we go. Get on your side. You can thread your arm through. If that doesn't you guys. I'm sorry. You could also do just a regular setup on your side. I just really like this one.

Bottom leg is bent Top league is parallel. Pretty well, sure my foot is somewhere in line with that foot bar and that's on the other side. Elvis is nice and stacked. Here we go. Just easy jumps first.

Really again, hip flexion knee flexion ankle flexion. You wanna jump from your hip strength and your quad. 2 more plane jumps. You can always stay just there, but we went for 16 lateral leg lifts for 1. And 2, 3.

I'm still working the articulation through the foot and heel landing. I'm sure you are too. Right? And seven? I had to take a quick look. 8 more.

Really get the lateral hip contraction. Land with that heal. We have 4 more, 1, and 2. 3. Good. And 4, you could keep going if you'd like to. I'm gonna bring us everybody up for that figure 4 stretch.

Right? I'll just face you for that because it makes more sense to see you ankle over your knee, hands behind you, body forward, and a little wiggle wiggle wiggle. Good. And now keeping your blue spring, we are gonna do a little bit for our back and our shoulder girdle. Okay? Bring your knees up. I'm gonna just adjust. And I want you to walk yourself out. You could also use a yellow spring.

I'm going for blue. And I want us just to be tractioned by the spring. So I'm not really resting on my heels. My hips are a little bit lifted, and I wanted very slowly everybody do some scapula glide. Easy. Just let the scapula have the the stage here.

Feel the rhythm of each scapula at the same. One more, and then we'll add some elbow bending. And it'll start the same way. Superrelatively neutral spine. It's gonna be shoulders and elbows and release.

With the scapula glide up. Scapula elbows pull. 2 more in that sequence. Scapula elbows and pull. And scapula elbows and pull.

One more yummy one, I think. Arms are straight. You may need to sit down a little. Pull your hands somewhat down the risers. Don't move them, but as if you're pulling them toward the ground, And as you pull down with this scapula come back and then just arc your chest forward and slightly up.

And then release that. Consider this maybe a little cobra spine. I'm pulling my hands down trying to pick up my spine, my upper spine. I may have done this on a yellow, but I put blue I'm working real hard here. And Scaffiela, hands down, upper back lifted, in my Swan. There we go.

One last time, everybody. Scapula. Arms pull down. Lift that sternum and then come all the way down. Put your hands on your frame carefully go backward.

Stay in a little respose for a breath or 2? Okay. I always enjoy coming to sit at the edge of the reformer and notice what we notice kind of a compare contrast. Right? Jumping is a lot of nervous system information. We're constantly in most So in contrast to that, let's just sit quiet for a moment or 2. Take a few breaths.

Say thank you to yourself for moving, exercising today, and I thank you for joining me on this class. I'll see you next time.


Maryna Z
1 person likes this.
so creative! Thank you, Amy!
Shona Croft
1 person likes this.
I love all your classes. And you could be the only pilates instructor who can count!  (I include me in the non counting number) 😂👍❤️
1 person likes this.
I can’t wait to try this great flow 
Robin S
1 person likes this.
as always great! nice to have a "new " jump board fun time!
1 person likes this.
Lots of fun, great leg work!
Angeline R
1 person likes this.
Love this jump series and will teach it next week @ EveryBodyPilates MC, LA Thanks!
So lovely. Thank you for the empowering and clear class. 
1 person likes this.
So energizing. with great organizing cues. Five Star class!!!
Jen U
1 person likes this.
Thank you Amy!  Jumping was just what I needed today!  xo
1 person likes this.
This would be a great class for someone I know, Amy.    You know her too!  Thank-you!  This truly revealed how asymmetrical my left ankle is from my right!  woza!
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