Class #5658

Reformer with Overball

45 min - Class


Join Tracey Mallett for a dynamic intermediate Reformer class, where stability and active flexibility are at the core of the workout. Experience creative ways to incorporate an Overball into your Reformer workout, challenging your range of motion and unilateral work. Throughout the class, you'll play with proprioception and be guided to remain mindful and focus on your form.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box, Overball

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Hello, Tracy Mallett here with Pilates anytime. We are going to be using my favorite prop. It's the ball. This fantastic mighty ball brings a lot of variation to your classes. It can challenge you.

It can assist you. You can do so many different things. So it's definitely worth a class for just the ball, and that's what I'm going to do today. So I'm really excited to add the ball to my class. So We're gonna start on our lovely allegro a 2 here.

I love this reformer. We're gonna take a seat, and we're gonna start with 2 red spring. So we got those 2 red springs, 2 springs, but we're gonna start off just to getting into the core a little bit. So grab your ball, place your ball in the lumbar spine to your lower back, kinda settle into it, and then circle the hands around here. And then look forward towards your pubic bone.

You can feel those abs firing up already, holding it there. Now from here, we're gonna lift float one leg up, take it down, float the other leg up, And on the exhale, we're drifting that knee up towards your chest. Opposite leg, exhale lift up. And we're just gonna do a few more. Last time, Excel.

And slowly reach the hands forwards towards me and lift up, back down again, exhale reach towards me, and really zipping up through those abs. Imagine your abdominals are lifting in up and back behind the back of the rib cage. You kinda wanna feel that big scoop. 2 more. Last time, several back down again and reach the hands either side of your body, lift up, grab the ball as we get up.

We don't want to escape anywhere. We're gonna come down. We're gonna be on two reds, like I said. I'm gonna make sure my head rest is up, and we're gonna roll down. Now we're gonna take the ball and place the ball underneath the right foot on the bar. The left heel is on the bar.

Now this is gonna be a little bit of pro perception here as you push out and then in. So you're stabilizing the ball, and we exhale push out an in. So I'm going with a light weight just to focus on really pushing the ball, but really focusing on drawing the abdominal wall in as we extend that leg. Let's do 4 more here, exhale 4. XL 3 XL 2.

Now one more and we're gonna do our little pulse is now mid range of motion here looking up towards the sky. For 4 for 3 for 2. Now fully extend out. Ben the knee, bring the carriage in, close the carriage, move the heel to the toe. Push out again. So be mindful to keep that ankle joint stable as we push out and in and really focus on drawing the abs in as you extend.

And back. There we go. Look up to the sky. That elongated spine. Keep that ball as still as you can. Are you ready for our little pausing mid range of motion?

Daw, daw, daw, daw, daw, daw, daw, daw, daw, daw, daw, daw, daw, daw, daw, daw, daw, daw, daw, daw, daw, daw, daw, daw, daw, daw, daw, daw, daw, daw, daw, daw, d, d, daw, daw, daw, d, daw, daw, d, daw, d, d, d, daw, d, daw, d, daw, daw, d, daw, and 3, and 2 full extension holder here. Now flex the heel underneath the bar, relevay, flex and rise. Feel that lovely stretch. Let's do four more here, 4 and lift. 3, and lift, 2, and lift. 1, and lift. Bring the carriage in.

Close the carriage. Now from here, we're gonna reach the fingertips towards the bar, hold it here, lift the opposite leg. We're gonna drop that leg down and up. Excel down and up. 4 more here.

Circle the hands around. Interlaced the hands. Now into our leg circles. Yes. A little tricky here. Gotta keep that opposite.

Foot still. Get your hips as stable as you can. Now we've reversed the opposite direction. There we go. Let's do a couple more that mini circle.

Last time, hold it there. And then drop that foot down. Now we're gonna do a quick switch, put the heel down, Drop the head down. Let's start to go. I'll push Allen in.

And back. Think of your quad. You'll thigh drawing away from your kneecaps. You got that length in the leg. So we're going to fully extension without locking, but that lengthening feeling, reaching out with the heel and pushing out and in. That's it.

One more. Now we go for the little Mid range of motion. Duh. Duh. There we go. Hamstrinkum quad. Duh.

Da da da 5, and 4, and 3, and 2, and full extension. Bend the knee, replace the heel with the toe, and let's push away. Keep the ankles doing stable. And keep pressing so we don't lose the ball. We don't wanna drop the ball.

We never wanna drop the ball. Do we? There we go. We're shadowing in. Make sure you definitely think about it, thinking how stable you want in your midsection here, your abs, Ready one more. Small range of motion, da da da, and 3.

And 4, and 5, and 6, and 78, and 9 are full extension all the way out. Press the heel underneath the bar and lift. So there's that single leg flex and rise. There we go. 5 more, 5, 4, 3, all the way up, 2, and 1.

Bend the knee. Close the carriage. Reach that leg out and lift your head, neck, and shoulders off the mat. We're gonna just go up and down that nice kick that nice mobility through your hip joints, feel their hamstrings, look towards your size, There we go. Toss that leg up. Couple more.

And then hold that leg up, circle the hands around, interlace. Let's lift up. Now we're going into our circles, circle around. Inhale down, exhale away from that mid section. Keep the power of us as still as you can. And then that's we've roast it.

That's it. Shaky, shaky there. And that range of motion trying to keep the opposite hip still. Alright. Can we just do one more for a good look? And then hold it there and then bend the knee. Now grab your ball.

There we go. And we're gonna turn to your side and it all the way up. Now we're gonna take it into a one blue spring here. Gonna come around in this direct make sure your head rest is down. There we go. Now you could be on a red if you want a little bit more resistance.

A blue already is good. Now I'm gonna go for the smaller straps. I'm holding onto the straps, and I'm also holding onto the ball too. So there we go. I'm getting the smallest straps, hands around the loop, and I'm holding on to the ball. So we're here. I've got hold of the ball.

I'm compressing the ball. And drawing the shoulder blades down and back. I'm gonna incline. So incline in there, reaching the arms towards the ears, And then we replace the hands back where they came from, and then we hinge back up again. Now if you feel your straps are too long, you can always choke up your straps and come up onto the rope and back up again. So it's a incline, by your ears, arms, we turn back, shoulders stacked over your hips.

Incline is forwards, lift up a couple more, incline. Feel those apps. Arms to your ears. Bring it back. Now this time, I'm gonna hold the incline here. So hold the incline.

Hold it. Now we go down and up, keeping the incline. Arms and abs here. 3 more. 3. You got it. Come on.

2. One more. Hold it there. Just come up. Give yourself a little tiny break. Do I dare say it? And then we hinge back again. We're gonna rotate to the front.

To the opposite direction. So now we're incorporating those obliques now in that rotation. It's a lateral move. Lateral into your obliques. Try and keep the feet still because kinda wanna move around a little bit.

Plant your feet firmly in and down to your shoulder rest. 2 more. Feel those obliques. One more. Bring you back to center.

Come down a little bit further. Bring you back up. Down a little bit further. Do we dare? Test those apps? Come back. So we're trying to get the lumbar spine down.

And then come back up, exhale lumbar spine hits, and then that deep sea curve, and couple more. Last time. And up. Now from here, I'm moving to the bigger straps, the longer straps. And I'm moving my hips forwards as far forward as I can towards my shoulder rests.

Once again, grab in the ball with the straps. From here, I'm gonna roll down. And my arms are gonna go out again just like we just did, And now we're gonna add on. So float the legs up into chat position, double leg stretch. Inhale reach, exhale, tap the ball to the shins.

Inhale, lengthen. Excel tap the ball to the shin. Inhale, lengthen, look towards your toes. Excel come back. 3 more.

1 more. Hold it here. From here, we're gonna slowly reach the arms up by your ears. Hold it there. Reach the legs up. Drop the head down.

You're gonna look back, exhale. Roll up. Bend the knees. And then grab your little straps, turn to the side, and come up. Beautiful. So now you're gonna place the straps down. We're gonna go forwards.

Now from here, we're going to put the ball in between the inner thighs here. And we're gonna sit back. So I'm gonna come all the way back. I'm gonna go to the smaller straps. And we're gonna come up.

So I'm squeezing the inner thighs. We're just gonna go into our press back here, press back. Now you can feel the resistance as you're reaching your fingertips down to the ball and now squeeze the ball. So now you're working your adductors. Palvic floor abdominals. Now we're gonna add on now.

So as the arms come forwards, the hips go back, and we send the hips back up as the arms go back behind the body and shoulder extension. Squeeze the ball. So you get a little bit of our duck to work there, a little bit of in the thigh. Always need a little bit more in the thigh. Inhale back. I'm working on a light spring, so absolutely feel free if you wanna make it a little bit more challenging.

4 more here. 4 squeeze that ball. 3, and 2, and one. Now hold it here. Hinge forwards as the elbows bend. Squeeze that ball.

Tri SIP extension. Now we got elements of balance here, scooping out the abs against gravity. The elbows are high reaching out as we do through the top of the those triceps are working for 4 for 3. For 2 and for 1, bring the hands back, return back to a nice straight neutral position, and then bring the legs down. Just wrap your straps around there for the time being.

Gonna grab my ball, and I'm gonna turn around And we're going to put the balls like a little seat. So I'm gonna put the ball here, and I'm gonna sit down on my ball. Doesn't that feel good? So I'm gonna release the tension in my in my butt, basically, in my lower back. I'm sitting down. I'm a little elevated.

And we're gonna pick up your straps. Now I am presenting forward. So we're presenting forwards and then back. Super easy and that present forwards. And if this feels too easy, take it to the smallest straps. There we go. Now we're gonna be adding on.

So we bend our elbows. We hinge forwards. We scoop. We reach towards the bar. We lift up, and we circle and we bring the arms all the way around. Our boss bent.

Crow reach. Lift up. Palms the facing outwards. Bend the elbows. Now scoop. Lyft up. As the arms go forward, the abs scoop. Right there. Lift up.

I'm doing. So, like, a rowing variation here. Lift up. One more time. Bend the elbows. You ready? Lift up.

Take the hands forwards. Now we're gonna squeeze the ball, keep the ball there between your ankles, right? So your ankle joints, you're squeezing the ball, lift your right hand. We're gonna reach towards the bar. Now you can see why I keep at one spring, so I haven't got to keep changing the springs around. This is definitely a half a spring here. Reaching forwards and back.

Elbow is high. Scooping out those abdominals as you press forwards towards the bar. Last time, bring it down, hand down, kinda by where your ear is, elbow high. Go. Bring it back. Now reach out to the crown of the head.

I know it keeps saying that, but it's so important because we all forget including myself when we drop the head down. We were reaching out to the top of the head in our position. The tailbone's going to the opposite side of the room. And we're just reaching your palm is flat. Here we go. Couple more.

One more. And then bring it back. Beautiful. Place the straps. You can just place them over the shoulder rest here. Let's take the ball away.

We're gonna step down. Now I'm just gonna put the ball on the floor out the way here, and I am going to take The bar down. It's gonna go all the way down. Place your box short ways here. So I'm gonna adjust against here.

So the straps are down. Perfect. Get your box short against your shoulder rest. We're gonna go into 1 blue spring, a light spring. Maybe you might need a little bit more.

You could do a blue and a yellow. One spring sometimes is a little bit too heavy. So we're gonna put your foot on the platform. I've got my one leg back on the platform, the other leg, the toes against the box, And to start off with, we're gonna push out with the ball underneath the right hand. So you're gonna feel nice and secure here.

And we're gonna bend the knees, come into a lunge, and we're gonna curl ourselves all the way up. So we're sitting and then standing up nice and firmly shoulders over hips. We're gonna push out and then bend both knees as we come in. Pushing out. Now can you see both knees are bending? Reach the ball out.

Think of compressing the ball to really contract those pec muscles and connect the arms to the back. That's kinda why we've got the ball there so we can have some work going on that shoulder girdle, reaching forwards and back. I'm focusing on my balance here. It's just 3 more, 3. 2, and let's do one more.

Now we reach both legs out straight. We're gonna go straight up and down. I'm just gonna keep my hands forwards here. And going up and down. So you're zipping up, pelvic floor pulls up, into your split. Breeze.

Here we go. Taking that balance up to the next level. Let's do a few more here. Last time. Holder here. Bend that front knee. So you're in a lunge, take the ball to the front hand.

Now come into your plank position. So you gotta really work on that shoulder girdle here with that ball underneath the hand, reach out to the crown of the head. And they're just gonna push forwards and back again. So you can feel that unstability there and you're fighting to keep stable. Now tilt the pelvis slightly underneath you.

There we go, pubic bone to belly button, and then reaching out in that long lengthened position. Let's do one more. Come back. Now we're gonna rotate Reach the hand up in your side plank here. Now bring the carriage in as you side bend over back out into your side plank.

So you're in that side bend position as you draw the carriage in, Ambac. So you're kinda cinching at the waist there. You can see my lowest rib. He's trying to join the hip. And back. Let's do a couple more lift up. And let's do one more.

Reach out, hold it there, turn it around. Now we're gonna bring the opposite leg forwards, Here we go. So now you got the opposite leg forward, and then we're gonna hold it there in that nice stretch here. Now We're gonna slowly close the carriage. Knees are bent. Drawing in those abs as we lift up and find your balance here.

Now we slide out. We bend everything in. We slide out. Remember you got a nice cup of tea on top of your head. And tea is very special to me.

You know, I am a Brit, and I can't live without my tea. So if I've got something balancing, a cup of tea right here, I am not moving. I'm going in one straight line. I'm sure most of you thinking about a nice tequila or a pina colada, and I'm talking about tea. There we go. In how for us, exhale bring the leg in.

We're working those thighs. It's fantastic. Dada. Can we do a couple more? Absolutely.

We doing this. Now Risa likes out. Remember? We go straight up. Split. I know. Think of the pelvic floor pulling up.

I'm looking forward. That's why I'm not looking at you. I'm focusing on one spot so I can balance. So please Have your attention here. Don't be distracted.

This is your time. It's the time to work on your body. Your mind and your mind body connection. Oh, can we do one more? Fantastic.

Go out into your lunch. So I'm into my lunch. Now the ball's going into the backhand now. Hold it here. We're gonna go into a plank. So you remember our plank position?

Hold your planks. Already my shoulder girdle here has gotta stabilize even more. Gonna push the carriage forwards and back. Now I'm looking forward. So I'm not dropping my chin to my chest.

I'm reaching out, and that's what you're going to do. Now slightly tilt the pelvis underneath you, your pubic going to belly button, those lower abs are on fire. There we go. And you're just moving at the shoulder joint. Nothing else is moving. And that's hard enough.

Okay. Let's do one more. In hell, axel. Now stack your wrists underneath your shoulders, and we're gonna turn around into your side plank. Ready sideband. And then bring it back.

Side Bend. Close the carriage. There's the oblique. A lot of oblique work here. Now if this is too challenging, you could always try it on your forearms too. So you're not on your wrist. So you maybe wanna experiment on your forearms.

Keep looking forwards, everybody. Close the carriage if you can. One more. Hold it there. Turn it around and come up into a pyramid position and just place the ball just there where it is.

And just go into a stretch. Just stretch yourself out here. Fantastic. Now we're gonna step off step off. Now we're gonna work the back body here. I'm gonna take it to one red spring.

I'm gonna go into back extension. So I'm gonna step into it this way. So we're gonna step into the well here. And what we're going to do is come up onto the top And we're going to put the ball in between your ankle joints here. So the ball's gonna go in between your ankle joints.

Now I've got it here. I'm gonna take my hands down. Here we go. And I'm gonna slide into that position here. Now the hands are gonna go forwards onto the platform here.

Now I'm gonna scoop forward. So my hips I kinda right at the edge. Your pubic bones right at the end of the box. Now if this does feel uncomfortable, you can grab a mat like I have here and place it where your pubic bone is. Now to start with, reach out to the crown of the head, we're just gonna extend the legs and then bend.

So you may not be able to see, but my knees are slightly hovering the bot. Because I'm pressing the pubic bone down into the box. The thighs are slightly hovering, so it's all in the back body. It's your hamstrings. Now your upper body stabilizing you.

There we go. Feel that? Let's do one more. Externally rotate your feet a little bit so you're turned out. Now we're gonna push push push, press away, and we go in as the legs lift.

And then we come back. Back into your swan. So let's go slowly. You're externally rotated in your hips. I'm taking my body all the way down, lifting up, and then coming back back.

Back in that extension. And, again, lifting up, and then back down. Let's do one more. And again, lift up. Hold it there and see if we can bend the knees. Extend, bend the knees, extend, arms are straight pushing away, bend the knees, extend one more.

Bend the knees. Extend hold it there. Now take your eye line. Draw your shoulder blades down and keep looking. Keep looking. Keep looking.

Keep looking. Keep looking. Close the carriage off in that extension. And then come back. Slowly, we're gonna bend your knees, come into your sideline, sit yourself up gracefully, and grab your ball. Oh, there's a nice little back extension there.

K. From here, just gonna place the ball down. And we're gonna keep it at 1 red spring. Perfect set up here to sit on your box. So everybody, we're gonna sit right at the edge of your box, and we're gonna pick up your strap here. I'm gonna wrap the strap around the thigh, and we're gonna gently roll ourselves down.

Did you see that? So I'm gonna come back up again because I wanna make sure you're in the right position. You wrap it around your side, put your hands right on the corners here, push yourself down, and get yourself up. Got it. So my hands are right on the corner. I feel secure. I'm in that position here.

Now taking the hands behind your head so you're lifted up. We're gonna go into a scissor. Now I'm gonna drop that leg down. Enjoy that stretch while I can. So you can feel the resistance pulling you that way. So your inner thigh has gotta work to bring it into the midline of your body.

Alright. Hands behind your head. Are you ready? Lift that leg up scissor. 4, 3, 2, bring the leg with the strapping front of your chest. Ready. We're gonna go into your helicopter helicopter round. Split.

Helicopter around. Split. Hell helicopter around. Split. Got one more everyone. Hell, they coped her around.

Split. Hold it there. Bring the other leg to join it. Tic tuck. Tic tuck.

Tuck. There we go. Working into those obliques. There we go. A couple more. One more. Back to center.

Bend your knees, wrap the hands around your thighs, pull yourself up, place the hands onto the box and lift up. There is a graceful way of going out of this. We take the strap, we place it down, and we go the other direction. There we go. So we sit at the edge of the box. Make sure your box is equal, so it's secure. We take the strap around the thigh.

Now, scoo forwards hands on the corner of your box and then roll yourself down and kind of push yourself down a little bit So your head is off, but only slightly. You see? Lift up and put the hands behind your head. Reach the leg without the strap and just drop it down. So you have that nice sew ass, hip flexor stretch here.

Get ready because the now it's gonna go into those splits. So reach that leg up. Lengthen that leg out towards the wall, scissors, da, da, da, da, da, da, and power, da, da, and 8, and 76, and 5, and 4, and 3 and to bring the leg back with a strap ready for helicopter. Lift your head up about an inch. Helicopter round. Split split.

360 hips, split, split, split, find those sticky spots and work through them. Dah, dah, dah, split. Now slow and controlled. Split. Slow and controlled.

I think we've got one more. Dada. Dada. Up. We go. Bring that leg up. Lift your head neck and shoulders a little bit more tiktok, tiktok, tik, working those obliques, Are we breathing?

I hope so. 4 and 3 And 2, you got one more. Bring you back to center. Wrap the hands around. Lift up a little bit more.

Feel those abs. And take the hands. Shift your hips back back to a seated position. Take these little guys away. And place them down.

Now we're gonna come off. Be careful. Now we're gonna turn your box long ways to here. Alrighty. Now from here, we're gonna move the box to the end. So we've got a little bit of space here.

And we're gonna come into your blue spring. We're gonna work a little bit of strap work. Now you've got 2 choices. You can either be kneeling or you can take it to the next progression, which is where I will be with the foot on the actual mat. So Well, it's actually on the reformer, but reformer mat.

There we go. So you got your strap around the instep. We come up So you can be here. So that would be your first variation would be right here, which you've done many times before. Or we take it up a little bit harder. We're gonna replace it, put that foot down, and then place here the foot down towards the floor.

Place the hands on the box and place the other hand on your shoulder rest, and then go back. Now it looks a little bit daunting, but it's actually you feel pretty secure here because I'm on a very light spring, So it's all attainable. It's just a lot of balance. So if you're not quite ready for this, just pop that knee onto the top of the box. And do it with a knee on the box in a quadruped position.

Okay? XL. In how back. I like to keep it on a lighter weight to make it a little bit more attainable. We're still working your hamstrings and your glutes, and you're looking good.

Couple more. One more, and then bring it down. Sit down. Pick up your strap. Send it to one side here, put the inside leg closest towards your reformer long strap, we're gonna roll and back.

Row. So now we're going into your back here. Get down a little bit deeper. If you need to go to the smallest strap, you can. Abs, you shouldn't be crashing. If your reformer is crashing, you need to be a little bit further away from the pulleys.

Now add a little bit of a rotation. Rotation. Well, I love this because it works the obliques. It works the lats. It works the back, the area that we all wanna tone.

Couple more. One more. Hold it here. Both hands forwards. I'm gonna go for the smaller straps, so I've got a bit more resistance there, and I'm gonna lunge. So I just went for the smallest strap because I wanna feel the resistance.

You should feel resistance. You should feel the pulley pulling me forwards, but I'm stopping that with my strong core, right, with your strong core, and we're gonna go up and down. 87 65432. Hold it. Elbows bent. I'm just gonna have you test your balance.

Can we balance? Can we hold it there? Just test that balance. It's good to test it, see if we balanced, and then bring it in. Oh, there we go. Let's go to the other side.

So I'm gonna move the box over So there's some space that one side to pop my foot there. So this is how we get into it. We sit on our box. Gonna get you a little strap, and we're gonna go with a long loop, either kneeling or we place the foot right behind your strap. Put one hand here, one hand on the top.

And take the leg down to the side. So before we do anything, shoulder blades depress, reach out through the top of the head, scoop out those abs. Now foot is right in front of your hip, and then it goes back into hip extension. So don't start the exercise until you're in the correct position. Because that's when injuries happen.

When we're trying to race to get to the exercise, remember, sets it up for success. If you're set up correctly, you will definitely execute the exercise correctly. But if you set yourself up on correctly, That's where the accidents happen. So be mindful, slow it down, and really focus on your fall Right now, your hamstrings and glutes are doing all the work, and we're stabilizing. You're stabilizing knees bent. Or it's bent in a quadrupe position on top of the box.

Alright. Can we do four more here? 4. We're doing amazing. The arms are straight. Your booty's on fire. So we love it.

One more. And bring it down. So it's something fun when the booty's on fire. I know. I feel good.

Step off. Inside leg goes closest to the reform as your inside leg. I'm gonna choke it up again. I'm going for gold here. Make it a little bit challenging.

Alba's back. There we go. Now get down a little bit deeper. So you're working on right here. Here, you know, this area here.

We wanna put a little attention to this in that row, try and get the elbow behind your body, Let's go down a little bit deeper. Let's work those legs at the same time. Oh, remember if you're crushing, step away a little bit, make a little bit more challenging. Now ready rotation. Go. Rotation. Look over your shoulder. Get that true rotation.

For more here, 4, and 3, and 2 and 1. Alba's bent. Alright. Pitch your body forward. Lift that leg up.

Find that balance for 876543. 2, and 1, bring it down. Put your strap back. Fantastic. Put your box back in this position.

We're nearly home. One more exercise to go. We're gonna pick up your ball. We're gonna work on a red spring step up step up. We're gonna put the ball just kind of right there right by your calf. Gonna stand up And we're gonna breathe.

Alright. Bend your knees, hips back, hands behind your head, and we're just gonna push out, bring it back. Push out. So you're pushing into the ball. So work in your glutes. Like I said, I'm on a red spring, but some of you might find this a little too easy. So you can go into a green spring or a red and a yellow, red and a blue out and in.

Now gonna start to add a rotation. It's really important we get rotation into our workouts. And back, 4 more here. Last time. Holder here, squat.

8, keep that coverage still 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1. Drop the hands down. Enjoy that stretch. Drop the head down. Let the head go. Take the ball away.

We turn around safely, place the ball back in the same position, right by your calf. Got it there. Stand up. Alrighty. Circle the hands behind your head.

Bend your knees. Push out. Bend back. So your hips are back, and you're pushing into that ball. The head's like a nice little pillow there.

It's like a little bit of bio feedback. Scoeping out those abs in that skiing or skating. You can tell I don't do either. Now slowly into a little rotation. Feel those out of thies working, out of thies, in a thies, out of thies, in a thies, rotation.

Do an amazing. We need you there for 4. For 3. For 2. For 1, hold it there, squat. 10, 9, 876-5432 and one. Lift all the way up.

Oh, grab your ball. Step down. Step down. Step into your well. We're gonna finish off with one stretch. Take your foot in a pigeon pose.

Put your ball underneath your knee. Relivate. So you're nice and tall, walk your hands forward, sitting in that nice external rotation, placing the ball underneath your knee. Palms are lifted. Just enjoy that hip opener. We've done a lot of glute as well today.

Holding that in that stretch. Breeze. Breeze. And breathe. Hands up, come back, foot flexed, walk forwards, slide into it a little bit more.

Reads, can we balance? And lift up. Flex the energy out through the heel. Press your hips towards the box. And then come back.

Remember. Always try and finish off with some little bit of flexibility. But remember, your class is all built around strength and flexibility. It's all about active flexibility. Control of your body, which is what Pilatus is all about, moving in all different directions, flexion, extension, rotation, which is what we did today, all different directions, keeping your body, your spine healthy, I really appreciate that.

More as I age, I realize I'm so thankful for being for doing Pilates for a long time since I was sixteen. Reach that leg forwards, ready to relevay. Come forwards. Reach your hands up back into that yoga crescent pose here. Breeze. We're nearly there.

You're ready to go on with your day, and you're gonna feel so amazing because you took your time out of your day. For this great workout and for time for yourself. Bring it back. And let's just step out. Let's finish off with the roll down in how exhale into chest.

Reach towards the floor, curl back up again, realign in your spine, realigning everything, Amazing work, you guys. These are fantastic. Thank you so much for joining me. I really truly hope you had a great workout, and I will see you back here. Again, goodbye.


not may favourite class by Tracey says its an intermediate class but with the standing work think its more advanced??
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fantastic class tracey! thank you. 
rebecca jane thank you Rebecca actually one of my favorite classes as I love the ball and this class moves with flow! XO
Elena S
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Tracey amazing class! thank you very much, I also love ball on reforma. XXX
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One of my absolute faves of yours - such a hard ab series with the helicopter , cool back extension - great balance work - cool plank with hand on ball. Is this basi block system? Thanks! 
Elizabeth D hello no it’s not 😄 thank you for your lovely kind words xo
1 person likes this.
Super class, got me working but as you said its attainable. thank you x
Sandra T hello I think the class is border inter to advanced as there is some balance work. Thank you for your concern xo
Marithé Lessard
Thank you so much , I think I am going to start drinking some tea 😂  , loved these variations , cueing excellent , joie de vivre contagious ☺️ merci Marithé
1 person likes this.
Loved this class!
1-10 of 30

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