Class #5661

Arm & Glutes Barre

35 min - Class


Join Tracey Mallett in this dynamic, total body Pilates class that will leave you soaring with energy. Incorporating 2 pound or 3 pound hand weights, this class focuses on pulses to sculpt your glutes and arms. Get ready to have fun and move your body!
What You'll Need: Table Chair, Hand Weights (2)

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Hello, everybody. I'm so excited today. I've got my best friends here. We have Emily and Amy. They're so excited to come and do this fantastic class today. We're going to be doing a bar class.

So excited because it's gonna be fun. I just wanna give you a little bit of notice. They have not rehearsed this. So they really don't know what's coming, which is what's so fun about it. They have no idea what's coming just like you.

So we're all in it together. Except I know what's coming. So have fun. Don't worry. There'll be mistakes, but who cares? It's just about moving your body. And that's what it's all about.

It's having fun. Girls together, enjoying ourselves. We have a chair. This could be a bar or a chair. We got some light dumbbells here.

We have £2 here. I'm just giving because they didn't have any £3, but I would definitely work the £3 weight. That's what I would go for. Alright. So you're gonna face me, guys. We're gonna bring our legs together, hands on our hips, and we're just gonna go up and down, up and down.

There we go. Just up and down onto your tippy toes. My voice will kind of sound like I'm singing to you because I have a rhythm going, so you'll get used to the rhythm. We're gonna do 4 more here. Have 4, and 3, and 2. Now we do a little squat here. So we're gonna go squat and, gonna get separate the legs a little bit, get your hips going back.

That's it. And hips go forward. Now we're gonna add the arms. You ready? Reach. And back. So you're reaching towards me, dada, dada, and back. There we go. Let's do 4 more 4.

3, da da, 2, da, da, one more. Now reach forward to here. We got our famous Hit your right arms here tilt the pelvis underneath. We hold it here for 8 more and 8 and 7 and 6 and 5. And 4, and 3, 2, reach down towards the floor. Now we're gonna extend the legs and bend just a little stretch here. Because we work in those legs quite hard today, or should we say, for and 3, and 2, and 1. Now roll yourself all the way up.

Step out into a plier position. Take the hands behind the head, and we're just gonna go to the right, then the left. So we go. And that's so we go side and side and side. Let's do four more here and four and 32, and 1. Now come over to the right side. Hold it here. Reach that hand down. Can we go a little bit further? And we just reached for her toes here. So in that lateral flexion, we're gonna feel the brunt in those legs just get used to it because that more of this is coming.

I'm gonna do 4, and 3, and 2, back up to center. Switch to the other side, reach towards your foot, and lift up and over. There we go. Fantastic. We're reaching out.

Smiling faces. I'd love to see it. 4, and 3, and 2. Now we're gonna go again. So he goes, da, and reach. Duh. There's the rhythm. So you can see I'm always gonna move to a rhythm. And we're gonna go a little bit further.

Maybe we can touch the floor and touch. Duh. Duh. You're gonna go with me and a 4. Reach. 3. Reach. 2. Reach.

1. Reach back to center. Hold it here. Little pulses. Little pulses, shoulders over hips. You do an amazing Emily.

Keep it going. Now lift your right heel up. Pop the right heel up. You got it. 4 more, and 4, and 3, switch to the other side. Pop the heel up.

Make sure it's not too high, though. Wiggle those toes about. We're gonna switch for 4. We go for 4. 3. 2. 1, switch for 4.

3. Now twos. We go to 2. To 2. To 2. Single singles for 8.

We go 8, a little bit lower. 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, Pop both heels up. We got that balance. Shaky, shaky. 87654321extend. There you go, Emily. Lower your heels, relevay for 8 and down.

Working into those cuffs. Pull those abs in. You gotta balance here. Here we go. It's a good job their face isn't facing you. 4, and 3, and 2, and one. Bend your knees.

Bring the legs together. Beautiful. Let's pick up those weights. We got the weights here. We're gonna stand up nice and tall going to your little pilates view or your first position here, relevay, or you can keep your heels down, whatever you feel comfortable, and we're gonna go into a round circle.

So it goes circle around and bring it back. I like to think of this as a heart, You're drawing a heart. There we go. Hart. So our focus is on our shoulders and our arms. Now we can add, like, a little plie at the top if you want. So let's add a little plie, a little balance and back.

Balance. Connect the heels together. You're resisting your heels so you can feel the inner thighs, pelvic floor, abs, and your shoulders. Let's do 5 more. 5 and up and 4 and up.

And 3 and up. And 2 and up. And 1 and back. To the side. Here we go. That's it. Just take it out. We go in and out and in and out.

There we go. A little in and out. Can add, like, a little pulse. There you go, like, a little pulse. If you want to, you can stay still. That's the Emily.

You could stay still. You could add, like, a little pulse. In and out and smile. 8, 7, 6, 5, sh, 4, sh, 3, sh, 2, sh, one holder here, hug a tree. And out.

You're hugging a big tree. Your abs are engaged. And your hands are just slightly underneath your shoulder joint. There we go. We're keeping it simplistic today, wrapping it up, keeping the car graphics simple, So it's all attainable, but we're just gonna wrap it up so you're gonna feel that burn. 4 more, and 3.

And 2, now hold the arms out, hold it out. We're all here. Step out into a plie again. Now externally rotate it. We're gonna bring the elbows in, push out, in, push out. So why don't you think if your arm's going diagonally forward so you presenting diagonally forward here. Now you've got the imaginary wall behind your shoulders of your hips, Beautiful.

Dada. Dada. Dada. For 4. For 3. For 2, one more, you're gonna hold it out there, hold it here, pli a down.

Now we rotate your palms down. Rotate them up. Now you got it. So you go. Boom. And back. Pouring some jugs of water.

There we go. Maybe some milk down and up. Oh, that's got it a little bit deeper into those thighs. It's worked up quiets and the hummus. There we go. Down and up and down. 8 more. An 8.

7. 6, sh, 5, sh, 4, sh, 3, 2. And one will hold it here. Now turn to your bar. That's it. So you got your front leg.

And we do a knee repeat there. Go in, out, in, out, in, out, knee repeat. You can tap it in, or you can bring it to a knee. Whatever you feel up to it, I don't really care as long as you move in a ticket down towards the floor, da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da. Keep it going a little bit lower. And 8, and 7, and 6, and 5, and 4 and 3, and 2. And one, step it in. We're just gonna go to the other side now. So the other leg, so you'll back leg That's it. Fantastic.

God. In and out. You can either bring it to a knee or a tap, wherever you feel comfortable. Gonna add that little cardio element here, all low impact. So easy on the joints. It's getting that heart rate up. Let's take it down a little bit lower.

Reaching into a row. Woo hoo. There we go, guys. Keep it going. A little bit lower. Ready? 8, 7, 6, 5, 4. 3, 2, and one step up.

Nice work. Put one way down. If you do this one way, you're gonna get at to your bar. We're gonna start with our first position here and just pops your hand on your hip. We're gonna relevate, put your heels together. Plier in this position here. So we go plier and up.

So your knees are going diagonally forward. Now when you're ready, reach the hand down, we're gonna go open and back. So you're gonna add those arms there. Dada, open out, scooping out those abs. There we go.

For for and 3, and 2. And one more. Now bring it down. Hold the arm out. Now little pulses, da da. So we call this the diamond position. We all love diamonds.

And the heels are connected together, and we feel the burn, and we stay still. Everybody's gonna go down at inch. Boom. Pulse, for 8, for 7, for 6, for 5, for 4. For 3. For 2, hold it. Come all the way up.

Reach the hands over your head. Bend your knees into your little pli. Take the hips away from the bar to the bar, away from the bar, away from the bar, away from the bar, and then we're gonna pick the temple up. Duh. Duh. And we're gonna add I don't care what you do with your arm. Just like a little flick, little press. Whoo.

There we go. We're at the bar, everybody, and we're moving our hips, working our obliques. Now it's time to go burning. And again, we go down, hang up. You got one more. Take it down.

And up 6, 7, 8 lifted up. Hold the weight. We hold it here. We're gonna step out into a plie position step out. Plia here. Rotate to your right side.

We go. Right. Left. Right. Left. A little bit more dynamic.

There we go. Press. And eight and 7, and 6, and 5, and 4, and 3, and 2, and one back to center. Back onto your bar. Reach over. Now we're gonna bring the elbow to the knee.

So let's go slowly. Elbow towards the knee. Elbow comes off. We reach and we stepped far away into your pli. Let's try it again. Transfer and await.

Elbow to knee, reach away, and stretch. Now we're gonna go with the rhythm. So it goes straight in, up, reach. You gotta hop and reach. Duh. So it's in the side bend your elbow might not even get anywhere close to your knee, but that's the goal. And you're in that side bend, and we're hitting that plie reach, dah, reach, reach, elbow to knee.

Back. Elbow to knee. For 4. For 3. For 2. Now one more holder here. Hold.

Good girl is. You ready? Pulse. Pulse. Pulse and 6 and 5. 4, and 3, 2, and 1. Step out.

Hands here. We're gonna relevay. You okay? Good. We go. Ralave, down, up, and down. So assuming you can go up a little bit more more buoyancy, Otherwise, just gonna go up and down. That's it. We could just relevay.

Now we're gonna add the arms overhead. You got it. Go. 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and back. Bring the legs together. Alrighty. Now we are going to go into our other side. So we're gonna pick up your lovely chair.

I'm gonna rotate it around. So I'm just gonna move my weight over here just out the way. Alright. Who are you ready? Okay. So we're in our first position. Relavate.

And we flea down with the arm. So he goes. Down and back. Now be mindful that you're resisting your bar or your chairs. You feel lots. You see seritas. Those abs.

Your heels are connected together, and you're really zipping up, pelvic floor lifts up. There we go. And out and in. There we go. Keep it going. 4 more here. 4, 3, 2.

Now this time, hold it out here. Hold it. Little pulses. Dah. See you in your diamond position. The arm and put your palm facing downwards, feel the shoulders working here. You might be a lightweight, so you're fine.

I get that set a lot. I'm a lightweight. Now we're gonna hold it here. Alright, guys. Down an inch. Oh, and we do a good end.

There you go. Come on. You do amazing, Emily. Keep it going. And 7, and 6, and 5, and 4, and 3. And to hold it, you're nice and strong, squeeze. Lift the arm over your head.

Ready? Plea booty hips away to the bar. We've got that music going, and we're having some fun at the bar. And we're working those obliques, and we're shaking that booty. Pick the tempo up. We already are.

You're all smiling now. We're gonna go into the burn zone, and the smiles will disappear, take it down, down, down, down, up, down, down, down, down, and up, and down, down, down, down, up, 2 more, down, down, down, down and up. We got 1 more. Up 6, 7, 8. Just balance? Step out into plie. Lala.

We're here. Rotate this side first. Go. Rotate. Hey. Go. Just let the body move. Your head is going with your arms as long as you don't get too dizzy.

2 inches deeper. We always can push ourselves a little bit more. Lalala. 4, more, 4, and 3. And 2. And one, bring it back.

Transfer. Reach over. You remember to your bar? So the elbow goes to knees. We're gonna go slowly for us. So the elbow comes off.

We lift elbow to knee, plie, reach. Transferance of way. Alble to knee. Reach up and over. We go up. Now we're gonna go to a bit of a rhythm.

So we go. Duh. And reach. Try slightly rotate your hips your heel is coming a little bit forwards of your knee to really cinch at the waist, lowest rib to hip, in that side bend, Good. Make sure your elbows off your bar or your chair. And power. And down. Before and 3. And 2. Now one more hold here.

Hold it. Pulse 8. Pulse 7. Post 6, post 5, post 4, post 3, 2, hold it. Release it bring it down, relevay up, and up the arms when you're ready. Your energy is coming up.

We're soaring with energy. There we go. 876543 2. Yes. I went a little bit faster. There we go. Fantastic. Alright. Just popped a little weight down.

We're gonna face your bar now. So keeping yourself in parallel, reach the hands in a v position. Take your right hand on top of your left hand hinge forwards. So your hands are on the top of your bar or your chair. Now reach out to the crown of the head so you're slightly extended.

We're gonna take your right leg. So everybody get their right leg. Bend your stabilizing leg. And just lift that leg up and down. So super important that you keep that stabilizing leg bent.

You're reaching out to the crown of the head, your whole body stabilizing and your hamstring is lifted now. We're gonna do lots of reps here. So it might not feel challenging right now, but trust me, well, so just get ready for it. Goes up and down. 5, I'm gonna go into a bit more rhythm. 4, 3, to hold it here. Cross and lift.

Jane funder. Cross and lift. Dad reach out to the crown of the head. There we go. Don't get lazy with the upper body. Your upper body stabilizing.

It's just not just about your legs. Total body here. Right behind you. Scoop those apps in. For 4, reach for 3, reach for 2, reach for 1, hold it. Yes.

It's just below your hip height. Now we're gonna try pop this supporting heel up. Pop it up. Drop it down. Far feet up. Oh, I heard a little bit of grown there. We've popped it up and down.

Pop it up and down. You've got it 4. That's it, Amy. Good job. 3. 2. Now hold in a elevator. Pulls it up for 8. Go.

87, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, lower your heel. Drop that leg down. Now you guys are gonna do the same as me. You're gonna rotate towards that beautiful ocean. We're there. Right?

Now hand on your hip, and we're gonna lift that leg diagonally forward. So stay actively forwards. Hand on hip, and we're gonna bend and kick. So I'm pressing the forearm down into my chair, feeling the obliques here. My leg is aiming diagonally forwards. And I'm listening to the chair.

I know you did that cue in your class too. Listening to the chest so your head is in alignment with your spine. You can put your hand on your hip, or you can put your hand forward on top of the other hand for a little support. Alright. You got 4 more. 432 Now one more holding and a bent knee, look where your knees in line with your ankle joint, and we just lift it up in that abduction there.

Now look where your knee is in line with the ankle joint. You're pressing down. You're lifting up out of the chair or your bar. Up we go. You got 5 more. I can hear the groans.

For 5, for 4, for 3, for 2, hold it there. Take it behind and stretch. You can face your bar in that nice quad stretch. And then take the leg down. Reach your hands up. Now you're gonna take the other arm in front, so it'd be your left arm in front.

Look forward. So you're reaching out to that laser beam to the crown of your head. Left leg extends. Bend your stabilizing knee. Super important. And then lift that leg up and down.

So where are we lifting from? We're lifting from your glue and your hamstrings. So the leg is not going very high. When I see people doing this with a, like, super high, they think they're working harder. They're actually not working very smart because they're gonna go into their lower back, and they're not really accessing the glue and the hamstrings, which is kinda what we wanna work on. We don't really wanna work on the lower back.

We wanna work right here on the booty. Yes. Like, right here. So it's been mindful. Your hips are facing towards your chair. Alright. Can we do 4 more? Scoop out those apps against gravity.

One more. Hold it up there. Ready for your Jane funder move. We cross. Go straight behind. Cross straight behind.

You got it cross straight behind. Keep that stabilizing like bent when we go into that rhythm, cross and a lift and a cross and a lift and a cross and a lift. You've got 44 more, the famous number and a 4. And a 3 and a 2. Hold that leg relevay on the stabilizing leg. We go.

Up and down. Up and down. You got it. Get out your shoulders, Amy. Just a little bit. Use your legs. Those strong legs of yours. Dah, up, and down, 4 more, 4, and 3.

And 2, ready holding here to relevay. Come on. You got 8 pulses here. 8, 7. You got it. 6. And just select the top leg. There we go. Just your top leg. You make it even harder on yourself for 3, 2, and we're down.

Rotate to the front here. Now take your leg and lift it up, diag, and lift it up. With us. So get that leg diagonally forwards. So you're looking right diagonally forwards. Hand on your hip.

Bend the knee. Bend the knee. Extend. So listen to my queues and extend. We go, bend, extend. That's it. Bend, extend, dah, dah, dah, put your hand on top of you or the hand on the bar, a little bit more support there, you can keep it on your hip.

Whatever feels most comfortable and most attainable, you're 4 more. Okay? 4 in, think strong, and you will be strong. Lift up. You've got this. One more. Bend the knee. Lift that leg up.

Go up. Your ankle joints in line with your knee. And up and up, you've got 6 more and a 6, and a 5, and a 4, and a 3, and a 2. And we hold it there because we are super strong. And we smile, and then we turn around. We grab that leg and we go into a stretch.

Holdy there, but not for much longer. Guess why we're gonna go into our plank now? So we're gonna push away, drop the hands right by where your chair is. So get down. Get into a plank position. Fantastic. We're all there. Hold it there.

Now we're just gonna bring the right knee to your chest, and then the left knee, and right and left, and right. We just got 4 more here, XL 4, XL 3. 2. Last time, send you up into, like, a downward dog or a pyramid position. And then we're gonna rotate around your shoulder joint back into your plank, exhale, use your apps to lift up, inhale plank, Couple more.

In help plank. One more. Hold your plank position. Hold it there. Reach out for the crown of the head. Now bend you right knee into a hover, quadruped hover, left knee into a quadruped hover.

Hold that quadruped hover. Your abs are contracted. Reach out to the crown of the head. Everybody's there. 876-54321.

Lift up, downward dog. Walk your feet to your hands. And curl yourself all the way up. Give us have a little bit of a shake here. We're gonna face your bar. First position, pli in your first position here.

Now we're gonna go into your Elvis, so the knees abduct back. So super simple. You're abducting your knees back. We wanna be mindful that we're just abducting from your glutes so the abs are contracted. Here, and we're not opening through that rib cage.

So you're opening from your glutes. There we go. So keep those abs contracted. And open. Let's do 8 more. Go at 87, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Lift up. Come into parallel position now.

Arms the straight. Step back. So your arms are straight. Bend your knees so your shoulders are stacked over your hips. Now pelvic tilt. So it's all in the lower abs. We got a cake in front of us, and we're blowing the candles.

Ready pick the tempo up. We go. And we take it down in to the burn burn zone. We go 4, 3, 2, or you can stay high. You don't have to go into the burn zone.

Just stay where you're at. Can go with me, or you can stay high. We bring it up. 6. One more time. Take it down.

2, 3, and 4, bring it up 6, 7, and 8. Find your balance. Hold it there. Now from here, we're gonna scoop back elbows bent in a first position, reach the front leg back, And we're gonna lift that leg and go into an attitude. So in that attitude position. Now hold it there.

Lift that leg up in your attitude position. Scoop out those apps. There we go. So make sure your knees directly behind you. It's really important so you can put your hand on your side. Just to make sure your knee is going behind you.

Beautiful. Now hold it here. It's gonna go internally rotate. So you go internally rotate. Externally rotate, kick the leg.

Internally rotate, externally rotate, kick the leg. So the rhythm goes in out kick. In out kick. Keep the lag in extension, though. In out kick. 4 more.

4. You do need amazing. Amy. 3. 2. One more, da da da. Bring the legs together. Give yourself a stretch. Curl up through the lower apps.

Now we've got that. We can do it the other side. Reach the opposite leg. Attitude, bend your elbows, resist your bar, and lift it up. So you wanna be mindful that your hips are square, Your thigh is behind. So you can place your hand here sometimes kinda helps to get the knee behind the body, and you're stabilizing leg is bent.

And you're resisting your bar. So you're connecting your arms to your back. You're ready. Hold it here. Internal externals. We go. Internal, external kick without moving your hips, though.

So it's your femur moving inside your hip socket. Little challenge in there, but so needed for flexibility, mobility, and strength. Dada, dada, dada, kick out. That's the rhythm, dada, and out kick out. We got 4 reach 3.

Reach 2. Reach 1 more. Dah. Reach hold it here and bring it back. Reach out.

Stretch it out. Slowly roll yourself all the way up. Now from here, we're gonna turn to the front, face me, outside leg, and we're just gonna swing that leg forwards and backs. It goes forwards and back. We're just gonna release the legs now.

Just swing it and tap. This is just about flexibility here swinging and tapping. There we go. Just about moving your hips, releasing, just talked a lot on your legs. So now it's time to release it for more for 3, 2, and 1. Now you're just gonna turn to the other side, just swinging the leg, Alrighty. Swing the leg. Go. Swing. Tap.

Swing. Tap. Just swinging the leg. It's about hip mobility, active flexibility, back, swing back, swing for more XL 4. Back, 3, back, 2, back, 1, and back. Beautiful. Turn around. One last little interval with our weight.

Gonna pick it up. Alright. Are we ready? One little extra weight here, relevay. Bend the knees. Now we're gonna stir the part now. So we go forward, stir it, and bring it back again. Keep going.

You see we're balancing here. Your legs are a little shaky and back. Remember, that's why we have to cross train in our workouts so that we hit our body doing different things to stimulate the body. Two more. Now we're gonna reverse the pot, so we're stirring the other way.

Sturr. Sturr the part. 4 more here. 4 or bring it in. 3, bring it in.

2, bring it in. 1, bring it in. Now, go straight up, up, up, up. We're here. Right. Hand goes first. So it goes 1, 2, lift up. Now the other arm, dah, dah, up and down.

There's the rhythm of you. Okay. Dada. Bend down and open in You got it. Dada. Elbows are high. 1, 2, dada.

Dada. 2 more. One more. Now both arms out in, up, and down. In, up, and down.

You got it, guys. Keep smiling. You're having so much fun. 1. 2. For 4.

For 3. There you go, Emily. 2. Smile. One more. Hold it here. We go down down at the pulse. It's your last little hurrah here. Come on. You've got this 8 more.

So I'm asking for 87654 3, 2, 1, come down, and reach for us. Always good to work those arms. Light weights with a little extra reps there is fantastic. Pump those arms a little bit. And then just drop the weights, just pop them down onto the floor.

Hands forwards even that stretch. Now while we're here, just take your legs a little bit wider. Just gonna go hips back, hands forwards, and just bend your knees. There you go. And just open up your hips. Look forward. Awesome work, guys.

I know it's challenging for you. That's why I say when we cross train, it really makes us feel very humble. I'm exactly the same. When I do things when I'm not used to doing it, I'm very humble. Extend those legs.

Push your hips back. In that stretch. Alrighty. We're gonna bring the legs together, and we're gonna slowly curl all the way up. Roll all the way up, finish off with a roll down, ready to chest, roll down, You did amazing. Love her.

Amazing. Roll all the way up. See, don't you feel good now? You feel energized. A little bit more strength. Thank you guys for joining us today.

Look this wet in. See? Spritzing. She says she hasn't sweat for this one for a long time. Thank you for joining us. Yay. Thank you. Thank you, guys.

Hope you have fun with us. Take care.


1 person likes this.
As usual, so great Tracey!
Francesca D
1 person likes this.
wonderful class tracey … as usual . have a good day
2 people like this.
The infamous Tracey and Amy combo. You guys are funny. Great class though Tracy. 
Lina S
1 person likes this.
Fun class as always! Thank you!
1 person likes this.
Fun, engaging, dynamic, and lots of great leg work!
Mariagrazia I
Tracey how I missed your bootybarre
1 person likes this.
great, fun, cardio class. Thanks Tracey
1 person likes this.
so much sweat in such a little time!!!
1 person likes this.
love barre  thanks for this new one Tracey
Valentina Z
You are always the best, Tracey! Love from Italy
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