Class #5913

Full-Body Pilates Fusion Mat

35 min - Class


Tracey Mallett combines barre and classical Pilates for a dynamic fusion that challenges active flexibility through creative standing sequences. Through mindful progressions that flow between standing work and challenging mat exercises, this well-balanced workout builds heat while maintaining focus on length and proper alignment throughout the body. This intermediate-level class emphasizes the mind-body connection through purposeful movement patterns that become more rewarding with each session, allowing participants to build confidence and strength while discovering new depths in their practice.
What You'll Need: Mat, Hand Weights (2), Overball


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Hello, Tracy Mallett here. Welcome. For this workout, you will need, obviously, a mat. I've got some £3 dumbbells and a ball. Now all those are always optional. If you don't have any of their equipment, course, you can still do this workout. This will be more of a Pilates based fusion class, and it will hit the total body.

Alrighty. So let's start. We're just gonna warm up just a little bit. You're gonna turn your toes out into a nice little plie position. Your toes are going to the corners of your mat, and just place your hands on the hip and just press the hips away from that lowest rib, and we're just gonna plie down and up. Plea down and up. And the reason I'm telling you to press down is so we can open up the waist, pull in through those abs, pull up through the pelvic floor.

As I'm pressing down, I'm lengthening through the crown of the head in that oppositional pull. And we're gonna do about 5 more, 5, and 4, and 3, and 2, and hold it here. Reets the arms out, up overhead, just gonna go to the side and to the side. Just warming up through the core to the side, to the side. So we had a little rhythm. 3, 2, 1, hold.

3, 2, and then just a little gentle hold here. And a 3. 2. Hold reach a little bit further. Each time we're gonna go a little bit further.

And a 3. 2, reaching the oppositional pull, and 3, 2, you got one more set right then left. 3, 2, a little bit lower. There we go. Those legs and holding it there. Come back to center. Now see if we can take our hands down.

Press through their imaginary sand there so you can feel your lats. Pop the heels up and see if you can hold that elevator here. For 5, for 4, and 3, and 2, and 1. Lower your heels, extend up and over, take the hands forwards, and we swing the hips right then left. Turn towards the right side.

Press the hip forwards. Now we're gonna lift up and down, that active flexibility to stretch out those hamstrings, and we do a couple more. This is your last time, hold a bend, coming up into, like, a yoga type position, a crescent pose here, and see if you can open up your heart to the sky and lift up, press down into that front thigh. And then take the hands for it. One little last stretchier square your hips off to the mat.

Bend your knee transition back into center. We go left, then right with the hips. Feel that hip flexor and your adductor stretching out. Take it around to the opposite side. Press your hip down to the floor.

That feels so good. Ready? Hips up. And down, just moving gentle stretch in those hamstrings. And let's just do a couple more lifting your hips up. Now bend your knees, lift yourself up into that crescent pose, palms facing inwards, now sleeping to the upper stretch. Oh, it feels so good as you press your hips forwards and open up your chest.

Press down an inch into that front thigh. And then press your hands back down. And let's finish off with a nice stretch, hips are square. Come on square those hips off to the mat. Reach out through the crown of the head.

You got elongation of that spine. And then from here, we're gonna turn back to center, walk the hands forwards, and then we're gonna bring the hands back, and then twist our feet. We're gonna get back into center of the mat, and we're gonna roll ourselves all the way up. Now we're gonna pick up the ball here. Remember, the ball is always optional, and we're gonna pick up our weights.

We're gonna start and place the ball underneath your right foot here. So it's underneath here, like a little elevator. Once again, you can do it without the ball if you want. So you're in a plier position. We're gonna start with the arms out in second position here.

Palms facing forwards. So we're gonna hug a tree. So we do like a little pulse here, and you're pressing the heel into the ball, and we hug in a tree. The arms are nice and wide. And your hands are right underneath your shoulder joint.

And we're gonna do 4 more of these for 4, for 3, for 2, for 1. Hold it here. Palms up. And then we go up overhead and back down again. We peed, little pulses. So it's kind of like a 5th position in ballet. Palms are facing upwards.

We'll do our little pulses working into the thighs, feel the heat, and those legs. Oh, yes. 4 more. 4 XL3 XL2. Exhale one. Hold it here.

Palms facing outward. See if you can pop that heel off and balance. Good. If you can't, just keep that heel down. Drop the heel. Now turn around. To that side. So there's a little bit of a balance challenge here.

Pop the back heel up. Pitch your body forwards. Remember, you can take that ball away and put your heel down as an option. We reach forwards and back. So now you're reaching towards the sky. You've got your biceps towards your ears, back leg is straight, and those legs are just holding and stabilizing, and they're still working, you're balancing.

You're on a elevator. That's pretty challenging. Once again, if your balance doesn't allow it, take the ball away, pop the heel on the floor, and do it without the ball. 4 more. There's always options. 4, exhale 3, exhale 2, exhale 1, open the arms, arms by the side of the body, pitch your body back.

And we do our little pulses here. So you're in a classic lunge, like a fitness lunge here. And if we want, we can add a little bicep curl here. Focusing on our balance. Oh, yes.

Think of your shoulders over your hips and you're stacked. There we go. For 5. For 43, and 2. And 1 more, hold it down, transfer forwards, bring it back. You can see I'm transferring it forwards and bring it back. And just keep the arms by the side of your body.

Just focus on the legs. Shifting your weight forwards and back. Oh, yes. There we go. Shifting that weight. Over that front thigh.

You're gonna feel that front thigh. It's burning. We've got this. 3 more. 3. Get those arms down. 2 and one more.

Bring you back. Bring that leg back. Gracefully come off of that ball. You definitely felt that front thigh. Right? Now bring the ball to the other side.

So now pop the heel on the ball. Nice and wide in that second position. Alright. Find that position. Now arms are gonna be a little different now. Alright. So we go up into a heart, and then we come back down.

Heart and down. And it's just little pulsing and down. There we go. Showing some love here and heart and down. So you're working your shoulders here, and, of course, your legs. Absolutely.

Dada. And heart and back. 4 more for and back, and 3, and back, and 2, and back, and 1, and back. Now bring it up high. Now we go out and in pli a out and in.

So you're working those triceps. I like this like the chili to arms here, and out and in. Yes. Let let's talk about those legs now. Oh, so make sure you're pressing that heel down to the floor and then your toes on the ball. There we go. Heel into the ball. Toes into the mat.

4. 3, 2, one more. Open the arms down. Alright. Now we're gonna turn. Alright. So find your balance, back leg, is on irrelevant, and we're pitching the body forwards. So now with different arms who go straight up and down, straight up and down.

You can see there's a lot of balance going on here. We take that ball away if you want. Absolutely. We're here with all different levels, so you have to work what's best for your body. And remember every day, we feel different.

Some days, we were rocking it another days. We should commend ourself for just coming to the mat, and that's how we have to handle our body. Not every day is the same. It's the beauty of life. 4 more.

4. Keep breathing. 3. Woo hoo. 2. And then one more.

Bring it back, bend that back knee, and we do our little pulses here. There we go. Now pitch the body forwards, tricep. Little tricep. And little pulses here. There we go.

Different arms to the other side. Dada, but those legs are working. Oh, elbows are high. Full extension with those triceps. Dada, dada, 5 more. 54321. Come back. Now we hinge bring you back. Remember, keep the arms by the side of your body. Hinge.

If you start to feel pressure in the ball of your foot on the front foot, take that ball away. The ball is just an accessory to make it a little bit more challenging, challenge your balance, but if you're not quite ready yet, you've always got the option without. Keep it going. Woo hoo. Let's do 5 more. 5. There we go. Shaky shake.

4 and 3. There we go. 2. Give me one more. Hold it here. Bring that back leg forward, and we come off. Amazing. Let's just pop the ball just to the side here.

We're coming back to that in a minute. From here, we're just gonna go into a relevay on your tippy toes here and then come back down again. So you're gonna go up and down. Up and down. So working those calves, we forget about those calves.

We just we was working them too, and we're just gonna add bicep, reach overhead, bring it back down, and bicep, reach overhead, and bring it back down. Now ready, re elevator, hold it. Daa. Daa. See how I just lost it there? Yes. Because I was talking, and I wasn't focusing on my core. You don't have the excuse because you're not talking.

You're just focusing on yourself and listening to my voice. So drawing those abdominals, strong legs, and focus. There we go. Makes the world a difference. Focus. It's not about your to do list right now. It's about you, your mat, your body, right here. 4 more.

4. Find your balance. Pull those apps in. That's it. Soon as you feel like you're gonna go, scoop those apps a little bit more. 2 more. One more, everybody.

Holdy here. Press down 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, bend your knees, open out and in, take your right leg, tap it back and in, right leg back, out and in for 5, for 4, for 3, for 2, switch the other side, tap it back and in, back and in, and back and in. There we go. For 5. Woo. 4, and 3, and 2, and 1, and then come down. Relax.

Body forward. Amazing. Alright, guys. We're gonna face this direction, come to the edge of your mat, bend your knees, and let's get down onto the floor. We're gonna start with your ball underneath the front foot, and we're gonna pick up your weights, and we're gonna roll ourselves down so our weights are ready. There we go. Now from here, we're gonna lift your buns up and then come back down.

Lift your buns up and down. So now you're gonna lift. You're in that bridge, lifting up with the hamstring and glutes. Wow. And you got the foot on the ball. Little extra challenge with that proper perception.

Couple more. One more. Hold it there. Hold. Now open your arms and your fly. And all the way out to the side, you got that little hugger tree again, and you'll fly. Get your bums up nice and high.

Yes. Your legs are working, isometrically, 4 more, 4 more. And 3, and 2, and one more. Now bring the arms down. Just reach that leg out. You're gonna put both feet on the ball.

Take the hands down. Now press your hips up high, squeeze your glutes, and come back down again. So the hands are on the mat, and you're just pressing up. It's like a little dolphin. There we go. You're pushing your chest forwards, lifting with the hamstrings and glutes.

Let's call this the dolphin. Couple more. Woo hoo. Feel those hamstrings and glutes. Your whole back body is engaged here. Now one more. Hold.

Press your hands down into the mat. Hold it for 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1, and then we lower down. Let's go to the other side. So now we're gonna place the ball underneath the other foot. Albows bent.

Start with your bridging first. There's your bridge. And now we're gonna add the arms again. So press up to the sky, up to the sky. So be mindful of that stabilizing leg on the mat.

You press down the foot into the mat in our position. Your glutes are lifting, right? So your pubic bones going up to the ceiling, and now press your other foot into the ball. Can you feel those hamstrings? Oh, yes. I hope so. If not, squeeze a little bit high and get those hips high if you don't feel your hamstrings.

Couple more. One more holdy here. Now a little different arms are gonna go way back as much as you can. And together, maybe put the weights together might help a little bit in going over and then pressing back. Keep your buns lifted.

You're gonna feel your lats all the way as far as you can go with control. Remember if you have shoulder issues, you're not gonna go that far. All of us are gonna be different. It's gonna help with mobility too, but it's also about shoulder stabilization, right, pulling your scapula down. Now don't forget your booty.

Get your hips up. We're all forgetting those. No saggy bridges. Let's do 2 more. 2, I said bridge.

Nothing else, just FYI. Last time. One more. And then from here, lower your hips, press the hands down, reach that ball out. We're here, right?

Perfect. Now from here, you're gonna reach the arm straight up. Now we're gonna press your feet into the ball. We're gonna do a roll up. So you're gonna look towards your feet is, and then we're gonna roll.

Reach up and over. Shoulder stacked, and then roll down. I love this because you're gonna feel one side is stronger than the other. Right? So you gotta really press down equally in both feet as we come up. And then we roll back down again, a classic roll up. Place the hands just directly over your shoulder joint, pinch your chest as you exhale roll up slowly, reach forwards in opposition, reach your abdominals back.

Let's try and keep that ball still easier than what it looks. I know. Press down equally on both feet and breathe. That's how scoop up those abdominals and reach forwards. And then come back. Now, of course, we're gonna add on to it.

Alright. You ready? So we add, we roll up, giving you a little warning we come up, we open, We lift up. And then we go back down again. Oh, there we go. Arms. Straight up. Ready. Curl. Open.

Ears. And then back down again. Curl. Got it? Cincture chest, curl, reach, open, shoulders stacked over your hips. Now right to your ears. Beautiful.

And then back down again. One more. And we roll up. Open, and then back up. Now we're gonna hold this position here for 8.

8, nice and tall. 7, 6, and 5, and 4 right to your ears, and 3, and 2 and one more. Hold it there. Now transition. Put your hands down. Transition with a ball in between your ankle joints.

Got it. Squeeze it tight. Perfect. We're just gonna move the weights just to the back here to the side. Okay? We're reaching forwards. Coming back, arms go down, bend your knees. Make sure you've got that ball nice and tight.

Might need to adjust it a little bit, so it's squeezing your inner thighs from here. We're gonna start gently, dip in the toes down, and bring you back up again. Maintaining stability in your pelvis, think of a slight imprint it means lengthening out of the lumbar spine and your abs are holding it. And we're pressing now. Knees and toes are going away from the body and back. Couple more.

Now we're gonna be adding a pelvic tilt. So right here, pelvic tilt. Dip the toes. So now the pubic bone is definitely coming to the belly button here. Watch press use your upper body too.

Don't be frightened to use your upper body and back. Lower abs. Curl. And let's do one more, ready curl, bring it back, and then back into chair position. Read the legs out long, bring them back.

Inhale. Excel bring them back. Now we're gonna be adding a chest lift. So circle the hands around, interlace the hands, and inhale each, exhale back, pelvic tilt, or And reaching out, band into tabletop, now pelvic tilt. Slow and controlled. It's about controlling the movement.

Purely coming from your lower abs, not so much momentum here. And again, couple more. Until Last time, reach, hold the tilt, 87654321, wrap the hands around, curl roll up. There we go. Coming to prayer position. We're just gonna gently rotate side to side. 8 more, 8, 7. Feel those obliques.

Try and keep your shins parallel to the sky. Couple more and back to center. From here, hold on. To the back of the knees, lower the legs down, transition to the side, coming all the way down. Start to lift with the legs, the hand is in front of your chest, Now place your palm up to the sky and look where your feet are, your feet are dayagonally forward to the front corner of your mat, and your obliques are working here.

And just keep your hand here for comfort. And let's do a couple more. Hold it here. Hold. Now, see if you can lift the upper body to join it, hold it, and now see if we can balance hold it. For 4, for 3, for 2, and for 1, come down, bend the knees, push yourself up onto your forearm.

Now, from here, hand behind your head. We're gonna reach, kick up, and then from here, we lift like a little fishtail. So you can see your toes are pointing up. It's your obliques. We go up.

Okay. Reach towards your toes and then come back up. Little Mermaid. I love that. Little Mermaid. Who doesn't love the little Mermaid? Lift up. Croll it.

Breathe slow, controlled. And kick that little tail up. Keep your forearm down on the floor for now. Couple more. One more.

Hold it there. Bend your knees. Guide yourself up. Hold it there. And now take the hands behind the back of the knees if you want.

Or if you want, you can take your hands here depending on how you feel today. We extend up. I'll go for the harder version and up, excel up, cut 3 more, 3. I know your legs are shaking. 2, one more. Hold it. Hold on to the back of the knees. You could bend your legs.

If you need to, absolutely. We're gonna roll now, so we roll back. Balance. Hold. Scoop curl.

Lumbar spine rounding, lift up, and curl, lift up. So you got that c curve first, rolling to the thoracic spine, and then you press down and up, one more ready. Hold your balance and then bend your knees, lift up nice and tall. Look right. Look left.

Back to center. Now, we're shifting in your transition. We're gonna go the other direction this way and come all the way down. There's your transition. Palm is facing upwards, and we start to lift those legs. So just catch up with us when you can.

And the more you do this workout, the more you know what to anticipate, but we are moving short amount of time. Gotta give a lot in. Can you feel those obliques here? Are your feet in front of your torso? So all in here, look at your feet is right at the corner of the mat. There we go.

Now one more, hold it there, upper body, and down. I have to be honest. It's one of my favorite exercises, believe it or not, because it really does focus on those obliques. Really isolates that oblique. You're doing a side bend and lifting and balancing. Okay. One more. Hold it here.

You know what's coming next. Oh, that balance, 5, 4, 3, to run and come down transition, bend the knees to help you get up, forearm, now ready for your little fishtail, we come up, tap, fishtail. Up, tap, lift it up. You can put your hand forwards here if you want, or you can put your hand behind your head. Either or whatever you feel comfortable, There's no right or wrong. There we go. Lift up. Can we feel those obliques? Right there.

Lift up. And then back. Lift up, tap, tap, there's that flexibility. It's all about control, precision, your breath, flexibility. Can we do one more?

We know what's coming. We hold it here. Now you can bend your knees if you want to, or you can stay with me and keep your legs straight. Hands behind your head. So you got the choice now. Bend. Extend. Bend. Bend. Bend. For 4, 3, 2, 1, bend the knees. And now this time, we're gonna place the hands behind your legs.

We roll down. Arms by the side of the body. We reach the legs out, come towards your chest, bend the knees, and push back out again. So this is kind of like a short spine on the reformer. So this is your modification here or your first level. And you know, we're gonna go to that second level, or you can stay right where I'm at.

So ready, we're gonna go up and over, bend the knees, roll down, reach those legs out. Let's try that again. So we go up to 90, see if you can go diagonally over your head, diagonally, bend your knees, and then slowly rolling down, squeezing that ball. And then press out. Just like the short spine on the reformer, 90 degrees diagonally over, ready, press down with upper body diagonally over, bend, curl down.

So you're hitting a diagonal, not straight over your head. So up to 90 degrees diagonally over your head, bend the knees toward your head, roll down slowly, and reach those legs out. Squeeze the ball through those inner thighs. Let's do one more. Ready diagonally over your head.

There we go. Bend the knees, curl yourself down, reach the legs out, and now come up and bring the knees into your chest. Transition chair position while yourself up, balance is always a transition, and let's bring those legs down. Alright. Let's finish off with back extension. We're gonna try with the ball underneath the chest here.

You can do this without the ball. So if this doesn't feel comfortable, take the ball away. I'm just kinda putting it right on my chest, taking the weights out here, open the legs, and we're gonna roll up with the weights to that extension, and then press out. Rolling up in that lovely extension and back. So you're not gonna move very far because you already got that ball that's putting you in that extension. It's kind of a nice stretch, actually, lifting up.

And then back down. Let's try that one more time. Hold it here. Now lower down an inch so you're sinking your chest into the ball, but you're still in extension, but you're sinking your chest into the ball. We're gonna try if you wanna take the weights away, you can. We're gonna try being the weights forwards, and we're gonna go into, like, a swimming motion here one arm at a time.

If this is too heavy, take the weights away. So we lift up and down. Open your legs. Relax the lower body up and down. And now a little quicker.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1, last time for good luck and come down. Just pop the ball to the side here. I'm just gonna put it like right there so it's out the way. It'll roll away anyway. Just let it go.

Let it go. Let it go. There you go. There's the rolling ball. So he's gonna go there. Perfect. Alright. I know you're laughing at me, but just have a laugh.

It's okay. Alright. Ready. We're back to work. We lift the arms up, we bend, and then we push away. Once again, take the whites away. They're too challenging, but if you can, this is awesome work.

For that mid upper back, and we're doing our chest expansion here. We were reaching forwards, expanding our chest, and there's our little breaststroke. Let's do a couple more. One more elbows bent now extend the arms. So I know you can't see me, but you're just opening the arms, palms are flat, and just opening the arms.

Got that. Keep the palms flat for 5. 4, 3, 2, and 1. Now this time, come down, palms are lifted up. Bring your legs together. Now we're doing a superhero here.

Superhero. And back. Superhero. And back. Lift up.

Upper body lifts up. As you draw, you show the blades down to your feet. And then the palms go up to the sky. And we've got 2 more. Woo hoo.

One more. Hold it here. Lift the weights up for 8 for 7 for 65, 4, and 3, and 2, and 1. Bend your elbows. Bring them forward. Push yourselves up.

Come back into your child's pose. Take one way to way. Take the left leg forwards. And then just reach the opposite hand. There you go.

So I've got my left leg forward, so my right hand is reaching up with that little extra weight. Oh, that feels so good just to open up your pecs. A little flexibility here. I know you're ready to leave me, but don't leave me right now. Just one little extra minute. You know, I got that song in my head.

Don't leave me this way. Do you remember that song? I love that song. Okay. Let's go to the other side. Ready. Switch with that weight.

Come on. You've got one little last little stretch in you. Open up your chest. There we go. Awesome. I know. It feels good, that little extra stretch goes a long way, bring that way down, bring your back foot to join the front foot, and we're gonna slowly roll ourselves all the way up, And we face forwards, yes, feet hit with a pot, chin to chest, roll down, stack that spine as we roll all the way up. There we go.

Reach the arms overhand, done and dusted. Who says you can't get a great workout in just around 30 minutes, just around. Have a great day. Look forward to seeing you again soon. And the ball is just sitting right there. See? Told you. Just find its own place. Bye, guys.


2 people like this.
What a fun class! I love the standing work with a heel on the ball - good challenge for both strength and balance 
Ilayda C
2 people like this.
loved it!!
Avital D
2 people like this.
Love the class! Thank you Tracey!
2 people like this.
Creative work with the ball and weight together.  Thanks
Anne M
1 person likes this.
Fabulous class!!
Lina S
1 person likes this.
A fun and well-rounded workout! Some very challenging exercises for legs and balance! Thank you!
1 person likes this.
Tracey you always make me smile (even during those leg pulses LOL. You never disappoint! xo

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