Class #5666

Classical Advanced Mat

30 min - Class


Join Saul Choza for a fast-paced Pilates class where familiarity with the Classical Mat order is essential. Expect bursts of cardio throughout as you measure your success by how efficiently you move through each exercise. Focus on breath, spine articulation, and flow, incorporating archival exercises as Joe Pilates intended, with optional props like handles, 3lb hand weights, and the wall.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Who is ready to work out? Today, we're going to do a 25 minute advanced math. Voice out. Now the question is, how do you measure success in a Pilates practitioner? For example, you measure success on a runner on how fast they can run or how long they can run. On a body builder, how how much weight they can lift.

But how do you measure success in a Pilates? Practitioner. Well, it's very simple. How well you can flow from one exercise right into the other and actually move without stopping. So today, you are going to experience that with me.

We are going to flow. We are going to move. If you have any questions with any of these exercises, just go back to a couple of my videos from the past, and you will find the explanation. So let's get moving. Let's go to the front part of your mat.

You either can stand on the right side of the mat or on the mat, obviously, or the left. But I really want to be very specific on how we go down to the 4 because This is classical people. Okay. So here we go. Start in a pilates stance. You can either place your hands cross like we usually do or for counterbalance.

I think this is very important. You can also use your hands. You cross left leg over the right So now you end up right in the middle. Now if you're standing on the right, you're gonna cross the right leg over the left. And the whole idea is that you put the weight and keep the weight on the heels all the way down. And again, if you need to go down or even if you need to hold on to something, you can totally do But again, you're activating the lower powerhouse reach.

Check out my other video, and you will know what I'm talking about. So let's start with 100. And who is ready to just move on? Let's do it. With the first exhale, we come up into 100 position, and we commence. In here, and Excel. Email, and Excel. Now the idea is that your toes are at eye level, but if this is challenging for you, bring them up a little bit. Right? And if it's still challenging for you, bring it up a little bit, but the idea is that we want to get to a eye level position of your feet.

And if you wanna test it out, you bring it down with inhale. And with your X, you bring it up. Let's see 2 more for good measure. In here, and XEL 2. One more. I see one more email and Excel, Excel, Excel, Excel, Excel, and that's where you finish.

Extend everything opposite direction for me, please. Now we flex the feet, reach the arms up to the ceiling, and we go forward and expel the air out. Now we're gonna flow and actually chain this exercise with her leg roll over. So we exhale, bring it over the head, open the legs, and roll down one bit about a time. If you need to pull onto the dowels, you can, and reach arms over the head again with your exhale flex the feet and come up and reach beyond your heels, scoop the abdominals, and with your ankle.

You roll back down one footer at a time. And same thing. This time, you're gonna open the legs, exhale bring the legs over the head, close the legs, and pull with those arms so you feel the articulation of the spike as you roll down, one foot about a time, bring the legs down, reach arms over the head, flex the feet, and come up. And reach me on your toes. 1, 2, 3, and inhaled roll back down. Semic is it. We start again with elects together. Roll over. And, EXO, Inhale.

Reverse. Arms over the head. Flex the feet. Come up. And stretch last time. Point the feet, open the legs, and we bring it over the head, close, and roll down one vertebra at a time, able to deep, deep, deep, As you continue, bring that left leg down, flexing that left foot, place both hands as close to the body as possible, and we go into leg circles.

We're just gonna do 3 leg circles today just so we can continue with the flow. Reverse. Last time, and switch a lace. Point the top foot flex the bottom foot. Accident to the nose. 2, accent to the nose. 3, reverse. 1, 2, and 3, reach everything opposite, director with your axle again, flex the feet and roll up one foot about a time, find that serratus connecture, And this time, we're gonna bring ourselves to the front part of the match.

Now I'm gonna come completely off the mat with my feet So we can go into the jumping rolling like a ball. First, we start with 3 regular rolling like a ball, inhale, and next up, one. In here. One more time. On this next, Rolling like a ball, you're gonna go into a very low squat. Scoot the abdominals and reach, hold the arms forward, and scoot the abdominals, and we roll back. Again, scoop the abdominals and reach. Find the lower powerhouse again, scoop the abdominals and hold. Now we're gonna stand up. Scoop the abdominals reach forward and synced up.

And this becomes sort of like your double x stretch. It's gonna be a balance. And arms up one more time. On the next three repetitions, we're gonna jump in here and jump up, point the feet, and roll like a ball again. Scoopy of demos and jump up one last time and jump up. We're gonna do one regular roller hiccup ball and hold.

Place your feet down, slide yourself back into a single leg stretch, right knee into your chest, opposite hand to opposite, and we pull 1, 2, and exhale. Inhale with the right, exit with the left, lengthen the back of the neck, and good. Let's do 4 more for good measure. We inhale with the right. Over the left. Open it. I was out the sides.

Head move. Last two. Last time and release Joseph Volaris, double x, stretch, and he'll reach everything forward, press the arm to the side of the body, and with your axle bringing in 1. Again, inhale and exhale. 2. Let's do 2 more for good measure.

And exhale? So I want you to think of pressing the arms to the sides of the body and you bring it in. Last time, Innis, now Ramona's full eyes, inhale, reach everything opposite direction, open the arms up to the sides, and we exhale, we get in 1. Inhale. Now make sure the lower back is nice and long and we exit bringing it. Never minus pilates, inhale, open, and extra scoopy abdominal as well. Again, open in Excel.

2 more. Last time, now we're gonna flow up into a spine straightforward. Shoot the legs forward and reach the arms forward. Reach the arms up to the ceiling. I like to use external resistance to do the Spine sweat shorts scoop the abdominals and round the upper body forward, bring the crown of the head down to the forward, lift the base of the rib cage up and over.

And with your a and your roll up and sit up tall. Again, exhale. Expell all the air out. And in it. One more time. Here we go. Excel? Scoopy up Domino's.

Close the base of the base of the web page. Up, up, up, and with your annual. Rolling up, sitting up nice and tall, and release. Exendal arms in front of you, scoop the abdominals, lean back a little bit, and levitate those legs out the full. And we are ready for opioid rocker. 3 repetitions in here. Excel to go back.

Now what I like to do on this exercise is really scoop the abdominals and lengthen the back of the neck one more time. Excellent. We're gonna wrap the toes and do the same thing. And up. Woah. 2 more. Excellent.

Inhale, flying that scoop of the lower abdominals last time, and come up. Now we're gonna close the legs. Close the legs, go be abdominals, go back through repetitions, woah, 2 more. Do not do what I just did. You cannot really scoop the abdominals and come up. There we go. Good last time. Scoop the abdominals and hold scoop scoop scoop scoop and really stretch those arms forward point the fee And now you're in a teaser position.

Bring yourself down through the abdominal muscles. If you have dowls, you are welcome to use them. Let's go into cork scrub the abdominal, shoot the legs up to the ceiling, and with your exhale roll down and inhale come up. We're gonna do 3 repetitions just because I love this exercise so much. It feels so good on the obliques, the lower abdominals.

Again, one last time. Let's rock and roll. Here we go. And last time, exhale inhale. Now from this position, we're gonna roll up and sit up again, nice and tall, and we are ready for the saw. Hands behind the neck, whether you're in, you're gonna twist the body to the right, that we're gonna go to the left instead of the right.

So we open up that whole right side of the body and come back to center. To the other side, and scoopy abdominals reach reach long with the crown of the head and center. Let's do one more set. Ring out the thoracic, scoop the abdominals, pull that left hip back, and center. Last time, here we go. And inhale come up. Now we're gonna go around the world forward, twist the body, go to the left, or and scoop the abdominals.

And go to the other side, or you can go to the other side, whichever is more comfortable for you, to the right. Scoop the abdominals and bring it all the way around. And up. Let's do that one more time because it feels delicious. Round the upper body forwards, abdominals. Make sure your feet are flexed as you're doing this exercise. So you open up the back line of the body as you circle it around and sent. Good. Very nice. Close the legs of the abdominals and roll onto your stomach.

Swanda, 5 repetitions. You can use the dials, or you can use your hands and place them on the floor. With you in here, we come up, and we'll do 5 repetitions. Excel. In here. Excel.

In here. 3 more. 2, 1, and bring the body down. Very nice. Double leg stretch. I'm gonna do the Joseph Pilates position, which means I'm gonna place my chin on the mat and place my hands behind the upper back. Now remember, this is the breathing exercise.

Link those legs up before, and we kick 1, 2, 3. And with your inhale, lift up, up, up, and bring it down. X 2, 3, and in. Let's do 2 more repetitions. And one more time, Excel. And inhale, it's gonna be abdominals. Opening the arms out of the side, stretch the arms forward, place their hands on the mat, scoop the abdominals, and we're gonna do Pilates rest. Round the upper body forward and roll up.

Let's face the other way. We're ready for neck holes. I'm gonna use this draft today because I can't scuba the eponymous roll back one for a lot of time. Here we go. Hands behind the neck. You wanna make sure that one hand is on top of the other.

And with your exhale, scoop the abdominals and roll up and crown of the head reaches down to the floor. And with your a and heel, you sit up. Go back 15 degrees. Scoop the abdominals. Keep lengthening the back of the neck.

And you go down. 2 more repetitions. Excel. In help to set up, take a body back 50 degrees, scoop the abdominals, lengthen those heels forward, and articulate the spine one for the body today. Again, Yes. If you hear me sort of running out of breath, it's because I'm actually using the breath with you. So inhale and with the exhale, you wrote. Yeah. Excellent.

Very nice. Jack knife. Link those legs. With your exhale, pick up your heels off I'm sorry, slight off the floor and then shoot it up to the ceiling over the head and bring it down with control. So it's really the pelvis. Pelvis 5 inches of the 4, up, bring it over, and down one more time.

It's of the 4, up, over and down. Good. This last time, you can go up and place your hands behind the waist, and we're ready for scissors, x in that leg long, and switch, x in. Just 3 repetitions, 3 sets. This is the second set. One last time.

And now we're gonna move to pelvic left. So then that left knee, bring it down to the full, when you bring the other, you get now you're gonna flip your hands the other way. And from this position, you're gonna point that right foot up and flex it there. Why? Inhale up and and switch the other side from, please. Inhale and flex.

Inhale flex. See if you can press the hips up to the ceiling as you bring the leg down. Let's do that again. Press the hips up. Press the hips up.

One more time. And remember, don't forget the foots flex as it goes there and points. 3 sets I'm sorry, 2 sets. And we finish, roll down 1 for Duvada. Now let's do a little bit of spinal articulation in this exercise. With your inhale, lift the hips up for going into a bridge, reach the arms of the head, turn the palms inward, and exhale roll down one bit at a time. Feel their articulation open that back because we still have a couple more exercises to go in health school, the abdominals, Left the arms up to the ceiling with the articulation, expel the air out.

Let's do this one more time, inhale to lift, lengthen the front of the hips, think of the quads reaching to your knees arms over the head and with your axle roll down, one foot about a time, and release. Exend those legs long enough for and up. We go. Good. Twist. Hands behind the neck with your annual. Think of that left serratus raving to the front of the body. And then come back to center to the other side. Think of the right serratus ramping to the front of the body.

As your rhomboids on the opposite opposite side sort of pull that arm back so you have more of a spiral. Good. One more time. Inhale? Twist, twist, twist, and center onto your side, and we're ready for sidekick. You can either place your left hand on the mat or behind the neck, and we're gonna do Joseph Pilates. So we take Joseph Pilates style.

We take that leg back and we kick twice. 1, 2, and 1. Again, forward 12, and every time you kick, see if you can bring it up a little bit higher. Now let's bring that leg forward about a foot forward from the bottom foot and kick back. 1, 2, 4, and 1, 2, one more time. 1, 2. And together, swing the legs to the other side. And, again, prop yourself either on your on your arm and here or both hands behind the neck. The legs are slightly in front.

Kick the top leg and kick forward 12. And back. 1, 2, and back. 1, 2, and back. Let's bring it forward and now we kick back. 1, 2, and back. Three sets. This is the last one.

And release. Swing the legs to the other side and the moment of truth. Woah. We are ready for teaser. And I like to start my teaser Joseph Pilates dot, which means just like your neck pull, you scoop the abdominals, you'll pull back you reach the arms forward. Now the idea is that the arms and legs are parallel to each other.

So you just let the legs levitate up with your lower power house. Now we're gonna bring the upper body down with your inhale. And then with your exhale, you're gonna bring it right back up. Find that serratus, find that wraps, grab the abdominals, and reach again. Find that wrap of the glutes.

Links not lower back. And from here, wrap your serratus to the front of the body obliques, inner thighs, and stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch. One more time for good measure. Inhale? This time, I'm gonna ask you to go all the way down, so be up down. Most legs for those legs longer. Find the connection to the straightest, lower, middle, upper, and hold. Arms up to the ceiling.

Link to the neck, long back. These are 2. Legg's up. 1, 3 repetitions. 2, and 3. Now lift the lower abdominals and roll down one bird bar down and come up and arms over the head again. 2 more repetitions. Enough. In hell.

Last time, Axel. And really spin the elbows, take your arms behind you. You could either place him on the side of the mat or you can use the del I'm gonna use the towels right now because I need a little bit of rest. Here we go. It's gonna be abdominals and one with your axle and that in, he'll bring it up. 2 more sets.

And in last set. Finish it to the left and come up to the right. You guys are doing great. Now let's go for a swim because because it's getting hot in here, Here we go. This is like your 100, but on your stomach in here.

And exit, we are going to do 6 sets and inhale and exhale 2 more in here, exhale Last time, inhale, exhale, and really sit back on your heels again. Crow the toes under. So you start actually having more articulated in the metatarsal. Crown is head down to the floor. It's gonna be abdominals.

And stretch. Leg pull front. Leg pull down. Sorry. Here we go. Push that position. Link from the body.

Now just flex end point. Since we just worked our toes in the last stretch, you should be able to have a greater range of motion. Now as a point, kick the right leg up and switch and switch. Reeve, and x. Last time, and transition.

Bring your right hand next to the left hand. Right leg underneath the other leg and turn around for me, please. The the hand should be slightly rotating outward, lifting the pelvis up. We're gonna kick straight up to the ceiling and lift the hips up one up. Again, the other leg. Good. Now circle the lake up and around 1. And the other lake, good reverse.

And last time, And release, let's take that right leg and place it underneath yourself, and we're ready for leg kicks. We're gonna do actually 5 sets. So here we go forward. And now this summer, you're gonna do a full range of motion forward and back. This is 2. 3, keeping up Domino's engaged, 4, 5, and stop right in the center, come up up onto your knees, and we'll go to the other side.

I like to use a fist. It's so nicer. It's so much nicer on the on the hand. So you're welcome to do this as well with the palm facing forward and kick forward 12 and back to Remember, it's 5 sets, 2 more. And last time, And, at least, let's go back onto the knees. Now we're gonna sit on the right side of the body, and we are ready for snake and twists.

One hand is further forward than the other. Make sure you're connecting with your lats and the top foot is forward. The back foot. The under foot is back. Scrub the abdominals, fold yourself up the end to an upside MP with your x of length and think of the snake on coiling. Now think of the snake pulling up up up scooby abdominals and bend the knees, and that is one.

Again, inhale. Scoopy of gambles, especially the right of leak. Now from here, I'm coiled a snake. It's rich, excellent. Now inhale, scoop your abdominal sink, pull the base of the web page up, and center, bring it down.

And now let's go for the twist. Now you're gonna make sure you your right hand or the other hand is right in alignment with the hips, shoulders, and rest from this position, we go out onto a side bend from this position, scoop the abdominals, go up onto your toes, and reach the opposite side. Now it's gonna be abdominals. We're gonna add a a little variation, lift the sternum up, push away from that supporting arm, arm of the head, and bring it down one more time. In here, connect into the ground with that right hand.

Scoop the abdominals, the supporting norm, and reach scoop up. Lengthen that little variation. I'm over the head, bring it down, and let's go to the other side. Swing the legs around. And we are ready for snake. Remember, try to coil.

Scoop the upper down. Slip up and uncoil. Like a snake. Lift the sternum up. Now change of the chest.

Push away from the ground. Lift the base of the rib cage. Scooby abramos. And bring it down. And that is 1. One more.

Scoop the abs in, uncoil, rotate the shoulders back, Scoopy abdominals, lift up, and band. Let's go for the twist. Top leg in front, bottom leg back, arm up to the ceiling and reach over. Let me see a a picture right here. So go to the abdominals.

Now go up on your toes, Scoopi abramos, even more, and stretch to the opposite side. Push into the supporting arm. Feel that connection. You should be able to levitate those legs into that bottom on open variation over the head and bring it down one more time. Here we go. In Healthscope, the abdominal stretch, push into the ground with your supporting arm, reach the arm over the head, Find that length, open the sternum, really push into the ground, arm over, bend the knees, and really swing the legs around again, and we are ready for boomerang.

Here we go. Place the arms to the side to the body. But by the way, my logo is a boomerang, which is here. Scoopi Abramosa and lift it over the head, switch the crossing of the legs, and come up and hold. Today, we're actually gonna take the arms back. I'm gonna bring him over the head, lift the abdominals, end with your axle scoop and bring it forward. Again, place your hands in the floor, lift with your powerhouse over the head. Quick, quick, come up and hold bend the elbows, take your arms back and stretch a bit over and reach 2 more.

Here we go. Scoopy abdominals over quick, quick, reach. We're gonna hold the legs out there. We're gonna stretch those arms to behind you. We're gonna bring them over the head. And scoop the abdominals in town.

Last time, lift from the low abdominals, lift, lift, lift, switch, come up, Then the elbows take your arms back and reach in 4. It's not lovely. It sort of brings your heart rate down a little bit. That's a really cool thing about Pilates ever so often. Each exercise has its purpose. K. Here we go. 1 brings the heart up.

One brings the heart down. Let's clap 1, 2, 3, and go back. 123. 123. And Excel 123.

Yeah. 123. This is gonna be the last one. We're gonna cross the legs and stand up. Liffy arms up, and we turn around to do push ups, round the upper body forward, scooby abdominals, most things like you're going up into a handstand. Actually, you know what? Let's hang out here for a second.

Let's go up onto our toes like we're gonna go up into a handstand. And then bring it down. Make sure you wrap your serrated to the fronted body and bring the heels up and down too. So I really want you to feel the lower powerhouse as you're going up one more time. It's like a pull up, if you will. Okay?

And here we go. Screw the abdominals. 1, 2, 3. We're in a plank position, and we push up 1. Do not leave the ribs on the floor. 2. One more time.

And 3. Scoop the abdominals again, push away from the floor, and we go up 1. 2, 3, roll up one foot about a time, lift arms up to the ceiling, open the arms out, and we go again. Chin to the chest. Naval deep. Walk your hands forward. 1, 2, 3.

Pick up your right leg and 3 push ups. 1, 2, and 3, leg up. This is gonna be a tough one, everybody. I know. It's gonna be a down low especially if you're on a cushion, length in those arms, long torso, now come up and open the arms up to the sides one more time. Here we go. Scoop the abdominals and we walk forward. 1 2, 3, push up position, pick up your other leg, and we go three times 1, 2, 3, pick up the leg as high as possible, really get it up from here, Find the connection of your opposite lap to opposite glutes, softening the knee.

If you need to, lengthen, long arms, come up, lift the sternum out to the ceiling, and let's get ready for jumps. Here we go. Heels together. Chows apart. I'm gonna jump here just because I'm afraid I'm gonna fall just because the surface is so small, but here we go. We're gonna start just with breathing.

We're gonna drop the arms down with your exhale. We're gonna bend the knees, and and he'll come up again, exhale. And, again, exhale. On the next one, we're gonna jump on the way down. And, 2 more.

One more. Now two chunks as you bend forward and up. Up. 2. Last time, And really great job, you guys. I hope you enjoyed this class as much as I did.

And look, I'm sweating. I'm running out of breath. So check it out.


Wonderful! Exciting! Challenging! Thanks Saul! I truly enjoyed it and will do it again another time!
Amy P
Loved it, thank you!
A tough workout but I felt great afterwards.  Thanks Saul!
Excellent Great consistent pace Nice and challenging and Fun finish Muchas Gracias 🤩
Ilja, it was so much fun delivering this class to you all. I also got a great workout. I wanted all of you to move, and I'm glad you enjoyed it. 
1 person likes this.
Belinda K Ha! Yes, it was a hard workout, and I felt it myself the next day. Thanks for watching. 
Amy P Great! I had a great time moving. I hope you got a great workout. 
Birgit N It's a great sign that you will do it again. Thank you for the fantastic feedback. 
2 people like this.
Love your pacing Saul, teasers are still a challenge after 100 years of practicing them.
Judy P hi! Thank you. 🙏🏽 teaser are tough. I like to focus on the wrap of my hips and imagine lifting my legs by tilting the pelvis back.  Let me know if it works. 
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