Class #5686

Pre Party Pump Cardio

10 min - Class


Join Dane Sorensen for a Mat class that will shift your energy and open up possibilities. This standalone workout will uplift your body and mind, making you feel spacious and invigorated. Enjoy moving your body and take off with Dane, because you are amazing and deserve the best day!
What You'll Need: Mat

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Hey. What's up? My name is Dane, and this is your pre party pump. That's right. I'm here to pump you up Let's start moving together and enjoy our beautiful bodies reaching up for the sky and swing those arms back behind you in 1 sweeping motion and lift. It's down and lift. Enjoy the movement, baby. Inhale exhale. Don't forget to breathe and let it all out here.

We are going to encourage that blood flow and enjoy the endorphins that come with it. 2 more, adding the relevay, adding 1 arm reach, look to the right, Add the other arm, look to the left. We are checking out who else came to class today. Hey. What's up, Amy? Hey, Nicole. What's up?

Let's reach you 1 more time on each side. Oh, I see you too. Come on. 1 more. And then reach your arms up, take your arms out, and to your heart.

I love you too. Lunch back. Bring your heart. Center. Lunch back. Bring your hands to heart center. Alternate your lunges. Yes. We are warming up the legs.

We are warming up from the ground up, but our heart is open to the possibilities of another beautiful day ahead of us. Another night on the town, whatever you got planned today, It's gonna be epic. I can feel it, and we better do our hair if we're going out tonight. So take the arms out and shampoo circle the arms. And then back out, circle the arms.

So we're gonna put on some shampoo. We're gonna lather up with some conditioner. Some avocado oil. What's the weirdest thing that you've ever put in your hair? Please comment below and out. Come on. I've heard it all here in California.

You're gonna have to do better than that to shock me circle. I wanna know what you do at home for your beauty regimen. I just do a lot of shampoo arms for my shoulders. 1 more time on each side. Good. Take those arms out. Hold them out.

Changing the light bulbs, internal rotation, external rotation. Internal. External. Let it rip in. Oh, in.

Oh my gosh. I'm not holding any weight. And I'm burning through my arms, baby, and it's a good thing too because I'm wearing a sleeveless dress tonight. That's right. I am showing off these guns baby. This is the product internal, external.

I have a question for you. How would Beyonce do this exercise? Answer me with your body in. Oh, adding a little more torso, some contraction of those abs. Imagine that.

In. Oh, I'm feeling pumped. And now my hands go back. Thumbs down. Pinkies up. Slap.

Slap. Who needs a good slap? Slap. Slap. I need a good slap. Slap. Slap. Squeeze those shoulder blades together. I'm gonna show shoulder blades are doing right now.

Cracking a walnut. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Go. Go.

Uh-oh. I see some see some men here at the club tonight, a tall 1, and a short 1. They both deserve a slap. Up and down, tall and short, tall and short. Cuckoo. I became a bird In every workout, I become a bird somehow.

Birds are my spirit animals, and the pelicans are out today. Come on. Take off with me. Fly away from this place. Actually, I love it here at Pilates anytime. I'm gonna stay right here. Let's go for a 4, 3, 21.

But you know what? I got a little rage, and I'm gonna be authentic about it. I need to get it out right now. I'm sure you got something at home too. Skull crushers. Grab, crush it, reach, crush it, and now pretend that you are in the UFC Are you a ring girl or the main event? I'm both.

Crush it in for 4 3, 2, hold it. We are lovers and fighters, arabesque, lift that leg. Lift that leg, float the arms, float the arms. If you feel good, add a little jump, add a little jump. Add a little jump. A bigger jump. Maybe just a little 1.

Let's go for 4, 3, to whip the hair. Other side, crush. Go. Skull crushers. Come on, baby. Use the core. All the app series, everything you've done in your life to this moment, it all comes together.

This is the moment crush it. Crush it. Crush it. Last 2. Last 1. Hold it. Erodesk. Lift the chest.

Lift that leg. Lift that leg. Strength, beauty. The stretch. And now a little saute.

If that feels good, up, up, up. Up. Great job. Bring your arms out. Let's do some push ups. I never go out without getting my pre party pump on, and I never get my pre party pump on without my pilates push ups. Of course, you can do this on a wall, but I'm taking mine down to the mat.

Round it forward. Walk those hands with purpose. Heels together, toes apart, abs in tight. Oh, let's go. Down.

Up. Down. Up long neck. Look forward. Work those arms. We're just doing 1 set to fatigue.

So I need you here with me until the very end. Try not to take a break. You can modify on the knees. But I need you to pump in and pump up. You know what you were hitting play on, the pre party pump, and this is what it's all about for 4.

3, 2, 1. Gah. Walk the hands and feet together. Roll up your beautiful back. Face me. I'm looking at you right now. You are amazing.

You deserve the best day whether you're about to do a workout, Whether you're going out tonight, you better call me to join you. Love you guys. Keep the workouts up. I'll see you on the mat soon.


Elli G
3 people like this.
Great Dane! Please upload more ❤️🇬🇷
3 people like this.
Humor, energy, and Dane is a beautiful, inspiring mover. Looking forward to more classes!
2 people like this.
"answer me with your body!!"  Fantastic!. So much fun- thank you!
OMG  You were entertaining, gorgeous and kind! I loved it!
Sarah  H
3 people like this.
Love to have more dance workouts 
Carole M
1 person likes this.
So good! More please!
Harmony P
2 people like this.
Great class, very funny, love it
Celine W
So good!!
Hi Dane, thank you for your really well designed and themed workout! Very enjoyable and fun!  ( I renamed one of the exercises towards the end “ crush the vases”) .
A good collection and organization of ideas here really workable! 
Fantastic humour, love it! So refreshing.
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