Class #5703

Dynamic Reformer Flow

45 min - Class


Join Misty Lynne Cauthen in a dynamic Pilates class where you'll work from the top down, focusing on grip strength with the feedback of tennis balls. Misty introduces a variety of grip positions that will surprise you, incorporating creative ideas to enhance your mobility and upper body strength. By layering on new concepts and adding challenges, this class will deepen your connection to your center and abs, providing a comprehensive workout.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box, Dowel, Tennis Ball (2)
Optional: Towel

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Hi. I'm Misty Lynn, and this is another fortifying the reformer. This time we're going from the top down. So While we're still going to be working on legs, we're also going to have a greater emphasis on the hands and on the shoulders and just how we activate those as we get through our reformer workouts. So I'm gonna ask you to have a couple of props nearby if you can. Not required, but if you have tennis balls, pinky balls, any other palm sized balls that give you a little bit of pushback, highly recommend.

Also, If you have a weighted bar or dowel, any size works, but I like the longer ones that are a little bit thicker so that I can get a better grip. Holding on with my thumbs and my fingers wrapped around. And lastly, if you don't have a dow, do not fret because a hand towel, any hand towel will do. So let's get started. For safety purposes, we're always going to take our props and put them off to the side, know where we're gonna step on them. And we'll begin here at the footage of our reformers with a little bit of hand and shoulder awareness. So what I'm going to do is place the heel of my hand on the top of the foot bar Not bent, so I'm breaking my wrist, but on the top, center both hands. And then I'm gonna wrap my fingertips around so I have a good grip My thumb is wrapped with my fingers for this one, and I'm gonna take, as you see, a shimmy backward here, working to keep my hips somewhere over my heels, and I'm just working here to rotate.

I like to rotate the back of my armpit forward to the wall in front of me. It rotates my upper arm, which rotates my elbow pit, and then I'm still working to keep this grip. Here. And from here, I'll spread my fingers, and then I'm going to strum to wrap my fingers around pinch the bar each time. Spread and strum.

We'll do 2 more like this. Open and wrap really try to reach a little farther each time without compromising the connection at the heel of the hand and pinch. Check to see if you've maintained the extension of your elbows. We'll release this here. One more set, but this time you're gonna hook your thumbs under same wrap, and I like to call this break the bar.

So I'm wrapping all of my fingers around, and then I'm finding that armpit rotation. Again, The heel of my hand is still toward the top of the bar. Personally, I have difficulty with my wrists, so this grip is extra hard for me. But it's good for me, so I'll do it anyway. And then from here, I just want to do a small bend. And come up like a bird at a feeder here.

It's my elbows that are bringing my chest down, not my face, And I'm really working in this position to stretch my wrists. It's not the happiest stretch in the world. But I do it so that I have more strength and power from my hands all the way up to my shoulders and across my middle back. Last one here straighten and hold and release coming back to pinching the bar. One more thing that we'll do here Find your wrap, find your shoulder blades, think of drawing your blades together.

This is a scapular push up, then push your blades apart. Ideally, I'm not shrugging as I do this. I'm maintaining my length of my neck, and my blades are just coming to greet each other. Like a little hello, but they're fickle, so they change their minds. And I'll do one more here.

Now really bring the blades together without collapsing in the chest really press the blades apart feeling the width of your back. Feel that, hold that, give a little bit more of a pinch. This should light up your lower arm and release. Let's give that a little bit of a shake because we've got really good blood flow happening here. And for our next trick, we're gonna bring the foot guard down.

Get it out of the way. You may wanna lift this bar because we're gonna be putting our fingers underneath it on the platform. Spring load as light as you can go or no spring at all, but we don't change it until we get on the apparatus. So kneeling onto your carriage, And your first step here is going to be to choose your spring selection. I'm going to a single yellow to start this.

I'll bring my hands here to the platform. And, ideally, my spine will be long and flat. No extension or flexion. My shoulders will be over my wrists. And even here, take a look at my fingers.

I'm pinching my fingers. Underneath the platform. My back is flat, and I'm just going to press back And I'm going to pull in and check my springs again because that was heavy. Here we go. I'm gladding back and in. And the reason why we're starting this off with a light spring on is because we need to get used to what it feels like to have such lightweight.

We also may wanna take our hands a little bit wider or a little bit narrower But the goal here is still to find that rotation of the upper arm of the armpit forward and keeping your scapula wide across your back. And we'll do one more here, inhale, exhale pulling in, closing the carriage, sitting back for a child's pose. Easy enough, right, keeping the carriage closed. Now from here, Feel like you're doing the breaking the bar that we did earlier. Finger tips wrapped, really pressing the heel of the hand in, scoop your spine, to come forward to a flat back and then sit back in extension to find your child's pose. Now, ideally, the carriage in this exercise is staying up against the bumpers.

Find your extension, return back. Keep breaking the bar, breaking the platform. Extend and sit back wide sits bones hold. And now let's if you're comfortable, remove that extra spring, And we've got no springs on your inner child's pose. Now from here, press the carriage back, letting that your shoulders come up a little bit.

Pull the carriage in letting your shoulders come back down. And as you're pressing out and coming back in, feel the glide of your shoulder blades work to keep your elbow straight, and we'll do one more here pressing back, hold, Keep the carriage out here coming back up over your wrists, make any adjustments you need to make, rotate your armpits forward, Stepping my knees a little forward for control, and then I'm just gonna press back with my arms again, reaching and pulling, feeling the work across my middle back and in my armpits, keeping my elbow pits rotated forward, And I have 2 more to do, 2 exhaling in, and here's my last one. I close my carriage, I sit back, and before jumping off, I promise you I'm going to put my springs on. As a means of keeping myself safe, we'll go to either 3 or 4 springs for footwork, bring your foot bar up, Make sure you put it in in the locked position and grab the balls. The reason why we're using the balls here is because I want you to really think about what your arms are doing. Find the extension of your elbows.

Feel the pinky side of your hands reaching into the carriage, and we'll go to heels on the foot bar. Simple footwork, really focusing on what's happening in the arms without forgetting that it's footwork, so our legs are active here. As I'm pressing out, and then I'm keeping my balls of my feet centered over the foot bar, and I'm working my grip. I'm not over gripping. I'm holding on enough so that If I just need to sit up and toss this ball at something really fast, I can do that.

Last one. And I'm holding it in. I'm sliding down to my toes in Pilates stance, heels together, pressing out. And then I'm gonna add arms after this one. So as I press out, they stay as I come in, they'll come up and 4.

So I really have to be centered in my core or I'll be slipping and sliding all over this carriage. My shoulder blades are staying wide on the mat, And last one, I'm coming in here, open my arms out to a tee, place the arch of one foot on the bar, pull my other knee in, same idea out, and in. Without using my arms to stabilize myself on the carriage, I have to really work on where the pressing is coming out from. I'm not pressing from the front of my thigh. I'm feeling the stretch happening at the back of the leg.

That's where my focus is, at least in my mind. And one more, I come in and I seat the carriage other side. Same idea. Keep reaching wide no tension in your chest or the front of your throat. 8 more here. As you extend the knee, resist the urge to snap into the back of it.

4 more. Breathing like your life depends on it. 2 more here. And here's your last one. Good. Closing the carriage.

I'm gonna take my legs wide, and I'm gonna keep them parallel, which isn't my favorite thing to do. My palms will be facing forward, but I'm still finding this rotation of my upper arm here. As I press out, I'm gonna pull down. Pulling down and reaching up. So we've added some more complexity to the work because we've got our focus going in other places, but I still want you really thinking about what the hands are doing. This is a quality of life thing.

As we get older, we need more strength in our hands, or else we can't open the pickle jar among other things, hold it here, bring the arms in, and we'll just open to a tee. This hand strain thing is one of the best things you can do for yourself So take it from me. Work your hands every chance you get. Now as you come in, really work to keep your ribs centered and your shoulder blades flat on the mat, closing the carriage, the arms will go up. Taking a roll up to transition here, Exhale curling, reaching for your toes, reach for your toes, reach for your toes, reach for your toes, touch your toes, or some place close, and let's get rid of the balls for now.

Changing the spring load, I'm removing 2 springs to bring me to 2 reds. Reach past your toes, start to scoop pubic bone towards your nose, rolling back down. Make sure you're not pinned in too tight to your shoulder blocks. Grab your loops. So the arms are up, and we're gonna start with this open pinch grip.

So that means I'm holding on with my thumb around the edge of the loop. My hands aren't passive. They're actually very active, and I'm bringing my legs up. So starting here with just basic arms reach and pull. We're coming down and up keeping the open hand I know everyone loves open hands and pilates, but we have to make sure that the hand is active so that the shoulder gets the message that it's got work to do.

And that work is coming up from the hands. And now I'm going to press down and hold, making fists here I'm going to go into my tricep position and hold. Now as if you're knocking, like, free to curl your fist forward, and press down and come back up. So we're stretching the top and the front of the wrist, And as we're curling here, we're really getting a bit of an awakening at the wrist, at the forearms, and even in the triceps. Now we'll press and hold here.

Relax the wrist, but keep reaching into the fist and open wide into your tee. As we do iron cross, we're going to extend the legs and pull in, hollowing the belly, really feel that armpit connection through the fist as you reach. When you come up, don't forget, curl up high enough. So that you feel like the action is not just at the upper abs, but it goes all the way down to the pubic bone. Hold it here, bring both arms up straight, bring the legs up, hold and close.

You may need to take a little shimmy away from the shoulder blocks, and now we'll go into feet and straps. But before you do, grab your balls again. Carefully and make sure that you've got a good grip on your loops to do so. So You can either place the walls between your legs or down by your sides or keep them, but don't drop them on your face. So I'm gonna unvulcro my loops, then I'm gonna grab the balls again because if I don't, I will drop them for sure.

And this mount is gonna be simple. I'm pressing back 2 feet on. I'm going to slip one foot in. Stand into that loop, slip the other foot in, secure my Velcro, And even this is work for the hands, right, are my hands working well enough so I can maintain my connection with the ball? From here, I'm gonna keep my knees bent, but open them hip width, and we'll double dip here.

I'm dipping toward the floor And I've got the strap coming up the center of my knee on purpose. It's just going to help me with tracking and to make sure that I'm working through my under butt. I'm really holding on to the ball again. 3 and exhale up. And 2, and up, and last one, up and hold, bring my hands to the center, bring my Ball's straight out in front of me, and I'm squeezing in lightly as I'm externally rotating, flexing my ankles, a curl press and stretch.

And then pull back in. Now without holding on to the carriage, I have to really work to stabilize my body both front to back and side to side, which is where the challenge lies here. And I also have to keep in mind that my elbows need to straighten each and every time pressing and holding here, bringing both legs straight up, And I'll just bring my knuckles together, hands on my chest, bending into frog legs here, And this time, I'll go into Peter Pan. As I'm opening one leg, I'm opening the opposite arm, and I'm coming back in. Maintaining my grip, maintaining the tension on both of my ropes, and really, really trying to keep the effort matched between my opposite arm and leg.

1, and now both arms and legs wide and in keeping the carriage still. This has no name. I call it Jack B Nimble, because he's the guy that jumped over the candlestick in the old mom's tails. 2 more. And last one, opening wide. Take a little extra stretch here. Pull down flex your ankles.

Open wide again and come in. Now drop your props to the side. We'll take the legs straight up. And hold. This is a new skill. We're gonna keep our hands wrapped around, and you're just going to roll your hips up and you're rolling your hips back down.

As you're rolling up, the goal is to not release your legs. So you're going to continue to stand into your straps. By wrapping your hands here and engaging, it seats your shoulder girdle So you're not inclined to do any funny business with your upper body, and that'll be important once you do short spine. Later on, rolling up and rolling back down, and we'll release here. Bend your knees. Slip out of your loops by taking one foot out.

Find your foot bar. Take the other foot out. Take your ropes behind you and drop them to the floor. This time to come up, grab hold behind your legs, and we'll rock up into a teaser. So you'll nod your chin to your chest, curl up without crashing the carriage, roll up and hold your balance.

Now we'll scoop and roll back down. Let's do one more because we can. Chin to the chest scoop rule press and lift, holding at the top, and stepping off. Next stop is seated arms facing back. But before we go, you know, I have this thing about the props.

When we have props, we always wanna make sure that we put them in a place so that we go to stand up in a hurry, we don't step on them and break our legs or anything else. So I'm just gonna turn around grab these balls that are rolling around and straighten them out so I can quickly access them as I need them. And then I'm going to reach down and grab my loops. So for seated arms, you wanna set your spring tension up so that you don't struggle to keep the ropes taught but not so taught that you can't move your arms comfortably without compromising your shoulders. So for me, I'm going to go to a red and a blue on a balanced body reformer, and then I'll bring my arms My legs up and through the headrest crossed over, and we'll start with bicep curls, but We're going to do something a little bit different with the grip.

So we're going to go to a lobster grip here, and I'm gonna hold this way. This grip is automatically a challenge for my forearms. I feel a little bit like Popeye, but that's okay. I'm gonna open my elbows a little bit more. And then as I do my curls, I'm working to keep my wrists fixed. This is hard for me but it's also building strength in my hands in a way that I tend to struggle with. So if you have trouble with pinching things, if you have trouble with the heels of your thumbs, this is a really good grip for you to practice here.

Now I'm going to go back to that open pinch grip, sliding my hands in, bring my arms down by my sides, I'm sitting up nice and tall, and I'm pulling back. Into my a frame. As I'm pulling, I'm thinking my shoulder blades remaining flat to my back They're not winging, and my head is not helping my arms pull. So no rooster business. Try to keep your head nice and still.

And one more. Now I'll cross my legs for the next one. I'll cross my straps. I call this the flasher. So I'm gonna pull my blades back and pull my elbows in. And then I'm going to open my trench coat and show my wares.

Take that how you will. I'm opening and closing, and I'm really working to keep my blades back. 2 more. And last one. Now for the last one, I'm going to straighten my legs.

I'm going to the opposite cross of what I had before, I think. I'm going to lighten my spring here. And I call this the vapers. So, again, my hands are going in to that open pinch grip position, so my active thumbs are working. I'm bringing my hands up and I'm holding.

Now my first step is to rotate, and then I'm going to hinge back as if this is very dramatic and it's too much for me, but then I'm over it. And then I'm gonna go the other way hinge and up. And you may not be able to see it, but my thumbs are very active. Last one My elbows are staying in my peripheral vision as I'm going back, closing the carriage, and releasing. So now it's box time, guys. We're gonna swing our legs off without crashing the carriage.

I'm gonna keep my spring load the way it just was on 1 red spring, and I'll bring my footbar down. To the no bar position. Grabbing my box, when I set my box in front of my reformer, I'll put it in front of the shoulder blocks so that it's abutting the blocks. Make sure it's secure. And then to mount, I'll come down. I'll put my elbow down.

To support my head. Now please realize this is a more advanced exercise But I still think it's possible for everyone if we keep a few things in mind. 1, the hips stay stacked. Secondly, this elbow stays down. And then lastly, this leg has value. I'm standing on this leg as if I'm standing on the wall. I'll grab my rope, And I'm going to slide my arm in, and then I'll take my arm up.

Rotating my armpit. So if There was this a wall right in front of me. I'd be putting a sweat print on it. What a pretty picture. And now from here, I'm going to bring my arm straight down.

And I'll bring it straight up. And I'm breathing, again, because oxygen is not optional. And whatever I do here, I'm working this grip so that, again, my wrist is solid and firm. My shoulder understands the demand that's coming to it, and it's going to respond appropriately. From here, my arm will come down in front of me, I'll do the same thing.

Pull and stretch. Cheating a little bit, I just noticed. So think about your arm being where it would be if you were laying on your back on the floor. So my arm wouldn't be down here, obviously, and it wouldn't be way up. It's going to be somewhere around shoulder width.

I'll do one more here, and now I'll bring my arm up, and I'll stand into that armpit. Top leg is going to kick forward, and then it kicks back. And I'm really working this elbow, and I'm really working to keep the tension out of my neck. 32. And one more here. 1 and bring the leg in, closing down.

Sitting tall before we transition to the second side, I'm going to reach back, grab my loops again, And I'm sitting. I've got a lot of space between my tailbone and the back edge. It's a safety thing. I'm bringing my hands behind my head. This is an open grip, so I'm not pinching. My hand is wide open.

Thumb stays wide. And I'm really feeling the strap work the middle part of my hand. I'm shaving the back of my head. Keeping my thumb and my index finger together. Now true story, my right arm is my dominant arm.

And it really wants to take over here. I have to really concentrate to get my left arm to participate as much as the right one is. So I'm really working through the triceps up into my armpit, but I'm not forgetting about the hand. Here's number 8 and the last one. I bend, and I release.

For the second side, drop that loop down. Let's get the body into the safe position, and then we'll grab the loop. So I'm sideline. Bottom leg is tucked. Head is resting on the hand.

The other arm is grabbing the loop, and I'm standing into the free leg, the up leg. My arm is going to go up, palm facing forward, and then I'm gripping here. I'm reaching down. We'll do 4 more here resisting the urge to pull so hard that we lose tension in our rope and also not crashing in as we close. One more.

Now my arm's gonna come forward to shoulder width. Feel the squareness of your back pull into the side body 4 more. 3 and 2 more. 1, And now last one in this series arm comes up. I can still see my hand in my peripheral vision.

My leg is going to kick forward. And back. It will maintain height as it goes forward and back. I'm rotating my armpit forward and 2 more. Exhale, inhale, and less one, and come in. Close the carriage, put your loop on the peg, sit up, and moving on, stepping off for swan on the rails. We'll keep the spring weight the same, bring the arms forward extend your legs behind you.

Find that rotation, and we're using a lobster grip here. So you're going to extend and lift and reverse to go back down. Think of your eyeballs being what initiates the lift, not your hands, and coming back down. 3 more wide in the back, pinch into your frame with your lobster grip. And 2 more.

Rotate and lift and reach back, reach away, reach away like you're you've got electricity going through your toes and through your eyeballs and stretch back. Let it hang here for a moment. Head dangles, hips wiggle, and now we're coming up. Moving on to short box, we will keep the footbar where it is, but we're putting all of our springs on. Turning the box to the short position, depending upon your height, you will either be in front of or behind the shoulder blocks In my mind, I am very tall, but in my stature, I'm very short.

So my foot bar I mean, my my box is gonna go in front of my shoulder blocks. Now Adding those springs is mentioned. And then grabbing either your dowel or your towel, whichever you have available. Your feet will always when you're doing short bucks, they'll always go in this strap here for safety. Your legs are gonna go long, and you're gonna split them wide here.

Now holding on to the bar, remember to break the bar that we did with the foot bar, Same thing here. I am working my armpits forward and feeling as if I'm a she hulk. I can just break this thing And that's the activation that's going up from my hands to my armpits. I'm starting round. Inhaling and scooping exhaling to roll back. I'm shaving the front of my body.

I'm reaching up I'm rounding over. Again, round shave, up and over continuing to break the bar with straight elbows. Shave up and over Now we're gonna reverse this, and we're gonna go flat, up hinge, pull down, shave, up, resisting the urge to get soft in these arms, especially as I go forward here. I really need to keep that effort up as I pull down, and I scoop forward and I reach up. From here, let's rotate from the navel hinge to the back corner without lifting the opposite hip.

Come back up. Center. Twist and hinge. Up and center. Bring the top of your pelvis with you as you hinge. And let's do one more.

Twist. Reach. Up. Center. How's your grip? Are you still working it here? We're gonna take that down. Place it here so that it's not in the way. We'll keep the back foot in the webbing.

The front foot is going to either hook behind, if this is comfortable for you, or if not, it's gonna hook here at the top. If you're hooking at the top, keep all of your cheeks on the mat on the box. From here, my hands are gonna either come here or here. Let's do this for now. We're side bending over.

And we're side venting up. Just two more up and over. Feel like a rainbow. And up. Make sure you can see this elbow in your periphery up and over and up now. Twist, rotate, dive into your rails. Hold this stretch and really see how much length you can gain from your hip top from your ribs to your hip here.

So by the time I'm done with this exercise, I wanna be at least 59. I'm really breathing through my middle back. I'm walking back in. Take the time to walk in. Don't hurtle yourself through space.

Second side, switching feet. Foot goes into the strap. I'm hooking my bottom leg, and I'm really getting on top of this hip So I have to turn this over, and I'm balancing, and it's a lot of work, but that's why I'm here. I'm side bending over. And I'm rainboeing back up 2 more.

And blow. Keep the tension in your strap the whole time. One more and exhale up. Rotate, dive into your frame, stretch, reach that backhand farther back, try to grow as long as you can here. Enough growth. Let's walk in.

And slide out of that stretch. A quick stretch forward with a flat back just to allow yourself to re center. And come up. Now it's time to take this grip a little further. We're gonna test it in the long stretch series.

So carefully stepping off. Take your dowl and get rid of it. Put it somewhere where it's not going to cause danger. We'll take the box and, again, no danger today. We're putting it at the back edge.

The foot bar will come up, and I am going to go to 2 red springs. But, again, you wanna spring so that you're challenged but not crushed by the challenge. For long stretch, your headrest is up. And if you need something to keep your feet from slipping, put shelf liner or a sticky pad on your headrest for safety, to mount I'm gonna practice this grip practice right away. I'm gonna bring my hand out to the corner because that feels better for me. Typically, I would say wrap the thumb, but today, I'm going to stack my thumb with my fingers.

My other hand's gonna come out to the corner. Same idea to my fingers. I'm going to take a long stiff leg step up to my headrest. My other leg is gonna come up, and I'm finding my long body position with my armpits rotated forward. Now from here, I'm pressing out, and I'm coming in.

I'm not thinking of pressing back with my arms, I'm thinking of pulling up so deeply that the only way I can get more length is to push away 2 more like this, and we'll do one more here. Closing the carriage and will step in front of the shoulder blocks for the elephant. Now For some folks, the hamstrings don't love being back there. So coming forward is okay. I'm gonna stay back here.

And I'm going to look at my knees, hello knees, and I'm gonna lift my toes and then lay them down gently. They're not doing any work here. Thinking of breaking the bar, looking at my belly, rounding my upper back, and I'm going out and in 1. Now I want the same level of energy flow through my arms as I have in my legs here in Elephant. 3 more and 2 more and 1 more, and we're going to close here. Let's do a little exploring here.

We're going to stagger the grip. We're going to pick up one foot stack it on the other. Keep the shoulders level. Same thing. So I have more weight on my right arm How do I manage that across my shoulder girdle? My back has gone a little flat, but that's okay because, again, we're playing with the staggered grip. Our body is off center.

We're finding that wrap, and we're doing the same thing here. 54, exhale. This is ab work, not just leg work, come all the way in. Sitting on your foot bar? Staggering the grip once again. One hand is gripped forward.

The other hand is gripped back. And from here, straightening the elbows so much that we hover leg pressing forward and back one. Now think about the shoulder girdle, the abdominals, and the legs working together. I'm not relying on just my shoulders to hold me up here. And 8 coming back, changing the grip.

8 more. And 87. Really think of not just rotating the arms, but finding that armpit connection and taking that all the way through the core and the feet and one coming back. For the last one in this series, I'd like for you to bring both hands so that they are facing palms back Your thumbs can either wrap or not, but I really want you to find the pinch of the bar. Once again, let the forearms help you here sliding off, One leg up find your square 5 and 5.

So we're pressing out in 1 and 2, 3, 2, and 1, switching legs, stretching through those elbows, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1. Now we'll step off. Home stretch, guys. We're straddling, sitting somewhere near the center, but not so far forward that we can't getting into the stretch. So maybe a little bit behind center here.

And I'd like you to just take your hands around, rotate the armpits forward, and press from the heels of your hands through your armpits. You know what? Let's change the spring. Light in one spring. Now we've got one spring on, and we're just pressing back. Let the hips and the feet go where they go.

Stretching here. And coming back in. So am I holding on? Yes. But would I say I'm gripping? Not really. I'm giving everything its moment's peace.

3 more, press really fill the lungs with all the air you can take in, exhale to close, 2 more, And in one more pressing out, holding it here and just kneading through the hands. If your body rocks side to side like mine does, that's okay. But I'm walking through to the fingertips and then I'm walking back up. Through the heels of my hands, and then I'm gonna find some place in the center, wrap those fingers, lift my head to the level, and then I'm gonna pull my blades together. And apart, these are the same scapular push ups that we did at the beginning. 3 more to feel the stretch in both directions.

So as you come together, that's work. And as you push apart, that's work as well, and we'll come in. Take a little shoulder and tricep stretch. Gonna come forward just a hair and bring my hands back behind me. Let my fingertips touch back here and give myself a little bit of a stretch by letting my chest wall drop down My carriage is moving back a little bit to create me create some space for myself. I'm breathing through my middle back.

My triceps are saying, why are you doing this to me? The so rude, but hopefully they'll thank me later. Coming out of that, and I'd like to do one more thing here I call this the wash your face. So you're gonna bring your palms to face you. Your elbows are together and your lateral hands, your pinky side of your hands are together. And then you're just going to reach up.

Try to keep this connection and pull down. Big stretch in the posterior shoulder. You can do it with closed fist as well, but this is really more about the shoulder. And now on this one, we'll come up and open and pull down, see your thumbs in your peripheral vision, come back up, and do one more up and pull down. Now we're reversing it coming up bring it together, wash your face in reverse, up together, and pull.

Last one, up together. I can still see my elbows, and I'm pulling in and I'm releasing, and I'm thanking you for joining me in this workout.


Thank you Misty Lynne -great class - you have such a calm and assured manner of teaching; really enjoyed it. Thanks again! 
Wow! That was an incredible class for my achy shoulder! The cues were perfect and I’m adding this to my favorites!!! Thank you!!!!
Melissa G
Love your class and descriptions!  The Flasher cracked me up and now that's all I can see while doing it.
Andrea B
Thank you for the great work out. Excellent cueing!
Sarah G
Thank you Misty Lynne, I really enjoy your classes. Added to my favourites. More please!!
Sarah G
Just watched it again, and i learnt so much from this that I will bring into my lessons. Thanks again
Kelly L
Excellent cueing.   Fractured my hand and sprained my wrist a year ago and this workout was better than the PT I had!  Thank you.
Great pace and cueing! Thank you! ♥️🙏🏼
Carla R
I just love this class, just took or the second time, so much to take out of it, thank you!!!!

I loved the focus on hands/wrists. Creative and fun. Great workout. I’ll revisit this one as I need this. Multiple wrist fracture a couple of years ago. Thank you! 
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