Class #5720

Cardio Boost - Strength

30 min - Class


Join Maeve McCaffery for an exhilarating cardio workout that incorporates strength training to elevate your heart rate and sculpt the entire body. This high-energy class utilizes 10lb dumbbells and an optional resistance loop to challenge your muscles and improve your cardiovascular fitness. Experience a dynamic blend of exercises, including the challenging Airplane move, that will leave you feeling invigorated and accomplished.
What You'll Need: Hand Weights (2)
Optional: Resistance Band

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Hi, everyone. I'm Maeve McCaffrey. We have a really good one today, cardio boost. Your heart rate's gonna get up. You're gonna sweat.

You're gonna hear me pant. Bear with me. It is gonna get you going. We are gonna start with some cardio just to get our body warmed up. I'm a big fan of just kinda like bouncing out the body, letting the arms kinda move around here. I'm gonna tell you what you need today, but right now, I just want you to kinda get moving.

We're using dumbbells in a mini band. The weight that I'm using is a moderate weight. You can use whatever you have but I wanted to be challenging enough. I'm a believer of picking up heavy things. I think there's a massive benefit for all facets of who we are, belief in our self, our confidence, just keep shaking it out, obviously our muscles, our joints, our bones, And it just feels good.

So whatever you're heavy, like, something moderate heavy, that's what I want you using. And, of course, that mini loop band Alright. Let's get moving some jumping jacks here. You don't have to jump. How about that? If you want, you will, and if you don't, you won't. Strongarms, soft knees. Yeah.

I'm a big fan of jumping jacks It feels very much like being a kid. Something I did when I was little, and I'm glad I can still do him. If you don't use it, you lose it. So when you can keep doing all the things that you've been doing your whole life keep integrating them. Take this down to fast feet right here.

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Like, you've like, you're just up on your toes. It's like you're on hot coals. Keep those feet going. Really nice.

And then plant your feet, reach down, reach up, bend your knees as much as you need to to keep your spine long I'm gonna talk a lot about that today. It's the position of our spine. Really important. Prioritize your spine. Really good few more.

You need some space in front of you. We are going to reach down, walk out to plank, Yes. Nice and strong here. Push your hands down. Spread your shoulder blades firm up those legs.

Engage your glutes. Really good. Plank is so so important. Keep pushing. Keep pushing the feet down. Your plank is your foundation.

Kneesen. We're starting slow mountain climbers. Don't lose your plank. Pick it up if it's okay. Little faster. Little more tempo.

Breathe. Staying it. Strong hands, strong legs, 87, 6, 4, 3, 2, hoo, hands, feet, get yourself up. Come on. Dumbbells.

I hope your heart rates up. Mine is. You, again, you're gonna hear me breathing That's the intention here. Bend your knees. Tip over hinge forward. Your spine, the position of your spine, very important here.

Draw your shoulders kind of like up and back. So place them in pull, release, pull, release. Yes, it is an alternating bent over row. You're not just pulling the elbow back. You're pulling the weight back.

You're pulling the shoulder open, staying in it. Really beautiful work, long spine, knees are bent, hips moving back. Last two. Last one rise up. So nice. Weights down, I'm gonna tell you right now, we're gonna do everything twice.

We have 2 circuits. We're in our first circuit. Use this first one, get it in your body. We have a push up into down dog reach across and tap your opposite foot. A push up into down dog reach and tap the opposite foot.

You can absolutely do this on your knees, same same end product. I'll show you that again. Same same. Knees or toes. Mhmm.

Legs are strong. Your center is strong. Glutes are strong. You are done. Something very important.

When I say strong, I don't mean clenching. You're not clenching your body. You're like a cat. You're strong, but you're like you're ready to jump and do something else at any point in time. Strong, subtle, all that good stuff. Get your weights again.

We're just gonna keep blasting through. Heart rate stays up. Curtsy, sideways, There's a couple ways to execute this. Palms down or palms a little forward. Okay.

Listen to your body. Chest up. Elbows are slightly bent right here. You've got this. These compound exercises, meaning where you're working multiple things, like upper body and lower body, same time, so good for keeping that heart rate up.

So good for training your whole body at once kinetic chain. How your body relates to the movement throughout. Last two. Last one. You're amazing.

Finish strong. Fantastic. Waits down. Minnie Band, ankles. Did I mention that I love jumping jacks?

I know I did. Banded jumping jacks. If you don't wanna use the band, cool beans. We're here. Let's go.

These are soft. This band is giving us something to kind of press out into the legs. A little feedback. Little awareness. Just like we did in the warm up, you don't have to jump it.

I do want those arms crazy strong. Let's go. Soft, knees, super strong, arms. This is where the painting's about to begin. Yes.

We have about 10 seconds. Oh, heart rates up, thighs are burning, hips are burning. Done. Oh my goodness. Mini band off.

Give yourself a moment. Collect yourself. Breathe. Get your dumbbells. Yeah, that was your moment. That was the moment.

Feet wide enough that you feel stable. Hips go back knees bent alternating bent over row, pull, release, pull, release, Second set, we are refining. We are refining our movement. Really, really nice. Center strong, front ribs drawing up, hips engaged to hold and catch you here.

Yes, you can. Keep your spine long. Keep your gaze a little forward. Last four, last three, And your last one. Beautiful. Rise up.

Waits back down. Alright, I hope you're feeling great. Push up, down dog, tap back. Use your knees if you need to. Let the lift of the hips take you up out of that push up.

Let's go. Find your strong plank. 10 of them drop down, lift, tap back, drop, lift, tap back. Legs are so strong. That's gonna help you immensely. Get that nice rotation.

If you can't reach your foot, tap your knee. If you can't reach your knee, tap your thigh. Let's go 2 more. One more. Oh, we have Let's get those weights again.

You're doing great. Staying it. Roll the shoulders back a couple times, breathe, curtsy lunge, sideways. Let's get after it. When you are executing that side raise.

I want you and what I like to call superhero stance right here in the middle, It's like you're staring down your enemy and you're about to kick their butt so that when you take those arms out to the side, Bam, right there. No problem. Glutes engaged. Belly, strong, your feet pressing down. You're unstoppable.

Yes. And when it starts to get tiring, you're still that superhero. Dae again. Let's go. Both knees are bending on these curtsy lunches.

Drop Lyft. Race. 2 more. 1 each way. 1 more. So good.

Raef's down. You're amazing minivan back on those ankles, shins, Jack's. Let's go. Yes, you can. Yes yes yes yes yes magical. Come on.

Yeah. Your heart is as strong as your body? Come on. You've got this 20 seconds. We can if we do it together, we can. Amazing. Come on.

Nice and light on your feet strong in your arms. Find your breath. You don't have to do these again. 4, 3, 2, done. Okay. Take a couple breaths here.

Find your weights again when you're ready. You have to be ready pretty soon. Because I'm gonna move on. Okay, you're amazing. Stay with me.

This We tend to go here. That's a sound effect when you know you're in the right spot. There we are. Staggered stance deadlift. I've got this one foot back as a kickstand. It is not far.

It's pretty stinking close to my other heel. Tip over, rise biceps. Tip over, stand tall, lift. Now, set the shoulders move, try not to swing those arms Again, I love this version, and I'm gonna tell you that I'm gonna offer you an alternative, but I love this version. If you want, tip, extend the leg back, curl up.

Tip, rise up. Yes, indeed. So when I'm offering a second version of something. It's not necessarily better. It's usually not.

It's just different. That's all it is. 2 more. Last one. Fantastic. 2nd side, we start with a toe down. Regardless, start with a toe down.

Open up the chest. PAS hinge and tip rise up by seps curl hinge and tip rise up and curl. Really nice. Yeah. You're perfect. You're perfect. Keep your spine long.

Prioritize your spine. Last, before I change up with the option, keep going here if you want. Or float the leg. Yes. Fantastic.

Reach down. Stabilize. Yes. We have 2 more. Last one. Amazing. Keep these weights, but I would love for you to get your mini band, and we're going to put this on our thighs above our knees.

Sometimes that takes a little effort. That's part of the workout is getting it on there. And The band is to give us awareness. You're resisting against the band. Make sure there's no tears in your band.

Make sure it's nice and, strong on your thighs, it's gonna pop off if it breaks. It's not gonna it won't hurt you, but it might surprise you. So I like to check and make sure there's no tears in my band. Waits are gonna come up here. We are squatting. Drive.

Reach, bring it back around. Elbows and fronts, sit your hips down and back, press reach up. We come around. Yes. Your feet are pressing the entire time.

Toes, heels, don't just lift the toes and press into the heels. Keep those toes pressing down. You're amazing. Bring the elbows in front, sit down, stand, take the elbows wide, before you take it up into that shoulder press. So you want that opening.

These are tough. I know I need you to stay with me. I need you to believe that you have this because we only have 2 more. Sit, drive open, press last one. Here we go. Fantastic. Okay. Keep the band on.

Place your weights down. The band is gonna give us a little extra attention and awareness in our lower body because your mind is gonna wanna skip to your upper body. Coming into plank, this can be on your knees, This can be on your toes. We are taking hand and tapping opposite shoulder. The idea is to not swing around.

The idea is to work your center hips are engaged, belly's engaged, you're stabilizing in this shoulder. So every time you take your hand away, The other shoulder has to do a lot of work. So if you make your body your machine to support that shoulder, it's gonna feel so much better. Last two. Last one.

Beautiful. Stretch it back, walk your hands and your feet together. We're taking the band off. You can actually do this sitting. But I'm gonna take it off here.

And right now, you just need you, just you, your body weight on your side. There's a tricky set up here. When you get the set up, your golden lie all the way down on your side. Bottom hand to top shoulder. So bottom hand to top shoulder, the higher your hand is toward your shoulder, this top hand, the easier it will be.

The lower the hand comes toward your elbow, the harder it's gonna be. Alright? So I would suggest starting up here. You're gonna lift up control it down. Lift up, control it down. If you're doing this and you're like, kind of easy, move your hand closer toward your waistline, triceps, whew. Control it down, power up.

Mhmm. You've got this. You have 2 more. Oh my goodness. Last one. Yes.

Well done. 2nd side, my friends. Alright, you're all the way down. Bottom hand to top shoulder, top hand, I'm gonna suggest starting by your shoulder. Lyft, control it down, lift, control it down, adjust as needed.

So it's easy to think your lower body's not doing anything here. Keep your legs strong together. Try not to let them flail all over the place, which you might wanna do as it gets harder here in these last three, last two, last one. You're amazing. Awesome. Back up on your feet, friends.

Alright. Get those weights. Single leg deadlift into biceps curl. I'm gonna give you a little different view this time. Hopefully, it makes it even better on round.

You know how I feel about these second rounds. This is our opportunity to make everything better, whether that's a scale back, or a progression like this one right here. If you want, float that leg maybe even bring the knee up. You might feel a little wobbly here, That's part of it. Your standing foot is doing a lot of work, whether the foot's down or not.

Yep. If you are floating this back leg, hip extension stretch the leg back. And of course, we've got this beautiful biceps curl on the top. Don't forget about that. Last two, please.

And your last one on the side, Place your foot down or bring it forward. I like to at least start with my toe down, so I really get a sense of what I want this to feel like with support. Think of it as like a little kickstand option to take this and float the leg back hip extension, maybe an e up. Enjoy those wobbles and bobbles. That's part of it.

Breathe with it, and we're never swinging the arms. It's controlled. Well, at least not in this exercise. That's completely untrue, but in this exercise, we are not swinging the arms. Nice deep hinge and that standing hip. 3 more, please.

Yeah. Yeah. You're amazing. Let's go one more. Fantastic. Well done. Well done.

Minivan, please. Back on your thighs. Okay. Find your weights, feet far enough apart that you feel that band, that you get some feedback, sit, drive. Sit open drive.

Really nice. When you are sitting, hips go back, hips go back. When you come up, your legs are not resting, drive the feet down, glutes are still engaging, legs are still working, they don't rest, You got this. Come on. When we open those elbows out, shoulder blades move in toward the spine. Come on 2 more.

Last one. Fantastic control it out. Every bit matters. Waits come down. Keep the band on.

Keep the band on. Find your plank. When I say your plank, I mean, find your plank. Straight leg knees you choose. Bring it up. Tap.

Tap. Hand to opposite shoulder. Legs are strong, hips working, gaze is a little forward. Yes. Stay with it.

43 21. Yes. Good job. We are taking off this band. My friends, we are in our last exercise. Let's do this.

Thank you, Ban, for all your work. Now it's just you. Just you. Bottom hand top shoulder. Let's set it up.

Lift down, lift, down, push the floor away, control it down, push away, control it down. You've got this. Yes. Come on. Last two.

Last one. Amazing. Let's switch sides My friends, we are in our last exercise. Alright. Bottom hand top shoulder top hand in front of the elbow bicep or shoulder, easier, medium, hard. Let's go. Lift.

Control it down. Keep your spine long. Breathe into it. Yes. Yes. Strong legs. Keep those legs together as much as you can.

Oh my goodness. We have 3, stay, strong hand, Yes. So good. Rise up. Amazing work today. Thank you so much for being here. I hope your heart is beating.

I hope you're sweating. Thank you for moving with me.


Great combination of strength, balance and puff work .not too complicated either
Molly M
Maeve- this was SO good!! Thank YOU!
Excellent!  Great workout and easy to follow.  Thank you!
Linda T.
1 person likes this.
Great workout just what I needed so glad these are on PA now 
Chuhang G
Great workout to start the day! looking forward to doing more of your workouts!

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