Class #5755

Glutes & Abs Block Circuit

30 min - Class


Join Jamie Isaac for an invigorating Strength & Mobility class that targets your abs and glutes through three dynamic blocks of exercises. This intermediate-level workout maximizes every minute, combining functional movements with core-focused strength training to help you stay strong and progress in your fitness journey. Jamie coaches you through each step, ensuring proper form and technique as you lift weights overhead, making this 30-minute class an awesome routine to return to again and again.
What You'll Need: Mat, Hand Weights (2)

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Hi. I'm Jamie Isaac, and welcome to this workout. I'm looking forward to sharing this with you because this is a great workout to return to and and feel your progression. We're gonna repeat three blocks here, which is gonna be a focus on the legs for one block. And then we're gonna do one which is core and full body integration, repeating those movement patterns, and that's gonna allow you to then add in and turn up the volume. And you'll feel your progress. And if you want to, you can increase your weights, increase the repetitions, or even throw in a few of your favorite exercises if you're feeling super keen.

So join me and let's move together. So we're gonna start with a little bit of a warm up. So we'll just begin almost like a marching on the spot, but I want you to mean it. So let's say bring our legs and arms up together and be as strong as we can be. And we start to switch on our call here as well.

So that we're not just moving arms and legs and just letting them fall or lift. We're moving them from the center. We'll do a couple more of these. There we go. And then start to take one hand across touching the top of your opposite knee. And this is a great way to switch on both sides of the brain.

Get us focused, ready to move. But with control and mindfulness. Now let's bring that to our elbow, lifting the knees a little higher. A little bit more work from our abs, getting those legs up a little higher. We have a couple more on each side.

That's great work. Okay. Bring those legs down. And from here, just bring your arms here. I want you to imagine we're not holding the weights yet, but imagine that you are. So let's curl them in and then lift them up. And curl them in.

Lift them up. So you're watching where those weights are going. You're seeing how strong, how high you're lifting, and breathe. Don't forget to breathe. Here we go. Let's do two more and up one more and lift. That's great. Bring your arms back down by your side. From here, we're gonna come into our first block of legs. Just a simple squat So put your arms, clench those fist again, bring your elbows in, squat down as deep as you feel, and then step up to one side back to the center, squatting, and step in. Let's repeat.

And you'll get used to these movements, and we'll repeat them throughout this workout so you can feel yourself going a little deeper with each squat and feeling a little stronger each time you return to this. Let's go one more each side. Alright. Come back to the center. Place one foot in front of the other. We'll do a nice split squat here.

So stay nice and stable. Your arms can go wherever you want to put them that helps you balance. Just keep in mind where they were. So we lowered down for 5 and up 4, 3. Let's go 2 more. And then one more pressing up and just change legs.

Other foot forward, other foot back. Staying in the same position, strong abs, strong glutes. Here we go. Just down and up. And don't worry if you feel one side's a little easier than the other. That's why we're doing it.

We're just even in these things out. Let's go for one more and up. Nice. Okay. From here, back to our first squat, and let's get the arms moving as well. So coming down into our squat, come up, box across. Come down into your squat, and box across. Let's repeat. Here we go.

Down a little quicker box down and press down box down and box. Let's go 2 more each side. 1 and 1 That's the second and the second, and stand in tall. Let's bring it down to the mat for the first part of our core and full body integration. So coming down on tool for us to begin, Just take a moment to settle into this position, and I want you to stay feeling strong and grounded.

That's the key thing with everything. If we move from the center, we're gonna feel much stronger and much safer with all our movements. Now from here, Just rocking your seat back a little bit, pick your knees up, and we're talking just a couple of inches off the floor, round your back, and just hold. See where you feel this. It's gonna come to those areas that maybe need a little work.

Maybe it's your quads. Maybe you're feeling this in your glutes. Maybe it's the arm work that's the challenge. Let's see if we can hold for just a couple more breaths. Breathe it in.

And out. Breathe it in. And as we exhale, let's lower down to our knees. Good work. That's a great one that you can build up, hold a little longer each time. Okay. From here, we're coming down onto our tummy.

So place our legs back, lower down with control, and rest your forehead on your hands. Now take your knees a little wider, heels together, and let's get some work into our glutes. Here we go. Just press the heels up. Press your heels up. Keeping everything else.

Stable and quiet. Just working your glutes. Let's go 5 more. Little surprise on the 5th one. Here we go.

3, 2. And then on this last one, let's press up. See if you can get 10 pulses for him. Here we go. Let's pause for 10. 987-654-3321. Woo. Tell me you're not feeling that already, and we've hardly begun.

Here we go. Just come back up. And then from here, into that plank again. Now, if that's too much for you, come to your knees for sure and just hold. But otherwise, from here, let's bring a bit of a combo here. I want you to push your hips back.

Just stretch out your legs. And then bring your weight forward over your shoulders. Let's take one knee to our elbow. Come back other side and press our hips back. Four more.

Knees elbow knees elbow hips back. You're doing great. Just stay with me. Here we go. That's 3 and 3 on the other side. Hips stretch the legs back.

And again, 2 more to go. Side and side and back. One more side. Get that knee as high as you can. Hips up nice and high.

Peddle that out for a moment. And then let's come back down onto all fours, and we'll turn over onto our backs. So from here, over onto your seat, lower gently down onto your back. Pressure palms then. Now we're starting to engage our core even more.

This is a great position to be in one that we're more familiar with when we talk about core work. So naval draws in and up, but let's also press shoulders down, flow our legs up, cross our ankles and reach up now. I want you to imagine there's a rope straight up ahead, and we're simply just gonna climb that rope. You bring your head up the higher you got reach as high as you can and pull yourself up the rope. Pull on reach. So we're active through the whole body. I mean, yeah, we're working abs.

We're bleached, but everything is on. Nothing gets to rest. That's the way we maximize every minute of this workout. Right? Let's go. Let's reach. Come on.

Climb with me. Let's do a couple more on each side. There we go. One there. One there. And then one more on each side.

Reach reach as high as you can. Reach with me. Reach it up and bring that in. Very nice. Bring your feet down. Arms along by size for a moment. Just take that beat to reconnect with your abs, shoulder girdle.

Okay. Stretch one leg up to the ceiling. Alright. From here, other arm comes up and lower that leg away. And then once again, we're reaching up and touching our anchor at the top here, not taking the toe to my hand. I'm stopping at 12 o'clock, and that's gonna force me to come into my, please. Here we go. Reach and reach and reach and up.

Two more. One more. And let's change legs. Bring the other leg up. How are we doing? You're all still with me. Right?

Let's keep going. So we lower that leg away and reach up, touch your ankle. And reaching across your body. Let's go 4 more. Here we are. Stretch your legs and arms long. So reaching out, reaching up.

Two more. Last one. And just take a moment just to resettle, reconnect hugging these in if that feels good, and come up to standing, ready for our second block of legs. So for this section, let's pick up our weights. Choose ones that work for you.

For this workout, I'm using £10 weights, but you find ones that help you do this with the best quality of movement you can. It keeps you nice and safe and strong. So we're repeating those same movements. This time just with our weight. So I wanna bring them in to my chest. If it feels better for you down here, Go ahead. Find what works for you and helps you complete this workout at the best you can.

So squat down and then step. And again, we squat and step. So side to side, deep squat, Let the wait to take you a little deeper each time, but still staying strong through your core. Press with the legs, press with the abs, and stay strong with your arms. Alright. Let's go one more on each side. Here we go. And press and press.

Alright. Back to that split squad. One foot in front of the other. I'm keeping in mind by the side of my body for this one for balance. Put them wherever you feel good. Here we go. 5.

Going down and up as deep as we can. 2 more. Change legs. Hold strong. Reconnect with your core. Here we go. Down.

Press and tall and press. 32. Last one. And one. Nice.

Alright. So last time we boxed Let's leave that one for this one. Add something different. We'll bring a little bit of movement, then that same split squat up through the center and the same on the other side. Here we go. You ready?

5 on each side, 55. Here we go. Counting backwards. And again, and 3 more to go. Stay strong. Here we go. One more each side.

And then up through the center. Okay. We're gonna move on to our second section of core and full body integration. So let's take one of these ways. We don't need that. We're gonna stay with just the 1 and come down onto the mat, onto our side.

Now this one, I'm gonna give you a couple of options because some of us are still building on shoulders and from time to time want to be a bit more protective of our shoulder. If you want to simply be here and just work holding this position, taking a stretch. That's great for the shoulder health. Otherwise, join me here. You know, come with the hand below the shoulder and come up into a side plank position. Place your weight down towards the floor. And from here, just bring your elbow up and press for 5. Touch it down. 4.

Look and follow the weight. 3 and 2. Last one. And 1, bring that weight down. Change sides. So same again.

Whatever you did on one side, we repeat on the other. Press up into our side plank position. Weight towards the floor. Elbow high. Here we go. As we lift up, press for 5 and 4.

And 3, press it up. Whole body work in here. 2 more. 2. Boom. Last one.

Press it up. 1, bring the weight down to the floor. Alright. Place that weight to the end of the mat. We'll come back to that later. You're still gonna need it.

Come back to all fours. Ready for our second repeat of what was the quad core exercise. We'll add a little more into this now. So come back, float your knees, but this time, stretch one leg out. Stay round in your back.

Bring that knee in for 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and then change legs. Try and stay up there if you can. Transition between. Start with your leg out. Here we go for 5.

4, reach, 3, and 2, and then reach both feet that down, lower down with control. Now it's time to pick up the weight again. So be careful with this next exercise. You're not comfortable using the weight for this, maybe try Isaac couple of times without the weight. But we're gonna do a little hamstring cut, and this can be quite fun.

So we're gonna place the weight weight between our feet and then lower gently down. Onto our tummy, holding the weight in the feet here, forehead to the mat again, and let's see if we can curl our feet up, pressing our heels to the ceiling. Here we go. 10 of these lift. And lower. Lift. Lower. And lift.

7 more to go. 6, 5, 4. That's it. 3 and 2 more. And really squeeze your seat for this last one. And then lower the weight down carefully. Alright. Bring yourself back onto your knees. And let's just take a moment just to stretch our hips back and then sit up tall, ready for the next exercise.

So from here, just take the weight. We're gonna come to this one later. So we're placing it back here and just gonna come into our plank position again for another combo movement. This time, instead of bringing the knee out, we're gonna bring it across. So start back in that down dog position.

Just pedal your legs out, which is a nice stretch off. You've just done your hamstrings anyway. And then let's come forward. Let's bring the knee to the elbow across the body, across to the other side. And then back into that stretch.

Forward again. Cross across. Let your whole body rotate. Let everything move. And again, across. Across strong, strong core, strong legs reach and reach back into that stretch.

One more time. Coming forward, holding strong. One knee comes across. Try and smile at the same time. That's the the more advanced version.

And then take your hips back and pedal that out for a nice stretch there. Okay. Lowering on to our backs now. So Just repeat in the same exercises, but now with the weight, bring your elbow, bent, bring the weight by your ear. Okay. Other leg up to the ceiling. And then from here, press the other hand down, lower the leg away as it comes up. Reach.

Lower away. Reach. 3 more. Press it up. And two reach, really push. Last one. Touch your ankle with the weight. Lower it down.

Change sides. Be careful as you move the weight around. Not over your head, but around your head. Other leg up. Repeating on the other side. You're with me. Here we go.

Lower your leg away and stretch and touch. There we go. And out and reach down and reach 2 more. Press. One more. Nation strong. Reach it up.

Lower the leg away. Both hands to the weight. Place it down on the floor. Let's come up to sit. Nice and carefully with control. Okay.

From here, just come back into that down dog position. Push your heels back. Stretch that out again. And from here, a little bit of shoulder work as we stretch some yogi push ups take your head towards the mat for 5, and 4, 3, and 2, and one more. Press it up. Walk your feet back towards your hands.

And it's stand out ready. Ready to go for our next leg section. Okay. Picking up our weights again. Okay. Take your feet nice and wide again. Back to that same squat with a step to the side.

But this time, I want us to add in a little bit of overhead reach on each side, one arm at a time. Alright. If that feels not so safe for you in this moment, just do the same squat with the arms here in by your chest. But here we go. We squat down. Step and press and down. Deep squat now. We're gonna nice and low reach down and press it up.

Whole buddy working. Make this happen. Deep squat. Push everything engaged. Reach. Down low. Press it up. And again, reach 1 more each side. Step.

Last one. And then step to the center, bring the arms down by your side now. Split squats. It's add a little curl in there. Get those biceps going.

So from here, arms by your side as we go down, press up, Curl. Bring it in. That's it. Back down. Here we go. 4 more. And and down. And curl. Try not to get too much momentum with the body. It's all the arms.

All the cords are standing nice and strong. Last one and press. Change sides. Here we go. Let's go down. Curl it up. And down and go down.

2 more to go. Let's do this. Last one. Come up and curl it in. Bring your arms down. Nice work. Okay.

From here, I want you to bend knees to hip distance apart, but bend your knees. Stay strong through the body. I wanna push your seat out straight back. Arms are forward. And with those bent knees, strong straight back, lots and lots of activation here in your glutes.

Let's hinge forward. Hinge up and row. I'll show you from the front. Once again, we hinge forward. Come up and row.

Here we go. Let's see if we can do 5 more of these hinge and forward up. Pull those weights. Hinge forward, lift up, and bro. 2 more. Last one. And then stand nice and tall. We're done with the weights now, which is great news, and we're ready to stretch off.

So from here, let's come down onto our front for a little extension work. So hands by your chest. Reach your toes long. We do a couple of swans here. Just pushing our nose towards the top of the mat. I'm staying very active here in all those areas that we've already worked. Lengthen up. Breathe it in.

Have a little movement here. Stretch out our abs too. Looking upwards, lengthen to come back down. Nice work. And, again, pushing those that's up on that lift. To lengthen up Ex. Haven't come about down.

Just one more of these to go. Here we go. Lift in length and breathe it in. Know that you're towards the end of your workout. You're almost done, but this is just as important. To stretch off and re reintegrate the body. Now press your seat back.

We'll do a little rest position. Push your seat to your heels and just round over. Stretch your back out. Move however you wanna move. Your body. You're the expert on it.

So feel where you need to move. Breathe into areas. You need to breathe and let's come on to all fours. Thread the needle. I love this exercise. I love the rotation here.

And the opportunity to stretch to take your elbow up. Open and just open your body from fingertip to fingertip. Big inhale. Exhale. Thread your arm through and just lower to your shoulder. And once again, just wiggle and move can never get enough wiggling and moving. However, your body sees fit.

Let's do one more on this side. Just open up. Big stretch. Thread your arm through. And then just move again. Find those stretches.

Wherever your body needs them, let's change arms. So we go to the other side. Now take your elbow high, open up your heart, look to your fingers at the top, thread your arm through and stretch, Just reach once again. Let the body move. Explore space. It's really important. Let's open up again.

One more. You can add as many of these in as you want. If it feels good, do extra. Why not? Why not? Right?

And if it doesn't feel good because it's tough, maybe do extra there because we need it as well. There's no winning. There's a here we go. Let's come back. Hands back into that quad position again and just do a little cat and cow.

This arch, you know, that's it. And then we're turning over onto our backs because we've worked the glutes and the hips and the legs. So let's give them a little stretch So lower down onto your back, and let's take an ankle across it over the opposite knee. Just begin just by pressing into your knee, pushing the knee away. And if it feels available to you, let's reach through take the back of your thigh, push your elbow into your knee, and just stretch that in. And I like to flex my foot back as well because that just makes it nice and strong up through into the knee, the ankle, and protects all the joints, I'm gonna just stretch here a little.

Feel the glutes. Get a nice stretch and take a moment to breathe, let the heart rate come down. All that hard work. This is the reward right now. This is the good stuff. Alright. Let's lower the legs down.

Change legs. So ankle onto the knee. Just begin flex your foot, pushing the out. Let's feel that stretch already start to happen. And then if you want, just bend the knee, take the hands through behind the back of your thigh.

Press your elbow into your knee, and we'll just stretch that and take a moment to feel the same stretch on the other side, but it will feel different. Like, one side will be tighter than the other It's completely normal. It's just a case you just notice in, and then that brings awareness to your workouts going forward. Here we go. One more little stretch and breath here. And then lower our feet down. Press our thighs together, arms out wide to the sides, pressing everything into the mat, especially the shoulders as we lower our knees to one side, take our head in the opposite direction.

There's a nice twist. Now use your core here. Keep your abs engaged as you bring the legs back through the center and as you load them away and look the other way. It's important. We're not just throwing these movements away.

We're staying in control at all times. Don't wanna undo all that hard work that we've just done to come back through the center and we'll do one more in each direction, lower into one side, look in the opposite way, feel that stretch, hopefully coming down through the side of your body, back through the center. One more on the other side. That's it. Looking in the opposite direction. Back through the center and hugging these in.

And then from here, let's roll over to our side. We're gonna come up to stand for the next part to finish off this workout. So we are almost there. Well done, everybody. I always like finishing my workouts standing up wherever possible because that then enables me to take all that hard work.

We've just done, take it out through the door into my life, and so I can proceed through life, feeling strong, connected, and and ready to move, which is, which is a great way to bring the mind from the mat out into day to day. So we're gonna finish with a a couple of arm swings. This is a great way to get the blood flowing through the body, put all that hard work, but return the oxygen into the muscles as well so that we can repair and restore. So just a little bend in the knees and then a stretch up, and I'm keeping my feet flat. And the reason for that being, I wanna feel grounded from all that hard work, that strong work we've done, and yet fluid in my upper body.

So it's lift. You can breathe however you want. I'm inhaling here. Exhaling here. Let's do one more and then inhale it up.

Take your arms wide. We're back to that first exercise. Let's do that one more time. In here. Curling in. Feel really strong.

Thank you for joining me for this workout. You can return to this, feel your progress, add in your favorite exercises that you like to mix into this as well. And let's do this together. Thanks for joining me.


Shona Croft
1 person likes this.
Thanks Jamie I love these little workouts x
Stacy H
1 person likes this.
Awesome way to start 2025 STRONG!  Thank you for this!
1 person likes this.
I’ve had a real aversion to straight on strength training but I really enjoy these building block workouts. Thank you
Jamie Isaac
Shona Croft So happy they work for you. Thank you for joining me 🤙
Jamie Isaac
Stacy H Yes! Thanks for joining me to start the year strong!
Jamie Isaac
1 person likes this.
Mary M I'm glad they help Mary. I know strength training can be daunting, but I'm really happy that you're joining me for these workouts. It's so good for us. Keep going strong! 
Rachel W
1 person likes this.
Really enjoyed that - thank you! 
Rashida M
1 person likes this.
Loved this! Thank you!
Jamie Isaac
Thank you Rachel W Happy you enjoyed the class
Jamie Isaac
Rashida M Thank you for working out with me.
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