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Strength & Mobility

Jamie Isaac


Vicki B
Excellent workout Twist and tone, thank you Jamie.
Suzi W
5 people like this.
I only see three videos here. Where is the video from the woman on the cover? 
Marchel A
2 people like this.
Vicki B Marchel here from the Pilates Anytime support team. The teacher is Shantani Moore. Her videos will be released in the next few weeks. If you are subscribed to the newsletter, we will be highlighting one of her new classes in the September 1 Newsletter. 
Marchel A
Suzi W Marchel here from the Pilates Anytime support team. The teacher is Shantani Moore. Her videos will be released in the next few weeks. If you are subscribed to the newsletter, we will be highlighting one of her new classes in the September 1 Newsletter. 

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