Class #5782

Standing Warm Up

5 min - Class
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Objective: This short Pilates flow aims to warm up the body from a standing position, focusing on lengthening and awakening the hamstrings, opening the spine, and preparing the body for the upcoming workout.

Important Cues: Emphasize hydrating your tissues through fluid movements and encourage clients to prioritize feeling good in their bodies rather than achieving a specific range of motion.

Recommended Springs: Use 1 Yellow spring (lightest) for optimal support and freedom of movement during this gentle warm-up flow.
What You'll Need: Reformer (No Box)

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Hi. I'm Maria, and we're gonna be working on a standing warm up. The machine is set as light as it will go, and we're gonna start standing in the well. Take yourself back a generous distance, bring your hands onto the shoulder blocks. And I want you to feel like you're pushing the carriage in, which is unusual. So you're pushing the carriage in, and you're lifting the sit bones up to the sky.

We're here for a few breaths. And your focus here is on lengthening that spine. Know that the tendency here is for everybody to drop their rib cage down to the ground. Keep the rib cage closed. From here, reach your right hand over to your left ankle.

Take a little saw stretch. Maybe you bend that opposite knee. Maybe you even just bring your hand to the frame. I want you to find what feels the best on your body right now. It's not about perfect and let's go the other way. Again, maybe you grab the frame. Maybe you go to the ankle.

Use the arms to help you create rotation. Maybe you bend the opposite knee. Just take this moment to find center in your body. Open up your body. Bring the hands back to the shoulder blocks, push the carriage back in, lift the sit bones, It's okay if you have a bend in the knee.

Walk your hands to the floor. Walk your hands all the way in front of your feet. Drop your head. Shake out your knees. Allow the knees to bend a little bit more and slowly peel yourself up stacking yourself up one bone at a time.

The shoulders slide down the back, the head's the last thing to come up. Step forward a little bit, and that's come into a little squat down and up. So we're just warming up those knees. And those hips, inhaling and exhaling, finding vertical, 2 more breaths here, and last Leone, Bring your hands back to the shoulder blocks. Bring your feet a little closer together. Bend your knees.

Take a breath in. And on an exhale, draw the tailbone under and pull the carriage all the way into you. So you're in a deep c shape. The shoulders are drawing down. The arms are straight.

Allow that lower back to open. Inhale. Let the carriage go back in. Make the back flat. Round your back. Draw the carriage in.

The carriage might even touch you and allow the carriage to go back out, lifting the tail again, and rounding the back, feel the belly button pulling up. Head is just nice and free here, everybody, and take it out. Last one rounding the back and take the carriage out. Now we're gonna reverse the positioning of the spine. I need to push back just a little.

As you inhale lift the chest out and forward and lower down. Remember you're looking for something that's warming up your body. Inhale lift out and up. It's not important how high you come. All that matters is what you're feeling.

I like to think about just hydrating my tissue and all the way down. And last time here, inhale and exhale all the way down. Walk the hands back to the floor. Drop your head. Soften your knees, peel yourself slowly back up through your spine, allowing the feet to spread into the earth, the shoulders slide down, the chest comes up The head is the very last thing to come up.

And from here, we inhale, lift your chest up, take your gaze up, present your chest to the ceiling. Let's go ahead and clasp these hands over your head. Point your index fingers bring your feet together. From here, we side bend up and over, feeling the hips moving one direction while your arms move the other, opening that side body and come all the way up. And up and over shifting the hips, lengthening through the spine, stretching through the arms, and up one more each way, up and over.

Notice the weight shift in the feet and back center last time up and over. Back center take the gaze back up. Press the arms down, and we are done with our warm up.


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