Class #5786

Plank Progression Flow

10 min - Class


Objective: This short Pilates flow focuses on the plank position, maintaining a long line from head to toe while incorporating hip opening and flexibility exercises, all while encompassing the core Pilates principles.

Important Cues: Emphasize upper body stability throughout the flow, encourage smooth and controlled movements, and guide clients to maintain proper alignment in various plank variations.

Recommended Springs: Use 1 heavy spring and 1 medium spring for optimal resistance and support during this challenging plank progression flow.
What You'll Need: Reformer (No Box)

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Hi. I'm Maria, and we're gonna build an up stretch flow. Your primary focus here is going to be working that plank position and maintaining alignment from the crown of the head to the tail. My machine. I have the foot bar up where it was for footwork and 2 springs. I'm using Leone heavy and Leone medium spring. Let's start by stepping up onto your machine and just pressing the heels back into the shoulder blocks, lifting the sit bones up, walk your hands back to your feet, grab the shoulder blocks because what we're doing is gonna require some hamstring flexibility as well.

Walk your hands back out to the foot bar. Lift the heels up. Your weight is back on your feet. First action, the hands and the feet move away from each other. That takes you into a straight Leone.

Lift the hips, pull the carriage back in. And, again, harassing out, really the power here is in the hips. Allow the head to come up and then lift the hips up. We're gonna move on. Press out to that straight Leone.

Bring the carriage in. Shoulders go over the hands. Go right back out. Lift the hips up. Leone more like that. Again, lower the hips to take the carriage out.

Bring the carriage in, pushing out from the shoulder, lifting the hips up high, lower the heels. The right hand moves over just to smidge to the left. Right leg comes into your chest. Turn out the leg. Reach up for your arabesque.

Stay here. Keep pressing the weight back. From here, we take a little curtsy. The back leg internally rotates. You bend the bottom leg.

And we take the leg back to arabesque, and we bend, and we move explosively back to the arabesque last time. Explosively back to the arabesque, stay here, carry the leg all the way side, slowly lower the leg down, open the hands, come back to the balls of the feet. So now we're gonna move more into proper up stretch, keeping a hinge action at the hip. So we push out to that straight line. We bring the carriage in from your in position, lift the hips pull the carriage in, transfer your weight.

Same thing again. The hips move forward. You bring the carriage in. Shoulders go over the hands. Lift the hips.

Last one. And then no bouncing of the machine here. Keep your carriage nice and still. Lower the heels down. The other hand comes in.

The knee comes into the chest. Reach that leg straight behind you for your arrow vest, push through the arms, ears by the arm, enjoy that feeling, coming into your curtsy, inhaling down, exhaling to go up. Inhaling, exhale to go up, last time here, hold it here, carry the leg side, maintaining the height of the leg, lower yourself down to the balls of the feet. First leg comes in and you reach that leg back to your arabesque. Hold it here. Now really maintaining that crown of the head to toe connection.

The hips go down. The foot lowers. The toad might touch the headrest and then seesaw right back in. And, again, in one piece, we see saw down. And then we lift up.

And, again, you see saw down, you come up, hold it here, carry that leg side, place down to the ball of the foot, walk your hands to the other side a bit. The opposite knee comes in. Reach that leg to your arabesque. Close up the bottom ribs. And from here, we see saw down.

And we see saw up, reach the pinky toe to the sky, and see saw down. And, power is still coming from the hip skies. See saw down. And up hold it here, carry the leg back to the side, lower the foot down, let's come to a flat foot, walk the hands back, Hands to the shoulder blocks. Drop your head.

Shake your head. Yes and no. Bring your hands back to the footbar. Come back to the balls of the feet. Back to the first side.

Pull the knee into the chest, turn it out, extend it up to your arabesque. This time, press the hips down, pull the knee into your chest. Hold it there. Take the leg back up. No banging of that carriage.

And, again, the knee pulls in. Hold it here. And then extending the leg out and up Leone more time, and we're gonna take this into a combination. So we take the leg up. We take a curtsy here down and up.

The knee pulls in. The leg shoots out. We take that curtsy and up. Last time, knee to chest, and take it out, and curtsy, and up, carry the leg all the way side, lower the foot down. Let's take a moment to take a hamstring stretch, turn your palms over, taking a little wrist stretch here, bending the knees, And that's reset back to your hands.

The heels come up. The opposite knee pulls into your chest. Turn out that leg. You know where we're going now, so the knee pulls into the chest. And then taking that leg up.

Everything's smooth and controlled back in for 2 and extending the leg out. And last time, and now taking it into that combo. So from here, we take a little curtsy down and up. We move explosively into the shape. We take the leg up, reach, reach, reach, little curtsy. And not last one.

Need to chest and take the leg out and not open that top hip. Curtsy and up. Carry the leg all the way side. Lower the foot down. Let's go flat to the feet.

Walk your hands back. Grab hold to the shoulder blocks. Let the head drop. Deep breath into the back of the rib cage, long exhale, and that's the end of that flow.


1 person likes this.
Great flow Maria! Super challenging, love the curtsy thank you đź‘Ź
Jen U
Beautiful.  Love the arabesque combinations!
So nice! How would I modify for wrist issues - what’s your go to series for people who can’t be on their wrists please thanks! You kick ass 

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