Class #5796

Athletic EXO Chair

25 min - Class


Join Tash Barnard for an advanced and challenging EXO chair session that focuses on alignment, posture, and creative combinations of exercises. This dynamic class incorporates movements like Frog and Mountain Climbers, with a strong emphasis on resisting and controlling the spring for maximum benefit. Tash's innovative approach combines traditional Pilates principles with challenging variations, utilizing handles for exercises like Press Up and Mountain Climbers to create a truly unique and invigorating workout experience.
What You'll Need: EXO Chair

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Welcome back to Pilates anytime. I'm Tash Barnard, and I'm here to take you through, awesome wonder chase station. Why don't you join me? We are gonna start at the back of the chair. With some roll downs. And my setting for today and for the first half of the session is going to be on a medium to heavy spring.

Alright, everyone. Let's start strong. Standing with your feet, hip distance apart. Standing up nice and Tash. Your chin parallel to the floor.

Take a deep lateral breath. Inhale. And then exhale drawing the chin in, let your abdominals pull your body forward and roll down. Tash your inhale down here and exhale to call and roll back up. We'll repeat that two more times. Inhale. And exhale to roll forward.

And while you're roiling down, look at the alignment of your legs, your ankles, your feet, inhale, and roll up. Always making sure You work on your alignment. 1 more inhale. Exhale to lower the chin. Roll down.

Up and over your sides, keeping the abdominals up into the fine inhale here. And Excel, we roll all the way up. Lifting up. From here, we go into a hip flexion, reaching the hands towards the edge of your chair. Enjoying that stretch that you get through your spine, through your shoulders, we're going to inhale, extend the spine.

Look forward. And then exhale to come down again, inhale to extend and extend and exhale to lower down 3 more. Inhale to extend, rolling those shoulders back. And exhale to lower down 2 more. Inhale.

Extend. Work those thoracic extenses. Keep the abdominals lifted. And exhale down. 1 more inhale to exh extend and extend.

Enjoy that stretch. It feels so good. Exhale down. Let's go into flexion. Exhale flex the spine and inhale back to the neutral. Formal, exhale to call rounding up. Keep the knees bent and inhale to lower down 3 more.

And exhale to call and call. And inhale 2 more. Exhale lift up. And inhale. Last one.

Exhale. Cool. Continue the movement back into your standing position. Alright, everyone. We're gonna do some abdominal work. You're gonna line a supine position over your chair in thoracic extension.

Your hands are gonna support your head, and you're gonna make sure that your abdominals are supporting and controlling the lower back from here. Interlaced the hands behind the head. We inhale into extension. Well, I'm a little bit too far over. Make sure you're in the correct position there.

So that you still feel safe. Inhale from your extension. We exhale into a chest lift. Just two more. Then we're gonna move into the double x stretch variation. Inhale.

And exhale elbow stay wide. As you go into that extension, keep the abdominals close to the spine, inhale, inhale, and exhale to lift up. That was your quick warm up from here, hands on top of your knees. We stretch into the hundreds position on the inhale. On the exhale, move back into extension, circling the arms, Left your body, hold the position, then bend the knees, inhale to the hundreds, one long exhale as you reach back and extend lifting and holding it on the inhale and exhale to bend the knees. Inhale, pure abdominal work.

You should not feel this in your neck, and you should not feel this in your lower back. Pause and hold. And lower 3 more. Inhale. Exhale. Reach back.

Circle around. Inhale. Hold and lower 2 more. Inhale, 100, exhale, extend back, circle and hold, and one more. I'm so funny. Inhale. And exhale.

Ready for your single leg straight. Reach and hold. Being the one knee in. And we change exhale. And keep the chest up and exhale formal.

XL 3. Hold it here. Use your hands. Lift yourself a little bit higher. Maintain the height of your chest.

Bring your hands behind your head and rotate over to that bent knee, exhale to change and exhale. 4 more. XL 3. XL 2. And one, make sure you finish to the opposite side.

Come back to the center. Hold it here. Extend your legs to 90. We go into a hamstring pull too. Reach that bottom leg away, keeping the leg straight.

Focusing on that pelvic lumbar stability, 4 more. XL 3. And one. 2 legs up. Being your knees. Reach your hands onto the back of the thighs and rock yourself up.

Ready for your footwork. Spend yourself around. Having your heels parallel on the by, everyone. We're gonna keep the hands behind the head. If you feel you need to put your hands down on the chair, then you can go for it. Rebreathing.

Excel, press down. Inhale lift up and exhale. How's that posture looking? Check-in with your own body. And exhale and resist the pedal up, exhale formal, and lift, exhale 3, and resist up, exhale 2, And one more, press down. Only hover the legs halfway up.

Hold it here. If your hip extents are active, which is what they should be, You'll be able to lift one leg up off the bar without the pedal moving. Hold it and hold it and hold it. Place that right heel down. Activate the right hip extenses. The leg up. 5, 4, 3, 2 balls of the feet on the Barnard, bringing the arms up over your head.

Same movement. Breathe in. Excel. Keep those heels up and inhale to lift. Dropping the shoulders, feel organized in your joints, in your body, and exhale, exhale. And I want you to focus on the resistance coming up 2 more. Otherwise, it's too easy.

And 1. Hover and hold. Hip extensors activate. Lift the leg for 5, 4, 3, 2, and change and hold. Stabilise, 2, 3, 4, and 5 into your small v, breathing, exhale, press down, hands behind your head, and lift up.

Gonna just adjust my pelvis so that I can stay stalled within the movement of the legs and exhale and lift. And 4 more. Keep squeezing those heels together. Everyone 3 more. XL 2 and XL 1 halfway up. Hold it here, lifting up 2, 3, 4, and change.

Paris into that hammy into that hammy, 2, 3, 4, 5, and come down. From here, slide your hands to the front. We go into the frog back. You're gonna move into your shoulder extension hovering your pelvis up and away from the chair, align your spine, or Hope I'm aligned. And we go inhale to bend the elbows and exhale full elbow extension.

And inhale, don't open the knees too wide, exhale, hover and hold. Inhale, inhale, inhale, and exhale, keeping those shoulders out and away from the ears. 3 more. And two. Good job, everyone. Keep the line of the spine and one more.

Up and hold. Stay here. See if you can keep your pedal still and lift one leg up for 5, 4. 3, 2, and keep the pedal still as you transition. 5, 4. What is happening with the shoulders? Stabilize, lift, hold, and come down.

Alright, everyone. We are going to set ourselves up for the tendon stretch. I need a little assist for these short legs. I'm just gonna elevate or, put this underneath my bar and, sticky mats for my hands. Bring yourself back into your chair, press the pedal down, push the pedal to the floor, and then lift your pelvis up Tucking your head in, press up and out of your shoulders, breathe in, lifting up from the abdominals, exhale, exhale, exhale, inhale, hover down.

And breathe out. And lower down. 2 more. XL lift up. Keep that head tucked in, lift up through the shoulders. And let's do one more.

Excel. And inhale down, move yourself to the side for your park side, bringing your hands to the front of your chair, square your hips and shoulders off and let that thighs skim towards the chair, everyone, breathing in. XL lifting the pedal up, up, up, and inhale lower down. Excel. Shifting up. Keep the shoulder stability in hell lower down. 2 more.

Lower down. Why do I feel I'm not coming up high enough? XL. Up. Up. Up. And inhale. Back into your tenon stretch, everyone.

Stay with me. We are better together. Set yourself up, stabilize, first breathe in, then commit to the exercise as you go up with your pelvis and lower down. Two more. And lower down, keeping the heels high.

1 more up, up, up, lower down. Turning to the other side for your park side, side spike. Breathing, shoulders over the wrists. XL to lift up. Round your lower back.

Lift and lift and lift. Inhale to lower down and exhale to lift 3 more and inhale to lower down. Keep the head tucked in. Look back in between your arms. One more.

And exhale, exhale, exhale, and inhale, lower down. Moving your body towards the front of your chair now, everyone. We're going into your frog front. Hands closer towards the front section of your chair, your chest is up and open, heels together, knees, abducted, breathe in. We press that pedal down, exhale, and exhale. Get a little bit of a dynamic movement going there as you pump the legs down 4, exhale 3, exhale 2, and 1, straighten your knees parallel legs, stretch those calves out.

Rise up for me and lower down and rise up and down 2 more and lift the heels and lower down Tash one, lift, lift, lift. Lower the right heel left heel down, right foot up on top of the chair. Ready for the balance. If you don't feel safe with this, you have your poles that you can use and add onto your chair. We're gonna bring the arms out into your tee position.

Feel light and tall out of your joints, breathing in, activate those right hip extenses, and off you go. Exhale to lift. We're gonna transition lifting the leg up into a balance. Press back, find your pedal, and inhale lower down. Lower lower, no sitting, hovering and exhale. To left, swinging the leg through, lift and hold, and lower down, brace back.

All the way to more. Keep the movements controlled and exhale. Push up. Activate. Left. And hold. And inhale. Keeping your shoulders back over your hips. Control.

Wonderful. Shifting. Holding it. Then stay back, finding the pedal, hop her halfway down, halfway down, lean forward, extend your arms over your head, and back step down 1, exhale to 5 and 6, hold it, chased up, arms out, come down, and we swap sides. How are you guys doing? Body is warm, right?

Fix that pelvis, shoulders over your hips, arms out to the side, breathing in, left, hips, exercises, kick in, Excel, lift up. Keep your hips square. Hover the knee. Find the pedal. Keep your body upright.

Come on guys. Work a little bit deeper into your own technique. And precision of movement, 2 more exhale, lift up, parlance and hold, and lower down, and hover back back back one more. I'm smiling because I know if I see myself doing this on Pilates, anytime on the recording, I'm gonna be like, oh, you could have got more back. Anyway, hold it here. There's always work to be done. Reach your arms forward.

We pumped the back knee in and out. 1. The standing leg's thigh is still and stable for 3, 2, and 1. Lift your body. Hold it here. And come back down all the way. Great job, everyone.

Let the pedal come up slowly. Alright, everyone. We're gonna make an adjustment. We're gonna take our springs down to a lighter resistance for some lateral flexion. Where we require more stability within the movement.

First, we're gonna do the torso. Press it. So come and sit with your pelvis on your chair, reach your hands back onto your pedal, and extend your legs out ahead of you. Shoulders are not rolling hyper extending back, pull the shoulders in. We're gonna inhale, press the pedal down, reach, reach, reach, and lift up, lift up, lift up and breathe in, reach, and lengthen away. 3 more.

Keeping your legs nice still, and we go for 2. And exhale, exhale, exhale. One more inhale. Inhale, head in line with the spine, exhale, lift up all the way. Roll onto your right side. You're gonna press your pedal down, hover your top leg over the bottom leg, reach down, stabilize through your shoulders, through the obliques, and move into an extension if you can, breathing in to start, exhale, lift up, rotate your body, bringing your legs up and reach into that teaser position and lower down inhale down. We'll do 2 more on the side.

Reach and extend. Breathe in. Excel, lift up, lift, lift, reach, and hold, and inhale lower, rotate. Keep the stability within the movement, and one more. Exale lift, reach and hold.

Keep it here. See if you can lift the bar hand off the floor and hold it for 5, and 4, and 3. And then we have to do the other side. Let's go. Come down. Turn around to the other side, top leg in front of the bottom leg, extend your arm over your head, reach and hold, inhale here, go a little bit more, and then we exhale to lift up. Lift, lift, lift, and inhale down.

Press and reach and rotate and extend if your body can go there. And exhale to lift. Lowering the opposite hip towards the chair and lower down, reach, and extend one more guys, and lifting up. Hold it here. Bring the hand to join for 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1.

Well done, everyone. We're gonna move into your back extension, bringing yourself into your Swan setup. I'm just gonna take my assist away from my tenant stretch. We'll do three swans, and then you might have to adjust yourself to get into the advanced position. We're gonna inhale, lift your body up, and exhale to lower down. Enjoy that extension.

Inhale to lift, lift, Tash, and inhale extend. Lift up and hold. Exhale down. So this time, I need to adjust myself. So that my hip bones are right at the edge of the cheek. We're gonna inhale extend up into your extension, then lower down, bend your arms, use your hip extensors, and lift your legs up off the chair.

We go back like a pendulum lifting up. Inhale and inhale and inhale and exhale. The legs are naturally airbacting, lift and hold, lift and hold, lift and hold the back is active, and we'll do 2 more. Inhale. Inhale. Inhale.

Left those abdominals. Triceps are working, back is working. Reach up. Use your glutes. Use your glutes. One more. Your best one, your finale.

Inhale. Inhale and inhale. Exhale. Lower down. Abdominals engaged. Lift the legs. Reach and hold it.

Keep your back active. Reach and reach and reach all the way controlling the movement as you lower down, extend back up, finishing with your quality of movement all the way up. And lower down. Well done, everyone. Press yourself back.

One hand on the chair. Do your little mini roll up. And exhale. Up all the way finishing with 2 roll downs, take a deep breath, inhale, exhale lower your chin, roll forward over your thighs, breathing in and exhale to call back up. Moving your spine.

Nice and free. One more inhale. Always remember, healthy body is not a privilege everyone has, so appreciate the time you invest in yourself, breathe in and exhale and keep moving your body and rejoice for days to come. Well done, everyone. Good job.


Michela R
25 minutes felt like a whole hour! Great workout andI loved the pace. Thanks! Looking forward to the the next one :)
Hope that Tash will be doing some mat classes!
Brunna C
Awesome workout, thank you Tash! x
That felt great! Thank you!
Wonderful short but effective class!! Thank you!
Wish the teacher would say which cactus they put springs on. I typically use Merrithew chairs at work but got an EXO for home studio. I have no idea what she means by medium spring. 😝
Natalia G
Hi Gina -- Natalia from the Pilates Anytime team here!

On an EXO chair, a medium spring setting would typically be considered as spring setting number 2 on the cactus style spring attachment, as the lowest setting (number 1) is considered light and the highest (number 4) is considered heavy. 

We hope this provides additional assistance when choosing spring settings! If you have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out to us.

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