Class #5907

Tracey's Go-To Mat

35 min - Class


Tracey Mallett delivers a full-body workout that weaves together classical Pilates exercises with playful balance challenges. Through fluid sequences that emphasize core control and stability, you will discover fresh approaches to familiar movements while building strength and endurance throughout their entire body. The class flows seamlessly between exercises with smooth transitions, culminating in an energizing standing series that targets the glutes, leaving you feeling accomplished and strong.

Please Note: While this class is Intermediate, it does include some exercises with weight bearing on the neck. Please feel free to skip this section of the class flow if necessary.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Hello, buddy. Tracy Malley here. This is going to be my go to matt. Yes. If you've got 30 ish minutes, it will say ish because you know I might go over a little bit. These are the exercises that I would do bringing it back to classic Pilates with a little bit of a contemporary twist, of course, but I promise you it'll hit every single body part and you're gonna feel fantastic afterwards and definitely feel like you've worked out. Alrighty. So let's start in your center of your mat.

Feet hit with the part. Take a deep breath in. On the exhale, chin to chest. Curling down, scooping up through the abdominals, reaching towards your toes, and then we're gonna round back again. Let's just do one more of those. Inhale.

Exel, chin to chest. Curling down, really focusing on the abs lifting upwards, reaching towards your feet. Now, hopefully, we can touch the floor. If we can't, we're gonna hold on to the shins, and we're just gonna do a little bend and an extension. A little bend in extension.

Just let the head feel nice and heavy. Feel the abdominals lifting up and back against the spine so you're rounding through that mid upper back to that little stretch. And then let's make that little plier a little bit bigger, that little plier squat or in here just to work those legs. Couple more. Two more here. This is your last time. Hold it there.

Extend the legs and grab your hands behind as a little gentle shoulder stretch. Drop the head down. Release the hands all the way down. Now we're gonna turn to this side here, turn in around, walk to the edge of your mat, and now we're gonna round through the spine, lift your heels up, look out in front, and then come back again. And inhale look out in front, exhale come back again.

Inhale look out on the horizon, exhale draw those abs in. And each time you're trying to get your chest a little bit closer, towards your size. That's the object stretching out those legs. Okay. Let's just do one more for good luck. This is feeling really good.

Stretch in. Use the upper body to bring your head towards your shins. And then from here, once again, we're gonna pop the heels up, bend the knees, sit ourselves down. Feet hit with the part, heels in line with the sit bones, We're gonna roll down into our lovely seeker position. Imagine your pelvis going right underneath you. Your pelvis is like a wheel, and the sit bones are going underneath you. So you're gonna feel those lower abs engaged, reaching through those fingertips here.

Holding here, holding, and then curl back up again, reach the hands over your head. We reach. We curl back down. We're centering through those abs to get ready for our workouts. We need to draw those abs in, sit bones are going underneath, and you're just gonna hold it there. And then we come back.

Next time, we're gonna go all the way down. Ready? Jewel all those abs in on the exhale. Reach out nice and strong through those fingertips. And then slowly, sequentially, one vertebra at a time roll down, reach the arms and legs out.

Inhale slight pause exhale into roll up, reaching forwards as your abs reach back against your spine, and then curl back down again. And inhale, exhale, reach forwards, reaching, abs pulling in, and your arms are reaching towards your toes in opposition. Your shoulders are stacked over your hips to keep the work on the abdominals, So if we're reaching forwards with the hands and reaching your abs back in our position, oh, I feel those abs, and then we come back down again. This time we're gonna go into a circle, so we're gonna roll all the way up back to shoulders stacked over hips, switch to the right side, go down the right side of your body, up and over, circle those arms, and then come up the left side of the body. Yes. That's a little challenging.

We go again. Down the left side of the body. Circle the arms up and over. And then come up the right side of the body, still stacking shoulders over hips, going down the right side, all the way down the right side of the body, circle those arms around, and then lifting up through that left side on the x sail. And again, let's go down the left side of the body, circle those arms, ready up the right side, reaching forwards, and then we're slowly curling back down again. Bring your hands just above your shoulders, open the arms out, float the right knee up, float the left knee up, knees are going to the right side, and then back to center.

So we're doing our knees side to side, just warming up the core here. So try and keep your feet and your knees together. As we go over, this is working your obliques. Now reach the legs up into like a pendulum now. Legs are going over to the right side, and then we exhale bring them back to center.

So the hip is lifting, but maintaining the upper body, the shoulder blades, are firmly on the mat, and you're using your obliques to bring the legs back to center one more time over to the side, bring it back, and then drop the right leg down, Drop the left leg down, reach the arms out once again, inhale here, exhale roll up. Reach, bring the legs into like a little ball here. From here, we're gonna reach that right leg out, open onto the left, and we're gonna roll down with that left knee towards your chest. Outside hand is here. Inside hand is right on the middle line of your shin.

You're ready into single leg stretch. We go. So as the knees come towards the chest, we're resisting the chest. Dada, dada. So as the knee comes in resisting that leg and 8 and 7, and 6, they would breathe in, and 5, and 4, and 3, and 2, and one chair position. Reach your hands towards your ankle joints, double leg stretch. Inhale, reach the arms straight out.

Axel circle them around. Inhale. Keep looking towards your size, exhale around. So you're always looking towards your size here, and you're just moving the arms and legs from the midline of your body. Hold it. Excel resistant around. Inhale length, exhale around.

Couple more. Inhale length. Look towards your shin and your thighs. Inhale reach. Now this time, you're gonna hold it out. Hold it.

Turn to the front. Keep lifting up. So there's my obliques, my hands, and my feet are off, and you're gonna hold it. Yes. And then we're gonna come back into like a little ball again. Reaching towards your ankle joint, and then we reach the arms out, turn to the side again, lifting up, hold that position, feel the obliques, you're lifting up off of the mat, and then we come back into little ball, and then we do it again. We reach out, lengthen up onto that hip, hold it here, feel the hose of leaks, your balancing, come back, reach towards your ankles during, lift your head up, reach the arms legs out, back to your side.

Keep that lifted feeling underneath the oblique as lifted too. Alright. Are you ready to come back to the center? Reach towards the ankle joint and hold it there, take the hands around, interlace the hands. So we're here. Reach those legs up.

We're gonna start with your right leg. It drops down to the floor. And then it comes back. We start with the left leg down to the floor and back again. In held down, exhale thinking the abs are bringing the leg back up again.

In held down. Excel bring it back. Let's do a couple more. Inhale down. Exhale back.

Inhale down. Exhale back. Now, and try double leg. You know, you're not gonna go down very far, exhale back to center. Inhale, drop those legs, exhale back to center. The more you do it, maybe the lower you'll get, as long as you're drawing in those abdominals, and you can hold it, go down as far as you can.

But remember, it's always about drawing in those abs, watching the back, and back, let's do a couple more. Look towards your size. Everybody wears your focus. Excel. One more time.

Inhale down. XL lift up. Hold it there. From here, we're gonna bend your knees. Reach the arms around, lift yourself up just a little bit, clear those shoulder blades. We're gonna lift up nice and high. From here, we're gonna try and roll ourselves up.

TOWers are gonna go down towards the mat. And we're gonna hold on to the thighs here. Well, actually your shins. So you're gonna reach the hands to your shins, your thighs are towards your chest. We're gonna roll like a little ball, so we're gonna roll all balance. This time as you balance, we're gonna hold it here and see if you can shift the hands behind the back into your calves until that extension.

Bend your knees. Hands onto your shins. Ready curl in her back. Excel balance. Shift the hands to your calves and go into that extension. So I love this because you've got the control, the balance, and now flexibility. And again, roll, inhale back, try and stay in the same place.

Extend back. Let's do one more curl, draw those abs in, shoulder blades, draw them back, holding and lifting up, holding that extension. And then from here, we're going to bend the knees again, drop the left leg, hold onto the right leg in that extension. From here, we're gonna walk down the leg just a little bit, and then coming out into your scissor here. Now Paul, Paul, get the elbows in.

We do a double pulse, da da switch, da da switch, da da. So now we're working on our core stability here with long levers, flexibility. We're keeping our head off the mat, and we're using our upper body strength to bring the leg towards the chest. For more breathe. Now the left leg goes in front, left leg Bend the knees into your tabletop, circle the hands back around, and then lift, interlace your hands, lift up.

Hold it here. We're gonna reach the legs out. We're gonna open close. We're gonna bend and now drop the head down. Lift up. Reach the legs out.

Open close. Bend the knees. You'll see this is taken from the reformer to variation of the coordination. 1, open close, think of the abs drawing the knees to the chest, and then we come back down. We lift up. Read those legs out. Open close.

Use the abdominals to draw the knees to your chest, and then we lower. Two more. Bring it back one more time, and lift and shoot those legs out. Dada. Dada. Bend the knees. Come back.

Lift the head, neck, and shoulders. We're back there again. We're holding that beautiful position, froggy. Turn the feet out. Heels connected together.

We push out. We lift up. We press down. We draw the knees toward your ears. We push out the feet of flex. You pressing the energy up through the heels. We go down and back.

Push out. Lift straight up. Dada. Curl in and out, lift up, and down. Use your abs to draw the knees towards your ears, da da, up, down. Now out and in for 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, bend the knees from here a little side bend. So we're gonna do a little side bend elbow to knee. Albotoni to the sideband. So you're shortening your waist from your lowest width to your hip.

There we go. A little sideband here. Keep your feet flex. Couple more. One more. Close the legs in, shift the knees over your hips to see our shifted then, along my head, bring the hands down.

From here, We're going to step the right leg down, step the left leg down, reach the arms, and legs out. We inhale, exhale, chin to chest, roll up in that transition, reach towards your feet, And now we lift all the way up, open the arms. Open your feet. So I'm sitting up nice and tall, flex the feet. Now rotate up on top of your pelvis, your palms are out.

And then come back to center. So sit on top of those sit bones. So your shoulders are stacked over your pelvis, and then we come back. So your body is still just rotating in your torso, but your hips are staying forwards, pressing the energy out through the heels, just that little rotation. And then we come back, let's do one more.

Back to center. Back to center, reach the hands up. Now incline forwards that you're reaching forwards, here we go, reach towards your toes, and then use your abs to pull back lift the arms overhead. So we extend from your hips, that beautiful extension. Now use those lower abs, pubic bone to belly button here, and then curl back up again.

Now we reverse it. So we curl. We reach towards your toes. Come back up in extension and lift. This feels so good.

We curl. Use your abs. Open up through that mid back reach past your toes, come up into a straight spine, and we come back down again. Once again, we're back at it because we love it. We were all back down. The arms are by the side of the body.

Let's see if you can lift those legs are inhale 90, exhale rolling over. Now just open and flex your feet, press the energy. Imagine someone's pulling your feet, and your abs are going back in our position. We circle the legs. Inhale 90. Now try not to use your flexibility, think of lifting up and over in those lower abs, and then rolling down.

So it's all in the lower abs. Try not to use your flexibility if you have it. Right here it's a pelvic tilt. Use your upper body. Use it. Use that upper body.

Open flex. Now the next time we stay over, so your feet and your legs are vertical to the floor. Are you ready? Open flex. Now from here point the toes, place your hands on your hips. So we're all there.

I've got my hands on my hips, and I've got my hands on my mic too, but my hands are on my hips. So find those hips. Now from me, you're gonna use all your back body, your glutes, and your hamstrings, and we're gonna press up to the sky, and then we go back again. So it really wants you really push. I say really, really, really, that with hamstrings and glutes have to be firing to go straight up into that nice straight line.

And then we take our legs over our head so they're parallel to the sky. So let's try that again. XL, glutes, hamstrings, lifting up, and then we come back down. So we're prepping for, like, a jackknife, right? So there's a little bit more attainable because we are supported with our hands on our hips. And let's do one more.

Alrighty. Come up vertical. Hold it there. Hold it there. Now from here, if you feel comfortable, we're gonna just do a little kick. Little kick. It's just taking that leg a little bit behind, not big.

Keep it small for 876543 2, 1. Bring the legs together. Now I want you to bend your right leg. Bend it. Bend it. Bend it. And see if you can take it all the way down. There you go. So now you're in your bridge.

How comfortable is that? See that leg lifted? Your glute is on fire. Now we're gonna drop that leg down, flex it up. Drop that leg down, flex it up. Get your hips nice and high. There we go.

And you're tossing that leg, but everything else is completely stable. So this is not easy. If you're keeping everything stable and you're just moving at the hip joint, strength and flexibility here, 4 more, 4, 3, 2, 1. Extend that leg all the way down to the floor. Lower.

Reach the legs out. Now see if you can lift your legs off the floor. If not, bend and extend them. Ready to roll over again. Inhale here. Excel roll over.

Now from here, take hold of your hips. We go back up again, and we do our little kicks here. There we go, because we're gonna be transitioning back into that bridge again, But this time, it's with your left leg, and then your right leg will be lifted. Are you ready? Bring the legs together. Left leg. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go.

Into your bridge. Beautiful. Reach that arms down. You're amazing. That leg is lifted. Your hamstring is working, pushing that pubic bone up to the sky, and we go down, flex up, and down, flex up, and down.

And breathe. Use that leg. Boom. And flexibly dynamic movement here. Dada. Dada. For 4. For 3.

For 2, for 1, take that leg down, hips are lifted. Now let's see if we can take the other leg and join it. How do we feel? Can we lift those arms up? Reach the arms over your head, curl down one vertebra at a time, bring the legs together, roll yourself all the way up, up, up, up, up, lift up nice and tall. From here, turn to your side. You in your sideline position here, reach the hand behind your head.

We're gonna flex flex, point back, flex flex, point back in your Pilates psychic, and you can move those hips, but move them with control. You're moving. One more. Hold that leg behind, drop it down, lift your hips up, press them down. So now you're going into your obliques here.

Draw your scapula down, feel your lats, your serratus, and your obliques, and we're lifting up. Couple more. One more. Hold it here, hold, stack those legs, hold it here or reach that arm up, and we're either gonna hold it there, or we can lift that leg up for 5 for 4 for 3 for 2 41. Separate the legs, classic mermaid here, hold your mermaid, hand behind your head, and rotate.

Call this a little Malin Malin Monroe stretch here and rotate, and then we come back, switch to the other side. Ready? Lift up, feet pointing forwards. Flex the foot, flex flex, point back, inhale, inhale. This is one of my favorite exercises to do because it really works on mobility of your hips. It frees my locked up hips.

Trust me. Especially as I've aged. My hips are tight. This is working to unlock those hips, still working on stability, shoulder stability, core stability with movements. Please move. Move just with control.

Pulling through those apps. There you go. Couple more. Oh, one more. Oh, I feel so good. Bring that leg back. Hold it here. So now you're split lagged, right, ready.

We lift up and down. So now we're gonna gather up all those oblique muscles here to lift you up. But first of all, slide your scapula down Get out your shoulder joint. That's it. Free that shoulder joint. Looking amazing.

Lifting those hips up. Oh, feel those obliques. You got 2 more. One more. Ready to hold it here. Hold stack your feet. Reach that handout.

Now let's see if you can lift the leg up for 5 for 4, for 3, for 2, 4, 1, take that leg behind, lower down gracefully, come back into your Mermaid, and there we go into our little stretch looking back, looking back, looking back, Fantastic. Now from here, we're gonna go all the way around, legs are pointing forwards, fingertips reaching, take the arms back behind the back of the body, Ben the elbows, extend, open up through the chest. Now we're gonna lift your hips up to the sky in that straight line, and then slowly come back down again. Really draw the shoulder blades down, open up your chest, squeeze your glutes, and your hamstrings, you're lifting up, pubic bone up to the sky, and then we come back down again. Are we ready?

We're either gonna stay up there and hold the plank or we're gonna get ready with your right leg, we're just gonna go up and down, up and down, up, one more, up, hold it here, or just lift yourself up, pubic bone is lifted, looking forwards, ready with the other leg, swing that leg up, try and keep everything stable. Ta da. One more. Ta da. Hold it there. Hold it here. From here, little adjustment, bend your right knee, bend your left knee, lift your hips up.

Now we bend and extend. So now we're working that upper body. Your booty is just going along for the ride. The elbows are pointing back. And we're gonna do about 6 more, and we're working those triceps.

Ready 2 more. Oh, one more. Holy hill. Lift yourself up in that tabletop. Curl, curl, curl, curl down with that pelvis, lift yourself up. You're in your teaser position here or your teaser pracked. Hold it here.

We're gonna roll ourself down. The arms circle around. We circle. We reach the arms over your head. Now circle the hands.

Lift yourself up. Hold on. Back to that stop position we did earlier on, but now we feel a lot different than we did at the beginning of the class. Now we're ready to work. And again, circle the arms. Reach. We're gently going into it.

Dada, and back one more. Pull your shoulder blades down, chin to chest, curl into your extension. Band in your knees, rolling back down, reaching the arms and legs out, inhale here exhale, roll all the way up into your teaser, If you wanna keep your knees bent, keep your knees bent, reach your arms over your head. We come back down. We roll and bend your knees and come back out. Reach your legs out.

Curl up. Shoot. Hold it here. Bring your arms towards your ears. That nice flat spine. Reach the arms forwards.

Bend the knees. Curl back down again. Remember you can keep your knees bent. We curl up. Read those legs out.

Lift up. Arms go high. Now from here, we're gonna circle and, like, kinda rotate and look forward. We come back, like, a little circle rotate to the other side. We come back up, and then we slowly arm stay still. Lex stays still and hold it.

Then we're gonna try and roll down keeping your arms and legs straight. Hold it here. You're hovering, and then you lower your legs. Hold it here. We circle the arms around. From here, we'll lift your right leg up, nice and still, flex the foot, going into some little circles here, little circles, little circles, reverse the circles, little circles, freeing the hips, and then point the toe come down, lift the other leg with the abs, flex the foot, circle away from your body, your femur's moving in that hip joint, and we breathe in freely. Reverse the other side.

And then hold it there. Point the toes, lower that leg down, reach the arms over your head, ready. We're gonna roll up, roll, roll up, take your feet around, Step back into your plank. Here's your plank, up into a pyramid position, and then back into your plank, exhale up into your pyramid, Inhale into your plank, exhale lifting up, rotating around your shoulder joint back to plank, now rotate towards me, come up into your side plank. We're gonna bend the knees. Shift back.

Now we're gonna go up into your little pike, into your twist, come back into side plank, bend the knees, lift up. Now use your abs to pike up and then back out. And again, moving, controlled, pull your shoulder blades down, pike, That was your third one, back to center, pyramid up, rotating around, press your heels down, and gently thread through your feet. We've got the other side to go. Press your heels down. Alright. Let's go. Rotate.

Where's your plank? Reach out to the crown of your head. You got that laser beam going out to the crown of the head. Rotate. Ready. Bend your knees. And we go up into our twist and back out nice and strong.

Keep that shoulder strong. Pull your scapula down, lift up through the obliques, and pike up, reach towards that back leg, and bat down again. Dada. Dada. Let's just do one more for good luck.

Yes. And then rotate back into your plank, walk the hands back, hold it here, look out forwards, and curl back again. We're gonna walk back. Walk back, walk back, walk back, hold it there, lift that right leg up, flex point, bring it down, left leg, flex point, bring it back, right leg, flex point, One more point, flex point, holdy here, drop the right knee down, drop the left knee down, come into your quadru pad, position here. From here, curl the toes underneath, lift your knees into a hover.

Feel those lower abs. Engage. Hold it there. We're gonna rotate. Bring it back to center. Little rotate.

Bring you back to center, rotate, and back, little rotate, and back up into your pyramid. Walk the feet through your hands, curl down, right left on on top of left leg, reaching forwards. We're gonna be finishing off in our boomerang here. We roll down arms by the side of the body. We lift up and over.

We switch. Try not to use your arms as you lift up. Now circle the arms around. Hold that position there. Now use your abs to pull in as your legs lower forehead to shins, root the arms up and over.

Now we curl. Hands, use your hands now as you lift over. Now try and not use your arms as you come up reach. Now see if you can take your arms over your head. We circle the arms around. We interlace. Now this is where the core works here.

The arms are reaching back. The abs are reaching back, and your legs are reaching forwards. We circle over, and we go again. Search. Hughes.

Come on. Take your hands over your head over your head. Reach. Circle the hands around. You are strong. Reach back. Let those legs go as your abs pull in towards your spine, and we go forwards with control.

We're gonna do one more. We call back. We reach switch. Don't use your arms. We float those arms up.

We reach up. We're super strong. We hold it here. We circle the hands around. We use those apps. Now let those legs float down with control as we come forwards, and we circle around.

And we are there, aren't we good? We roll all the way up. And then we unwind, we bring our legs together, and we're gonna come into the center of your mat, curl the toes underneath, We're gonna round through the spine here, lift up nice and tall, transfer with a right leg out, four arms here, gonna finish off with a little bit of glute work. This is my go to class. They do call me a little bit about the booty queen, so I'm just hitting the booty just to finish off, testing my balance here, Remember, balance is everything.

Your core is gonna help you to be able to balance, but put it into practice. Stand on one leg. Work unilaterally. Keep your practice going. One more time, hold it here.

Bring the leg down. Switch to the other side. We lift up and down. There we go. Those abs are engaged. Your supporting leg is bent.

You work in your glute medias, which is right here. Which is responsible for keeping that pelvis stable when we're walking. So no more sexy walking. We wanna keep her pelvis a little bit more stable. Love that.

5 more, 5. 4. 3. Woo hoo. 2 and 1. That's great. My booty has got some fix now. I'm fine.

We can finish that clasp. Sweet. Hit with the pot. Take a deep breath in, reach the arms out. And back one more, reach the arms out, finish off with a roll down, chintro chest, scoop up through those abs, reach forwards, roll yourself up one vertebra at a time. How good do you feel now? And it was only pretty much 30 ish minutes, and look how good you feel.

Yes. That was not easy. It was all attainable, but you did it. So thank you for joining me. I will see you back here on the mat or the reformer or at the bar. Have an amazing day.

See you soon.


Francesca D
1 person likes this.
hi tracey , francesca here . just finished to work your class .. i'm very tired … amazing workout as usual .. you are the best ! i'm waiting for you come to milan in order to have one of your incredible masterclass .. sorry for my english . have a nice day . kiss francesca
Melissa R
1 person likes this.
Fabulous mat class as always Tracey!!
1 person likes this.
Excellent 35 minute class. Thank you so much Tracey, very challenging and superb clues working with the core on every move. We appreciate you, superb teaching and system.
1 person likes this.
Thank you so much Tracey! You brought a smile to my face with your sexy walk. I'll go for it
1 person likes this.
Thank you Tracy for this fun and challenging class! 🤗😍 You always bring such joy and uplffting energy to all your classes! 
Clara Z
1 person likes this.
What a great class.  Thank you Tracey you never fail !  
Zara F
1 person likes this.
Thank you for another amazing class, Tracey! Simply a perfect way to start the day!
Lina S
Great flowing class!

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