Class #741

High-Intensity Reformer

50 min - Class


You asked for it! Julian Littleford is back with a high-intensity Jump Board class! Julian is not one to waste time, so in this 47-minute class, you will go through 4 sections of jumping interspersed with classic exercises. The first 15 minutes will help prepare you for the ever-increasing intensity of this class as you move into the first of the jumping series.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box, Jump Board, Hand Weights

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Hello everybody, my name is Julian Littleford and I operate JL Body Conditioning Pilates in Del Mar, California. I have two of my greatest teachers here with me, they've been kind enough to demonstrate for us today. We have Jessie here, and Carmen here, and we are going to do a jumboard reformer class. It's in four sections, five sections, okay? Jumpboard and are the intermediate parts, okay?

And what I would like to see on the jumpboard we'll have a little rest in between. You can set it up, but not too long of a rest, okay? 'Cuz we want you to feel the work. Okay, ladies should we start laying down. With your springs resistance, I don't really care what you use, okay?

Be realistic, remember what you set yourself up to, set yourself on, it's what I would like to stay on, okay? So if you decide to go with a red and a blue, that's cool, or two reds or red and a blue and a green, however you want, I don't mind. Try it for the fun of it, just setting your springs and leaving them there, okay? So we don't spend a lot of time changing springs, the only moments, as I said, that you're going to get a little rest, is when we fall on the jumpboard, all right? When the pleasure cube on, then you get a 30 sec break there too.

Okay, we're going to start with our heels together, toes slightly apart, and we're just going to warm the legs up a little bit, okay? Come down a second Carmen, just a little bit low, okay? Gently exhaling out, and inhale down. Exhaling out, and inhale down. And again.

Exhaling out, and inhale down. Again. Exhaling out, and inhale down. Good. Make sure keep going for me, three more.

Make sure that you try to work the back of the legs against the inside of the legs, they're going to be the muscle group that you're going to use a lot. As well as your quadriceps, when we get to the jumpboard portions. And relax, bring your toes and heels together. Allow your knees to part slightly, gently. Exhaling out, relax the toes in this position, and gently down.

And again. Exhaling out, and inhale down. And again. Exhale out, and inhale down. Exhaling out, I don't mind if you have the head rest up, but when we come to doing the jumboard, keep the headrest down for me.

Three more. Draw the belly in tight. Squeeze the back of the legs, I'd like to see activity in the back of the leg, and to stay in the back of the leg, when you bend your knees. And push out, stay there, gently squeeze the heels together. Jess I'm just going to drop this headrest down, okay?

And you're gently going to pulse, lift the pelvis all the way up, bride it up and so for the chest all the way down. And again. Squeeze the back of the legs, lifting up the legs, wrap the legs. And gently down. And again.

Squeeze the back of the legs as you lift up, and gently down. And again. Squeeze the back, rotate the legs, lifting up, up, up, up, and down. One more time. Curling all the way up, stay up, gently bend your knees in, allow your knees to part, and gently push out.

And inhale down. And again. Exhale out, and inhale down. Work the back of the legs. Trying to lift the pelvis as much as possible, hold on to the bottom rib, and when you come in, lift up the thoracic spine, when you push out, push out from your thoracic spine, and the cheeks, and your bum.

Keep your toes together for me, exhaling out. One more time, and in, pushing out, all the way out, stay there, point your right toe, lift your right toe up toward the ceiling, stay there. Leg circles. Circle the leg, one, two, little larger Jess, three and four, and five. Reverse, and one, keep it parallel, and two, and three, and four, and five.

Coming down. Other side. Lifting up, point the toe, and swing the leg across, one, and two, and three, and four, and five. Reverse. One, and two, and three, and four, and five.

And relax down for me. Going down to second position. One heel on one edge, one on the other, relax the toes, work through the lateral side of the foot, and gently, exhaling out you go, and gently move your hips slightly to the right, there you go, and gently out, and inhaling down. And again. Exhaling out, remember for me I want those knees on the floor, if you can put them down there, okay?

I want a stretch on the inner tight, try to relax the toes as much as possible, and gently push out. And gently in, and again. Gently out, and in, and again. Push out, good. And in, two more.

Squeezing out and in, last time. Pushing out, stay there, squeeze and wrap the back lift your pelvis up towards the ceiling, curling up, start from the chest as you roll all the way down. And again. Squeeze the back of the legs, try to keep the knees straight. And soften as you all roll down.

And again. Squeeze the back of the legs lifting up, and gently down. Don't arch your back when you come down. And again. And gently up, and soften down.

One more time. And gently up, we stay there for me, gently bend and straighten the legs, and squeeze the back of the legs as you push out. One, and in, and again. Two, and in, and three, and in, and four, and in, oh this is great, standing in this square here, I could've done stand here. And again, and push and in, two more.

Gently push up lift your pelvis just a tad come out, there you go, and again, push out and relax. Pushing out again, stay there. Gently bring the right leg up towards the ceiling, hold the abdominal wall in, stay there. Leg circles. And circle one, and two, and three, and four, and five.

Reverse. One, sorry, and two, keep the hip lifted and four, and five, good. Other side, gently lifting up, lifting the leg up bring it across, and circles. One, and two, and three and four, and five. Reverse.

One, and two, and three, and four, and five. And relax down. Good, feet are going into the straps, for little short spine roll. Slight different version of the leg circles, there. Obviously increasing challenge as the leg goes out towards the side.

Try to keep the pelvis lifted as much as possible, trying not to let the hips move. Gently bringing the legs over, tailbone stays down, for me as long as possible, rolling all the way to the shoulders, keep tension in the straps, bend the knees, and soften the chest as you roll all the way down. Toes and heels together. Gently bring the legs up again, tailbone stays down, as you roll all the way up. Good, bending the knees, and slowly rolling down.

When you bend the knees try to only open the knee shoulder with apart. Go over for me, and gently up, so what I mean shoulder with apart, bend right here, no wider than your shoulders. Slowly roll all the way down, and reverse. Good, bring those legs up, up, up, up, come all the way up, bend the knees and slowly roll all the way down. And push the legs out.

Now we're going to reverse it, bend the knees in, bring your knees up, lift the legs all the way up to the diagonal, articulate your spine as you roll all the way down, get your bum down as much as possible, draw the belly in as bring the legs down. And again. Bend the knees in, bring the knees all the way over slowly. Good, push out on the diagonal, good, and then slowly roll all the way down. Make sure that you try to drop the sacrum all the way down and make sure that you pull your belly in nice and tight to support your lower back, because if your sacrum doesn't go all the way down, you're going to open yourself for injury, if you don't really draw those abdominals in nice and tight to protect the lower back.

Stay there, externally rotate the legs, gently bend the knees, just little diamonds, and squeeze the sides of the legs, nice and tight. Small little movement, no movement in the carriage, so you stay on the inside of the legs. Nice and calm. Squeeze the back of the legs nice and tight. And those are the muscles that we would really like to work when you use the jumpboad.

The reason why I keep saying that is 'cuz your quadriceps are going to blow out probably anyway, so you want to recruit the back of the leg and the inside of the legs as much as possible. One more time, stay there, gently open the legs as wide as possible, squeeze your legs, and gently bring them in again. And open them, and squeeze inside the legs close them. The heels don't let the toes touch, externally rotate, draw the abdominals in, and close. Good, and again.

And squeeze, one more time. Leave the legs open as wide as possible leave the tailbone where it is, leave your feet the way they are, and just bend your knees, just to there, and then straight. Don't let the carriage move. You should feel a big stretch on the inside of the leg, yes or no ladies? Yeah, good.

And stretch. And again. Stretch. Three more, one, two, three. Bring the legs together for me.

Bring your legs up to 90 degrees, stay there, externally rotate the legs, but don't let the bones move. So the muscles wrap around, drop your ribs, don't let the table move as you push your legs out towards the ceiling for long spine preparation, and gently roll your spine or column down, one vertebrae at a time. And again, squeeze and wrap the back of the legs as you lift up, and gently slowly down. And again. Squeeze and wrap as you come up, and gently down.

Good, one more time. Gently all the way up, and slowly all the way down. Good, bend your knees, take your fingers into the straps for me. Bring the head and shoulders up off the table, leave your legs at 90 degrees for me. Gently bring the chest and shoulders forward, squeeze the back of the legs nice and tight, sacrum stays down, belly pulls in, breathing through the nose and out through the mouth.

No movement with the hands, back of the legs squeeze tight, insides of the legs are active, concentrating on pulling the belly towards the floor, when you breathe in, try to breathe in through your rib cage. When you breathe out, close your ribs and pull your belly in. So the activity stays on the inside of the legs and the lower abdominals the whole time. Also, let's not forget the back of the legs, right here, okay? So, squeeze it nice and tight.

There's nothing worse than somebody with a floppy bottom. Squeeze the back of the legs tight. That goes for men too. If you're out there, doing this. Squeeze the back of the legs, good, leave your left leg where it is.

Extend your right leg, when you extend the leg make sure that the foot stays against the ankle here. When you bend the knee, do not let the knees come towards you. They stay at 90 degrees. Extend the leg out, the other leg, and gently come back in. Now create the centric concentric contraction when you pulling in, imagine that somebody's pulling resistance that way, away from you.

And, extend the leg out, and squeeze in, draw the muscles in tight. And stretch out, you're okay Carmen? And squeeze the legs and the inner tights. And extend out, good. Good, you see how the sacrum it's staying down, that's the challenge, that's good.

And again. And in, last time. Now, extend both legs out, legs down to four inches over the bar. Externally rotate for me, squeeze the heels nice and calm. Bring your hands on top of your tights, and moving your hands up and down, breathe in, two, three, four, five And out, two, three, four, five.

And in, two three, four, five. And out, two, three, four, five. And in, two, three, four, five. And out, two, three, four, five. And in, two, three, four, five.

Squeeze the backs of your legs nice and tight. Breathe in, two, three, four, five. And out, two, three, four, five. And in, and out, two, three, four, five. In, two, three, four, five.

And out, two, three, four, five. Slow it, two, three, four, five. And out, two, three, four, five. Legs drop onto the bar. Lift your arms up to the ceiling.

Drop your head and shoulders down. Okay, pick your feet up two inches off the bar. Arms are up towards the ceiling. Arms come down for the roll up, you push with your hands bring them all the way over, for me when you roll down, try and bring your shins to your forehead, and then roll your spinal column down. And arms lift and legs drop down.

Good, and again. Arms first, squeeze the back of the legs as you come all the way over, and then gently, rolling down one vertebrae at a time. So you lengthen down, good. And one more time. Arms down, enjoy it.

It's one of the few good exercises. And slowly roll the spinal column slowly down. And relax. Knees are bent, elbows are bent for me. Leave the elbows on the table.

Extend the arms straight down to the floor, and then gently bend, keep the elbows off the sides, and again, we go down, one, and up and two, and up, squeeze the back of the legs. Three and up, four and up, and five and up, and six and up, seven and eight, and nine and ten. Keep the hands moving, bring the heads and shoulders up and one, and two, and three, and four, and five, and six, and seven, and eight, and nine, one more, and ten. As the arms go down the sides, extend one, bend the arms and legs, and two, and three and in, and four and in, and five and in, and six and in, and seven and in, and eight and in, and nine and in, one more, and ten and relax. Place the straps back on the post.

We are going to set up for the first jumpboard, okay? So, music comes on now, lari da di da. And we're going to set this up. Again remember you're not going to change the resistance, okay? The resistance is going to stay on exactly the same.

Or you can make it lighter if you want. There's a plus and a minus to hang time. You have to control it when you come down, obviously. And what I don't want to hear, what I don't want to hear with these jumpboards, is I don't want to hear the foot slapping it, okay? If you slap it it means that you're not using the back of the legs and the inner tight.

And what would happen if you slap it, it's the table is going to move this way a lot, you can get a foot and a half, two feet if you don't use the legs. So when you land, squeeze the back of the legs and draw the inside of the legs, have activity on them as much as possible. Your tights are going to work any way, all right? Okay, shall we? Laying down on your back.

Three sets of jumpboard, okay? The first set of jumpboad everything is parallel, okay? The second set of jumpboad is externally rotated, and the third set of jumpboard is a combination of both with forward flexion and a little ball, placed gently not on your under ladies, but in your hands. Okay, toes and heels together. That was enough of a rest.

Squeeze the back of the legs, the sacrum stays down, you draw the abdominals in, take a deep inhalation exhale out you go. One, and down. Two, ten of everything. Three, four, five, six, seven eight, two more, nine, hip with apart stay parallel. One, lift to wide, two, there you go.

Still more close it more a little more, there you go. Four, five, so those of you who chose to make the resistance lighter, you got more hang time so you have to go way up there to come down. So you stay with the same tempo. Good, into first and out to second, into first and out to second, and back out, good, and four and in, and five and in, too wide. And six and in, good.

And seven and in, and eight and in, and nine and in, one leg parallel passe one, two, three, four, I don't mind whether you have the leg down or 90 degrees, your choice, okay? It's not about the leg that is up, the hips are even, okay? But I'm interested in the leg that is pushing the standing leg. Thank you for changing on ten. And two and three, okay?

Just ten, okay? After you do ten, you leave the knee where it is, and the lower portion of the top leg it's going to extend. So you're going to change, and then the leg will be Passe and Developpe, one good, and the hang time is nice. Two, three, remember if it hangs and it jiggles, there's no activity in the muscle, so squeeze it tight, all right? If you want your legs to change shape you've got to have activity on the muscles.

And one, two, three, four, five, six, seven on ten, the top leg remains straight and it's going to come out on top of the jumpboard. Lift straight up and down. Grande battement. Was that three? Four.

Four, okay. Five, and six, squeeze the back of the legs. Seven, eight, nine other side, ladies. One, squeeze the insides of the legs. They should start to have some activity in the quadriceps, now.

The more that you draw the abdominals in, squeeze the back of the legs work the insides of the tights, the less the pain it's going to be in the quadricepses. After you've done ten of those, you open the legs and you beat them in and you land in first. Open, snap, close. Open, snap, close. Open, not too wide Jess.

There you go, keep it parallel. Open, snap, close. Open, snap, close. Open, snap, close. Open, snap, close.

One more. Open, snap, close. Open, snap, close. Bend both knees into the chest, both of them, together. Canon ball.

Two, three, four, close your ribs. Seven, eight, nine, the legs pull in, the legs pull in, the legs come out and you land straight. Bend them in, extend them down. Hang time it's hard now, because you're getting tired. You've got to squeeze and push.

Get the carriage to move up as far as possible. Up along to make the legs, the oval, here we go. The moving table, squeeze the back of the legs tight. The moving table, not the green table. And now, reverse, one, bend them in.

Extend and down. Out they go, and in. As you see, right? We're starting to get tired now, I'm not, but they are. And again.

And two, good. Three more. One, two, three. And relax. Good, okay.

Pleasure cubes, long box, here we go. We're going to set your table, the boxes up, long. And you're going to sit facing that way. Again your spring resistance is the same. Ladies, towel.

Okay, sitting down facing that way for me. Okay, Carmen and Jessie have one red and one blue, all right? It's going to be kind of heavy. But we can change it, if need be. Again I let you set your own spring resistance up.

I don't mind, okay? Arms are straight out, okay? And the straps are going to be crossed. The arms start out front, shoulder blades are down. You're going to bend your elbows and bring the palms in towards your sternum.

Stay there. That's the start and finish position. The elbows are shoulder height. Little higher for me, good okay. The first thing to move is the elbows pull back behind you.

How's that resistance ladies? Why don't I take a little strap off. Hang on a second, come here. Okay, I'm going to drop it to one red, all right? So we start the elbows pull back one, extend the arms all the way back behind you, fold the elbows up, and bring the hand back towards the sternum, good.

Pull the elbows back behind you, and extend the arms all the way back. Squeeze the knees together, bring it all the way in. And again. Pull the elbows back, and extend all the way back. And gently come in.

Don't let the ribs fall forward. You want it a little lighter or not? You sure? It's okay on your elbow? Pardon?

Yeah. And push back. Good, question. She said are the knuckles back all the time? Yes they are.

The palm opens, okay? So when she comes back, nothing changes, okay? And gently bend, two more. Reverse press stroke, pull it back, push it back. And the last one.

Good, pull it all the way back. And bring it down, good. Uncross those straps for me, hands by the sides, shoulder blades are down, stomach is in, closing the ribs together. Gently extend the right leg out, knee is against the other knee. Sorry about that.

And try to sit nice and tall. Squeeze the insides of the legs tight, pull the arms back and forward. Gently back. Now, in this position if you don't squeeze the insides of your legs, your quadriceps are going to burn like crazy. Squeeze the inside of the legs.

So what we want to see is the back of the leg have some activity here, so you wrap the muscles. I've no idea what number that is. Probably, ten. Other side. And gently, straight the leg out.

And squeeze keep the back of the leg wrapped. The bones are parallel, the muscles are wrapped around. Does that make sense? I hope it does. Squeeze the back of the legs nice and tight.

Drop your shoulder slightly down, good. And again. Draw the tummy in tight. Good. And relax.

Slide your bum all the way back to the edge for me. And straighten both legs. Your forehead is as close to your shins as possible. I want you laid over as much as possible. The arms stretch down towards the floor.

You bring the hands back up and over the head. It's like a butterfly stoke. And again. And pull the arms back, and lifting up and forward. Good, and again.

As a teacher, if you're teaching this make sure that both of the shoulders on the client are even, make sure that the ropes do not relax. Can you do one for me Carmen and hang on the rope? See how the rope is relaxing? Keep going. See how it relaxes?

And pull it back, lift it fast. There, see how it's relaxing. That's using momentum. That's not controlled work within the muscle groups. And then you get to reverse those ladies.

And bring the arms forward, and lift them up and back, the forehead stays down on the shins, if possible. If your forehead is on your ankles, you don't need to be doing this. And gently come down and forward. And again. Pull the arms back and forward.

And again. Back, good. Two more. Drop your right shoulder, Carmen, good. Last one.

Good. Let's flip you over onto your stomachs for me. And you're going to have your tights here for the breast stroke. You're going to be on your tummy. Now for me, okay, you're going to put your thumbs through the straps, okay?

You're not going to have hold of them like this, okay? Through the straps and the reason why is because if you can when you push forward with your thumbs When you bring your arms down they don't slip out, if you use your hands like so, you can use your forearm to bring the arms down, versus dropping the work down into the shoulders. Okay, bend your knees for me. Place your hands next to your temples. Good, pushing the hands forward towards the jumpboard, open the arms up first as they come back and lengthen the legs back all the way back, good.

Bend the knees and elbows, and again. Push forward and gently, come all the way back, stretch, stretch, stretch, and bend everything in, and gently push forward. Nice, lifting up, and bring them all the way back. Squeeze the inside of the legs tight. Good, one more time.

And gently push, bring them all the way back, stay there, beat the legs in and out, 50 times. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, faster. (Clapping) And relax. Okay, hand straps go down. Your shoulder blades are going to be on the back edge and your tailbone is on the front edge here.

Your knees are bent, and they remain bent through out. Your hand are going to be back behind the head, and the elbows never come forward of the clavicles, they're going to stay back. So when you come up the whole thing comes up as one, you do not pull with your elbows, all right? So, slight back a little further for me, little more, go on, go on. I like the clavicles off the end, gives a very different sensation in the stomach.

Sacrum is down, squeeze the knees together. We don't let the feet, sacrum or knees move. And gently, head and shoulders go back, thoracic extension and bring the sternum forward. One, and down. And two and down.

Back of the legs are active, ribs dropped to come forward it's the ribs what I'm looking for. The ribs pull down. Open your elbows a little wider, there you go. And up, good. Ribs stay down, and forward and back.

Again squeeze the back of the legs tight. So we've taken the emphasis out of the arms and put it into the ribs to drop the ribs down to bring the head and shoulders forward inflection. One more mix in. Yeah, okay. Even if it's not ten.

Stay there, stretch the leg towards the right knee twist this elbow back, okay. She reaches the hand forward, I'm not worried about this hand. What I'm after is this elbow going back to mid line. And small pulses. And one, elbow pushes back, two, three, four, five.

Keep the hips down. Seven, eight, nine, and change. And cross, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Back to the start position. Extend both legs out, exactly the same thing.

Elbows pulled back and gently up, one, and two, bring the legs down to 45 degrees if we can. Anybody that wants a really big challenge, let's bring those legs down to two inches over the box, and but not today. Gently, lift it up. One, and again two, and three, work those ribs. Back isn't coming off, is it?

Good. Double checking. Nine and a little twist and shout. Left hand goes to the right, pull the elbow back. One, and two, and three, and four, and five, and six, and seven, the challenge when you concentrate on the back elbow is to keep the opposite hip down on the table.

That's the fun part, okay? So it's not about the hand that it's reaching up and across, it's about that back elbow and this hip down here. Good. Pull the elbow back. So the emphasis is the elbow pulling back.

Good, turn over into your stomachs for me please. Your hands are here, your chest is here, feet are down. Little swans so we stretch those abdominals out a little bit, okay? Gently push back. Now for me keep the tights down on the back edge, okay?

And gently just lift up for me. Come down, as high as you want, I don't care whether you keep the bottom rib down, I don't care whether you come all the way up, I don't care. As long as you get a big stretch to the rectus abdominals. Gently up and down. And again.

Shoulder blades retract gently come up, up, up, up. And down. And again. Scapula retracts as you lift up. One more time.

And up and relax. Good, pleasure cubes go off. Second jumpboard. Remember we set the jumpboard as one red and one blue, or is that what we like to do. You go back to that same setting.

Externally rotate, squeeze the insides of the legs together. You start the same way you did before, with the legs right there on midline. However, the toes are slightly apart. When you bend the knees, I want the knees to come down over the middle of the foot. I do not want the knee to come up this way and I certainly don't want it to open all the way out.

If Carmen wants to bend her knee up it would come up underneath the arm pit it wouldn't be come towards the spine or column and it certainly wouldn't come out here, towards the elbow, okay? So, heels are together, the back of the legs. Right here, can you open your arms for me. Right here is what I'm after, I want to see the back of the leg on fire. So you push, versus pump from here.

We're going to pump anyway, but try to work the back of the legs a little bit more, all right? Okay, take a deep breathe in. Here we go, exhaling out, one, and down and two, three. Remember you can close your eyes and listen, and you know whether or not you're using the right muscles because you don't hear anybody land. When you push out, the insides of the legs squeeze together really tight.

Good, okay. Going into second position for me. And squeeze and again. Even though they're apart, there's activity out on the inside of the legs remember all of the jiggly bits, squeeze 'em tight. Good.

Into first, and into second. Into first, into second. When you come down into first, squeeze the inside of the legs together, good. Sorry. Good, one more.

Good. Passe the leg, and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, challenge of course, is to keep the hips square in relationship to the rib cage, I think that's ten. Changing, one, keep the legs externally rotated. Control where the knee is on the leg that is bent. Good, we go back to the first side.

Remember the leg is going to extend, the knee however doesn't move stays right were it is, just the lower portion of the leg moves. Hips are even, squeeze the back of the leg, good. Good, other side. One, two, remember that that standing leg lands in midline the heel is on midline, good. Good, coming in.

Out the leg goes, one, out it comes across to the top, remember, across on top, hang on one second, there we go and out, good. All the way out, grande battement to second. Squeeze the insides of the legs together, even though the leg goes out. So you're working the quadriceps on the right side however, and the abductors of the outside of the standing leg. That's okay.

Squeeze the insides of the legs, keep the hips down of the leg that is in the center position for me. Good, okay. Both legs open as wide as open and down. Wide and down. Two, four, five, good, make sure that that left leg is lifted slightly Carmen, you're a little crocked.

There we go. Still more on the left leg, higher towards the ceiling. There we go. Feels too much now. Good, now, the legs go out, they come in you land down.

Out, come in, and land down. Here we go. Out wide, and landing first. One, and two, and three, and four, and five, and six, and seven, and eight, and nine, and reverse. And up, out down.

Up and down. Two, three, four. Don't alternate. Just bend the legs in, extend out and down. In, out and good, and again.

It's okay. As a teacher keep your fingers out from here, otherwise they stand on you and get even. Good, two more. And relax. Okay stay there, the frog.

Everything bends up, everything comes down. Here we go. And pull the knees up, one and down. Stomach in, two and down. Three and down, four and down.

Lift the left knee, there you go, four, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, and relax. Short pleasure cube, here we go. You're going to leave the spring resistance on the same, you're going to need it. You bring the short box in, in front of the shoulder pads for me. Could we move any slower?

Turn around for me. As you see, this is beginning to feel good now, anyway you're going to sit on the front edge for me and tuck your feet underneath the strap. All right, you're going to back up so you got tension on the strap, and you're going to draw the abdominals in, you're going to fold the arms up. Make sure the hands and ribs are locked, so you don't close them up here, have them a little more distance between the back of the hand and the sternum. Okay, we draw the abdominals in, stay up, and you gently hinge back.

Stay there, squeeze everything tight. And gently come forward. Squeeze your bottom. Back we go, squeeze the calves, knees, inner tights, and gently back to center. And again.

And gently moving back, squeeze everything tight. And gently forward. And again. And pull it back, squeeze everything. And back to center.

Good, and again. Two more. Back and up. And again. Back, stay there, extend the arms over the head open the arms out to the sides, fold the arms.

Arms over the head, open the arms out, fold them up. And again. Over the head open, and fold them up. Over the head open, and fold them up. Last time, over.

And reverse. Open and down. And again. Out, up and down. And what we should see is the trapezoids dropping down in the back, scapula remaining where they are.

And just the arms moving from in the socket. Very nice. One more. And relax down. Push the heels hard against the table for me.

Reach forward and stretch the hands over the jumpboard. And gently just let it stretch, nice and calm. Just let it stretch. Good. You're sitting down in front of the pleasure cube.

Your heels together, your toes are slightly apart, you're going to bend your knees and you're going to hold onto the corners here for me. The forehead is down dropping down, and gently strengthen the legs and push the heels to the board, and relax the shoulders. Just stretch. You can pull with your arms to get your forehead down on your knees or below, and then gently bend your knee Open your knees wide from the elbows. And gently push, push the heels.

And gently come down. And again. One more time, and push and down. Good. You're going to have one foot on one edge, one on the other, your hand are going to be back onto the back corners of the box, all right?

You gently bend the knees and open the knees as wide as possible, and then gently push out, keep you back up against the front edge of that box. And open the chest back as much as possible, open it up, and gently bend. One more time, and straighten, stay there. Leave the left leg where it is, bring the right leg over the left leg. Good, reach both hands over in line with your right hip and gently bend your left knee about two three inches and then straighten as you reach your left arm pass your right.

And gently bend, and again. And stretch, try if you to keep both back against the box. And gently bend and again. Stretch reach it to the diagonal. Good, and back to center.

And we do the other side. And reach the right hand over the left, both hips are even, up against the front edge, and gently bend the knee, and gently straighten. So right here, is where we're looking for that's gotta stay back, there we go. And bend the knee, and gently stretch. Relax the shoulders, there you go.

And in, and again. And straighten, don't snap, don't snap. And stretch and bend, one more time. And stretch and relax. Good, stepping down.

Placing the cubes on the back edge for me. We introduce a little weighted balls, or a hand weight I don't mind which. I would say no more than 25 pound ball, I'm joking. 2.5 works best. Put the decimal point in the wrong place.

Okay, the head and shoulders are going to come forward, all right? You might need a sticky pad for your sacrum. If your sacrum comes off you're going to slide back, all right? So I know if you lift your down on those shoulder pads that your sacrum is off and you shifted back, all right? You're going to have your feet in fifth position, one leg crossed over the other, all right?

The head and shoulders, you bring the ball up between the knees as you bring the head and the shoulders forward, the sacrum stays down, you gently push out squeezing the legs and landing in the same position. And now we are one. Two, three, the insides of the legs squeezed together as you push out. After you've done ten, you're going to change to the other leg. And squeeze, try to bring the head and shoulders up as much as possible, and hold the ball where it is forward.

Good. Good. I've no idea what number we're on. Pardon? After that we're going to do Changement, which is one leg goes out and it changes in the air, and two, after you've done ten you're going to do Royales, you beat the leg in front land behind, beat the leg in front, land behind.

For those of you who aren't dancers, or have never taken a dance class before, it doesn't matter the insides of the legs are active, whether you're a dancer or not. Now you squeeze the insides of the legs, and beat them. They cross and change. Cross and change. Cross and change.

Cross and change. Activity on the inside of the legs. Inside of the legs. Squeeze, good and again. Squeeze and squeeze and squeeze.

One more set. Squeeze, last one. Squeeze, feet are together in first, both legs straight. Keep the head and shoulders forward, keeping the legs straight, you just gently with your heels tight, push away with your toes, keeping your legs straight. One and two, squeeze your legs tight.

Three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, double time, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Single leg, Cou De Pied, one leg crosses over. I'm going to want it at the ankle. Straight leg for me. Insides of the legs working like crazy.

Just one leg. You do ten slow, ten fast, then change the leg, okay? Squeeze the back of the leg, head and shoulders forward and one, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Here we go, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Change, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

Fast, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Relax down. Okay, hands are forward. As you push out and bring both knees back towards the chest, the arms are going to come forward, when you land the arms go over the head as you come down. So, as you push out the knees, chest touch, hand and ball come forward, okay?

Start open, arms are back, gently pushing out. And one, and two, and three, and four, and five, and six, and seven, and eight, and nine, and relax. Good, placing the ball down. You're going to come down to one side. Release it to one red.

You step off to the ride for stretch. I don't care which side you do. You stretch one leg back, bring this leg forward. You push all the way back for me. You drop the tight down onto the table, this position you tilt the pelvis and you come forward about four inches, just to there, and keep the tight down on the table as much as possible.

So you stretch the quadriceps, good. And the pushing back for me. And hold tight, gently stretch. And down, and if I do one I have to do the other, I know. Okay, so what I'm doing I'm increasing the stretch, okay?

I'll do it the other side. And change to the other side. So, we set it out the same way, we push it out, the hips are nice even, shoulders are down as she gently comes forward. She doesn't let the tight come off the table, because if she does come off the table it goes into the back here, all right. I place my right hand on the bottom rib, left hand on the glute and I push down with the left, and pull back with the right, as she comes in.

Does intensify it. And gently, but it feels good. Gently push back and in. Feel okay there? Yeah.

Back, and in. Good, standing up for me. Facing the side. You're going to have your left foot here, right foot here, okay? The heel is down, the stomach is in, you got one spring on, arms around.

Draw the abdominal wall in, don't let the heel move. Gently push out towards the side for me, stay there. And gently in, make sure that that's standing leg is parallel ladies. And the medium side of the arch is not roll down. So you don't get a chance to enjoy it, or stretch it all out, if medial side of the foot is down on the floor.

Gently push, ribs in, very nice. And in, one more time. Push, stay there, and gently come in. Good, going to the other side. Slightly different versions, okay?

You're going to turn around Carmen and you're going to push all the way down here, leg down, okay? Jessie however is going to have a slightly different stretch. Okay, one sec. So what she's doing, she's going to push out as far as she can, and just lengthen and lay down into it. And stretch and feel good and come in.

Now, Jessie doesn't get to enjoy that. What she's going to do, it's she's going to, hang on, lift this heel, which means this leg is not going to move very much, and I'm going to remove both springs, okay? So she's got no springs on, what goes out, has to come back in. So the movement is going to have to be more than about two feet, I got it. Just to there, and then squeeze it as it comes in.

Push it out, lock the insides of the legs. Good, don't let that standing heel externally rotate, draw the abdominals in, squeeze it and pull it in. Good, one more time. Gently push and in, and relax. Good, stepping down.

So, three different versions, okay? I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you got your hear rate going a little. And turn around, so they don't look at your back, good. Thank you very much indeed.

See you later, bye bye. Thank you ladies. (off camera clapping) Thank you.


3 people like this.
That was fantastic!!! It is so nice to see Julian back with a class - I love the pace and depth of his classes - always a wonderful challenge. Hope to see more!!
2 people like this.
Heyyyyyy:) julian is back. Thank you very much.
1 person likes this.
i needed this energy. amazing! Thank you!
1 person likes this. good to learn from Mr Littleford again! Great session - sure to be repeated! Thank you
2 people like this.
Yea Julian!!! Wow, fantastic class! Thank you thank you! Really wish I had air-conditioning...
2 people like this.
Fantastic. Great fun!!!! Love that you told us how many springs and colors!!!!
1 person likes this.
Nicely Done Julian!! Loved it!!
1 person likes this.
Julian, you are back with same vigor and challenges! Holy moley, I am pooped now, great workout. Thank you, and you look fabulous, hope all is well!
Tried this today with my clients! Fabulous! Great to c you back! Best wishes to you!
Love you Julian¡¡¡ Fantastic class, please stay close :D
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