Class #986

BASI Reformer Flow

55 min - Class


Enjoy this challenging workout taught by Meredith following the BASI Block System. Featuring Jack Knife, Long Back Stretch, Full Lunge and Breaststroke this class should have you working hard and feeling fantastic.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box

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Feb 14, 2013
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Okay, Paula is anytime. Friends, here's a little background, personal information. I have been sick for weeks and I'm finally feeling like myself again and I'm ready to move. I hope you are too. Cause he would go. Um, I've got a blue spring, a light spray set up on the reformer. I'm going to bend over and put my hands on the box. I'm standing about Ooh, five or six inches away from the foot bar. And here's what we're gonna do.

Gonna just lightly rest the hands on the box and then pull the pelvis forward and the shoulders down. So we start with the spine in deep flection and from there start to unfurl the spine, reaching down and then reaching the back. Long inhale. Exhale, feeling the pelvis shift back forward or move towards the chest. We curl our way back in and keeping the elbow straight in here. Reaching out backs days, long shoulders are down and x how we cure. Oh, so resist the urge to push the box forward with your arms.

Just allow the box to travel gliding forward as the spine changes shape and exhale to come back. And we now staying at the top, start finding a flat back at the top and then reaching down, undulating the spine down and rounding back. So instead of a rounding down, I'm now finding extension at the top. I'm holding my extension as I take my carriage as far as I can and I crow my spine back in. We're gonna do one more like that. So reaching the pelvis out containing the ribs as we reach out, feel that there's energy over the heels of the feet and curling back in and unfurl the spine and press the box about halfway out. Finding a flat back position. Reach energetically into the feet.

So the box is kind of just floating out there in space. Take the right like up behind you and reach out and, and reach out and feel the leg and the spine traveling along. One long straight line, reaching out that back leg stays nice and straight while we stretch our standing, like reaching out and down and reaching and any Xcel starting to flex the spine, we've got to really pull the knee up into the chest to clear the bar. And then we searched your reach the leg out and send the box forward and exhale, curling the spine, deep, deep, deep flection, bringing the knee into the chest and reaching, alternating between flection of the spine. Exhale and extension of the spine in placing the foot back down onto the floor.

I'm going around myself in bringing the back to the stopper. From there. Re elongate the spine. Press the box about halfway out, finding a flat back. Take the opposite leg behind you. Make sure that the weight is not in the arms, but instead in the leg and reach the left leg up and, and feeling the body right in the center and reaching out and down and reaching out. Reminding your arms to stay strong and reaching out. And we inhale here and then exhale, flexing the spine. Just allow the knee, the bending of the knee to be pulled in from the abdominal area. And then we send the leg, hip extensors, spinal extensors working, and then the flexors of the body, the hip flexes, the spinal flexors, reaching it and reaching up last time. This is our inhale.

We curl back as we exhale. Oh nope. We'll go out. I don't know. I gave us one more, but we wanted to step down onto the floor. That's what I was after. And now we're rounding the spine. Once the box ones home, just continue to roll up onto your feet. Bend your knees, add the springs that you would wish to work for, for your foot work series, and then sit on the box. Do a little warmup here. So you want to adjust your spine so that your shoulder area is red, kind of right at the edge of the box. And from here, feet are on the bar.

The spine is straight. We inhale, exhale, curling the body down, reaching back. Find the shoulder blade, stay lifted. Reach the arms back and around and exhale to curl the spine back. Lifting the body in here. Exhale. Feel the spine flex before you start to take it backwards. Feel the feet pressing down and almost a little bit backwards on the bar.

Reach the arms around and curl the spine forward and you're really paying attention to detail and exhale, creating the rounded shape and rolling back and now just arm and now arms are, and now we reach 40 using the backs of the legs a little bit to help us stabilize the pelvis. And we now lift the spine and take the backhand towards me. Roll down both arms facing the same direction. Take that on the just moved. Open it out to this side. We now have a t shape with our arms. Come across with the opposite arm.

Inhale and roll up through the spy. As you return to center, both arms come at really open the chest there. Reach the the opposite arm across. So we're going the way that we just came up, we roll down to the tip of the shoulder blade, we open the arm out to the side, bring the opposite arm across. Exhale lifting body and inhale. Open the body and reach across.

Exhale to curl the Bach back, muck that back and reach across to the other arm and rural lifting, lifting and on. One last time here we reach across, we peel the back down. Feel the arms energetically reaching forward without the shoulders coming on. Glute on wind. Reach across. Roll up and lift the back. Taking the arms overhead. We roll down through the spine.

Try to keep the arms right by the ears. Once the low back hits the mat, lift the knees up and take the hands to the knees and take the right leg forward and rich and single leg stretch. We reach out through the like three of five because we're going to add a little bit of a change right now we take this straight like below the box below the box, giving ourselves an opportunity to really flatten out that hip joint and her reach and reach and two last time, hands behind the head. We go back to our original leg position in the criss cross, reaching across and across, keeping the head heavy in the hands. The spine works from around the ribs last time here and now we take it into the hip extension. So reaching down with the straight leg, try to open up the front of the hip, but don't let it pull your back down when you say nice and high all the time. Two more. Last one.

We come to center, we stretch the legs. Take one leg in both hands and now reach the opposite leg down and reach and to have five guiding the leg towards you. Keeping the lower spine. Very, very stable. Two here's number one, one, one, and now we're going to add a rotation to that. Here it is. We were each across and across and lifting the back, keeping both like very straight, very straight. Last two times and two.

Here's number one and one reaching the legs up. Bend the knees, hands on the knees. We curl. Give yourself a moment. Reestablish that connection. We reach into the AA, stretch and back and inhale. Arms and legs extent annex, so resist the legs and feel that the feet go straight out and straight in. So no downward pressure on the feet as they pull in, pull from from the hip and back and her reach and back. Now I'm going to make a change. If you're tired, maybe just stick with the double leg stretch.

I'm going to take it into extension. Here we go. The legs go out to spinal, reaches over the box and r and the spine root is over the box and our reach is over the box and are keeping the legs strong and back and reaching over the box and back and just rock, gentle rocking of the spine, gentle Genta and we roll ourselves up, placing the feet down so we get down off the box, put the box away, setting up the foot bar for footwear and lying down. Yeah, so the feet are on the bar there in parallel to one another. Arms are reaching down to our sides. Taking a minute to feeling the backside of the body, easing into the reformer and we press out and bend in and press out and bend and hurry to the whole spine, not just the legs. And I'm thinking of every time I'm pressing out through my legs, I'm softening my rib cage area, trying to feel the backside of the ribs in the mat.

We're going to do three more [inaudible] and in and exhale and one more. We come back, we changed to the toes. We reached the legs out, straight, lifting up into a pointed foot. Now here we keep the heel still as we bend the knees and come in and reach out. Feel that the movement is initiated with the backsides of the legs and finished with the front sides of the legs. Feel an energetic pull as you come into the stopper each time pulling into the stopper. Check in with your sides is one side working harder than another?

That's a reminder for me to her, me mostly, but all of us I think have that to think about last. Reaching out and coming back and reaching and coming back. We stop at the bottom, swivel the heels together and wrapped from the backsides of the legs. Keeping in mind, we're in neutral pelvis throughout these movements and we reach out and pull in who reach out, feeling the connectedness to our body and reach out and reach out and pull in creating of the rhythmic movement. So there's always work happening in all directions.

Last two and last one coming all the way in. Take the heels to the outsides of the bar. I'm going to open my knees up real wide today. Just changing the position slightly so it feels to me like a play. And then as we press out we wrap the knees backwards and we pull the knees backwards as we come in. So that constant work, an external rotation and we work to challenge the external rotation as we move and pull in. And some of us, myself included, will get a little stretch as we come into this stopper and do come into this stopper each and every time and five more arms are long in street, feet are still reaching out, flat, checking in with the shoulders, checking in for no neck tension and we come in and we will recheck and make come in and we moved to the toes. I'm going to narrow that position a little bit, checking that the feet are just underneath the needs so we don't turn out from the foot.

We turn out from the hip and we reach out and pull and warming up the by just using this as a continuation of our warm up and back and in and out and Paul reach and pull and three and back to arms and neck long last time and in stepping the feedback to the center of the bar, we press out, we take the heels down and up and we bend and we press that going twice and up, down and lift and pull the carriage back and back and three to the left and left and lift in. Pull the carriage and and here's number four and a up pull and lift and lift and lift and bent. And number five and five is our total. We want you to feel that you're connected all the way up the backside of your leg all the way. Feel the work from the heels all the way to the glute. No five holding there. We've been one knee and then lift through center and switch four prancing.

Keep both feet actively pressing into the bar. He both arms actively long actively straightening. So if we concentrate on not letting anything in the body rest, we get more efficient. Full body work all the time. Reach and all left and reach and we'll do one more to each side. Give yourself a stretch switch and give yourself a stretch and lift and bend and roll to the side to lift up and take the springs down.

How many use one red and one blue spring and lie down on my side for little sideline work. Nope. I'm going to take the head rest down and here we go. Just lying down on your arm so you can either have it straight or you could bend it and reach around towards that back shoulder rest. And to take the foot on the bar, we're gonna press out, look down the body, make sure it's straight, we want the heel of the foot to be right underneath us or in one long line. And then we bend feeling the heel connecting to the bar and overreach and pull the Karajan and reach. So we'll be limited all of us by the flexibility and in the calves.

But we challenge that and we go into that little solely a stretch as we bend the knee and reach Ya and pull it and reach out. Last to pull in and reach out in from here, just externally rotate and bend and we've got all that extra range of motion here and then the knee and her reach out. We're rapping from the outside of the hip and pull in to reach out and pull in to reach out and again, and her reaching out. We'll do four more and lengthening a and three, laying thinning out and two and nice and easy on that bottom or last time pulling in and her reaching out, bringing the carriage all the way back, coming up and around to the other side. So we lie down, set the foot on the bar but is lined up right in the middle of the carriage. Press out. Let's look down the line of your body.

Make sure you're nice and straight, lined up with your heel. Head down and we pull in and we connect the heel all the way up to the glue and feel the connection from the all the way up the body and make sure that both sides of the waist are long and equal to one another. Reaching and make sure that the Nigos all the way into full extension. We'll go four more times. Reach and reach and last to reach and bend. Last one. I'm here. We're going to rotate out. Bring the carriage all the way in and Oh, sorry.

Oh, just a little one. Like externally rotated hip, finishing the extension of the knee each and every time. Checking that the neck is in alignment with the rest of the body and not pressed forward feel. I've got my hand on my shoulder black, but I'm not really using it like you could have your hand on the carriage. Just resting last four all the way in every time and all the way in every time and out. Last year [inaudible] and last time and I'm reaching out. Yes. Good. Yeah, I'm going to keep that spring. If that's not a good spring for your abdominal work, you should take the moment now and choose another spring.

Taking a hold of the straps, reaching the arms up over the shoulders, lifting one leg at a time. Off the bar. We're going to lift the head and chest. Okay. Stretch the legs out, lift the legs up, then the knees in and lower the body down a reach up through the sterner and stretch the legs back and bring the legs up and then the knees and lower the body and we're reach up through the spy and stretch the legs out and lift the legs up and bend the knees and come down. And now we reach up, stretch the legs all the way externally, rotate shoulders and legs and open both and close. And anyhow, imagine that you have something resistant, some, some sort of resistance to push you have resistance against your arms so there's no imagination necessary there. But create a force in your legs. Great strong force.

And we'll do four more reaching higher every time and back as three, keeping your arms aligned up just to the outside of the body, not below the carriage. Last one, we lift up, bend the knee, then I lower the body down and now lift the body up and stretch the legs and take one leg and push it down on the bar while the other leg comes to the body and sewage and sewage and sewage, pressing the spine further and further forward. Reach one more. Last time and both legs. Then the knees lower the body feed on the foot bar. Press out to put the feet into the straps.

So, so we go into our circles, taking the legs down, reaching out around and feel the rotation in there and press from the backside of the leg down, keeping the neck along, reaching out her hand, and we were reached the legs away and out, around and up. Reach the legs away and out around enough and to feeling that there's energy going out of the body, through the legs and out around and not pausing at the top. Reach Open, press down, feel the legs come together and then lift up. As you do these movements concentrate on keeping the pelvis very much in neutral. So struggle for some of us, myself included. We really have to keep our mind there and as the legs come towards, you think of drawing them towards you with the front of the, what's the front of the body with the abdominals. Let's see. Abdominals allow the straps to assist you as you try to ease work in the hip flexors. Let them relax a little bit. Yes. I don't know.

Is that humanly possible? I think so. And hold lifting and last one and lifting and we press the likes down. Ben, the Nice stented frog. We take the legs forward. Now there's a little water and there's just a imaginary body of water that we trace without making any waves on the water without breaking the surface. Keep the femur bone still. Bring the heels across that body of water across that imaginary body of water and press forward and open the legs in here and rapping.

Open from the hubspot. Feel an extraordinary amount of work through the inner thighs and reaching and open in here. Exhale, we pull creating resistance against the heels as they come together. Inhale and exhale to press out. We're going to go one more time where each sha wrapping in the hips, bring the heels together. Yes, and you're reaching out. Here's our reverse. Bending the knees, skimming that body of water as we reach out to the side.

Carriage is absolutely still rib cages. Have really pressed the legs back together and bent and open. Inhale and exhale, reaching through the heels of the feet and bend. Inhale, exhale to stretch the legs out in heel. For a pause, exhale back together and one bend had her reaching out and exhale back together and then the knees and take the feet out of the straps, one foot at a time on the bar. So this my friends will be a very good challenge for me.

I'm going to try, I'm a new attempt to the bottom lift on the same spring. If you want a heavier spring, you should adjust that accordingly so the arms are down on our sides. We hit the toes are wrapped around the bar and we breathe in, rolling through the spine, lifting up. Ooh, boom. Okay. I'm cramping. Sorry. I'll get back going just a second. Yup, Yup. I knew that would happen, but I'll get it under control. Here we go. Will lift up. Holding at the top and rolling back to him.

Oh, cramping again. I'm sorry. Maybe I should be less proud. I'm changing my spring. Okay. I'm giving myself two reds, reds, so we don't have to lollygagging. Wait for me to not cramping. Here we go. It's a little more forgiving this spring, but then I'll lift up. Oh yes. That feels much better than in here. And exhale, holding the carriage stuff, keeping the feet down and inhale and we lift up. Yeah, working from the backsides of the legs and inhale and rolling down and add a little extension to this.

So we take it the body up and now we press out about three quarters of the way. We bend, coming all the way back into the stopper and we come back down and we will reach out and we reach out again and bend and recheck and bend and coming down. Do one more set of three. Keep the arms long rolling. Spinal articulation, reaching, working the hip extensors coming in and coming down. I now we lift back up, keep the right foot on the bar and we lift the left leg and now stretch the left leg string.

And now reach the left leg down and you press out through your right leg and flex back in and reacher and pull back. And remember to keep that supporting like a little bit Ben and pull back in, reaching into the air, into the sky with that straight leg bend, readjust. Extend the right way and we press out with the left, reaching over the foot bar and back and reaching out over the foot bar and back and reaching and back, bending the knee, placing the foot down, peeling the back down, reaching back for the strats, heading into the Jackknife. So arms just above the shoulders, lifting the legs, take the legs on the Ohana diagonal. Press the arms down, lift the legs in here. Exhale, take [inaudible] the body of work, Ian. He'll take the legs down and they reach into the all the way up and trying to reach to the arms as we roll the spine down. Now lift the arms, lower the legs and press the arms down. Lift to vertical and roll over and reach up through the back and press the legs away.

And even here, and enrolled, working with control, keeping the arm adamantly straight and lift the arms. Lower the legs, lift the legs, lower the arms, and exhale and take it off in. Yeah, and reach back. Oh, it us changed the choreography of the exercise. Totally. Whoops. Let's do one more for me. Reaching down. Legs come.

And now we take it off and we reached out and I like to give myself a little moment here. Pause, explore that top range, rolling down the SPA and lift the arms and bend the knees and put the straps back. Come up one spring for lunch. Can I step up onto the reformer? Let me take the film. I'm gonna set my right foot up against the shoulder blocks and lift my left foot up onto the foot bar. Reaching the Finelaw heath, the back leg strong, pressing up against that shoulder block. Keep the front knee just over the anchor as you breathe into the stretch.

And then we reach out, stretching out the spine, stretching out the lay [inaudible] and then may bend the knee and lift up away from that thigh and stretch to the back leg. Keep it strong and then we reach out. All right. [inaudible] feeling the back sense as a law. I'm just hoping against all hope that I'm as straight as I can be and bending and now we take the hands off the bar. Let me find our balance. Reaching out through that front leg, stretching it. And now we take the carriage out, Huh. Huh. Okay. And we bring the carriage in.

I'd take the carriage. Yeah. Exploring the stretch and bring the carriage in and take the carriage out. And Ben the front knee and hence to the bar. [inaudible] I'm switching sides. [inaudible] feeling the spine lifted up, feeling the back legs strong, active, active through that back leg. We now stretch the front leg, reaching the backlog, reaching the leg long and made that progressing through that back heel as we lift the that Oh your reach. Ah, tilting the tailbone up.

[inaudible] and Ben and stabilize, finding our balance. They come up, we press out. [inaudible] concentrating and then are you hurry, chat [inaudible] and they left the carriage back in. Well, let's like say stray. Both legs are strong. Reaching out, reaching and bringing the carriage. [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] and bending the front and coming back over the bar, reaching the hands down, step back into the long stretch position.

And we come over the bar. Hauled away. No, my press back when we pull forward holding strongly to the front of the body and we take the carriage away and in as we come in over the bar and take the carriage away. Yeah. And inhale as we coming over the bar holding here, shoulders above the rest, five pushups. Ben, I can never resist a good opportunity for a pushup. Two Oh one and we lift the hips up, bringing the carriage and step down through the feet. Feet are flat, no sweaty, weapon it off. Here we go. Okay, so pressing the hips back over the feet, feeling the extensors of the spine working, taking the heels back and drawing from deep within the center to bring the carriage back underneath us. We keep the body long, all the time, reaching out, pulling back and reaching out. So what I'm looking for in my class and in my body today is a balance between the back extensors and the spinal. Oh these are the spinal flexors.

So we hold here, shifts the right hand to the center of the bar, take the right leg out to the side, and then up. Keeping the long line of the spine. Keep the back leg strong. We take the left leg back and we bring the carriage underneath us. Lifting the right leg up and we reach out and we who left the right leg up more and we reach out. We'll lift that right leg up. And then the rural, the hip open. Careful here with the bar.

Then the Nan open up the hip. Well reached the pelvis back down. Step the right leg in both hands. Transfer. Find your flat back towards the right. We take the left leg out and then up. Feel the extensors of the body working right, like reaches out, pulls underneath his, that left leg lifts even higher and reaching out, pulling in one more, reaching and pulling in it.

And then we just roll the hip open, bend the knee, allow that hip to get a stretch. Reach back around, step back in, and then stepped down onto the floor. Having a little break. Okay. Kneeling, uh, arms coming up. I'm still on one spring. I'm gonna come onto my niece. And so suppose the name of the exercise.

Okay. Now I take the straps starting with straight elbows and Ian here. I got to reach the arms back and forward. Hurried the spine up as the arms reached down. Reaching back. Yeah, we're reaching, taking your time, exploring that opening through the front of the body.

Four more [inaudible] to [inaudible] and why keeping the elbows next to the body. Sit back back as flat abdominals are pulled in. Stretch the arms out for fi. Stretch out for, we're going to transition through the knees. Stretch. Here we go. Homeless there. Last two like this one more and we hold the arms back.

We start to take the body backwards, pressing the pelvis up to meet the backward pull of the body and then everything comes back up to the top and we sit back, arms to our sides and reach out one and ribs in. Reach out to and reach out. Three last two. Last one. I know we were all the hips back, the, sorry, the hips up the spine back. Finding the fi stretch and lifting up and in.

Whew. And setting the straps down. I am getting hot and hot. Okay. Coming up into the down stretch so we switch sides. Placing the feet up against the shoulder blocks. Yeah, I like to take a minute or two to get my toes nice and nice and tucked under so I get a good foot stretch. Bringing the pelvis final, lifting the chest over the bar. We reach out, pressing the carriage out, exhale and lifting the spine. Reaching in, in, in and press that. Keeping the eyes just, just steady. Just straight ahead.

Feel as though you're coming up against a wall. You're having to lift away from the wall. Support this spinal position by staying very strong through this center. Strong through the abdominals, strong through the backs of the legs, pressing the feet back into the shoulder, block, reaching, lifting. This is maybe my favorite exercise of all time. There's a lot that I love.

I love this one for sure and we're reaching and now we just hold here right at the top and start to ease up on your hands using not using it, using, lifting up, reaching the arms, taking the backpack, all reaching the arms around. Sit down on your feet to change your sprays. Going down to a blue for my arm circles. Let me take the straps on our hands. We exhale to lift the arms, holding the body steady.

I can set changing resistance and reach up. Drawing the shoulder blades down to let the arms almost just float through space and reaching her. Feel that scapula connection, the stabilization of the shoulder joint and reaching up. Resist the urge to lean into the springs as the arms come overhead and as the arms reach to your sides. Make sure that they're not going behind you so the scapula bones are held broad on the back all the time. They never reached together. They're always reaching away from one another like polar opposites and we reversed. We take the arms up, meet together at the top, rotate the palms up to bring the arms down and lift the arms up and rotate the arms up to bring the arms down and feel again, heavy shoulder blades, origins lifting spine, energetically reaching through the arms as the arms lift up into the air and down. And we'll do about three more.

Reaching control is the name of the game here and too, and and last one. So we take the first finger and the thumb together, bringing the hands behind the head, stabilizing the Scapula, and then we take the arm straight up into the air, end down and straight up into the air and down and feel the extensors of the spine working the shoulder blades, drawing down the back as the arms extend overhead. Ooh, I just caught myself reaching forward. Don't reach forward. Reach straight up, keeping the elbows, why, but in your periphery. I'm back and back. Keep the arms up, but reach down or keep the arms up separate and reach down. And it changed my spring once again.

Now I have the blue spring on the light spring and I'm going to add a red. In addition, taking the straps again for biceps, we take the arms back, arms are high parallel, and then we pull in and reach out. Stabilizing the shoulders before any movement of the arm occurs. So shoulders down, then bend, shoulders down and stretch. Holding the body. Very stuck. Shoulders down and stretch.

Every time we focus on that downward pulling in the shoulders. Focus on the lengthening of the spine, the alignment of the spine. And last to reaching East centric Lee contracting by biceps as the arm strain at her reaching out and untucking the toes and sitting down. So I'm going to take my blue spring away and I'm going to turn round and sit on my bar for the, um, long stretch, a long back stretch. But before we do that, let's do a little prep. So just be aware that the springs aren't heavy here.

So look after yourself. Hands on the outsides of your pelvis, on the bar. Step into your feet, put your feet hm about in the middle, maybe a little further. And then lift off. So now we're just going to do five tricep ducks here. You're going to bend your arms and then reach off the arms and Ben. So as you straighten your arms, go forward with your body.

Think of lifting higher than you can. What I mean, what do I mean? I straighten my arms and I try to lift with my back off the straight arms last to reaching up and last one reaching. I sit down on the bar. Okay, here it goes. Hands back on the bar. Feed all the way up against the shoulder blocks.

Spun all the way back over the bar, bending knee, all of us, we roll the spine forward an articulation. Press up with the legs. Use the backsides of the legs to keep your body lifted up as you curl back in over the bar and then straighten the back. End Bend. Inhale and exhale as you reach out, allowing the arms to just naturally straightened. We continue exhaling as we pull in, reaching up out of the shoulders and straighten the back and bend and rolling out and lifting up, curling the body in and release. And last one we've been and we rural Curlin and my straighten the back. Let me step off onto the ground.

Yeah. Yes. Take the bar down. Yeah, I'm gonna keep the same spring still using red or one full spring for the side splits. So stepping onto the frame of the reformer first and then hold the carriage still with your hands. So you hold the frame of the reformer in the carriage step, the other leg up, right.

Holding the carriage still. We lift the spine, lifting the body, check the alignment of the pelvis, reach the arms at. Then we take it straight out in here. Easing into that stretch. Well, lifting through the center of the body to bring the carriage all the way in. And India, exploring the range and lifting all the way in and to all reaching. Holding the carriage. Still two, three, pulling it hot in the carriage.

Sta to 300 reaching. Yeah, holding sta. Two. Three lifting it. Do we hold the card still reaching the arms forward. Okay, roll the spine down. Put your hands on the reformer Ben leg that's on the frame. Slide the other leg in and stepped down onto the floor. Walking around to the other side, stepping up onto the frame for us. Always hands on the reformer.

Stepping out into position. Now I've got my opposite foot all the way out against the shoulder block, but if that's not good on your knees or your low back, you should come in a little. Once we're ready, nice and stable, we roll that through the spine, keeping the carrots. Totally still checking the alignment of [inaudible] the spine, reaching the arms [inaudible] and now we take the carriage out that's holding the body steady and lifting it touch. I worry cha exploring that end range and pulling up, squeezing the upper thighs together and touch and her reaching out and hold on two, three and lifting it. Hold two, three and her reaching up and hold two, three.

I'm pulling in and Oh two three and then we roll the spine down and maybe Ben that outside of that slide and stepped down. I can go get your box. Placing the box on the reformer setting up for the side over. Another one of my favorite exercises to be sure. Let me see the foot into the strap.

Let me get the strap up and sitting on the box. Position your body so that you're resting on the outside of your head. All right, around the greater trochanter area, reaching out through the body, making sure that spine is aligned, hands behind the head and from there we reach over the top and we reach out creating a long straight line and we reach out and weight lift and reach yet and I left and two more with the arms overhead and we reach out like were swaying in the breeze. I didn't reach out both times straight. Hit the straight back and reach out and reach out and reach all the way over and take a stretch. Pushing the foot and the fingertips, reaching them away from one another.

Taking the hands to the frame, rotate in length in the spine along pulling out, creating hello stretch for the body. And now we changed sites switching fee, setting up, sitting on the hip. I use my bottom hand to help me set up. So check, make sure the alignment's good. Set the hand, set the bottom hand and we're ready to go. And we reach out and then we reach out.

So creating that long straight body every time and lift up. And last one, keeping the legs still. Notice if you're bending the leg that's under the strap. Don't do that. Arm Straight overhead. We do two one reaching up and reaching over, reaching and reaching all the way down and we reach for the stretch.

We're bringing the hands to the frame and lengthening the spine out and forward and helping ourselves up. Turn the box. We're going to finish with the breaststroke so the box is right up against the shoulder blocks. [inaudible] I liked to red screen. Oh one full screen. It's just a personal choice. You use the lighter sprain. Hope probably wouldn't go heavier than that one full spring if it were me.

Okay. Sorry. Take the straps in our thumbs. Pull the box, but the hands down. Get onto the box. [inaudible] chess is just over the end. Legs are extended straight. It's like to check out. Make sure I'm straight. Okay. Here we go. Elbows bent to the sides of the body. Upper arms, very close to the body.

Elbows need to think about keeping the elbows low in the hands high. Now that's not something you want to overdue. It's just a, it's a subtle, it's a subtle and now we reach the spine. Now when we take the arms all the way around to the sides of the body and the RMC, very close to the body. As the bud elbow has been in, the body goes down and when you reach up and bring the arms around, arms very close to the body and bring the hands straight across and reach out and are lowering the spine. As we bend our arms and reach out and are all the way back opening the chest and then bending the arms to come down and reaching and reaching around. So your highest point, cause as the arms are straightening, you know, lift the body higher. We just get our height, very chow.

And I have one more I think, remember that it's not only about the height but about the connection and the distribution of work throughout the entire spine. And we lower the body down and swaddle likes to hang for a moment. Allow the head to hang for a moment around the back, through relax. And then we come off the box carefully bring that box all the way in, not this traps back. Where am I going? Maybe just here like the hands on, reaching up, feeling the energy we've created and take the arms down and not just rounding the spine down, reaching the arms for poems of the hands facing one another. Take the top of the head towards the floor and inhale, allowing the back to a longing and exhale to lift back up. Okay.

And then just has the head lifts. We left the arms lift, reaching up through the spine. I know, and in here, and supporting yourself through your center, keeping the weight of the body over both legs in here and lift and reaching out. Thanks for playing with me. That's it.


1 person likes this.
Lovely class - just what I needed this cold wintery day! Thank you, Meredith!
1 person likes this.
I so needed this after being sick myself. Thank you! Hope you're feeling better:)
Thanks ladies! I am feeling much better Anne-Marie!
1 person likes this.
Love Meredith's class!!!! Love the long box/ fwweet on the floor spinal warm up - and the kneeling arm work. I was sweating along with her!!!! Hand Towel definitely needed for this session.
1 person likes this.
Sorry about the typo Meredith. I meant to say feet on the floor spinal warm up. :)
2 people like this.
Loved this workout. You looked beautiful while doing it. Great cues!!
2 people like this.
Beautiful Class :) Thanks
1 person likes this.
Fabulous Class...Fabulous Flow :)
Great workout! Loved it Thanks Meredith
Erika Quest
1 person likes this.
So beautiful Meri. Loved the warm up and flow. xo.
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