Quick and Creative Theraband<br>Cecile Bankston<br>Class 1081

Quick and Creative Theraband
Cecile Bankston
Class 1081

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personally i feel this was one of the best classes i've taken on this website. no nonsense, comprehensive, challenging and unique. a good one to mix things up a little. nice work!
I enjoyed the video! I watch each video with an open mind and love to take in what every instructor has to offer. I used a lot of what you did in my mat class today, which has several men and all felt it was a great workout. Thanks for your contribution.
Thank you for watching, and as always, I am thrilled to be able to make contributions to other instructors' classes. I will be filming again in early April, so watch for some new content coming!
I loved this class - it's great for young and old - my clients have loved it - a fabulous workout and stretch with a really different use of the band - you are a fantastic teacher and an inspiration to me Cecile thank you for this class
I am a Stott instructor and usually enjoy the more athletic and fast flowing classes. Unfortunately, PA only has one Stott disciplined instructor, Courtney Miller, whom I LOVE. I stumbled upon one of Cecile's more recent reformer class and was so excited to see the challenging and quick paced athletic style of teaching. As I was reading the above comments, I think we have to take into consideration the level of the class. This, being a 2/3, is definitely for the more advanced. As such, cueing can be less "wordy" and "in depth". Cecile always does a great job in cueing the correct muscles to be using, pointing out the alignment of the body, and the correct "direction" of the muscle exertion.
Her student is also very familiar with the sequencing and exercises so the pace is quite fast. Since this is a short and fast paced workout, it can be quite disrupting (as Cecile mentioned) to the viewer at home to lose the flow with too many corrections.
(cont'd from above)
Again, picking the right class level on PA is key. The basic level classes have wonderful, articulate and in depth cueing and body alignment corrections. It's good for all of us to take refreshers once in a while:) We all have our own styles of learning and teaching and we must work with the personality and style that work for us. Pilates is so personal and hence SO MANY disciplines to choose from.There are so many fabulous instructors at PA and Cecile works for me! Thanks Cecile. It's all good:)
A question about the band, how long is it? I am due to buy more Theraband, I usually buy a box and cut it myself. I'm never quite sure how long to cut it though. What do you suggest?
Elana, I'm not sure exactly how long it is but, to me the length is better longer than short because you can always hold on higher for more resistance. Also the strength of the band makes a difference. I usually stand on it and cut it so I can comfortably hold it in two hands standing.
Karen M
Enjoyed this class with the band, good pace and I got some heat, good arm workout too! ty
Great short strength class! I'll be back to do it again regularly for my arms!
21-30 of 42

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