Fascial Hammock Awareness<br>Brent Anderson<br>Class 1580

Fascial Hammock Awareness
Brent Anderson
Class 1580

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Paola Maruca
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Chrystal clear...as always
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I haven't had the good fortune of seeing a lot of Brent’s classes, but the few I have observed have been very informative. This one is no exception. I look forward to many more. Thanks Brent
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What a fab class, love the references to mobilising and engaging the spinal segments and fascia etc as I am an osteopath by profession.
Loved it! I appreciated the progressions, making it easy to follow without having to sit up and look at the video. I also enjoy your style! Thank you!
Love PIlates Anytime and all the new teachers that I would not have the opportunity to watch work, am learning so very much. But I have to say every time I get to see one of my teachers work it is like coming home.. Thank you Dr. Brent Anderson for reminding me why I love the work!
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Loved this class! Thank you Brent!
1 person likes this.
This was a great workout. When Brent said, "we're almost done," I said, "NO!!!!" I wanted more. Lots of learning, great cues, and fun interaction amongst them all.
Hi Brent,
Always great to hear your flow and excitement with teaching. Oh! and I will meet you at the New 45 degrees for lunch located at Polestar!! Beth
Awesome Class! I love Brent's teaching style and flow...fun, relaxed, and informative. Thank you for inspiring us!
I am so glad you are all enjoying the class and Pilates Anytime. I would love to see you in our Polestar Pilates Center if you ever get down this way or a Polestar Course. Cheers!
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