Fascial Hammock Awareness<br>Brent Anderson<br>Class 1580

Fascial Hammock Awareness
Brent Anderson
Class 1580

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Its been, i dont know, 12 or 13 years since i took my first pilates class with Brent in Colombia, and because such wonderful teacher , i have not stop ever since! Thank You Brent.
Love the class but couldn't finish because video froze. Will try again.
Fabulous class and instructor. Second time around video played the entire class. Thank you.
Loved the class. The pace of movement was great. Can't wait to try some of the moves on my clients.
Taghrid K
Fabuous class!! I love Brent Anderson's teaching style, his cues and how he prepares the body for the exercises that follow. I loved the fascia stretches and have already used many of the exercises in my classes! Thank you Brent and more please :)
Tara E
My body loved this! Thank you!!! Your classes are making me a better teacher!
I really enjoyed the unique cueing, focus on the fascial connection and the order. Great flow in this class!
I also am having trouble viewing this video and I love his work. Please repost .
(Edited by Moderator - Alex Parsons on April 1, 2022)
Dianna ~ I'm sorry you are having trouble viewing this video. I recommend restarting your computer to clear away the other processes that are running. If you continue to have trouble after doing this, please email us at support@pilatesanytime.com for more options.
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