Fascial Hammock Awareness<br>Brent Anderson<br>Class 1580

Fascial Hammock Awareness
Brent Anderson
Class 1580

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I liked the manipulation of the spine in bridge position it worked great for my back thanks Brent
did this a second time! It's an absolutely great workout! Feels so right in the body. Thank you Brent!
Loved it!
Fantastic class, Brent! Just to be sure I'm doing it correctly... on the tendon stretch prep work, should the sitz bones be positioned in front of the footbar for all the in/out movements? My glutes wanted to kick in at times, which obviously caused a shift in positioning, balance and muscle recruitment. Can you please talk more about positioning here and which muscles are stabilizing/working.

Thanks so much!
Great questions, I like to be just in front of the bar. The key is to not use the glutes, while maintaining a balanced upright posture.
These can be done by just about anybody and I love that you shared your wonderful wealth of knowledge.
Loved the whole workout - the compilation and flow of exercises was great ! definitely would like to view more of your classes. It is so important to enjoy pilates and I really enjoyed this. Thanks!
Love this whole work out.
Excellent class
Great workout
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