Fascial Hammock Awareness<br>Brent Anderson<br>Class 1580

Fascial Hammock Awareness
Brent Anderson
Class 1580

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Loved it! Thank you
I, too, love Brent Anderson!!! Thank you for this amazing class and all the classes and workshops you make available on Pilates Anytime. I also love Pilates Anytime!
Terri W
Fabulous work-out with instruction I can take into class!

Kim W
Brent always builds a beautiful flow, and this class was no exception. Started the morning with a tight, cranky low back, and this helped without over-working me. Good stuff!
Excellent workout as well as educational with good cues!!! Thank you!
Love love love this class....thank you Mr Anderson for an awesome hour
Awesome. I did try this at home - now I will take it into the studio for my students. Great work out.
Amazing class. I love the workout .
Carrie K
Everytime I try to play this particular video, I get the following message: Error loading media: File could not be found. I'm not having trouble with the other videos I've been viewing.
Did this again! So well worth the time!
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