Abdominal Tutorial<br>Ruth Alpert<br>Tutorial 1737

Abdominal Tutorial
Ruth Alpert
Tutorial 1737

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Thank you Lucy!
really liked this one and the relation between ab's and spine. What would you suggest alternative cues to scooping? Although I understand the concept I can't relate to it and find so many teachers use it. thanks so much.
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Linda - The scoop word came because there is a sense of not just tightening but also lifting, so you could say "lift your abs" and it would be the same thing. Or "imagine you have a very broad sash that covers your whole pelvis and you are wrapping it from the back to cross over your belly" Kathy Grant used an image of pulling up a zipper on a very tight pair of pants. Sometimes I just say "pull up your abs" for simplicity.

Hope this helps.
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Thank you so much for your very fast reply and helpful suggestions.
Tracy M
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The rectus abs as a soft spine in the front. Another simple, genius concept from Ruth!
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That was so informative. Wonderful review of how abdominals should be used.
Thanks Yoly!
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Wonderful description of the function of the abdominals, I especially connected with the image of the spine vs soft spine. Sometimes the most efficient way to learn is by seeing what NOT to do and the demonstrations highlighted some great watchpoints that I'll keep an eye out for in my classes!.
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Charlotte - glad it was useful for you!
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"Bones masquerading as ab work" is a great method of gaining correct recruitment of abs - I will definitely use in the future - thank you! what other tutorials do you do/are planning to do? I love your teaching style
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