Abdominal Tutorial<br>Ruth Alpert<br>Tutorial 1737

Abdominal Tutorial
Ruth Alpert
Tutorial 1737

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Diane Jackett - thanks for your comment! There is only one other that has not been posted yet, that we shot the same day as the psoas tutorial. It's more of a lecture/dem than a tutorial... it's about my current interest and thinking, not so practical as the tutorials. Everything else that I've done is already up on Pilates Anytime.

Let me add... I travel to teach, so if you are interested in bringing me to where you are, let's talk!
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Ok thanks Ruth I will search and look. Alas I think it would be difficult to travel to me - I am in the middle of nowhere in Tanzania! but you would be very welcome!
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Interesting and very clear video tutorial thanks Ruth!
Thanks Lisa!
2 people like this.
Thanks Ruth. I especially liked the 'soft spine' concept. I'm sure this information will be received well in my group mat classes. So, in advance, a big thanks from the whole class.
Thanks Penny - made me laugh. You are ALL so very welcome!
Paola Maruca
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I would listen to Ruth Alpert for hours. I find her way of delivering her tutorials effortless. It is a true pleasure to watch her.
Thank you Ruth and PA. More please )))))
Wow, Paola, thank you so much! I'm blushing!
Are you going to the PMA convention this year? I am doing a workshop on Eve Gentry lineage....you might find that interesting, too.
1 person likes this.
loved the tutorial. Thank you !
Glad it was useful for you Rita!
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