Meditation in Movement<br>Rael Isacowitz<br>Class 1936

Meditation in Movement
Rael Isacowitz
Class 1936

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Another awesome worrkout, Rael! You are a true master. My muscles never hurt the next day and I always feel energized with the mobility of a teenager at the age of 72. Thank you for your wonderful work.
Dear CADM, I LOVE your comment. Thank you so much. I sense that you are like a teenager inside and out! I hope to have the pleasure of meeting you sometime.
BRAVO RAEL MERCI POUR CE PILATES GENEREUX TOUJOURS ENTHOUSIASTE ET SI RICHE ! En français dans le texte ça change un peu ! Magali Atelier du Pilates Aix en Provence
Loved this one!
This is hands down my favorite class on Pilates Anytime. I feel so refreshed and ready to start my day when I do this. Thanks Rael!
inspiring! thank you!
great...thank youuu
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Wonderful teaching as expected from the BASI boss! I REALLY wish someone from BASI would come to India. Meanwhile, thank you PilatesAnytime for existing, you are a life saver.
Dear Tova, we would LOVE to have BASI representation in India. We would also love our equipment, BASI Systems, in India. Please let us know you would like to explore collaborations. You can write to or
That was a lovely and intense introduction to the BASI pilates method and Rael as an instructor. Thank what a wonderful class.
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