Meditation in Movement<br>Rael Isacowitz<br>Class 1936

Meditation in Movement
Rael Isacowitz
Class 1936

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Hi Rael, I have been a Pilates mover for years and my husband just joined me for his FIRST time ever, in taking this class and he loved it and actually wants to do it again! Thank you for all you do! :)
Great news! My best to you both and please commend your husband for me. Keep it up.
Great flow! I can only hope to inspire my class one day the way you do what a wonderful teacher you are. Many thanks. I loved it.
Julie, I truly appreciate your very kind words. I could not do it without the incredible energy that the students put out. Bottom line, a teacher is only as good as his/her students:)
Rael is just perfect!
AmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaZing class!!!! Thank you Rael!!!
What a amazing workout!! Thank you so much!
love it!
encouraging, excited, thank you Rael...
What an amazing class! Thank you very much. Blessings!
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