Healthy at Any Age<br>Niedra Gabriel<br>Class 1981

Healthy at Any Age
Niedra Gabriel
Class 1981

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Niedra Gabriel
Thank you Len, I am thrilled to read that you work with seniors. This is such good work for them. wishing you much success and fulfillment teaching.
Miragesh(Hebrew)???? ????? ???? ????? ??? ????? ?????!???? ????!!!!
Niedra Gabriel
Hi Lila, I am not sure what you are commenting on? I am from Israel, and did write " Ma Shlomech" in another comment somewhere ( meaning how are you in Hebrew,). I not sure if you mean that? fill me in ...
This is GREAT! I am doing pilates teacher training after practicing for 13 years. I will use some of this with my 82 year old mother!
Niedra Gabriel
Molly - do post how it goes with your mother, I am thrilled for both you and her, what a blessing to have a daughter who helps her MOM.
Bravo..I loved it as I work with seniors...PERFECT
Niedra Gabriel
Glad to hear you work with seniors Jill, that is wonderful - wishing you much satisfaction from your good work.
great session Niedra! It was a nice pace with lots of visual and tactile cues for someone who has never experienced this work before! You have a great gift !
You are both so awesome!! Such a beautiful moment..
How gentle and patient you are! This is a great way to break things down and not rush so the client really learns something- thumbs up thanks
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