Healthy at Any Age<br>Niedra Gabriel<br>Class 1981

Healthy at Any Age
Niedra Gabriel
Class 1981

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Niedra Gabriel
Thank you all fryer posts - I loved working with Shirly, what a great spirit and so willing to do the work, and to add to the comment posted by Elizabeth, we all need affirmation and support on our journey, I firmly believe the beginning of learning, at all stages must support all layers of us, intelligence, physical connection and emotional confidence.
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More more more like this, real people with real bout bringing her back for another session
Really enjoyed this, so lovely to see real people. Niedra have you got any suggestions or could you do a class with someone who has hyper mobility syndrome. I have a young client (13) who finds it painful to sit up straight due to muscle fatigue hyper mobile in spine and in her hips, the muscles fatigue within seconds. Thank you
Niedra Gabriel
HI wendy, thank you for your comment.
Somewhere on the PA website there is a mat class I have taught using a thera band for back support when you do roll ups and this can be very helpful for your hyper mobile student who probably flops into her back and out of her muscles due to the BIG range of motion she has. I will keep your request in mind for future filming - sometimes it is a challenge to find the type of client that represents the problem properly.
I will send you a private email via your website to expand on what you can try with your client.
Thank you Niedra, you truly are my 'go to' for all things Pilates inspiration.
Love the cues & modifications for senior clients. I'm working with a 90-year old gentleman & will use some of these techniques in our next session. Thank you, Neidra!
Niedra Gabriel
I am thrilled to read that you will be working wiht a 90 year old client. How wonderful. very happy to know this video was a support for your work. Thank you
Such great instruction, and so fun to see a class with a such a beautiful, sweet lady. Well done and thanks for the inspiration when working with my senior clients!
Niedra Gabriel
Thank you Trinja, for your post. I am always happy to hear of teachers working with seniors, like yourself. This group are so appreciative, and can enjoy so much benefit, from this work, my dream is to see more pilates out there for them. You are part of this dream.
Wow! I would love to see Shirley continue on and see her progress. Hope to see more of Shirley and Niedra.
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